Cathe Fans Part 5



  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Quick check-in today, but I did get my workout in this morning while DH is off with his students. I did X10 Step then right into Party Rockin' Step 1--the 66 minute premix. My legs feel tired from yesterday, but it was a fun workout. Now I have a little time to do some things around the house then DH and I are headed out to look for more things we need for the new house. Still not buying anything, but trying to get ideas and costs.

    Thelma, I am sorry about the shoulder problem. That must be so frustrating! Good job with the workout, though, and making it work for you.

    Tami, great workouts! I talked to one of my sisters in Denver yesterday, and in the time we talked, their temps dropped 30 degrees. They had a high of 70, and by last night it was below freezing and snowing!! Boy, I don't miss that! I told her I was going to go hug my palm tree, :D So stay warm! It looks like those cold temps are going to be around awhile.

    Laurie, hope you are having a good day!

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    Tonight was PT and spinning. I'm really upset because I seem to have yet another foot injury. This time is my left foot. A couple of weeks ago I started to feel some tenderness around the ball of my foot on the left side. Yesterday after my workout I was wiggling my toes around and I was getting them separate and contract when I felt something on the toe next to the small toe. Then I started to feel my foot and it was just tender. I remembered that it almost hurt like that when I dislocated my toe and needed surgery about 6 years ago. I'm freaking out needless to say. Today I buddy tapped my toes together just in case. I also called my foot surgeon's office and she had a cancellation tomorrow afternoon. You have no idea how incredible this is because she is the only foot surgeon there so she's always booked. I'm going for X-rays at 3:20 and will see the doctor at 4:20. I'm OK walking and was OK on the spinning bike but I was very careful. From what I can find online it is a metatarsal issue but what do I know. I don't know if this is a bone or soft tissue problem. I have the feeling that I won't be doing lunges any time soon. Lunges could be the cause as I've been doing a lot more of them. I can't win! This is so frustrating but at least I'm not feeling like I'm going to give up exercising.

    Tami, great workouts! Are you still going to have time to do your Insane Abs class during lunch at your new job?
    I really love the plyo legs workouts but may have to give those up for a while.
    We actually had a little snow a couple of weeks ago. I heard this is going to be a very snowy winter!
    Don't even question the fact that your employer doesn't want any training. It's their loss!

    Laurie, I hope you were able to get your yoga workout in today. Nice short week! I noticed you were not doing the rotation anymore and I was wondering why but now I know. You've got all those new workouts calling your name!

    Laurel, I hope you and your DH had a wonderful time together. Great workouts!!! You have serious will power about not buying anything for the new house! I would've bought some stuff by now! LOL
    The injuries are very frustrating. I need a new pair of feet!

    Good night Ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I did manage to get in the yoga workout, decided on Eion Finn 90 min. one. Felt really good, and totally made me relax. I really enjoyed my four days off, didn't realize that I needed to have that time off so badly.

    Laurel, Feel for you on the legs, but sounds like you got in a good workout. Hope you where able to find something for the new house. Our temps where in the 20's this morning, just not ready for the winter to come. Seems like we have just come out of the last winter.

    Thelma, Dang on the foot! Hope you have some positive news from the surgeon. I'm still doing the rotation, just behind all of you because of the Tuesday dance class. After this rotation I will not be heading into Cathe's RIPPED workouts. I will be doing some other workouts until the beginning of the year.

    Tami, Hope you are having a great day!

    Have a wonderful day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today started with STS Disc 30/Shoulders, Biceps and Triceps. And once again I was able to go up in weight. Feels so good! I followed it with STS Yoga Based Abs, which isn't my favorite. But I did it. For cardio, I went for fun today. I started with Turbo Fire HiiT 25 and then went right into TF45. Fun and effective combo.

    Thelma, yikes on the foot! You can't catch a break right now, can you? Hopefully you will get some good news from the foot surgeon. Great job pushing through with a workout. I laughed when I read your post about buying things for the house...because we started yesterday! We were looking for a carpet for the family room (it has wood flooring), and I knew what I wanted. First furniture we walked into, I walked up to a carpet and said to DH 'This is it!' It was exactly what I pictured in my head. Of course we went to two more carpet stores and three more furniture stores--just to make sure--before returning to the first place and buying my carpet. I am excited!! We dropped by the house yesterday as well, and all of the kitchen cabinets had been delivered and are supposed to be installed today. I really am getting excited after seeing that!

