Cathe Fans Part 5



  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, spinning for me tonight. It was a hard day at work and in the afternoon had to go for my annual mammogram which was done with a 3D instrument. Pretty cool stuff. Each take they do captures like 67 images at once and they can scroll up/down the image and it they see the breast tissue at different layers. Thankfully my mammo was normal. I learned today that around 60 years old is the age that seems to be big for women to develop breast cancer! WHAT? I thought I was home free after menopause!
    My Bella is back to her old self now that we've figured out how to keep her regular! YAAY!

    Laurie, OMG! 20mph on the freeway! I would've been frustrated too. Don't even get me going on that subject. People see a snowflake and all of a sudden they have to slow down to a crawl

    Laurel, great combo today. That Tabatacise workout is a really good one. My upper back was back to normal today. I must've shocked it yesterday. We're going to get a little snow tomorrow. I heard a coating! Then 3-5 inches on both Sunday and Monday. Thanks for the good wishes for my baby!

    Good night ladies!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Well there wasn't a workout done yesterday either, I didn't think that youngest dd had such horrible vision. :D After her appointment, which revealed that she also has astigmatism like mine, we had to go through the glasses to fine something that she liked. Of course the ones that I picked out where MOM glasses! :o Too funny. She is the same age that I was when I had to get glasses, poor kid.

    Laurel, Great workouts, that Tabatascise workout is something I don't think of a lot either. That one is another one that is good for doing something short but effective or going extreme. I don't know what it is about snow, but there are more and more people that go super slow. I guess they think I'm a nut for going around 40-50, but the conditions where not that bad.

    Tami, I feel so bad that all of you are getting in such great workouts, and I have been a slug. ;) Oh well tonight is I'm getting in my workout no matter what. Oh that chicken sounds really good.

    Thelma, Great job on the workout! Oh very cool that you had the 3D experience! My mother got breast cancer in her late 60's, but it was caught early enough at stage 1. She only had to do radiation therapy. I'm sure that you understand my driving pain. Guess there are people like that all over the place.

    Have a wonderful day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today's workout started with RWH LIHI Legs. I love this workout. I also added Core 1 at the end. For cardio, I did my Hard Strikes/Rockout Knockout combo. Good, fun steady state cardio after all the intensity earlier this week.

    Tami, sounds like a good class. Does Katy teach that one? If so, I hope this means she is better. Unfortunately things aren't quite done on the house, and my frustration is building because I am wondering if they will get done. One item (replacing a section of the kitchen floor) we identified to the builder in our final walk through before closing, and he asked if it could wait until after the holidays. We said 'yes', but now I am wondering which holiday he was referring to. Silly me thought it was Christmas. Seems like a long time ago. ;) I have asked him about it about three times since, and still nothing. So I don't know what to do about that since we agreed to move in before it was fixed. But it is a warranty issue, so they should still do it. There are a couple other things as well (like sanding/refinishing the granite in the kitchen), and I am thinking that won't get done under warranty since we didn't know there was an issue until after we closed. Oh well. But, for the most part, the house is done.....and beautiful! Thanks for asking.

    Thelma, glad to hear your mammogram was clear! My mother got breast cancer in her 80s, so we are never free from it as far as I am aware. I don't think those check-ups will ever end. Anyhow, glad to hear Bella is better! Stay warm!!

    Laurie, I hope your DD is okay with getting glasses. I remember at that age I would rather be caught dead than seen in glasses. Funny to think about that now. Anyhow, hope she is fine with it and wears them. You will be catching up with workouts in no time I am sure!

    See you all tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Spinning was a packed class last night. People waiting outside the class to see if "no shows" were there even, trying to get on a bike. I was glad I sign up every week. This a.m. we had an early staff meeting so I opted to get my workout in tonight instead of even earlier than my "norm".

    Thelma: So glad to hear your mammogram was normal and Miss Bella is back to being herself. Such a relief.

