Cathe Fans Part 5



  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies! XT All Out Low Impact Hiit. What a great workout! Showed me that doing yoga is killing my cardio endurance. I was a little winded. No yoga today for me. Bella is still not eating well. I've been doing assisted feeding with her. Between finger feeding to syringe feeding. In the late afternoon DH had a suggestion that worked and Bella ate a little. We had some grilled chicken and I mixed some of her cat food, with chicken baby food and the grilled chicken. She managed to eat about 1 tbsp of food. Called the Tufts U. animal hospital but due to the snow they were closed for normal business and it was ER only. I tried to get a hold of our vet but he never called back which tells me he wasn't really at the hospital today. I'll call back tomorrow and if they can see Bella DH will take her.
    Thank God for all this snow because it allowed me to work from home 2 days and I was able to get Bella to eat a little. Not sure how she'll do tomorrow while we're at work.
    My poor husband spent all day outside digging out. He is exhausted. That is hard work. I had to do my own shoveling when I was single and owned a house. We have a snow blower but there's also shoveling to do. He told me to be careful tomorrow morning getting out of our driveway because I won't be able to see if cars are coming due to the mega snow banks.

    Laurie, funny how you had to force to take a day off! I am sure you're glad you did it so you could prepare a meal ahead of time! Glad your shoulders are better!
    We got a total of 30 inches! I can't believe it.
    I try to be the best meowmmy I can be with my 4 legged kids. Lucky for Bella I have a lot of experience with sick cats.

    Laurel, glad you got your energy back. I do think your body was asking for a break. Great workout choices today! I love that Intensity workout. Funny I had that very same DVD in my hands this afternoon when I was trying to find a workout for tonight.
    The snow will be around for a while. I'm sure most people are hoping for some melting so the snow off their roofs melts before we get any rain. Yesterday was a rough day with Bella and it continued today.

    Tami, I can't believe your class got cancelled. I hope Katy gets better soon. I didn't think the sub was going to compare to Katy. LOL! Great workouts today!
    The snow was crazy. I am really worried about my Bella. I hope the vet can see her tomorrow.
    Have fun getting the crockpot! Maybe you should look online for reviews before you buy one. I also have two. I have a large oval shape one and another one with 3 different size vessels.

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I had a horrible headache yesterday, and it was with me all day. When I got home I was not interested in doing anything that required me to bounce, so I decided on a total body weight workout. I did MetRx 180 Conditioning Workout 1, and must say that was a very wise decision on my part. Today is better with the headache, but this is the time of year that my sinuses go wacky.

    Laurel, Great job on the workouts. Now I really want to try those new workouts! I'm thinking that I can start to incorporate them into my rotation. I still want to do the Combat cardio, but yesterday made me realize that I really enjoy weight work too. I might even do the HiiT Upper Body Premix workout, on Friday. It looks like she incorporates legs in almost all of the weight/body weight portions, so it would be a lot like the Combat HiiT workouts.

    Tami, Dang on the cancelled class, sure hope Katy gets better soon. Great job on the workouts, nice that you have options when something like this happens. Hope you are able to find a better crock pot, I really love using mine. Having the chili done when I got home was wonderful. All I did was make some cornbread muffins.

    Thelma, I'm sure that my endurance is flagging quite a bit, but that is something that can improve. Good that you where able to do the workout though. Sorry to hear that Bella still isn't feeling that well. Dang that is a lot of snow, we had that last year and I'm really happy that we have not had to deal with the snow as much this year.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today's workout started with RWH Plyo HiiT One, and I did the 'Double It' premix. And then it was right in to X10 Cardio Blast. Tough but fantastic combo. Then, for legs, I did Lean Legs and Abs with Barre. I am glad I did the cardio first today because those power moves in the RWH workout really exhausted my legs, making Lean Legs and Abs actually feel tough! I like that!

    Tami, sorry to hear about the cancelled class and Katy being sick. Hope she is feeling better soon. I have really enjoyed this January rotation. I am going to remember this one too. I love how Cathe combined the X10 workouts with the HIiT workouts. Very effective!

    Thelma, I really hope the vet gets a chance to see Bella. It doesn't sound like she is doing well at all, poor thing. Hopefully he can give her a better fix than the one she got this weekend. Great job with Low Impact HiiT. I love that workout! Don't worry too much about your cardio endurance. It will come back pretty quickly.

