Cathe Fans Part 5



  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ BootCamp was a lot of fun last night & as always tough because it was Katy! :bigsmile: She did a really nice circuit that had a good mix of everything, including cardio but she said she didn’t know who was really in the class (since it’s not hers) so she didn’t want to make it TOO tough and scare people away. :laugh: The time flew by . . . This a.m. was Plyo Legs + Abs and tonight will be Insane-X.

    Thelma: Great work with Slide & Glide! :wink: Also, way to make it work for you and your shoulder.:smile: I’m glad you’re feeling better about work today. Probably taking a step back right now will be best if the “good ol boys” club are banding together. Hopefully that book Kira suggested will be a good one and give some great insight/help to your situation. DH won’t be back until the end of October.:ohwell: I am happy to report Emma is going in for her second haircut tomorrow a.m. I kept my promise to take her in "regularly" so that it isn't so difficult for the groomer or Emma. Fingers crossed it goes well like last time ... it will be a different lady I guess but excited for her to be trimmed up a bit.

    Laurel: Awesome combo today! I bet that Yoga felt great after X77.:bigsmile: Nice work. :drinker: Yes, minus DH leaving it was good. I wasn’t sure what time on Sunday he would be ready and then all of a sudden he was ready …. He always tries to crack some kind of joke or be funny because I get kind of emotional every time (not sure why, I soon fall into my own routine and I’m just fine) but it’s that initial goodbye I guess. I am sure you can more than relate with your husband’s travels over the years. I’m sure you are very anxious to feel “settled” I would too.

    Hi Laurie – Hope all is well with your family :flowerforyou:

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, tonight I went for Athletic Training and picked the upper body express workout. Kept the weights light except for biceps where I went a little heavier. So far so good with my back. Since I did a lot of pushups yesterday I didn't do all the pushups for this workout and did other exercises like more triceps. Even though I'm using light weights my back and my arms are feeling pumped and I love that feeling.
    Work was so busy today I barely had a chance to breathe! By the time I got to our local town hall to vote I couldn't even think the name of my street! That's pretty bad! LOL
    Did I tell you ladies DH and I are going to NC next week? It will be a quick trip. We're leaving Thursday in the late afternoon and will spend the night at a friend's house who just moved to the Raleigh area from NH. Then the next morning we'll drive about 1 hour to my sister's to visit her and her kids and we'll return on Saturday in the late afternoon. So I will probably miss Friday's workout and maybe even Saturday's. I'm not crazy about missing my workouts. I'll go prepared with workout clothes but don't know what will be available to me or if I'll have time.

    Laurel, I bet the yoga workout felt great after that challenging X77 workout! Great job!
    I'm so busy with work that I don't even have time to think about the problem with that manager. All I want to do now is make sure my team does a great job. Just to show people who are not used to working with me that I was given that position for a reason! :happy: I am not going to let them bully me at all!

    Tami, I knew you were going to love you BC class the moment you mentioned Katy was teaching it! That Plyo legs workout looks like so much fun. The move that always scares me is the scissors one so I always stay shallow. Of course until I have a jumping floor I can't follow the workout as is and will have to use the trampoline for our routine.
    I've yet to hear anything about the gym's opening day. I was told 9/15 when I signed up. I may have to do a drive by this week to see how things are looking. I know it's being worked on but I wouldn't be surprised if the work has fallen behind.
    I think the best thing for me right now is to take a step back and show those boys that I can kick butt doing my work. I have a huge responsibility on my shoulders and I talked to my boss about it today. My job is taking on more of supervisory turn where I don't have time to the other work assigned to me. It's like I'm doing my boss' job but he has to much on his plate which is how I got stuck with the big load I have today.

    I hope the book Kira recommended enlightens me on things like understanding the men I work with and an as added bonus learn something about dealing with DH! LOL
    I can't believe your DH will be gone for so long! You will go visit him at least one weekend right?
    I hope Emma does well with the groomer. Is she still on Cosequin?

