Cathe Fans Part 5



  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, tough day at work which left me emotionally drained so I went for spinning. Had another talk with my boss because I was thinking last night where would I be of more benefit to the company which = employment security? This is a no brainer. It is in staying with the group I'm with now and taking on the manager role. My boss told me that if I went to the other project it would not be as a manager (which I didn't expect) but he said it didn't mean either that I would be the lead. I didn't want to tell him that is not what you said the other day! so I didn't. LOL. I think the manager's role is where I need to be. I have to make sure they give me a salary increase for my pain and suffering with some of the people I have to manage though.
    Since you all commented on the RWH Low Impact Premix #2. It was a lot of fun and I burned over 600 calories. I think you ladies will like this one. Laurie, this will be your ultimate challenge to know if you're back to 100%.

    Laurie, great workout! No doubt you're feeling better with all the workouts you've been doing lately! Temps have been in the single digits when I leave for work but we don't have the winds so now I feel like we're having a heat wave! LOL

    Laurel, good for you for giving your body a break from the killer workouts! Great workouts! I'm glad you enjoyed that P90X2 yoga workout!
    I agree with Laurel that those moves with the weights on the RWH Low Impact are things that will get my heart rate going while I recover from my surgery.
    I was glad that I wasn't expected to manage two groups too. Managing some of the people I work with can be so exhausting.

    Tam, awesome job with your workouts and what a wonderful compliment from Katy and the other ladies in the class. You're an inspiration to others and you should be very proud of that! Funny about the hand stands! Why did Katy change the class so much? I am very lucky to have my aunt be here to help out.
    Decisions, decisions about the job is right! The new project already flopped once before and they had to redefine the product. How do I know there won't be another flop? The stuff I'm working with has been around for a long time.
    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    No workout for me, was at Ash Wednesday service. All the running around is done for the week, and I'm really thankful for that. I think DH will be going out tonight, he is in an all day team building event. I think that he will need to go out for a beer afterwards. :D So I will probably be all by myself tonight.

    Laurel, LOL about sane workout day. Your sane is my version of extreme. :D I wish that they sold those DVD's separately. I do think that Tony is very good at instructing yoga. That is what is appealing to me about P90X3 also, the length. One of the things that I really like about these RWH workouts is the fact that they are under the 60 min. mark. I can get so much more done at home after my workout is done.

    Tami, Wonderful job on the workouts. What a great compliment! I think I would have been blown away also, but it sure lets you know that you are doing things correctly. One thing I really want to get in the habit of doing is getting my lunches ready the night before. I get to the point that I just want to go to bed, and totally forget about my lunch and snacks for the next day. So that has been my goal this year, and it sure is working out so much better. I'm glad to hear that there is more to like about these RWH workouts than I had even thought of. The one workout I was dreading was the Plyo workout that used the step. Guess it will not be as bad as I thought.

    Thelma, I like the way you think about your job, and I think you are going about it in the greatest way possible. WTG on the spinning, I'm sure that your legs where matching the way your brain must have been churning too. :D What a great burn on the calories you had with that workout. LOL on the heat wave, I'm ready for ours tomorrow. This morning the temp was -13. The walk with the dog was a lot of fun, my eyelashes where stuck together by the end.

    Have a wonderful day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Another good workout today after my refreshing 'break' yesterday. I started with X2 Total Body and X2 Ab Ripper. These X2 workouts feel better each time I do them. They are so balance-oriented that during the first week, I am usually falling all over the place and frustrated as can be. But by week 2, the balance is better and I start being able to lift heavier. They really do work....if you can get through the 'falling over' break-in period! :D For cardio, I did a different combo. I started with RWH Low Impact HiiT Two and then went into Insanity Max 30 Tabata Strength. Really a perfect combo as the moves in the workouts really complemented each other as well as the earlier X2 workouts. There are not enough words to describe how much I enjoy these Insanity Max Tabata workouts. <3

    Tami, hand stands?!? Oh my. I think I would still be trying to get up against the wall. Never liked hand stands even as a kid! Kudos to you for doing them. And what a great compliment from Katy!! If you want to share with us as well, I wouldn't mind! :) I have been trying to change things up lately by trying different recipes for dinner. DH is actually a good lab rat when it comes to new recipes. :D But it is so easy for me to get into a rut since I don't really enjoy cooking.