    Laurie, great job getting in the yoga. I love Eoin Finn (know him because you recommended him!). That must have felt good. Hope it doesn't get too cold or snowy this early. That makes for a very long winter.

    Tami, hope everything is going well. One week and counting!!!

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Sorry I missed ya yesterday. Again, working at our front desk for the week and it is hard to login. DH made me dinner last night while I was at my hair appt! Love it. So yesterday was X10 Step and then no workout last night. This a.m. was STS Back/Bis and headed to Spinning tonight after work.

    Laurie: Nice job with Flex Train yesterday & getting in some Yoga too! Always good to get those in. How nice only having a 3-day work week. I bet you thoroughly enjoyed your time off. I am SO looking forward to my time off between the 19th, leaving for my trip to see my sister in Calif on Nov 24 for a week! It will feel so good and then start my new job! Sounds like you are right into winter in your area. We are having the very cold temps right now. Highs in the 30’s and we are supposed to get some snow up high very soon. The skiers are all thrilled! You are spot on with that on my job ~ going fast and no dread factor. Just anxious for it to all be DONE at this point, then those last layers of “build up” from 20+ years can be gone for good!

    Laurel: Awesome work AGAIN for you on the workout combo! Hope you enjoyed your day looking for house items. Fun that you are pre-shopping to get some good ideas. I bet you are hugging your palm tree! That’s funny. I bet your sis really appreciate that. Yes, it is cold right now but luckily having those bright blue sky days, which is always refreshing when it’s cold vs. gray and dark.

    Thelma: Dang it on the new foot injury! Hopefully it is something just small and it will be healed up in no time. That’s fantastic you were able to get into that dr. right away! Good luck. Girl, you have been through so much with your injuries this year I know for certain you won’t be giving up on the workouts! You will get them in and I commend you for that. I am not sure if I will or not on the Insane Abs class . . . probably at first while I am training I won’t but as I get into my own routine I will be able to go back to it. It will be great when I do.

    Hope you are all having a great day ~ Talk to you tomorrow! Tami

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Yesterday was Meso 3 Chest & Back really loving all the heavy weights again.

    Laurel, Wow on the workouts. Love the two TF ones, and great job on upping those weights. Can't believe that it is possible, when the last round I was struggling with lighter weights. :D I love how Eoin is able to get those hips stretched out. I think that he is the only one that uses that mix of poses to get them that way.

    Tami, Very nice that you had dinner on the table after your hair appt. Great workouts also. I will be having time off for Thanksgiving and Christmas, and I'm really looking forward to that also. Where you able to keep the same amount of vacation days with this new position? It took me 15 years to get back to the 4 weeks that I had with my previous job, it sure is nice to have that.

    Thelma, Have a wonderful day today!

    Talk at you all later,
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Once again I combined tomorrow's scheduled workout and today's into one workout. So I started with the 62 minute premix from Great Glutes. It felt good because my legs have felt tired this week. I think I needed that kind of workout just to ease them a bit. I followed it with the X10 Low Impact and Step premix and then went right into XTrain All Out Low Impact HiiT. That was a good combo.

    Tami, I am so glad you are going to get a break in between jobs. I bet you are really looking forward to it. Are you going back to Los Angeles? Not a bad place to be that time of year. :) You might find yourself hugging a palm tree too! ;) Great job getting the workouts in.

    Laurie, I am thinking I won't feel so strong with the weights next week when we are back to the Meso 1 workouts, that's for sure. I can really struggle on those endurance workouts after lifting heavy. But that's one of the reason I like this undulating rotation--it really challenges me in my weak areas. Eoin's Happy Hips workout is one of the best for hips. I love that one.

    Thelma, hope you are doing well and your foot is okay!

    See you tomorrow!

  • lingo10
    lingo10 Posts: 305 Member
    Hi guys, new to this thread but always a cathe fan. I have two left feet when it comes to the imaxs but, how good is the LIS series (Cardio Supersets and etc)?

