Cathe Fans Part 5



  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, I had to take tonight off. I am exhausted and it was another long and stressful day at work. I'm kind of looking forward to the surgery so I can take time off from work! LOL. I've not done the rotation all week so I fell behind.
    You should see all the shoe packages DH has to take to UPS tomorrow! We think UPS will offer him a job when they see him show up with all those boxes! LOL

    Laurie, good job with the workouts! Last week on the rotation? Oh yeah! There is an extra month on that rotation right? That is why I didn't realize were were almost done cause I printed the extra weeks! How exciting! I hope everything is OK with your eyes! I have an optometry appointment tomorrow morning. I just need a new prescription.

    Laurel, Congratulations! I hope the closing and the move go well. Can't wait to hear all about the move and the new house! Great job with your workouts.
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Another substitute instructor for Spinning but it was a good workout, she didn't realize we usually go an hour though so she ended at 45 minutes. Katy should be back for tomorrow's Spin class. This a.m. I did XT All Out Low Impact HiiT. Tomorrow a.m. I am planning on STS Total Body

    Thelma: That's pretty funny about DH and the stack of shoe boxes. I love Zappos and how fantastic their return policy is. Especially in your situation that you need just the right shoes, trying several is important! Way to go getting in some Spinning during this time and doing what feels comfortable. Sorry work has been so hectic and long days. I love that the "bully" showed his true colors; they usually do but it sometimes takes a little longer . . . . that was perfect timing. Hopefully you can get some good sleep tonight and this weekend. I am sure the foot pain doesn't help on the tired factor.
    The new HRM I ordered is the Polar FT60. It is basically the one I had before but the upgraded version; newer model. Now the one thing I will say is that it does feel a little large for my wrist as well. I also have small wrists. But I am loving how great it works and since my other one was big too I am kind of used to it. I hope it keeps on working for a very long time.
    i realized i forgot to answer you about DH - he went to an ENT Doctor the other day and he said he id 99.9% sure he has sleep apnea. so he is going to be tested ---FINALLY! The doctor told him that the sinus infection not going away and/or coming back and his sleep problems, snoring, etc are all related. So they are sending us an in home kit to try out. I have known this for quite a while that he "may" have it but he didnt want to be tested in a hospital. This is great news really. Him getting some good sleep eventually will help with all of these things. His elbow is still throbbing and he finally made an appt with Dr for Monday and then an MRI to follow most likely and again, surgery probably in store for him.

    Laurie: Nice job with STS! WOW on the last week, that's awesome! I have absolutely loved these rotations we did. I still have a couple more weeks and then decide on continuing on with the extension or??? Are you going to move right into the new workouts combined with something? How fun that you have tomorrow off to do whatever you need to do. Those are some of the best days off. Enjoy!!!

    Laurel: Congrats in advance on closing on your new home and moving in!! I am SO happy for you both. Before Christmas even ~ that's awesome! I know you will make it your own in no time and be enjoying it very much. Way to go on X77!!!!!
    All my best thoughts for you to have a smooth transition into your new home. I know it will go well. Can't wait to hear about it.

    I'll check in tomorrow! cant believe it is already Friday??!! My week has FLOWN by.
    Until tomorrow ~ Tami
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    I just couldn't help myself, I did the Lift It HiiT It Leg workout today. Wow what a great workout, this is officially my favorite leg workout. No barbell to change weights, no step, all the cardio was doable but tough. Can't wait to try the other workouts in the series.

    Laurel, Good luck with the moving, can't wait to hear how wonderful the new house is to be in. WTG on the workouts, it is great that you can use them as a stress relief during this moving process again! At least you don't have to go across the country.

    Thelma, Yep I decided to only do the shorter part of the rotation, I really want to try out these new workouts as you can see by today's leg workout. LOL about you DH having to haul all those boxes to UPS, they will probably think he is sending out Christmas presents to Zappos! :D Don't worry about falling behind in the rotation, you need to make sure that you can walk around until your surgery.

    Tami, Great job on the workouts, glad to hear that Katy is back! Tell her you missed her though. :D Yep I'm planning on going right into the new workouts, and where Cathe has the off days, I will be doing some TaeBo cardio workouts. Those are really good steady state, so should compliment all the HiiT. I'm so glad to hear that your DH is going to get tested, he will feel so much better after getting it taken care of. All of my brothers and my mother have a machine (as they call it), and their spouses are so much happier. :)

    Have a great weekend!
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, I hope you had a great weekend. My weekend was busy but good so that's a good thing! My feet have felt great this weekend. I hope it continues during the work week. They always feel much better during the weekend.
    Friday I did STS Meso disc 10 Chest, back, biceps, Saturday STS #12 Legs with bonus and extended stretch and tonight spinning.

