Cathe Fans Part 5



  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Insane X was great last night. It was stations, which she has decided to do “every other” week and so it just changes it up. Always tough stuff but I really enjoy them. Lots of box jumps, burpees, tuck jumps, squats on the Bosu ball. But no SPRINTS! Yahoo for that. Spinning after work tonight.

    Thelma: That is so scary about your roof! I hope the guy was able to come out and fix the problem and not charge you so much you are now taking out loan to pay for him. YIKES! I bet they are making serious ca$h with your storm and winter clean up. Thanks on the “congrats”, it was fun and she said she will surprise us with something else in the future. So we will see. Thanks too on the “snooze” factor. I do stay super active and burn mad calories on Sunday’s that might be why I feel the tireds a bit on Monday a.m. I know it used to be because of my dread factor and going to work was why. Darn it on the conference call outcome and I hope you can try to shape them into place a little better moving forward! I’m glad you will be able to fix your spin bike and nice going getting that in despite the roof emergency you had going on.

    Laurie: Have fun with your hair appt and hopefully you get in your workout afterwards! I am going to be getting my hair done on Monday a.m. I have the day off so it is nice that I will fit that appt in then. Yay! I think the Chi Gong and Tia Chi are a lot the same. Just happy for her that she loves it so much and it is something she can do with no problems. Thanks for the good thoughts on the “winner” – it was funny, because I naturally am competitive but didn’t really go into it with the idea to be last man standing with all that we had done and seeing so many with light weights. Once I was down to the end I thought, how long do I let my legs quiver before stopping …. LOL Sorry to hear about your parents and as Laurel said, I am glad they are ok.
    Laurel: Now today sounds like a great combo! Nice cardio and end it with some serious Yoga action. Way to go and I hope you do find that love for Yoga again through this rotation. Yes, I am sure the two practices are quite similar; she talked about it being sort of a Chinese meditation/exercise . . . movement and breathing deeply. She said it keeps her "centered".

    See you tomorrow!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, I took today off. Between work and roof stress I was emotionally drained by the end of the day. At least it ended on a super good note. The handy guy and his crew were here YAAAY!!! DH had been out for 2 hours this morning banging on the ice dams he could reach from the lower roofs. The guy came and gave him an estimate of $700 and DH had him do it. They didn't only remove the ice dams but also the snow off the roof. We really didn't have much weight on the roof. I've been reading a lot about ice dams and the problem is having a warm roof. Heat escapes through the roof and then on top of that you have snow up there which is another layer of insulation. Add cold and you have ice dams form from the snow that's melting. Our biggest problem is having a roof valley where two roof lines meet. The leak didn't continue this morning because it was very cold. Thank God! The problem hasn't been fixed. We'll have to wait for that until the spring. We are also expecting another nor'easter over the weekend. That will dump on us 12-18 inches more. At least our roofs are clean right now. DH says there were 6 guys working on the roof and did the work in one hour. We were so fortunate to have found somebody who was available and also was reasonable. We're thinking this was a miracle.
    My boss' boss stop by to thank me about the wonderful work I'm doing. He said I am making a huge difference in the department by teaching people better methods to do the work. It made me feel better for sure and told me some changes that I would be happy with were coming. This means doing something about the difficult people.

    Laurie, I hope you have fun during your hair appmt. I had mine this past Saturday. I wasn't too worried about our roofs caving in but the ice dams were freaking me out.

    Laurel, I'm glad you enjoyed the yoga workout! I think the way you've been pushing yourself with the new routine a yoga practice 1 - 2 times per week will do you a lot of good.
    I thought this guy would've charged us a fortune but thank God given the times he was reasonable. I'm sure had we waited till tomorrow to make the call he would've charged more now that they announced another big storm.

    Tami, I'm glad you enjoyed your Insane X. I can't believe you didn't have sprints this time around!
    you have no idea how relived we are about being having found someone to remove the ice dams and snow off the roof. Now I just hope the bike break pad I ordered fits my bike! I can still ride the bike but I can't give it as much resistance as I like.
    I'm sure you're feeling tired on Mondays from everything you do on Sundays workout wise. You shouldn't even set the alarm up early. Allow yourself the rest so you sleep in.

    Good night ladies!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I didn't get in a workout, I was just way to tired when I got home. My hair appt was a good one, and I now have a really cute new short cut. We have below zero wind chill today. Just really glad that this is only suppose to last for today, and then we are back into the 20's. The dog didn't even want to go for a walk this morning. :D It was to funny.

