Cathe Fans Part 5



  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! I combined today's and tomorrow's workout, as usual, to free up Friday for a total body workout. So I started with Lean Legs and Abs, and did the 61 minute premix. For cardio, I did X10 Hi/Lo followed by Cross Fire.

    Thelma, I hope you get an appointment soon! Glad your shoulder didn't seem to mind the workout too much. Getting used to Christmas is a warm environment is different, that's for sure. I had this problem in LA as well, but it wasn't as warm there as it is here. We really shouldn't be having these 80+ degree days this time of year and from watching the news, I am not the only one suffering from Christmas apathy because of it. Oh well. At least I have a new house to look forward to!!

    Tami, I am so glad you enjoyed your first day at work!!! I hope that continues for a long time. We were on the same wave length again with the Cross Fire workout! :D I bet it feels so good to be back into a routine.

    Laurie, I hope your arms are okay today!! My biceps are talking to me, that's for sure. But I am glad I pushed the weights this week. It was fun! I agree about the Christmas movies filmed in CA. I just laugh. I saw one recently (on SyFy) that was supposed to take place on Christmas Eve in Alaska. Not only was there something like 14 hours of daylight (as opposed to the 3 or 4 we had up there that time of year), but the grass was green....,and clear of snow! Um......I don't think so! Didn't see the ground once from October to April in the two winters we spent there. But at least I found the movie entertaining if nothing else.

    Enjoy the day!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, lite spinning for me tonight. It's been a difficult feet week. I'm desperate and I would give anything to have the plantar fasciitis problem instead of this neuroma.
    Today I discovered that there are shoes with narrow heels and wide toe box made by New Balance. I need the narrow heel now that my toes need to spread out with the neuroma. I ordered 3 pairs from Zappos tonight so I hope at I'll be able to keep at least one pair of shoes. I'm feeling hopeful about the NB shoes because reviewers of these shoes are women who seem to have the same type of problem feet I have. I discovered this shoelace website and I don't know about you but I can't seem to keep my shoe laces tied unless I do a double knot. This site shoes you how to tie your shoes and how to keep your shoelaces tied

    Laurie, I don't think I knew you lived in WI! No wonder you're always talking about the all that snow and cold weather! So nice of you and your husband to have stayed in WI because of your parents.
    Nice workout!

    Tami, welcome back! I'm glad you're having such a wonderful experience right out of the gate on your new job. I hope the fundraiser workout at the gym is very successful! Great workouts even when you were away!

    Laurel, awesome combo today! WTG! I'm sure it's hard to get into the Xmas spirit because you're also getting ready to move. Hopefully next year it will be easier.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Last night was Plyo Legs and then I added on some Tae Bo Abs.

    Laurel, Again a great combo. Yes my biceps where talking to me, it was really nice. :D I always find that funny when we like to feel the DOMS. LOL about the Alaska movies, I was watching one that was based here in Milw this morning. Still had leaves on the trees. NOT! That is the one thing about those movies, I just love to watch them. I found out this weekend that my youngest sister is the same way. I think we need a support group. <3

    Thelma, Glad you where able to get a workout in, but dang on the shoes. I love Zappos because you can return no questions asked. I just got a new pair of New Balance, and the toe box is bigger than the Asics that I had in the past. I really like them. The laces on these NB stay tied through the whole workout, they are not those narrow round laces that I had on the Asics and Rykas that I have had. Hope one of those pairs of shoes works for you.

    Tami, Hope you enjoy the rest of the week with your new job. Hope nothing is to overwhelming so far.

    Have a great weekend!

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Really quick check-in for me today since I just found out they moved our house closing up a week!! Yay!! But that also means getting a lot done in a shorter period of time. DH and I are still working on whether we can actually move next weekend because we had asked for help for the following weekend. But, no doubt, we will get as much moved as we can even if not all of the furniture. So I am getting ready to run down to the new house for my first look at it complete! So excited.

    But the better ;) news is I got my workout in this morning. I started with Muscle Max which felt challenging today. I think my muscles are still angry from the heavy lifting earlier this week. I followed it wih Rockout Knockout and added the heavy bag bonus.

    Thelma, I hope you can find relief soon. New Balance shoes are fantastic. I hope they work for you. I can only imagine your frustration level. I so admire you doing what you can through all of this. Big hugs to you.

    Laurie, good workout combo! I love the silly Christmas movies this time of year. Honestly, I would probably watch most anything the Hallmark channel has to offer through Christmas. Never go near the channel any other time of the year....but Christmas? Love it. Clearly I need a support group. :)

    Hope you all have a great weekend!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited December 2014
    Hi Ladies!!! Things are going really well at my new job but due to training with someone at my computer or working on things I haven't been able to login with you ladies as easily. I will have to find a new time before or after work like I did the other day. Things are going great! Yesterday I was working on files all by myself, which felt good. Everyone is so helpful and so nice to work with. The lady I am training with is amazing. We also had our Christmas party right after work and I felt like part of the family already, including a card and gift cert. to Kohls. It was really nice and very unexpected.
    Yesterday was STS Legs in the a.m. and today was STS Total Body, felt great! I think my legs will be feeling these 2 days tomorrow!

    Laurel: That is fantastic news about your house! I am anxious to hear how it is looking?!?! Great job finishing up the week with more amazing combos! I love it that we did CrossFire on the same day, makes me feel like I am back in "sync" a little bit. LOL It does feel really good to be back in a routine and to also feel like I can't wait to go back to work. That is a foreign feeling to me.
    Are you doing the extended portion of this rotation? I am so anxious for the new DVDs to arrive, it will be so fun trying them out. I think I still have a few weeks left, I have to look again. Since I had repeated, then left for a week, etc... i am off a bit on the schedule but I remember you saying you would be doing this until Christmas with the move, etc. So excited for you guys!

    Laurie: Great job with the workouts for your too! It is funny how we love those DOMS . . . I am feeling them this week forsure from having my short break. It's crazy how quickly that happens. I wasnt sore after spinning though, that was good! Work is not overwhelming at all, I am pretty happy with how I am retaining what she is going over with me and not feeling like "OMG!!!" At the same time, she is taking it slow because there is SO much to learn, she doesnt want me feeling overwhelmed. Next week I will be working with the Long Term Escrow Dept. she is super excited to train me so I will be sharing time with the Title Dept (where I have been) and with her in the afternoon. They will just keep giving me more and more, it will be a lot to learn but so far so good. I know the "over achiever" part of me will kick in very soon and I will feel frustrated for not knowing enough. I am going to try and not be too hard on myself though. LOL

    Thelma: I'm so sorry to hear about your frustrations with your feet. I hope the new shoes you ordered arrived and you are narrowing down what will work for you!! Unfortunately I missed the fundraiser workout on Thurs. evening. I stayed a little long at work visiting with my new boss, he was checking in with me on only day 2 to see how it was going and by the time I left the roads were icy and slick so I would have been late. It's ok, I still donated to the cause, just didn't get in the workout. I'll be doing the Spinning for Tots again this year, that is coming right up. Looking forward to that.

    I hope you ladies are having a nice weekend! Talk to you soon . . . . I will probably check in on Monday a.m. so until then!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, I hope you all had a great weekend. I took Friday off because I was in a lot of pain. My left foot was killing me. I think I figured out what is really wrong with my foot. I believe I have a Taylor's bunion. OTWK as bunionette. This will explain why I thought I was walking on my outer side and shoes never being wide enough. Right now I feel that if the Dr. could operate on my foot before the end of the year I would go through with it even if it hurts like hell. I've hear bunionectomies are very painful and I would go for a double on the left foot. One on either side of the foot. I am not able to see a bunion like I can on my big toe side but I'm 99% it is a bunion. I figure this out on Saturday night and I cried feeling sorry for myself. Today I decided to pad the area below the small toe and I've been OK. There is a subtle ache but I can live with it. I was hoping my sneakers would arrive today but no such luck.
    On Saturday I did Lean Legs & Abs with bonus Barre, today spinning.

    Laurie, great workouts! Speaking of Alaska, I've been watching one of those home buying shows called Living Alaska. So beautiful!
    Zappos is really great. Pretty soon they won't want to do business with me as I keep sending all these shoes back! LOL
    I'm glad you you like your NB and that you found the toe box bigger than Asics. My new shoes are due to arrive tomorrow by the end of the day. Good to know about the laces staying tied! I even ordered some eleastic laces this weekend.

    Laurel, OMG! Your house closing was moved up a week! This is totally exciting! I can't wait to hear what you thought of the completed house! Definitely move as much as you can next weekend and use the following weekend to more the rest of your things.
    You're amazing! You still managed to get an awesome workout combo in!!!
    I'm glad you also like NB shoes Laurel. I remember buying some NB shoes many years ago and they didn't last very long. I don't care about that right now. I just want to be able to be comfortable though. Thanks for the hugs!

    Tami, I'm so happy for you and your new job! What a difference a new job makes! LOL
    I can't believe you even got a Christmas gift at the party!
    Great workouts too!
    Too bad you missed the fundraiser workout. Your donation is really what matters! Sounds like you have a nice boss!

    Good night!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Best news of all, I got a shipping notice for the new series! :) Let me see my workouts for this weekend where X10 Low Impact and Tae Bo Cardio Explosion, Meso 3 Shoulders, Biceps and Triceps and No Equipment Abs and X10 Hi/Lo and Tae Bo Power.

    Laurel, It is hard for the body to go from lifting heavy to a workout like MM, so I'm sure that it sure was confused. Great news on the early move in, but so sorry that you need to be so busy just before the holidays. LOL you can join my support group, I have been finding that there are a lot of us.

    Tami, What a great week of work you had, that doesn't happen very often. And of course the gift card to Kohl's is awesome. Great job on the workouts, and I bet your body will be feeling the love. Sounds like the lady training you is very good, not a lot of people are able to show people what to do. People come to me to learn how to do our purchasing system, and I try really hard to help them. I have become the plant guru.

    Thelma, Dang on the bunion, I know how those feel. I think that yours is worse than mine though. You got some great workouts in even though your feet are not cooperating. Hope at least one of those pairs of shoes will be perfect for you. I have seen that show, just don't watch it all the time.

    Have a great day!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Just in case you want to do some reading, here is the pdf link to the RIPPED User Guide
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! It is going to be a week or two or more of quick check-ins I am afraid. :\ But the great news is the house looks fantastic. It is just as I hoped it would be. I was walking around it alone on Saturday muttering to myself 'it is so pretty'. I can't wait to live there. And I won't have to wait long as we have decided to move most everything on Saturday. And we are not even close to ready. So I have my hands full this week, that's for sure.

    I took Saturday off from workouts. Yesterday was STS Disc 10/Chest, Shoulders and Biceps with Med Ball Abs. For cardio, I did Step Moves. Then I packed for 7 or so hours (alone as DH was working yesterday). Today I am feeling yesterday's packing, so I just did STS Disc 12/Legs. Maybe I will try for some cardio later. I may want the diversion from packing!

    Tami, I am so glad you are enjoying your job! And how nice they thought of you for Christmas. What a different place you are in (literally and metaphorically) from a year ago with the uncertainty and transition in your old job. So happy this worked out for you! I am going to try to stick with this rotation for the next four weeks to get me through DH's Christmas break and our moving. We will see how that goes. But I plan on trying some of the new workouts out as well! Can't wait.

    Thelma, I am so sorry to hear about your foot. I hope you can get some relief soon, even if that means surgery. Looks like we will be following your plan for moving! I just want it done. I feel like I have been moving for the past 25 years. Maybe that's because I have been. :o

    Laurie, great workouts! I was so excited to see that shipping notice too! I am really anxious for these new workouts. I am going to go watch one of those Christmas movies right now as I work on packing the kitchen. Helps keep me in the spirit of the holiday. And it is perfect for this rainy day!

    See you tomorrow!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, my new shoes arrived and this time I hit the jackpot with 2 pairs that fit! Thank God because I wore my Birkenstock sandals with socks today. The other thing is that NB shoes were assembled in the USA by American workers!
    I called my ortho today and asked to have the doctor review the foot x-rays taken recently to see if they see a Taylor's bunion. Turns out I don't have a bunion and most likely I have bursitis! THAT would explain too why this hurt so bad. I was not in pain today because I had the sandals on and had padded the area very well. The nurse told me that the bunion in my big toe area had gotten worse which was affecting the way I walk putting me into a position where I am walking a little on the outside of my foot. I guess this year the bunion got worse because all of a sudden my foot is just wider. I told the nurse to book me for surgery and the sooner the better. I am hoping they can do it before the end of the year. He told me he was going to fill out the paperwork and I should be able to discuss with the doctor next week.
    I got my surprise today at work. It wasn't a promotion but I got my yearly performance review and I got the highest performance rating an employee can get. THAT is rare I guess. I got a nice merit increase and a bonus! We always get bonuses but I always brace myself for the day we don't get one. My boss' boss explained to me that the rating I'd gotten had to be approved by all the managers in engineering as well the head of R&D. Basically it means they all had to agree that I deserved that rating given my performance. I am relieved it wasn't a promotion because it would've meant more responsibility.
    I had to bring work home so I didn't get to work out tonight.
    Having surgery will mean not working out for a while. I'm scared about gaining weight. I'll be doing ab work in bed! LOL

    Laurie, how exciting about getting the new program's shipment notice! Awesome workouts this weekend! Thanks for posting the link to the Ripped with HiiT Users Guide!
    The bunions on my big toe side are bad. I'm glad I don't have a Taylor's bunion because the bursitis I don't think needs surgery.

    Laurel, I'm so happy love you think the house looks fantastic. I'm so happy for you and your husband! Isn't it amazing how long packing takes? You should start your own moving company!
    Great workouts in the middle of packing too! WOW!
    Good night ladies!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies . . . :) Let me just say HIP HIP HOORAY!!! The new workouts arrived today in my mailbox. I am so excited. Going to try and get them into the rotation we are currently doing and go on from there. So today's workout was BootCamp after work at the gym. Poor DH is sick (again) and woke me up at 2 a.m. to look into his throat with a flashlight. We are talking wide awake lights on, you have to look at my throat, I can hardly breathe. Poor thing, it was swollen but of course I'm not a doctor. LOL He just wanted some reassurance. He's had quite a fall and into winter sickies this year. It is a continuation of his sinus infections back to back he has had. Needless to say when my alarm went off I thought I had just fallen asleep ..... because I kind of just had. But tonights Bootcamp workout was really good. The instructor (Jessica) came right up to me asking where I have been and that she was happy to see me there along with a few of the regular peeps who havent seen me in a couple weeks.

    Laurel: That makes me so happy for you to hear how beautiful your house is. I am so glad and can hear the excitement in your message. WOW! It's time, the move in, packing & un packing is finally here! Sounds like you have been really full on with the packing and Saturday will be a lot of work too but so worth it. Great job getting in the workouts and continuing on through our schedule. Not that I am surprised . . . but still, good on ya! I have been thinking that very thing lately and how I wanted to be in a different place but felt so stuck and then everything that happened literally forced me to make that move. SO happy now! I ran into 2 different ladies that used to also work where I did, one left about 4 months ago, the other was about 2 years ago. At any rate, they both heard that I left, gave me a big hug and told me how extremely happy I look. What an awesome confirmation as well.

    Laurie: Thanks for the link!!! I was thrilled to see the package in my mailbox tonight. I bet yours will there soon. There isnt a booklet, looks like she directs people to go online for a rotation and info. Yahoo! Excited. Thanks for the well wishes and encouragment with my new job!! The lady training me in the Title Dept is amazing forsure. Its hard to train someone. I worked half a day today with the Long Term Escrow Dept. This is mainly bookkeeping and numbers! Yikes. Not something I have been involved in hardly at all so the learning curve is ON in force with this part of what I am learning now. But I am again "embracing" it and hoping Cindy can train as well. She already admitted she has done it so long that so much is in her head. So I am going to try and communicate best I can and ask a lot of questions. Sounds like you would be an amazing trainer!

    Thelma: I am SO sorry to hear about your feet. OUCH. Ive known a couple different people who have had bunion surgery and eventhough it is a "process" forsure, they are happy they did it after the recovery and then are very careful with proper shoes. Sounds like you are doing everything you can right now and firing through the workouts as well ~ Nicely done.
    Thanks for the well wishes on the job as well! It's really great. I feel so lucky to be there and any kind of "gift" I am given is a huge BONUS to me right now. I am just happy to have a new home. I found out the Spinning for Tots is on Sat, Dec. 20th so I will definitely be signing up for that!

    Hope you ladies all have a great evening and good day tomorrow!!!!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Last night I did Tae Bo Celebrity Fit Sculpt, and I really enjoyed that one a lot. Today is my rest day, so there will be no workout after work. We are also having our pot luck for our department today, just have to watch what I eat. Everything smells so good. This month is horrible for the invites to things, have one on Friday and next week is the plant party. :o I'm with all of you, I will probably try out the new workouts during the holidays when I have the time off.

    Laurel, Check in with us when you are able. Very nice to hear that you are so thrilled with the new house. Can't wait to hear that you are working out in your new workout room! ;) Great workouts, and of course the packing is an added exercise for the day also.

    Thelma, Congrats on the bonus and pay raise, that is wonderful. I know how hard it is to get those reviews that are the top ones. They don't usually give those out to anyone around here either. I seem to always get meets expectations. ;) Glad to hear that the shoes have the space that you need. Sorry to hear about the surgery, but you need to do what it takes to get your feet healthy.

    Tami, How cool that you have your DVD's. I have been looking at the user guide, just trying to determine what rotation I would like to do. :D I'm tempted to try the Ripped/Xtrain. Looks like a good mix of workouts. Or I may just do the Ripped workouts as is, then movie onto the other one. Great job on the workouts. Sorry to hear that your DH is sick, my oldest DD is home right now with a nasty cold. Isn't that nice that those ladies where so supportive. I'm sure that it will not take you long to get a handle on what you need to do in the new job.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! I ended up doing some cardio yesterday afternoon as a 'break' from the monotony of packing. I did Cardio Supersets, and it was perfect--light but nice. Today's workout was X10 Cardio Blast right into the Intervals and Circuit workout on Cathe's Greatest Hits DVD. Again, perfect workout for today as it has left me energized and ready to attack the house!

    Thelma, I am glad the shoes feel good. And I am so happy you have an answer on your foot! While it isn't great news, I think you should recover faster than you would have from something like Morton's neuroma. I hope they can schedule surgery soon. Don't worry about a weight gain. Just watch what you eat and do everything they tell you to do to recover fully! Great news from work too!!!! How fantastic to be recognized for your hard work.

    Tami, I am so jealous you got your DVDs!! :p I was reading some reviews on Cathe's site last night and so far they are really positive. I can't wait to try these workouts. I am sorry to hear your DH is not doing well. He has had a tough year, hasn't he? But I am happy to hear you continue to enjoy your new job!!

    Laurie, good workout. After so many years of too many Christmas parties while DH was in the military, we are not attending one this year. And I am okay with that! I realize how much of my 'dread' for the Christmas season came from the social events and all the food! This year if I eat too much, it is only because I chose to make it instead of having temptations thrown at me. While I love getting together with friends and such, I must say this quieter year is making for an unexpectedly nice change. But I bet next year I will be wanting more parties again!

    Enjoy the day!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies! My Ripped with Hiit DVD's arrived today! Loved the case. I wore the new sneaks to work today and they felt ginormous and I couldn't understand why. Turns out I tried them on at home with thick socks last night and today I had my regular socks on. I called Zappos and they will let me return (just this once) the sneakers I wore today. I exchanged one of the other pairs I'm returning for a smaller shoe and I would get them tomorrow. When I got home I exchanged another pair and those will be here on Thursday. I can't wait! The shoes were so big that they were forcing me to walk differently where I was using muscles I wouldn't normally use. The neuromas on both feet were hurting today as a result of the shoes. At least I now know this is the shoe I need just have to find the right size. Tomorrow I'll wear them again with thick socks.

    Tami, great workouts! I bet the regulars at the gym were happy to have you back. Sorry your DH is sick. Do you have a humidifier at home? That helps me a lot with sinus issues at this time of the year. How's his elbow doing?
    I too thought about incorporating some of the new DVD's in the current rotation. Well as much as my feet allow me to. One of the nurses at work had both feet operated on for bunion correction and she told me years ago when I had surgery for a dislocated toe that she was thrilled to have had the surgery. I found a blog on Pinterest where women are blogging their bunionectomy journey and saw that a lot of them are having both feet done at the same time! WHAT? I'm shocked doctors are doing this because you can't put weight on the foot for weeks. How do they go to the bathroom or bathe? At least I know I can get myself to the bathroom using crutches and I can take a shower by putting the foot (wrapped in a plastic bag) on a a stool. We have stairs at home so I go up and down the stairs on my butt. I better start doing dips!
    Glad you get to do the fundraiser workout at the gym!

    Laurie, glad you enjoyed your Tae Bo workout! Thank God people at work don't bring food. Years ago we used to do a potluck but we no longer do it. At least not in my department. That is fine by me so I can avoid temptation.
    Thanks on the bonus and review at my job. I still can't believe it. My boss' boss continues to engage me in being part of his vision for the department. Thankfully I agree with him! LOL. The scary part is that he wants me to lead the team which is sort of what I do but I can tell he's thinking in a bigger capacity. I don't mind as long as they don't expect me to do my regular job too. Can't get anything done when you get pulled in every direction all day long. I really hate the thought of having to have surgery. The most painful part of my toe surgery was when the doctor's nurse tried to remove the stitches. The guy nearly killed me. He didn't know how to undo her knots and kept pulling. I almost fainted. Now I know what to expect and she has an awesome nurse now.

    Laurel, awesome workout! I still don't know where you get all your energy from and I need the recipe! LOL
    I am happy I don't have a Taylor's bunion and the bursitis is pretty much under control. What killed me today where the neuromas. I think it's because the shoes felt so long the ball of my foot had to work extra hard.
    If I don't have anyone at home caring for me post surgery I won't gain weight just because I won't feel like getting up! DH is good and leaves me whatever I may need by the bed. I got pretty got at going up and down the stairs on my butt. I told him last night that if we are unable to bring my aunt back to the US to take care of me we should hire the pet sitter to come to help me! LOL
    You know I haven't been eating my daily peanut butter the last week and I started losing weight! Clearly I was overdoing it! Really great news about my job. Thanks!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    No workout last night, because of my rest day. I received the workouts yesterday, but didn't have enough time to do any previewing. :( The alarm went off this morning with Burl Ives singing my favorite Christmas tune Holly Jolly Christmas. Has to be a great day when it starts like that. :D The holiday party was a good time, and the food was very good. With this rotation, it didn't seem to affect me in any way even with the rest day!

    Laurel, Great workouts, and of course I'm going to guess that you got some more packing finished. Both of you will be so busy, that I can see why you wouldn't be in a party mood. We moved into our house in January, and we usually have a New Years party every year. Friends of ours hosted the party that year, so I can see why you wouldn't want to do the party thing.

    Thelma, Glad to hear you received your order also. I'm thinking a lot of people will have gotten the workouts yesterday. Glad to hear that Zappos will let you return the worn shoes. Can't imagine being laid up with both feet, that just seems crazy.

    Tami, Have the best day ever!

    Have a wonderful day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today's workout started with STS Disc 11/Back and Triceps. I guess this means the end of Meso 1 workouts do this rotation! I followed it with a new workout!!! Yes, I got the new series yesterday. I did Low Impact HiiT Woekout 2 and Abs 1, which is a 36 minute premix. I enjoyed it! The moves in the cardio are more speed based than some of Cathe's other low impact workouts, and I liked that because it did get the heart rate up a bit. I wasn't gasping for breath, but it was a nice workout and not at all tough on the body. She uses 8 and 10lb weights for some added intensity. There are some new moves but nothing hard to learn. The music is......different, but not too annoying. The ab workout started with some standing moves with an 8lb weight then to the floor for more weighted moves as well. This isn't a tough ab routine, but it is short and effective. I liked it. far so good!

    Thelma, hope you can work the shoe issue soon! You haven't eaten peanut butter in a week?!?!? Good job! I wish I had that kind of self control when it comes to peanut butter. I could probably lose some weight too! Maybe after the stress of moving I can review my diet again.

    Laurie, what a great way to start a day! Hope you are having a 'holly jolly day'. Glad you enjoyed the holiday party. Yes, entertaining right now is a little out of the question. Of course, DH invited his parents down the weekend after this coming one to see the house and have dinner.....and that has me in a panic. Anymore than that....and I would need to be hospitalized. :D My hope is that on Christmas Day at least, we can sit and do nothing at all if that is what we feel like. BTW, I think you might like that ab routine I did this morning. It reminded me a very little bit of STS Med Ball Abs.....but was better in my opinion.

    Off to pack more! See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Sorry I missed ya yesterday! It was Cardio day for me. . . In the a.m. I did X10 and last night was Insane-X (Katy was gone) we had a gal who I have never taken a class from filling in and she did a great job. It wasn’t Katy tough but when I looked at my calorie burn at the end it was up there!

    By the way . . . I did decide to replace my HRM with a brand new one! It was my treat to self for my new life. LOL This a.m. was STS Back/Bi’s and tonight will be Spinning.

    Laurie: Great job with the TaeBo workout, glad you enjoyed it. A Ripped/XT rotation sounds absolutely amazing. I will have to start looking into options fosure. Glad you had a nice time at the potluck and idn’t over indulge!

    Laurel: Way to get in a “break” from packing with some amazing workouts! Thanks for the review on the new workout that you tried! Yahoo and congrats on getting them and already trying one out. Wow! You are on it. LOL You’re exactly right with DH, he has had quite a year of “not feeling his best” in many ways. He went to an ENT doctor today and the doctor gave him some meds and thinks he should be tested for sleep apneia (which I have said for years, but glad a dr told him) and with the meds he should be feeling better very soon with his throat.

    Thelma: CONGRATULATIONS on the pay raise and bonus!!!! Woo Hoo. That is so amazing and I am sure feels incredible. Nicely done. Thanks for the kudos on the workouts! Feels great to be back into it. We do have a humidifier, but he hasn’t been using it 100% of the time. It has helped though when he does. So you think forsure the surgery will be in your future? If so, when?

    Hope you are all having an amazing day! Talk to you tomorrow ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, I've been really tired due to long hours at work and also my feet haven't too good. I ended up doing some light spinning. The new shoes arrived this afternoon but I'm going to end up keeping the ones that I thought were too big. I prefer them a little big than not big enough and that is what happened with the shoes I got today. The other thing I discovered is that my toes are not happy on regular socks as they. Thankfully I have my toe socks!
    Laurie, I hope you had a good rest day. I am really curious to find out how those women with the double bunionectomy (both fee at the same time) did it. I almost became a Pinterest member just so I could read the bunionectomy blogs but was afraid to read or see something that would freak me out about the surgery.

    Laurie, great job with packing and keeping up with the workouts! I can't believe your husband invited his parents so soon. That would've stressed me out too. When is closing ? Friday? Thanks for letting reviewing for us the workout! Are they all that short? I must've forgotten that part. I went for a week without peanut butter. This week I ate some but not nearly as much as before. Probably 1 tbspn. I didn't think I could go without my PB for more than a couple of days but I've been so stressed out with work that I was eating my lunch and PM snack later than normal and wasn't that hungry at dinner.
    I can't believe that after all the shoes I've ordered and returned I am keeping the same ones I wore and was going to return!

    Tami, great workouts! How exciting about your new HRM! What kind did you get? I've been wanting to get a new one not that there's anything wrong with mine but it's so big for my small wrist.
    Thanks for the congrats on the raise and review. It felt great. Of course I'll probably never see that rating again because I got two of the managers who voted for my rating in trouble the other day. Let's just say I rocked the boat a little! We have a couple of bullies in the team and I was tired of people arguing with one of those jerks and went over their heads. We've talked to them over and over about these people and they don't do anything. So I went to their boss and since I'm in his good graces and he consults a lot of things with me I did it. I figured they'd take their boss seriously. Turns out that the bully in question was also a jerk to his own boss in front of all of us so he got to experience first hand what we've been dealing with. LOVED IT!
    Tami, I keep a personal humidifier at my does. It's this tiny thing that uses a 16oz water bottle as the water reservoir. You have to use the humidifier all the time for it to work. We have one in our bedroom and we turn it on as soon as we get home from work. He also may need allergy meds. Something OTC like Claritin.
    The surgery is a must have I believe. I will see the doctor on the 17th so I don't know when yet. I'd want it to be next week if possible. I think it will be ideal to have it done the last two weeks of the year because DH will be here given the holidays.
    My feet are a mess and it's amazing how bad they've gotten. I've read that as we get older our feet spread out. My have been like that all my life because I have flat feet. I wonder if all the jumping I've been doing this year had a lot to do with this but it was a matter of time given the bunions. I rather do it now that I'm still strong/young enough to tolerate and recover from a surgery. I hear it's painful but better painful for a while than to continue going the way I'm going.
    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Last week of the rotation for me, so I did Meso 1 Chest, Shoulders and Biceps along with the Med Ball Abs. Have an eye appointment after work tonight, so don't know if I'm going to be able to get in my workout. I'm going to be taking the day off tomorrow to do some shopping or whatever I feel like. :D

    Laurel, Congrats on finishing up the Meso workouts, and sounds like a good workout for the new series. Looking forward to trying them out. I was just happy to see that the discs are not used in this series. :D I was tempted to try the new ab workout instead of the Med Ball after you mentioned it, but I'm going to wait until I can try them all at once. Which of course will not be that long.

    Tami, Great job on the workouts, and you deserve to treat yourself to a new HRM for all that you have been through recently. I love the workout times on the new series, sometimes I just don't have the time for doing over an hour.

    Thelma, Good job on getting in the spinning. Sometimes it is best not to read to much on the internet, it can stress you out sometimes. ;) Sounds like a good option to keep the shoes, since they are comfortable and you can wear the socks that are best for your feet.

    Have a wonderful day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Last check-in for me this week. We have been all cleared for closing tomorrow. All of the funds have been paid. So all we need to do is go sign our lives away and get keys. :D And then move 15,000lbs of stuff....again. Sigh. But we are almost there.

    For today's workout, I did the X77 premix from X10. I have been slacking on the cardio this week, so I decided to push it today. It felt fantastic! My workouts have really been my oasis this week if I am being honest. I hope I will be saying the same next week.

    Tami, sounds like a good gym class! Glad the sub instructor was good. Hope your DH feels better soon now that he has meds.

    Thelma, good job getting some spinning in. No doubt you are exhausted, frustrated and stressed right now. Kudos to you for doing something! Yes, all of the workouts in the new series are relatively shorter. All of the HiiT workouts are less than 30 minutes. But she does have a variety of premixes if you want longer.

    Laurie, congratulations on the last week of this rotation! I am going to take it into those extra weeks just to get through this transition. I have really enjoyed these two rotations with you ladies! You all keep me accountable! Hope you enjoy your day off tomorrow!

    Wish us luck please!!! And I hope to catch up with you all again next week!