    Laurie: No worries on the workouts . . . as we all know, some weeks are just like that and then you get right back in it. Hopefully your daughter found a pair of glasses she likes and isn't feeling bad about wearing them?!?!

    Laurel: Awesome job (as always) on the combo! Katy teaches the Insane X class yes . . she is better; I asked her the other night before class and she said she is at 90% she would say. Her 90 is most people's 100+ .... LOL That is a bummer on the builder not following through; that is unfortunately so typical and I hope he does get back to you guys sooner than later on that fix. I would just keep on him. I am glad everything else is good and you are loving every minute of it. How is your mom doing?

    Hope you ladies have a nice afternoon ~ I will talk to you tomorrow! Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies! I had to take a day off due to work. I left work almost 2 hours later than usual and had to bring some work home with me. It's been a tough week at work that's for sure.
    We got about 3 inches of snow and the temperatures have been dropping all day. It's freezing out. We'll have temps below zero tomorrow morning. We are expecting at least another foot from a slow moving storm that will last from Sunday into Tuesday morning.

    Laurie, at least your dd will get her new glasses soon. Poor kid! I hope she wasn't having headaches.
    I'm glad your mom's cancer was caught early!

    Laurel, what a nice combo!! In the afternoon when I had to attend a meeting from hell all I could think of was coming home and doing one of Cathe's kickboxing dvd's with the boxing gloves so I could punch the wall.
    Sorry you're having problems with the builder not fixing things you need fixed! I can't believe your mom had breast cancer in her 80's.

    Tami, sorry I missed your post last night! awesome workouts! I was wondering if Kathy wasn't being her usual tough self in class because she wasn't feeling 100%.
    I'm so sorry Emma's shoulder is bothering her again! Do you still have her on the Adequan? Smart move on cancelling Emma's grooming appointment. I'd suggest looking into acupuncture for her too. I can just imagine your husband freaking out over Emma.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Yesterday I got in KCM's 30MTF Weights Workout #1 (Back, Legs, Chest & Core) and Combat 30.

    Laurel, Wonderful workouts you had there, like that you combined the two kb workouts. I think that dd is okay with glasses, she probably will be getting contacts after a while. Right now she just wants to see how things go with the glasses. The doctor made it very clear that she needs to wear the glasses for driving. ;) She also said that she should wear them for seeing movies and the board at school. I told her that she could just pull out her glasses at school when she needs them. She got a really cute pair though.

    Tami, Guess that start of the year rush is still going on, but glad that you where able to get a bike. Good idea signing up every week. I'm kind of glad that it takes a week to get the glasses, it gives her a little while to get used to the fact that she needs to wear them. I told her sister not to tease her about the glasses, and of course she said she never would do that. I looked at her like she was crazy, big sisters always tease their siblings.

    Thelma, Totally understand missing your workout, look how my week went. Just sorry to hear yours has been about work. Sounds like you are having the weather that left us. It was warmer this morning that it was yesterday, so hopefully you will be getting that soon. Suppose to be in the 20's tomorrow. I can deal with the cold, but really don't like the sub zeros.

    Have a great weekend,

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Quick check-in for me today as I need to run some errands here soon. Enjoyed a good workout to end this January rotation from Cathe that I have been doing. I started with HiiT Upper Body Circuit and did the premix with the core work mixed in. I followed it with PRS2. <3 I think I am starting P90X on Sunday. I will only know for sure that I am when I push play! :p

    Tami, sounds like a busy time at the gym. Glad you had a spot! Also glad to hear Katy is doing better. How is Emma? I hope she is okay. Thanks for asking me about my Mom. Her cancer has returned, and this time they aren't doing chemo. That is because of her age (85) and her congestive heart failure. But, honestly, she sounds good when I talk to her. My BIL was there last weekend and watched the Super Bowl with her. He sent a photo of her watching the TV and enjoying some wine! She is still enjoying life, that's for sure. She has talked about selling her house, but last I heard, she changed her mind. I kind of hope she stays where she is at because it makes her happy. So....on we go. I worry about her but she sure is a fighter!