    Thelma, good job with spinning. I am glad you have some more clarification at work. Sounds like you know what you want to do. I hope they compensate you for it. I was laughing at our local TV station last night. You and Laurie are suffering from dangerously cold temperatures and, sure, our temps took a plunge last night. But last night they kept flashing the temp on the TV--like they do in places when it gets dangerously cold (or hot). It was 51 degrees. I couldn't stop laughing. Silly Floridians!

    Laurie, hope you enjoy your evening! DH is going to be gone all day on Sunday and I keep thinking maybe I will actually have time to read a book for a change. I love my DH but sometimes it is nice to have some time alone. I think you would probably enjoy the X2 Yoga workout and I agree that it is a shame they don't sell them separately. It is 65 minutes long, so 30 minutes shorter than YogaX. It is much more manageable than YogaX, that's for sure.

    See you all tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Spinning was a good class last night, she did a "mock ride" as if we were really outside, going up nearby hills and around the lake. The time flew by actually! This a.m. was To The Max. No workout tonight and I have the house to myself! DH is doing an overnight bird hunt with some clients and will be back tomorrow. I don't want to hear about the poor birds when he gets back but I hope they have fun. He is taking Bernie with him to just enjoy the outdoors and run in the field; he was never trained to be a bird dog so when the guns go off he gets scared. Hopefully he will be too busy running around and not be too frightened this time.

    Thelma: Congrats on your decision and sounds like the meeting went well with your boss! Yes, a pay raise should be a must at this point it sounds like. It also sounds like you made the right decision for the long run. Nice job with the Spinning, I am sure you were exhausted so good on ya for getting that in. Thank you so much for the kind words and I am glad I could share my compliment with you ladies .... I think Katy changed it up because only 5 of us were there and she was just "not feeling it" she said for a regular class. So she apologized but we all told her it was still a good workout. I think I am feeling those hand stands today more than yesterday.

    Laurie: Hope you had a nice relaxing evening and were able to get that beer later with DH! lol Love it when all the running around is complete and you can just relax in an evening. DH had dinner all ready last night when I got home. It was a very nice surprise; leftovers but still, he had them all out and heating them up. Saved me some time. Thank you as well for your support on my compliment; yes, seriously I wanted to say, REALLY?! Me? But she was dead serious. I think packing my lunches/snacks is so helpful. I have started doing a lot of meal prep on Sunday afternoons which helps with all of the meals a lot.

    Laurel: Sounds like you are truly enjoying your new rotation! Which is so great. Wish I would have found that same love for P90X2 :( I still have it but will most likely put it on Ebay; I don't think that is one I will go back too. Also great to hear about the love for Insanity Max Tabata (again) .... I hope to try that this weekend. Hand Stands, yes . . . I know, I was getting my mat and weights, jump rope all set up and she says "let me see your hand stand" UMMM, pardon? lol I did find out she used to do a lot of CrossFit is why her mind went this direction and some of the moves we do remind me of CrossFit. So at any rate, I was happy I popped right into one after all these years. I will definitely share what I come up with for the "group" and see if it is anything you might be interested in. Sometimes just a few extra recipes gets the mind going in a new direction.

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    edited February 2015
    Hi Ladies, I did RWH Legs tonight. Love that one too and I've been doing the jumping on the trampoline. I feel like I should do only leg and cardio workouts for the next two weeks since that's all the time I have before my surgery.
    I met with my boss yet again today. He basically didn't know how much the raise will be and I'm thinking the doesn't even know if there will be one. At this point I don't think I should get my hopes up for a raise because it's almost a lateral move given that my work level is the equivalent of a manager. Nicely planned by the company huh? The only reason why they're making me a manager is to give me the authority I don't have yet. I am the group's lead and since my boss is too busy doing other things I already do the job.

    Laurie, I am sure your DH is going to need more than one beer after one of those team building workshops. I hate those things!
    I'm with you on Laurel's "sane workouts" being the equivalent of our extreme workouts!
    Thank you for liking the way I'm thinking about my job. I am glad I've been able to thing about will be best for Thelma's career. We're going to have another insane windchill factor day tomorrow. I believe in the early morning the "feel like" temps will be around -20!
    BTW, I prepare salads for 3 days on Sundays and they stay fresh. The key is to have dry lettuce and nothing too watery. When I use tomatoes I take the seeds out, I use English cukes too. I don't mix the salad and maybe that helps? Lettuce at the bottom and then on top veggies, cheese and meat in separate little piles.