    Laurie, sorry to hear about the headache. I was like that all day on Sunday. Just wanted to lay about in the dark for most of the day. Of course I spent the day baking instead! Mine was caused by a weather system coming in. Good job with the workout regardless. Sounds like you are ready to get back to these RWH workouts!

    I have a hair appointment tomorrow, but I will try to check in!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Spinning was good last night despite Katy being gone. It was an instructor I have had many times in Spinning. She LOVES hills every time she teaches. At any rate, it was her 4th class that day so we didn’t go the full hour; 45 min instead. This a.m. was RWH Plyo 1 + X10 Cardio Blast. No class tonight and I think DH will be home. So maybe a “not rushed” dinner will be in order.
    Thelma: I do understand a million times over how worried you must be about Bella. I hope you can get her into the vet to get better and all is well there. Poor little girl. Nice job getting in your workout. Thanks for the link on the crock pot, I will take a look at that! I really do love having meals ready to go when I get home & sometimes the "pre-cooked" chx breasts, etc. just don't cut it. I bet your DH is exhausted and sore from all the shoveling. When we had snow like that one year it felt never ending.

    Laurie: Sorry about the headache, but good on ya for getting in your workout despite that. I think if you are feeling up to it tomorrow you will really like the HiiT Upper Body workout! It’s a good one. The circuit one is the one with cardio mixed in. I guess there are several instructors out right now; hence the girl who subbed for Katy had taught 4 classes yesterday. Yikes. Katy should be back soon, I guess its bronchitis. So her chest is very tight and just not good to be teaching or anything right now.

    Laurel: Same workouts today! (sort of) I didn’t do the double premix or the added legs & barre but …… LOL Great job! Enjoy your hair appt tomorrow. Always feels great. Do you like your new hair dresser so far?

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi ladies, quick update cause I'm exhausted. Had to leave work at 2 to take Bella to the vet. We got home at 8:45pm. So no workout. Poor Bella was obstipated and had to get an enema. She did go a little at the hospital but has more to go. At least she ate more than she has in the last day 1/2 in one sitting!
    Good night!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    First off Thelma, so sorry to hear that you had to go through that with Bella. Hope that she keeps on improving as the days go on. With animals it is so hard to understand when there is something wrong. Take care of yourself and of course Bella.

    Yesterday I really felt like doing some yoga, so I plugged in Yoga for the Warrior! Dang was that a good one, and I'm really impressed with my improvements in the yoga poses. Credit that to the PiYo, so I'm going to keep on with my current Combat/Piyo. I'm going to add in some of the HiiT work as I go though, because I think they will compliment this rotation also. I think that the leg strength is what I was surprised at the most.

    Laurel, Great job on the workouts, isn't it nice when they just flow really well. That is the problem I had with my headache, seems that when a front comes through my head starts to pound. I also get stuffed up, so I'm not able to breath very well. It happens most times when it is a rain front, well we didn't have rain just sleet.

    Tami, So I take it that you didn't have to do as many hills? :D Sounds like some nice workouts. I'm going to try that workout tonight, along with the Combat HiiT. This will be a true test of how well my endurance is. ;) Dang on Katy, that really isn't good to try working out with those conditions.

    Have a great weekend!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Had a great workout this morning, and then a good hair appointment. Always feels good to have 'fresh' hair! Anyhow, my workout this morning started with XTrain Burn Sets--all upper body with core premix. For cardio, I did X10 Low Impact right into Insanity Max Cardio Challenge. <3

    Thelma, I hope your Bella starts to feel better soon. I am glad the vet was able to see her. I am sure you are exhausted. Take care of both your kitty and you!

    Laurie, I love that workout! How great to see some improvements from PiYo. You are definitely selling me on those workouts. Yep, my headaches come with rain (and always with snow). I don't always have trouble breathing, but I do get that at times. No fun...but it has been happening since childhood so I am used to it.

