Cathe Fans Part 5



  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today's workout started with STS Disc 27/Shoulders, Biceps and Triceps. I felt really strong throughout the workout and ended up going up in weight on all exercises! I followed it with the Extended Stretch since it has been awhile since I have done any dedicated stretching. For cardio, I did Turbo Fire HiiT 20 right into TF 45. Fantastic combo!! I will admit, I am getting a but burned out on cardio right now, and these TF workouts are perfect for days when I am feeling particularly burned out. No dread factor and lots of fun factor!

    Thelma, I can't believe that guy hit you!! What was he thinking?!? Anyhow, I am glad your muscles calmed down after a bit. Those Plyo Leg workouts are really great. Thanks for the breakdown on another new workout!!

    Tami, no doubt you needed some sleep! I love that Katy needs you!! You must bring a lot of energy to the class and that, no doubt, helps her energy as well. I hope your days continue being 'okay' right now.

    Laurie, sorry you missed your stretch! I know you said your body was looking forward to it. That is how I felt this morning doing the extended stretch. It felt good!! I definitely agree with you about Core Max. While the workouts aren't bad, they are too long......especially when I feel like I get as good a core workout in something like Muscle Max in half the time. I did read that Cathe has two core routines in this new series, each about 10 minutes. Sounds similar to what she did for the XTrain series. Always enjoy new core work!

    See you all tomorrow,

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, we're in the middle of a nor'easter! Thank God this is rain and not snow! Very rainy, windy and raw. Tonight I did X10 Premix 49 warm up, step, low impact, cardio blast, stretch. I only used one riser because when I go higher is that the plantar fasciitis kicks in. I feel that it kicked in a little but only because I did some step yesterday too and lots of jumping. So a little too much. I iced my feet and they feel better. My shoulders started out not so good but as the day went on they felt pretty good. I know my left shoulder is still pointing forward. I can see it which is kind of freaky. The X10 workout had some burpees, pushups and shoulder presses which I didn't do. I modified because I didn't want to push my shoulders. I also did my jumping on the trampoline.
    I'm going to PT tomorrow after work and will do spinning after.

    Laurie, I'm sure you'll catch up with your workouts. Some people really don't understand personal space and I don't know why he does that. I think he sees me as one of the guys as Tami says but still he is a manager you'd think he'd have more of a clue.
    I was searching last night for the Peak Fit system and found the official site that sells them but there was no description of what the workouts in the package are. Very strange and poor marketing. I know that Michelle's workouts had to be pulled off the market a while back but this is her new company.

    Tami, glad you made it one of your favorite classes. Katy is too funny. You're so lucky to have a good instructor and fun classes too! You needed your rest for sure. Glad you were able to sleep. I hope day 2 went well!
    I really wanted to scream at that guy. I'm just happy that my back was able to calm down and tonight I'm feeling pretty good which is great. Being put in a new position overnight when you didn't see it coming is pretty shocking and scary. At least you wanted your new job so enjoy!

    Laurel, nice job today! You've been feeling pretty strong lately. Those TF workouts are a lot of fun for sure.
    Don't know what that guy was thinking but that is the problem he doesn't think much. I thought the Plyo legs workout was going to be like the P90 Plyo workouts where that's all you do so I was pleasantly surprised by this STS workout.
    Good night Ladies!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies - Well I did the X10 Fat Burning Circuit this a.m. and Spinning tonight!
    Felt like a good day in my workout world.

    Laurie: Sorry you weren't able to get in your stretch yesterday. Sounds like a hectic afternoon in traffic forsure. Looks like you got your workout in today though, that's awesome.

    Laurel: Awesome job with STS and your add on of TF! It's always nice to know there are those workouts when you need them! Just plug them in and fun factor kicks in.

    Thelma: Nicely done with X10!!! Way to use the risers for your comfort level and not push it with your feet, having the PF kick in again. Katy is pretty funny forsure.
    I don't know that I wanted this new job but the responsibilities that I am gaining will help my resume.