    Laurie, awesome job with the workouts. I'm glad you tied the new workouts! Was there a lot of high impact cardio? I'm still trying to figure out if I want to end the rotation like you did.

    Tami, Awesome job on the workouts for you too! Glad you also like the new workouts. Was there a lot of high impact work? I hope Katy is back next week! My feet thankfully have felt great this weekend. I was even able to do lunges! Thank God for Zappos!

    I hope you get a lot of mileage out of your new HRM!
    WOW! I can't believe your DH has sleep apnea. Hopefully he'll be able to get a cpap mask soon so both of you can sleep well! I would've never thought the sinus issue was related to the sleep apnea though. It probably makes sense due to the dryness by breathing with the mouth open. Let's hope he doesn't need elbow surgery!

    Good night!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    My workouts where X10 Cardio Blast and RWH Low Impact HiiT One with the Bonus Abs Two. Again WOW on the RWH workout! My hr was up the through the whole workout even though it was low impact. I also did Disc 11 Back & Biceps and X10 Fat Burning with 30MTF Kickboxing Workout 1. Today is my last day of the rotation! Can't wait to try the rest of the new ones.

    Thelma, WTG on the workout! Glad to hear that your feet are feeling better. The impact in the leg workout is high, but I'm sure that you would be able to find a way to make them low impact. I'm sure that just incorporating one of her low impact versions of the exercise would be good sub.

    I have been looking at the premixes, and they really look good too.

    Have a wonderful day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ I had a nice weekend and got in some good workouts!!! Sat a.m. I did back-to-back Ripped with HiiT Circuit; first the upper body, then the lower body workout. OK, LOVE these workouts! I cannot wait to continue into the rest of them. The Upper Body workout is not just upper body, it was a calorie scorcher forsure. Yesterday I only had time for STS Chest/Back and then I met my BFF for lunch and a little shopping. Today will be BootCamp for my workout, hit the ol snooze this a.m. Not sure why, I had plenty of sleep. :(

    Laurie: So excited to hear you tried out a couple of the RWH workouts too! I’m with you, loving them so far. WooHoo! Always great when you are on the countdown for new ones and they are fabulous as you hoped. I’m looking forward to more. Way to go on your workouts and I bet the Leg workout will be a favorite for you with the “no step” factor. Thanks for the good report on the “machine” my BFF was telling me yesterday they are making them smaller now so that is good to hear. I would imagine it will come this week (his testing kit). He did go to the Ortho Surgeon this a.m. and he doesn’t have to have surgery on his elbow afterall! He is absolutely thrilled. The doctor said the throbbing is normal and he should just keep in mind it is still healing but should be good. He thinks the cartlidge is filling in nicely and the tricep muscle has not been effected by it in the tests he did. So YAY for that. :)

    Thelma: Great job to you too on the workouts! I am glad your feet were feeling a little better, that’s awesome. I’m sure you took advantage of that by doing your STS Legs on Saturday. Nice work. There is some higher impact moves in the two that I did. Split jumps, air jacks, tuck jumps, jumps on step, but I know you could modify if need be. I am getting some good mileage out of my new HRM so far! I look at it (as a habit) to make sure it is still working all the time. It’s working great right now and hope that continues for a loooooooooong time. Crazy on the sleep apnea I know. But it does makes sense I guess. He goes back to that doctor for a follow-up either this week or next. His sinuses are way better now after the Z-pack and now he will be tested soon for the sleep apnea. No surgery on his elbow!! This is great news and he is so happy. Just have to keep an eye on it forsure.

    Hi Laurel – Hope the new house & moving in is going well for you!

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    edited December 2014
    Hi Ladies, glad you had a nice weekend. I'm happy because my feel are feeling good. Apparently all I needed were the right shoes. The bursitis on the side of my small toe is under control thanks to mole skin pad I've been wearing. My new Lock Laces came over the weekend and they are awesome! They are also helping with my feet because a normal shoe lace was adding pressure to the top of my foot where I tied the lace. These laces are elastic and they stretch as your foot expands. They're also doing a great job at keeping my heel from sliding out of my shoe.
    Tonight I did STS #11 Back and Triceps. I have a PT session tomorrow which I'll keep and it will be my last shoulder PT. Hopefully I'll be able to manage this on my own. I'm feeling pretty imbalanced today specially after my workout.