    Laurel, Good job on the P90X workouts. I really enjoy that yoga workout also, it has to be that last section of stretching. Unfortunately the nepotism is going into effect, I can weather this just like I have other things. Just unfortunate that I will have to be "teaching" again. And this person appears to be one that will only be here for the 2yr stint. Basically get his check box filled.

    Tami, LOL about not having to do sprints. Sounds like those are the dread factor exercise for you. I think that we all have that one exercise that we just don't like to do. I'm competitive also, so totally understand that.

    Thelma, Glad to hear that you where able to take the day off to decompress from all that is going on. Also very happy to hear that you where able to get your roof cleaned off. If you are going to be getting this cold weather, then it is very good. Who would want to be out there in this cold trying to get snow of a roof.

    Have a wonderful day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! I am waiting for somebody to come fix my DH's nautilus equipment, so I apologize if this is short. But I am glad they are coming to work on it.....for free! Anyhow, back to a more intense workout this morning, but not too bad. I started with X2 Total Body and followed it with X2 Ab Ripper. For cardio, I did X10 Low Impact right into Insanity Max Tabata Strength. This is the first time I have done the Tabata Strength workout, and it is a good one. There are no water breaks in this workout, and it definitely focuses more on strength as it involves more push ups and power leg moves. But I really enjoyed it! I really like how Shaun T. did these tabata workouts so far.

    Tami, sounds like a good class. And yay for no running!

    Thelma, so glad to hear they did a good job on the roof--and it was reasonable! Hopefully everything will stay good for the rest of the winter. Good news from work! I am glad they are recognizing your hard work.

    Laurie, I saw it was cold up your way! I understand about not feeling like a workout, that for sure. I am sorry to hear about the nepotism decision. Very frustrating, no doubt. Hard to lose a good boss for that option.

    Okay, must run! See you tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Great Spin class last night. This a.m. was RWH Upper Body Circuit + Abs #1, which I really enjoy. No classes tonight, it will be my "non-rush" evening of making dinner doing a load of laundry, etc. :) It's nice to have one evening prior to the weekend like that.

    Thelma: I am so glad that guy came and fixed what he could and you are prepared for the next round. I did hear that on the news. I am SO sorry, it must feel a bit overwhelming (to say the least, right?!). I understand why a break from workouts with all the stress lately. Congrats on your boss stopping by and saying that to you, had to make you feel like a million bucks and if he mentioned the changes coming would make you happy also had to feel good.

    Laurie: Glad to hear you have a brand new hair do that you are happy with! Very fun. Sorry about the new boss and how that has all come together. I can definitely relate from my last job. . . . Which, by the way, he (the mgr that was so awful) is leaving that company in 2 weeks and they don't have anyone else lined up. Sadly I am feeling a little of my bitter/angry head raise and think that I hope they squirm for a while. :s Is that horrible? This is just another chapter of the decisions they made for the wrong reasons in the past catching up to them.
    Yes, they are the dread factor, but its funny. I would do sprints way before I would sign up for the long distance running our old BootCamp instructor made us do. I actually enjoy sprints once I get into them . . . its the anticipation I think that psychs me out! :# LOL

    Laurel: Yay on the FREE fix! Fabulous job with your workouts AGAIN today. Thank for the info on this Tabata workout, this is the other one in that series then? Not the same one you told me about before? Nice to know. :)

    Hope you ladies have a great afternoon ~ evening! Talk to you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies! My management team wants to make me a manager! WHAT? More work? More stress? Turns out our director is finally cleaning house and is dealing with all the problem people he inherited. A problem group is now going to be reporting to my boss and he can't manage two big groups directly so he needs managers reporting to him. He told me that since I'm already doing the job (this is true) that it would make sense to make it official BUT I would also manage a brand new project (which had been promised to me before). It feels good to be recognized and appreciated for sure and for our director to be so happy to give me this opportunity. Nothing is decided yet but seems to be a matter of time. I worry that this will mean long work hours like today I worked 12 hours. I'm frowning a lot which I didn't do before. I'm developing a #11 on my forehead which I didn't have. No time for workouts. I was incredibly exhausted when I got home and I forced myself to at least ride the bike.
    We are expecting a blizzard this weekend. I really wish it had waited till Sunday to start so I could work from home on Monday but it will be over on Sunday. Oh well!

    Laurie, glad you enjoyed your hair appointment and like your hair cut! It's going to be super cold here tonight too. Tomorrow morning we'll have below zero wind chill too. Your poor dog must've been cold too!
    Laurie, I can't believe I missed your comments yesterday about your job and your parents car accident! Sorry about your job and the nepotism issue. Sounds like there is something unfair going on there and now you'll probably have to train someone who may or may not be qualified. I'm glad your parents are OK. It is scary knowing that your dad's driving abilities are declining.

