Cathe Fans Part 5



  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    My other message is now gone too .... I'm sorry you guys! This is awful on my IPad :(
    I will get on here again tomorrow from my PC at work. I had messages all typed for all of you.

    Today was Plyo Legs + FAST/Bootcamp.

    Great job everyone on the workouts! Only 2 MORE SLEEPS!!!!! Then I am done.
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    This morning the temperature read 8 deg, and of course that didn't include the wind chill. :o So it was a really cold walk with the dog this morning. My workout yesterday was Jillian's Killer Buns and Thighs Level 1, since I don't have the glutes workout, I decided that I would throw in Jillian for a change of pace. It was fun.

    Laurel, Great workouts! I'm surprised that I'm not tired with this rotation either, that is another thing that I have noticed. I'm hoping it is because I am eating enough, and of the right ratio. Hope they are able to find a painter quickly for you. You are right, small weddings are not the norm. We went to my co-workers wedding this year also, and I don't know how much they spent, but it was a lot more than I think they needed to. He talks about the debt that they need to pay off because of it. :\

    Thelma, Getting something in is great, and you are making it work for you. I keep telling the girls that they should save their money for a down payment also. :D I watch that show Say Yes to the Dress, and am astounded at how much some of these girls spend on the dress. I know that neither of my dd's will be wearing my dress, it is just to 80's. :D

    Tami, I'm sure that you had all great things to tell us, sorry that your ipad wasn't doing what you wanted it to do. Great work on the workouts, and the volleyball tourn. I miss volleyball something, but then I look at my knees and remember why I don't play anymore. :D

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited November 2014
    Sheesh! Let me try this again. Not sure what happens sometimes on my Ipad but obviously I have problems there. So our Volleyball tourn ended up we had to forfeit our team. One girl was sick and another one is still hurt from a couple weeks ago. Our next league will start beginning of January so hopefully we can re-group and be good to go then! Luckily I had finished up my STS workout that a.m. and then instead of heading to volleyball I met my BFF for coffee and caught up a little bit.

    Today’s workout was X10 Cardio and tonight will be Insane-X.

    Thelma: I am so sorry to hear about your new injury with your foot. What a bummer and all in trying to help your feet. Craziness!! Once again, I commend you for keeping on with what you can do and hopefully changing out your shoes will help immediately. Making your workouts “work for you” in the mean time will be the key.

    Laurie: Fantastic job with your workouts lately and I am so happy for you to be feeling the benefits of these back-to-back rotations. Nice job!!!! I haven’t told Katy yet about my time off but I need too this week actually. I won’t be there tomorrow for Spin due to my “going away party” so I will tell her tonight. I haven’t looked at the clips yet, but I am dying to see them. I saw the e-mail that the DVDs are just about ready. Amazing!! Can’t wait. We didn’t take any photos at the party the other night. I was a little bummed after I thought of it but we did take a “selfie” in our hotel room prior to leaving. It was pretty funny. DH would normally be like, no but he was all in. We had such a nice time just relaxing and enjoying the eve. I can feel already how much more relaxed I am and he notices too. He said the event was nice for him because he didn’t know anyone so it wasn’t a socializing “work” event. Glad to hear you enjoyed the wedding and I think the gift card was the way to go!

    Laurel: I am not surprised at all to hear that you are really feeling strength and amazing endurance at this time. For as long as I can think back (even prior to both rotations) you have been doing some intense combos and even triples! Love that you are enjoying this time and really feeling it. I would love to say the same for me, but with the amazing mental stress in the last month++ just trying to keep up with my workout regime the best I could has set me back a little bit. I definitely feel the strength and probably most people would not notice that my endurance is not where it normally is, but for me I can feel it. I would really like to put something in place for when I am gone to L.A. I know I say that each time I have gone but it would be nice to get some kind of workout(s) in. It is so great to hear that your house is coming right along. Cabinets and soon to be paint is always a good sign. Did you decide on any special colors or accent walls? OR do you have to do that on your own? It is so exciting and pretty soon you will be mentally placing furniture where it should go!

    One more sleep! One more sleep! One more sleep!
    See you tomorrow.


  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today's workout was STS Disc 9/Legs followed by Pilates Abs. For cardio, I did Rhythmic Step. That was a nice one for today.

    Thelma, I am really sorry about your foot. I hope you get some more answers on it soon. I can only imagine how frustrated you are right now. Good job trying to get a workout in despite everything. You amaze me!