    I'll talk to you ladies tomorrow - Tami
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    edited October 2014
    Morning Ladies,

    Yep I did get my workout in with Meso 3 Chest & Back. That is about all I did, since DH arrived with dinner. :) I felt super strong with upping the weights. I was doing the same weight from three weeks ago, but not struggling as much with the weight. :o Makes one not want to stop using these STS workouts. ;)

    Laurel, Another great combo! That is great that you can use the TF workouts to add in some fun. That is what I did with the Peak workouts. Looks like we all are feeling the strength from this second round. I hadn't seen the length of the core workouts, that is really good to know that they are 10 min. I find that to be about all I can take of core work some days. ;) I was so busy yesterday that I didn't have time to check out if there where some new posts about the workouts. Will have to check that out later.

    Thelma, Great job on the workout. I guess they are now calling it the Peak 10 system. The descriptions of the workouts are toward the bottom. She does have them as downloads also, which do have a clip if you go to the more information button. They are high impact, but do have somewhat of a modifier in them.

    Tami, LOL about the good day in your workout world, you sure did get a great burn on that one too. I think that I was okay with the non stretch, sure was glad that the drive home yesterday was smooth.

    Have a great day!

    Thelma here are the descriptions of the Peak Fit system
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! I looked at the rotation this morning and decided to combine today's and tomorrow's workout into one workout today. This frees up tomorrow for another upper body or total body workout which I like to do on Friday when I can. So I started out today with the 61 minute premix from Lean Legs and Abs. Then, for cardio, I did X10 Step right into PRS1. I must admit, I wasn't sure how I was going to like these X10 combos when I first saw them on the rotation. But I love them! I think this is actually a great way of using the X10 workouts.

    Tami, glad you got a good workout in. I hope you are settling in a bit at work. Are you? I am sure your days still feel very 'off'. No doubt any and every workout helps with that.

    Thelma, great job with the X10 workout! I only use 1 riser on my step most days as well because of my foot issue too. It doesn't like the 8" step very much at all. I can use the higher step still for the weight work in X10, but for cardio......I am on 6". Just better that way.

    Laurie, I smiled when you said that feeling so strong this round of STS a makes you not want to stop using the workouts. I couldn't agree more!! This is the first time I have done back-to-back STS rotations, and like I said before, I have rarely felt stronger. I am sure that mentally I will want a break from them (since I can practically recite what Cathe is going to say word-for-word as it is), but I know that I don't want to lose the strength physically! Oh well.

    See you all tomorrow!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, PT and spinning tonight. Remember one of the PT treatments I got before was the skin scraping technique that left me like I was bleeding under my skin. Well I got another one today BUT it's pretty close to the top part of my shoulder so I have to hide it because it almost looks like a hickey! Mark was good and didn't scrape me like Ian did before. I have to wear a top that will cover around my neck really well.

    Laurie, great job with your workout! I'm glad you we able to squeeze some "me" time into your busy schedule. I'm so happy for you for going with your weights. I would love to get those Peak 10 DVD's but like you said they are high impact.

    Laurel, WTG with those workouts and for combining two days worth of workouts in to one! I really like how the lady who put this rotation together uses the X10 segments throughout.
    My feet feel like I irritated the PF a little from the step workouts so even the 6" can be problematic for me if the routine is not low impact. I was going to try PRS1 this weekend but I am not going to given how my feet feel. I didn't realize you were using 6" too for your cardio. I do remember you had problems with your feet if the step was to high but I thought you only lowered the step if your foot was acting up. Best to play it safe!

    Tami, I'm glad you're back doing your workouts. I hope work is going well. I know the new responsibilities will look good in your resume. My problem is that the responsibilities I have will only position me for management or lead type jobs and I don't want to do that. At least right now at work things are going well for me but I don't want more responsibilities. Of course you do a good job and you get rewarded with more work! LOL

    Good night ladies!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited October 2014
    Hi Ladies - Today's workout was STS Shoulders/Bis/Tris! Felt great end the theme we are all feeling of stronger was true! I'm also glad to report that today was the best day so far in my new role. The guys doing our new website came in and this is the first time I've met them, they were both very creative thinkers and interesting to talk to. This is a piece of my "new role" that I am anxious to learn and be doing so I know with that being said, is why it was better today.

    Laurie: Great job with STS and the extra strength plus feeling like you don't want to stop doing the STS workouts! Always a good sign I think. I'm with you on the a work being 10 min! yahoo. I love the XT a work due to the variety and length....sounds like she may be doing that again for time frame.