    Laurel, sounds like another amazingly extreme workout! WTG!!! Sounds like that tabata workout is a lot of fun. Funny about you local TV station making a big deal of temps in the 50's! LOL

    Tami, great spin and what a wonderful idea to do a "mock spin". I don't want to hear about the birds either! Poor things!
    Thanks so much Tami. The promotion won't happen until after I return to work post surgery. I wonder if they'll change their mind between now and then? LOL. They're going to miss me BIG!
    I'm with Laurel in that you should share with us the stuff you're writing up for Katy and the other ladies at the gym. Makes sense that Katy changed the class because there were only 5 of you. I would've expected her to make it more challenging though.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Yesterday was RWH Lift It Hit It Chest, Shoulders & Triceps. Felt great to be lifting those heavy weights again.

    Laurel, Nice workouts! I really like that you are enjoying those Insanity Max workouts. I don't remember the last time I did an Insanity workout, they do have that dread factor to them. What makes these more fun, is it the fact that they are only 30 min.? That to me would be the driving force for enjoying them. :D I have one of Tony's 1 on 1 yoga workouts, it is good but not as polished as it probably would have been in a set. It is a good 45 min yoga workout though. I really did have a nice evening, the oldest was around. She had me watching the Bachelor, and I just have to shake my head at those reality shows. I can't imagine that a guy can be so blind to these women's tactics. It really made me laugh.

    Tami, WTG on the workouts. Hope that Bernie has a good time, and doesn't run away if the gun scares him to much. Our dog goes toward the booms when people let off fireworks in our neighborhood, so I can't let her out during that time. Well I didn't have a beer, but I'm treating myself to a glass of wine tonight. ;) Very nice that your DH had your dinner ready for you. I know that my DH can do that too, and of course really simple menus. When we where dating he would make me meals all the time. I don't think he enjoyed it, but he did do it. He has been helping me more in the kitchen since the girls are not home as much, and it takes a little getting used to having someone invade my space. I have been doing that Sunday prep also with cooking the meat. Makes for faster prep work.

    Thelma, Of course that is a great workout you did! :D Our business does that with the salary range also, it is really wide. I also hate the team building events, we are having one in March, but I'm planning a vacation day. I've already told my outgoing boss that I'm taking that day. I just find them to be wasted days, but then again maybe they enjoy paying me overtime for having to take work home because I was at these events. ;) I will have to try the lettuce, I just don't trust not having a soggy salad. :D

    Have a wonderful weekend!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Another brutal :p workout to end the week. Today started with X2 Balance and Power, followed by P90X Legs and Back. For cardio, I did Insanity Max 30 Friday Fight. Oh my. Glad tomorrow is a rest day!

    Tami, sounds like a good spinning class! Thank you in advance for sharing your diet plan with us! I really need some new ideas and keep staring at recipes asking 'is it worth it....or do I go with my rut?' It is good my DH doesn't really care what he eats, but that isn't good for pushing me out of my lane, that's for sure. I can't say I love P90X2 workouts as much as i love how they challenge me differently than anything else I do. But the workouts themselves are not my favorites. I really understand why you couldn't get through them, especially given how early you exercise. I know I would be wondering why I was up early to do so many balance moves when I would prefer to just be lifting weights. Like I say, I like the challenge and results, but the workouts are no fun. I think this will be my last go around with this program. Hope your DH and pup have fun!

    Thelma, great workout! I am sorry to hear the new job responsibilities may not come with money! That has got to be a bit frustrating.

