Cathe Fans Part 5



  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today's combo started with STS Back and Biceps. And in what is becoming normal in this rotation, I really took up the weight. Felt great. I followed it with Med Ball Abs. For cardio, it was LIS Afterburn Bonus Burn premix. My arms were feeling the moves I. That after the heavy weight work earlier, that's for sure.

    Thelma, great job with Back and Biceps! Glad you are enjoying these STS workouts and making them work for you. As Laurie said, Cathe will replace the disc if it is defective. You might also want to try to wipe it off because it could be there was something on the disc. I have had that happen more than once and, like you, hate taking the disc out mid-workout.

    Laurie, sounds like a couple of busy days these days! I was thinking of you and Tami when I was getting my hair 'fixed' yesterday. The bad news is they are closing the salon I go to!!! And the lady who has been doing my hair has decided to go back to school instead of moving to a new salon. So off I am to find a new salon.....again. So frustrating! But maybe I will find something closer to the new house. Trying to see the bright side. ;)

    Tami, hope you are doing okay. Thinking about you....

    Until tomorrow!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, tonight I did cardio. Tabatacise Premix 1, X10 Double Low Impact Premix. I really love this combo minus the pushups and burpees because I can't do them due to my shoulder injury. I don't even know how I'm so full of energy today because I only slept about 4 hours. I was on pins and needles waiting for the election results. LOL
    I am going to do my spinning bike. I have an emergency appointment with my ophthalmologist because I have a condition that can cause eyelash folicles to get infected or clogged up and I think I have clog issue so I need him to see me just in case. Unfortunately for me the doctor is not at my usual clinic so I have to drive probably 60-90 minutes to get to this other facility but I don't want to wait till next week. I will proabably come home late because I'll be stuck in rush hour traffic.

    Laurie, I hope you were able to squeeze your workout in today and that your hair. Thanks on making the workouts my own. I will have to try that STS DVD this weekend after I clean it to rule dirt out.

    Laurel, excellent workout today. I really am pleasantly surprised about these STS workouts. I am going to wipe the disc to make sure befoe I request a replacement. Sorry your hairdresser.

    Tami we're thinking of you!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I did get my workout in last night, and yes it was a late one. STS Meso 2 Chest, Shoulders and Triceps along with Ruthless Killer 100's.

    Laurel, WTG on upping those weights. I love the strength gains myself, it truly is amazing. That is to bad that you have to search for a new hairdresser. I don't know where I would go if Lisa stopped doing hair. :( Oh wait, my youngest dd has decided to go into the profession. She is very excited about it also.

    Thelma, WTG on the energy with little sleep. Do you do something else during those push ups and burpees? Hope you where able to avoid to much of the rush hour traffic, but getting the issued looked at is very important when it comes to your eyes.

    Tami, Great job on the workout, so glad that you are getting them in to help you.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! I combined today's and tomorrow's workouts again. I actually started with XTrain Legs to work some lingering stiffness out of my legs. Then I did X10 Fat Burning Circuit (today's workout) into LIS Athletic Training (tomorrow's workout). What a good, tough combo! Those two latter workouts really worked well with each other since they are a little similar in effect. But my legs were fried by the end! I think I will be giving them a break tomorrow.

    Thelma, hope your eye is okay. Great job with the workouts, especially given the lack of sleep. Hope your election results were what you wanted!

    Laurie, great workouts--especially for being late! That STS workout is long!! Does your DD want to move to Florida to do my hair? :D;) I did learn there is a salon about five minutes from where we are moving that may be good, so that is something of a relief. I guess I will learn soon enough!

    See you all tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited November 2014
    Hello My Sweet Friends!!!

    I have missed you guys a lot this week and have the best news to share! The interview I went to the other day = BRAND NEW JOB!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hello My Sweet Friends!!!

    I have missed you guys a lot this week and have the best news to share! The interview I went to the other day = BRAND NEW JOB!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited November 2014
    Yes, it's happened again.... Trying to get my whole message in here. YIKES!
    I'll keep trying because you guys I'm sure are wondering!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited November 2014
    Hello My Sweet Friends!!!