    Thelma, I completely understand about the missed workout! I heard about your temperatures! Stay warm!!

    Laurie, good workouts! Bet it felt good to get back at them. I am glad your DD is okay with her glasses. They really have some cute frames these days, so I hope she looks at them as a cute fashion accessory and enjoys them!

    Must run!! Have a great weekend!!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    edited February 2015
    Hi Ladies, I'm so glad this week is over! It's been a very stressful, long week at work. Today we found out Siemens (my employer) is going to have 8000 layoffs worldwide. As if I need more things to worry about with my job. My team was under a lot of pressure cause we didn't understand the solution a developer had come up with for an neonatal bilirubin blood sample under certain conditions. I'm new at this blood stuff so I delegated to the guys who have been there for years. Even they didn't get it! My boss got mad at us and sent us back to the drawing board. I'm in charge of the team so I had to make sure we figured it out. For the last two nights I've been reading this stupid document and today I locked myself up in a conference room with my team for 3 hours and we still didn't come up with what the developer explained (in a different way) to us today. I had not felt so physically, mentally and emotionally drained all at the same time in I don't know how long. What a horrible feeling! When I got home I didn't feel like working out but I had to do something because I feel like I haven't worked out all week even though I've done the bike. I did the bike AGAIN!
    I can't believe how cold it was this morning. As soon as I went outside and inhaled I could feel my nose hairs sticking together! LOL
    We are going to get 3 more inches tomorrow, 5-6 on Sunday and 8 + on Monday and it won't be done till Tuesday morning. My poor DH!!!
    People's fear is the weight of the snow on the roofs. DH goes around the house with a roof rake so hopefully that is good enough for us. I'm happy to report that my Bella has returned to being herself now that we have found the dose to fix her problem.

    Laurie, that combo sounds like fun! I'm glad your daughter wants to try out glasses before she decides on contacts! Looks like we're going to have a high of 27F tomorrow! HEAT WAVE! Sub zeroes are not fun. I feel so bad for the people who have to take public transportation because those services are running late these days.

    Laurel, great combo today. How awesome that you'll start P90X
    I'm so sorry that your mom's cancer has returned. It's amazing how brave some people can be. Where does she live?
    Have a great weekend ladies! Hair cut for me tomorrow.
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited February 2015
    Hi Ladies ~ Sorry I missed you all on Friday! It was another day of training, just expanding on some of the things I have already learned . . . . all good stuff! It was my 2 month mark last week! So my workout Friday was RWH Upper Body Circuit & Spin after work, yesterday was RWH Lower Body Circuit and today was HardStrikes + Volleyball. We won all 6 again!

    Thelma: I bet you were completely worn out after all that. Its sounds very challenging and a lot of team thinking involved forsure. I hope your job and team remain safe from the layoffs, that is never fun to hear and scary forsure. Emma had her vet appt. today and it went really well. He did a full exam (as always) and he thinks the limp and pain is arthritis in her right elbow area; he examined her hips and they are good, her shoulders (which is where I have always thought & he did too before today where her pain has come from). I told him about giving her the Adequin and how well she has responded, he suggested we try Rimadyl and see how she responds, especially after the other night. So that is where we are right now. He is very calming and good - doesn't feel too nervous about her symptoms, so that makes me feel better. I do hate to go the Rimadyl route but he said if she responds well and it makes her feel better then it is just a matter of monitoring her kidney function/blood work and most dogs dont have issues. So fingers crossed ladies!! Nice job getting in your Spinning . . . as Tony H. would say "do your best and forget the rest" the workouts will be there. Stay safe in your continuing winter snow. Poor DH is right. That is a LOT of shoveling!