    Laurie, I hope everything is OK with your in-laws. Thinking of you! :flowerforyou:

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Very busy here at work this week, first day that I have been able to sit down (literally). We are having another lean week, but this one isn't as intense as the previous ones. This appears to be a check mark on someones to do list for future employment. :wink: I have been keeping up with my workouts, felt really good yesterday with Plyo Legs and Pilates Abs. Tonight will be a double header, since the youngest has dance class at 6pm tomorrow. Doesn't give me enough time after I get home from work to get in a workout. Will have to think of something quick to fix for tonight and tomorrow. :wink: This rotation seems to be flying by, or is it the fact that I'm getting older and everything seems to speed up. :laugh:

    MIL and FIL are doing ok, I think they just need to get used to the restrictions. The first thing she wanted to do when she got home was to balance her checkbook. :huh: My poor DH didn't understand her accounting system. :wink:

    Laurel, Wonderful news on the concrete pour. The outside construction will go fast, it is all the inside stuff that takes a while. Great work on the workouts as usual! :drinker: I'm glad to hear that you got in that yoga workout, sounds like it was a winner for you.

    Tami, It always amazes me that we think exercise is a lot of fun. :laugh: Glad to hear that your bootcamp class was that way for you. My DH doesn't go away to often, so I can actually enjoy him being gone for a week each year. :laugh: The only thing I don't enjoy is having to keep up with his chores and mine. :laugh: I'm always happy to see him return by the end of the week though.

    Thelma, So glad to hear that you are able to get in some weight workouts for the upper body, such a great improvement. I love NC, one of the places that DH and I are looking at to retire. We both love the area. Sounds like a nice little trip.

    Kira, Great job on the workouts!

    Sorry this is so short, have to get going on my accomplishments for this lean week.

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Very quick check-in for me today as I am headed out the door in a minute to grab some lunch with DH. But I get my workouts in first......STS Disc 30 (Shoulders, Biceps and Triceps) followed by TF60.

    Tami, sounds like a great BC class! Too bad Katy can't teach them all the time. I completely understand about saying goodbye to DH. Like you, I get into my own rhythm when he isn't around.....but I hate saying goodbye. That part never gets easy. :flowerforyou:

    Thelma, great job with the workouts.....and the 'pumped' feeling. Isn't that the best? Oddly, I think it is that feeling alone that has my DH returning to strength workouts. Whatever it takes I say! Hope things at work continue on all right. Sounds like a great trip to NC. I really want to take a trip to the Outer Banks some day. NC is only one of three states I haven't visited, so I will make sure it happens!

    Laurie, sorry to hear about work. Hopefully it gets back to normal soon. Hope your MIL can relax. She wanted to balance her checkbook first? :noway: Hope she continues to heal properly.

    Must run! See you tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Well after a few requests we talked Katy into the “circuit” style for Insanity last night. :bigsmile: She made it TOUGH as always and this time in between each round (2 min, 1 min, 30 sec was one round of each exercise) we ran the stairs and sprinted back through the gym. It was a great workout and she added some pull-up bars – kind of like Cathe’s tower for pull-ups. They were on the floor with a mat and you lay down and pull yourself up, also in the circuit: Box jumps, Ladders, throwing 25# big leather balls, hurdles, kettle balls, etc. This a.m. was STS Chest/Bi’s/Tri’s ~ tonight will be Spinnning. :wink:

    Thelma: Great job on the workout and I’m glad to hear you are feeling “pumped” – getting stronger all the time helps with that feeling!!! :drinker: Yahoo. Sounds like a very fun trip planned for NC! Sometimes those short trips like that are some of the best. I bet it will be great to see your friend. I know how you are feeling on the potential “missed” workouts ~ try to enjoy your time and get in some walking if nothing else is available. It’s all good :smile:
    Sounds like you have really shifted your energy into a positive direction for work – focusing on why you were put in that position and helping your team succeed, all great stuff & I’m sure it makes you feel way better inside! :smile:

    Yes, I will be going to visit the second weekend of October ~ which breaks up the time and I always enjoy my yearly fishing trip with him! I will be riding over with some other friends of his (a couple) and we will all fish together. Emma did good & looks beautiful! I picked her up at lunch and took her home. The girl said she didn’t want to stand up . . . but that is always the case at the groomer or even in our yard when we brush her. She gets nervous and lays down. For some “odd coincidence” though she was limping when I picked her up today. The girl said she thought she had just laid down wrong and was “stiff” ….. I gave her some dog aspirin and another Cosequin (for good measure I guess) and hope she is better tonight when I get home.:ohwell: She is still on the Cosequin and doing so good. I will continue forever at this point ~ don’t want her to go back to being stiff & sore. It has completely stopped (the limping) since being on it. Until today:frown:

    Laurie: Yikes on your work situation right now.:noway: Crazy how that happens and you feel like you’re caught in a blender going round & round. Hope it slows down for you soon. Awesome job keeping up with the workouts through it all! This rotation has flown by like crazy! I want to say it’s because it has been so much fun and having our little group do it together here has made it even more fun vs. I’m getting older! :laugh: Glad to hear your in-laws are doing ok. She probably just wanted to feel like she was “in control” of something right now and balancing her checkbook is one of those things. :ohwell:
    That is the part about DH being gone. Although I take on the yard responsibilities that are normally his, I just have my one or two little dishes to do. I pre-cook meals and they last all week, the house is clean. All of that is very nice.

    Laurel: Sounds like a perfect combo for today! :bigsmile: Nicely done I’m often reminded through you that I need to dig out those TF workouts once and a while. But I also need to give Party Rockin Step a try too! :blushing: :laugh: I wish Katy could teach every one of them. Although every class I take is hers except Monday so that’s about as close as I can get!

    Have a great evening ladies ~ talk to you tomorrow!
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, a quick spinning workout for me tonight as we had to meet with our financial adviser.

    NC is really beautiful but it can get super hot and I'm not crazy about that part. About 9 years ago we bought our "retirement home" in NC thinking that we could retire in our early 50's (dreamers!) but we sold it last year. It didn't make sense to keep the house when we weren't enjoying it and tenants don't always take good care of rental properties. The people from Boston I've met there love NC and they are sorry they didn't move there sooner.

    Laurie, sorry about work but excellent job with your workouts! Glad your in-laws are doing well. I hope your DH isn't too stressed out about his parents.
    I'm really happy to be able to do upper body work but the shoulder blade area is still acting up. I just hope that with time I will go back to normal.

    Laurel, great workout today. I hope you had a nice lunch date with your DH!
    The 'pumped' feeling is really wonderful feeling so I can understand why your husband is getting hooked on working out!
    Things at work are OK. I hope you get to NC one of these days. I'm sure you'll like it.

    Tami, that sounds like a really tough Insanity class! Great job!
    I really am excited about developing upper body strength. I just have to be VERY patient and take it slow.
    I hope I can get a least a short walk in while in NC. It's a good thing work is really busy and it's keeping me from thinking about all the things that happen in that place that I disagree with.
    I'm glad Emma was a good little girl with the groomer. I hope she's not limping anymore. I'm glad the Cosequin has helped Emma so much!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I will be getting in a workout tonight after all. :huh: The woman who owns the dance studio called last night to tell us that dd's dance teacher wouldn't be returning for this year. :noway: Don't know what is going on, but she said that she is trying to find a replacement for the two Thurs. classes that dd has signed up for. I'm actually hoping that she finds someone, because dd really enjoyed those classes. Last night I did Low Max Premix #1. :happy:

    Laurel, Great combo with the STS and TF! I think those TF HiiT workouts will work well in the next rotation, just in case I don't want to do an X10 workout. :laugh: I love the Greensboro area of NC, but have been to the outer banks. It was really beautiful.

    Tami, Wow sounds like a good workout. Now I will have to try that type of pull up with my Cathe tower when I do Meso 1. Was the bar the same distance of your arms or with arms bent? Just seems like a great way to not use momentum. You could be correct on the control thing with my MIL.

    Thelma, Good job on getting in a workout, even though it is short. I'm ok with hot! :laugh: I also hope that your shoulder will get better and better with time. I guess that is what is important is the time.

    Well back to work! Can't wait for tomorrow and a day off. :laugh:

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Decided to do tomorrow's workout today, leaving tomorrow open for a total body workout which I love to add-on when possible during STS. So I did Lean Legs and Abs. And since I just did X77, I opted not to do the X10 low impact workout in the rotation and, instead, did Cross Fire. Maybe I will do that X10 workout tomorrow to complete the rotation this week.

