Cathe Fans Part 5



  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Well I had a very very busy weekend, and I didn't get a workout in at all. :frown: With visiting the hospital and making sure DH's dad was doing okay, there was just not enough time or energy in the day to do much. DH's Mother had her shoulder socket replaced, so she was in a lot of pain. Feel for her. She woke us up at 5am on Sunday with something silly to tell us, I'm guessing it has a lot to do with the drugs she is on. :wink:

    Laurel, Total Body is a tough one, it surprises me all the time. :laugh: DH and I are still leery on what my MIL will let happen, she has been talking out of both sides of her mouth. Right now I'm blaming it on the pain and meds. :wink: She does have a nurse and a business call Comfort Keepers coming in. They do all things non-medical for them.

    Tami, LOL on the ice bucket challenge. You are a trouper for doing that. We are having one of the hottest and muggiest days that we have had all summer. Just walking outside makes you drip. :wink: It is going to be very hard to get DH to workout with me, so I'm hoping that he at least goes out for a daily walk. He went out yesterday. I'm looking forward to trying the Tri-Set workout tonight. I like this rotation, because there is so much variety. I get bored to easily. :laugh:

    Thelma, Still some positives on your shoulders, at least they are not painful. Did you miss a decimal point on that PVC pipe? :wink: I buy that stuff everyday, so I'm hoping the hardware store didn't rip you off. :happy:

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Hope you all enjoyed the weekend. We did, though it was very warm here on Saturday. Close to 100 with high humidity. That's about as hot as it gets here, but that's okay. We spent the day looking for things for the new house. So excited.....even though it is still 4 months away.

    Sunday was back to the workouts. I started with LIS Upper Body Trisets and followed it with To The Max Extreme. Great combo. Today was LIS Lower Body Trisets, and because I promised myself I would attempt this workout again this week while we are doing other workouts from the LIS series, I did LIS Low Impact Challenge Extreme premix. Still got frustrated. And still tell myself I wouldn't be if I just did this workout regularly for about a month. But I have been telling myself that for three years!! It is time to either figure this workout out or give up on it altogether. I wonder which one will win. :ohwell:

    Tami, great video!! Glad your ALS challenge went well. I must admit, cooler temperatures sounds kind of nice right now. But ask me in a couple of months and I will be enjoying our weather very much!! I can't believe how quickly we are moving through this rotation either. I am beginning to get the 'what's next' panicky feeling, :laugh: I know....I have a few weeks to figure it out!

    Thelma, great job with the workouts. Hopefully your shoulder is feeling better. Sounds like you gave it quite a challenge with the Trisets workout. Like Laurie, I hope your PVC wasn't $800. :noway: :wink: But that actually sounds like a great way of hitting sore spots a little more directly than you can with a foam roller.

    Laurie, so sorry to hear about your MIL. They replaced her shoulder socket? I can't even begin to imagine how painful that is for her or how long it is going to take her to recover. I imagine she is looking at a long road of therapy. I really hope she accepts help. Don't worry about the workouts. I imagine this weekend was stressful and exhausting! :flowerforyou:

    See you all tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Well I did a little active recovery style weekend! Sat was on purpose :smile: yesterday was just an unexpected busier day than I had planned :frown: So took the kids for a nice walk on Sat. a.m. and later that afternoon I went for a bike ride. Yesterday I met my friend in the a.m. for coffee, went to the fair with my other girlfriend & her daughters, when I got home my brother-in-law was there and so he stayed into the afternoon/evening for dinner. Sounds busier than it was, but yesterday was just a long day & really didn't get anything done at home. So I didn’t get in Tri-Sets upper until this a.m. and then F.A.S.T. tonight ~ fingers crossed for some new stations! :wink:

    Thelma: You are so sweet to say that & I love it that you found me first without reading that! :laugh: Thank you for the compliment. I wasn’t sure what else to call my “stand up-sit down” moment, false start seems the best way to put it! Like a swimmer early off the blocks. :laugh: Mine didn’t have ice chunks in it, the earlier people did but they ran out of ice and just filled with water. It was cold, but not as cold as it could have been. Soaking, sloshing wet though. I brought a beach towel and wrapped up in that for my drive home. Congrats on increasing your upper body work & the great workouts.:wink: Yowsa on the pvc pipe!! That's spendy. I hope it works amazing for you.

    Laurie: I’m sure your weekend was very busy between being at the hospital and just every weekend “life” type stuff going on. I hope your MIL is healing nicely and will be able to stay ahead of the pain through all of this. :flowerforyou: I really think you’ll love Tri-Sets and I am sure it will feel great to get in your workout after the weekend.