    Laurie, great job with Jillian's workout. I was looking at the temperatures in your part of the country. That's cold!! We are feeling this cold front a little more than the last one. Right now we are sitting at 50 degrees compared to yesterday's 85. Believe me.....I am NOT complaining because, except for Miami and Hawaii, we are about as warm as it gets in the US right now! Crazy. But I like it because it is cool enough to make chili for dinner. :)

    Tami, so glad you enjoyed your weekend! It sounds like a wonderful time with your DH. I so completely understand what he was saying about it being more relaxing than 'work' events. We had so many events when DH was in the military, and most of the time, he had to be 'on' for them. Sometimes it is jut nice to sit back, relax, and enjoy a nice evening out. I am sorry to hear about your volleyball, though. And I also understand what you are saying about your workouts right now. I have had stages like that too where I am just managing to get by on the minimum. But look at I this aren't going backwards! So you will be ready to start pushing forward again when you feel like it! I will be thinking about you tomorrow. No doubt it will be bittersweet.....but more sweet than bitter I hope!

    Until tomorrow!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, I did STS Disc #8 Back and Triceps today. That workout I could do a lot of. No pushups or the barbell. Have to keep my weights lite. The good thing is that the exercises did hit the right areas in the back. During the pushup section I did my PT exercises.
    My foot felt MUCH better today. I think what happened yesterday was that I had thicker socks on and that didn't allow enough space in the toe box. I read last week that you need to have plenty of toe box space when Morton's Neuromas are involved. Today I wore my lighter weight Injinji toe socks and what a difference. I really love these toe socks! Legs tomorrow. I'm not sure what I'll be able to do from the workout itself but I will do other exercises if during lunges which are a huge part of Cathe's workouts.
    I've been thinking of a way to modify lunges so that I can work my quads. I knew I had done a lunge before with a chair or bench where I was not on my toes. I searched for the move and it appears to be called a Bulgarian Split squat
    If I can safely do this move I can get some quad work in. I would be standing in front of my barre so I have something to hold on to. Obviously I would not go deep like this guy on the picture. I would have to stay shallow at first to make sure I don't hurt myself.

    Tami, awesome workouts! I'm glad you and your husband had a great time at that event. Sorry your vb team had to forfeit the game! Your team had been doing so well! Is tomorrow your last day at the current job? Are you smiling from ear to ear now? LOL
    It turned super cold here this afternoon. Yesterday we had torrential rains which started the night before.
    The foot injury really is a huge disappointment. The thought of maybe not continuing with my workouts has crossed my mind this week. I'm thinking why bother if I just keep hurting myself. My flat feet will always be a problem. Am I going to be able to jump again? I was OK not jumping on the floor if I could do it on the trampoline but I'm not sure I can do that anymore and right now I'm afraid to even try. We're talking about a nerve so it doesn't take much to trigger the pain. I"m not saying I'm giving up but these are the thoughts going through my mind.

    Laurie, 8 degrees is super cold! That didn't include the wind chill? OMG! COLD! I'm not quite ready but we are warmer than you are. It turned very windy and cold at the end of the day here. Tomorrow morning when I leave for work it will be around 18 and I don't know what the wind chill factor will be. I've been wearing a down vest over a fleece jacket but that won't cut it tomorrow. Time to start wearing a coat!
    I didn't realize you had a dog too! What a good mommy for taking the doggy out. I can't imagine taking a dog out for walks during the winter. We will have a dog some day but it will be when we retire. So not any time soon! :(
    Great workouts! You've been coming up with great combos too!
    If brides had to pay for their own wedding themselves I bet you they would think twice about the wedding budget. Where I come from the couple pays for the wedding or at least that is what I think happens back home for most people. DH and I paid for our own. I think it's crazy to expect ones parents to spend so much money on a wedding if they have get a loan to pay for it. I just don't think it's fair if your parents are not wealthy. Of course when you're a young girl you dream of a beautiful wedding. Because I wanted a beautiful wedding I went over budget. It's too easy to get carried away.

    Laurel, I'll be doing that STS #9 tomorrow. Great combo with the Rhythmic Step workout!
    I hope I get more answers about my foot soon but I really hope the inflammation will go down if I am good to my feet.
    I am trying to stay motivated with the workouts but it's also discouraging when I can do what I'd like to do. I can't even break a sweat with the stuff I'm doing and it makes me feel like I'm not doing a thing.
    I love chili! Do you use turkey breast for yours? We do and this year we made it very low sodium and it still tastes great. I made my first soup of the cold season on Sunday. Chicken soup this time. I'm sure minestrone with turkey meatballs will be my next soup and chili soon too!

    Good night ladies!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Yesterday was my rest day so of course no workout for me.