    Laurel: Outstanding combo today!! That was a great way to make room for a total body workout tomorrow. I was thinking STS Total Body was sounding really good in the near future ... We'll see, still have some catching up into Sat but maybe I will sneak it in. I agree on a fantastic way to use the X10 workouts. They are such a good workout even in the short versions. Thanks for asking. Yes, it is still a very strange feeling to be in a different building, finding simple things & just figuring out where I eat lunch every day. They don't have a break room, strange but true. There is a kitchen area but nowhere to sit. So I've been trying out empty offices.. Feels a little lonely but today someone I really enjoy working around was in his office across the hall so we visited while I ate. I haven't unpacked anything other than necessities but that's ok for this week. As I get "settled in" a little more, my personal stuff will find there way out of the boxes into their own spots again.

    Thelma: great workout with the Spinning! That scraping treatment sounds SO painful. OUCH! I can picture what the skin looks like & I would think it would be very tender. I hope it is effective in fixing your problem. Thx for your comment and encouragement again about getting back to my workouts! I laughed when I saw your post "she's back and on Fiya" LOL it's truly what will always make me feel "normal" with craziness going on. I'm happy to hear work is going well for you right now, that's fantastic and I'm sure feels WAY better.

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow! TGIF
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Yesterday was Plyo Legs Disc 25, and overall I think that one is my favorite. Maybe because she only uses the step once for the plyo work. :D I followed that up with an Ab Hits workout #12. I'm okay with lots of crunches. ;) My abs are feeling it this morning, so they have to do something right for the body.

    Laurel, I was wondering about the X10 workouts in this format, now I may incorporate them more and more into the rotation. I was kind of avoiding them. I do like them, but seem to have a slight dread factor for me. Maybe I just have to bite the bullet and try them in the format given. LOL about the word for word, you have done many more rotations than I have, so you probably could do these in your sleep.

    Thelma, I just can't imagine how that must feel for you to go through that scraping, but I'm glad if it is helping you. I'm going to have some more me time tonight. I have been having more and more of these Friday nights to myself. DH has to work tonight. He isn't confident sending their TV remote truck with the person that is assigned. Guess there where some problems just last week. So that means I can do just about anything that I want tonight. :D

    Tami, I'm glad to hear that you are in the feeling strong club too! It has been a surprise to me how I'm lifting so much weight this week, and it seems like I could go heavier. Of course I'm not going to, because I don't want to injure myself. Glad to hear that you had a great day with the new job. I remember seeing something about a body building rotation on the forum, and it was something that I might consider. It started out with the whole STS 3 month rotation, then you did two weeks of the LIS workouts then one month of Gym Styles. It just seemed to be something that I might consider, but then use the new workouts first. Will have to see what type of rotation Cathe comes up with for those.

    Have a great day!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    edited October 2014
    So here is what I found about the body building rotation, and you can stash this away or use it however you want. Just looks really interesting.
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Super tough and super long workout to end the week. Now I am playing catch up on my day because I didn't intend to workout so long! Anyhow, I started with 4DS Total Body which, with a warm-up, is about 1 hr 45 minutes long. But it is about my favorite total body workout if I have the time. My plan was to follow it with HiiT 40/20 from the Shock Cardio series. But I felt so good doing that, I added on 30/30 and Double Wave Pyramid too for a fantastic 60 minutes of cardio. So.....long workout. Whew! I think I may be happy tomorrow is a recovery day. :)

    Tami, great workout! And I am so happy to hear you had a good day at work. Sounds like there are some adjustments (like no break room), but hopefully you will start finding a regular routine that you enjoy.

    Thelma, yikes on the scraping. I wince every time you mention it!! But I hope it helps. Did they give you any other words of wisdom especially regarding why this may be recurring? Just curious. Yes, I usually use a 6" step anymore except on the low impact step workouts where I take it to 8". I dropped to 6" from 8" when DH and I moved to Colorado because of the altitude. And I left it there out of laziness. But as you probably remember, I was taking it up to 8" before we left there, and started having issues with my Achilles Tendon. Then here it was my foot. And I have decided that my body was telling me something, so I have decided 6" is plenty. I don't want a long-term injury, especially when I get a great workout still with the shorter step.