    Laurel, another killer workout! Good for you! I hope your husband's nautilus equipment got fixed. We are relieved about the roof for sure. Not ready for more snow and I read tonight that forecasters are watching another storm for Wednesday! YIKES!

    Tami, great workouts! Enjoy your dinner tonight! How is Emma doing on her new med? Your DH and his mask?
    Can you believe more snow is in our future? I had made reservations to go out to dinner since V-day finally falls on a Saturday this year but had to reschedule for tomorrow night.
    The changes at work make me happy. My director who is my boss' boss told me that I have their full support on the work that I'm doing now. I am not sure I want more responsibilities though. A guy who is famous for going postal on people made a nasty comment to me on Friday that basically told me he thinks my team and I are dumb because we didn't understand something he did and asked for him to explain in a different way. I didn't reply to his stupid comment but I told my boss and our project manager. When the PM read my email this guy's boss was next to our PM and he read it too. He was spoken to because today he offered a public apology but no names were mentioned. He said: On Friday my frustrations got the best of me and I made an out of hand comment so I apologize. I then said: apology accepted. thank you. This way everyone in the team knew he was talking to me.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I got in my workout yesterday and the choice was 30MTF Muscle Up Lift 2B Fit Total Body Premix. I really liked this workout, it was done in supersets. The first part of the workout was Back/Chest then Legs/Glutes, the second part was Shoulders/Abs then Biceps/Triceps. At the end of the premix there was a bonus abs workout, which was done in tabata style. So I think it was around 20-30 sec on and 10 sec off. Kelly really didn't say what it was during the workout. Really didn't matter to me, because it was a great workout for the abs.

    Laurel, Hope they are able to repair the equipment, sure is nice that they are doing that for free. To bad the Insanity workout didn't have a X in it you would have had a theme going. :D Great job on those workouts.

    Tami, Very nice workouts. I have scheduled some of the RWH workouts for next week. I think that I'm ready to start trying them out again. The rest of this week is going to be total body. You should absolutely not feel bad about the feeling you have about the x-boss. So far we may not be getting this guy, because of the fact that everyone found out about the friend thing. I'm sure that they will find some way to get him in here though. Apparently the guy is nice, but not qualified. I would vote for sprints before long distance running also. I do enjoy runs, but only 1-2 miles at the most. :D

    Thelma, Good job on getting on your bike! You sound like you are exhausted. Very nice to be recognized for you achievements, and that is a huge decision you need to make. Feel for you on the snow, to bad we can't make it snow when we want it to. ;) I would love to have a snow day every once in a while. I know that my youngest has been wanting one all season. My current boss has been sending me information, just to make sure that this place doesn't implode because something has been forgotten. I have been through a bad boss before, so anyone has to be better then that one.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Happy Friday! I ended the week with some tough workouts, that's for sure. I started with X2 Balance and Power. Not my favorite workout, but it sure does challenge the core in a different way to any workout I have done. But that being said, I am glad I only need to do it a few times this rotation. I followed it with P90X Legs and Back. For cardio, it was Insanity Max Friday Fight. For the first 12 minutes, I was thinking it felt so much easier than the first time I did. The next 18 minutes changed my mind! No way around it.....that is a tough workout.

    Tami, glad you enjoyed a good spin class. There are two Tabata workouts in the first month (Power and Strength) as well as the second. While I am not doing an official rotation of Insanity Max 30, I did notice that Shaun T. only does the Tabata Strength workout (the one I did yesterday) during the last two weeks of the first month of workouts. So that is why it took me a bit longer to get to it. But they are both good, and I see no reason you couldn't manage Tabata Strength at any time. I haven't looked at the second set of workouts (for the second month) yet. Still adjusting to these! I don't think it is wrong at all how you are thinking about your former boss! Those thoughts were earned!

    Thelma, congratulations on the compliment at work. But yikes on more responsibility. I hope you are happy with whatever direction this goes. Hopefully nothing will change until you get through your surgery. I can't believe you are getting more snow. Take care!

    Laurie, great workouts! I think core work done Tabata-style is great. There is a five minute section of core workout in Insanity Max Tabata Power, and it is fantastic. Nautilus equipment is all fixed. One guy who was here fixing it spent more time gawking at the photos we have from Alaska than working. Sometimes I forget how 'foreign' a place like Alaska must seem to some native Floridians. :) But it was fun talking to him about it.