    Laurie, I bet that workout felt good! I love those LIHI a workouts. I can't say the Insanity Max workouts are any more fun than Insanity, but the length does make them better. And there isn't the stretch after a tough 10 minute warm-up that always cooled me off too much in Insanity. I prefer a short break after the warm-up and then into the body of the program which is how these workouts are done. The Tabata workouts, though, are different because they have that same 20 second work/10 second rest of typical Tabatas. But the workouts are broken down into different sections to emphasize different parts of the body. For instance, in Tabata Power, we start with cardio/leg moves for 4-5 minutes, then go into push-ups, then back into cardio/leg, next up is core (I think), then triceps, then a final 'blast' of cardio. The variety of moves and the Tabata format really appeal to me for some reason. The workouts fly by, and I like that there is emphasis on strength and less crazy Shaun T. jumping!

    Hope you all have a great weekend. We are going to be up near 80 on Sunday. Should make for a good Daytona 500 which is all the news these days. Maybe some year we will go see what it is like since it is only about 90 minutes from us, but not this year.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, I hope you all had a nice weekend. We had a great one. Got a little more snow last night but there was a lot of melting today as temps got into the mid 30's and it was sunny. On Friday I did RWH Upper Body Circuit. What a great workout! I decided to take Saturday off and today was usual spinning.

    Laurie, congrats on being able to lift heavy weights again! I'm glad you're feeling so much better! Smart strategy to plan a day off for the team building day! LOL
    My salads never get soggy. I think the key is to start with dry lettuce. I buy organic lettuce that is prewashed and is packed on plastic tubs. You have to check the boxes for condensation. The key is to avoid anything with condensation. The English/seedless cukes are great too because they don't get watery and for tomatoes I get really firm ones. The other thing you could do is to cut your vegies on Sunday and put them in separate containers that way you just add what you need to your lettuce container.

    Laurel, OMG Friday's workout does sound brutal! WTG!!! It really stinks for me to think that there may not be a salary increase to go a long with the manager's title. I've not given up hope on that just yet though.
    Have a great night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Had a good, but cold weekend. Friday was RWH Plyo HiiT One with Bonus Abs Two, Saturday RWH Lift It Hit It: Back, Biceps & Shoulders and Sunday was Kristen McGee's Power Yoga.

    Laurel, WTG on ending the week with some tough workouts. I think that you will be enjoying your rest day for sure. I enjoy tabata workouts also, and those do sound like they would be good. The Supreme 90 Tabata workout is like that where you do different parts of the body. DH and I where at the race last year, and it was a lot of fun. We want to go back again, because that was the year with the horrible storms. We got to see the race, but it sure would have been a lot more fun with the weather that they had this weekend.

    Thelma, Good job on the workouts. Hope you don't get the below zero temps we had this morning. I'm ready for the melting to begin. :D Prepping like that would require me to spend more time in the kitchen! :D I see articles all the time about getting the veggies ready beforehand, and I always want to do that. The most I get done is the meat for the week. I also boil up some eggs, since the youngest has those for snacks after school also.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! We enjoyed a nice, quiet weekend. DH was out yesterday with some of his students, and I enjoyed a day reading! I haven't glanced at a book since early December, which is very unusual for me. So it was nice to reacquaint myself with one of my favorite hobbies.

    Of course, I reacquainted myself with my workouts yesterday too after enjoying a much needed Saturday break. Yesterday marked the start of the third and final week in the first phase of this P90X/X2 rotation and looked exactly like the workouts from the previous two Sundays. I started with P90X Chest and Back, followed it with X2 Core, and then, for cardio, did Insanity Max 30 Cardio Challenge. This is a good combo, but I won't miss it next Sunday. :) Today was X2 Plyocide followed by Insanity Max 30 Tabata Power. Then to hit the legs a little more, I did RWH Lift It Hit It Legs with the core worked mixed in. That was a great addition!

    Thelma, glad you got a little warm-up over the weekend to melt some snow. I got a photo from my sister in Saturday showing their freshly fallen 10" of snow in Denver. I really hope that storm isn't headed your way. Great workouts on Friday and yesterday! I prepare some of my salad veggies early each week.....cucumber and bell peppers can keep fresh cleaned and cut for about a week. I have a tendency to leave other veggies for later, but this does save some time in salad prep. I don't know what I would do without my huge salad with dinner every night. It is such a staple for me.

    Laurie, great workouts this weekend! I remember that S90 Tabata workout! That is a good one. Of course, the Insanity workout is a bit more intense but not so much that I have a dread factor for these Tabata workouts. I remember you were in Daytona last year. Yes, the weather this year for the actual race was much better.