    I have done Pyramid Lower Body, which is my all time favorite. :wink:
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Spinning last night was an endurance based workout, which for Katy means non-stop spinning for an hour. It was a great class and packed. Today’s workout was X10 and tonight I am going to have a relaxing evening at home and pack a bag because tomorrow right after work (leaving early) and DH and I are headed to a dinner event with friends so we are staying the night at a fancy hotel and they invited us to an Epicuren Event – it’s a fund raiser. So we decided to stay the night and make a fun event out of it. We will be back on Sat.

    Laurie: Great job with STS! I’m glad you will be having time off during the holiday’s, that is awesome. I’m not sure what I will be doing for Christmas. My mom will most likely come for a visit which will be nice. As a “newbie” at my new job I will not take much time off other than one day probably, we will see. Yes, my vacation remained the same, which is amazing. Plus I get some extra holiday days off that I don’t get currently. Kind of like a bank. So it will be really nice having some extra days here and there or even some of them it is just a half day.

    Laurel: YOWSA! Way to work today and get that combo in, although I would say you got in more than a double! Yes, I am headed to Los Angeles and I am hoping for sunshine. Which it always seems to be sunny there so it will feel really good. Yes, I could hug a palm tree, she has a few in her yard.

    Hi Thelma!

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow I hope, if not I will check in on Saturday. If we get a good picture all dressed up I will share it with you all.

    Lingo10: Welcome! I would highly recommend Cathe’s LIS! All of the workouts are great. One of them causes me a little confusion on the footwork (I believe it is called Low Impact Step) because I can be choreography challenged with step workouts. But all of the others are amazing workouts ~ Total Body Tri-Sets is one of my all time favorites in that batch! Feel free to ask any questions, not sure if you were thinking about the whole set or individual workouts.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, I forgot to hit en enter on post last night! DUH!!! Sorry for the long post.
    Thursday night was STS #30 shoulders, biceps, triceps and PT, Wednesday I did spinning again since I got home late from the ortho's appointment. It turns out I have a nerve and not a bone issue. I have a condition called Morton's neuroma
    Morton's neuroma involves a thickening of the tissue around one of the nerves leading to your toes. This can cause a sharp, burning pain in the ball of your foot. Your toes also may sting, burn or feel numb.

    My doctor could feel the neuroma. I can't feel it but sometimes I feel something move much the same way that my bicep was moving when my shoulder was really bad.
    I have to go back for an MRI and my choices would be a corticosteroid injection (NNOOOO!) surgery, change my sneakers.
    Turns out that the biggest clue about my symptoms I gave the doctor's NP was the fact that one day I felt it was the 4th toe but that today I thought it was the third toe. As soon as I said he knew it was Morton's Neuroma. I was just reading more about it and this is something that could happen to people with foot deformities such as flat feet and bunions. I have both. Now the doctor didn't say stop exercising at all but the Mayo clinic suggests taking a break from activities such as jogging, aerobic exercise or dancing. Anything subject to high impact.
    The big clue I got as to what could be the cause of this neuroma was when the nurse said this happens when people walk on the outer part of the foot. I have been feeling I was walking like that but I knew it was because of the Saucony's I got for the plantar fasciitis issue. The arch on the outer sole is built up so high that it was shifting my weight to the outer part of the foot on the small toe side. I could feel that and didn't feel right. It became obvious pretty recently maybe even last week that my shoes where placing me in that position. Turns out my orthotics on top of these Saucony's were too much. Thankfully I still had my pre-plantar fasciitis sneakers and I'm going to be wearing those. I can totally feel my placement being centered now. Can you stand it? I can't win! I tried to fix one problem just to cause another one.
    So I'll be shopping for new sneakers this weekend. I really like the old ones I have but with the new orthotics they are a little small.
    I need to have an MRI so I'm hoping I will get a call with an appointment. This MRI is done one day a week. Once I have an MRI date I will also get an appointment to go see the doctor.
    If I have to have surgery I'd be out of commission for 6 weeks. I was told I could ride a bike but I don't see how if I can't wear my shoes. I'll be able to do upper body, abs that sort of thing. We're not there yet though. I hope the change of shoes will help.
    I got a call this morning with my appointments for the MRI and the foot surgeon for 12/17.
    I really don't know how much cardio work I can do because my foot does hurt. Now I know that the jumping I did on the trampoline was the last thing I did that left the pain there. That was the Plyo legs workout. Too much jumping I guess

    Laurie, glad you were able to get your yoga workout in and that you had a nice weekend. Good job on the Chest/Back workout! I wasn't recognizing any of your workouts as part of the rotation that is why I thought you weren't doing it anymore.

