Cathe Fans Part 5



  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! For today's workout, I started with XTrain Supercuts Extreme premix with core 2. I love that workout. I thought about stopping there because it is such a thorough workout but ended up adding on Step Moves at the end......just for a little more cardio. Fun stuff!

    Tami, glad you enjoyed the Pampered Chef party. I completely agree about the garlic press! I have a few things (like an apple slicer and a veggie peeler) that are showing their age, but I won't dare part with. I just have never been able to find a suitable replacement. Great job on the workouts this weekend. I have no doubt your shoulders were feeling those 5lb weights after the long Hard Strikes premix! :noway: I bet you are looking forward to the weekend. Hope your weather is good!

    Thelma, great job with Athletic Training. You are really doing some great workouts right now with so much variety!! I totally agree with Laurie about substitutes for Low Impact Challenge. You can do any step workout and be fine. Low Impact Challenge is the one I just spent six weeks trying to learn......after owning it for a few years. While I have finally figured it out, I can't and don't recommend it because of that tough learning curve.

    Laurie, sounds like a long day yesterday. I think the last thing I would have been doing at 9:00pm was working out! Great jot. Glad you enjoyed the calzones! Mine aren't always too pretty either (I often have the dough split on me when trying to get them on a cookie sheet), but they still taste good so.....:ohwell: . Like I said before, I will never make a great cook. :laugh: :blushing:

    Enjoy the day!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Last night’s workout was perfect! :smile: Headed home and did the XT Cardio Leg Blast Xtreme premix. Love that one. This a.m. was Supercuts and tonight will be Insane-X after work. I’m mentally preparing myself for Katy! :noway: I know she will be back and she usually comes out even tougher when she misses one of our classes the week before! :laugh:

    Thelma: You really are getting in some great variety lately! :drinker: Glad that shoulder is cooperating, because I am sure it feels amazing to be getting in some fun workouts! I will be subbing in something else too in place of the XT Low Impact Challenge Step! No worries :wink: I haven’t asked him about his elbow for a little while. We hardly have conversations at night due to him barely having time to get organized for his next day of fishing and eat. Last time I asked him it was throbbing off and on which seems to be the norm. It will be good to see him in person and Trevor too. It’s been a year since I have seen him.

    Laurie: Great job getting in Chest/Back/Shoulders at 9 PM …. I was going to bed at that time! :noway: :yawn: Yowsa
    I have made notes & sticky notes in my XT book about weights and going heavier next time …. Just like in STS.
    I do have one of their spatulas too . . . it is one of the only spatulas that DH cooks with and hasn’t melted in a pan! :laugh: I used that story as a testimonial at the party the other night.

    Laurel: Another fantastic combo today! :drinker: Do you ever have a hard time with your mind starting to wander on those longer workout combos? You're probably used to it mentally. I have to admit that when I do the longer combos, which I absolutely love doing :bigsmile: when I get the chance but my mind sometimes starts thinking about what I need to get done for the day. :laugh: I guess because it is on Sat/Sun :laugh: That reminds me that I do have the apple slicer . . . one of those things I rarely use even though they are so handy for apples, onions, oranges, etc. I just go to the knife and forget about it :ohwell:

    Hope you all have a great evening ~ talk to you tomorrow! :flowerforyou:

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, I did XT Tri's & Bi's tonight which left me feeling like I hadn't gotten a good workout given the low calorie burn due to the lack of cardio. I just didn't have time for more. I did ice after the workout because I felt things getting tight.
    I'm so glad you all think I can substitute any of my step workouts for that XT low impact challenge one. If Laurel had such a hard time mastering I don't have chance to get it at all so I'm not going to get it!
    MFP is acting up on me again. Having to type my reply on Notepad because I lost what I had typed once already!

    Laurie, WOW! You're were so good about getting your workout after such a long day! :flowerforyou: Great job! Thanks for mentioning the Low Max DVD. That is probably the one I'll do too. I have copied the rotation to a spreadsheet and I want to replace the low impact challenge workout with the one I will actually use so I don't have to think about it.
    So much for calling the rotation a 2 month rotation when it is 10 weeks! That totally cracked me up. I know the lady says she did 10 weeks for those people who start the rotation in the middle of the week. That logic doesn't make sense to me at all! LOL

    Laurel, anothe great combo from you today! Awesome job! Is your husband still joining you from time to time now that he is working?
    You have no idea how happy I am to be able to add variety to my workouts. I was very limited before.

    Tami, I'm so glad you enjoyed your class so much last night! Great workouts today too!
    I am thrilled about my shoulders finally cooperating. I just have to make sure I listen to them when they talk to me. I don't feel so bad anymore about subbing the in another step workout instead of the Low impact challenge one.
    I hope your DH is not having a hard time with his elbow! Throbbing is something you can learn to live with so given his injury if that all he feels he's in good shape considering the work he's doing now.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Last night was XTrain Cardio Leg Blast, and I DID NOT do the extreme premix. :laugh: Maybe some day I will attempt that one, but not last night. We had to head out to dance class right afterward. I made something tasty and fast last night, Chicken Caesar Salad Wrap, everyone loved it. Here is the link, just in case anyone wants it.

    Laurel, Great extreme workouts again. :wink: I love how you have the energy to put in another workout, that is impressive. The dough breaking was one of my concerns, but I did okay with that. DH was even helping me, but he probably was hungry so helping made things go quicker. :laugh:

    Tami, Hope that you had a great workout with Katy! I printed out the workout sheet from the workout manager for the CBS workout, so I have the weight that I should be lifting seemed so heavy:laugh: . Guess that is why I really enjoy those Burn Set workouts so much. They don't have that option available for the Cardio Leg Blast, and I wonder why. Most of the exercises are in the STS workouts.

    Thelma, Getting in a workouts is a plus, even though you had a low calorie burn. I am bad at step choro, so when Laurel and Tami said that they didn't really recommend it I didn't get it. I have the same problem with the step workouts in the 4 Day Split series, I have never even tried them. :laugh: I like simple step workouts. I love the Low Max workout, it is one of my favorite step workouts. I noticed that also about the rotation. :wink:

    Have a wonderful day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today's workout started with XT Burn Sets Bi's and Tri's. Since it is such a short workout, I added on the 100 rep challenges for biceps and triceps. My arms were talking to me after that, especially since I went heavy in Burn Sets! :noway: For cardio, I did Cardio Fusion and had lots of fun with that.

    Tami, hope you survived your class with Katy last night! Regarding my mind does sometimes. :blushing: Actually, I am always really focused during my strength workouts. And some of my cardio workouts (the tough ones, anything using weights--even light, etc), I am pretty focused. But some cardio workouts, I know the steps so well that sometimes I just lose myself in them and go on rote memory while my mind flies off to someplace else. :blushing: I don't usually think about things I need to do as much as I just let my mind think about anything it wants to. If I am being perfectly honest......I love those workouts! At the end of them, I usually feel both mentally and physically refreshed. Today was one of those workouts since I know Cardio Fusion so well. At the end, as I stood there catching my breath and dripping in sweat, I thought 'I am done already?' Like I said, I love that. But I do try to balance those types of workouts with others that require more concentration.

    Thelma, good job with Bi's and Tri's. Don't worry about the calorie burn at all. You are, no doubt, getting more long term benefit with your strength training. I am glad you are enjoying it and your muscles are cooperating. DH has joined me on my Sunday strength training workouts since he has gone back to work. He doesn't have much time to workout during the week since he is coaching football every night of the week. But with that (and doing physical training with his ROTC students), he gets some cardio in during the week. So I am happy he is joining me for some strength work on the weekend. He seems to enjoy it. He really enjoyed the STS Meso 3 workouts because he could finally lift heavier than me. But next week with Meso 1......I will have him beat again. :wink:

    Laurie, good job with Cardio Leg Blast. The extreme premix is fun....but tough!! No doubt about that. Thanks for the recipe!! That looks really good and like something I will enjoy in this warmer climate.

    See you all tomorrow,

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Well we were saved by a class of “newbies” for her being a little kinder to us :smile: It was still a traditional style Insanity class but she didn’t add-on burpees or something to each round, still a great workout! This a.m. was XT Burn Sets Bi’s/Tris + Core and tonight will be Spinning. :wink: I need to start getting things ready for my fishing trip. DH surprised me with a BIG grocery list since groceries are pretty expensive where he is + several Costco items. Yikes!! :huh: My car is going to be filled to the brim now with 3 other adults and their stuff too.