    Laurie, WTG on those weekend workouts! Good job! I was watching the video clip on Cathe's website for the on of the RWH Plyo workouts and it was very high impact for sure. I won't be able to do the entire program given the high impact but I'll do the low impact stuff. Jumping onto the step scares me to death. I'm afraid I'll miss the step and hurt myself!

    Tami, you also did an awesome job with your workouts this weekend. WTG!!! I'm glad you're also liking the new workouts. I have 4 more days of the rotation left (minus the bonus month) so I'm very happy to have been able to do most of the rotation.
    HiiT wouldn't be HiiT if it didn't have high impact moves. I hope I'm able to do a lot of the workouts. The plyo video clip I was watching today was out of the question for me. Too much jumping. If my feet weren't injured right now I'd jump on the trampoline but I'm not sure I can do that anymore. So glad your husband doesn't need elbow surgery! I hope your new HRM lasts you forever!

    Laurel, I hope the move went well.

    Good night!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Last workout for this rotation was Flex Train, and it was a great workout to end with. Today is my rest day. Only four working days left for me, and then I will not be back to work until the beginning of the new year. Looking forward to some time off.

    Tami, Great job on the workouts! After doing these RWH workouts I was a little groggy in the morning also. Have to wonder how much it is taking out of us. Good news on your DH's elbow, that has to give him some ease of mind. I was looking at the weights that Cathe is using on some exercises for the Lift It Hit It workouts, and I know that I will NOT be going that high, but I will try to lift as heavy as I can for the rep amount. It appears that she changes her weight selection at some points. The user guide has different weights for second and third sets.

    Thelma, I'm glad to hear that your feet are feeling so much better, and that those lock laces are working the way you need them to. Love that you are able to keep up with the rotation, even if it is just doing the weights and modifying where you need to. I will see how the step goes, that apparatus is not one of my favs. :D

    Have a wonderful day!
  • v70t5m
    v70t5m Posts: 186 Member

    I did HiiT Circuit Upper Body yesterday, and I loved it. I did have to modify a couple movements for my shoulder (but that is almost second nature now). So nice to see some completely new exercises (and they work, of course). It kept my heart rate up and I finished practically before I started. Short workouts are very useful, but still strange.

    At the beginning I hoped to burn 300 calories, but actually hit over 400 along with the 1st abs segment. I was surprised that the Ab 1 premix did not include the cooldown ... so I went searching for it in the chaptering.

    I'm looking forward to the rest of the DVDs I ordered: LiHi Legs; LiHi Chest, Tris, Shoulders; and LiHi Back, Biceps, Shoulders.


    I'm sending positive thoughts for foot issues and healing. My hubby just had a ganglion cyst removed from his toe ... I'm calling it his "imposter" toe currently because it is so swollen. I'm suspect he has a secondary issue.

    And congrats on the job recognition!

    I took off last week from lifting, just too busy and not getting to my workouts in the morning (Bad Kira). But I did make up for it by running our brush cutter around in the back yard for a couple hours. That is a lifting workout in itself ... talk about compound movements! Ha!

    Back to finish off Meso 2, and then start on Meso 3.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi ladies, I had to work late so cancelled my PT appointment. I came home and did my spinning bike. I'm nervous about tomorrow. I have an appointment at 9:30 for a foot ultrasound for the neuroma. Then at 11AM I see the foot surgeon and I hope to find out how soon she can do the first bunionectomy. I am freaking out about going under the knife. I've heard the recovery is very painful.

    Laurie, congrats on finishing the rotation! I hope you have a good rest day. How exciting about being off for the rest of the year after this work week. If I don't have surgery this year then I'll be off starting the 24th and will return to work on 1/5.
    Laurie, I think you're going to have to learn to like that step because Cathe loves that thing and uses it on that plyo workout! She goes at it with really fast moves. Start with no risers or just one till you get good at it! I would just keep moving because when Cathe goes too fast I always end up in the wrong direction! LOL

    Hi Kira! How good to hear from you! I'm glad you also like the new RWH workouts. What a nice surprise on burning more calories than what you expected.
    Thank you so much for sending those positive thoughts my way and on the congrats about my job recognition. I hope your husband's toe gets better soon. You don't think the swelling is due to the surgery? I hope his doctor is able to figure out what else could possibly be wrong with his toe. Yard work is a workout in itself for sure so it counts!