    Laurel, great workout and WTG on the higher weights! Killer combo today lady!
    I really can't catch a break. I never thought my flat feet would cause so many problems.
    It's about time you did some shopping lady! Good for you! I'm so excited for you! Are you going back to the house this weekend to check out the kitchen cabinets? If I were you I would be there tomorrow to check them out! LOL

    Tami, so good of your DH to make you dinner the other night! Great workouts!
    Have a wonderful time with your husband and friends! What a great deal to get more vacation and holidays with your new job!
    I'm hoping the foot will get better with these other sneakers. I do my jumping on the trampoline but I wonder if that is not a good idea given that I have a nerve issue. I don't want to aggravate it. I don't want to have to give up my workouts so I have to give my feet a break.

    Good night Ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Yesterday was Plyo Legs, and that is about all I had time for. DH and I went shopping last night to buy me a dress. I don't have a ton of dresses (manuf. plant so not allowed), and this is the first time I will be going to something as the bosses wife. :o Most of the people DH works with are married, and we have been invited to a wedding. Seems kind of weird to tell the truth. It was fun to get a dress that was sleeveless, and see some great arms. Of course with the cold weather we are having, I did get a sweater to wear also. So what gift does the boss have to give an employee for something like this? :\

    Laurel, Again great work on the workouts. I agree with you on the struggle with the endurance, it sure is a surprise to have that. Love the undulating also, it really gives those muscles a wake up call each week. Each one of the workouts on Eoins workout are great, just wish I could bend as well as some of those people do.

    Lingo10, A big welcome! I don't have all of the LIS workouts. I have Tri-Sets, Afterburn, and Cardio Supersets. I love all three of those. I'm not a big fan of step workouts, and I don't have a cycle so I didn't buy those. When I asked for recommendations on which ones to get these three where the winners from everyone.

    Tami, Sounds like some great workouts. Did you let Katy know that you where going to be out of town, just in case. :D Oh yes please do take some pictures, it is so fun to see those. I will have to have my dd's take a pic of DH and I before we leave home. That is great on the vacation, sometimes companies don't give you those days. This new job is looking more and more like the best move. Enjoy your weekend, it sure sounds like you will be having a great time.

    Thelma, Sorry to hear that you didn't hit the reply button. With this page turn thing, I had to start my post on the other page, and then copy it over to this side. I don't know how I could have giving a good post without it. :D Dang on the feet issue, but it sure sounds like this doctor is pinpointing what the issue is. Hopefully you will be able to find things like lifting weights, and some low impact that will be okay with your feet. I have been a little lax on what workouts I am doing so totally understand about the confusion.

    Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today I started with High Reps just to 'shock' my body back into our endurance phase. It felt good. For cardio, I started with X10 Cardio Blast and then did the Intervals and Circuits workout from Cathe's Greatest Hits DVD. A strange thing is happening right now, and I don't know what is causing it. But my standard cardio is beginning to feel a little less than challenging. I don't know if that is from the increased strengh or if it is from the cardio we have been doing. But, anymore, starting with those X10 workouts is one way I can ensure my heart rate stays up for my workout. Weird.....because I have only felt this way when I have been through an Insanity rotation. But I can think of worse problems to have! :)

    Lingo10, welcome!! I highly recommend the LIS series. I don't have the cycle workout. And, as Tami pointed out, the step workout (Low Impact Challenge) is nearly impossible because of the choreography and poor cuing. But the other workouts are fantastic and there is little to no choreography in the other workouts making them easy to learn. But they aren't easy to do! I love the variety in this series, including a barre workout and two good yoga workouts. Please let us know if you have any specific questions in individual workouts!