    Laurie, I agree about that Plyo workout. My other favorite leg workout in the series is any one that doesn't have one-legged sit and stands. Those are, without question, my least favorite exercise in the entire series. So any workout without them becomes a fave. :D Thanks for that rotation link. That looks really good!! I don't know.....I may have to think about that one next spring. I know I will want a bit of a break from STS after this rotation, but spring time--after trying out these new workouts for awhile--may be perfect for starting something like that!

    Hope you all have a great weekend. We are off to the in-laws tomorrow and Sunday I will be baking all day for a bake sale my DHs students are running. So busy weekend....but it should be fun. See you all Monday!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi ladies, I hope you had a nice weekend.On Friday I did Lean Legs and Abs with Barre. I love that Barre workout. Saturday was STS Chest, Shoulders, Biceps. During most of the shoulder and pushup moves I did my PT exercises. Today I did my Sunday spinning. The shoulders feel a little better today.

    Tami, Great job with the rotation and Volleyball! I'm so glad you had such a good day at work in your new role. I'm sure there will plenty more to come!
    I always eat lunch at my desk. Most people in my department do that. We have a kitchen but no sitting area unless you want to go to the cafeteria.
    The scraping treatment wasn't painful this time and the bruising nothing like the first time. Not even close in fact it's almost gone. Last time I sported the bruises for weeks. Did it help? The jury is still out on this one but I think it did. I knew you'd like my comment! LOL
    I'm glad work is going better too. It makes going to work less painful.

    Laurie, I knew you'd love Plyo Legs! Definitely one of my favorites too. I'll have to try that Ab Hits #12 next time because I can't do ball transfers right now due to my shoulders.
    Like I told Tami the scraping wasn't as bad as last time. I was just worried about it showing though. I hope you enjoyed your "me" time! I made zoodles with turkey meatballs tonight. I just love that dish! yummy!
    Thanks for sending that body building rotation link. Hopefully some day I'll be able to do it and actually develop some nice arms!

    Laurel, you are on FI-YA!!!! That was a killer combo! I can't believe you had energy to do other things!
    I think the reason why my shoulder injury recurred is simply because I did too much too soon. I was still recovering and when I lifted the 18 lb barbell over my shoulders and went behind my head I believe I tore my trap and that totally made things go down hill. I was told this injure takes a long time for the recovery period. It's about strengthening the area and keeping the muscles calm. Things are not calm and I don't know I'm ever going strengthen my back with just the resistance bands. I hate working out with those things. I asked Mark to give more exercises with weights but therapy seems to be about the bands and some weights.
    I do remember your foot injury on the 8" inch step but being the trooper that you are I thought you'd gone back to 8" when you moved to FL. I think given my 4'11" height, the safest step height is 4" if the workout is fast. I do like the 6" height but I always end up feeling that the plantar fasciitis will act up.

    Have a wonderful evening!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited October 2014
    Hi Ladies - Thought I would check in tonight since I missed ya on Friday. I did force myself to Spinning after work and I was glad I went ..... I wanted to just head home, eat a little dinner and reward myself with some wine for making it through week one. So I did do that, but after Spinning. Sat I did X10 Fat Burn Circuit + Step followed by a dog walk. This a.m. was STS Chest/Shoul/Bis followed by No Equip Abs & then off to Vball League. We won all 6 today! I'm going to try and make up for my missed leg workout this week and squeeze that in somewhere. This afternoon I opted for a bunch of pre-cooking for the week, house cleaning and took the kids for another walk. DH will finally be home Friday; he extended his season this year and it's been a bit too long I would say. He is very anxious to be home.

    Laurie: Awesome job with the workouts! Thank you for posting that rotation, sounds like another great one. I am anxious to see what kind of a rotation Cathe does with these new workouts as well.

    Laurel: I would call that a marathon workout! Way to WORK!! Thanks for the ongoing encouragement on my job. Friday was very looooong and I couldn't wait to get out of there. I'm still approaching it day by day and at the same time have started my new resume. We will see, the longer I'm in this role the more I can put on that "new" resume.

