Cathe Fans Part 5



  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited January 2015
    Hi Ladies ~ Today's workout was Rockout Knockout. Always lots of fun. Looking forward to RWH Legs tomorrow a.m.

    Thelma: Way to get in some Spinning and your new Yoga despite a very cold and sounds like long day at work. Nicely done, and I bet you felt great when you were done. Sounds like the shorter Yoga added on at the end of something else will be the perfect combo for you! It was really nice that my friend reached out to me. It was feeling really strange that she hadn't said a word to me since I left and of course I was feeling a little bit of hurt feelings; but then again, I am still having a bit of "feelings" over that place. Luckily it is getting easier and easier to let go and just embrace where I am at now.

    Laurie: Sounds like each day you are getting more & more energy back! That's so great. Yes, that premix included the "finishers" (if that is what you meant). So it had 4 sets and then a finisher! It was a burner, but I really enjoyed it. I like the pace of the weight workouts in this series; faster due to the "HiiT" style. I am sure it will definitely be an adjustment with the "new" sounds. I am hoping it is better than the snoring. . . but again, it will be what it is and DH feeling better is the best!

    Laurel: Way to get it done again today!! Yes, that pre-mix does include "the finishers" and it does give you that extra burn factor forsure. I have complete faith that you would rock that pre-mix yourself! Vinyl fencing is forsure "cha-ching$" in the bank dept. I can see with the hurricanes, etc. why it would be an HOA requirement. Maybe you won't have to do it right away and it can wait for next year?!? I have an eye check up coming up beginning of Feb. Just a "once a year" check up since my Lasek. This will be the first time I have ever gone to an eye appt and had insurance coverage for the appt. Very excited about that . . . . its the little things but they are expensive so I am thrilled! LOL

    Hope you all have a great evening & I will chat with you tomorrow! Tami
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning Ladies---TGIF!!!!

    Workouts here have been good! Alternating between RWH, X10 and some of the new Michelle D videos. I'm feeling good!!

    Tami--Lovin' the sounds of your workouts! Way to go on getting the job done! Glad to hear you connected with your old co-worker...always interesting to see who will reach out and who won't. I'm usually the one reaching out, but don't get much response. I just hope it's because everyone is just so busy!

    Laurie--Great job on the workouts! Yay on new cute glasses, love that! I can't believe dance (and school) are that close to the end of your DD! Enjoy the heatwave, it's headed your was just here yesterday!

    Laurel--I love that you are able to squeeze in workouts in between all the house work! Great job! Love your choice of Cathe oldies too!

    Thelma--YAY for the Yoga working! I had that set, and tried so hard with it, but I'm not a Yoga fan at all. I bet if I had stuck with it, I'd have seen some results, but I just couldn't do it. I'm so glad you are seeing results, as it sounds like they are perfect workouts for you!! Keep it up!

    Well, off to get some work done and then the rest of the weekend (including Monday's day off) will be filled with a hockey tourney. Have a great weekend!!!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I did Combat Warrior 1 Upper Body Blowout and Inner Warrior Stretch & Strength. Why they have such long names for their workouts just amazes me. :o Anyway it the upper body blowout was actually a good workout, and it surprised me how it actually did blow out the upper body! I have DOMS this morning.

    Laurel, Got to love that MIC workout! I agree with you on those finishers, they are really killers after lifting all that weight. Interesting how far down you have to go for the fence, but it is understandable with hurricanes. Oh yes those progressive/bifocals are really expensive. My lenses are always super expensive compared to DH's.

    Thelma, LOL about falling asleep during your yoga, for sure you must have gotten those toxins out. I'm guessing your body just needed to adjust to the yoga workouts, and I think it is awesome that you are feeling so much better about the yoga. I really loved the way my body felt when I was doing more yoga (not as much as you), but you are right the core and upper body strength improvements. I have not had that problem with my progressives, but I know some people do experience what you do. I do have to wear the bifocals when I wear my contact lenses though. I really have seen improvement in the energy, and I'm feeling so much better.