    Tami, I hope you enjoy your evening! That sounds like so much fun. I am sure after your DH being gone and your job, a little break will be perfect. Enjoy! LA is almost always sunny except for what they call 'June gloom' when it gets a little more dreary. When DH and I moved there, it was in June. And all the news people were complaining about the weather. Of course we had gone there from Alaska. And we just laughed!

    Thelma, yikes on the diagnosis. A good friend of mine had Morton's Neuroma. She never had surgery (nor cortisone), but, as with plantar fasciitis, it took a long time to heal. Hopefully an MRI will give you a better idea of what you can do to get better quicker. Hang in there! We will be back at the house tomorrow to check those cabinets! Can't wait. And we have a closing date--December 19! Let's hope that stays firm.

    Laurie, it has been forever since I have been to a wedding! How fun!! And how nice to have a new dress. Regarding the gift, gift cards always work in my opinion. I would recommend keeping it a reasonable amount, of course. Maybe something from a restaurant or something like that? Just a thought. And it would take a total removal of my bones for me to bend like the people in Eoin's workout! :D It is really amazing what some people can do with their bodies.

    Enjoy the weekend!

  • lingo10
    lingo10 Posts: 305 Member
    Thanks for the welcome. I purchased the Turbo Barre because of the rave reviews and buying cardio supersets in a couple of weeks. :) I figured that with Turbo Barre I can add it into my other workout program I am doing, Tapout XT, and I can use a table top as the barre.
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, I hope you had a nice weekend. I had a restful weekend which I needed badly. My foot seems to be a little better. Ice helps a lot. Today was my day in the kitchen and standing for a long time didn't help. I had to sit down to do some of the prep work. My feet are feeling fragile. This is so disappointing!
    I did Great Glutes on Friday and I loved it. The only thing I couldn't do were lunges. I tried one and OMG! My foot hurt. So I did other things like ab crunches and some of the barre moves I learned from Cathe. My hamstrings were feeling the workout on Saturday. Since I was on a lazy mode on Saturday I almost took the day off but I had to do my PT exercises and forced myself to do that mini workout. Today was spinning as always.

    Laurie, I hope you enjoyed Plyo legs. It is a fun workout. How exciting about buying a dress and going to a wedding as the boss' wife! I would try to find out where the couple is registered at for wedding gifts. Otherwise; I have no idea what to give them other than $.
    The new format for this website is not very user friendly. I prefered the old format because is didn't matter if you had to reply to posts on two pages. The thing allowed you to see the previous page.
    Dang on the foot thing is right. Finding cardio work will be a challenge. I'll have to stick to very low impact moves and will have to modify, modify, modify.

    Lingo10 welcome to the our group! You'll love the LIS workouts. We all love everything Cathe pretty much.

    Laurel, Awesome workouts as always! I bet your body has finally adjusted to your regular cardio. X10 will definitely get your heart rate up. How about the Tabatacise workout? You're going to love Cathe's new Hiit workouts!
    I'm glad your friend didn't need surgery or cortisone shots for her Morton's Neuroma issue. I have the feeling this thing will take longer than the plantar fasciitis. At least with the PF I was able to do something to make it better. With this neuroma thing all I can do is rest and ice. The ice has given me some relief. Last week I couldn't stand my favorite Birkinstock sandals and now I'm OK with them.
    Did you love the kitchen cabinets? OMG! you'll be closing on the house in one month! Now THAT is exciting! I'm so happy for you!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Let me see if I can remember all the workouts that I did this weekend. X10 Fat Burning with Tae Bo Celebrity Fit, STS Shoulders, Biceps and Triceps with Kickbox FastFix Workout 1, X10 Low Impact and S90D Ultimate Ball. My core is really sore this morning from the UB workout. :D

    We had a really good time at the wedding, it wasn't a big one either. That is something that I'm trying to get into my dd's heads. They don't need to spend a ton of money on a really huge wedding. I know that DH and I spent as little as possible. Spent more money on the honeymoon that the wedding itself. Thanks for all the great ideas for gifts, we went with the gift card.

