Cathe Fans Part 5



  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    edited December 2014
    Hi ladies, I hope you all had a nice weekend. I finished the rotation on Friday with FlexTrain. Even thought this workout has a lot shoulder work I decided to go for it and I survived. I skipped Saturday's workout because I wasn't feeling well. Today I did spinning. I think I am going to do Cathe's December rotation which includes the RWH workouts.

    Tami, great job with those workouts! I bet the new workouts are the reason why you're burning more calories and not the new HRM. You had a serious burn on Saturday after spinning for 2 hours! Good job!

    My foot is feeling much better. Thanks for asking. work has been incredibly busy for us.

    Laurie, great job with your workouts. I hope you're feeling better! I hope you're enjoying your vacation!
    I can't have food around the office because I can't resist the temptation!

    Laurel, I hope your hair appointment was a good one. great job keeping up with the workouts. I hope you were able to get some rest in this weekend.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Just sitting around right now, my weekend really didn't go very well for workouts. I did a walk on Friday evening, it was really nice to get out and look at all the lighted houses. I'm feeling so much better than I did all weekend. I'm don't know what I'm planning on doing for a workout, but will think of something. Might have to be something light, since I'm still not 100%. I do have to do a bit of shopping for my youngest, and then I will be doing some baking.

    Laurel, I was going to do that STS TB workout on Friday, but just wasn't feeling well enough. Great job on getting all your workouts in and of course getting some decorating done for Christmas. I'm going to enjoy my time off for sure. I have a hair appointment tomorrow, and for the first time in years it is in the morning. :D

    Thelma, Nice job on the workouts. I saw that rotation, and it looks really good. I'm still trying to decide what I would like to do for my next rotation, but I know that I want to include these RWH workouts along with something else. Will see what I come up with while I have a chance to think about it.

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Another “quick” weekend but it was all good. Saturday a.m. I did the Spinning for Tots for 2 hours. It went by really fast. They change instructors every half hour so you have different training methods and music. Katy was the last half hour which was great! Lots of calories burned and toys donated! Yesterday I ended up not working out . . . I was up early to meet a friend for coffee and then off on errands, etc. DH was watching Football when I got home so wasn’t able to have both going at the same time. This a.m. was STS Chest/Shoul/Bis and tonight will be BootCamp!

    Laurel: Awesome job with your workouts and getting your house all decorated. Good on ya for that! But I know that is something you were really hoping for so it is awesome you were able to get those out. We didn’t put up any this year. Only because we will be gone on Christmas Eve to work and then to DH’s parents, then just the two of us on Christmas. I think your comment about being happy at my job and therefore happy all day long is helping with my workouts too! DH even commented that on the weekends I look so happy and have so much more energy these days. Just doing extra little projects around the house, etc. Funny that he noticed, but nice.

    Thelma: Congrats on finishing up the rotation!!! Yahoo. You stuck to it like a trooper through all that you have gone through – nicely done. Yes, I think the new workouts and even some of the current “gym” workouts I have been surprised at my calorie burn. I did change the setting on this HRM too, so maybe that is also it. I will have to take a look at Cathe’s December rotation. I have another week left of our rotation we have been doing and then decide what to do next. Definitely want to include the "new" RWH workouts!

    Laurie: I hope you are feeling better and don’t continue feeling this way through your OFF time and holiday. I’m sorry to hear your weekend didn’t go well for workouts. I’m sure not what you had in mind, but good that you got in a nice walk. Happy baking today!
    Hope you all have a great afternoon/evening ~ I’ll check in tomorrow!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi ladies, I decided to do the December rotation and it started with XT Supercuts. This one was about 45 minutes which worked out perfectly for me because work continues to be busy and came home late from work. What I don't like about Cathe's rotations is that they don't have the workout time like the rotation we've been doing has.

    Laurie, sorry you're not feeling well still. Definitely stick to a lite workout and allow your body to recuperate.
    The December rotation does look good. Since I'll be home for about 2 weeks I'll have to rethink the rotation to see what else I want to combine it with. It will probably be abs, yoga or cardio.

    Tami, awesome job with the charity spin on Saturday and great job today!
    I can't believe I finished my first rotation! Thanks for all the kudos! Probably the new HRM's newer technology is more accurate Tami. You would definitely have to "redesign" Cathe's December's rotation to included something else since the workout may be too short for you.