    Tami, Way to rockout that workout! :D Have a great time with the RWH Leg workout today. Yes finishers is what she is calling them in this series, why doesn't she just refer to them as a torture. :D When I'm finally to the RWH rotation, I want to try some of those premixes that do not include the finishers, just to see how they would work.

    Erika, Great job on the workouts. Are you doing those 360 workouts of Michelle's? I have heard some really good things about them, just need to break the plastic wrap from around the packaging. :D I'm ready for the heatwave! I love when those come thru, it clears up the driveway.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Happy Friday! I really couldn't figure out what to do for a workout today, so I opted to workout in two parts. Part one consisted of Cathe's High Step Training. I have had this workout for a decade, and maybe have done it 25 times at most. That is because of the six (!) sets of leg presses on the high step. But, boy, is this a really good circuit workout. I definitely felt an all over 'I have worked out' feeling at the end. So I took a bit of a break, and then because I am insane :p decided to try Insanity Max 30 Cardio Challenge and Ab Attack. Oh my. And I mean that in the best possible way! :D It was tough, tough.....and completely fantastic! I was completely dripping at the end (and it is a cool day here!) and, just like Insanity, felt so accomplished. The moves were tough but not 'how am I supposed to do that?' crazy (like I found some of the moves to be in Asylum). Can't wait to try more!

    Thelma, that is some fantastic news about the yoga! After how frustrated you were earlier this week to realize all your dedication is paying off. Great job!! Though I did laugh about falling asleep on your mat. I have been tempted to do that more than once, that's for sure. Regarding the fence, I think we are actually going to plant some bushes to cover them up and work the fence later. DH and I have planned our 25th anniversary/50th birthdays trip this week (we are going back to where we honeymooned, which is Victoria, BC), and we would much rather have our money to enjoy that, that's for sure. I am pretty excited about that. Too bad we have to wait until late June to go!!

    Tami, great workout. I still love Rockout Knockout! I hope you enjoy the new Insanity workout as much as I did. The core workout was different than Insane abs, which I liked. It was one exercise on the back followed by a plank exercise. Definitely felt it in my hip flexors towards the end, but I am sure those six sets of leg presses I did in my earlier workout might have had something to do with that! Yes, as I told Thelma, I think the fence will wait. There is really no rush. We were just thinking it might be good to get it in before we get neighbors on the one side of us.....but that isn't a necessary, that's for sure. I was thinking about you and how fortunate you are not to have glasses anymore!! Sure wish I was a candidate for LASIK. Oh well.

    Erika, great job with the workouts! Enjoy your long weekend!!!

    Laurie, so glad to hear you are feeling better. Hope you are enjoying the DOMS! I know I will be 'enjoying' them tomorrow in my legs after those leg presses. Hope I can walk. B)

    Hope you all have a great weekend!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Happy Friday Ladies ~ RWH Legs this a.m. and planning on going to Spinning tonight after work. Going to get in some workouts tomorrow too from my missed a.m. workout on Monday.

    Thelma: So glad to hear you are feeling the changes! That is funny you were feeling “fat” while meanwhile underneath there your abs were toning up and so was your whole body. Great news and good that you feel a little differently about Yoga now. Finding a good balance with the two styles of workouts will be perfect! I am with you on falling asleep during Yoga. I have never done that but I have wanted to just lay there and not move on, perhaps falling asleep would be the outcome if I did. LOL

    Erika: Great job getting in your workouts. Sounds like you are doing a really good job with them. Enjoy your weekend. I work just a half day on Monday and then next month for President’s Day I get the day off. They have all those special holiday’s at my new job which I have never had. Depending on which dept. I am in is what days I will either be off or half day. Either way, it’s great with me, I just love being here and it’s a bonus to get those days in my eyes.

    Laurie: Another awesome workout for you and great job getting in that stretch! Those DOMs must be proof that the workouts are doing their job for you! Yes, good ol “finishers” – I think in her other workouts recently she just calls them “bonus burns” either way, they burn!