    Good night ladies!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited December 2014
    Hi Ladies ~ BootCamp was a good class last night. She focused a little bit more on strength moves so not quite as much cardio. But the strength was cardio too, it was a nice mix. This a.m. was STS Plyo Legs and tonight was Katy's Insanity class! My legs are talking to me about now as I type this message to you ladies. A lot of jump rope, jumping over a hurdle and kicks, etc. aka: lower body emphasis! I was happy to see Katy and she was happy to see me too, it was fun.

    Thelma: So glad to hear your feet are feeling better and the new shoes are doing their job! Yahoo. I think with the new workouts you will be able to modify where needed. Thanks for the shared enthusiasm on no surgery for DH. This is such a relief for him and me too. Good luck with the foot surgeon appt. I am sure you are feeling nervous about the surgery. One day at a time and know that on the other side of the recovery you will feel so much better. Keep us posted!

    Laurie: Congrats on finishing up the last of the rotation!!! Yay. Definitely a "keeper" for another time I say! How awesome is that you have a nice break through Christmas. Will you and your family be at your house or going somewhere? I am going to have to print out that Users Guide for RWH workouts .... start recording weights or see where I will need to be moving forward into these workouts. I'll look back at that link you sent, it is probably on there?!?
    My boss told me yesterday that the two ladies training me are SO over the top impressed with me and how fast I am getting all of the stuff they are throwing at me that they would love to give me the day after Christmas off. How nice is that?! Christmas Eve we will only be open until noon and then I will have 4 days off. So nice and again.... LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my job!!

    Kira: Glad to hear from you!!! I am also happy to hear you liked the RW HiiT upper body workout as well. Yowsa, right?! I am looking forward to trying more of them very soon. No worries on your short break away from the weights, sounds like you got in a good workout in another way!! Compound exercises is right! lol

    Hope you all have a great evening ~ I will talk to you tomorrow!
  • v70t5m
    v70t5m Posts: 186 Member
    ThelmaSW wrote: »
    I am freaking out about going under the knife. I've heard the recovery is very painful.


    Just remember that those of us who exercise regularly to tough workouts tend to have a much higher pain tolerance than those who do not.

    So, no freaking out just yet ... best to concentrate on getting the best surgery center and surgeon.

    ThelmaSW wrote: »
    You don't think the swelling is due to the surgery? I hope his doctor is able to figure out what else could possibly be wrong with his toe.

    It almost feels like a secondary ganglion cyst OR a callus, but it too deep to be a callus. The entire proximal joint is swollen, to the point that he has changed shoes (sound familiar!) to find the most comfortable pair until the swelling subsides.

    We'll see if he can hold out until his next post-op checkup ...

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Had a nice enjoyable night off, and went to dd's last dance class for the year. While we are on vacation from dance, we are going to try to dye a dress for dd's dance recital. She will be the featured dancer this year (since it is her last), so we are going to see how this goes. Don't know how dye will take to a dance costume, but we will try. :D

    Kira, I have to look at why she put shoulder work in both weight workouts, has me curious if she mentioned it in a thread somewhere. So far I'm loving these new workouts, will be trying the Plyo 1 tonight. I'm sure that I will have to modify those one arm burpees until I get used to the move.

    Thelma, Great job on the spinning. Hope you have some great news on your foot. I think that Kira is right, and you may not experience as others who don't exercise. My SIL didn't have that intense pain with hers. That is my problem with the step also, she moves to fast for me in a lot of the workouts. It makes me happy when I can keep up with her some days. :D Looks like the step part is more athletic, so I should be able to handle that one.

    Tami, Sounds like a great class, and a solid leg workout for you too! Agree both of those rotations where really good. I'm going to keep my eye open for anything she creates in the future. Yes that link should work for the user guide, and it has everything from the rotations to the worksheets. The worksheets are really nice, and they include what weight Cathe is using. How wonderful that you are catching on so quickly, and that you will have four days off. Change is GOOD! <3

    Laurel, Hope all the moving is going well.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Just wanted to take a minute to check in. I've missed you all!! But the move has gone very well. I love our new home!! It is everything I hoped it would be.....and more. I just love it. The moving part.,,,,not so much. As always, it has been physically brutal, but things are taking shape. At least we had perfect weather for the move (sunshine and temps in the 60s). The high school students DH had helping us were very good. We have had no damage (so far). And I am finished washing kitchen stuff!! So all is good!