    Tami, sounds like an okay spin class, even though it was short. I was wondering if Katy might have some kind of bronchial infection for as long as she has been sick. No fun. It always takes me weeks to recover fully from something like that. Hope she is up to teaching next week. LOL on the same workouts!! I really like my new hair stylist. This is the second time I have seen her, and she is great fun to talk to. Today we talked workouts. This was after she nearly passed out when I told her I am just a few months shy of 50. She said she wouldn't have guessed me to be in my 40's (I laughed....and gave her a great tip! :p ). She asked my secret and I said workouts! She is a fitness fanatic too, so that was fun to talk about. BTW, Cardio Challenge felt much better the second something to look forward to. Still tough.....but a good tough.

    Hope you all have a great weekend!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Happy Friday Ladies ~ This a.m. was RWH LIHI Back, Shoulders and Biceps, tonight will be Spinning before I head home for the weekend! Lots of "Go Hawks" moments happening here at the office today, people are all dressed in their jersey's etc.... super fun there is such spirit here. Also, our Manager bought everyone lunch from a really good salad/sandwich place. I guess they do that every month, just not last month because of all the Christmas goodies, party, etc. So nice and yet another "gesture" I appreciate so much, with or without food; it is the little things they do here. :)<3

    Thelma: Thinking of you so much and hoping Miss Bella is better soon. So sorry. It's very stressful going through that. I know it all too well with my "kids" over the years.

    Laurie: Congrats on feeling the improvements with your Yoga poses due to the PiYo. That is awesome to hear! Nice going and sounds like a great plan moving forward. Yes, I think Katy will be taking it easy until she is good to go; although it wouldn't surprise me to see her soon and even if she doesn't join in the class, telling us instructions and being there I could see. Hope you enjoy the workout tonight!

    Laurel: YOWSA! Way to end the week. Nice going. So awesome to hear you like your new hair dresser and what an amazing compliment. I too would have given her a big tip! LOL Nice to know you two can talk about workouts, always a fun conversation. That's why I love having you you all here. :) What are your plans for the big 5-0? Thanks for the encouragement on that Cardio Challenge workout . . . I know often the 2nd time through it is always better recognizing the moves, etc. Knowing what might be next.

    Enjoy your weekend ladies! Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    edited February 2015
    Hi Ladies, I hope you all had a nice weekend. Ours was great now that Bella is better and that we know what her problem was. Thanks for all those good wishes for my Bella.
    We are bracing for 10-14 inches of snow for tomorrow.
    On Friday I was still tired so I did a little spinning, then on Saturday XTRAIN Super Cuts and just got a new yoga DVD called Beginning Yoga with Chrissy Carter. I'm on a quest to find a good beginner's yoga workout. This is a good one and I think the best of the other so called beginner's yoga workouts I have. Today spinning again.
    GO PATS!

    Laurie, awesome job and congratulations with all that improvement! I'm sure Bob's yoga workout is not an easy walk in the park. Good job!

    Laurel, what a great combo you did on Friday! I hope you had a great hair appointment!
    By Bella s finally doing better. Poor little girl! Thank you!

    Tami,You had an awesome combo on Friday too! People at work were dressed in Patriots gear and on Thursday they had a Superbowl party. I'm not into football but DH is watched the game.
    Nice of your boss to get you guys a free monthly lunch! Definitely a nice gesture!
    Thanks for sending those good thoughts for my little Bella. I can't believe my baby was constipated and I thought she had a urinary problem and the vet went with that. Then on top of things the pain med she was given for the so called bladder inflammation causes constipation. No wonder things got so bad. She's better now and we just have to make sure that we keep her "regular"

    Good night!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    It was a combat weekend for me with the following workouts. HiiT Power (twice) and Combat 30. Didn't get anything else in, just to many things needing my attention. We went out on Friday with the oldest dd, her boyfriend and the bf's parents. We had a very good time, they are a lot like us. Yesterday we where having a snowstorm, so it was one of those go out and get the drifts off the driveway. DH and I where the only ones home, so it was really quiet. Just glad that both girls where home safe at the end of the night.

    Laurel, Great job on the workouts. I know how much you love that Intensity workout. How cool to find a hair stylist that is into working out, it is funny how having a good talk with the stylist makes the time you are there fly by. I don't even realize that I have been there for an hour. Oh the bit 5-0 is around the corner! I bet you don't feel 50, I know that I never feel like I'm in my 50's.