    Laurel: Sounds like a super fun weekend! :bigsmile: Even with the heat. Yay on looking for house stuff, so fun!! Awesome job on the workouts yesterday, that sounds like a perfect combo! Way to battle through LI Challenge X pre-mix. You know my feelings on that one …. :grumble: Sticky note it!
    I’m with you on the twinges of panic with this rotation almost being over & wondering what’s next! :noway: Especially doing a rotation that you don’t want to end. :love: We do have a few weeks . . . but that will fly by. I will definitely do this one another time. The cooler temps have felt pretty good. The evenings are in the 50’s so with the window open it feels so good at night for sleeping.

    Hope you are all having a great Monday ~ Talk to you tomorrow!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, tonight I did KCM 30 Minutes to Fitness Cardio Quick Fit + Bonus. I really like the Bonus workout on this DVD. I TOTALLY missed the decimal point on the PVC pipe ladies! It was just 8 bucks! :laugh: :laugh:

    Laurie, you sure ha one busy weekend! I'm glad your MIL had her surgery

    Laurel, temps close to 100 with high humidity!!! WOW! That is way too hot for me. I can't deal with high humidity. You did do exciting things though! Have you been back tot he construction site? I hope everything is going as planned after the foundation mistake was rectified.
    Great job with those workouts! I can see why you're having a hard time with that Extreme Challenge workout though! Seems like Cathe has a lot of fancy steps on this one. What is the Challenge Extreme Premix like? The shoulder is doing better but it's taken me a couple of days to get better. I was starting to get worried.
    The PVC pipe is great for times when you have really tight leg muscles. If I hadn't tried one at the gym I would've never thought of using it for muscle tightness!

    Tami, you deserved the active recovery style weekend! You did have really busy Sunday! I really hope you guys got new stations during F.A.S.T. tonight!
    You're very welcome on the compliment! The way you workout I knew you'd have well defined arms so it was a no brainer! :bigsmile: You were lucky there wasn't enough ice for you! LOL
    False start like in the Olympics! LOL That was a great way to put it Tami. Too funny!
    I'm happy that I've been able to increase my upper body work but I have to control my excitement and keep using the small weights when the workouts are longer
    I can't believe you guys went from such a hot summer to much cooler temps. Our temps were in the 50's at night the last two weeks but this week nights will be a little warmer and 80's during the day. These are cooler 80's as we get closer to fall. I decided to take Friday off for a nice long weekend. I can't wait!

    Have a good night ladies!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today's workout started with the 4DS upper body premix, which I did with DH. I am thinking the weight portions of 4DS, when done in isolation, may be something he can do on his own. After that, I did Afterburn Bonus Burn. And, yes, my muscles are burning now! :laugh: Good stuff.

    Tami, sounds like a great, but busy, weekend! Sounds like you got some good activity in, even if it wasn't what you had planned. I am with you on wanting to do this rotation again. This has been one of the most enjoyable rotations I have done yet! Thanks again for sharing it with us.

    Thelma, glad to hear your PVC was $8! Much better than $800!!!!! Great job with the workouts. Sure sounds like you are beginning to ramp them up again. That is fantastic!! Hope this means you are continuing to feel better/stronger. The Low Impact Challenge Extreme premix is the regular Challenge workout with a bonus step portion of about 20 minutes added on. The good thing about the bonus step portion is there is no choreography, so it is easy to learn. It consists of a step drill followed by a conditioning exercise (like a Bootcamp format). It is a good add-on. Cathe has a premix for Cardio Supersets where she adds it on as well, and that makes for a good workout too. All is going well on the house right now. We checked it this weekend, and everything looks good. We have our fingers crossed they will start pouring concrete this Friday!!

    Laurie, hope you are well and that your MIL is continuing to heal. :flowerforyou:

    Until tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Good news on our BootCamp class last night. :smile: She had a new format and actually structured it more like BootCamp. So a weight station, then cardio, then weights, then cardio but each was different. One of them was pushing the huge plate weights across the floor with a towel. That makes a person dizzy I tell you! :noway: Of course a few stations of cardio were Burpees. This a.m. was Tri-Sets Legs and I added on the Xpress Legs workout which is one time through vs. two on that same workout; timeline worked out perfectly & was the perfect add-on! :wink:
    Tonight will be Insane-X. I guess last week I missed an amazing obstacle course . . . she told me she would bring it back, not sure that it will be tonight but good to know she is still at the obstacle course mode ~ I really enjoy those. They are TOUGH but a good change.