    What are you ladies doing for Xmas? It's quiet for us. Just DH, the cats and me. We will make the same meal made for Thanksgivings. Temps will be insanely warm! In the 50's

    Good night ladies!
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, I'm free for almost two weeks! YAAAY! Tonight I did X38 Warm Up, Low Impact, Step, Stretch and Cross Training which is my first workout from the The Ultimate Yogi program. I burned 276 calories doing that yoga workout and I'm sure you can burn more if you're able to do all the yoga poses like transitioning from mountain into downward facing dog, into Chaturanga and then into cobra and back up. I actually feel it in my abs from doing all the Chaturangas. My left shoulder was a little upset from Supercuts yesterday and tonight both shoulders got a lot of action. I feel great after the yoga workout but my shoulders are still upset. I can tell is just tightness so hopefully they'll be better tomorrow.

    Good night ladies!
  • lingo10
    lingo10 Posts: 305 Member
    Finally rebought the pyramid series. Pyramid Lower Body is my absolute favorite. Still havent looked into obtaining low series yet though. Those are on pause. I just needed my Pyramids back! lol
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Just wanted to pop in and wish you all a very Merry Christmas!!!

    All here is going well. The house is beautiful. And I am sticking with my workouts. But tomorrow will be a much needed day off from moving chores and working out. Looking forward to a day with my DH enjoying life.

    I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    edited December 2014
    Hi Ladies, Merry Christmas!
    I woke up today feeling like I had been ran over by a train thanks to The Ultimate Yogi workout! WOW! These workouts make Cathe's workouts feel like walk in the park! LOL
    My upper body was very sore today but I did the second workout of the program tonight after RWH Legs. I can't believe I made it through the Ultimate Yogi workout! It feels like the same flow gets repeated 100 times! I've read a few blogs where people document their journey through this program and they all felt very sore and their arms felt like led the following day during the early stages. I really think you strong ladies would like these routines.
    I loved the RWH Leg workout. I kept it low impact and even used my sliders for some of the cardio.
    DH and I will go see Unbroken tomorrow. Can't wait!

    In case you're interested I believe this is the entire Ultimate Yogi Cross Training workout:

    Lingo10 I'm glad you're enjoying the pyramid workouts!

    Laurel, Merry Christmas to you too! Good job for keeping up with the workouts during the move and then the unpacking! Super woman!

    Good night and Merry Christmas!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited December 2014
    Merry Christmas Ladies!!!!!! I am sure you are all enjoying time with your family today!
    Tuesday evening Insanity she made into a CrossFit style workout. It was challenging forsure but a fun surprise to try some thing new.
    I worked just a short day yesterday and we headed to the in-laws house in the afternoon. We had dinner, visited DH's Grandpa for a couple hours and went back to DH's parents.
    Today will be a very quiet day just the two of us. I plan on getting in STS Total Body and then enjoy the day. We might go see some friends of his who have no children at home this year since it is quiet for them too or not . . . . just whatever the day brings.

    Thelma: Enjoy your time off and congrats on trying your new Yoga workout! Sounds amazing and I bet it will make your body feel good. Great job with the workouts and RWH Legs too!
    Enjoy the movie today.

    Laurel: I can just picture you today all cozied up relaxing in your new home! Enjoy and again, fantastic job keeping up with your workouts ~ I'm sure your new working room is amazing.

    Laurie: Im sure you are loving every day of your time off and time with your sweet girls and DH!

    Merry Christmas Ladies!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, I hope you're all having a wonderful holiday! DH and I went to see Unbroken. Very sad movie. It was pretty good. Tonight I did spinning and TUY Strength workout. This one was hard for me but I think it was because I was feeling tired but I still went through with it and did the best I could. I do feel good though and I like the challenge too.

    Tami, that Insanity workout sounds even tougher than it sounded before but I'm sure you were in heaven! LOL Great job with STS TB too!

    Good night and Merry Christmas!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited December 2014
    Hi Ladies ~ Hope you are all enjoying your time off and maybe doing a little after Christmas shopping?!?! DH and I went out for a while yesterday . . . it was craziness! I have been getting in some nice workouts ...... STS Total Body, RWH Plyo #1 + X10 Fat Burning Circuit, today was Supercuts Xtreme + Core. Loving the new RWH workouts & definitely looking into the XT/RWHiiT rotation.