    I have missed you guys a lot this week and have the best news to share! The interview I went to the other day = BRAND NEW JOB!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited November 2014
    Hello My Sweet Friends!!!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Alright ..... I'm going to message each of you instead! This is too good to not let you all know. I'll try again tomorrow.
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    edited November 2014
    Hi ladies! My eye is OK. I have a little abscess and the doctor said there was nothing to worry about so I'm very relieved. I was able to get a some spinning and stretching in too. I'm off tomorrow and have to take one of my kitties to see her ophthalmologist and her primary care vets. The shoulders are feeling pretty good today.

    Laurie, good for you for getting your workout in so late in the day! There was a lot of traffic on the way home and there is not other way out of that rush hour traffic and on top of things it was raining. It took me an hour to get there from my job and it took me about 1 1/2 hours to get home and I live about 45 minutes from work. During burpees and pushups I do other exercises. If I have to do PT that day then I do PT exercises, otherwise I do jumping jacks or just jump on the trampoline.

    Laurel, killer combo today! Awesome job! Thanks for asking about my eye. I have to do warm compresses and thankfully it's nothing to worry about. My election results were not as good as I wanted but the rest of the country made up for it. So I drove to work with a big smile on my face yesterday. :D

    Tami, I read your message and CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR NEW JOB!!! I believe that God does things for a reason. If you hadn't been treated so badly at your current job you wouldn't have been forced to look for a new job. You just needed a little push to get out of that place! I can't tell you how happy I am for you! Well deserved. Will you be able to carpool with DH?
    I can't believe your current company is trying to downplay what they've done to you. It really is disgusting what they did and are probably relieved that you're letting them off the hook with your job there.
    You are going to do an amazing job at your new place and are going to have all the opportunities you've been wishing for!
    I'm glad that you've been able to get back to your workouts! When is your last day at that place? I hope tomorrow!!!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    edited November 2014
    Morning Ladies,

    Yesterday was Meso 2 Legs and Ruthless Fast-Slow Burn. Have been looking at all the premixes for the new workouts, and they really look good. I think I will be liking the premix that takes out the burn sets. I have a four day weekend ahead of me, so I'm ready for that clock to hit 4pm. We have Veterans Day off, and I took Monday off also.

    Laurel, I would give the legs a break after all that too! :) I'm pretty sure that my DD would love to move to FL, only to go to Universal and Disney. :D Nice the you where given a place the could potentially be a good place to get your hair cut.

    Tami, Again congrats on the new job, sounds like the place is very friendly. That is what I love about the guys I work with.

    Thelma, Great news on your eye, and getting in a workout even though you had such a long drive to and from. What a great way to get in your PT.

    Have a great weekend!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today I started with XTrain Burn Sets and did the upper body with core premix. Good stuff! For cardio, I did Rockout Knockout with the bonus bag segment, and it flew by!! I could have done more but ran out of time!! I love feeling this way at the end of the workout week.

    Tami, a huge CONGRATULATIONS to you!!! It sounds like a really good opportunity for you. I love that your new company was proactive in hearing about your situation and making it work for them. I am so excited for you! I know you were in your other job for so long and leaving will probably be very bittersweet. But since that change over last year in ownership, it sounds like the organization you used to work for in essence no longer exists. So enjoy the new adventure!! I really am happy for you!!!

    Thelma, glad to hear everything is okay with your eye, though it sounds like the trip home was a pain! Great job getting a workout in despite the long drive.

    Laurie, great workouts! I haven't looked at the updates on the new workouts recently. I am off to Cathe's site after this to have a look. If they already know what premixes there are, they must be moving along nicely. Hope to get them soon! Still think they will be perfect workouts for the busy Christmas season.

    Hope you all have a great weekend!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    I hope you all had a great weekend. My workouts for this weekend: Friday - Athletic Training, Saturday: X10 low impact and PT which covers back, biceps, shoulders, Sunday - spinning. My shoulders are feeling pretty good today.