    Laurel: Fabulous job again today! You are on a roll with this January rotation! WOW, it has been a really long time since I have done High Step Training as well. Nice work, way to pull out an oldie but a goodie! I love your comments about Insanity Max 30! That is what I imagine it to be like, TOUGH but not so much that you are hating life. It moves on into something else quickly I would imagine being only 30 min. Nice! I might try one this weekend. The core work sounds like fun stuff.

    Hope you ladies have a great weekend ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies! I hope you had a great weekend! My workouts for the weekend: Friday RWH Chest, Triceps and Shoulders and TUY Vitality, Saturday: RWH Low Impact One + Bonus Abs Two and TUY Mountain Pose. Sunday: Spinning.
    DH and I went to see the movie The American Sniper with Bradley Cooper. Excellent movie!

    Tami, you've been on FI-YA with your workouts! Awesome job! I'm sure you'll have some hurt feelings about your old job for a while Tami. Normal stuff at least you know that you still have people there who like you and appreciate you.
    I hope I can continue with the yoga and Cathe workout combos up until my surgery. I feel like I need to do lots of cardio and leg work. I am glad I got a "sign" about sticking with yoga given my little size reduction.

    Laurie, great workouts! You even had DOMS! Keep up the good work! I think you're right that my body needed to adjust to the yoga workouts. I think it's awesome that you're seeing improvement in your energy levels! You're lucky you can wear contacts! I never could stick those things in my eyes!

    Erika, I'm glad your workouts have been good! Good job!
    I never was able to stick with yoga workouts before Erika but for some reason I sticking with this program now.

    Laurel, killer workout on Friday! WOW! I still can't believe that doing this yoga workouts are helping me in the size reduction process! I still don't believe that doing that yoga program alone would tone my body up and make me lose weight. I attribute whatever is happening to my body to the Cathe/Travis Eliot combos I'm doing now. Falling asleep on the mat happened almost instantly I think. I didn't even feel myself falling asleep. I most've gone out like a light!
    Great idea to build a hiding place for the trash cans with bushes! How exciting about your 25th anniversary/50th bday trip! June will be here soon!

    Good night ladies!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Well I didn't workout yesterday! Tough Packer loss, and I just didn't have the desire to get down in that basement to do anything. I did Combat 30 Live and Core Attack on Friday, and Saturday was Rushfit Explosive Power Training with Tae Bo Celebrity Fit Cardio. I found this workout scheduler that has all the Beachbody workouts, and MMA. Since I have the Rushfit workouts, I thought it would be good to combine them in a rotation. I think that this will help to not get bored doing the Combat workouts each week.

    Laurel, You are one crazy lady, I know that I don't like that HST workout, just because of all those leg presses. :D Max 30 is the newer system of Shaun's, am I right? Glad to hear that you really enjoyed all that torture. :D Hope that you where able to walk!

    Tami, Great job on the workouts! She likes to give those torture exercises different names, they are burn sets, low ends..... :D

    Thelma, Again some great work on your workouts! You make me want to include more yoga into my rotation also. This scheduler does include the stretching type workouts into the rotation if the system has them. I didn't find the Combat stretch workout to be all that great, so when that comes up I might have to sub that one.

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies - good weekend of workouts for me! Sat was Lift It HiiT Back/Bis/Shoulders + RWHiiT Plyo #1. Yesterday was RWHiiT Low Impact HiiT + X10 Low Impact .... Then headed to Volleyball league. Today I only worked until 2:00 and headed home to do RWHiiT Circuit Lower Body + Abs!

    Laurie: Sorry about your Packers!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    OK one last try ....... I'm on my IPad and it just doesn't agree with MFP unless I use my Targus keyboard (but battery is dead) at any rate....

    Laurie: I'm sorry about the Packers, being in the NW you can imagine we were routing for Seattle. I really thought the Packers had it though. I'm glad you have found a rotation that will work with those workouts so no boredom sets in!

    Thelma: great streak of workouts over the weekend! You're putting in some nice combos too!! Yay on that movie being awesome, I cannot wait to see it. Thanks for the kudos as well on my workouts; really feeling good and. Loving these RWHiiT workouts!

    Hope you ladies have a great evening - until tomorrow! Hopefully better luck on posting. LOL. Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, tonight's combo was RWH Back, shoulders, biceps and The Ultimate Yogi Cross Training.