    Tami, sounds like a great class from Katy! You mentioned Cathe's tower. I really wish she was still selling that because I will have room for it in our new house (where I haven's always had room before). But she isn't....and I can't find anything quite like it. To do pull-ups, I use a bar that requires us to drill holes in the door frame. In our last two rentals, this wasn't a problem. But in our current one and in our new home.....not going to happen. So I will have to keep looking. :ohwell: Hope your pup is okay and it was just a temporary stiffness.

    Thelma, I was watching the news last night and they are talking snow in parts of the country! :noway: And we are still very hot and humid (in the 90s). Don't know if NC is still that hot.....but it might be. The heat/humidity does take some getting used to. But when I saw the pictures of Calgary and all the snow they had gotten......I really started enjoying the heat! :laugh: Had a great time with DH yesterday at lunch. That isn't something we so very often, so it was a nice surprise when he asked.

    Laurie, that's too bad about your daughter's dance class! And they didn't know that until last night?!? I hope they can find a replacement as I am sure your daughter is disappointed. Great job with Low Max! You are right about the TF HiiT workouts!! I will have to remember that as well. Those are such good, fun, short workouts. Almost too much fun so I always forget they are HiiT. :blushing:

    Until tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Spinning was really great last night! :bigsmile: Not only another fun class but there was only a few empty bikes. When the room is full it always creates a good “vibe” or energy to the room so it makes it even better. Today’s workout is going to be Lean Legs & Abs this evening when I get home and I may take the kids for a walk . . . if Emma is feeling up to it. We won't go very far, I just want to see how she is doing. This a.m. she was a lot better but still had a limp. I would describe it as the same limp she used to have prior to the Cosequin. So fingers crossed she will continue to just be better and its nothing major. I keep telling myself they must have just moved her wrong in the doggy tub or she slipped or?? :huh: But I don’t feel like they purposely hurt her. Just scary that she was perfectly fine when I left her there and then limping like crazy when I picked her up.

    Thelma: Great job with the Spin workout last night! The sunshine and nice weather sounds like it will be awesome even with the heat! Just being away from it all will feel amazing I’m sure. We are having very cool temps at night right now but the days are sunny and in the 60's - Supposed to start warming back up to right around 80 for about 10 days straight. Perfect weather I would say. Love when we continue to have good temps going into the Fall. With our hot summer I thought when it was done it would just be done. You never know :smile:

    Laurie: Awesome work with Low Max last night! :drinker: Sorry to hear about DD’s class for the time being though. I’m sure they will find a replacement soon and she can be back at it! The bars are shaped like a horseshoe but have a flat platform of course down at the bottom so they sit flit on the ground. 2 of them side-by-side and you can leave your knees bent or straight, then pull with both arms on each “horse shoe” straight up. There’s definitely no momentum!

    Laurel: What a great combo today! It’s funny you mentioned about X10 because the other day I thought to myself, did I copy down the wrong day?!?! :huh: :laugh: Not realizing you were doing that as your “cardio” day. I’m planning on doing X10 tomorrow. A good Total Body sounds good for the week! I agree, getting those in when you can during STS always feels good.
    Dang it on the “Cathe tower” ~ Have you looked on Amazon or Ebay? I know exactly what you mean on holes in the doorway or even the walls for a while. When we first moved in I wanted to be sure of where to put pictures so as not to have extra holes everywhere! :laugh:

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow!
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, AfterBurn for me tonight. Great workout! The upper back area is still tense bu better which is good. It's just taking a long time to recover. I'm sure the tension at work doesn't help.

    Laurie, great workouts! Sorry about your dd's dance class. She must be so disappointed! I hope they find a new teacher soon.
    I don't like humid weather. You have one of Cathe's towers? I wonder why she stopped selling them?

    Laurel, great workouts as always! I'm glad you had a great lunch date with your DH!
    I can't believe it's snowing in some areas of the country already! here we're having normal early fall weather. 50's at night and 70s during the day. Love it! I don't well in humid weather. I get cranky! The temps in NC are just like the ones here now. Maybe it feels a little warmer there when the sun is out.
    I agree with you about the early fall weather being perfect. I love it! Maybe you'll have some indian summer days this year since you had such hot summer.
    I'm happy to report that DH book us in a hotel which has a gym so I'll be able to workout.