    Laurie: I am glad big sister is not going to tease her about the glasses! lol Great job with your workouts! You must be back to normal, you have been doing amazing and awesome combos!
    DH started on his sleep apnea machine and it is going really well. He is adjusting to the awkwardness, but in just 4 "sleeps" he is noticing the difference in his day and no headache in the a.m. He hopes it just continues to be better. Which I am sure it will. The sound is not bad at all to me, compared to snoring its like listening to the ocean or something! LOL

    Laurel: Way to finish up the January rotation strong!! Nice job . . . I think with all your workouts throughout that rotation you did two rotations, not just one! As I told Thelma, Emma is doing better. Thank YOU. It is always hard to see dogs age and I want the process to be as smooth and pain free as possible. She is a very large Golden Retriever so this doesnt help when she has painful issues and we cant get to the root of the problem. Fingers crossed this new medicine will help!
    I'm sorry about your mom's cancer being back, that's tough. Sounds as though she is very comfortable with her decision to not do chemo and living life to it's fullest. I love the glass of wine! That's so great. Good for her. Staying in her own home will be the best for her I would think' especially if she loves it so much. That's great she chose to stay.

    Hope you ladies had a nice weekend! Talk to you tomorrow .....Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. We are in the middle of yet another snow storm. It started after midnight last night and it stopped at about mid-day, then it picked up at about 6PM tonight and it will continue all day tomorrow into Tuesday morning! I am definitely going to work from home tomorrow.
    Yesterday I did XT Hard Strikes. Hadn't done that one in a long time because of my shoulder and so far so good. Today was spinning.
    Tami, great workouts and congrats on winning all 6 VB today!
    YAAay for your DH finally using a CPAP mask! I've heard it takes a while to get used to it. At least he's seeing the benefits of using one of those masks.
    I'm glad Emma was seen by her vet and now is going to be on good pain meds. I hear you about not wanting to give her Rimadyl but if it's going to help with her pain she has to take it.
    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    edited February 2015
    Morning Ladies,

    Got in a lot of good workouts this weekend, so here is the list. Friday was Les Mills HiiT: Power and 30MTF LIFT Olympic Lifting, Saturday was TaeBo Max Intensity and Barry's Bootcamp Belly Blaster and Sunday was the LIS Trisets Total Body Premix.

    Laurel, Great job on finishing the Jan Rotation, and will be interested to see if that P90X workout was pushed or something else. ;) Sorry to hear about your mother and her cancer, but it sure sounds like she is enjoying life. I want to be that way when I'm that age. I like the fact that she was watching the super bowl with a glass of wine. Now that sounds like a great way to watch that game. :D My hair appointment is Wednesday!

    Thelma, Dang on all that you have had to deal with at work, now that can't be fun when it isn't clear what is needed. Glad to see that you had a good weekend with your exercising. Also really glad to hear that Bella is back to her normal self. That has to be a huge relief. So sorry that you are getting another snow storm, sure sounds like our winter of last year for sure. We where lucky yesterday, they predicted that we would have the sleet, but we didn't have anything. So so happy about that.

    Tami, Congrats on those VB wins! Good workouts too! Yep I feel back to normal, and I really enjoyed my workouts this weekend. Feeling the love from that Trisets workout today. I'm so glad to hear that your DH is embracing the CPAP machine. That is awesome that he is seeing improvements already. Hope that the new meds help Emma out. It is hard to see our pets in pain.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Well, I did everything in my power to talk and rationalize my way out of P90X/X2, but when all was said and done.......I pushed play!! I started yesterday with an absolute killer trifecta. I started with P90X Chest and Back, then I did P90X2 Core. For cardio, I did Insanity Max Cardio Challenge. It all rang in at almost exactly two hours, and it felt great! But it was tough. I must is good to see Tony Horton again. :)

    Today was another really tough one. I started with X2 Plyocide, then moved right into Insanity Max Tabata Power. I really wondered if this was a smart move when I was switching DVD's but, honestly, it really was a great combo. That Tabata Power workout is just so fantastic. For a 'finisher' I did the floor work from Great Glutes. Good stuff. I am going to make this a ten week rotation (3 weeks each for the first two cycles then four weeks for the last). I will have a week off before the last cycle as DH and I have decided to take a little trip up to NC for his spring break. Looking forward to that for sure!