    Tami, First off sorry that the Seahawks lost yesterday, that game was a lot like the Packer game two weeks before. How fun that the company does the monthly lunch. WTG on your workout, and hope your spinning class was a good one. People around here have been getting pneumonia with this recent bout of sickness, hope that Katy takes her time getting back at it. As you can see I didn't get that workout in on Friday, since we where going out I didn't want to get to sweaty. I know that I need to do something though.

    Thelma, So glad to hear that Bella is doing so much better. Sorry to hear that you are getting the snow that we just got, we still have a three foot snow drift in front of our front door. Neither DH nor I had enough want to dig that one out. :D So we have one happy football fan, and one unhappy one on the thread today. The half time show was actually good this year, I was just very nervous when she was floating through the air. Glad to hear that you enjoyed the yoga workout, that must be encouraging.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Another busy weekend here, but it was all good. Only watched three quarters of the game last night. I was bored to no end. Looks like I missed the best part! Oh well. Congrats to the Patriots and sorry for the Seahawks. I am a fan of both teams so feel for both.

    Anyhow, Saturday was my day off from workouts, as usual. Yesterday I did an interesting trifecta. I started with RWH Low Impact HiiT Two, then went right into X10 Fat Burning Circuit. From there, I went right into XTrain Cardio Leg Blast! This wasn't as long a workout as it sounds without all the warm-ups and cool downs. It clocked in at about 80 minutes or so, and I really enjoyed it! Today's workout was Lift It Hit It Chest, Shoulders and Triceps Extreme premix, followed by Cross Fire Extreme. <3

    Tami, sounds like a fun Friday, though I can imagine the end to last night's game was pretty difficult to take. I am sure there is analyzing and over-analyzing about that play all over the place. Makes me feel badly for Pete Carroll and Russell Wilson, though I appreciate both of their attitudes, that's for sure. No big plans for my actual birthday this year, though with both DH and I turning 50 and celebrating our 25th anniversary this spring, we have planned a trip back up to the Seattle/Victoria, British Columbia area this summer. We spent our honeymoon in Victoria, so we thought it would be fun to go back. Definitely looking forward to seeing your part of the world again. I haven't been up there since we moved away back in 2003!

    Thelma, so happy to hear Bella is feeling better! Poor thing! I hope your weather isn't as bad as predicted, that's for sure. It has been a rough winter..........well, for everywhere except here! I ate breakfast on my back porch yesterday. Not bad for February!

    Laurie, sounds like a good Combat workout weekend! Glad you enjoyed your DD's boyfriend's parents. That's always nice! I agree with you about the half time show last night. To be honest, I kind of expected to not like it, but I was entertained......which is more than I can say for parts of the game!

    See you all tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Nice relaxing weekend but felt like I got a lot accomplished! New Crock Pot included on that list. I did get in some nice workouts. Sat was RWH Plyo #1 Xtreme pre-mix and yesterday was RWH Low Impact HiiT 2 followed by X10 Fat Burn Circ. So yesterday I made some chili in the new crock pot and today is a Teriyaki Chicken recipe. Also, made another chicken recipe that I froze and is ready to go into the crock pot whenever. So far so good, it has a timer and turns to warm when it is done instead of over cooking the food. Today’s workout is BootCamp after work.

    Thelma: Yay!!! So happy to hear Ms Bella is all better now. That is so scary when they are sick and you can’t get them “fixed” right away. I bet you both feel so much better, and Bella too! Great job with the workouts over the weekend & hopefully your new Yoga workout is just what you were looking for.

    Laurie: Great going on your workouts! Weekends are often like that for me, I want to get in more but feel the pressure of getting all my weekend “stuff” done. Funny, I was thinking the same thing about the Packers loss and Seattle’s loss. SO close. Yes, the lunch was so great and such a nice gesture + late in the day our manager sent out an all office e-mail saying how proud he is of every dept. and every person and to continue the great work. It’s just those little gestures that mean so much I think; especially when you are not used to them. I thanked him for the e-mail forsure and how nice it is that he takes the time. Yes, Katy was back on Friday at Spinning and took it easy. She’s a crazy one so hopefully she continues to just “ease” into it.