    Thelma: Thank goodness on the $8 pvc pipe instead of $800!! I read it a couple times thinking man, that must seriously work miracles. :laugh: :laugh: Great job with KCM workout last night. Is that a new one from your recent stack of new workouts? Glad you liked it. I think it’s great that you’re easing back into those workouts though with the upper body; you’ll know when you can go heavier and it’s fantastic you are listening to your body on that. :wink: I can’t believe it either on our weather, today/tomorrow are in the 80’s and then cool at night . . . this weekend is supposed to be windy and 70’s with 50 at night. :huh: Crazy how fast it turned. Of course DH is loving the weather.

    Laurel: Great job with 4DS upper and especially having your DH there to join you. :drinker: :bigsmile: That is a perfect workout for him to do on his own. Very thorough and doesn’t race along at all. I’m sure your muscles are on “FiYa” after that combo! Nicely done. Of course, I’m so glad you both have done it with me and we all love it. :bigsmile: Win for everyone:bigsmile: I need to find that other one Laurie was talking about. Maybe I could transfer right into that rotation next?!??!!?

    Laurie: Hope your MIL is healing nicely and all is well there. Can be stressful trying to do it all and I can imagine you are a huge help to them right now. Hang in there! :flowerforyou:

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies! Spinning for me tonight because Kevin my trainer has an open spot tomorrow and I'm going to take that spot.
    I'm in trouble ladies. I've been seriously stressed with work and I've been bad with food. I'm scared things are going to get out of control. I am feeling like I don't care if I gained weight but I do care! I don't want to gain weight. I already gained 2 lbs from my aunts visit! I'm feeling gross from having eaten too much today. I'll be very thankful of any advice/support you can give me.

    Laurel, awesome workout today! Glad your husband is still giving Cathe a chance! I'm glad everything with the new house is going well. I'll keep my fingers crossed so they start pouring concrete on Friday!
    It's taken me 3 days from the shock I gave my shoulders with Total Body Tri-Sets. I haven't lifted weights since Saturday because I am scared to set myself back. I know I'm not 100% yet because I still feel some tightness but I am better than I was two days ago.
    Thanks for describing the LI Challenge Extreme premix Laurel. The bonus part sounds great but the little clip I watched last night showed some fancy foot work that would leave me frustrated.

    Tami, I'm so glad you had a great class last night! Did the name of the class change too? Katy is very creative with her routines! I wonder if all instructors change their classes from week to week these days? It's been a long time since I took a gym class! I'm sure Insane X won't disappoint tonight!

    The KCM is one of the new ones I ordered that I actually kept! "Easing Back" into the workouts is key for me. Tri-Sets was too much too soon. It was pretty hot here today. The temps are staying in the upper 60's overnight and 90's tomorrow! I prefer the cooler weather but I can't complain about this summer because it wasn't really a hot one.

    Good night!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    No workout for me on Monday either, but I was able to finally get the LIS Trisets Upper Body workout in yesterday. :drinker: I liked the workout, wasn't to thrilled with the music. :laugh: Today DH and I are celebrating our 26th Anniversary. We are probably not going to do anything special tonight, neither one of us want to go out on a Wednesday night. :wink:

    My MIL is going to be in PT for three weeks, and now my FIL says that he is not going to go into a care facility. :grumble: He has been staying home for a week, but this can't happen almost another month.

    Laurel, Wonderful workouts! Sounds like a really nice weekend even with the heat. We had a couple of days with humidity this year, it really has been a great summer. We are starting to see some of the leaves falling from the trees. :noway: I really am not looking forward to this winter. :tongue: Cathe's new workouts are probably not coming out until Nov or Dec, so I would be up for doing the rotation on Cathe's forum. It looks like the undulating is a lot like this one, but you change up the Meso cycles each week. I don't think that DH will be joining me on the weight work, so I'm not going to make the effort to change up what I want to do. 4DS will be a good one for sure.

    Tami, Sounds like an enjoyable time at bootcamp. :happy: You had a lot going on this weekend also. I was happy that I actually had the time to do laundry. :laugh: I think that we could transfer right into the next rotation, it really is a lot like this one. I need to see how I can add the PiYo into this next one. :wink: So I guess I'm up for joining both of you on this next one also. :bigsmile: I love the cool nights. :wink:

    Thelma, Just start today as a new day, and it will get better. I have fallen into that type of situation at times. If I have one good day of eating after that, then it is easier to keep going. Right now I'm feeling like that, because of all that has been going on we have been eating out more than usual. I think that is why we don't want to go out tonight. I just want to make a healthy meal at home. Great job on the KCM workout! LOL on the PVC pipe, that is a way better price. :bigsmile:

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today's workout wasn't what I had planned....but it was good. The day started with DH talking himself out of his cardio workout because of time concerns. And he hasn't started work yet! So I suggested doing a T25 workout together. This was my first T25 workout, and I loved it! It was tough, but not Insanity or Asylum tough. And Shaun T. was Shaun T. :heart: It was good. But then I decided to do what I did have planned, which was Lower Body Blast followed by LIS Slide and Glide. I was ready to be done at the end! :laugh: But it was good.