    Tami, hope you had a good weekend!

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Sorry for missing you all on Friday (again) . . . I’m actually filling in for my supervisor in the Long Term Escrow Dept. Yikes! I’m still the new girl . . . but there is another lady that can help me if I get stuck. Which is great because all kinds of situations come up in that dept. Never the same question or request. Friday night Spinning was great. We had a smaller class and one couple who comes to that class every Friday had Katy announce the sex of their first child right at the end. They handed her the envelope to read. Really sweet, I was glad I was there. They met at the gym I believe and just wanted to share that moment with us. Not sure, but it was sweet. Weekend was very quick, but good. Sat. was pretty much all my errands and cleaning/laundry. I did get my workout in first though. I did the RWH Low Impact HiiT #1 & #2 combined premix. Lots of fun. Yesterday was Lift It HiiT It Legs and then in the afternoon we had our end of the league tourney. We WON first place this year! It was fun but I was there until about 7:30 last night. So needless to say my Sunday afternoon/eve was done. We had gone to DH’s friend’s/client house to watch the Dayton 500 so that took a big chunk of the day, then I changed, did some dinner pre-cook and headed to my V-ball tourney; headed home and had some dinner, wound down a little bit and didn’t set my alarm for this early a.m. workout so just BootCamp is today and an XT workout tomorrow a.m.!

    Thelma: Great job with the workouts! You are getting them all in while you can, I understand that. Nicely done. So DH said Bernie had a blast and wasn’t too frightened with the gun shots because he ended up leaving him at the cabin in his crate when they left for the “hunt” He had run off once and so he was worried between exploring and fear he may not find him. Lol Good idea, but he did let him roam and run when he got back and he stayed close. Even was able to come in and snooze on the couch with the others. That will be nice timing to start into your promotion when you return. Does sound like you are already doing the work but hopefully you will receive some sort of compensation for it. I am happy to share my eating plan with you guys. I am hoping to have it done tomorrow so I will send you guys a copy too. Some of the recipes you will recognize from before ;)

    Laurie: Sounds like you had a great evening at home last Thurs. and nice job with the workouts over the weekend too. Nice to hear you are lifting heavy again. Yes, Bernie was kept safe from the loud gun shots (thank goodness) and still had a fun time. Emma was of course at home looking out for her little brother. So sad when I left Friday a.m. she was at the gate with her stuffed animal (aka: baby) in her mouth looking at me like “don’t leave me alone” in that Golden Retriever sad eyes look they do.

    Laurel: YOWSA on your workouts on Friday. Truly amazing! Sounds like the weekend was great as well and a much deserved Sat. break. Your weather sounds so nice. I bet it felt so good to pick up your book and just relax and enjoy it. Very nice. We are still having beautiful sunny days and cold nights, but I will take it. We normally have so much rain or even snow this time of year so it is a pleasure seeing the sunshine. If I wouldn’t have ran out of time yesterday I would have taken the “kids” for a much deserved walk. I will definitely be sending that your way (eating plan/recipes) this week as I mentioned above. Nothing to scientific or amazing about it, but as I said last week, sometimes seeing the way someone else does it or new recipes helps get your mind thinking. Those Tabata workouts do sound SOOOOO good. I was hoping to try one on Saturday but just didn’t get to it. Hopefully this week/weekend.

    Hope you ladies are having a great Monday ~ I will talk to you tomorrow.
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, RWH Chest, Triceps and Shoulders tonight. We're back into artic air mode. The cold air set it after I got home from work but I'm already set to wear extra layers tomorrow. I will be remote starting my car twice tomorrow morning too.

    Laurie, great workouts this weekend! I would appreciate it if you stopped sending those cold temps our way! LOL
    I prefer to do as much as possible on Sundays for the following week food wise. I just don't know how women work f/t and then go home at night and prepare dinner. How do you do that?

    Laurel, you are incredible lady! WTG with those tough workouts! We were glad to have a little melting take place over the weekend. I think most home owners in MA were working on their roofs. So many people were up on ladders raking the snow off their roofs or trying to break the ice dams. It doesn't look like there are any storms coming our way.
    I'm with you on preparing the veggies ahead of time. I wish I could get into the habit of having a salad with dinner but I just never could get into that. I do have a salad for lunch at least M-F.