    Hope you all have a great weekend!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, I hop you all had a nice weekend. I didn't workout on Friday because I had to change our Vday plans from Saturday to Friday due to the storm. DH and I went out to dinner and had a lovely time. Saturday I did RWH Back, Biceps, Shoulders and I loved the workout. I hadn't done this full workout before because I was doing TUY so it was nice to do the full thing. Then today I did my usual Sunday spinning. My bike break pads came on Saturday and DH installed them for me. Thankfully they fit so I ordered two more sets for the future in case they stop making them.
    We got 16 more inches and the winds are howling like crazy. I'm afraid to even think how cold it will be tomorrow morning when I leave for work. I just heard we may get 6-8 more inches on Tuesday. DH told me that we had ran out of space to put the snow on because our snow banks are already 6-8 ft high. We are fortunate our house is right in the middle of the land and this gives us a lot of space for that snow.

    Laurie, the workout you did on Friday sounds awesome! Good job!
    I really have been exhausted from work. I don't know how many school days kids have lost here already but guess what? They have vacation this week! I really hope your new boss is a good one Laurie.

    Laurel, what a killer workout lady! Awesome job on Friday!
    Thanks so much about my job. It really is a lot of responsibility. I have to talk to my boss about what the job will be like. I need to know what his expectations are. I also want to know if this is a lateral move or if I'll get a raise to go with the title. The promotion won't happen till after my surgery. I'm sure it would've happened sooner had it not been for my scheduled surgery.
    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    DH and I went out on Friday, so I didn't workout. Saturday I did Muscle Max and 10 Days to a Better Body Upper, and on Sunday was CTX Kickbox cardio portion only. We had a really busy Valentines weekend. Went to my sisters on Saturday night for Birthday parties, niece's 11th and BIL's 40th. Had a good time talking with the family. Sunday was shopping and getting everything ready for this week. I still didn't get the bread made for church on Wednesday, so that will be my mission tonight. Would like to drop it off after work tomorrow. Starting up my month of RWH workouts tonight. Have to get dd to dance though, so will see how this all works out. I will have a very busy week.

    Laurel, Really great workouts! I don't know how you do it, I think I would be on the floor passed out after that day of workouts. I was just happy to get through the CTX Kickbox workout yesterday with all those plyo scissors. ;) Glad to hear that the equipment is all fixed. That is funny about the guy's interest in Alaska. I would imagine that a place like Alaska would be very strange to someone who would have spent all their lives in FL.

    Thelma, Great job on the workout. Sounds like you both did the same thing as us. Apparently it was really busy at all the restaurants around the area on Saturday. We where at my sisters also, so that was the major reason why we went out on Friday. We had that bitter cold with wind all weekend, so I really feel for you. It just ran right through everything. Today is a lot better conditions for us, but suppose to get cold again. On vacation from school already? What a weird time of the year to be off, it's not even that nice of weather.

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies & Happy Monday! I am actually OFF work today, which seems so weird. I have never been at a job where we get some of the other holiday's off. It feels like I should be at work. But, I will enjoy my day and I am getting my hair done. My BFF went back to doing hair again so I have my first appt with her in 3 years and we will probably go to lunch afterwards. I also plan on getting in a workout later today. My workouts have been: Intensity on Saturday, which felt good. I haven't done that one in so long, yesterday was HardStrikes + Heavy Bag Tabata & then headed to Volleyball. I started the new RWH + XT rotation yesterday so that was the first workout on the "schedule". Upper Body Circ is for today, since I feel like I just did that one & I will have more time later today I think I will also add on something. We will see what the day brings. ;)

    Thelma: Seriously cannot believe the amount of snow you guys are dealing with! YOWSA. I hope you had a safe drive to work today. Congrats on your kudos at work & at the same time, SIGH for the more responsibility factor. I hope your decision comes easily for you & you feel good about what's happening @ work. Hopefully you were able to get in a little rest and relaxation over the weekend, you had a loooooong week last week. Nice job with the workouts and glad to hear you enjoyed the RWH the other day. Nice Sunday Spinning yesterday!! Thanks for asking about Emma. She is doing really well, thank goodness and I went by the vets office yesterday to refill her prescript. We will try another month and then have her bloodwork tested. I guess they need to monitor it yearly when on Rimadyl. DH is doing amazing with his new sleeping mask. He falls right to sleep with it and is only having 1.5 episodes an hour now, compared to 25+, so that is great and he feels so much better already. No headaches, no heart burn, his back feels better and he just has more energy/more alert. All good things, giving him confirmation that it is working.