    Laurie, great job with your workouts! I have looked at some of the premixes for the new workouts and I agree that they look good. I hope you're enjoying your long weekend! DH has tomorrow off but I have to go to work.
    I'm glad my eye is OK too!

    Laurel, another great combo for you on Friday! I wish I had your energy!!
    Thanks so much on your thoughts about my eye. The commute to/from the clinic was not fun but I would not see any other doctor. He specializes in dry eye conditions as well as autoimmune diseases of the eye which I have due Lupus.

    Good night Ladies!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies! Thank you all so much for celebrating my good news with me! I am so thrilled and cannot wait to start my "new life" with the Title Company. To answer your question Thelma it is the 19th! Counting down. Of course on Thurs a.m. The current owner sent out an email announcing that I am leaving and that she would like to invite everyone to say goodbye at a local restaurant that eve. Currently I don't want to go because they are truly trying to make it look neat and tidy, that I have a new opportunity, etc. so people don't start being angry at them. I will go through the motions and get through it .... Everyone I care about that knows me, knows what happened and they are appalled and celebrating my new job! Knowing as Realtors, they still have the opportunity to work with me. Just in a different environment.
    It's crazy they haven't even told me who to start training yet, so we will see what this week brings. In the meantime I am back to sleeping good and feeling like I got myself back. Laurel you are right, everything that has happened in this last year has lead up to these surreal moments of "who do I work for" and what happened. In as much that I never imagined it to happen this way, it all happened for a reason and I look forward to my new job!

    I ended up doing Supercuts Xtreme on Friday, STS Total Body yesterday and today was STS Chest/Shoul/Tris today followed by Vball league.

    Thelma: Glad to hear your eye is ok. From what I have read on your workouts it sounds like the shoulder is doing better? I agree with you on the push for a new job. It has been something on my mind for more years than I can remember, a gentle nudge became a push, but I am thankful for what is ahead. I know once I am gone from there the bitterness will wear off and it will just feel normal to be in my new job and my new life. Nov 19th!

    Laurie: Great job with the workouts and I hope you are enjoying your nice long weekend! I'm excited to look back into the "new" Cathe workouts. Are the clips online yet? Thank You for your encouragement!

    Laurel: Awesome work as always! Friday's combo sounds perfect, nicely done.
    I can't even tell you how amazing it felt to have the Title Co. want to grab me up since they knew what was happening. Several staff people there know that I am on my way and they are thrilled is the feedback I have heard. I feel like they saved me at a time I needed it the most. I will work hard to prove to them that it was a good choice!

    Hope you ladies had a great weekend & I will check in tomorrow.
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    See if I can remember all the workouts, X10 Hi-Lo, Meso 2 Back and Biceps, X10 Cardio Blast and some Ruthless workouts that I don't remember what the names where. Today is LIS Afterburn. Will take a trip to the grocery store today also.

    Laurel, Great combo of workout you put in on Friday! I think they will be here toward the end of Nov. early Dec. I'm thinking that I will start the rotation at the beginning of the year. Will probably take a break from Cathe workouts for a bit. But yes they would be a great way to get some great workouts in during the holidays.

    Thelma, WTG on the workouts. Glad to hear that your shoulders are doing good also. I haven't heard if she is going to have rotations with this or not, did you read anything about that?

    Tami, Great job on the workouts! Wow the 19th that is quick! It is to bad that the former employers are doing a cover-up. It is just great that you will be able to leave that place with no regrets. I have not seen any clips yet, but will be stalking the site to see if they appear. :D

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! We had a nice, cool, rainy weekend here. Progress with the house is, sadly, slow. I was thinking more would be done on it this week but not much got done. Makes me think it may not be December 15 after all. Oh well.