    I didn't realize and maybe you guys talked about it while I was MIA with my job craziness but I saw Shaun T came out with Insanity Max 30 this month. I watched some clips and read the descriptions; sounds very tough but really good!!! Anyone else see this? All the workouts are 30-40 min. OH MY, how/ why did I run across this. another set for the "wish list" forsure ~ ;):) And of course I say to myself "so many workouts, only so much time in the day. :#

    Thelma: Way to go on the workouts!!! Love it that you are giving it your best. Sounds like you are doing amazing. How are your feet feelilng?

    Hope you are all doing well . . . . talk to you soon!
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies! I hope you're all enjoying the holidays! I am loving being home needless to say! I've been doing The Ultimate Yogi program and I love it. My shoulders seem to like it too even though there are some yogi style pushups involved. On Friday I did RWH Chest, Triceps, Shouders and TUY Yin Yoga. On Saturday I did RWH Legs and TUY Detox Yoga.
    The RWH Chest exercises killed my left shoulder again so I've been freaking out about it. I've been icing and massaging the shoulders. Today I did spinning and I was going to do Day 6 of the TUY program but decided to take it easy on the shoulders so I did TUY Yoga Foundations Practice I and boy was that good for my shoulders! I'm feeling MUCH better after doing this practice. I am not doing the program as it was designed cause it takes a long time and I still want to do RWH.
    I took a one month RWH (scrambled) rotation from the RWH User's Guide and modified it by replacing the Plyo with the Low Impact workouts and added a second column to list the TUY practices I plan to do on a given day. This is a very ambitious rotation for me time wise. It is doable but it will be time consuming so my plan is to do a short RWH premix and then do the full Yoga practice which has no premixes.

    Tami, great job with your workouts! I did do a little post Christmas shopping on Friday but not much. That Shaun T program sounds tough! I'm sure a lot of jumping is involved right?
    Thanks Tami on the comment on my workouts. I really am doing the best I can on the RWH workouts. I love the Legs workout. I think I'm going to have to stay away from Chest flies. Mark the PT told me to stay away from chest exercises because tight chest muscles can pull the shoulder in the wrong direction. That is exactly what happened this time. There was a lot of tightness involved. I was only using 6.5 lb dumbbells too! I think I need to use 2 lbs when doing chest flies. I was doing amazing till I reinjured my shoulder but I hope that it was just a shock and I'll be back to normal in a couple of days. My feet are doing great. Thanks for asking. It was a matter or having wide enough shoes and toe socks!

    Good night ladies!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Afternoon Ladies,

    Well I received a FitBit, so am trying to figure out how this little thing works. I also am suffering from anemia again, so the shortness of breath has come back. I'm able to do some of the workouts in Jillian's Body Revolution, so I have started those workouts and am adding on some of the Kettlebell Kickboxing ones as well. Yesterday I did KBKB Power, and today was JMBR Workout 1 with KBKB Scorcher Series Leg workout.

    We had a great time at Christmas, went up north to visit my parents this weekend. They are doing really well, but I ate way to much, so will have to keep on track for this week while I am off work. So far enjoying the time off. I did receive some workout DVD's. I got Michelle Dozois two new Bodyfit 360 workouts, and three TaeBo workouts also. Can't remember the names right now.

    Tami, I did see that Shaun had another system out, but I don't think that I will be ordering that one. I'm looking at Jillian's new Bodyshred workouts. :D Probably will not be ordering them until my iron levels get better though. They are way tougher that the Body Revolution ones. We will probably do some after Christmas shopping, I did receive a gift card from Charming Charlies.

    Thelma, Glad you have found some workouts that you are enjoying and not causing issues. I have looked at that series also, it has gotten some great reviews. I had to give up on the RWH series for a while, I couldn't get through those HiiT workouts without having to bend over to try to catch my breath. I hate this feeling, but it should be improving now.

    Laurel, I'm so glad that you are enjoying your new home.