    Laurie: Awesome job ending up the week with a great total body workout it sounds like! I hope your weekend was nice and if fI remember correctly, that Cindy W. workout you did over the weekend was one of your favorites!?!? Nice job. Thanks for your thoughts on my old boss. DH and I were just talking again about all of that over the weekend and he blurted out quite a few thoughts about all of it; I thanked him because I have been feeling it inside and he verbalized it! Just good to be validated (even still). lol

    Laurel: As always, you are killing it with your new rotation!! Nice job. I'm always amazed at how long your workouts are! Thanks again for the info on Tabata Strength. I am actually considering that one today as my "add on" as I mentioned above (if I have the time), depends how long our lunch date goes. We sometimes get to visiting for a very long time. Thank you as well for the "much deserved" feelings being validated. That's how I look at it and DH will tell me to just move one, stop thinking about it, etc.. Easier said than done sometimes. So this new bit of "news" about him quitting has me just waiting to know what they will do next. They are in such a mess.
    Looking forward to my rotation that I started, however it is only a month long. I was thinking it was a 3-month rotation. We'll see, as always - - - so many options!

    Hope you ladies have a great day! Talk to you tomorrow . . . . Tami
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Hope you all had a nice weekend. We had a pretty quiet weekend, which was nice. I took Saturday off from working out, which was much needed after the workouts last week. But yesterday I was right back at it. I did the same combo I did last Sunday--P90X Chest and Back, X2 Core and Insanity Max Cardio Challenge. Tough but good. Today was P90X Plyometrics right into Insanity Max Tabata Power. That felt really good! After a bit of a break, I did Cathe's Lower Body Blast which was perfect for easing some of the tightness the earlier workout had caused in my legs.

    Thelma, I can't believe your snow! On Saturday, I saw a car on the highway from up your way and it was covered in mud and dirt......obviously from ice and snow. It literally looked like the driver said 'Enough!', hit the road and wasn't going to stop until he hit the Keys! Honestly I wouldn't blame him if that is exactly what he was doing! I am glad you got a chance to go out for dinner Friday. DH and I did the same on Friday, and it was nice. I was wondering if your new work responsibilities might include a raise. I hope so. While money isn't the be all and end all of everything, it would be nice to get some compensation for the extra time/responsibility, for sure. Stay safe!

    See you all tomorrow!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, RWH Chest, Triceps, Shoulders and a little spinning for some cardio tonight. The windchill factor was -25 this morning! WOW! We're due for yet more snow tomorrow. This time 1-3 inches and less cold. The shower stool I ordered so I can shower while I'm sitting down arrived over the weekend. DH put i together and I have to figure how I'm going to get in and out of the tube. I'm thinking ahead to make sure I have a method for everything. I even ordered one of those handheld showers things with the hose so I don't get my foot wet. I will put my foot inside a bag but still I have to be careful. I'm getting scared ladies! I'm also going to be getting a temporary handicap parking permit which will come in handy.

    Laurie, great workouts this weekend! You guys definitely did the same thing we did about Friday! Glad you had a fun time on Saturday with your relatives! Good luck getting your workouts in this week. You are one busy lady! The bitter is here now! My long down coat needs to go to the cleaners badly given that the salt from the roads gets all over the cars. I can't afford to take the coat now cause it is really warm. I don't care if it's dirty! LOL
    I don't know how school vacations work but it seems that they get a winter and a spring break! They've been on break with the snow too!

    Laurel, WOW! Laurel, those are killer workouts! Don't know how you could move after all that! LOL Awesome job! I do like that P90X plyo workout. Some day I'll be able to jump again!
    You and your husband went out to dinner on Friday too! Great minds think alike!
    People are really sick of the snow. There is just no place to put it! By law people should clean the snow off their cars but they don't hoping the wind will blow it away. I wouldn't be surprised if people are booking vacations to tropical places now. I really hope that being promoted to a manager's role comes with increased compensation. I would have to push for extra $ and look at it as one step closer to retirement. I have a meeting with my boss on Thursday so I can ask all these questions.

    Tami, you're so lucky to have today off! What a great company to work for! I hope you enjoyed your hair appointment and lunch with your friend! Awesome workouts. That Intensity workout is awesome! That RWH/XT rotation sounds like a winner!
    I'm so glad both Emma and your husband are doing better with their "meds". Make sure you keep doing the bloodwork on Emma to keep track whatever value may get affected by her med. Usually they check liver or kidney values. Your husband must feel like a new man! Thank God he's adjusted to the mask so soon!
    I am leaning toward taking the job simply because I'm already doing it so I might as well get the title. I would not be getting this opportunity if the entire management team weren't on board with this so I guess it is a compliment. One of my conditions is to make sure I continue to do what I'm doing right now. I want to be hands on as opposed to being a manager who just spends day after day going from one meeting to the next. I'm sure there will be more responsibility but they already keep giving me all these special projects so the title is probably a good thing.
    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Yesterday I was able to get RWH Lift It Hit It Legs, that workout sure is a fun one. I think I would put this one at the top of my favorites list. I like that the plyo work is a doable. We then went to dance, dd needed to start her feature dance. It is going to be very pretty, and it is a song from Brave.