    Tami, congrats on winning the VB tournament! I can't believe you're done already. It seems like you just started a few weeks ago! Also congrats for being asked to fill in for your supervisor in the escrow department! Clearly you're doing a wonderful job there!
    How sweet of that couple to share their baby news with you guys at the gym!
    I'm glad Bernie had a good time with your husband and good idea to keep him in his crate at the cabin.
    I am hoping to receive some compensation for becoming the manager. Even though my boss says my job will stay as is and all they're giving me is more authority you know that won't be the case.
    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Last night was RWH HiiT Circuit Upper Body. Can really tell that I'm back to my normal self, this was the workout that did me in the last round. I didn't have a problem finishing any of the cardio blasts.

    Had to be at work this morning for an conference call with India. Sure glad that I have hard boiled eggs in the fridge just for this instance. So after I was done with my presentation, I got to eat my breakfast while the India group was doing theirs. Thursday I will hopefully get to talk to the people in Switzerland. Received my review yesterday, and of course since my boss is leaving, he said that I would need to take over some financial information. He said that the person that they might hire will probably not have the training in our financial reporting system. I don't mind the added work, just seems like I'm getting busier and busier every year. :D I'm employed for another year, and will get a raise. Can't say anything bad about that. ;)

    Laurel, What a way to start your workout week! I'm glad to hear that you where able to crack open your book. I actually was able to do the same thing just before the race started. It was really nice. I can imagine that Shaun T's version of Tabata is much different than Tom Hollands. :D For now I think I'm sticking with Cathe, Chris Freytag and Tom.

    Tami, Congrats on your vb team being the Champions! (*) Great job on filling in for your supervisor, makes for a challenge. I think that we learn so much more in situations like that because we have to deal with it at that moment, instead of hearing it happen or getting an explanation. LOL about the sad eyes, they really know how to play that card really well. :D Mine was on the bed this morning making her noises, DH just can't sit on the bed when she is in it. :D I swear if this GS could talk it would be very interesting. That is a very cool way to inform the group of them having a baby. Guess the gym has a very special meaning for them, if that is where they met.

    Thelma, Great job on the workout. Oh I so hope that you don't get the wind and cold that we had this morning. I was frozen through walking the dog. Even though the temps where in the single digits, the wind was horrible, couldn't wait to get into the house. I made fish last night, and didn't make a carb. Told DH that it was our low carb meal. :D He was actually good with that.

    Have a wonderful day!

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! I am having a bit of a crazy day around here, so my workout has been cut in half. So far, I have managed to get in P90X Shoulders and Arms which felt great. I got a phone call yesterday afternoon that people wanted to come work on the house today. Long story, but the builder was supposed to install a termite/pest product into the walls of the home when building, and he forgot to do it. We kept asking about it during the building, and didn't get an answer until the end....and not a good answer at that. So they decided to come lay traps and work on the attic since it was their error and decided to do it today. I am glad they decided to do something for sure. But a little more warning for this project would have been nice! I have insulation all over my closet from whatever they are doing in the attic. Not good. So maybe once they leave and I get everything cleaned up I will do some cardio. Or maybe I will sit outside with a glass of wine instead. :)

    Tami, sounds like good workouts over the weekend! And congratulations on the volleyball success! That's fantastic. I am definitely looking forward to the eating plan/recipes! I just need a nudge in a different direction.

    Thelma, great workout! I am sorry to hear the cold has returned. The entire US seems cold right now....except for us. We are in the 80s again today.

    Laurie, glad the upper body circuit workout felt better this time! That one is definitely one of my favorites from the new series. Sorry to hear about the extra work. But I am glad you don't mind it too much.

    Must run to see what they are doing to my attic! Sounds crazy up there!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ BootCamp was pretty good last night, kind of the same with a few "new" items added in. Jessica said next week we would do something different and have another contest! lol She does need to change up the exercises in my opinion. They are all kind of becoming the same each week but maybe a different order or she throws in different kinds of burpees/sprints but everything else the same. :|
    This a.m. was XT Bi's/Tri's and tonight will be Insane X with Katy - I think it is stations tonight.