    Tami, so glad she changed up the Bootcamp class. Sounds like a good variety! Like Laurie, I am so up to rolling right in to the other, similar rotation. Can you point out where it is?

    Laurie, Happy Anniversary! Hope you enjoy a nice, quiet evening....which you both deserve after everything that has been going on. Sorry to hear about your FIL. So frustrating! I really hope your MIL is going to listen to her doctors/therapists and let herself heal. I totally agree with you about the music in the upper body Trisets workout!! Drives me crazy! And like I said to Tami, I am so willing to roll right into the other rotation at the end of this one!!

    Thelma, don't stress over the eating!!! Seriously. I go through stages like that more often than I care to admit. The key, for me, is allowing myself those times. But there are two things I remember. First, I never let myself to forget how good I feel when I am eating well, lighter, more fit, etc. So I let myself eat what I want, and, eventually, I am ready to just feel better. And my diet cleans up. Second, I go into those stages of eating with full confidence that I will find my way through them. In other words, I don't beat myself up for it!! So don't beat yourself up!! You have had a lot going on lately. You have been injured. You have had visitors. You have stress at work. You have a lot. So be kind to yourself. Try to set small goals for yourself to encourage improvement. For instance, cut out one thing that you have been eating tomorrow. And if that is all you can handle for the next be it. Maybe next week, clean something else up. If you aren't ready, then maybe the week after. But make it manageable. Just some suggestions. We are here for you!!!!

    Enjoy the day!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Insane-X was a tough one :huh: We went outside on the hard paved tennis courts :huh: and did a regular “Insanity” class. Even through all the crazy obstacle course style workouts we have done this summer with a lot of intensity, that regular format is still tough to go back too. This a.m. was Afterburn (just :heart: :heart: that one) and tonight will be Spinning again with Katy!

    Thelma: Very nice job with Spinning last night and exciting you have a spot with Kevin tonight! :smile:
    Not to discourage you from the Low Impact Challenge workout but there is some fancy footwork, you’re right! That’s the one I have the sticky not on. :laugh: The name of the class is actually a combo of BootCamp/F.A.S.T. ~ so I think she is going to try & accommodate both is why it will continue to change, but sounds like her style (this is a different lady than Katy) & she will maybe do similar classes 2-3 weeks in a row and then change it up. Some people are learning form, etc. so I think she is trying to accommodate newbies as well. Not sure.
    The fact that you are recognizing that your little mishap on the eating makes you feel “gross” is a great step in realizing to just clean it up . . . :smile: .I think Laurel said it beautifully, but my thoughts . . . .with anything, don’t overwhelm yourself with a huge change or it will be exactly that – overwhelming. You have recognized you need to change it up so do what you can do each day. Don’t worry about what has already happened & remember to pat yourself on the back for all the good things you have done for your body!! Break it down into small bits ~ Focus on tonight’s dinner or tomorrow’s breakfast. Maybe if you have gotten away from packing a few snacks, do that for a couple days. Then give yourself the credit you deserve for the hard work of persistence through an injury, stress, company coming that you have stayed on course with your workouts. :flowerforyou: You got this Thelma! :bigsmile: No worries …. you will be right on track. :flowerforyou: I always like to drink extra water if I feel like I have eaten worse than normal too.

    Laurie: I was happy for you when I saw you were able to get in Upper Body Tri-Sets! :drinker: Glad to hear you liked it as well. Funny, I couldn’t tell you what the music sounds like and I have done that one how many times?!? :laugh: Often I recognize the tune with different workouts and then block it out. It becomes just background noise to me. Happy Belated Anniversary! :drinker: That is so awesome. 26 Years!!! WOW ~ a night at home and not eating out is sometimes the best. We do that a lot since DH eats out so much for his job.