    Laurel: Great tri-fecta of workouts yesterday!! Nicely done. I really liked that combo of HiiT #2 right into X10 FB Circuit! I bet the add-on of the leg workout was perfect. Today’s combo sounds amazing as well. I feel bad for Pete Carroll as well, I cannot imagine how badly he wants a “do over” on that play call. YIKES. It was a heart breaker for Seattle forsure. We felt like it was a good game (being close throughout instead of a blow out either direction, that is never fun to watch) and it was just DH and I watching. Half time was a good one I thought too. Of course my favorite commercial was the little Lab puppy/horses Budweiser commercial. They are always my fav!

    Hope you ladies have a great afternoon/evening!!
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, we got about 20 more inches of fresh snow. My poor husband is outside now (almost 10PM) in the bitter cold digging me out so I can go to work tomorrow morning. I feel so bad! He went out in the afternoon as he was finishing the snow picked up again! It's still snowing! I just read the groundhog declared 6 more weeks of winter! YIKES!
    When I work from home I end up working longer hours! I failed at keeping Bella regular and she's constipated. I've been pumping Miralax into her all day and nothing! I'm worried again so my workout was simply spinning tonight. That was the only thing I could get myself to do tonight.

    Laurie, great workouts! I don't blame you guys for not wanting to remove the snow drift. Why bother at this point? I hope we get a break from the snow!

    Laurel, I didn't watch the game but I didn't hear any reactions from DH except for one time early one. He was very quiet during the game! LOL
    Great workout combos as always Laurel! I'm glad you're having nice weather in FL. I heard temps were going to drop at night there though? Was that last night or tonight? Both?

    Tami, awesome workouts! Which crockpot did you get? those things are awesome but I've never let it run while I'm at work. I am scared so we usually use ours on the weekends.
    My poor Bella is starting to not be as playful but she's been eating like a piggy today so that gives me hope. I've been given her canned food loaded with Miralax.

    Good night!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Yesterdays workout was Combat Warrior Upper Body Blowout and KCM's 30MTF Split Sessions Workout 2 (lower body) and the Bonus Blast Floor Work. This was a good combo, and I was feeling those leg muscles while walking into work this morning. :D Youngest is home from school today, she wasn't feeling well. I don't know if we will be going to dance class tonight, will see when I get home. It will be a yoga day, will see how long of a yoga workout I can get in. ;)

    Laurel, Great weekend workouts! You are going Extreme. :D I was reading a book during the game, so missed out on some commercials. Still wasn't impressed with any of them, and they sure spent a ton of money. When we had our 25th anniversary I also turned 50. That is so funny. We where married two weeks after my 25th birthday, it just worked out that way.

    Tami, Wonderful workouts that you got in too. Congrats on the new crockpot, and that it has the timer. I so want that. Yesterday I had the ingredients ready, and youngest started it all up. Our chicken was ready for dinner, but it sure would have been nice to have the timer one. I think dd actually enjoys getting the dinner ready, even though all she is doing is taking the pot from the fridge to the heating element. :D Glad to hear that Katy is back, but easing into it. I'm sure that she isn't quite up to it yet.

    Thelma, Sorry to hear that you got another dumping of snow! Very nice of your DH to do that for you. We now have the bitter cold, sometimes I would rather have the snow. We are suppose to get more tonight, but nothing serious. Take care of Bella!

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! I couldn't quite figure out what kind of workout to do today, so I worked out in two parts. The early workout was RWH a HiiT Circuit Lower Body and Core Two. That was a good combo, but I couldn't figure out what to do after! So I took a long break, then settled in X10 Hi/Lo right into Insanity Max 30 Sweat Intervals. Boy was that a tough combo after the earlier workout! But it felt really good. :)

    Tami, sounds like a good weekend. Yay on the new crockpot! Sounds like you are getting good use of it already. I am glad to hear Katy was back and taking it easy. Hopefully she will continue to do so until she is better. I love the Budweiser commercial too! That is one I made a point of watching when I saw the little puppy at the start of it. I wasn't overwhelmed by the commercials this year, but I also wasn't thinking too much of them (if that makes sense). Most just seemed like....commercials.

    Thelma, I am so sorry to hear about the snow! You have been hit so hard this winter. My BIL who lives in those parts is so ready to see the end of this winter. I am also sorry to hear Bella isn't feeling well again. Hopefully it is just temporary. Good job getting spinning in with all that is going on. We got 'cold' last night with some parts of Florida in the 30's (we were in the 40's). But I think we are going to start trending up in temps soon, so it felt very good to me to wake up to fresh, crisp air.