    Thelma: Great job to you as well with the workouts and glad to hear the scraping was not painful and minimal bruising. Hopefully the improvements will continue to show through with the band work and whatever else they may give you.
    I sure hope you are right on the "many more to come" aspect .... I would eat in my office but I NEED to get out of that room with my roommate for that hour.
    More than need actually! He would probably just continue nattering on if I stayed there anyway so it's just better I find somewhere. In my old "home" I ate there a lot , but it was a private office.

    I'll check I in tomorrow .... Most likely in the evening again.
    Have a nice Monday ladies! Tami

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    edited October 2014
    Morning Ladies,

    So Friday I was having a little problem with the heel of my left foot, and when that happens I know that I need to get new shoes. So new shoes have been purchased, and Saturday I did Meso 3 Shoulders, Biceps and Triceps, X10 Fat Burning (this one is my fav of all X10 workouts), and Kelly's 30MTF Train Like a Contender Boxing. Very good upper body work. Yesterday was Kelly's 30MTF Circuit Burn Workout 1 and her Kickbox Punch & Kick Premix.

    Laurel, Oh yes you sure did have a long workout. That 4DS workout is one of the longest total body ones she has, if I remember correctly. Good job with that though. I don't like those one legged sit n stands either, probably because I am unable to keep my foot off the floor all the time. I think that I'm able to get maybe three, and then I have to put my foot lightly on the floor. I think spring is a good time, I really want to see how this new series will be. Hopefully we will be getting them in Nov!

    Thelma, Great job on making the workout yours. I was in the mood to avoid planks that day, so doing the all crunch workout was really fun. If I remember that is the ab work from Pure Strength Back & Biceps. That is another series that I should revisit sometime in the future.

    Tami, What a way to reward yourself for competing your first week in the new job. I don't know if I would have been able to stop myself from just heading home to get the wine. I'm sure that once you understand the position more, it will just get better and better. The one reason I like that rotation is because I can use other instructors for those two weeks off from Cathe's weight workouts. I might start it with these new workouts. Doing the whole rotation (hoping it is 60 to 90 days), and then doing two weeks of something else.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! We had a busy but good weekend here. The house continues to progress but slower than I hoped. Looks like it might be the week of Christmas or the week after before we are in the house. I was so hoping it would be early December! I really don't like moving at Christmas but at least we don't have cold weather to consider.

    Saturday was my day off working out and we spent the day working on my in-law's house. Yesterday was STS Disc 4/Chest, Shoulders and Biceps followed by No Equipment Abs. For cardio I did Tabatacise. I spent the rest of the day baking and cleaning which means I had no desire to workout this morning! But I did. I did X10 Low Impact followed by LIS Low Impact Challenge w/Bonus Step. That makes for a nice 90 minute workout. I was going to do a stretch or yoga after, but opted for a walk outside instead. Our temps over night were in the 50's and it felt SO good! Definitely got a much needed energy boost from that.

    Thelma, good job making the workouts work for you. I am happy to know that you know what is causing your issues with your shoulder. I completely understand your frustration with band work though! I hope they can show you some other exercises that will help you.

    Tami, great workouts! I agree with Laurie.....I am not sure I would have been able to put off that glass of wine after the week you had! But I am sure it felt good to get a good workout in first. Congrats on the volleyball!! That's fantastic. I was wondering when your DH was returning. Seems like he has been gone forever! I have no doubt that going through all this turmoil with work hasn't been made easier with his not being there. Regarding much as I hate to admit it, there were times when I would take my car, park it under a tree and eat there. I had to get out of the office at times, and sometimes my car was the only place I could find to go. But that wasn't a good option in cold weather.

    Laurie, great workouts! I, too, am hoping for November for the new workouts. That was one positive for moving later--I won't have to change my address for my new workouts. :) Those sit and stands.....I am fine on one leg but not the other. And that has never changed in all these years I have done them. So frustrating. Maybe that's why I don't like them. ;)

    Until tomorrow!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, I did STS #6 Legs and Medicine Ball Abs tonight. Cardio was due today but I'm going for PT tomorrow so I had to save my cardio for tomorrow. The shoulder was feeling out of place this morning and was like that a good part of the day. Not painful but I feel that one shoulder is pointing forward which makes it feel lower than the other and I keep trying to balance myself which is a no win situation. By the end of the day the shoulder was back in place or so it feels.