    Tami, Sorry to hear that the volleyball tournament didn't happen, that is unfortunate, but nice that you could go for some coffee with your BFF. Great job on the getting in your STS workout. Glad to hear that you both had such a great mini vacation. Sounds like you both needed it. I'm off all of next week, have a lot to get done since we are hosting DH's family for Thanksgiving and then we leave the next day to be with my family. Have a great time at your going away party, did they give you an exit interview? They do that around here, and it is a great way to vent you frustration with the company. Not that it really does any good.

    Laurel, Nice workouts, looks like you are pulling out some fun ones. It was a bit warmer today, but then it was snowing during rush hour. Let's just say that at one point my heart rate was going way to fast because of stupid people and braking. I'm so glad that I have brand new tires on my vehicle. I don't blame you for not wanting to deal with the cold weather anymore. It is funny how chili just goes so well with the cold weather. I always love making and eating it.

    Thelma, WTG on the STS workout, it is nice that you where able to pinpoint where your problem was. Yep we have a 10yr old German Shepherd, and is a big furry love. She loves her morning walk, but they are getting slower and slower with her arthritis. This weather doesn't help her either, but for some reason the colder weather is something that she enjoys. Must be all the fur she carries around with her. :D DH and I paid for our wedding also, there is no way that my parents could pay for it.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today's workout combo started with STS Disc 8/Back and Triceps. I went pretty heavy on it, and it felt good. I followed it with the extended stretch (which also felt good). For cardio, I did To The Max Extreme. And it felt really easy! This workout NEVER feels easy to that was weird. But I enjoyed it more than I usually do (this workout has some 'dread' factor for me) so that was good.

    Thelma, I am glad your feet feel better and that you have found a solution. I understand your frustration on the workouts. I tell you, my friend did yoga while her foot was bad. And she stayed in really good shape. I know yoga is tough for you at times because of your shoulders, but it might be worth looking into. No, you won't feel the sweat or burn the calories, but it will keep your body strong and mobile for when you are healed up. Just a thought! Yes, I make turkey chili and it tasted so good last night. I couldn't stand chili until I started making my own if I am being honest. Kind of a funny story about my mom and her (lack of :) ) cooking skills. I didn't know what chili was supposed to taste like until I made my own! :D Poor DH had some of my mom's chili when we were in Phoenix last year, and now he completely understands what I have been talking about for years regarding mom's chili. My poor mother! She's a great mother.....but not much of a cook. ;)

    Laurie, sorry to hear about the snow. I hate driving in those conditions because of other drivers. Down here, if there is a raindrop, people slam on their brakes. And there is a lot of rain. You get your fair share of snow. You would think most people would know how to drive in it. Anyhow, I am glad you are safe and that it is warming up a little bit. I have been meaning to is your MIL doing? I see you are hosting your DH's family for Thanksgiving and hope this means she is doing all right.

    Tami, last day!!!!!! Hope everything goes well. I am thinking about you!

    I promised myself I would start working on getting ready to move today, so I must go do that. Talk about a dread factor! :s;) See you tomorrow.

  • v70t5m
    v70t5m Posts: 186 Member
    Hello all,

    I just completed STS Meso 1 ... those pushups never did become any easier!

    You know, when I do not perform ball wall squats for a while and return, I'm ALWAYS shocked by how tough they are to hold for any length of time. And yet, that strength returns quickly. Is this how aging catches up to us? We just stop and lose the ability to perform that exercise, some of us persevere and regain and others just let it go. (I'm expecting company for the holidays ... and anticipating/dreading the earful I'm going to receive ... half of "you exercise too much" and half of "I cannot walk or do situps, why do you think that is?" ... from the same person.)

    These chilly weeks have been a mix of running, lifting, Susan Chung, Jari Love, and Cathe. I ran 3 miles with the pups yesterday, as we are in a warming trend (1) although my 40 degree weather cannot hope to match Laurie's 8 degrees, (2) I'm still expecting a pair of running pants soon (cold calves, coooold calves). My diaphram is definitely sore from breathing through my nose.

    I'm still babying my shoulder and converting raises and overhead presses to something less intense. Which may be why the pushups never seemed to improve!

    I'll be doing endurance lifting with light weights for the week, prepping to tackle Meso 2 week 1 Thanksgiving week (probably my favorite Meso!) Good way to help all that food go down. :)

    As to the new Ripped with Hiit, they changed the short video intro music a bit. I thought it was a problem recording the first time I heard it. From the shorts, I'm interested in Upper Body Circuit; Floor Plyo Hiit; LIHI Back, Biceps, and Shoulders; and one of the Low Impact. I cannot wait for the last couple video shorts to make it to the big screen. That will be the money decision maker.