    Laurie, great workouts! That scheduler tool looks great. Does Cathe have something like that too too?
    Thanks on the workout kudosl Since your rotation includes stretching sessions then you should include some yoga!

    Tami, great workout lineup this weekend! I hope you guys won on volleyball!
    Thank you also for the workout kudos! I think we're all in love with Cathe's new program!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Yesterdays workout was Combat 60, and I did this with weighted gloves. It was a fun workout, and I'm feeling it in my shoulders this morning. I think that I will do a PiYo workout after work, those are short enough that I should be able to get that in before we need to leave for dance class.

    Tami, Great workouts! Are you enjoying all the HiiT workouts? Ya, I kind of figured your area was the Seahawks. ;) I have a girlfriend who lives in Oregon, and still is a Packer fan. She gets a lot of harassment sometimes.

    Thelma, I'm not sure that Cathe has anything like that, she does have all her rotations in the workout manager so that you can just input them into your calendar. Can you imagine how complex that would be with all the premixes that Cathe has. :) You have inspired me, that is why I'm actually going to do the PiYo. I might add those into the scheduler also, it sure can't hurt, since they are short.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Had a nice but busy long weekend here. More and more is getting done on the house. And today is another day where I have people in and out fixing all of the things that got pushed off during the holidays. I admit.....I am ready for this phase to be over. But I am staying patient.

    Anyhow, Saturday was my day off as usual. Sunday started with Gym Style Chest and Triceps. I followed that with X10 Low Impact right into the 'double it' premix of RWH Low Impact HiiT One. Love these X10/RWH combos! Yesterday was RWH Lower Body circuit and core 1, followed by Insanity Max 30 Sweat Intervals. Another good one, though not quite as tough as the first one. I was okay with that. :p Today was RWH Upper Body Circuit. I did the 59 minute premix that adds abdominal sections. I really like that premix. Then, after a break to let a guy in to replace some cabinet doors, I did a Turbo Fire cardio combo of 45EZ and Fire 45. <3 Now I am waiting for our builder to come repair a wall. Sigh.

    Thelma, great workouts! You are really doing some excellent RWH and yoga combos! We carried through with planting bushes to hide the trash bins, and it works perfectly. Just need to figure out what to do with the lawn mower, and we will have both cars in the garage!!

    Laurie, sorry about the Packers. My sister texted me with a few minutes left in the game to express her surprise at Seattle losing at home. My immediate response was 'it isn't over yet'. Boy, was that the truth. Tough loss. Looks like your workouts are almost back to normal!! I bet that feels good.

    Tami, great workouts, as always. Really enjoyed the second Insanity Max workout. Just like the first, it was tough but all of the moves made sense. I meant to do the Tabata workout but accidently put in Sweat Intervals instead. These workouts, so far, are definitely keepers for me. Love the length of them, and they don't include some things (like the long stretch 10 minutes into the workout) that bothered me in Insanity. And Shaun T. Is SO fit it is crazy. He really has put on some muscle mass in his upper body.

    Must run! See you all tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ This a.m. was RWHiiT: Circuit Upper Body – really enjoy this one! Tonight will be Insane X. Wonder what she has planned for us. I have a feeling it will be a more “traditional” style class.

    Thelma: Great combo last night, way to continue getting that Yoga in! Our Volleyball team did really well actually the other day; we won 5 out of 6. We have a good lineup of players this league.

    Laurie: Awesome job with Combat 60 + the weighted gloves! Good on ya if you get in something short and sweet before dance class. Plus for getting in some PiYO stretch, etc. I was looking at my PiYo the other day and realized that it has gone into the “pause” area for trying out more of them. I do enjoy them a lot, just so many others right now and so little time. LOL I’ll get them back in somehow!