    That’s fantastic news about going right into the next one :bigsmile: I went on Cathe's forum today and looked.:bigsmile:
    There is a shorter rotation like this one called: Split Hiit Rotation (Uses Xtrain/LIS) & there is also this one, by the same lady:
    2 month STS/Metabolic/Hiit Undulating Rotation (it is really 10 weeks to accommodate some months starting in middle or end of week) - Are either of these the ones you were talking about?!? I’ll send the actual workouts to your e-mails on MFP.
    I’m hoping to continue adding in PiYo as well. When DH leaves I have more time to squeeze one in here & there too. Once through the stack (3 or 4 more to go) I will have better timelines in my head for future add-ons as well.

    Laurel: That’s awesome to hear that T25 was a big thumbs up! :wink: When Katy had incorporated some of those into our Insanity classes I was enjoying it, but that’s my only frame of reference. But just like you described it … easier than Insanity & Asylum but not “doing your nails” on the sideline type easy. :laugh: Yowsa on the triple threat action you did today! I’m sure you were ready to be done! :noway: I went on there today to find the rotation …. Perfect timing with you asking! :bigsmile: As I mentioned above to both of you I will send to your MFP e-mail. WooHoo ~ :drinker: :bigsmile: :drinker: I’m glad you guys are up for more & rolling it right into the other. I don’t feel at all burned out on these combos at all.

    Hope you ladies have a great night ~ Talk to you tomorrow! :flowerforyou:
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, my session with Kevin got cancelled by yours truly. When I showed up at the gym 25 minutes before my session so I could warm up the place was closed and I left. I found out later that I was Kevin's first appointment of the afternoon so he showed up soon after I left to open the place. I expect the place to be open when I get because my time is limited.
    I ended up doing AfterBurn. My back and shoulders really like this this workout.
    Thank you all for your encouragement and advice on my out of control eating. I want you to know that I did MUCH better today. I was in a calmer place or maybe I didn't have time to eat because of too many meetings and had to deal with problem people.

    Laurie, happy belated anniversary :flowerforyou: and great job with your workouts! :drinker:
    I'm with Tami on the TriSets workout. Can't remember what the music is like! I hope the issues with the in-laws get resolved soon Laurie.
    What do you mean your FIL has been staying home for a week? Not your home I hope!

    Laurel, you super woman you! You worked out really hard today! :drinker: Your DH probably is finding it a big challenge keeping up with you and that's why he excused himself from doing the cardio.
    Thanks so much for your advice and encouragement Laurel. I'm so afraid of going back to my old eating ways. Last night I started to think that I would be better today and I was but I'm not sure it would've been a better day had I not had so many meetings and fires to put out. It was a better day no matter how I got there and I'm grateful. I like your idea of the small goals. Thank you!

    Tami, what awesome burns you had yesterday and today! Great job! :drinker: I thought the Insane-X instructor was Katy but now that you mention the instructor is not Katy I remembered the woman Katy had been training. Is Katy's trainee the one teaching Insane-X?
    If the instructor is not changing the routine every week maybe people complained about not being able to learn the routine. Hopefully she'll make a few small changes every week so you don't get bored!
    Thank you for your support and advice Tami. I actually always carry snacks with me and drink a lot of water. Yesterday was more about mindless eating and that is why I got so scared. I can't change the past but I can work on making tomorrow better! At least I haven't given up on the workouts. Thank you again!
    Good night!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    LIS Trisets Lower Body was yesterdays workout, and I will be doing that one again for sure! :drinker: This one reminded me of Leaner Legs from CTX and 4DS Legs. I think it was the cardio effect that all of those have, and the fact that your legs feel like rubber afterwards. :laugh:

    Laurel, Great workouts! I can see why you would be getting tired toward the end of that compo of workouts. :wink: It was a nice quiet night, but poor DH had to deal with four phone calls from his mother. :huh: My MIL is listening to her docs, so I think that she will be fine. She is just stressing herself over my FIL, neither one of them thinks that he needs to be put in a care facility for 30 days while she heals. :ohwell:

    Tami, Good way to shake things up with doing a familiar workout. When I did that Peak workout last week it was harder than I expected. :wink: I think I noticed the music more in this one, because it really doesn't have a beat. :laugh: The 2 month STS/Metabolic/Hiit Undulating Rotation is the one I was looking at. I like the look of the other one also, probably because it does have yoga workouts also. Either one if fine with me. :wink: Wonder what it would be like to incorporate the both of them. :laugh:

    Thelma, Great job on the Afterburn workout! Sorry to hear that the place was closed. One would think the trainer would be early getting everything prepared for his appointment. :wink: Glad to hear that you had a good day. :drinker: My FIL thinks that his situation is totally fine with him staying by himself at their condo. It is in an upstairs unit, and he is taking his chair lift downstairs to lock the door. He is so unstable on his feet, that he could easily miss the chair and fall down the stairs. He doesn't understand that concern though. He also is eating his dinner before my DH gets there to give him his insulin test. Just going rogue I guess. :laugh:

    Thanks for all the Anniversary wishes. I think that we will go out to celebrate some time this weekend, when DH is less stressed.