    Good night ladies!

    Tami, I'm glad you had so much fun in your spinning class last night. I can only imagine the energy in that spinning room last night.
    I'm sorry Emma is still limping. Did she walk tonight? I really think something happened at the groomers. I'm sure it wasn't inteDid they know about her issues so they could be more careful? Would you be allowed to stay with her at the groomers next time?
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Happy Friday! I had a bit of a lighter workout today, but that is okay since the humidity is off the charts right now due to some storm system off the coast. That same storm system and humidity are giving me my very predictable headache, which I always get in weather like this. So......lighter workout. I started with Cathe's Max Intensity Strength. For being so dated, I still love how this workout works the muscles. I followed it with the X10 Double Low Impact premix, which was a nice addition today.

    Tami, glad you enjoyed the spin class! Sounds like people are beginning to return to the gym now. I have looked a bit on line for Cathe's tower, but not too extensively. I think I will try to find something after we move, though. We are going to have two (!) workout rooms--one for equipment and one for cardio, etc. So I would really like to have some way to do modified pull-ups with all that space! :tongue: Thank you for the suggestions on where to look!

    Thelma, great job with Afterburn! Glad you are going to be able to workout while you are away. Hope you are able to put work aside this weekend and relax!

    See you on Monday!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Happy Friday!!!! :drinker: :bigsmile: :drinker: We are having some gorgeous weather (as I mentioned yesterday) so I am anxious for the weekend. Might go for a bike ride around the lake in the afternoon tomorrow or Sun. We’ll see, it’s a tentative plan right now. I also need to get the housework and lawn done. So many things in such little time. :noway: I did go home last night and did Lean Legs & Abs and then went for a short walk to test out Emma’s sore leg. She is doing way better. I am so glad and will continue to watch her over the weekend. But not having to go to the vet will be a bonus! :smile: X64 was this a.m.’s workout and headed to Spin tonight! :wink:

    Thelma: Fantastic job with AfterBurn!!!!! :bigsmile: That workout is agreeing with you right now, I think that is so great. It’s a good variety in that one to really work your whole body. Our temps were in the 30’s last night . . . BRRRRRRR but nice during the day. I do feel like I will take her back there again but maybe have a conversation when I book the appt. I don’t know if they would allow me to stay or not?!? I will definitely explain that I am concerned but don’t feel like they purposely tried hurting her or was rough with her. I don’t know, it’s awkward but I don’t want this to happen again. Obviously something happened . . . I have the thought that they just moved her leg wrong when she was laying down in the bath tub or wherever and it tweeked it. Great news on the hotel having a gym!! Yay :smile: your DH is so good for thinking of that. Have an absolute blast this weekend Thelma & just relax and enjoy! :flowerforyou:

    Laurel: Sounds like you had a perfect combo for today! :smile: Our manager just returned from Miami with his wife and said it was super humid there. Is that close to you? He was of course at the hotel pool or beach each day so it wasn’t too bad for him he said. Must be nice :huh: Yes, it’s great to have people returning to the gym. But in a week or so the Biggest Loser starts and it will be crowded again.:ohwell: But as long as I sign up it is all good and the "new" room they built this year for group classes is HUGE so we should be fine. I’m SO jealous . . . not ONE but TWO workout rooms?!?! :noway: :drinker: That’s so amazing. How great is that going to be! You deserve it and I’m sure it will be perfect. Those devices we used the other day would be perfect to just store in the corner of your room if you don’t find anything else at that time. They can be put anywhere.

    Hi Laurie :flowerforyou: Hope your week ended on a good note & not too crazy! :smile:

    Have a great weekend ladies ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, I hope you all had a nice weekend. We had a good weekend even though I brought work home. Doing this work over the weekend will relieve my stress this short work week. I was a bad girl and went shopping on Cathe's website and got a bunch of DVD's including the new Ripped With HiiT DVDs. I know I'll have to modify on these ones.

    On Friday I did Cathe's Lower Body Blast. This is another DVD I like! Saturday I did XTRAIN Chest, Back & Shoulders which I hadn't done in ages. Of course I used the small weights. My upper back is in shock mode now and things are pretty tight. I've been massaging with my lacrosse ball but not having much luck. Hopefully I'll feel better tomorrow. Tonight I did my usual Sunday spinning.

    DH went food shopping on Friday after work and my new gym is in that same plaza and he said there is gym equipment already in there! So exciting! I've not received any notices about the place opening tomorrow and the gym's website doesn't mention anything about this particular one opening next week. They mention that it will open in the fall.

    Laurel, I hope your headache is gone now. Even your "lighter" workouts are tough! You're too funny! How exciting to be able to have two workout rooms in your new house! Awesome!

    Tami, great workouts! I hope you liked your spinning class on Friday. YOu did an awesome combo on Sunday!
    I can't believe your night time temps already dropped into the 30's! You did go for a walk with the kids so I'm sure the nice weather continued.
    I hope Emma is doing better. You do need to talk to the groomer when you take her in. They need to be extra careful with her. I hope they let you stay with her though. You should at least ask if that is possible.
    DH was awesome about thinking to get a hotel with a gym. My sister had to downsize and she doesn't know we'll be staying in a hotel. I'm sure she'll be upset but her apartment is small.

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Hope you enjoyed the weekend. We spent Saturday dealing with a few things on the house. We have hit something of a snag (long story but has to do with where they are putting the AC unit) that has us frustrated. But when we went down there Saturday and saw the house with some walls now.....I just love it!! We met our neighbor, which was nice. So I am hoping we get the snag worked out to some agreeable solution.

    I didn't workout on Saturday. Yesterday I started with Cardio Supersets Extreme premix. And then DH joined me for STS Chest/Back and the extended stretch. Today was Plyo Legs and Weights and Plates Abs. And, for the fourth week in a row......LIS Low Impact Challenge. I enjoyed that workout today! :noway: I really did. Look forward now to this workout being part of a semi-regular one in my rotation. Never would have guessed that a few weeks ago! :happy:

    Tami, great workouts to end the week! I am really glad to hear Emma is doing better. I would definitely have a chat with them about what happened. They need to know if only to make sure it doesn't happen again. As you said, they didn't mean to hurt her, so you aren't accusing them of neglect or anything. But maybe they will be a bit more careful next time. I am glad your boss enjoyed Miami. It is about 180 miles due south of us, so it is a bit warmer than we are even. Our temps are coming down a bit and when there is a breeze (like today) it is just stunningly beautiful. When there isn't a's hot! But a friend of mine posted a photo of snow in Colorado Springs last week. And I asked myself 'Do I miss that?' The answer was a resounding 'No!' So I am finding the heat more enjoyable again. :wink:

    Thelma, great job with the workouts!! I hope your muscles have calmed down since the XTrain workout, but it just have felt so good to feel good enough to do it again! Congrats on ordering the new Cathe series. I am very interested to see what she has planned. Filming starts at the end of the month so we'll know soon! Hope your new gym opens soon. I would think it will if they have equipment already!!

    See you tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Weekend was really nice, just me, myself & dogs all weekend! :wink: Took them for a walk Saturday a.m. to see how Emma was doing and she did great. :drinker: No limps and seems all back to her normal self. Thank goodness. :bigsmile: I did a nice deep clean on the house which included our wood floors. Always love getting them clean and with DH being gone the house stays as I leave it. Ended up doing a couple stops at Target & TJ Maxx and found a few fall clothing pieces I couldn’t live without. :blushing: Why does that always happen when you really aren’t looking …….. Murphys Law :laugh: Then just enjoyed the outside weather . . . ate lunch outside and relaxed. Sat ended up being a REST day which actually felt good. When I was thinking about doing a workout that afternoon and didn’t I knew I must have “needed it” with the “no guilt” on my decision to not work out. Yesterday was back at it with STS Chest/Back followed by that tabata/HiiT workout of KCM’s Shape UP.:wink: It was a great compliment to STS. Today’s workout was Plyo Legs & Wts/Plates abwork :bigsmile: DH is coming home for just this afternoon/evening for a meeting that he has to make so I am planning on heading home if I am able to see him ~ unless it ends early and he heads right back, then I will miss him. He is having great fishing so far and it is only supposed to improve.