    Laurie, sounds like some great workouts yesterday! Hope your DD is feeling better. Like I said to Tami, I wasn't too impressed by the Super Bowl commercials either. I actually kind of wish they wouldn't make such a big deal out of the commercials because I really don't feel like I should stay and watch them! Commercials are when I do things. :p DH and I were married one week after his 25th birthday and 4 weeks before mine. And believe me, he hears about the age difference for those five weeks every year. ;)

    See you all tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ BootCamp was a good one last night. Nothing new really as far as stations go, she did however at the end have us do 20 burpees, 15 push-ups, 10 burpees, 5 push-ups, then one more round of the whole class. Definitely added to the intensity. This a.m. was HiiT It Chest/Shoulders/Tris Xtreme pre-mix and tonight will be Insane X.

    Thelma: OMG on the 20 inches & freezing cold. I hope you guys get a break soon. Poor DH out there. Darn it for poor little Bella. I hope things are going better for her today. Nice job getting in the workout despite everything going on there for you. I ended up getting the CrockPot brand (that’s what it said on the box and outside of it). I think with chicken I am going to have to figure something else out, unless I am home. Last night’s chicken was still a bit over cooked. I thought with the timer and then to warm it would be ok . . . not so much. Still too long. But I do like the CrockPot since it has the timer options.

    Laurie: Sounds like a fantastic combo you got in ~ nice work!!! Thanks for the kudos on the workouts. Yes, as I mentioned to Thelma, the timer is great but I think it was still too long for what I cooked. I’ll have DH start it later in the a.m. next time. He leaves later than me.

    Laurel: You are going Extreme (as Laurie said)!!! Yowsa lady, nice job. Yes, we will see how Katy is tonight at Insane X. Hopefully not “all out” for her. Forgot to say how fun your anniversary trip sounds!! Yay for coming to the Pacific Northwest. Fingers crossed you can have decent weather and not too much rain that time of year. Yes, the commercials were not so great. Each year there is such hype over them (due to the $$$ spent) and each year, they aren’t over the top. Just the Budweiser ones in my book! LOL

    Have a great afternoon ladies ~ talk to you tomorrow! Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, tonight I did RWH Upper Body Circuit! What an awesome workout! I over did it because my upper back is all tight. I even did the jumping on the trampoline which I hadn't done in a while given my feet. I hope I don't pay for that later.
    My Bella finally went #2 last night! DH and I were thrilled given we were thinking we had another trip to the vet in our near future. We believe she went tonight again but with 3 cats it's hard to tell. It's a matter of finding the right miralax dose and I think we're 95% there.
    I heard on the radio that we may get more snow on Thursday and DH heard that we may get plowable snow on Monday. A friend posted something on FB that a local weather guy is saying we could get 2 more feet in the next 10 days. This will be bad because we have no place for all the mountains of snow all over the place.
    Laurie, what an awesome combo you did last night! Good job! I hope your little girl feels better soon!
    Laurel, great combo today and for you to say that something was tough it had to be tough! Made me thing I would've needed an oxygen tank! LOL
    People are really sick of this winter. We were seriously overdue for snow like this. I don't remember having had such a cold winter in a long, long time. I've worn my long down coat a lot this winter. Sounds like you're having great temps. Cool nights and warm days! Perfect!
    We hope the issues with Bella are temporary. We just have to figure out what dose she needs to stay regular cause it could turn into a really bad problem.

    Tami, great workouts! Sounds like Katy is back! Maybe she's not 100% yet and that is why she didn't have new stuff for you guys. Bella is doing better. Thank you!
    We really need a break soon but they're talking another 2 feet! When we bought our current home we didn't know we were buying in the "snow belt"! We found out the hard way which is kind of comical.
    Sorry your chicken was overcooked! We usually do pulled chicken in the crockpot. Very simple recipe, diced onions at the bottom, chicken with your own spices, salt/pepper to taste and your favorite BBQ sauce. Let the chicken cook in low setting for 6-8 hours. Then separate the chicken with forks. One of the things my SIL does with her crockpot is to plug it into a timer so that it starts on it's own when she needs it to start as opposed to leaving it on before you leave for work.
    Good night ladies
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    No workout for me last night, with only two inches of snow, everyone was going so slow that by the time I got home I was to frustrated to workout. It was my rest day anyway, so I wasn't to upset about it. I can't believe that someone was actually going 20 mph on the freeway, and no snow was on the roads.