    Tami, sounds like some great workouts and yay! for the volleyball! Glad to hear Emma is doing okay and she had a good appointment with the vet. Also glad to hear you and your DH are adapting well to the sleep apnea machine. I hope it ends up making a huge difference for him. Sounds like it is working already.

    Thelma, I am so sorry to hear about your job.,...and more snow! It defies reality what you all have experienced this winter, that is for certain. Good job getting some kind of workout in, even if it spinning. But great job on Hard Strikes!! Always a good one when you have some frustrations. My mom lives in Phoenix. Bit of a distance from here, but also just a plane ride away.

    Laurie, great workouts!! How did you like the Total Body Tri-sets workout? That one has really grown on me recently. My mom really has aged well. I think she is 'younger' in so many ways than she was 40 years ago! She makes me smile, that's for sure. When she was having chemo last time, she was having some numbness in her feet, and it frustrated her to no end because she couldn't use her treadmill! She always says 'I want to die healthy', and I love it!

    See you all tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ No workout this a.m. but I will be headed to BootCamp after work.

    Thelma: Great job with the workouts! I cannot believe the snow you are getting . . . . our weather is like Spring (not trying to rub it in) just saying how strange the weather patterns are. We are setting records now for warmth this time of year. It is very VERY rainy but in the 50’s all week. I hope yours lets up soon. I am glad for Emma too and I am anxious to see the Rimadyl work. I know he will be calling me in a few days to check on her, he always does. They are so good there. DH was pretty much waiting in the driveway to make sure it all went well, he is so funny. He loves her to pieces and worries so much about her, but didn’t want to go to the vet “just in case” it was bad news. Sheesh.

    Laurie: Thanks for the kudos on the wins! It was fun, even if we didn’t play our very best and made some dumb mistakes, we still won. LOL Each one of us had a few “moments” on the court. It was just one of those days. Fabulous job on the workouts and I saw on the thread yesterday and commented on the awesomeness of LIS Trisets! That is such a great one when you have the time. I am so thankful that DH is embracing his machine. The nurse scared him straight though . . . let me tell ya! She said to him that he is lucky nothing has happened to date with the severity of his condition & he has to treat this like he is taking his prescription every day, not just if he feels better. So he doesn’t enjoy it and he said mentally it is challenging for him but he hopes if it starts changing his life and he is adapting it will be worth the awkwardness.

    Laurel: YOWSA! You just never back down, do you?!?! So amazing. I have said this before but not for a while . . . you are my inspiration in the amazing workouts you do! Thank you. That Tabata Power is on my list to try next. Not sure “when” but hopefully soon. I need to get into those so I know when I can add them on or substitute them into my next rotation. I’m trying to remind myself “it’s only 30 min . . . you can do anything for 30 min” LOL Thanks on the well wishes for Emma & DH too. Here’s hoping both of them have good results from their new “medicine”. Sure will make me feel better too! What a great spirit your mom has . . . I love that she wants to be healthy and uses her treadmill. My mom at 73 walks nearly everyday even in the rain with her sweet little dog. Sometimes she gets on her treadmill when it is just too rainy but exercise in some format; she also started doing Cha Gong (sp?) a few years ago and absolutely loves it.

    Hope you ladies have a great afternoon/evening!
    Talk to you tomorrow . . . Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, RWH Legs tonight. What an awesome workout! As you may have notice I've not done yoga in almost 2 weeks. I just don't have time and it is a big time commitment if I want to do RWH also. I think I'm going to give up on yoga for now because I'm getting close to my surgery date and I want to do Cathe workouts.
    We got hit again with about 16 more inches of the white stuff. I worked from home. My poor Ray looked pretty tired today after his snow duty. Thankfully the university he works for was closed today and will be tomorrow too. This will allow him more time to do rake the roof. I discovered our first ice dam right off our bedroom. There is thick ice all around the roof I think. Forecasters are predicting another storm for Thursday. Our rail transportation system shutdown tonight and will stay idle tomorrow so a lot of people won't be able to get to work. Our rail system is one of the oldest in the country if not the oldest. There are mountains of snow everywhere.