    Thelma, my fellow shoulder sufferer, now you are suffering similar to my husband! He has a ganglion cyst at the base of his 4th toe. Ouch. Foot issues bother me, so my fingers are crossed that your neuroma heals quickly. Good luck with your shoe hunt. (Perhaps with your shoulder and foot on the outs this is a great time for core, glutes/hams, and back strengthening!!!)

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited November 2014
    Hi Ladies ~ Last Day, Last Day, Last Day!!!!!! WOO HOO!!!!

    Last night’s class was Insane-X as you know but we did the stations again!!!! Tough stuff and in between we would do a minute of Insanity moves or T25. Box jumps w/ Burpees, high knees through the ladders w/ Burpees, Kettle Ball snatches, back & forth across the 3-tier step bench with a 15 lb weight, etc. We did 3 rounds of each at 1 min each. This a.m. was STS and tonight will be my going away party! I am really trying to look at it as a celebration for “me”, I deserve a party for being there for 20+ years one of my friends reminded me. Instead of the fact they are trying to make themselves look better to everyone. I’ll let you all know how it goes tomorrow while I am starting my new life sipping some coffee and getting in whatever workout I want in the a.m. while my body & soul decompress a bit.

    Laurel: Great job with STS, Pilates Abs and Rhythmic Step yesterday & today’s STS To The Max Xtreme combo also a thumbs up!!! WOWsa on the easy factor for that one. Very nice! Thank you for your nice message about today and for thinking about me. It is bittersweet but yes, mostly sweet! I’m trying to be respectful to the people that are really truly sad about me leaving and their feelings. Not all of them know the “whole” story but my sudden departure they do have their suspicions as to what in the world after 20 years. I am looking forward to a nice workout at home tomorrow with Cathe. Speaking of which, I watched several clips last night on the new workouts. I am SO excited for these. They look amazing! I never doubted that they wouldn’t be, but to see the confirmation that they look so good is awesome.

    Laurie: If I could describe my inner laughter at the “exit interview” – that would require them to be a non-dysfunctional company. We don’t even have employee reviews here, we didn’t even have an employee manual until about 10 years ago. My last review was probably 6 years ago. It is the most dysfunctional place ever. Hope to have a nice exit party anyway. Emma is the same way with the cold weather …. She’s a big fluff ball and loves when it cools down. Of course she wants to be in when we are though and so she gets very warm this time of year in the house. She’ll sweat her way through it though, as long as she is with us.

    Thelma: Yes, you are right on that . . . . I cannot stop smiling and feeling pure joy about my last day! I’ve had some really special messages and people stopping by today already that won’t be able to make it tonight. It is those people that I will miss but luckily working for a title company I will have the opportunity to work with them again hopefully. Great job doing what you can do in the workouts and making modifications where needed! Love the perseverance and I understand how your mind would wander into “how am I going to work out at all” Do what you can do on any given day and time will tell when you can push for more. The Yoga option is a great one that Laurel suggested. Yum on the Turkey Minestrone Soup!

    Kira: Great job on completing Meso 1!!! Nice job, and you're right . . . those push-ups always get ya! ;)

    OK ladies, I am going to finish up my last 2.5 hours and hand in my keys . . . . weird! I will report in tomorrow how it went at the party.

    Until then ~ Tami

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    I did STS Disc #9 Legs tonight. Great workout! I tried the Bulgarian lunges today but I didn't feel safe and I didn't want to hurt my knees. I definitely know that I have to work the quads nut just the hams. so I decided to do my Knee 101 exercises with ankle weights. Basically straight leg raises which Cathe actually includes in the bonus section. So I'm excited about having thought about the leg raises.
    I was actually able to do the back lunges with the disc. Had to keep it a little shallow but not that much.
    My toe was acting up today but not bad like the other day. Today I was actually feeling the pain in the area where the neuroma is located at when I went down stairs and sometimes when I walked.
    My new Merrells came today but they have to go back. The reviewers were right in that their new redesign made the shoes narrow at the toe box. They have to go back. I'm not sure what I can buy now but decided to try Land's End hoping that their redesign work for me because their shoes have never worked for me. Cardio tomorrow.
    It was really cold here this morning!