    Thelma: Great job with the workout! Sorry to hear your cold temps are coming back. I thought it was maybe starting to melt a little bit for you guys?! Guess not. Our winter league is pretty short and now we wait a week and start into the next V-ball league; they call it the Spring league. So it is short but they just run them together. Not for the same price, we have to pay $$ each time . . . kind of a bummer but that's all good. Thanks for the kudos on the "filling in for my supervisor" I have done what I can do and have to ask on things that come in via her voice mail forsure, but handling what I know with accuracy feels good!

    Laurie: Awesome work! So happy for you that you are back to 100% and able to get through all those cardio bursts, heavier weight the other day, all sounds good! Yes, I am definitely forced to learn in this situation. I am anxious for her to be back, as there are some things that myself and the other lady "helping me with questions" does not know the answer to either. I hate to leave her anything to return to but it is just that way sometimes in that dept. I guess. Since she has done it for like 25 years.

    Laurel: Way to work and I am sure you will get in your super fabulous cardio as soon as the house workers leave and then maybe have that glass of wine outside later. :) I am glad they are showing up to fix whatever it is. I know you were concerned about that a couple weeks ago. :(

    Hope you ladies have a great afternoon & evening! Talk to you tomorrow.
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies RWH Low Impact tonight. We did get Laurie's cold temps and on top of that a snow storm I didn't know about. It is scheduled to snow tonight.

    Laurie, that circuit upper body workout is a really good one! I'm so happy for you being back!!! We were in the single digits this morning too.

    Laurel, sorry your workout was cut short. If you didn't have a chance to continue working out... I hope you treated yourself to a glass of wine of wine outside to enjoy those nice temps!!

    Tami, great workouts. Sounds like Jessica is not as creative with her routines as Katy is. If you do the contest next week make sure you don't pick up heavier weights than everybody else! LOL
    I was 100% that we were done with the arctic air but it came back and it looks like there are small chances of snow every day! We did have some melting over the weekend but not enough. Trucks continue to transport snow to snow farms. There are mountains everywhere still.
    I didn't realize you had to pay to play in the VB league! Do the same team members continue on to the spring league? I'm sure your supervisor doesn't expect you to know everything and won't mind that you've left some thing for her to handle.
    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Last night was RWH Low Impact HiiT Two along with the Bonus Abs One. I really liked this workout, it wasn't as heart pounding as the first one. Still liked it a lot though. I also liked the ab workout, might be my favorite one of Cathe's right now. :D I was in one of those moods of not wanting to workout, but I'm again glad that I made the choice to move my butt.

    This morning the oldest dd came to Dh and I with a job posting from her bank. She was wondering if she should apply for the position, and I told her she should. It would be for scheduling mortgages, and I think that she would be good at it. The person that brought it to her attention, said that she was looking for smart tellers. The only problem she saw was that her boss wouldn't allow her to move positions, I told her if he was a good boss he wouldn't hamper anyone from moving up in the company. ;) I have know some bosses to do things like that though.

    Laurel, WTG on getting in your workout with all the craziness going on at your house. I would imagine that that product would be super important in that part of the country. It amazes me what gets forgotten when they build house. Glad that it is getting taken care of now, and I hope that you don't have to much cleaning up to do.

    Tami, Sorry to hear that Bootcamp was only pretty good, hope that she is able to do a shake up on the routine at some point. This time I'm rooting for you to win! WTG on the RWG workout, and that your X class is fun. You have to leave some work for the supervisor, that way they feel that they where missed. At least that is what I say when I'm unable to help with something. :D

    Thelma, Sorry to hear about your area getting more snow! Sounds like we are in the same weather pattern, and yesterday was very nice. Guess we will see how the beginning of March comes in with lamb or lion. Nice workout!

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! The house is all back to normal.....for now. They are going to come rip up part of the floor in a couple of weeks, but I will worry about that then. I did get a workout in yesterday afternoon--Insanity Max 30 Sweat Intervals. It was perfect yesterday. And then I did enjoy that glass of wine! :D

    Today was back to 'normal'. I started with X10 Low Impact then did XTrain All Out Low Impact Extreme premix with Core 1. That low impact felt SO good today. Then I did P90X YogaX. <3

    Tami, I hope she changes things up in the Bootcamp class. Is this the instructor that came in after the Running Camp instructor left? If so, what is it about Bootcamp instructors getting into a rut? We are down to two issues with the house--the floor and the counter tops. And at least I have a date for the floor. That was the issue we identified before we moved in. We may never see anybody about the scratches in our granite counters, which upsets me. But at least we are getting closer. It has been a bit of a frustrating stretch as a new homeowner as the HOA has decided we can't have any fence of any kind. Go figure, especially since there is no indication of that in the community rules. But.....oh well. Not much we can do about it now. Except enjoy the house as much as we can!