    Tami, good for you for making yourself go to your spinning class. Isn't it always awesome when you force yourself to workout because you feel so good once you get into the workout? Congrats on your Volleyball win! I didn't realize you had a roommate at work. We pretty much have implemented an open concept workspace set up. It was hard to get used to but we've learned to leave with it. We have big aisles with rows of desks divided by a short partition so there is no hiding.

    Laurie, awesome weekend workouts! I hope your heel is feeling better now that you've purchased new shoes. I have to learn to make the workouts my own so I don't get discouraged by this shoulder injury. At least knowing that I'm doing this rotation with you ladies makes me feel better.

    Laurel, I'm glad the house continues to progress. December is just around the corner so your moving date is just around the corner! Great workout combo for today! I searched for a low impact rotation in Cathe's forums and found a couple. Of course there is a lot of weight lifting involved which doesn't help me.
    I'll have to be super careful with my shoulders. I really hope Mark comes up with non-band exercises for me. I really think the reason why I haven't gained strength on my back is because of the bands. I'll talk to him about it tomorrow.

    Good night ladies!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Today was X10 Low Impact (am)+ BootCamp. It was a pretty good class, she changed it up a little but pretty much the same as usual. Kept me from heading home for more wine....joking! My HR monitor is not working right now. Debating on getting a new one or?! Frustrating when the little buggers don't work. I've trained with one so long now, I kind of rely on it.

    Laurie: Awesome job with the workouts and congrats on the new shoes! Always love getting new ones. I've been feeling like mine are about due to be replaced. I'm glad you guys can understand about the "wine first" or later. LOL I definitely had to be mindful about turning up that hill to the gym. Spring might be just perfect for that rotation you posted.

    Laurel: Another amazing workout combo Sat & today!! Nicely done. Sorry about the house being a little later than expected .....unfortunately this is normal for new construction. It will be SO worth the wait once your in.
    It feels like forever to me too with DH being gone this long. Emma (my golden) is a good shoulder to lean on but a little words and human interaction will be nice. She just gives me that look as they do saying it will all be alright. Bernie on the other hand just wants to play, as a Lab does. I have taken a drive to a local park to eat there in my car as well but it is definitely getting cold now...50 was our high today.

    Thelma: Awesome work tonight! Sorry about the shoulder blades but it's great you recognize exactly what's happening & know to try and relax or reposition.
    Yes, part of my frustration is now sharing an office, in the other office bldg with our office manager who has not been my favorite person since he started there just 9-10 months ago. My office used to be next to a lady I love to death and worked near for 20 years. We were just an open door apart; like adjoining rooms that had a pocket door. So yes, eating lunch at my desk unless he is gone is not really an option unless I absolutely have too. Good luck with Mark tomorrow, I hope you can find some more exercises to improve your strength a little more.

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Last night was Kelly's 30MTF Body Training workouts 1&2. This combo is a good body weight workout. The first 30 min. is all lower body.

    Laurel, Great job on those workout combos. I love the cooler temps, but then mine are more hormonal that anything else. The girls look at me funny when I'm running around the house in carpri's and short sleeved shirts, and they are huddled under blankets. We moved into our house in January during a snow storm. I had to put down plastic all over the house, so that the dirty snow wouldn't leave puddles of dirty all over my new carpeting.

    Thelma, WTG on working those legs good. My heel is still a little sore, but only when I have my work shoes on. When I workout I'm fine. I'm glad that you are able to do what you can on the rotation, it is nice to see how everyone is doing with the workouts.

    Tami, LOL about the wine. Sounds like a solid workout day for you. Dang on the monitor, that is very annoying. I love my new shoes, they are my favorite color purple. :D I had to choose that color, since it was the only pair in my size. Seems everyone is a size 9 foot! We have an open concept here in our office, and I'm really good with it. Our department really needs to have great communication, so this works really well. One of the guys says that if we had walls, we would be like ground squirrels popping our heads up every few minutes. :D

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today's workout started with STS Disc 5/Legs. I went really heavy on this one today. I have a feeling I may regret that tomorrow. :D I followed it with Med Ball Abs. For cardio, I did the Ultra Cardio Blast premix from Drill Max. <3 Felt fantastic today.