    Today my boss' boss called me in his office. We all dread going in there because it usually mean listening to his ideas for improvement and you come out of there with more work. He closed the door and he proceeded to congatulate me on the work that I been doing during the past year. I was brought into a dysfunctional team to help make it better. I didn't think I was having any effect on those people but some managers think I have. The managers are doing "round table" reviews where all managers in a given deparment get together and review people. I was told that everyone speaks highly of me including the guy who called me insensitive! He told me that he had never heard of anyone being spoken so highly of like people are doing with me. I couldn't believe my ears! He then went on to tell me that he had done something that is almost unheard of in the engineering department in our company and left me hanging there! He said I'd find out from my boss eventually. There is only one thing that I know is almost unheard of and that is a promotion. We are going to be getting our annual reviews next month so I'll have to live with the suspense until then. I'm not getting my hopes high but the fact that my work is being recognized in high places feels good.

    Laurie, you should try Cosequin or Adequan for your dog's arthritis problem. Adequan did wonders for Tami's dog. As long as your dog enjoys her walks keep taking as long as she can do it. I think more and more couples pay for their wedding now in the US.
    Let me tell you, I was glad I had read that article online about needing a wider toe box shoe in cases of Morton's Neuroma!

    Laurel, great workouts today! I can't believe To The Max Extreme felt easy! That is totally amazing. Keep up the great work!!!!
    I have thought about Yoga. At this point my shoulders would be able to handle it better but now I can't do things that put me on my toes. I have some Yoga DVD's I'll give them a try. that is so funny about your mom's cooking skills! We love turkey chili in our house too.

    Hi Kira! Congrats on finishing STS Meso 1! Sorry you're still babying your shoulders but I 'm told it takes a while to get better. Modifying is good as well as using light weights. I'm still babyng my shoulder too. Thanks on the great wishes about my Neuroma. I've been adding more glutes/hams and defitily back.

    Tami, great workouts and congratulations on your new beginning!!! Katy was tough last night! WOW! I'm so afraid of box jumps but that's only because I have to baby my feet and my knees. Great attitude about your going away party. You've earned it!
    I could just imagine you smiling from ear-to-ear not being able to contain your happiness about leaving that job. I've been there before! LOL
    I am trying to stay positive about continuing with the limited workouts. So far a most of the workouts on the rotation I've been able to do. Before it was staying away from the ones with too much shoulder work. NOw it's find something else to do instead of lunges. I have a solution for the lunges. I will do the ankle weights. I wrote a note on the rotation sheet I have about this Disc #9 having a section on ankle weights. I'll be using that for sure. I will give Yoga a try and maybe I'll learn to love it.

    Good night ladies!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Yesterday was the STS Chest, Shoulders & Biceps and the No Equpment Abs. Feeling the DOMS this morning! :D

    Laurel, Oh wow TTM Extreme felt easy, you are really rocking this rotation. Seems the hard part of this rotation is going heavy on the weights. Sure is a nice feeling. Now I'm really looking forward to the new set, because I think it is similar to this current rotation. Seems the first snow fall is the worst for people driving, they just think they can fly down the freeway. My MIL is doing good, she has been allowed to drive. She will never have the ability to lift her arm as far as she used to. The frustrating part for my DH is the fact that she is getting rid of the help. I can understand that she thinks she is able to clean her own house, but she wants to get rid of the person giving my FIL his bath. DH is trying to make sure that she doesn't let that happen.

    Kira, Sounds like you are doing a great job on the workouts. I love the Meso 2 workouts also.

    Tami, What a great workout, I'm tired just listening to what your Insane class was like. Congrats on your last day of working at the old place. Hope you had a wonderful time with your friends. That is amazing that they don't give you a review, I can't remember a time that I have not had one. The previous employer I had always gave us them too. Cami would love to and does, lay out in the snow. Of course she gets up and can hardly walk because she gets stiff. She would stay out there for hours if I let her.

    Thelma, WTG on the workout, and finding an exercise that worked the area you needed to focus on. Now you will have to be in suspense for how long? Why don't they just tell you, that is so silly. Still great that the managers think highly of you, that must have given you a feeling that what you had to go through this year might have worth something. But why put you through all that stress. ;) I will look into those supplements for Cami, she is taking some items that the vet recommended right now.

    Have a great day!
  • v70t5m
    v70t5m Posts: 186 Member
    ThelmaSW wrote: »
    I have thought about Yoga. At this point my shoulders would be able to handle it better but now I can't do things that put me on my toes. I have some Yoga DVD's I'll give them a try.

    I am trying to stay positive about continuing with the limited workouts.


    I will give Yoga a try and maybe I'll learn to love it.


    I understand your position thoroughly. I did not think I would ever get into yoga either. It was a gradual change (it also helped to find the intermediate/advanced poses).