    Thelma, so sorry to hear about the return of the cold! Hopefully spring will arrive soon! I bet it will be awhile before you see grass though. I can't even imagine what a mess it will be during melting. Great workout!

    Laurie, I completely agree about RWH a Low Impact HiiT Two. But I do like the weighted moves. I was waiting for you to try that core routine! I remember thinking that you might love it when I did it the first time. it is a great combo of standing moves with weighted moves with planks. Good stuff. Obviously I like it too. ;) Yep, termite and bug control are a must down here...without question. It would have been nice to have a distribution system for chemicals installed in the walls--which is what we were supposed to have. But at least we have something now in any case. Hope your DD gets the job! I would hate to think her boss would hold her back. But, sadly, I have heard of such cases too.

    Until tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ We had a tough, but fun Insane-X class last night. Obstacle course forsure (aka: stations) but we all had our own and rotated one to the next. After 35 min of that we did running and side shuffles across the length of the gym while a partner was holding you back with a huge tubing around your waste. It was kind of hilarious and at the same time a great workout! This a.m. was RWH Circuit Lower Body + Abs, tonight will be Spinning.

    Thelma: I hope the snow storm was not as bad as they predicted . . . you poor thing. Yes, Jessica is not nearly as creative and sometimes I want to throw in ideas but I would never do that unless they asked. lol Yes, definitely going to pick up something lighter if we have a contest next week. For each league with our team it just depends on who is available . . . it is always 2 -3 of us the same and then we usually pick up different girls for the 4th or 5th player. A lot of the ladies coach volleyball right now and aren't available on Sunday's to play, so it gets tricky. OR they have families and it is just too hard with activities.

    Laurie: Great job to you too on the RWH workout! I really like both the ab workouts in this series; #2 is great too, some standing work. Yes, the supervisor came back today and she was happy and understood the small stack. I did make a mistake on a posting of a payment she helped me with. Its a lot of work to go back and fix .... I told her I hope to not do that again. She was totally fine with it though. She's never been in a position to have much help so she is happy I am getting trained up; that way she can take more days off here and there vs feeling stuck to her office because she is the only one that knows how.

    Laurel: Yay for the house being back to normal and here's hoping they come fix your granite one of these days. So frustrating; but normal when you build :s That is odd about not being able to have any kind of fence; usually it is a particular kind is the only kind you can have, but not "NO fence". Fantastic job getting in your workout and the nice glass of wine yesterday. Awesome, you deserve it. Jessica is the instructor that came in after the Running Camp instructor, so I definitely like her classes better than running BUT she does need some variety added. It's not bad for the people that come once and a while but the "regulars" get kind of bored, like me.

    Hope you ladies have a great afternoon! Talk to you tomorrow . . .Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, RWH Legs tonight. Good one. The entire RWH programs is awesome. I can't speak about the plyo one but I'm sure it's great. We lucked out with the snow. We got a dusting! When I left work today I noticed some melting had taken place. Back cold tomorrow. Speaking of tomorrow I have my preop appointments. I spoke with a lady at work who's had a bunionectomy and she said that she was put on a cast 2 weeks after the surgery. This sort of makes sense because if swelling occurs you shouldn't be trapped in a cast. I doubt I'll get a hard cast though.

    Laurie, awesome workout! The ab routine is also nice. I hope your DD gets the job! Some bosses can keep you from moving to another department but let's hope your DD's boss isn't one of them.
    Laurel, great workouts! Glad you were able to workout and also enjoy some wine!

    Tami, I'm glad your class was a great Insane-X class! Katy is so creative. I think you should be teaching some of those classes at the gym!
    I didn't realize some of your VB teammates coached too! Hopefully your team will find some good players.
    Good night ladies!