    Tami, Very nice workouts! I'm going to be following the Getting Started with RWH rotation, and on the off days inserting some cardio or yoga. How nice that you had the day off yesterday. The MM and 10 Days was a great combo. Yes the 10 Days to a Better Body is one of the workouts that I really enjoy doing. I like that it is one min of plyo and one min of weights. Well we are still wondering who our boss is going to be, it doesn't seem that the plant manager is going to go with the friend after all. Or maybe he is letting the dust settle.

    Laurel, WOW! Those are some really tough workouts you did there. How was it revisiting P90X Plyo? That really is a good workout, I just don't think about doing it.

    Thelma, You are very proactive, which is a good thing. I probably wouldn't even think about everything that has to be done day to day. I hear you on the salt all over the vehicles. Mine was clean for maybe two days before it looked like a gray ghost again. I always check my black pants when I get out of the car also, because I hate going into work with a big white spot on the back of my legs. :D Your coat can get to the dry cleaner as soon as the weather permits. ;)

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! I was very surprised to log on and see I missed Laurie and Tami yesterday! I don't know why your posts weren't showing up, but I am sorry for 'ignoring' you! It wasn't intentional.....I promise. o:)

    Anyhow, more tough workouts today. I started with P90X Shoulders and Arms. For cardio, I started with X10 Step right into Insanity Max 30 Sweat Intervals and Ab Attack. Tough, tough stuff. This rotation is really pushing me, and I am not sure I will keep at it for the full 10 weeks right now. But I am really glad I am doing it because I really needed to be pushed out of my rut. What I love about these programs is they really make me push me, and too often, with Cathe, I find myself kind of going along with her and not really pushing. Every now and again I need to remind myself to push, and this rotation is definitely making me do that.

    Laurie, I really hope you like the RWH rotation. I am already looking forward to getting back to those workouts when I am done with this. The Lift It Hit It workouts are so good! P90X PlyoX felt good! I am really enjoying the P90X workouts, much more than the X2 workouts right now. But when I change up in a couple of weeks, I think I will be saying the opposite. Tony still makes me smile!

    Thelma, great workout! Sounds like you have everything planned for your surgery. It is only a couple of weeks away, right? Try not to get too nervous about it! I know....easier said than done. Well, we are finally going to get some of that cold air you are having. We are supposed to be close to freezing on Friday morning. I know.....that is a heatwave for you! I just don't feel quite so guilty since we have had such good weather and we are finally included on a weather map of the country! But it is only supposed to last a day...and then back into the 70s.

    Tami, hope you enjoyed your hair appointment. I am anxious to hear how you like this new RWH/XT rotation. That is the one I plan to do when I get back to Cathe. I am curious if you tried another Insanity Max workout. Like I said above, I am really glad to be pushing myself again. I was mentally thanking you today during Sweat Intervals for encouraging me to get this series. I really needed this. I must admit my 'dread' factor for my workouts is up a bit, but my 'I feel benefits' factor is up even more! So it is a good trade-off right now.

    Until tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ My day was very nice yesterday but since I spent most of it getting my hair done & lunch. She had to "fix" a portion of my hair she didn't like the color on and then another appt. came in so it made for a longer time. But all was good and I am happy to be back with my BFF. She's happy to be doing hair again; made for an action packed afternoon trying to get everything wrapped into one afternoon. Went to Costco after that, cleaners, errands and then home for my workout. Needless to say I didn’t have time for my planned “add on” so I did RWH Circuit Upper Body. This a.m. was XT Legs and tonight will be Insane X after work.

    Thelma: BRRRRR! The hits just keep coming with your winter storms don’t they?!? I think it is great that you are pre-planning and preparing for your post surgery days. I can imagine you are nervous, very normal I would say!! I just know it is going to go well and you will have your recovery time and then on the other side, you will be glad you did it! Yes, the vet explained the importance of the blood work for Miss Emma, so I will definitely keep up with that. Sounds like your promotion will be a good thing and I hope you find out good news from your boss on Thurs. More $$$ I hope for you too!!

    Laurie: Isn’t that a good one?!?! I love it too along with several others in this series, rapidly becoming some of my favorites. Nice job getting into the RWH rotation and adding in some of your own, that sounds perfect! Fingers crossed that just the right person will come along for that manager position and you are happy with whoever they choose.