    Have a good day!

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Another good workout today. I was up before the sun to do Turbo Barre, which felt fantastic that time of the morning. Then I made a trip to the local Air Force base with DH to get our new military retiree ID cards! His retirement is official 1 September. We also were able to see a lovely sunrise over the ocean on the way. :heart: After getting home, we had a nice breakfast and then I did my cardio, which was the 90 minute premix of the Step, Jump and Pump and Step Blast cardio work. Love that one for when I have the time.

    Tami, thanks for sending the rotations! They both look great, but my vote is to do the STS Undulating one. It looks similar to this one......but different enough with that undulating rotation. I haven't done an undulating rotation since you and I did that STS one a couple of years ago, and I think it would be fun to give it another try! Yikes on being back on the tennis courts!! Glad things have cooled off a bit for you or that would have been miserable! Hope that doesn't become a regular thing.

    Thelma, great job with Afterburn!! So happy to hear your shoulders like it! How frustrating about your PT appointment, though. Like Laurie, I would like to think he would be there early to set up! Well, at least you got a good workout in anyhow. Glad to hear you were feeling a bit better yesterday. Again, don't beat yourself up over the days you don't.

    Laurie, sounds like you and I feel similarly about the Trisets workout. While I like the upper body well enough even though the music drives me crazy, the lower body workout is one of my favorites. It is short and oh so effective. I rarely do that workout without some form of DOMS after. So good at hitting the hamstrings! Love it! I hope something can be worked out for your FIL. Sounds like he really needs some help/assistance in their condo, but how do you convince him? That is so difficult. Wish I had some kind of words to offer assistance....but I don't. So happy about a new rotation! It looks like a fun one!

    See you tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Spinning went great last night and seemed to go by fast.:bigsmile: I love how she always changes it up & always a challenge in a new way! This a.m. was Slide & Glide and then at lunch I went to Insane Abs! Good combo. :wink:

    Thelma: Sorry to hear about Kevin and the cxld appt. :grumble: Darn it! That’s weird the gym was closed. Hopefully he called you to reschedule. Nice job heading home and doing AfterBurn! That’s awesome. :bigsmile: Glad your shoulder is liking that one too. Yes, Katy is the Insane-X instructor & Wed/Fri Spinning along with Insane Abs. The Monday night girl for BootCamp/F.A.S.T. is a different instructor (Jessica) that took the place of the “Running Camp” lady! :laugh: Good on ya for carrying the snacks and the water intake. Sounds like you just veared off the tracks a little, which we all do and today is already a better mindset. :flowerforyou:

    Laurie: Glad to hear you liked Lower Body tri-sets, those two workouts are really great! :bigsmile: If you have the time at one point to do a full body workout do them both on the pre-mix! Great stuff but right at 90 min. I had my DVD right there so I plugged that in real quick to “hear” the music. :laugh: It does remind me of when our Direct TV goes to a blank channel and music will play. Mindless sort of repetitive rock-like tone. After I sent both rotations to you guys I figured that was the one since you had mentioned Undulating. I think they both look great too! I’m all for the “Undulating” one, I think it would be a great fit to continue on with.:drinker: :bigsmile: Really looking forward to it!
    I hope you guys can figure out a plan for your FIL so he has some assistance & your MIL too! How is she doing today?

    Laurel: Another amazing day of workouts!!!! Great job. :drinker: Yahoo on the retiree ID cards! It’s pretty much official. Only a few more days. Congrats :bigsmile: You're welcome! I'm with you on being used to a longer rotation & I think the Undulating rotation is a perfect fit for what we have been doing and continuing on! I'm IN! :drinker: :smile:
    Yes, it would have been completely miserable out on the hot tennis court. It was just dirty instead. :huh: I think we will move back into the gym; I think it was because there were only 7 of us there she thought it would just change it up. Today's Abs class only had 7 too. Next couple weeks it will start picking back up, kids back to school & also another Biggest Loser will start up.