    Thelma: Great job with XT last night! :drinker: Dang it on MFP acting up on you with your replies. Glad you were able to get on here eventually. That is funny on that rotation. I noticed it was 10 weeks too but says “2-Month” :laugh: Yes, here’s hoping DH elbow is just a condition of soreness from being broken vs. the damage is worse type of throbbing. We will know in November sometime when he has the MRI done. Plus hoping it’s not like his knees which he has ignored the pain on for 25+ years.

    Laurie: Awesome work getting in Cardio Leg Blast! :drinker: Sounds like a perfect quick dinner, I will check that out. Thanks for sharing the recipe. I didn’t realize she had the workout sheets for XT online. That is strange the Leg workout isn’t on there. I use my booklet that came with them when I bought the set. Once again, hallelujah on someone sharing in my choreography issues with 4DS! :blushing: :laugh: I put that in one day and was like :noway: big time! I may have left a note for myself in case I ever try that again.

    Laurel: Way to add-on the 100 rep challenge today! :bigsmile: I would have loved to do that as well but didn’t have the time. I’m glad to hear your mind doesn’t wander :smile: I always feel like I’m focused with the weight portion forsure, it’s that 2nd workout of cardio that usually starts my mind wandering at about the 90 min. mark. Love when I get the chance though to do those long ones.

    Hope you ladies have a great evening ~ talk to you tomorrow! Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, tonight was a Low Max step only premix. I nearly killed myself in the process of doing one those dangerous turns over the step. I think I twisted my knee. it was scary but I seem to be OK after a lot of massage and ice. Like I said before it's a good thing I only have a small space to do this because the treadmill broke my fall.
    I got my flu shot at work today. Not sure if you ladies get it but it is available now. My arm hurts though! I don't remember the shot hurting before.
    I looks like Cathe started filming the new workouts. I went to the forums last night to check if there were any previews and there are only a couple of still shots. She has a new face and the other girls we all know. I was also able to watch a little segment of one of her live classes. You can see that it is a live class and all the participants are normal women. I'm not sure I would like this format because the camera won't always be on Cathe so I'd have to depend on the students for form.

    Laurie, nice job with the cardio leg blast. I don't know about you but anything on these videos with "extreme" in the title is very intimidating to me! :laugh: :laugh: Thanks for the recipe. I've been in that website before. Good stuff! I didn't realize your /DH ha

    Laurel, terrific workout! those 100 rep challenges are hard! No wonder your arms were talking to you!
    I hope I was still burning some calories after that small burn workouts.

    Tami, great workouts including the "easy" class last night!.'
    Good luck with all that packing and shopping! I really hope your DH doesn't need surgery
    I copied the rotation to Excel and changed the days of the week on the rotation to my days since my week will start on Satuurdays

    Good night!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Yesterday was Supercuts Premix with Core 2. I :heart: this workout. It sure gets in those places that seem to be neglected. :wink:

    Laurel, WTG on the Bi's and Tri's with the 100 Rep Challenge. Do you use the weight amount that the workout manager recommends for these XTrain workouts? I did for the CBS workout, and it seemed really heavy, but I was able to go to failure. I love trying new recipes, and did so last night again. Wasn't one of the healthiest ones I have made, but it was loved by everyone. Apparently it is going into the stack of recipes that should be made again and again. :laugh: I think just by hearing the recipe name you should know that it wasn't super healthy, but I always try to use ingredients that are not high in fat. The recipe is Lazy Girl Ravioli Lasagna. I think it was probably better for the family than the lasagna that I usually make. :laugh:

    Tami, LOL on Katy being kind to the newbies. :laugh: Sounds like a good workout even though she didn't add in all the burpees. A car packed to the brim surprise:wink: , you are going to be busy until you leave. You need to go into the workout manager calendar, if you haven't added the workout to your calendar do so, then on the part where it says Show Details you will see a button that says Edit Workout. From there you see all the exercises, and at the bottom it says Save & Print. You can either print out your sheet or put the weights that are listed into your own worksheet. I update my weights periodically so that I can keep track for the next round. I wonder if she will have that option for the new weight workouts, sure hope so.

    Thelma, Sorry to hear that you twisted your knee on that move. I think that I know which one that is. :wink: I saw some of the pictures last night too, it is good to see a new face and having Deazie back. I thought she did a good job in the STS workouts. I have the same feeling about the Extreme word, it tends to be avoided. :wink:

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! For my workout today, I decided to stay on the XTrain train (:wink: ) and did XTrain Legs with the barre section. I followed it with LIS Afterburn Bonus Burn premix which not only gave the legs a little extra something but helped ease the DOMS I had from the 100 reps yesterday. My triceps were not too happy this morning, that's for sure!

    Tami, sounds like a reasonable class. I imagine she needs to take it back a notch this time of year to keep people coming back. Yikes on the grocery list!! That is never fun.

    Thelma, sorry to hear about the mishap with Low Max. I think I have mentioned that I have a tendency to fall off my step at times. :blushing: I am glad you had something there to break your fall. Hopefully your knee is feeling okay today. Thanks for the update on Cathe filming. I haven't been to her site yet since she started filming but will make sure I check it out!

    Laurie, I agree on Supercuts! Such a good workout. And it sounds like another great recipe. I enjoy meals like that every now and again as long as I don't eat too much of it in one sitting! Sadly, I love pasta, so it does take some self control. Anyhow, for the XTrain workouts, I pretty much match Cathe's weight except in a couple of areas. Sometimes (like in the first set of bicep curls) she drops her weight and stay with the first weight. That happens in back as well (with the rear delt move). I don't match her sometimes (like in overhead presses for shoulder) and go heavier than her sometimes (the other shoulder moves and triceps). For me, the toughest section to match her weight is chest. I do it but, like you, I get to failure. That's a tough one for me and I know that is why I can't go as heavy with overhead presses. My shoulders are done by the time I get to the shoulder section!

    See you tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Great Spin class last night and still planning on getting my workout in today! :wink: :smile: I was up late getting things organized for the fishing trip. It’s a little more complicated when I have to worry about a bunch of items to bring and cook a meal for 6 of us. There is only one little restaurant in that town and by the time we get there and he gets off the river it will be easier to all eat at the trailer. So . :huh: . . it’s all good! :smile: But hoping this evening I’ll get in my workout, get some spaghetti sauce going and pack. I won’t leave until tomorrow around noon.

    Thelma: Great job getting in Low Max minus the “near death” experience with the turns! :noway: :smile: Yikes. Glad it all worked out and with massage/ice sounds like you are good. How exciting on the filming of the new workouts starting. Can’ wait to see those clips! I’m hoping to start our new rotation on Sunday when I get back from my fishing trip. We’ll see, I’m sometimes pooped when I get home because I always sleep terrible. Fingers crossed this year will be different. We took some of the foam padding from underneath so we won’t be rolling into one another like usual. :laugh:

    Laurie: Supercuts is such a fun one!! I :heart: that one too! Nice work last night with that.:drinker: I would imagine it kills her to be kind to the newbies . . . but I told her after class it was a great workout so she was glad. You don’t want to scare people into never coming back ~ it’s happened! Thanks for that info on those sheets . . . That’s why STS sheets are so handy, I can keep writing on them or erasing or whatever. I don’t want to keep doing that in my nice XT glossy book! :laugh:

    Laurel: Yowsa! Nice combo today, I bet it definitely loosened you right up. :drinker: :bigsmile: Yikes is right, but good that we will save some money on the other side so he doesn’t have to continue buying “bulk” type stuff at double the price. We worked it out last night, the couple who are fishing with us have a Suburban. They will pick me up and we will have room for “stuff” plus my stepson and his girlfriend. I hope to share a fun fish photo with all of you when I return! :drinker:

    Luckily I will have tomorrow a.m. to get in a workout before I leave as well! :bigsmile:
    Talk to you ladies either briefly tomorrow or Monday! Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, spinning for me tonight. My knee is fine thankfully. I am ready to start the rotation on Saturday. I checked out Cathy's Facebook page and the outfits are very nice. The workouts look scary to me because there will be a lot of plyo involved. I will be using my trampoline a lot! Fast speeds on the step too! :sad:
    This week went by so fast and I can't believe tomorrow is Friday already! I'm happy about it don't take me wrong but it feels like it should be Wednesday!

    Laurie, that lasagna sounds great! So you don't do the noodles or the cheese mixture because the ravioli have all that! Clever! I bet it was delish! I am going to try my Padermo zoodle machine this weekend. We'll have it with baked turkey meatballs and spaghetti sauce. This will be our first time having zoodles. We do love zucchini so I hope we love the meal. We usually have spaghetti squash with this dish.

    Laurel, another award winning combo for you today! I really like that XT legs with the Barre segment.
    I am definitely going to do the Low Max step workout for the rotation. I may have been distracted yesterday when I went flying off the step.

    Tami, glad you enjoyed your spinning class last night! You really are going to be busy till you leave your house. Spaghetti is always a nice meal. I hope you have a wonderful weekend and I also hope you area able to sleep! Have a great weekend!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Another great workout with Bi's & Tri's Burn Sets, sure loved lifting those heavy weights. :laugh: I also did a TaeBo Get Ripped Basic workout. The TaeBo workout was good, it had abs, floor leg work and then cardio.

    Laurel, Way to cook those triceps! I'm going to be interested in how you will do add ons for the next rotation, I know I'm finding things that I want to do in place of some of those X10 workouts. I'm like that with pasta also, it just is so comforting. I also try to make sure that meals like this one are only once a week, that way I get my fix. :laugh:

    Tami, How wonderful that you let Katy know that the workout was a good one, and yes you really don't want to scare people away. Sure would hurt the business. Nice that you can pack all that stuff in a Suburban. I don't like writing in any of the books that I get, so either print out worksheets or print these out from the workout manager. Have a wonderful weekend fishing. :wink:

    Thelma, Good to know your knee is doing good. I saw that the Plyo workout looked like a lot of jumping, hoping that I will be ok with that too. I don't jump all that high. :laugh: Let us know how subbing the zoodles for the squash goes. I am not a fan of spaghetti squash, just don't like the texture. Yes that is exactly how that lasagna is made, it was super easy compared to regular lasagna.

    Have a great weekend!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Happy Friday!! Today's workout seemed very short. And I am not sure why! Anyhow, I started with CTX Upper Body (doing the warm-up from CTX Kickbox first) which was a nice endurance-based workout to get me ready to go back to STS Meso 1 next week. I followed it with XTrain Tabatacise and Core 1. It was a good workout.....just felt short. Better than feeling like forever I suppose. :wink:

    Tami, I hope you have a great weekend. Looking forward to a fish photo! I am glad you worked out the logistics a bit so you won't be squeezed into your car. Have fun!!

    Thelma, I am so happy to hear your knee is fine! That is good news!! I caught up a bit on Cathe's site. I am really curious to get more info on these workouts. I was really surprised to see they may have them out next month!! They may be great workouts, though, for the busy holiday season so that would be good. I am curious about the impact as well. If I remember correctly, she is doing some low impact workouts for this series. As I am getting closer to 50 :noway: I am finding it better to at least mix up my impact a bit. I can still do high impact but every day doesn't seem/feel smart. So hopefully these new workouts have a good variety.

    Laurie, great workout combo!! I, too, am curious how I am going to add on to this next rotation. I keep telling myself to NOT add-on because these workouts are enough! But I am not too good at listening to myself. :blushing: Of course, as we get closer to moving again, I will have to scale back my workouts a bit. I certainly am not looking forward to another physically brutal move. :ohwell:

    Hope you all have a great weekend!! See you Monday!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies. Happy Friday! I did Lower Body Blast this afternoon. That is a great workout. I also used the barbell and now my upper back is tight. I iced it so I hope I'm better tomorrow. I printed out my rotation sheets.
    I checked out Cathe's FB wall tonight and OMG! Lots of jumping and step moves at high speeds I think. I didn't like her outfit for the Hiit Lower Body DVD.

    Laurie, you were on FI-YA today with those workout my friend! WTG! :drinker:
    I know I'll be using the trampoline a lot with these new program. I would have to lower the step in order to do the faster choreography and to keep myself from falling.
    I'll let you know how the zoodles turn out. We thought that 2 zucchini would be one serving per person plus the sauce and turkey meatballs. We love spaghetti squash instead of pasta.

    Laurel, amazing combo today! I can't believe it seemed short to you!
    Cathe's new program is definitely looking like a lot of high impact moves, lots of step and plyo too. She must be filming one workout per day. So far there have been 3 this week. She does mention on her promo that there will be some low impact but I doubt there will be much of it. I will be modifying a lot! Interesting that your finding you have to mix the impact Laurel. It's probably better for your body so good for you. It has nothing to do with you approaching 50. You just know it's better for your body!

    Tami, I hope you have a great time fishing with your hubby and friends!
    Have a great weekend ladies!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Not a good weekend for workouts, yesterday was just a bust. I did manage to get in 10lb Slimdown Xtreme Cardio Kicbox and the Core workout. On Sunday we had to go to DH's nieces confirmation. This was a full mass with the Archbishop in attendance. He spent at least 3 min. with each kid and there had to be at least 30 of them. :huh: DH's brother failed to inform us that it would be this long, I think that I wouldn't have taken the girls if I had known. They where running on little patients by the end. :wink: So in total I spent at least 5 hours at two different churches on Sunday. :laugh:

    Laurel, I really like those CTX workouts! I actually loved the step workouts in CTX, but they seemed to be very hard on my knees. I love that Tabatacise felt short to you. :laugh: The one good thing about your next move is that you will not be moving for a very long time. :wink: That is something to look forward to, but totally understand that you would need to scale back with all the things that you will have to be doing.

    Thelma, Great job on the LBB workout, hope that your upper back will be fine. Will have to see how the new HiiT workouts are, the step workout looked to be a lot like her first HiiT workout DVD. I really like those for short, but effective workouts. I have been seeing a lot of that type of top on instructors, not sure how I feel about them. That will be good if you can use your trampoline for the workouts.

    Tami, Hope you had a great time on the fishing trip.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Hope you all had a good weekend. Ours was quiet but nice. Saturday we checked on the new house and all is well. We spent most of the day looking around for good sales on things we are going to need to buy when we move. I am not a shopper by nature so I can't say it was my favorite day. But we are getting some good ideas when it does come down to purchase time. I didn't workout on Saturday per my usual schedule.

    Yesterday was day 1 of the new rotation! :drinker: I did STS Disc 1, and it felt great! Back to lots and lots of push-ups, but I felt strong on them. Even upped my weight on a few exercises! I followed it with No Equipment Abs and, for cardio, Cathe's Greatest Hits workout. Today was X10 Step followed by Low Impact Challenge....and I added on the bonus section making it a solid 80 minute workout. I didn't think I would like this combo.....but it wasn't bad! I felt like a little more, though, so I did a workout I haven't done in a couple of years--Asylum's Back to Core. It is always fun to workout with Shaun T., and I really liked this as an add-on today.

    Thelma, Lower Body Blast is a great workout. Hopefully your shoulders are okay with having held the barbell. Anymore, I find it better to hold my weights at my sides for leg workouts. It challenges the grip and forearms a bit more, but getting that weight up and on to my shoulders sometimes is tough on the shoulders. So I prefer to keep them down when I can. I looked at the updates for the new Cathe workouts but didn't notice Cathe's top. I will have to go back and look! I was kind of hoping for more info on the workouts than what I am seeing if I am being honest. :blushing: But I will stay patient.

    Laurie, sounds like a very long Sunday! I have been to services like that. One was in Germany....and in German! That made for a very long day! :noway: You are right about the next move being the last one for awhile. I have to keep reminding myself of that!! I really wish DH would agree to have people move us, though, because it would make things so much easier. But no such luck. :ohwell: He is stubborn that way!

    Tami, love the new photo!!!!! That's a FISH!! Hope this means you had a great weekend!

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ I had a really nice weekend with DH and our friends + great to see my stepson and his girlfriend too.:smile: It was a full boat for fishing so we fished a lot longer than I am used to doing on my annual trips, but it was all good! Yes, that’s my DH in the background . . . I thought you guys might enjoy seeing the catch. :wink: My other fish which was earlier that day was even bigger! Super exciting. We ended up not fishing yesterday because one of our friends was not feeling well at all, so we were able to get an early start back home. I did a bunch of laundry for DH to send back with someone who is fishing with him this week, mowed the lawn and spend time with the kids. They were spinning circles when they saw me. So nice to be missed! :laugh:
    I was pretty tired last night so had a small “healthy” dinner and went to bed. Felt great to get up this a.m. and start our new rotation with STS Chest/Shoulders/Bi’s! :drinker: I am going to catch up to everyone later in the week or forsure by this weekend I will be caught up. Tonight will be BootCamp.:wink:

    Thelma: Great job with the workouts! :drinker: :bigsmile: I was able to get everything prepared and packed. It was definitely a life saver to have her Suburban vs. my card. Trevor and his girlfriend had a huge suitcase and a cooler. So coming home it was 3 coolers full but not all the Costco stuff. I am looking forward to some spaghetti squash with turkey myself this week! :tongue: Yum Uh oh on the stepwork being at a fast pace . . The higher impact is ok, it’s the fast footwork I get a little bit like :huh: :noway: about.

    Laurie: Awesome job getting in Burn Sets and then your TaeBo – sounds like it was a nice combo for you! :bigsmile:
    I love it that you mentioned that about writing in the books . . . I am the same way. So to make a few notes about killed me! :blushing: I used a nice pen and my best handwriting. Anything further from there I have those little tiny sticky notes on pages. I will move towards the sheets now that I know they are there! So funny. Sorry to hear the church services went so long . . . I’m sure made for a very long day but I bet they appreciated you guys there to support them.

    Laurel: Nice combo on Friday! :drinker: Sounds like it was perfect for you. I was able to get my workout in on Friday with Tabatacise prior to leaving that day so it was nice! I started looking at some pics online of the new series – anxious to read and learn more about them!!!! Length, what the rotation looks like, etc.. Yahoo. :bigsmile: I was surprised to read it may be shipped next month as well! WOW. I think the shopping part is fun when you are about to move into a new house ~ adds to the excitement! Some of the things are a little boring to pick out but otherwise I enjoy it. It will be here before you know it. Fabulous job with yesterday and today’s workout(s)!! As always, you impress me. Thanks for the kudos on the fish! Always exciting to catch those big guys! The couple we went with were laughing at my ease of picking them up and holding them for the picture. I said I have a good “coach” and Bill (our friend) said, no you have big guns! :laugh: It was hilarious.

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, I started the rotation on Saturday with STS Meso 1 Chest, Shoulders, Triceps, No Equipment Abs, I did my usual Spinning on Sunday and today I did X10 step (no stretch)/Low Max all 7 blasts and stretch (no warm up). This was hard on my feet and I can feel the plantar fasciitis acting up so needless to say I'm scared. Hopefully my feet will be better tomorrow.
    Tonight's workout was hard. I wanted to give up before it was over but I didn't.

    Did you check out Cathe's website tonight? Her site got hacked! :mad: They claim no customer info was taken though. I hope it's true!

    Last night I made zoodles with spaghetti sauce and BJ's turkey meatballs and it was amazing! I'm thinking that I actually like zoodles better than spaghetti squash. This is probably because she zoodles were pretty tasty. I sprinkled them with a little salt to draw the water out and added pepper and Mrs Dash Garlic and Herb spice. Then I sauteed about 1 tspn minced garlic in 1 tbspn olive oil for about a minute, then added the zoodles and cooked them for 2 minutes. So easy! The Padermo tool is great too! Not sure if you ladies have a BJ's near you but this is the same idea as Costco. Their baked turkey meatballs are very good.

    Laurel, great combo! I knew you weren't going to stop at just the rotation workout! :drinker: I am so glad everything is going well with the new house! I can't believe your husband is going to make do your own move! :noway: This is what you get for being so strong! :bigsmile:

    The multi-disk DVD is so awesome now that I'm doing the rotation and have to use multiple disks. I was able to load DVD's for 3 days given that the STS Ab Circuits is used on different days. Sounds like you're finally enjoying that Low Impact Challenge workout!
    My shoulders are better thanks for asking. Of course now I'm worried about my feet. I can't win!:sad: I actually like doing the squats with the barbell but I am going to have to do the dumbbells on the side.
    I agree with you about Cathe not presenting much info on the new workout program. The pictures and descriptions are scary enough though. I was reading some of the comments and some women are scared too! LOL

    Laurie, sorry you couldn't get all your workouts in this weekend. I can't believe you spent 5 hours in church. Yikes on the confirmation ceremony being so long. I bet your girls were bored to tears. I think I would've fallen asleep.
    I think I'll be using my trampoline a lot more with the new workouts. Even in this rotation I'll be using it more. I never finished the STS program because I got hurt and now I'll bet to try some of the workouts for the first time.

    Tami, that is one ginormous fish! You go girl! What is it? I'm glad you had a great weekend. Were you going through workout withdrawals? LOL How is your husband's elbow doing? I can just imagine how excited the kids were when they saw you yesterday! :laugh: You DO have BIG guns girl! :drinker:
    It really is a good thing you had the Suburban for all the stuff you had to take with you this weekend. Those things are huge! Did you bring some of the fish home? Do you have a big freezer?
    You're going to have to try the zoodles one of these days Tami. I am thinking of making them with shrimp too but I need a good shrimp recipe. Something like a stir fry recipe.
    Cathe's new program looks scary to me. You'll probably love it. I am hoping that my DH will have some time this fall/winter to work on my workout floor. He is way too busy with his job and there is a lot to do to get the house ready for the winter.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Had to do a search to find the thread. :D Very interesting changes, don't know how I feel about them so far. I wasn't able to get in my workout on Monday, had to get youngest dd some pointe shoes. Was surprised that it took us so long to get home, and then get dinner ready. I was just tired. Yesterday I got in ACE HiiT Lower Body with Chris Freytag and PiYo Lower Body. This morning I was surprised that my core is so sore. It has to be the PiYo. This workout was yoga work all the way, but the great part about it was the fact that she gave such great instruction on what you should feel. I think that is why my core was so engaged. Now I want to do one of these workouts everyday, was just planning on doing one very other. ;)

    Laurel, Can't believe that I'm actually looking forward to the push-ups. :D I want to see how much stronger I have gotten. I couldn't bring myself to do the X10 step workout, so that is why I did the ACE workout. Glad you enjoyed the visit with Shaun. Nice that the house is going along. I know that when DH and I decide to leave this house, we will have movers. Neither one of us will have the energy to all that lifting.

    Tami, Sounds like a wonderful weekend fishing, and I love your new pic. I had found a web page that had all of Cathe's workout on excel worksheets. It was a really nice layout, will have to find it and post it for you. I usually write down the weights that the workout manager says that I should be lifting on this sheet. I'm sure everyone here would like them. That was the main reason that we where at the church, it was for support to DH and his parents.

    Thelma, Great job on the workouts, hopefully your feet will survive your X10 and Low Max workouts. Now I really need to try out those zoodles! I do have a peeler that is suppose to work, just have not tried it out yet. Might have to try it some time this week when I'm finally all caught up with my workouts. ;) I really like hearing how everyone is being creative with this rotation. I love that we are keeping with the strength workout, but doing different things on the cardio days.

    Have a wonderful day!
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, we're back in business! I don't like the new tiny reply window. You can expand it but then all you see is the reply window and you can't see the posts! DUH!
    I prefer for it be at the top of the page and I don't like this new font. It is tiny!

    I guess we all missed the announcement about the new forums. I thought we had reached again the max number of posts and needed a new tread until I found the announcement.
    Yesterday I did STS Disk #3-Legs / Med Ball Abs and today STS Disc #2 Back & Triceps/Extended Stretch. My back is not doing well though. Today I felt like I'd totally reinjured my rotator cuff. I decided to take the risk of doing tonight's Back & Triceps workout because sometimes when I exercise the area seems to improve. I used small weights and iced after my workout. My upper back seems to be very upset but I hope I will feel better tomorrow. I don't know if I slept in a bad position last night. Who knows. I am really upset about this because I may not be able to do the rotation. I hope my back is just in shock.

    Laurie, great workout! Don't worry if you didn't get one day in. You workout so hard that you can afford to skip a day. I hope you get to try those zoodles soon! It really is interesting how we're all coming up with our little combo for cardio days or for the days when may not have a particular workout.

    Good night!