    Laurel, Good workouts! That is something that I have noticed also. I did the Jillian workout, and it wasn't as tough as I remember. I know that I was working hard too. Interesting side effect from doing this rotation for sure. Have you seen the clips from the new series. They really look good, and the fact that the HiiT workouts look like a combo of her first HiiT and X10's. <3 I'm hoping they are as good as they look.

    lingo10, Congrats on the purchase! How are you enjoying those Tapout XT workouts? I purchased those when they had their recent Groupon sale. I have been wanting them for a long time. Have not had the chance to try them out yet.

    Thelma, You are doing a great job with the workouts! Sorry to hear that your feet are feeling so fragile, you should get a seat for the kitchen that has rollers. Then you could roll around the kitchen on it. :D You are a rock star at modifying.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Busy weekend around here as we continue trying to make plans for the new house. It is coming along nicely despite the fact the painter seems to have disappeared. Looks like they are going to have to hire a new one. But the builder is pressing on, and we have kitchen cabinets! Very exciting. I am getting very anxious now.

    Saturday was my day off working out. Yesterday I managed to squeeze in STS Disc 7/Chest, Shoulders and Biceps. I followed it with Hard Strikes. Today was X10 Hi/Lo followed by Intensity with the Bootcamp section. And then because I didn't do it yesterday, I did STS No Equipment Abs.

    lingo, I hope you enjoy the new workouts!!

    Thelma, I am really sorry to hear about your feet. Good job getting some workout in this weekend. You are right about healing with this Morton's Neuroma. My friend was in a lot of pain from it to the point there were days she didn't even want to go for a walk. And, like you, she is a very fitness-oriented person so it was difficult for her. Hopefully you won't get to that point with your pain, though. But the good news is she is completely healed now, so it isn't forever. And I do love my cabinets! The granite counters should go in next week as should the wood floors. Can't wait for that!

    Laurie, great job with the workouts!! Yowza that's a lot of workouts! I am glad I am not the only one experiencing this cardio benefit from this rotation!! For a few days I was wondering if I was just 'dogging it' (as Tony Horton would say). But I am trying hard, so that isn't the case. Guess I will enjoy it while it lasts! Glad you enjoyed the wedding. Like you, DH and I had a very small wedding and, instead, focused on the honeymoon. I can't imagine spending thousands and thousands on a ceremony/party that lasts a few hours to be honest. But you and I are not the norm it seems, especially these days.

    Tami, hope you had a great weekend. Just a few more days!!

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    I'm pretty limited on what I can do for cardio because my foot hurts sometimes with certain movements. I tried to do Low Max but it wasn't safe for my feet so I modified a lot. I had PT but I cancelled as it was my last covered visit. I'm going back on 12/2 and then back in mid December for an out pocket visit.

    Laurie, you were on FI-YA this weekend lady! Awesome job! I didn't realize the wedding was this past weekend! I'm glad you had a great time. It's amazing how much money people spend on weddings. If I had to do it again I would go much smaller. We had about 30 people and it cost a lot of $$$. Good luck trying to get through your dd's heads! I would save money for a house down payment.

    Laurel, great workouts! I'm so glad your house construction is moving in the right direction and that you're loving your new. I'm sure they'll find a painter soon.
    I had pain in a different area of my foot today and it was there all day long. I went crazy thinking about it. The pain is now between the small and 4th toe. I don't know if what I'm felling is due to the neuroma between the 3rd and 4th toe.
    I don't see this neuroma issue going away any time soon which makes me sad. I hope my pain doesn't get as bad as your friend's did.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited November 2014
    Hi Ladies! Sorry I missed you all on Friday! We left early to get checked into the very fancy hotel we were staying at, relaxed and enjoyed a little snack and glass of wine prior to getting ready for the event. It was super nice and a lot of fun. DH thoroughly enjoyed himself since he didn't t know anyone except our new friends. LOL with his job when he goes to events he always has to be socializing and talking business, so it was nice to just be us and enjoy the food, wine (for me) and he enjoyed the special beer from the 30 breweries there. We were home around 12:30 on Sat and later that afternoon I got in a workout, Athletic Training and a dog walk. BRRRRRRR it was cold. Yesterday was STS Chest/Back and was headed out to our Volleyball tourn. When I found out we had to forfeit
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited November 2014
    It's happened to me again :neutral_face:
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited November 2014