    See you ladies tomorrow! Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, thanks for the kudos on the AfterBurn workout!
    I cried all the way home tonight because my job is just killing me. I was accused of being insensitive and hurtful to the developers in my group simply because when I have given updates I've mentioned that one of my software testers can't proceed because he's waiting on [person's name] to finish his work. I was accused publicly in a conference room full of other team leads. I am ready to quit my job. Unfortunately this is a long weekend and everybody is out tomorrow including my boss who won't be return to the office till Wednesday. I asked how is that insensitive? It is the truth! I talked to my boss before I left and one of my coworkers who was in the meeting. she didn't even know what the accusation was about. My boss wasn't happy with this other manager and we went to look for him but he was nowhere to be found. We'll continue the conversation on Wednesday I guess. In the mean time I have to update my resume. My husband supports me if I need to quit because he sees the mental anguish I'm going through since I was put in this position at work. I just want to go back to my old team and they want me back! The ideal thing would be to find a job before giving my notice but that can take months and I don't think I can last that long! Can you believe this is how I get to start my long weekend? I ended up doing some emotional eating and now I feel disgusting. I know I will be better tomorrow. I was just feeling sorry for myself.

    The good thing about being unemployed is that I could be working out for hours every day! I don't know if could be as disciplined as Laurel is!

    Sorry for venting! To try to relieve my stress and to stop myself from crying I decided that I wanted to punch somebody and went for Hard Strikes. I didn't use the gloves but I did punch. I was very aware of my shoulder blades with every punch. A few hours after the workout and I think I may be feeling a little DOMS on my right side. I hope I'm OK tomorrow morning. I hope I do because it would be fabulous to be able to do kickboxing again! All the jumping on that workout I did on the trampoline. I hope my feet don't yell at me tomorrow for having done more jumping than what I've done lately! Normally I'm not afraid of DOMS but I am when it comes to my shoulder blades.

    Kevin didn't call to reschedule because he didn't have any openings at the times that area convenient to me. This gym is personal training only but I expect it the place to be open all day because the customers can use the cardio equipment whenever they want to. I did write to the owner to make sure they weren't going to charge for a missed appointment. He wrote back within 1/2 hour and told me that he had to leave early because he had to pick up his son from school. I wasn't charged but Kevin knows that I get there early to warm up.

    Laurie, awesome job with those workouts! I understand now why you guys are so worried about your FIL. Going rogue is a good way to put it Laurie! LOL. I hope your FIL is doesn't get hurt! At least your MIL is listening to her doctors!

    Laurel, another amazing combo! I still don't know how you do it! Congratulations to your husband on his retirement! I bet that sunrise was amazing!
    The gym thing was frustrating yesterday but I'm glad I came home to do AfterBurn because I really like that workout.

    Tami, back on the tennis courts? I'm with Laurel on the yikes on this one! Any ants around this time? Great workouts today!
    It was a disappointment to find the gym closed because it had happened once before. That other time I waited but I was angry about it. I left yesterday because given my stress at work I didn't need anyone else to upset me.
    I am thrilled about being able to do upper body workouts even if I can only use baby weights. I hope that I can start incorporating some kickboxing into my routines again.
    Is Jessica the instructor Katy was training a few months ago?
    I always carry water and almonds. sometimes a piece of fruit too. I never leave home without my Camelbak bottle!
    Tami, those rotations look awesome! I am thinking that I could probably do them with you ladies even if I use my baby weights and can't do everything. I don't have the XT Leg workouts. I was watching the little clips on Cathe's website for those two leg workouts and it was like Deja Vu. I know those moves are in other workouts like All Out LI HIIT, Slide n Glide.
    That lady came up with really good rotations!

    Good night!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I did Afterburn last night for the very first time, and really enjoyed it. Could do without some of the disc moves, but they where not horrible. :laugh: Today is the last guilt free Friday, so I will be getting off early. I am planning on doing Barry's Bootcamp 1000 Calorie Workout (Total Body using a band), and Kickmax Low Impact Kick Box. I don't have the Slide & Guide or Cycle workouts. So these are my subs. :laugh: Can't say that I will be burning 1000 calories, it should be more like 1000 reps. Each exercise is done 100 times.

    My MIL will be going home soon, the doctor is very happy with her progress. They will be having a Comfort Keeper person there for 8 hours per day, the doctors wouldn't let her go home until she agreed. :drinker: Have to say that it really is nice that the doctors listened to Brian and his brother on what their parents are like. MIL has to listen to them or she can't go home. Now we all need to sit down as a family and talk about the next move. I would love for them to be closer to us, and in an assisted living type apartment.