    DD is feeling better, just having really bad cramps. Told her she will have to learn to deal with this when she starts in the working world. ;)

    Laurel, Nice job on the workouts, and finding something that you got sweaty doing. LOL about the commercials is when you do things, I'm like that too. During this game I was doing things during the game. :D Maybe since the commercials where so lame, I should have done my normal routine.

    Tami, Great workouts! I bet the crock pot will work better with something that is frozen, and then placed in the crockpot. I usually try to put the meat in as frozen, then it doesn't seem to dry out so much. Of course it does help when you can put it on later also, it was nice that dd was home.

    Thelma, Great job on the workout, and so glad to hear that Bella was able to do her business. ;) That is the way we felt about winter last year, there was just so much snow and cold that we where done with it by Christmas. So I understand that feeling very well.

    Have a wonderful day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today's workout started with RWH LIHI Back, Shoulders and Biceps Extreme premix. I followed it with Tabatacise, which I haven't done in awhile. Felt great even though my legs were still a bit rubbery after yesterday's workout.

    Tami, sounds like a good Bootcamp class. I love finishing a workout with a strong push, but that sounds like a REALLY strong push! Bet you enjoyed it though. ;) Really looking forward to our trip up to the PNW this summer. I don't even mind if it is cool and rainy as that would make for a nice change from here in early July. I just remember the two summers we spent living up there were about as beautiful as summers can get, that's for sure.

    Thelma, great workout! That one is definitely one of my favorites from this new set. Hope you aren't paying for it today. I heard you may get more snow this week! That is crazy. I hope it doesn't work quite as they are predicting. Glad to hear Bella is doing better. Hope that continues.

    Laurie, I am still surprised that people around you haven't figured out how to drive in snowy conditions. That's just silly, to be honest. I understand being careful, but going that slow on a highway is just plain dangerous. I can imagine your frustration. Glad to hear your DD is okay.

    See you tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Insane X was a small class last night but of course “tough” always. Probably not as tough as some but still. She also included sprints at the beginning and the end. Today was RWH Circuit Lower Body and Spinning for cardio tonight.

    Emma had a bit of a tight shoulder or something last night? Pinched nerve again maybe? She was laying the hardwood floors as she always does and was having a really hard time getting up. It was so sad; DH was in panic mode so I had to go into calm but I am telling you guys I was/am worried about my sweets. I have her yearly apt this weekend anyway, which is good. This a.m. she was fine but OMG, I hope this isn't another onset of soreness and feeling her 11 years (officially 2/28) . . . might need to get some meds from the vet. We will see. She had a haircut apt scheduled but I cancelled it. Didn't want her being stressed and pulled on there with the slick floors they have as well.

    Thelma: So glad to hear about Miss Bella! That is great news and I bet she is feeling much better. Great job getting your workout in, that is an awesome one isn’t it?!?!!! Hopefully your feet are feeling ok today. Funny you say that about the plug-in timer, that’s exactly what DH has suggested. He was bummed for me; but I did shred the chicken into the remaining ingredients and ate it that way. I will also try Laurie’s suggestion of starting from frozen; which I have a whole dinner froze for that very purpose! That recipe sounds perfect and easy, thanks! More snow?! NO.

    Laurie: I bet you were beyond frustrated. It is really frustrating when people go too slow for not so bad conditions. I can see why just having a break and now workout probably felt great! Rest day anyway, like you said. As I mentioned to Thelma, I am going to try that on my next meal that is waiting in the freezer. Shredded teriyaki chicken this week. Odd, but I didn’t want to throw it away.

    Laurel: Great job today! Sounds like a perfect combo. Yes, BC was a tough finisher forsure but she thought it was a good “change up” from her normal on Monday night. I’m glad you are going to embrace that NW weather when you come. It will be a nice trip no matter what. Is everything all done at your house now? No more touch ups or finishes?

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami