Cathe Fans Part 5



  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Saturday's Thanksgiving with my in-laws was very nice. And I don't feel like I over-ate, which is always nice. My MIL bought a 22lb turkey...for seven people!! So we were sent home with turkey leftovers. But at least it was cooked in a relatively healthy manner, so I don't really mind. But, boy, that bird was huge!

    I didn't work out on Saturday and was crunched for time yesterday as DH had a lot if chores to do. But I did get in STS Disc 19/Chest, Shoulder and Triceps. My arms are talking to me today after that one, that's for sure! For cardio, I did Cathe's Double Wave Pyramid HiiT. Today's workout was STS Disc 20/Legs and STS Stability Ball Abs. For cardio, I did Step Blast, which is always a fun one for me.

    Laurie, I saw that email too! I am anxious for these ones. I will probably start doing them the first full week in January, after we have moved. But I may spoil myself on some of the cardio before that. :D I hope you are enjoying your day off from work today!

    Thelma, that is fantastic news about the yoga!!! Having your DH with you will probably help as well for motivation if nothing else. I really hope you can find a program you like that gets you through your healing process.

    Tami, I am glad you are enjoying your time off. You are getting in some great workouts!! I bet that feels good. You and I will probably finish this rotation about the same time as I plan on taking it through our move. STS worked for me in May when moving, so I will probably just go into the bonus weeks in the rotation until we are settled. Then on to the new HiiT series!! I hope you have a great time in LA. The weather sounds perfect!! Safe travels!

    See you all tomorrow!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, Saturday I started out with Xtrain Bi's and Tri's but didn't do the entire thing because I had to do my PT exercises. DH chickened out on me with the yoga practice so we didn't do it. Sunday was my usual spinning and tonight STS Disc #30 Legs.The only thing I didn't do were the static Lunges. I worked my quads with ankle weights while Cathe and crew did static lunges.

    My foot has been hurting since yesterday. I need an appointment with a podiatrist and found one in the same Orthopedic department my foot surgeon is in. This guy specializes in bunions, foot deformities, Morton's Neuromas. So he really is the type of person I need. I'm going for the ultrasound on 12/17 and I will see the surgeon then. The podiatrist though can help me figure out what kind of shoe I need.
    Two pairs of sneakers I ordered came on Saturday but they didn't work out. I don't expect the other two pairs I ordered to work out either. I hope I don't have to wait months to see the podiatrist given he is the only one on staff.

    Tami, awesome workouts! I can tell by your posts that you're in a totally different place mentally now. You sound happy and relieved to me.
    I loved the yoga practice but I felt guilty all weekend that I didn't feel like I had worked out. The reviews on Amazon for the Ultimate Yogi program are amazing. The only people who didn't give it 5 stars were the people who had never done yoga before. Some people find Travis's voice annoying or they say he talks to much. I didn't mind his voice (he sounds like Mathew McConaughey!) and I found it very calming. I'll keep doing the foundation practices. If I can master those then I'll consider buying the program.
    I hope you have a wonderful time in LA! Happy Thanksgiving!

    Laurel, I'm glad your Thanksgiving with the in-laws was fun. You had me laughing about the big bird your MIL bought. In my house this year is just DH and I. Normally my aunts will be here but this year they came to the US during the summer. We buy a 5-6 lb turkey breast and I cook it in the crock pot using a simple recipe I found. 1 jar of turkey gravy, flour, Worcestershire sauce and turkey bacon, salt, pepper to taste. I mix the liquids with the flour place 5 slices of turkey bacon on top of the breast, add the gravy mix, set it and forget it! It comes out really tasty. The recipe calls for real bacon but that is to much and turkey bacon works just fine.

    Great workouts! You didn't workout on Saturday but made up for it on Sunday and today! :) I don't think I've ever heard of that Double Wave Pyramid HiiT workout before.
    I really hope I can find a program that helps me get through the healing process too. I'm afraid to buy the program just to find out I can't do it. People say it is challenging and claim that it burns 700 calories. If you burn that many calories doing yoga then it has to be challenging. It is power yoga so it is possible.

    Good night ladies!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today's workout started with X10 Fat Burning Circuit and I went from that right into Cross Fire Extreme. Great cardio combo.

    Thelma, I hope you are able to get into the podiatrist soon. Sounds like he would be a perfect person to talk to about what you should be doing and how to manage the daily pain. I have my fingers crossed for you. Good job with the workouts, though I am sorry to hear your DH backed out on yoga. I understand being hesitant buying the yoga series. Maybe if you can get into the podiatrist soon, you can wait for his recommendations. DH and I have also cooked a turkey breast in our crock pot, but I have never done it your way. Usually I just add vegetables/onion soup and rub the turkey breast with butter/onion soup. It is good and moist, but your way sounds tastier! We aren't doing another turkey this year, but I will have to remember that about the bacon.

    Tami, enjoy your trip!

    Laurie, hope you are enjoying your week!

    Until tomorrow......

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, spinning for me tonight. We're getting ready for a nor'easter. I hope my commute home from work isn't too bad.
    Laurel, what an awesome combo!
    The first appointment available with the podiatrist was 1/13 so I have to wait till next year. In the meantime I ordered 3 pairs of sneakers through tonight.
    I am hoping to convince DH one of these days to do yoga with me. Your turkey recipe sounds tasty too. This one I make is also tasty and the turkey is always very moist.
    Here is the recipe: with bacon in slow cooker&e8=Quick Search&event10=1&e7=Recipe Hub&soid=sr_results_p1i2

    Good night!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies - Yesterday's workout was Hard Strikes + 3 Heavy Bag Tabatas & Core! Felt really great and lots of fun. I was able to run some errands and get packed early for my trip so I could just enjoy the evening. I was up @ 3:30 this a.m. to leave for the airport by 4:45 .... It was all easy traveling and LA is gorgeous weather as always! Sunny & 74 today, low 80's tomorrow!

    Laurel: fantastic job with your workouts! I'm glad to hear you will still be in the rotation as well when I return, into December. Sounds like a perfect plan for your move & STS since you have done that before. I can't believe the "move" into your brand new home is coming! Very soon now. That's fun you had a nice Thanksgiving with your in-laws and they sent you home with SO much turkey. Sounds like my in-laws when we have gone there over the years.

    Thelma: awesome workouts and getting in some Spinning & Legs! That will be so great for you to see the foot specialist, sounds like he will absolutely be able to guide you on what is the next step. Yay. Yes, I am definitely in a different place forsure and feeling so good about what's ahead! It's fun being with my mom & sister celebrating with them. They are truly cheering for my new life in this new work environment!

    I will check in with you ladies again soon, wanted you to know I arrived safe & sound! No snow storms or delays this time!

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today I started my workout with STS Disc 21/Back and Biceps. Like the other two STS workouts this week, I really pushed it. And like the other two STS workouts this week, I think I am going to feel it tomorrow. :) I followed it with Med Ball Abs. For cardio, I did IMAX2.

    Thelma, I am sorry it is going to take so long to get into the podiatrist! That is crazy! Hopefully new shoes will help. Thank you for the recipe!! That looks like a good one.

    Tami, thanks for checking in. I am glad you got to LA safely and it is beautiful LA!! Enjoy it while you are there. After five years.....I still miss that city. Great job getting a workout in before you went. Hope you enjoy a great Thanksgiving with your family.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you all!! And thank you all for being my friends and inspiration. I will talk to you all next week!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, STS #21 Back and Biceps tonight. Awesome workout! My foot felt really good today and I am now thinking that the problem are not my shoes but my orthotics. I had them refurb'd a couple of months ago and I think they did something wrong. The problem is I can't prove it. I am going to have to call the woman who made them originally who is also the one who sent them out to be refurb.

    Tami, great workouts. I'm glad you made it to LA safely. I hope you have a great time with your mom and your sister. You're going to do great in your new job and I'm sure you'll be very happy there too!

    Laurel, great combo today. I loved the leg workout from the other day too. Tonight I pushed myself more than I have been. Definitely went outside my "safe" zone so my left shoulder is not very happy. I hope it's better tomorrow.
    It really is very inconvenient having to wait till January to see the podiatrist. I hope my foot behaves!

    Happy Thanksgiving to all of you! I am thankful I found this group and its wonderful members!
    Good night
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, I hope you had a very good Thanksgiving! DH and I had a good one. Our little feast was delicious! My workouts since last Wednesday: Thursday-X10, Friday-XT Super Cuts, Saturday-STS Disc #31 Chest and Back, Sunday-Spinning/Travis Elliot Yoga Foundation I.

    I found a "like new" Ultimate Yogi set in eBay and ordered it. The description said it was never used.

    My foot has been feeling pretty good since I stopped wearing my refurb'd orthotics.

    Tami, good luck on your new job!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Sorry I was MIA last week, but was super busy and really didn't get on line. I was using my phone to update my food intake and such. I did get in my workouts everyday, but didn't really deviate or add anything else into the mix except for doing yoga on one day. That felt really well after all the weights. Thanksgiving was a hit, and we really had a great time with both families.

    I am really busy here at work so need to catch up with that, so hope to have some time later tonight to get back on with updates.

    If not, have a wonderful day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    edited December 2014
    Hi Ladies! We had a nice, quiet Thanksgiving here. No turkey dinner for us, but that made the day more relaxing. Since then, we have been busy and busier getting ready for the move. Three weeks and counting! Can't wait.

    I worked out Thursday (X10 Step and Low Impact Challenge plus the lower body premix from High Reps) and Friday (Supercuts with XTrain Core 2). Saturday was my day off. Yesterday was Meso 3 Chest and Back followed by Tabatacise. Today was Plyo Legs and Weights and Plates Abs followed by Cathe's Greatest Hits workout.

    Thelma, I hope you have found an answer about what was irritating your foot!! That would be fantastic. Sounds like you did some great workouts this weekend. I hope you didn't overdo things with your shoulder though. Glad you and your DH had a good Thanksgiving!

    Laurie, glad you enjoyed your Thanksgiving with your family. Great job getting your workouts in through that. Hope things calm down at work soon!

    Tami, hope you had a good Thanksgiving and enjoyed your time with family.

    See you tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited December 2014
    Hi Ladies! Just checking in with you all ..... I will be headed home early tomorrow a.m. and hope to get stuff put away, laundry, grocery story and fingers crossed for a workout!! I have had a great time here in L.A. but anxious to be home and start my new job on Wed a.m. :)

    I did get in a few workouts while I was here which I am very thankful for and feels a lot bettter but definitely not what my "norm" would be. I did a couple variations on a circuit/HiiT type workout and used my bands for resistance training.

    Sounds like you have all had great Thanksgivings and things are going well! I'll check in with you tomorrow ;)B)

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, STS Disc #32 Plyo Legs for me tonight. I liked this workout and the plyo part was easy to modify as low impact.
    I'm glad you all had a great Thanksgiving holiday.

    Laurel, great workouts! I can't believe you'll be moving in 3 weeks! I'm so happy for you! Did you convince your husband to hire movers or is he still pushing for a DIY move?
    My foot issue is still a mystery. The 3 pairs of extra wide Asics arrived today and there is nothing wide about those shoes. I put the "problem" orthotics in and my foot felt pretty good. This tells me that it's not the orthotics but my shoes. I ordered shoes geared for a neutral pronator because I had started to suspect that my orthotics on top of shoes for overpronators were over compensating. I spoke with the PT who made my orthotics tonight and she tells me that the only thing changed on the refurb was the top layer. She told me to get an order from my orthopedic surgeon so I could go see it. I have to bring all my sneakers and orthotics. She is going to figure out what is causing my problem. What is causing me to walk on the outer side of my foot.

    Tami, I thought you were back when I saw you posting! I'm so glad you're still with your family! I saw that you had done some Cathe workouts and that was the reason why I though you were back home! Enjoy the time with your family and have a safe flight back!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Yesterday was XTrain Supercuts plus core premix.

    Laurel, Only three weeks away from the move. The best thing about the Thanksgiving meal is the leftover turkey that I have been eating everyday. This way I don't have to cook up chicken breast for my lunches. :D Glad to hear that you had a nice relaxing Thanksgiving. Love the workouts!

    Tami, Can't believe that the time has gone by so quickly, and your new job is starting up tomorrow. Glad to hear that you are having a good time on your vacation. Great job on getting some type of workout in. That can be hard to do while not having the DVD's and space available.

    Thelma, Love the adjustments to the Plyo workout, those are all so good. To bad on the three pairs of shoes not being as wide as advertised.

    Have a wonderful day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today's workout was the X10 Low Impact and Fat Burning premix followed by LIS Afterburn Bomus Burn premix. Long workout....but good workout.

    Tami, glad to hear you enjoyed your time in LA. Great job getting some workouts in. That is always tough on the road! I am excited for tomorrow for you!! I bet you are anxious as well. Good luck and have fun!

    Thelma, I am sorry about the new shoes. Hopefully you can come up with a good solution for your foot. It sounds like you are on the right track. DH is determined to move we are. My dread factor is so high right now! But I have at least started packing things up. I am counting days and trying to work myself up to another brutally physical week or two at the end of the month. But it will be over with before we know it and we can finally settle in. That is going to feel so good!

    Laurie, I agree that leftover turkey makes for great lunches. And a nice change from chicken! Good workout!! I love that one.

    See you all tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, Spinning for me tonight. I left a message for the ortho surgeon today so she could write a prescription evaluation order for me to go see the orthotics lady. Hopefully she'll call me to set up an appointment soon.
    Tonight after work I stopped at a sporting goods store to pick up a pair of long shoe laces. The crazy thing about Asics is that their shoe laces are never long enough for me. Bad design if you asked me. I didn't have a chance to put them on the new sneakers but will do that soon. I need to know if the shoes don't feel wide enough because I don't have enough shoe lace slack.

    Laurie, awesome workout! Love turkey leftovers. Every Friday DH and I buy a roasted turkey breast and make quesadillas with the meat and DH also takes turkey sandwiches work. I am glad the STS plyo workouts are "modifiable". It doens't look like the Ripped with HiiT are though.

    Laurel, great combo today! I hope I can get in to see the orthotics specialist because I am 99.9% sure that I caused the problem by wearing shoes geared for overpronators and wearing them with my own orthotics.
    Sorry you were no able to convince your husband to hire movers! You'll do great I'm sure but that kind of physical labor is not easy.

    Tami, good luck on you new job!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Last night was my rest day, so no workout for me. Had a not so fun drive home last night from dance class. Someone spun out just before we got to an on ramp, and it just so happened that a police car was right behind them on the ramp. I was the first one to pull up, so had to wait for the person to get their car going in the right direction on the freeway. :o As soon as we got home the snow was done.

    Laurel, Very nice combo, and I just looked up the length. You rock! I love SuperCuts also, and it really is amazing how sore some parts of the body get. Guess this one hits some sections differently than just lifting.

    Thelma, WTG on the spinning! Hope you are able to get the shoe situation worked out. We will see how those Ripped workouts are, I'm going to guess that the one HiiT workout is going to be high impact, but the other one looks like it will be doable. I usually do the same thing with chicken breasts, and with the sales they where having on turkey, I did get some extra in the freezer. I get tired of chicken sometimes, so it will be nice to put something different in the oven.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today's workout started with STS Disc 33/Shoulders, Biceps and Triceps. Since this is the heaviest week in Meso 3, I really pushed it. Felt great. I followed it with No Equipment Abs. For cardio, I did IMAX3. Always a tough one for me.

    Thelma, I hope you get some answers soon. I agree in short shoelaces! My Nike shoes are the same. While there is no threat I will trip on them, the short laces don't like to stay tied! I don't really understand why they couldn't make them even 2 inches longer. I hope your new laces are better.

    Laurie, I am sorry to hear about the trip home. Looks like you might be in for a long winter. :| I can't say the same for us. Highs near 80, lows in the upper 60s and high humidity. Kinda hard to get into the Christmas spirit, that's for sure. But better than icy highways!! Stay safe!

    Tami, hope you are having a great day!!

    Until tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, STS Disc #33 Shoulders, Biceps and Triceps. I did the shoulder workout using light weights and so far so good. My shoe dilemma continues. I have one foot wider than the other so I decided to order some shoes with velcro closure. I used to have a pair that has unfortunately been discontinued. So I've been dealing with the shoe issue tonight. I still don't have an appointment with the orthotics PT which is frustrating. I need the appointment now!

    Laurie, I'm glad you weren't near the car that spun out! Where do you live again?
    It's good to have something to eat that is an easy staple to have/make. This roasted turkey breast is our staple! LOL I also get tired of chicken all the time.
    I hope I'll be able to modify some of the HiiT workouts.

    Laurel, this Meso #33 is a really great workout. Good job!
    On the shoe laces - I found out sneakers come with 45 inch laces. I went out and bought 54 inches and they were still not long enough for me. I didn't have enough slack for a tie. I wish I'd had some of those little shoelace lock thingies.

    Getting into the Xmas spirit in FL is not easy. A few years ago we spent Xmas in the Key West area and it was just so wrong the way they decorated. It didn't feel like Xmas at all!
    Good night ladies!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Sorry for the "no check-in" . . . So Tues was my long day with early a.m. travel after no sleep again. Just kept looking at the clock. Arrived home with smoothe travels and DH picked me up. Unpacked, laundry, groceries and cooking. By then it was evening and did not get in a workout but a great nights sleep! Yesterday was STS #7, Chest Shoulders Bi's with then my 1ST DAY @ WORK!!!!! Can I just tell you how much I loved, LOVED my first day yesterday!!! Everyone there is so nice and each one was telling me how happy they are that I am there. Felt great. As first days go I did a lot of learning the layout of the office, depts, copy machines and then some training with an amazing lady who is awesome. Went to Spinning right after that and home.
    Today's workout was CrossFire . . . tonight is a fund raiser workout at the gym. Cross between Spin-Strong/Circuit-HiiT in the gym.

    Thelma: Way to continue getting in your workouts and making modifications where needed but pushing through! Great work. Hope those longer laces work better. I actually did some Circuit/HiiT style workouts outside and in an extra room but didnt have access to a tv or dvd player when I was at my sisters but was glad to get something in.

    Laurie: Sounds like you had a nice Thanksgiving and also doing great with your workouts! Nicely done. Leftovers are always so perfect, I agree on the chx breasts because I do that like every week for lunches and then change it up to ground turkey as well. I couldn't believe how fast my time went as well. I appreciated each and every day though forsure, knowing it was flying by. Glad you didn't have road troubles last night . . . that it wasnt you spinning off the road.

    Laurel: As alwayas, way to ROCK those workouts!!! I am so happy to be back into my routine and get going with regular workouts. Thank you for the well wishes yesterday, I knew you guys would be wondering about my first day! It was great and I love the feeling of "wanting" to go to work today!

    I will check in with you guys later today . . . . Have a nice day!!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    edited December 2014
    Morning Ladies,

    Last night was Meso 3 Chest & Back.

    Laurel, WTG on the workouts, and I did what you did and went as heavy as possible on these workouts. This winter is turning out to be like last year with the cold, just glad that I have new tires and battery. I bet that going from snow to warmth during the Christmas season really is hard to get into the spirit. I always watch these movies that are made in CA, and see leaves on trees with snow. I start laughing, and wondering if they are overheating in the winter coats they are forced to wear for filming.

    Thelma, Good job on the shoulder work! We live in the Milwaukee, WI area. I grew up in northern WI, so have dealt with this weather all of my life. Probably the only reason that DH and I are still living here is because of our parents. My steel toed shoes have those lace locks, sure do love those.

    Tami, Great work on your workout, bet it felt great to get back into the routine. Wonderful news on the first day of your new job, it really does make that first day fly by when you are so welcome. I'm glad it wasn't me spinning out either, since I had my youngest in the car with me. The funny part is that this morning I saw three car accidents, and there was no ice on the roads. Probably just people driving stupidly.

    Have a great day!