    Thelma: Congrats on your new purchases including Ripped with HiiT!!!! Yahoo:drinker: :bigsmile: :drinker: I can’t wait to see the clips on those and what she has in store for us. Doesn’t it feel amazing to buy some new workouts! Even with a huge collection the excitement is still there when I buy new ones. Awesome to hear about the new gym looking like it’s closer to opening up! That will be so nice. Great job on the workouts! I was thinking it was this weekend you were on your trip … oops! :blushing: My bad. I’m sure I read it wrong LBB is a great one forsure, I’m glad you liked it. Glad that you were able to do XT Chest/Back/Shoul and eventhough you’re working out the tightness from that ~ you did it! That’s so awesome. :drinker: Spinning was perfect on Friday. There were only 7 of us in there and she was going to end at 45 min and said, “wait, one more song” - 3 times! It was pretty funny. At that point it was just the 4 regulars left.

    Laurel: New constructions snags are never fun but again, good thing you guys caught it in time and it is being worked out. :huh: :wink: That’s fun you were able to meet your neighbor already. Yay. Great job with your workouts yesterday and your ongoing perseverance with LIS Low Impact Challenge. Again, I will say that I don’t know that I would spend the time getting to “love” it unless it was a must in my rotation or something. I commend you for that forsure. :drinker:

    Thanks for the well wishes on Emma from both of you . . . :flowerforyou: I am so thankful all is well there. Just too strange. I will definitely have a conversation prior to the next grooming forsure. Hopefully I will have the same girl since she will be familiar with the onset limping & she will know to be extra careful.

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, I did CrossFire tonight. Another one I love! My back was better today but it got a little upset after CrossFire. I hope it will be better tomorrow.
    No news about the gym opening day yet.

    Laurel, great workouts today! Sounds like you have mastered that LIS Low Impact Challenge! Congratulations!
    Sorry about the snag with the house! I hope you can it resolved soon. At least the house is taking shape now and you got to see the progress made. So exciting!

    I'm so glad my muscles calmed down. I decided no to stress about it because stress would not good for tight muscles.
    Filming hasn't eve started yet? For some reason I thought they were already filming. I can't wait to see what Cathe comes up with. I love her workouts!

    Tami, I am so happy Emma is back to normal! :drinker: You really will have talk to the groomer next bu
    Sounds like you had a really nice weekend and you actually allowed yourself a rest day including some retail therapy!!
    I can't believe Katy went beyond the spinning class time and added 3 more songs. I'm sure the 4 of you who stayed till the end loved that!
    It really feels amazing to be able to do upper body work.
    I am excited about Cathe's new workout series. It' always excited to receive a new workout DVD.

    Good night!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Very busy here today! Have not worked out since Friday, hopefully will be able to get in something tonight. We had to pick up youngest dd's senior pictures last night after work. Then had to head to the store to get some cold meds for the youngest. She has a really bad cold from sitting in the rain and cold during a football game. She was asked to go to homecoming afterwards. Her boyfriend is a football player, and the football had letters asking her to go with him. It was very cute. She then did the Gladiator Assault Challenge on Sunday. Can't imagine why she is so sick! :noway: DH and I where at the car show all weekend, and had a very good time even though it was very cold. It is most certainly fall around here.

    Laurel, Interesting that you are now enjoying that workout! :laugh: I still will not be getting it. :laugh: Sorry to hear that you hit a snag with the house. That can be so frustrating, but good to hear that you are getting walls. :wink: I will say that I'm with you on the snow, can't understand why I live here enduring this every year. :laugh:

    Tami, Sorry to hear about Emma, and glad to hear she is doing better. Way to rock the workouts, sounds like some great combos. With not doing my workouts when I'm suppose to, I will be looking at doing some of the as short HiiT. That way I can get them in along with the longer weight workouts. :wink:

    Thelma, Great work on your workouts also. I really love the Lower Body Blast workout also. Congrats on the purchase of Ripped with HiiT, I'm really looking forward to that one.