    Laurel: No worries! I figured we somehow posted at the same time or it was my “Ipad issues” again. LOL Good going again and again on your workouts. I will keep you posted on my thoughts of this rotation, I think I am going to really enjoy it though and figure out a way to extend it. Unfortunately I didn’t get to try another Insanity workout yesterday . . . just ran out of time. But hoping too while in this rotation/weekend, etc. I’m glad you are enjoying them so much and you are welcome for the encouragement! I hope to be reporting back the same kind of feedback to you too! You trying them out gives me encouragement to keep plugging them in!

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, tonight I did RWH Low Impact II - Premix #2: Extreme Low Impact HiiT #2 and #1 Combined which is the warm up and all of the high intensity intervals from Low Impact HiiT Two followed by all of the high intensity intervals from Low Impact HiiT One. This was an amazing workout! I was winded at the end of the Low Impact II part. Just at the end though. I can't remember what move she was doing but I was winded. Loved it! Very challenging for me. I think this is going to be one of my favorite premixes.
    As I was doing this low impact workout today I was very much aware of how I could modify the moves to be done while I'm on a chair. I think I'll be able to get a little bit of heart rate going! Upper body and abs for sure oh and some yoga too. Just need to have DH move the DVD player into the bedroom, bring my exercise chair upstairs, some hand weights and some resistance bands. Of course I'm not sure how long I'll be out of it due to the pain meds. Last time I remember sleeping for a long time! LOL
    I was wondering if Cathe had the same premixes for Low Impact I and II and she does. I just checked the description on

    Laurie, that RWH Legs workout is really an awesome one. Good job! I sure you're dd's dance will be beautiful!
    Thanks Laurie on the proactive comment. I want to be able to figure things out before the surgery so everything is ready. I practiced getting in/out of the tub today while standing on my right foot so I could have a real dry run. I think I figured out how I need to do it. The stool height is set so I can just sit on the edge of the bub, lift myself slightly as if I were going to do a dip and slide over to the stool. It's perfect! Same drill on the way out. The tub thing was feeling like my biggest challenge and I feel more comfortable now. The other big challenge will be when I have to take care of my incision. Now THAT will freak me out.
    Oh the white stuff all over your clothes! I hear you! I'm always checking my pants too. A lot of us are just wearing jeans these days.

    Laurel, KILLER workouts today! My little workout felt like a killer to me! LOL. I would've died doing your workout! LOL. I understand what you mean about needing to push yourself. You're so used to doing Cathe's workouts that they're no longer challenging to you and it sounds like you've found yourself a great way to challenge yourself. Good for you!
    I'm sure you'll start to feel those cooler temps in FL like the below zero temps you used to experience in the cold places you've lived before! LOL
    My surgery will be on March 6. I won't know the time until the day before! I just feel that I need to prepare myself on the logistics of how my life will change when I can only put weight on one foot. I haven't been good about practicing with the crutches because my shoulders didn't really like it when I tried them out a few weeks ago. I think I'm trying to save my shoulders for when I need to really use them.

    Tami, I'm glad you had such a nice day off! It's so good to have a hairdresser you like. I just lost mine because she had her first child and who knows if she'll return to work. She's been doing my hair for years. The lady they hired to replace for now actually did a really good job. Good job with your workouts! I'm sure you can count your VB on Sundays as your add ons for the entire week! LOL
    We had much warmer temps today and the snow wasn't that much. Maybe an inch tops. Preparing myself for the post surgery time is important because I need to be able to navigate around the house and be able to bathe myself. I think the fact that my aunt is going to be here is going to make be a cry baby the day of the surgery. When I had my toe surgery years ago I was scared but I didn't want to be a cry baby with DH. I wanted to say my good bye's to him in case I didn't make it and didn't even have a chance to say bye. When they stuck me with the IV needle I think whatever sedative was in that bag was instant for me. Next thing I knew I was in the recovery room feeling totally starved! LOL
    I had a little chat with my boss he explained that I wouldn't be managing two teams. It would be an either or thing. So I actually have a choice to make. If I stay in the group I'm in now I will be managing 8 people which I'm fine with. The other choice is to lead a brand new project for our next generation of instruments which means new technology. If I stay with the current team I'll be working with old technology but old technology that keeps us employed. At least I know there will be some kind of $$ increase if I go the management route.
    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Yesterday was RWH Low Impact HiiT One Premix #6. That is the one that includes the Abs Two. I can tell that I'm feeling much better this round that when I had tried these before. I am able to get through all the plyo without having to double over after each move. Makes for a much better workout.