    Have a wonderful day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Happy Monday! Yesterday I did Tri-Sets Total Body (the 90 min pre-mix) and it was awesome! Today will just be BootCamp since I hit “snooze” after my 4 days of not getting up at the crack of dawn. I felt wide awake when the alarm went off too ….. Still trying to figure out my next plan. I may do a “misc” combo this month. One of Cathe’s and then sub in some others until I decide forsure but leaning towards the XT/RWHiiT combo rotation. How is everyone’s weather doing? We received about 5 inches of snow on Sat and now it is freezing. Tonight will be about 1 degree with the wind chill factor.

    Thelma: So glad to hear your feet are doing great!! That’s awesome. So does this mean you won’t have to do the bunion surgery? Or that is part of the plan no matter how they are feeling? I bet you are really loving your time off and getting some good down time after all your stress at work. That’s awesome. Sorry to hear about your shoulders acting up a little and good choice to ease back there. It sounds like you have a nice rotation put in place for yourself! I think his new series does have jumping in it - - since it is Shaun T and “Insanity” but some of the workouts more than others from the descriptions I read. Plus, only being shorter workouts the jumping may be cut down slightly; again, depending on the workout. DH said he would buy them for me if I wanted since we didn’t do much for Christmas gifts this year. Very sweet of him. We will see. ;)

    Laurie: Congrats on the new FitBit! I will be anxious to hear how you like it once you get it dialed in. That’s awesome on the new workouts as well! Darn it on the anemia . . . can you take Iron to get your levels back up or will you have to go to the doctor for something? Nice that you are doing some workouts that feel good to you right now, always a good plan! Is that a new series that JM has out then?

    Hi Laurel :)

    Hope you ladies have a great afternoon/evening! Talk to you tomorrow . . . Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies! RWH Low Impact II and TUY Vitality Yoga for me today.

    Laurie, please let us know how that FitBit thingy works! Sorry about the anemia. What kind do you have? Iron deficiency? Sounds like you've dealt with this problem before. I hope it's not difficult to get it under control. You've been working out though which is great! Good job!

    Tami, great workouts! It's OK to hit the snooze button from time to time! I have to get up at 5:15AM every day regardless of what day of the week it is to give my Bella her inhaler and at that point I am wide awake and feeling like I should go to the basement and get some cardio or lite yoga in but choose every day to go back to bed. It takes me a while to go back to sleep and when I finally wake up I don't have energy to work out! So I end up doing my workout in the late afternoon as always!
    I still need to have foot surgery Tami. I just needed wider shoes so my toes can spread out because it helps with the neuroma issue. I still don't have a surgery date.
    I am enjoying this time off very much! Our weather has been on the warm side. We've had day time temps in the 50's since last week and just today the day time temps were in the high 30's.
    The rotation I'm doing seems like a good one. I hope I can keep it up.
    Tami, you should let your husband get you the new Insanity program!
    How's work going?

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    edited December 2014
    Afternoon Ladies,

    Today I did Jillian's Body Revolution Workout 2 along with Kettlebell Kickboxing Cardio 40/20 Burn. I will be pretty busy tomorrow with getting everything ready for our NYE party. Still have some shopping to do today, so will be doing that as soon as DH gets home.

    Tami, Great workout, I know how much you enjoy that one. I think that XT/RWH rotation is probably the best one out of all of them. Nice variation of workouts. I don't know what I'm going to do about getting up for work once I have to start on Monday. It sure is nice getting up later. Yes I am taking Iron supplements, this is all the doc said to take. I didn't want to take anything else. I can tell that it is getting better with the workouts that I'm currently doing, so I'm going to continue on with this for a while. So far the FitBit is really interesting. For sure it gives me good information on my sleep pattern. I have it sinking with myfitness pal, so I still have to investigate how the calorie burn that I'm getting co-insides with the workouts. So far I'm just goin to add the workouts into MFP as zero calories burned. I can see how this would help with the weight loss though, because I think it is giving me more accurate information than I previously had.

    Thelma, Great job on the workouts. Sounds like some of the RWH and the yoga workouts really work out for you. Yep it is Iron, but this time isn't as bad as I had the last time. My youngest dd and I both have this problem.