    If you want a yoga challenge, I recommend these DVDs:

    Rodney Yee's "Advanced Yoga" (a lot of floor work, hip opening, and floor balancing challenges)

    Shiva Rea's "Yoga Shakti" (she also has quite a bit of floor work: Transition, Backbends and More, Counterposes, and Inversions)

    JJ Gormley's "Yoga for Every Body" (this will be more of a hunt and peck type DVD, as the movements are put into various workouts for you and you will need to preview them all to figure out what will work and what will not)

    For YouTube assistance:

    Shana Meyerson at has some wonderful pose learning videos - check out her gallery.

    Ali Kamenova at has loaded a huge number of videos. I would stick with her ab videos until your Morton's Neuroma stops flaring.

    Best of Luck,
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! I started today's workout with Lower Body Blast and included the barre section. Love this workout! For cardio, I did X10 Cardio Blast right into the cardio combo of Cathe's 4DS Kickbox and Bootcamp. Loved it! I have to figure out what I am doing/eating right now because whatever it working wonders on my workouts!!

    Kira, congratulations on Meso 1! No, those push-ups never get easy. I hear you on the 'you workout too much but why can't I walk up the stairs' conversations. I just take a deep breath, try to help (without addressing my workout obsession) and move on when I can. It is funny you mentioned the aging issue and wall squats. That is one thing I have definitely noticed with aging--if I take more than a few days off, my body gets really sore and tired with whatever workout I start back with. I had to tell my DH this the other day when he suggested I take a couple weeks off working out when we move next month. Isn't going to happen if I have any say over it because it is just too painful to start up again. I'd rather just keep moving!

    Tami, your first day of freedom!! I hope you enjoy it! I also hope the farewell went all right last night. No doubt it was a weird day/evening, but it is over now so just look forward. I completely agree about the clips for the new workouts. Looks like a lot of variations on familiar moves, and I like that. Easy to learn but not repetitive. They look pretty intense. That Upper Body Circuit one has me really intrigued as does the low impact where she uses the mat as a ''marker". Can't wait! Your Insane X workout sounds like it was insane!!

    Laurie, great workout! I am glad your MIL is healing, but I am hoping your DH can talk her into keeping at least one helper. Hope you start warming up soon!

    Thelma, that is excellent news from work!! Well, at least is an excellent hint on excellent news. ;) I find it a little strange that he would say ' I have a surprise' and not tell you what it is. But I am so glad you have been recognized for your hard work, especially after these past very frustrating months. I understand about the yoga, but Kira has given some good suggestions. I think if it were my only option, I would have to learn to love yoga because, as it said to Kira, at this age I know if I stop, I won't start again. But I am still hoping you can find a more agreeable solution.

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited November 2014
    Hi Ladies ~ Well the party was very nice and I have to say that the amount of people that showed up to wish me well and say goodbye was overwhelming! WOW nearly everyone I work with was there. Probably around 70+ people!! Some people brought me gifts and some cards, it was very nice. One of our owners (the two that used to feel like family to me prior to the "merge") drank way too much so it was an awkward goodbye at the end of the eve and the other one left early to go to a basketball game. Strange but not surprising! I had one glass of wine + lots of ice water and made my way around the bar/restaurant to visit with as many people as I could. One staff person who wasn't able to make it came up to me at the end of the day and gave me one of those never ending hugs and cried. I was shocked, she's a little rough around the edges and then that came out.... She said I'm one of very few people she always looks forward to seeing and I am always kind and say good morning with a smile. It made me feel a little emotional but all and all I just felt excited about the support from so many and moving on! No sads about leaving .... AT ALL!! A good friend of mine who works the front desk was very emotional but I told her we would absolutely stay in touch and get together. People always say that but I think if you keep the contact going it's easy to remain friends. Of course "Mr. Manager" was not there. I was relieved and able to relax. So this am. I had a nice sleep in, woke up to our first snow, had my coffee, got in my X10 combo of Hi/Lo + Cardio and then met my BFF a for a celebratory lunch! Ran some errands, put together a flyer for DH and a fishing trip next year that someone bought, ran a couple errands and that was my day! I had to stop by DH's office with that flyer (my soon to be office) and everyone I saw was so excited for me to be there and welcome! Felt amazing. I also received my final checks in the mail today!! One for my vacation time (3.5 weeks) plus my 3 sick days! WooHoo! I now have some extra spending money for LA!

    Thelma: I am SO happy for you and your awesome meeting with your boss! It sounds like they are beyond thrilled with your performance and I bet your review will also reflect that!! Congrats the suspense is awful I'm sure, but just the positive comments have to feel really good! Nice job with STS a Legs!