    Laurel, Not a problem that you missed us. Glad to hear that you are getting in some great work with this new rotation. I have a really hard time sticking to a lengthy rotation sometimes, but the only one that I can stick with is STS. Probably because the workouts change up each month. I know that I will only do RWH for a month, and then plan on doing something else. I really enjoy working with Tony too, that is what is so appealing about P90X3. I keep seeing those workouts on tv, and of course his funny comments, and really want to try them out. Of course I'm going to wait a little while yet, but I am going to purchase them at some point.

    Tami, Sounds like a very nice day off, and you got a lot done. Great job on the workouts also. I'm sure there will be some dread factor workouts while doing these RWH workouts, and the one I'm thinking will be the Plyo one. :D That workout doesn't show up until next week, so I have some time to check it out before hand.

    Thelma, Great job on the premix you did. I of course have not tried that one yet, and it sounds like it would be a very good challenge. I love that she can get your heart pumping without having to jump around. I think that RWH Legs is my favorite, and following that with XTrain Cardio Leg Blast. It seems we are following the same weather, so get braced for cold temps again. We had -1 this morning, and tomorrow is suppose to be even colder. I just keep thinking that it isn't as bad as last year when we had a couple of weeks with sub zero temps. You have a tough decision to make at work!

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today was my 'sane' workout day, and it comes at a perfect time in the week. So I started my workout with Cathe's Party Rockin' Step 1 and did the 74 minute premix. I followed it with P90X2 Yoga. Absolutely love this yoga workout, and it felt so good on my weary body!

    Tami, sounds like a nice day off from work. I am glad you like being back with your friend doing your hair. You got a good workout in too!

    Thelma, great workout! I have not done that premix yet. It sounds like a good one. And great thoughts on how to make the workout work for you when you are recovering! Doing some of those upper body moves with the weight should get your heart rate up for sure. Glad to hear the new job responsibilities are more manageable than you thought they might be if you choose to take them. And more money too!

    Laurie, I am so glad you are feeling better with this second go at RWH. I am not a big fan of long rotations either and always struggle with motivation doing P90X. But I have made it through before, so I am hoping too again. I think I might not have this issue with P90X3, though, because of the length of the workouts. I will probably end up with that program down the road as well. :)

    Enjoy the day!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Well last night’s Insane X class was more like her Insane Abs. It was good though and we did hand stands! Yes, hand stands. lol I haven’t done hand stands since I was in junior high! We did them against the wall, timed increments. (20, 30, 40 & 50 seconds) then another round of that then back to it after some cardio/abwork. It was fun and definitely after all the other misc. stuff she had us doing it was a workout. We only went for 45 min but it was ok, only 5 of us there (the 5 regulars) and so she just mixed it up with some abwork & made it a short class.

    I do have to share the most amazing compliment I received since you guys are the only peeps who would think this was awesome. Katy was talking to our small group afterwards saying she was feeling like she needs to change things up with her diet/training, etc. and asked me what I do and what I eat. The other 3 ladies jumped in and said “yeah, would you write it down for us” Katy actually asked first and then said she would make copies for the others. WOW - :# I was blown away by this compliment. Katy is very fit and looks amazing in my opinion; but I told her that no matter what sometimes getting ideas from others or trying new combos is just what you need. Funny, I was just thinking lately that I should change things up a bit for myself. So at any rate, I am writing down a typical day for them and sharing some of my “staple” recipes for lunches/dinners/snacks.
    This a.m. was HiiT It Back/Bis/Shoulders & Spin tonight. ;)

    Thelma: Nice job on the workout! Sounds like a lot of fun and I saw your calorie burn, I wondered what all you had done! Way to go. I will have to write that pre-mix down and try it sometime, sounds amazing! That is so great your aunt will be there to help you during your post surgery time. That will be awesome and will ease your mind as well as DH I’m sure. Decisions, decisions on the job. I’m sure you will make the right one for yourself and feel good about it! So nice to have choices and more $$$ too!! :)

    Laurie: Great job with your RWH LI workout!!! I am glad you are feeling much better and notice the difference. So far I haven’t found one of them to give me a dread factor in this series ~ which is always a bonus. No choreography issues either that I have to skip an entire DVD. lol

    Laurel: Awesome job today, that sounds like a perfect combo and I love that you called it your “sane” workout day! I know you had mentioned before how much you love the Yoga X2 workout. It is fun having my BFF do my hair again as I mentioned. The lady who has done it for the last 3 years I know from Volleyball league and I loved her as well but it was time to be the loyal friend of nearly 35 years do my hair again now that she is back in the business.

    Hope you ladies have a fabulous evening! I will talk to you tomorrow.