    Tami, great workouts! As you know, I gave up on my HRM a few years ago because it wasn't very reliable. Then I did the Body Bug (GoWearFit actually) which I really enjoyed. I really like some sort of reading on how I am doing in my fitness. But, sadly, I get too obsessed with numbers so I gave that up too. As weird as this sounds (since I don't weigh myself or count calories because of my issue with numbers), my motivational tool is my workout calendar! Silly.....but true. But if you feel your HRM is a good, positive motivational tool for probably should consider replacing it.

    Thelma, hope your PT session goes well and that you get some more answers/better exercises. Keep us posted! Great job with the STS workouts. I am so happy you are continuing to do what workouts you can in this rotation!!

    Laurie, great workout! Yeah, I am getting those hormonal issues as well. I have always been warmer than the average human, especially when I sleep. But it is getting ridiculous!! I keep asking my poor DH whose idea it was to move to Florida as I was going into menopause! :D Oh well. Least I don't look out of place in my shorts and tank tops. We have moved into houses in the snow before too. Not fun. That I won't miss! I am so silly about this Christmas thing though because it really isn't a problem to move after Christmas. But I had mentally decorated our new house for the holiday!! I know.....there will plenty of years for that......but still. I wanted to do it this year. ;)

    See you all tomorrow,

  • v70t5m
    v70t5m Posts: 186 Member
    Hello Everyone ... lotsa updates ...

    1st, Thelma, I second the suggestion to find out what is causing your shoulder issues. What moves may cause the problem, what moves exacerbate the problem, and what moves can improve the problem (I started PT last week for my own shoulder. Similar boat.)

    So sorry about the idiot that smacked you in the back. I can't figure out if it was "you are just one of the guys" or something else. Regardless of the his reasoning, it was inexcusable.

    2nd, Tami, You can do just as good a job as any man there. Throw off the "I haven't trained for this position" mentality ... (guys tend not to have the inadequacy baggage we carry). You are going to do awesome. Studies show that companies run by or heavily loaded with women in management and down positions make better business decisions. You go girl!

    I just returned from Vacationing in Oregon and Yellowstone. Ahhhh. I really fell hard for Oregon, and cannot wait for our next visit (Spring 2015, please?). I also enjoyed Yellowstone Park much more than I anticipated. The photos I saw online did not thrill me (but my hubby had been requesting Yellowstone as a vacay destination for years!!! I finally caved).

    I walked, hiked, and yoga-ed my way through the vacation, and returned still experiencing shoulder issues. So I dragged myself to the local upper extremity specialist, who said, "Rotator cuff" and sent me to a local PT, James.

    Official diagnosis is weakness of the supraspinatus, which we don't usually hit with our lifting exercises.

    Also, James "HATES" upright rows and lateral raises (and front raises and ...). James fingers the lateral raise for causing most of my problems. So I'm working with him to find alternative lifts that do not make his eyebrows twitch! :) I loved that he gave me the heavy band for some of my work, "You are strong, try this one."

    I'm too loose in one plane and too tight in another, so I'm stretching the tight ligaments. However, I need to remember to ask which movements will further stretch the too loose ligaments, and never push that stretch(es).

    As to the biceps tendon slipping out of its groove, this is just Kira's anatomy and I'm not going to be able to do anything about it. So, no more plyo/burpee/pushup combos. I'll have to separate them, not too difficult an issue. That's what the pause button is for, right?

    And on the workout front, I started STS from the beginning last week. I've never done Meso 1 before (I've used Meso 2 twice and Meso 3 once), and am really enjoying this first round. Granted, the pushups are a trial, and I'm hitting my knees pretty early by the time those last two come around (staggered and 21s). Whew!

    I'm still running 2 to 3 times per week, and playing around with apps to help me keep to a tempo.

    And, I'm still working out 1 - 2 hours per day. (Shrug,) Cathe's Norwegian (or was it Swedish?) link puts me in a cardiovascular health/VO2max of someone 17 years my junior. I'll take that to the bank.


    For (my) shoulder anatomy lesson check out this drawing -

    FYI - the shoulder blade is one funky bone ... when I taught A&P, nobody mixed this bone up with any other bone. It is just that unique.