    Laurie: Awesome work with STS! You're right, it's beyond strange about our lack of reviews, communication, etc. We didn't even have job descriptions or employee manual until about 8 yrs ago. Are you planning on going right into the new workouts after this or something else and then those?

    Laurel: another fabulous combo today! Way to work ~ I am planning on legs tomorrow, really looking forward to it! I can relate to what you are saying as well to Kira! DH is always saying I should take more time off, but I feel worse when I do. As of late, as I shared the other day taking a day or two here and there so close together has felt like a longer break than what it really is. I think that and the combo of being exhausted did not do well for me. But I feel like I'm coming back now! I was also thinking today that my nutrition was also suffering. Not junk food but very little food - my body didn't have the fuel it was needing either. Travel Fit will be a must for next week along with some HiiT style workout in my sisters backyard. Maybe I could talk her into taking me to her work at UCLA and I could get on some of their equipment! That would be amazing!

    P.S. Made it until 10 a.m. today and the first question came in from my old job!
    I will pick and choose at this point and definitely not answer immediately, because I know there will be more.

    Hope you ladies are having a nice evening ~ I'll talk to you tomorrow!
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, spinning for me tonight. My foot is still feeling like it did yesterday. so I'm still putting pressure on the neuroma when I walk. I really think I need a different sneakers so I'll be doing some research on best shoes for this condition.
    Kira, thanks so much on the Yoga workout recommendations. I'm not sure that advanced workouts is what I need. I do have a Shiva Rea beginners flow or something like that which is good for me once I fast forward through the meditation section which I find extremely boring and I just can't seem to be able to meditate. I need something that is going to take me through every move slowly and the it will be explained clearly. I need them to tell me when to inhale and when to exhale. I'll check out these workouts this weekend.
    I think Rodney Yee has some beginners workouts.
    I have a few Yoga DVD in fact I think I'll try them tomorrow because I was looking at them tonight.

    Laurel, that is a really great workout and the barre section is great. You really are doing great with your new found energy. Figure it out and let me know what you're doing in the energy department.
    I don't want to get my hopes high about a promotion. The fact that someone has gone to my boss' boss to tell them about my work is huge and would settle for that. It made me feel good to be recognized. Yesterday the suspense was killing me today it doesn't matter. Just show me the money! LOL A promotion means more work and I don't want that. I already do more than enough.
    Good night ladies!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    X10 Hi-Lo and S90D Cardio Challenge where my choices for yesterday.

    Laurel, Love the bootcamp/kickbox combo from 4Ds for sure. Glad to hear that the energy level is still going strong. I know that I feel it also. We are suppose to start warming up this weekend with temps in the 40's. I tell you waking up to single digits this morning was not fun, but at least the wind wasn't blowing like yesterday.

    Tami, That really sounds like a nice party, and interesting the people that you didn't expect to be so emotional about your leaving. Your day off sounds like such fun, I will have to do the same for next week when I'm off. I know that I want to get a lot of thing prepped for Thursday. A lot of baking will be happening for sure. Kind of wanted to do something else for at least a couple of weeks. Just to shake things up a bit, and then to see what Cathe comes up with for a rotation. I have to believe that if she doesn't provide one in the set, that she will have a rotation for at least Jan. I bet your workout was a lot more fun when you knew you didn't have to get to work right afterwards.

    Thelma, WTG on the workout. Hope you are able to find a shoe that will work for you, has to be hard to find the right one. Check out some of the on line yoga. I know that Jessica Smith has a really good one that I have done in the past. It was a combo of pilates and yoga. LOL on the promotion and more work, you have to wonder sometimes why that happens.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Happy Friday! Today's workout started with Flex Train which I really have been enjoying in these past two rotations. For cardio, I did Cardio Fusion. <3

    Tami, I am so happy to hear your going away went well! Isn't it surprising how you learn about people and how you have impacted them when it is time to say goodbye? I have had that happen a couple of times, and it sort of leaves you speechless, doesn't it? I am sure you will be missed. But I agree....take your time (since it is your time now) answering those questions from work. Your first day off sounds perfect! I am glad to hear you are feeling better with your workouts. No doubt the stress combined with less eating probably had you feeling more fatigued than usual. Glad things are normalizing for you now. Sounds like you have a good plan for workouts next week as well.

    Thelma, good job with spinning! I agree that you might need some specific shoes for your condition. I am sorry you still don't know what your good news is! That is crazy. Just put it out of your mind and if something happens....great! If not...then at least you didn't waste time and energy stressing about it. Rodney Yee definitely has some beginner yoga workouts. I spent about 8 years starting my day with his A.M. Yoga and did it a few times this past summer with DH because it helped his back. I like Rodney Yee.