    Laurie, awesome workouts! She's baaack!!! You've been doing really great combos!
    Yeah my job is crazy. I was on a conference call with my team for 3 hours in the morning and 1 1/2 in the afternoon. I was dead after that. DH said to me: I don't know who had it tougher today me for clearing the snow or you for dealing with your co-workers. LOL! I told him now you know what my life at work is like.

    Laurel, YOWSA is right! You are amazing lady! WOW! Those sound like killer workouts! Fabulous job!!! How exciting about your trip to NC!! I can't wait to retire there!
    I really needed to do a kickboxing workout. I must've been doing it with a passion because my lower back was killing me after that. I could tell I was really tight on my lower back on the left side so kept on stretching. It scared me!
    Wow your mom is far from you but it's good that you're always in touch via phone. She sounds like a wonderful lady and what a great attitude!

    Tami, did you hit the snooze button again? LOL. I'm sure you'll make up for it tonight at Bootcamp! This winter has been insane. We started out like you are with warm temps for a while. Then it got frigid cold for a while, then back to normal and we've been getting whacked left and right for the last 2 1/2 weeks. DH heard something on the news that we were in a 6 week period where the snow is going keep on coming. My aunt arrives on 3/5 from El Salvador and I'm sure the mountains of snow will be here. I just hope it doesn't snow on 3/5 (aunt arrives) or 3/6 (my surgery date).
    I have the feeling Emma will feel much better when her pain is properly managed and Rimadyl hopefully will do the job. How sweet of your DH to be waiting for you and Emma to return home from the vet's office!
    Good night ladies!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Yesterday was Combat 60 Live, and that was a good one. We are suppose to find out who our new boss is this morning, and it may or may not be a good choice. Depends on which candidate the plant manager picks.

    Laurel, Wow those are some tough workout combos you had. I really enjoyed the TB Trisets. One of the main reasons I liked it was that it used just dumbbells, and little other equipment. I'm finding that having to move from one thing to another isn't my thing right now. ;) I just love your mothers attitude.

    Tami, Hope you had a good time at Bootcamp. Glad to hear that the nurse gave your DH a little scare, it sometimes takes something like that to make the person realize what the cPap is actually doing for them. One of my brothers doesn't use the machine, and he is suppose to. I don't understand why not.

    Thelma, WTG on the RWH, and of course you need to do what is best for you. If the yoga doesn't fit in with your schedule then keep doing what you enjoy. I'm going to try and mix in Cathe and Kelly workouts. Hope that you job settles down for you soon, it can get stressful if this goes on for to long.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Loved my workout today! I guess this really means I needed to shake things much as I tried to talk myself out of it, I must have really known I needed a change. Today started with P90X Shoulders and Arms, which I always enjoy. I followed it with Ab Ripper X.....which is still as tough as ever for me. I took a bit of a break and then, for cardio, I did X10 Cardio Blast right into Insanity Max Sweat Intervals. I should be exhausted....but I feel so energized from it all. Go figure.

    Tami, thank you for the compliment! I totally understand the mental hurdle with the Insanity workouts....but they really are good. I find myself smiling at Shaun T. through them, and I am not usually one to smile through my workouts. The Tabata Power one is one not to be feared at all. It isn't as cardiovascularly challenging as the rest. Really recommend giving that one a try. I have never heard of Cha Gong? Is it like Tai Chi or something like that?