    I took Saturday and Sunday off from workouts, but, as usual, my workout room was about the first to get put together. So Monday I was back at it. I am continuing on with the rotation right now since I don't have to really think about the STS workouts. So Monday was STS Disc 22/Chest, Shoulders and Triceps followed by Hard Strikes cardio and XTrain Core 1. Yesterday was STS Disc 23/Legs followed by Athletic Step. And today was STS Disc 24/Back and Biceps followed by Cardio Core Circuit.

    Last Friday, I did another one of the new workouts (Plyo HiiT 1), and really enjoyed it. Reading all of your comments about the other workouts has me anxious to get back to them!! They look really good, and I have really enjoyed the two I have done so far.

    Thelma, I hope things go well today with your appointment. Please keep us posted. Don't stress about post-surgery recovery. People love to tell horror stories. Don't listen to them. Just trust you will get better.

    Laurie, glad you are enjoying the new workouts. Those one arm burpees aren't as bad as they look!! I was surprised it could do them to be honest because I thought for sure I would have to modify. Bet you are looking forward to your time off.

    Tami, so glad you are enjoying the new job. How nice they are going to give you a long weekend over Christmas!!! Sounds like these are good people to work with and for.

    Kira, good to see you! I have the same issue with short workouts. But I am trying to convince myself I don't need more than that! Hope you enjoy Meso 3.

    Okay, must get back to work. I will be checking in when I can!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi ladies, I took a rest day today. I technically shouldn't be doing anything that puts me on the ball of my foot. I'm not going to stop spinning that's for sure. I'll just listen to my foot and will stop anything that hurts.
    I had a foot ultrasound today because the doctor wanted to know exactly where the neuroma was. Apparently I have 2. The biggest one is between the second and third toe. I also have bursitis on the ball of my foot. It goes hand in hand with neuromas. My foot really hurts now because they to squeeze my foot in order to do the ultrasound. The squeezed and squeezed and squeezed. Then they followed with more squeezing! I practically got a double ultrasound because a technician did it first and every time she tried to transmit my files to the radiologist it wouldn't work. After 4 tries the radiologist came into the room and he repeated the ultrasound which meant more squeezing!

    Tami, great to see you back at the gym doing Katy's classes! So good to hear how much you love your new job! It really sounds like you're in a wonderful work place.

    Kira, thanks for reminding me that people who do tough workouts tend to have higher pain tolerance. It is true. I definitely have higher pain tolerance. My doctor is great. I totally trust her.
    I read that if ganglions are not fully removed they can recur. What I read didn't say anything about them returning right away though. It did say to call the doctor if swelling occurs.
    The shoes I'm wearing now have a wide toe box and narrow heel. They are New Balance WW847. NB shoes definitely have a wider toe box. They have different widths to choose from.

    Laurie, I'm glad you enjoyed your night off! Good luck with the dye job! Your dd must be excited about being the featured dancer at the end of year dance recital!
    I'm going to try not to think about the post surgical pain. As long as I have the pain meds I'll be OK. Glad to know your SIL didn't have intense pain.
    You're right about the step moves being more athletic in this program Laurie. I'm sure you'll do well. Start with a low step will you get the moves right!

    Hi Laurel! I'm so happy for you and your husband. Congratulations on your new home!
    Glad the move has gone well and that nothing has been damaged.
    Great job with keeping up with the workouts in the middle of your move!
    I'm not going to stress over the surgery for now. I know when the time comes I'll be stressed because I'm a chicken. I will now have time to plan ahead so my aunt can come here to be with me during the recovery period to help while DH is at work. I'll be sleeping during the first 3 days so I'll just need someone to wake me up when it's time to use an ice pack an to take pain meds. The doctor said I'd have to take them every 6 hours.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Last night I did Back, Shoulders & Biceps. Very good workout, and I liked that she did all trap work for the shoulders. I looked at the other weight workout, and the shoulder work in that one is for the front. I didn't go as heavy as Cathe did, but I think the next time I do this workout I could go a little higher. No where near what Cathe is lifting though. :D

    Laurel, Great job on the workouts, and still getting them in through your moving process. Sounds like the house is great! I'm so glad that it is what you wanted and more. Once everything is where you want and need it, you will be a very happy lady. Have you gotten your workout room set up the way you want it though? That is the most important thing. :D I did change my mind about that Plyo workout, will try it out at some point. Just wasn't ready for it last night with the way I was feeling.