    Laurie, great workout choices. I hope that warmer weather hits you soon. We are aupposed to have near record highs next week.....which puts us close to 90! A little too hot for this time of year in my opinion. But it is better than Buffalo, I won't complain too much.

    One of my BIL's is in town, so we are having Thanksgiving at my in-laws tomorrow. Last time DH and I had Thanksgiving with his family was 1991, and we were getting ready to head overseas for the first time. That's a long time ago! I am really looking forward to it. Have a great weekend!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    This was just posted on Cathe's site: Though it's still too early to say for sure it currently looks like we should have Ripped With HiiT in stock the week after the Thanksgiving holiday.
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, I had today off and it was as always a day full of errands. I dag out from my piles of DVD's my yoga ones and found two brand new ones. The one I decided to try was Travis Eliot's Yoga Foundations. I can't tell you how much I loved this practice. I didn't want it to end. It wasn't a workout by our standards in this forum but it was very relaxing and I actually got into a little meditation. I do feel guilty about "not having worked out". Eliot has a 108 day program called the Ultimate Yogi. I've read that this is a flowing power yoga practice. I really loved his soothing voice and found the experience to be almost spiritual. The DVD I have has 3 foundation sequences. The one I did was about 45 minutes.
    I remembered tonight that DH and I used to do a yoga workout together on the weekends so after reading the amazing reviews on the Ultimate Yoga program I asked him if he wanted to do yoga with me. He said he would and I will do the same program I did tonight. I am really excited about this. Of course I wanted to right away purchase the Ultimate Yogi program but I am going to wait. I want to get comfortable with the 3 foundation practices first. Doing a program like this wouldn't leave room for anything else during the week for me. I have to do my PT tomorrow and I will start that with a warm up from one of Cathe's DVD's, then PT and I want to follow that with the yoga practice and I'll have DH join me then.

    Tami, I'm so glad your good bye party went so well! What a nice surprise to have all those people attend. I'm glad you're getting back to your normal self now. Great workouts too!

    Laurie, great workouts! It was pretty windy here this afternoon and when I went food shopping the wind kicked in and it made me wish I'd had a hat on. Funny how I never liked wearing hats because hats and curly hair just don't mix well. In the last two years my head wants a hat when it's cold! I tell you I'm wishing I won't be getting a promotion because I don't want more work.
    Did you order the Ripped With HiiT program yet?

    Laurel, great workouts!
    The quest for the right shoes won't be an easy one but I ordered 4 pairs of shoes last night to see if I get lucky. I am definitely not thinking about the surprise thing from work. A promotion would add more pressure to my job and I don't want it. I hope you have a wonderful time with your in-laws this weekend!

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited November 2014
    Hi Ladies - I've been enjoying my days OFF from work so much! I have worked out every day of course and able to get in some nice workouts. Friday was XT Cardio Leg Blast, then I showered up and one of my really good friends (who also worked with me at one point) took me to lunch to celebrate!! yesterday I did To The Max and today was Total Body Tri-Sets (upper & lower premix). I decided today and tomorrow I would get in some good workouts and I leave early Tues a.m. For LA so I will continue on in the rotation when I get back. So I'll be a couple weeks behind you ladies since I repeated a week.

    Thelma: I'm happy to hear you dug through your pile of DVDs and found what sounds like a perfect Yoga practice to move forward with!! That is so great and a bonus that DH will be joining you. How wonderful is that?! I hope you are able to find some shoes that will help your foot. Were you able to do some research over the weekend?!

    Laurie: Awesome combo on Friday!! That S90 is such a fun one. That is fantastic you get the whole week off for the Thanksgiving holiday. Are DH's parents coming to your house as well? Sounds like the new DVDs arriving is perfect timing! I will still be finishing up the current rotation but having the new ones in my hands and starting my new job gives me so much fun to look forward too!

    Laurel: Nicely done on Friday with FlexTrain & Cardio Fusion! I'm sure you hit it hard today as well.
    I did find out on Friday that my friend who works the front desk was handed my responsibilities. Too bad they didn't just have me train her while I was sitting next to her for two weeks. It was the only person they could give them too really since she is the only full time person left other than bookkeeping and "the manager" doesn't want to do it. On a happier note and something I am way more focused on right now . . . I've been looking at the weather this week in LA and it is supposed to be sunny & 80's for several days!!!! Will be so nice.

    I will check in with you ladies tomorrow!