    Saturday was my day off from working out but was right back at it yesterday. DH and I did STS disc 28/Chest and Back. And then I went on to do Cardio Core Circuit. Today was Plyo Legs and Stability Ball Abs. For cardio, I did workout #2 from Cathe's Hardcore Extreme DVD. This is a combo of Low Max, IMAX 3 and the cardio blast section from Kick Max. Good stuff!

    Thelma, sounds like you got some great workouts in this weekend. Glad to hear your shoulders are doing all right!

    Tami, congratulations again on the new job! I agree about your going away dinner--I wouldn't want to go if it were me either! But, like you said, you will get through it and give the people there who do care about you a chance to say goodbye. Great job getting right back at it with the workouts!! Glad to hear you are feeling like yourself again.

    Laurie, great workouts this weekend! Are you right in the middle of this arctic chill? I hope it isn't too bad....though it looks like a rough one. Cathe's newsletter today said possible mailing of the new workouts between the end of November and December 7. That would be perfect! I am anxious to see them.

    Happy Veteran's Day! If I don't check in tomorrow it is because DH is off and we decided to do something together. We will see about that, though, as he has some Veteran's Day things to do with his students in the I will try to check in.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    Happy Veterans Day! Tonight I did STS Disc #29 Plyo Legs/Stretch. I really liked that workout. My jumping was done on the trampoline and I didn't do the rock climbers.
    Today my shoulder felt like it was pointing forward which is the problem I'm trying to correct. It drives me insane to feel lopsided. I did feel better by the end of the day which is great.

    Tami, welcome back! I'm so glad you're in a better place mentally and emotionally. I can't believe your current employer is acting like nothing has happened. The important part is that you have a new job. A new beginning! Don't even worry about training anyone. I'm glad you're working out and sleeping well too!
    My shoulder seems to be doing better a lot of the time. There are times when it feels like I'm back at square one though. I'm still not doing any of Cathe's overhead shoulder moves though.

    Laurie, great job getting your workouts in during your long weekend! Are you going to take a break from Cathe's workouts after this rotation? I haven't heard anything about Cathe having rotations for the new program. I'm sure there will be some type of rotation eventually.

    Laurel, wonderful workout combos! Sorry the house progress isn't going at the speed you were hoping for.

    Good night Ladies!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today's workout was STS Legs this a.m. and I went to the F.A.S.T./Bootcamp after work. Both felt great.

    Laurie: Outstanding job on the workouts and sounds like you took advantage of your day off today! The 19th is quick but honestly, seems like a long way away right now.

    Laurel: Sounds like a nice weekend despite the rain.... We had pouring rain yesterday and woke up to a little skiff of snow this a.m. It's supposed to be in the thirties this week. BRRRRR Sorry to hear the house is moving a little slower than what you had hoped for. Be patient, in the end it will be worth the wait! Great job as always with the workouts!

    Thelma: Awesome work with Plyo Legs! I can't believe it either and yes another day down without any questions or "could you let us know" etc.... CRAZY! I'm so pleased to be in a better place too! It's amazing and I know when I am gone from this current job the remaining layers of "crazy" will be gone and feel even more amazing!

    I appreciate all of you and your amazing support to me through this .... Thank You

    I'll talk to you all tomorrow ~ Tami
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Yesterday was of course FlexTrain, and today was suppose to be my rest day. I think that I will get in some yoga, since that is one thing that I don't seem to get in as much as I would like too. The best thing about this week, is I only have a three day work week. :)

    Laurel, Love all the workouts that you got in. We had that experience with the house build, just never seemed that they would be done in time. Then they bring in a small army, and it gets done. We are suppose to get the cold weather today, my parents had the snow yesterday. Right now it is raining, so I'm hoping that it doesn't turn into ice. Good news on the workouts.

    Thelma, Great job on the workout, love those Plyo Legs. Yes I think that a break from Cathe would be good, I have some workouts that I haven't tried out so would like to do those until the new year starts. Can't believe that I am saying that the new year is approaching so quickly.

    Tami, Love all these leg workouts everyone got in. One good thing is that this time at your current job will probably go by fast, because you don't have the stress.

    Have a wonderful day!