    Laurel: Fabulous job on those combos again & again! I need more words to describe the “awesomeness” of your workouts! I am so happy to hear the 2nd workout you have tried on the new Insanity workouts was also really good. I almost put that first one in the other day after RWHiiT and realized the time and what I needed to get done. Hoping to try them this week on “cardio of choice” day! ST does look A-MAZING just from the brochure/disc cover. He has leaned out a lot. I understand your staying patient moments and definitely do because if it gets too far down the road the builder sometimes “forgets” and/or gets busy and you never get that repair or whatever completed. At least that is what happened to us. Super frustrating at that point. Another words. . . it’s all worth it right now, you want it to be 100%!!

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies!!!

    What a long, crazy, busy, exhausting weekend...I was happy to get back to work today! Between my two boys, we had 6 hockey games, 2 hockey parties and 1 hockey practice. It was a lot to take in all in 4 days, but we're done!

    I got my workouts in each day...little bit of Cathe and little bit of Michelle D. I had a great weekend of workouts!

    Laurie--Nice work on the workouts, and the scheduler sounds fun! I like the variety!

    Laurel--You are insane...wowsa on the workouts! How would you rand the Max Insanity workouts? I'm looking for one more thing to add to my DVD's, but not sure what. How do they compare to something like a Cathe Tabata workout?

    Tami--Nice job on your! I like the rotating holidays. I had Monday off, but doing get any others off besides the usual. We get floaters though, so I can use those as needed, I guess.

    Thelma--So glad you are loving the workouts and what a great mix with RWH and Yoga!

    Time to get ready for dinner with the family! Have a good night!
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies! Spinning and Intro to CorePower Yoga for me tonight. I was feeling tired and not up to doing TUY. My left shoulder is acting and it feels like it's pointing forward which is driving me nuts. I think I over did it yesterday with the yoga and the back, triceps and biceps workout. I felt I needed to go easy on myself with the yoga tonight. I know there is tightness there so I've been doing a lot of stretching.
    These RWH and yoga combos are really good. I can't imagine just doing yoga because I feel that I need a good warm up with Cathe to be more flexible for yoga.

    Laurie, WTG with Combat 60! I'm glad you're afding some yoga to your routine.

    Laurel, you've bee doing some killer combos! I'm glad you decided to plant the bushes to hide the trash cans. I hope all those little things that need to be done to finish the house get done soon so you can relax and not get interrupted during your workouts!

    Tami, that RWH Circuit Upper Body is another good one! I hope you have a blast with Katy tonight! Glad your Volleyball team did so well this past weekend! Good job!

    Erika, that is a lot of hockey for one weekend! No wonder it was an exhausting weekend! Good for you for getting your workouts in!!! The yoga and RWH combos are turning out to be really good.

    Good night ladies!


  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I was able to get in a PiYo workout last night with Define: Lower Body, which was 20 min. Woke up this morning with DOMS in the "lower body". :D So probably going to be adding these workouts onto others during this rotation.

    Had a request from my co-worker yesterday to see if I had any DVD's that where around 20 min. :o He said that if someone had workouts like this, he figured it would be me. :D So this morning I let him borrow my Weider Ruthless and X-Factor workouts. The X-Factors are longer that the 20 min., but I told him that they start out easier and get harder as the week progresses. He was very excited to get them.

    Laurel, That is great that your house is getting to be more organized. Hope that wall gets repaired to your specifications. ;) Wow, great workouts you put together. LOL I was never comfortable with that game, being a Packer fan makes you like that. I think that Brett made us like that, or was it the fact that they have been called the Heartattack Pack! Love the team even with all that.

    Tami, Wonderful job on your workouts, hope your Insanity class is a lot of fun. That is the problem I have with all the workouts I have. I want to try them all. I had them on a hold status also, so this will be a good opportunity to try them out.