    Laurel, Congrats to your DH on his retirement! What a great way to start a morning with the sunrise. :wink: Great workouts, glad that you had a good time with the SJP. You are right I had DOMS in my hamstrings, and quads. Sounds like we will be moving onto the undulating rotation after this. :drinker: By that time we should have the new set, I would hope. :wink:

    Tami, Great job on the workouts! Oh no, now you will notice the music in Trisets after this. :laugh: I guess I'm just not into that instrumental type stuff. My MIL is actually doing great, she is one tough 88 yr. old lady. Just wish she wasn't so stubborn. :laugh:

    Thelma, I'm so sorry to hear that you have to go through all of this at work. Wonderful that your DH is so supportive in your choice. A lot of people throw my boss under the bus, since he is in charge of maintenance. Very frustrating to see. Glad that you where able to get in a little punching, and I'm hoping that your shoulders cooperated for you. :wink: Hey you let me vent, so you can also vent. :bigsmile:

    Have an awesome weekend!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Started off the workout today with XTrain Burn Sets--all upper body sections--and core 1. I wanted to do this workout with DH to show him how he can work one body part a day for under 15 minutes. He really liked this workout. For cardio, I did the cardio from 4DS Kickbox and followed it with Rockout Knockout. Really felt good and relaxed the right upper body.

    Tami, sounds like some great workouts!! Hard to believe summer is coming to an end, but I imagine that will change some things in the gym. I saw another season of Biggest Loser is starting up on TV next month, and I imagine that will impact some of those local competitions as well. Can't wait for another rotation!! Should we take a week off in between or just start up? I am good either way.

    Thelma, I am so sorry to hear about your job. I can't stand being admonished publicly like that.....and nobody really deserves to be in that kind of environment. I am glad your DH supports you because no job is worth your health if you have options. I worked for the federal government for 17 years and had a miserable boss who (if you can believe this!) actually held up a,promotion of mine telling me I could have it.....if I left my husband (my husband being military didn't give me much employment stability). Obviously, I chose my husband. But that was a tough time. So feel free to vent away. And YAY!! For wanting to do this rotation with us. I think we will be starting in four or five weeks, so that gives you a little more time to recover. But I would love it if you could join in!!!

    Laurie, happy to hear the news about your MIL!! I am so happy she is recovering well, and really glad she has agreed to somebody being with her 8 hours a day. I bet that is a relief for your DH. Great job with Afterburn. That one has really become a favorite of mine. So exited about the new rotation!!

    Hope you all have a great weekend!!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, tonight I did Cathe's Lean Legs & Abs which I hadn't done in a long time. I like this one too. My shoulders tolerated the kickboxing workout from last night! YAAAY!!! :bigsmile: The trapezius are tight but hopefully will be better tomorrow.

    Laurie, I'm so glad you liked AfterBurn! That is a really good one. I think you would like the discs if you were doing it on a carpeted floor. That Barry's Bootcamp DVD uses a band for each one of the exercises in it?
    Great news on your MIL! You guys must be so relieved that the doctors cooperated with your DH and BIL on your MIL's needs! Good luck making the decision of what is next.
    Thankfully I'm very calm about work. Probably because I was off today and I have DH's support. Part of me are hoping things work out at work because I really like my boss and I've worked with him in another company. If it all depended on my boss things would work out so I'll have to wait and see. My husband's relatives will be here tomorrow so we'll be busy and having fun.

    Laurel, what a great idea to do just the upper body with your husband! Did you get him to do cardio yet?
    OMG Laurel! I can't believe your boss wanted you to leave your husband! I am fortunate that I have a supportive husband.
    It really will be nice to do the rotation with you ladies.

    Have a great long weekend!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I did get the BBC workout and Kickmax in on Wednesday. Saturday was KCM's 30MTF Body Training #1, which is standing lower body. I followed that up with a Kettlebell Kickboxing workout called Longevity, which was also a lower body workout. Really have some DOMS this morning in the core, guess the KB description was correct when it said lower and core work. :laugh: I took the day off yesterday, and today will be the first workout in Meso 3.

    Laurel, Great idea on the Burn Set workout, that will probably work really well for your DH. He can combine body parts that way. Great workouts! Will have to pull out 4DS Kickbox in the next rotation.

    Thelma, Congrats on the shoulders. :drinker: Yes the Barry's workout uses a really light band, and each move is done with the band, except for the push ups. I actually enjoyed it for a change of pace. Glad to hear that you are not stressed about work, that will make for a nice weekend.

    Have a wonderful Labor Day!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Got in the Meso 3 Chest & Back workout yesterday. It sure was interesting how those weights felt light on the first round, and by the fourth round it had gotten way heavy. Loved the workout and looking forward to Plyo Legs after work.

    We went to visit both MIL and FIL yesterday. MIL should be released from the hospital on Friday, but that will depend on her doctor. Met one of the staff from the home service yesterday, when we went to visit FIL, and she was very nice.

    Have a great day!