    Have a wonderful day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ BootCamp was a good one but hardly anyone there. WOW! They are still on Christmas break. Next week will be all the New Year’s peeps and crowded beyond crowded. So it was nice having stations not so full. One station was wall squats with a weighted plate on your legs. She saw me out of the corner of her eye with 25 lbs on and added another 35 lb plate! WHOA. I had to have someone take it off when the minute was up . . . but I did it! One of those moments you don’t know until you try. Well she must have known. It was funny. This a.m. was Flex Train and tonight after work I have to miss Insane-X with Katy because I am getting my hair done. Can’t wait actually. It’s driving me crazy right now. :D LOL

    Thelma: Thank you on the “ok” for snooze. If I had to get up I wouldn’t go back to bed because it would make me SO tired when I woke up again. Some people can do that and feel fine but if I actually wake up, get up and then go back to bed, my first alarm and getting up will never happen. That’s why when DH snores so bad and I actually wake up I feel so much more tired. I think I might let him get it ~ he knows how much I love to add to my library! I actually found a short stack that I was meaning to put on eBay or somewhere to get rid of. LOL They were in a box near some Christmas stuff. LOL Work is going amazing! I truly love every single day here and of course I am learning every day. They are all so supportive and love having me they say so it just feels good. DH commented how early I leave for work now, he thinks it’s great. The office I am at is only a few blocks from where I worked before so no reason to leave earlier other than I am normally always early and just have a lot of pride in that and respect for my new spot. Thanks for asking!

    Laurie: Awesome job with JM’s Body Rev WO + KB!! Glad to hear your FitBit is working well so far, I wondered when I saw today with your “0” calories if it syncs them for you later. Very nice and I love that it seems really accurate for you too. So you are hosting a NYE party at your house? That should be fun. We will be home and might have another couple come over. Other than that, no big plans. I offered to stay later in the dept I am training in (one of them) because they stay for all the year-end closing, bookkeeping. It will be good learning for me and since I am training in that dept. I thought it might be helpful. We will see, having a “newbie” sitting there might not be helpful! :D LOL

    Hope you ladies have a great afternoon/evening! Talk to you tomorrow ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    edited December 2014
    Hi Ladies! RWH Legs and TUY Mountain Pose Series for me today. All of a sudden we're back to winter temps here in MA. It's freezing! DH and I are going to see Exodus I tomorrow and for dinner we will be bad >:) . We're ordering Chinese food for dinner. It's our once a year Chinese!
    I finally have a surgery date: March 6th. I was given two other choices too but they wouldn't work out: 1/9 (too soon) and Feb 23 (2 days before my bday!). We're flying my aunt from El Salvador to come to help me while DH works. I'm glad the surgery is on Friday. I don't have the time yet and won't know it till the day before the surgery. I am super nervous needless to say not because of the surgery but because of the pain I may experience and the long down time period I'll have. God only knows how soon I'll be able to exercise again. It's kind of hard to workout when my foot has to be elevated at heart level. I can definitely do ab work!

    Laurie, great job with your workouts even though you're not feeling 100% yet! Sounds you're feeling better though given the workouts you're doing! YAAAY!
    I'm glad the iron deficiency managed by simply taking iron supplements! I hope your NYE party is a lot of fun!

    Tami, great job with those workouts! I can't believe Katy put another 10 lbs on top of the 25 you were already holding on your legs! LOL
    I'm so happy for you and your new job Tami. I'm it's turned out to be such a wonderful experience. Great idea to sell those DVDs on eBay. I should do the same thing!
    I shouldn't go back to sleep when I'm home after I give Bella her asthma inhaler but I just can't bear the thought of getting up that early when I don't have to! LOL

    Good night ladies and Happy New Year!
  • jules92761
    jules92761 Posts: 55 Member
    Hi Everyone! I just stumbled across this thread doing a search to see if anyone on MFP was doing Ultimate Yogi and how it was working. :smiley: I just got the set and am anxious to start it. I signed up with the Facebook group that is supposed to start the set on Jan 8th (1/08) but I am thinking I may cheat a little and start some of the workouts tomorrow. I've been trying to decide if I should do the 108 day program according to the calendar (that is assuming my out of shape fat self can do it) or if I should alternate with the elliptical. I have about 15 pounds to lose and a bad back, so I need non-impact workouts. I don't think I would be able to add cardio if I do the yoga workouts because it sounds like you can plan on a good 70 minutes a day just for the UY routine. I was just curious if anyone is doing just the UY and if so what their results have been. MFP doesn't give a very good calorie estimate for yoga, but Map My Walk, has Power Yoga in their database and it figures 613 calories for an hour! :D
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    edited January 2015
    Edited post