    Erika, WTG with those workouts. Funny how those kind of weekends make you happy to be back in the work routine. :)

    Thelma, Nice workout, and of course you know what you body isn't wanting. I'm hoping that by inserting these yoga PiYo workouts it will get me in the "habit" again. They really are so good for the body.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Had a fun workout combo today. I started with Gym Style Back, Shoulders and Biceps. Being perfectly honest, I am amazed how easy these GS workouts felt to me when compared to the RWH Upper Body workouts. And since I rank the GS workouts among Cathe's toughest, I think she knocked it out of the park with these new workouts! Anyhow, I followed it up with the 74 minute premix from Party Rockin' Step 1. <3

    Tami, I love that Upper Body circuit too! It feels more like a total body workout to me since she uses the legs so much to keep the heart rate up. I can't imagine ever dreading this workout because it flies by! Thanks for the encouragement on being patient. The builder is supposed to be back today to finish what he started yesterday. I still need to have people in to replace a portion of the floor and more people to sand/seal a section of our granite. I think I am just tired of having everything in place......and then having to un-do/re-do things again! But you are right.....I want this done now and not forgotten with time.

    Erika, sounds like you are busy! Great job getting your workouts in. These new Insanity workouts are shorter (32 minutes including the end stretch) but tough. They really are every bit as tough as the original Insanity workouts, though they are a few minutes shorter. I rank them high because I love the intensity. If you are looking for that.....I recommend them. If you want something intense but not INTENSE (if you know what I mean), the T25 program is excellent as well. It is kind of Insanity-lite. In an ideal world, Shaun T. would have released that program before Insanity because it is kind of designed to get people prepared for Insanity. Let me know if you have more questions!!

    Thelma, great job listening to your body! I completely agree about having something to do as a warm-up for yoga. I like my body to be good and warm (and a little tired actually) before doing yoga. I am definitely looking forward to the day when I am not anticipating the doorbell to be ringing throughout my workouts, that's for sure!

    Laurie, are you loving the DOMS? I was reminded of those PiYo workouts when I ordered this Insanity set. I am still contemplating them, but I have to convince myself first that I would stick with them! So far.....I am not convinced. I am having trouble convincing myself to stretch at the end of my workouts, so I am not sure how well I would do with PiYo. I am hoping I snap out of this workout ADD soon! Glad you were able to help your co-worker! Not too many 20 minute workouts out there, that's for sure.

    Until tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Well in Katy fashion she kicked our “behinds” last night. We had stations and a lot of running sprints (aka: lines). Each station was 1 min 30, 1 min and 45 seconds for the third time and then you rotated. Today’s workout is Spinning after work.

    Erika: Sounds like you are busy as ever but getting in those workouts! WooHoo on that, way to go.

    Thelma: Way to go with the workouts and to do what felt good to you with your shoulder aching a bit. Nice work!! Happy for you that you continue to get in your workouts and getting the right combos for yourself w/ the added Yoga.

    Laurie: Awesome work getting in that PiYo last night! Awesome you felt it this a.m. You never know with shorter workouts sometimes, but apparently it got in there!

    Laurel: Great job getting in some added strength this week with the rotation! It’s funny how sometimes you go back to something and it feels “easy” . . . I think we are all in agreement on the fabulous job Cathe has done once again on her workout series! She just gets better & better. I agree on that workout flying by, I couldn’t believe how fast it went. A lot of work packed into that one. I’m glad my words of encouragement were helpful on the house. I do understand the frustration as well. . . it will all be good and 100% complete very soon I am sure! Hoping to try out my Insanity Max 30 workout tomorrow for cardio!

    Hope you ladies have a great evening! Talk to you tomorrow . . . Tami

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, RWH Lower Body Circuit and TUY Cardio. I really had to push myself to do this yoga workout tonight. It's a really hard one and my heart and mind were not into it so I did the best I could. I probably won't have time for yoga tomorrow night as we have to attend a town hall meeting tomorrow night. My shoulders are still acting up. I probably need to stick to an easier yoga routine till the tightness goes away. Today's workout got me tight again but it started with the squats and the weights I was holding.

    Laurie, nothing like that awesome DOMS feeling to get you to want to keep doing a workout! LOL. Good job!

    Laurel, great combo today! Glad you had fun with it. Interesting observation about the GS workout feeling easier than the RWH one. This new RWH program is really good and those workouts are hard.

    Good night ladies!
    Yogis most be very flexible to start with the practice right out of the gate.

    Tami, I'm glad Katy kicked your behinds because that means you had fun! LOL
    I'm happy to be able to continue with the RWH/TUY routine