    Thelma, I was thinking about you last night when I was watching the news and heard about how much snow Massachusetts is getting.....again. I really wish I could send some sunshine and warmth your way! Great job with RWH Legs! I think it is good to focus on what workouts you want to be doing right now. With all the stress you have (job, weather, surgery, etc) just enjoy what you can do.

    Laurie, great workout! I hope you are okay with the boss selection. I completely understand about equipment! I think that is one of the reasons I am enjoying my rotation so far. These are just simple, straight-forward workouts (X2 excepted), and I like that.

    See you all tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Good workout last night at BootCamp, I nearly won a squat challenge too! She had it right before we went through our 3rd rotation of weights/cardio, etc. as usual. So didn’t know it was going to be a challenge but we loaded up either a barbell or hand weights. It was me and 2 other ladies left, who had super light weights (I had a 40 lb barbell), they each had 15 lb dumbells. Well the guy won. I came in 3rd! Kind of fun, I was really motivated since it was a $25 Starbucks card. This a.m. was RWH/X10 combo and tonight will be Insane X with Katy.

    Thelma: Yes, I did my “Monday Snooze” which unfortunately is more often than I would hope for from myself. So yes, I will be making it up into the week/weekend. OMG, I saw that on the news this a.m. about your part of the country just being slammed AGAIN with snow. Hopefully things went well with the end result of your conference call?!? Sounds pretty intense for you right now no matter what direction you look. Great job getting in your RWH Leg workout though. Nice job. Keeping my fingers crossed for beginning of March to be much better! For your Aunt and your surgery time.

    Laurie: I bet you are nervous to find out about your new boss. I hope he/she is someone you like when it is all set in motion. So important I think. Yes, I was glad that nurse scared him straight. Every morning he checks all the electronic reads that it gives and in an hour it sends him the percentages of sleep, any episodes, etc. He is trying to already set personal bests and it has only been 5 sleeps now. LOL Whatever it takes to remain motivated I say! Feeling better would be my #

    Laurel: I don’t have words . . . SEROUSLY! So I will go with simply WAY TO WORK!! And WOW!! I’m glad you loved it. You are very welcome on the compliment and it is well deserved (again today in fact) Cha Gong (sp?) is a slow moving action, similar to Tai Chi I think, but it is slow, concentrated movements. Which is perfect for what she enjoys. I believe a lot of the moves are standing. She said it is like Yoga to her; which she used to do when I was a little kid. So if she likes it, all good stuff I say.

    Have a good afternoon/evening ladies! Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, We got about 17 inches this time and now we have an ice dam leaking from our kitchen ceiling. OMG! This is such a bad spot for the damage to have occurred in. I would've preferred a window. We can see a dark line on the ceiling and then it breaks and a few inches later you see where it's leaking from. We were just getting a few drops in fact DH had a can of cat food catching the water! LOL Then about 1 1/2 hour later it stopped. I thought maybe his ice dam fix solution had worked but he said: no I think what happened is that it got cold and the water froze. Of course that makes sense! He filled women's nylons with calcium chloride and tossed it up on the roof to melt the ice. I thought the thing had melted a section of the dam. Thankfully I had been snooping in FB in my town's group wall and everybody is talking ice dams, roof snow removal and who could they call. so I had a list of roofers and handy people to call. Everybody is booked. One called and said: we're not taking new customers. We're booked solid and have a huge waiting list. Thankfully one person answered and said he'd be here in the morning and will be able to do the work if we accept to pay whatever he wants to charge that is. Plow and roof people are making a killing around here. Thank God we don't have a 30 ft ladder or DH would've been up there! So the ice dams are on our bedroom's roof which must not be insulated well given there is no attic above it. What a pain!
    Spinning tonight. While I was in the middle of my spin I realized that I was not getting increased resistance when I turned the resistance knob. I asked DH to look at it and he said the break pad was gone. It had totally disintegrated from use. I wonder how long it's been gone for. Found something online that looks like it will fit and ordered it.