    Have to get going,
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! I did a different combo today....just to see how it worked. I started with Rockout Knockout and did the premix with the heavy bag part. Then I moved into MMA Fusion. This latter workout has never been a favorite (in fact, I don't like any of the MMA workouts). But I found today in starting it with an already raised heart rate and a good 'pre-exhaust' that it felt more challenging. It still seemed to take forever, but at least I felt like I was working out instead of wondering why I was wasting my time as I do most of the time I do that workout. So it was good. It took about 1hr 45 minutes to do both. I was going to add yoga on at the end, but I think I might just go for a walk instead.

    Tami, sounds like a great weekend! I love getting the house all cleaned up when DH is gone knowing, like you, that it will stay clean for the duration. I am so glad to hear Emma is all back to normal! And happy the fishing is going well for DH. Hope it is still that good when you get out there. Regarding Low Impact Challenge.....I am the first to admit that I don't have problems tossing workouts aside that I don't like. But with LIC, I couldn't figure it out enough to know whether I liked it or not. :blushing: I think that is why I had such a hard time just pushing it aside. I have to say that in all of the years I have done Cathe, this workout has been--hands down--the hardest to learn. She just didn't teach it is really the problem. The cues make more sense now that I know it but for learning it......not good at all. And I could never recommend this workout to anybody because of that.

    Thelma, great job with Cross Fire! Sounds like you are recovering okay between workouts right now despite the tightness following them. That's good news! I hope it continues. Cathe doesn't take too long to film her workouts so I think she will have them out on time (late fall) even though she is just starting to film them now. I remember she filmed her Shock Cardio around Thanksgiving one year and had them out right at Christmas! :noway: Of course there were no premixes in that series so I think her other series take longer to prepare than that.

    Laurie, sorry to hear about the busy times and your DD being sick. Based on what you described.....probably not a surprise she is under the weather! Sounds like a busy girl. How fun about the Homecoming invitation!

    Enjoy the day!

  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    Hi everyone.

    Thinking of trying her streaming service and starting STS. It looks quite complicated though. What do people who have done it, think about it.
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ I was able to see DH last night after his meeting but it was for like 10 min and he had to hit the road. I’ll take it! He hoped I was home and swung by real quick, not realizing I didn't go to the gym so I was glad I was home.:smile: He had to make that drive and get up early this a.m. He said he is going to bed very early tonight! Today was Rockin Knockout and tonight I have my hair appt. So no Insane-X :ohwell: But it will be good to get my hair prettied . . . :smile:

    Thelma: Another great workout with CrossFire last night! Way to go. :drinker: :bigsmile: Retail therapy is right! I love that. I didn’t feel like I needed any comforting but it sure felt good to buy a few things unexpectedly! :laugh:

    Laurie: Sorry to hear things are still a little hectic on your end and your DD being sick on top of it. Dang it . . . Very cute on the Homecoming invite. I am so impressed with the creative ways kids ask each other to dances these days. Makes me sound old just saying that but it’s amazing how times have changed. Even more pressure on the poor guys. :laugh: Sounds like you and DH enjoyed the car show, that ‘s great. Don’t worry about the workouts, they will be there when you get a moment. A HiiT workout would be perfect or even one of KCM’s 30-minute workouts. :wink: Hopefully your in-laws are doing better & better?

    Laurel: Awesome job putting those together and “testing” it out! :bigsmile: I bet that did make for a better MMA workout. I have those in a cupboard near my others but not in the boxes that I go to all the time. It’s in the “I may sell you on ebay one of these days” stack. :laugh: A walk sounds great, I always enjoy doing that on the weekends after my workouts.

    Jaz: Hi there!! I highly, HIGHLY recommend STS. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Whenever someone has asked me about the program or considering it I always say “Yes!” ~ I cannot say enough good things about it even after 4-5 rotations through since I have owned it. Truly one of the best programs for strength training out there. You build your own strength through each phase depending on your own fitness level/ability. If you have any questions please feel free to ask. A few of us here have been through the entire STS rotation 4-5+ times. :flowerforyou:

    Hope you ladies have a great evening ~ talk to you tomorrow!