    The supraspinatus (the uppermost horizontal red lines in the link) is the muscle that runs along the top of our shoulder blade, and wraps into the head of the humerus. However, the supraspinatus runs underneath the acromion (a piece of the shoulder blade shooting up and forward to meet the collarbone) . Movements, such as the lateral raise, pinch the tendon of the supraspinatus muscle when we reach the apex of the lift (or even higher). This pinching impacts the muscle, because irritated/inflamed tendons/ligaments take FOREVER to heal. They do not have a dedicated blood supply like muscles and bones.

    I'm doing some specific lifts to strengthen the supraspinatus (nothing like exhausting a muscle after 30 reps with 1 pound weights)! But there may be some lifts that I just should not do ... having experienced pain with the upright row the first time or two I tried it, I know it is a no-no for me. Working out the rest of the lifts is going to be an interesting negotiation with James! :)
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, PT and spinning for me tonight. I asked Mark to give me dumbbell based exercised instead of band exercises because I can't feel that I hit the target (shoulder blades) with the band movements. I got a lot of dumbbell based exercises. It was actually a workout which I loved. I burned 204 calories while doing my PT exercises. Tonight I finally felt that I was doing exercises to target the shoulder blade area so I'm feeling hopeful. This injury I was told takes a long time to heal. I told Mark how frustrating it was for me to have done those band exercises faithfully for months and still not be where I need to be and I think it's because the bands are not effective for me.

    One of the things Mark explained to me is that everything we do is done by the front part of our body so the pecs get the a lot of action and that is part of my problem. My pecs can get very tight pulling the shoulders forward. So he said I should not be doing pec exercises with heavy weights. I told him I was doing them with 2-3 lb weights. My shoulder blades don't want to stay pointing downward either and the fact that pecs are tight don't help at all. Poor posture during day is another one. I am not good at standing/sitting with my back straight. I drop my shoulders and lean forward with I'm in front of the computer. our desk setups at work are ergonomically incorrect and it makes me do the poor posture thing more than I should. Marked has referred to my shoulder blade issue as winged and when I looked that up some scary pictures showed up and I don't think my shoulder blades protrude like that but he can feel them as he pushes the left one in all the time.
    I've been preparing to take a certification exam and there is a lot studying to do and that is not helping my posture because I'm taking practice exams on paper so a lot of looking down.

    Tami, I'm glad you had a great BootCamp class! Sometimes jobs can drive to want to drink! LOL. OMG! Your HRM not working? I would go out of my mind without it. I hate not knowing how many calories I've burned. Did you change the batteries on the HRM itself? Since I've started using it in January I've had to change the battery twice. Not the watch though. Did you get yourself a gift for the 1000 days in MFP yet? If not this is your chance to treat yourself. Plus you just got a new job so more reason to treat yourself! LOL
    That is crazy that two managers are sharing an office Tami. No wonder you are frustrated if this person is not on your "favorites" list.

    Laurie, great job with the 30TMF BT workouts! I was feeling the leg workout today! Can you wear sneakers to work while your heel is recovering?

    Laurel, you always amaze me with your workouts! WTG!!!
    I am happy I've been able to continue with the routine because not doing it would've depressed the heck out of me.

    Hi Kira! So good to hear from you. Sorry you messed up your shoulder too. Thanks so much for the shoulder 101 lesson today. It is great and it will be of great help when talking with Mark next week. I know I was diagnosed with tendonitis of the rotator cuff and something about the scapula. The scapula is a problem for sure. I thought I was feeling that the bicep was popping out of place when I heard these popping sounds but the doctor explained that the sounds are heard were the inflamed tendons going through a hole between the bones too small for them. I love the idea of showing Mark the exercises I do so he can tell me what not to do. I know no overhead raises, no pushups. I reinjured myself about 3 weeks ago when I lifted a barbell behind my head. I was too ambitious when I did that given that I hadn't been doing shoulder work for so long. When I did that I felt that I tore my left trap which is my bad side. Now I still feel the trap acting up. I just need to be patient and be thankful that I can still workout. I hope you feel better soon. Mark told me that if I hadn't been doing my exercises I would be in really bad shape. So basically, even though I feel they didn't help they really have helped.
    Good night ladies!