    Thelma, OUCH! I hope your feet start feeling better after all that you had to go through to get the ultrasound done. WTG on getting in the workout! I hope that I can get the moves down for the step moves, like you I don't enjoy missing the step and landing on my butt or face. :\

    Have a wonderful day!
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    HI Ladies! It's another hard week at work so I've not had much time or energy for exercising but I did my spinning bike tonight. My feet are better today after some icing.

    Laurie, is that Back, Shoulders & Biceps workout you're talking about from the new program? Glad you liked it!
    I completely agree with you about not enjoying missing the step! LOL
    You must be so excited about tomorrow being your last work day of the year! YAAAY! I still have to work Monday and Tuesday but I'll be busy which means the time will fly by.

    Good night ladies!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Sorry I missed you all yesterday ~ I had a lunch date yesterday and then my evening was packed full after Spinning last night. I cannot believe how the days are just FLYING by for me. Yikes! Let's see, so yesterday was STS in the a.m. & Spinning last night. Not sure why, but I am burning some serious calories since I acquired my new HRM. Makes me feel like my other one was off for a while or maybe my settings are different this time? At any rate, feeling good and no workout today but one of the new "Ripped with HiiT & X10" is on the plan for tomorrow.
    Sat a.m. is 2 hours of Spinning . . . . Spin for Tots.

    Laurie: Congrats to your daughter and her dance accomplishment! That's so great. Awesome work on your workouts too ..... good to hear you liked another one of the "new" workouts! Thanks for the update on that link and finding those new worksheets.

    Laurel: Yay on the new house and having it be even more than you had hoped for!!!! I am so happy for you both and beyond the exhaustion, I'm sure you are truly loving every minute of it. I was laughing inside and knowing "of course" your workout room was unpacked and ready to roll probably before bedding or dishes! I love it. Way to get in all those combos after only a couple days off.

    Thelma: OUCH is right on the ultrasound and all that squeezing of your foot. I hope it is feeling slightly better now. Great job again with your persistence and doing what you can do right now. Fingers crossed that you get through the remaining work days . . . sounds like it is pretty crazy for you! Very nice that you will be having some nice time off during Christmas.

    Hope you ladies are having a nice evening and I will try to check in tomorrow!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Well I wasn't feeling very good last night, so I opted to not do a workout. It was a good evening though, since both dd's where home for once. :D Getting to this empty nest thing can get a little tough sometimes. Must be because of Christmas coming, that I was feeling that I wasn't seeing the girls as much.

    Thelma, WTG on the spinning, and that your feet are cooperating. I guess I forgot to start that thread with RWH series, but yes it was the new workout. You really feel the body part worked after all the reps are finished. I'm loving the ones I have done so far, and am going to enjoy doing all the others while I'm on vacation. Yes I am super glad that I'm done with work at 4pm today! There is still a ton of food around here. Today looks like cheese and cracker day. I really love our suppliers, and I just keep telling our guys to come into the office to eat all these goodies up. :D

    Tami, No need to be sorry, you sound like you are really busy also. I always wondered why your readings for workouts where so much lower than mine, so you might be correct. I think all of you will fall in love with these workout as much as I have so far. Will wait to see how those circuit workouts will be. I'm going to try the upper body one tonight.

    Have a wonderful weekend!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Getting ready to head out to get my hair prettied up. Looking forward to the two hours of pampering! I had a good workout this morning, though, despite feeling very tired. I did STS Total Body followed by the 65 minute Scrambled premix from Rockout Knockout. Yesterday I did Cross Fire Extreme before finishing with boxes.....and decorating the house for Christmas. Like I said, I am feeling a bit tired today. :)

    Thelma, I am sorry to hear about the pain and lack of energy. I hope you enjoy your time off from work and allow yourself to get some rest/re-energize. You have had a tough go of it this year.

    Tami, definitely the workout room was done before dishes were clean!! Luckily DH knows better than to say anything. You are getting some great workouts in. I bet being happy in your job is making you feel better in your workouts. That could be one reason for a higher calorie burn!

    Laurie, hope you feel better soon. How nice that your house is full again. I bet that makes it feel like Christmas. And you have a long break from work to look forward to!

    I will check in when I can over the next couple of weeks. But DH will be home, which always throws my schedule off. But I will try!!