    Laurie, sounds like a great workout! I'd forgotten about your boss leaving! I hope you guys like the new one. Yoga right now is not fitting into my limited time and I just can't see how anyone can get fit on yoga alone so I need to supplement with cardio and of course Cathe! Kelly and Cathe sound like an awesome combo Laurie!

    Laurel, another killer combo! You're really shaking things up lady! Nice going! We really could use a little sunshine or somebody to get up to the rook and break those ice dams off the roof. I told DH I want to have those electrical coils at the edge of the roof to melt the snow. He says our electric bill will be expensive and I just think the coils can be worth the electricity they consume if they will prevent ice dams. I think I'm slowly convincing him about these things.

    Tami, too bad you didn't know there was going to be a squat challenge!! Congrats for winning 3rd place. I'm sure if those two women were ahead of you is because they had such lite weights!
    Hey! Nothing wrong with hitting the snooze button specially after your Sunday workout!
    I don't think the outcome of my conference call was what I was hopping for. I work with these old men and I think they are the poster children of "you can't teach an old man new tricks". It is so frustrating! Thanks for the good wishes for early march! We're watching the forecast for Thursday. So far it's not going to be a big one but it all depends on which way that things goes.

    Good night ladies!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Yesterday was my rest day, and today I have my hair appt. after work. I think that I should be able to get in my workout, but it will be really late. I'm planning on doing a full body weight workout.

    Apparently our plant manager is not able to make a decision, so we still don't know what is going on. He is out sick today also. This is something to do with nepotism.

    My parents where in a car accident, they are both fine, and no other vehicle was involved. Just raises serious issues about my father driving anymore. :\

    Laurel, Glad that you are enjoying your visit with Tony again, and yes you should have felt exhausted after that cardio! :D I think that the less equipment will be something that I do up until the youngest is done with all her activities. One of the workouts I was looking at was STS Total Body, I really do like that one alot, but the thought of all the stuff that I would need to use made me so no.

    Tami, That challenge sounds like a great way to make the workout different. Of course in my book you won, since you had the heavier weight. :D Of course that prize is great also. That Cha Gung does sound a lot like Tia Chi, they do alot of the Tia Chi in the Les Mills Combat. Once you get used to the moves it can be very much like yoga.

    Thelma, I am so sorry to hear that you are now having roof issues. Some business around here had roofs cave in last year. That is because they have those flat roofs. Snow is a lot heavier than we think. I'm actually excited to do a combo with these two ladies, and of course doing all the different cardio workouts that I have.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    edited February 2015
    Hi Ladies! I enjoyed a much tamer workout today and, boy, did I need it. I started with Cathe's Cardio Fusion. And then I did P90X YogaX. First time I have done yoga in a long time, and probably two years since I did this particular workout. It really felt fantastic on my tired body. Here is hoping this is a good sign and maybe I will have the patience to stick with yoga for this rotation!

    Tami, sounds like a great Bootcamp workout! Congratulations on the squat challenge. How fun! And, of course, it wasn't quite a 'fair' challenge since you were lifting so much heavier! Cha Gong does sound a bit like Tai Chi. I just remember seeing people--especially older people--doing Tai .chi all over the place in China. I think there is something to be said about its effectiveness because those people could move! I am glad your mother enjoys it and that she has found something to do that brings her back to younger days.

    Thelma, oh my goodness on your roof!!! That is scary! I am sorry to hear you may get a bit ripped off by a roofer, but better to have somebody look at it. I hope they can get some of the weight off. I heard last night that your next storm has been downgraded a bit. I hope that is true. Good job getting a workout in throughout all of this.

    Laurie, hope you enjoy your hair appointment. I am sorry to hear about your parent's accident. I am glad they are both okay, but it is worrisome when the driving ability starts to decline. Again, I am just glad they are okay. That issue of nepotism also doesn't sound good. I hope that isn't the case, but my experience with nepotism has never been positive. STS Total Body does use quite a bit of equipment. When I want less equipment, I always opt for High Reps.

    See you tomorrow!
