Cathe Fans Part 5



  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, I did a Tabacise pre-mix with the back exercises. That was pretty good. I don't think I ever did one of those back premixes before.

    Hi Laurie! Good to hear from you. You've been one busy mom! Don't know how you do it! How exciting about your dd getting asked to go to homecoming! I hope the pictures are great!
    I can't wait for the Ripped Hiit series. I want to see what's in those DVD's!.

    Hi Jaz! I think we all have the STS series DVDs here but I don't think anyone has used Cathe's streaming service. I wasn't able to finish the series but I know the other ladies have and they love the series. The few weeks that I did on this series were great though.

    Laurel, I had no idea you didn't like those MMA workouts. I don't have any of those workouts. I love that you found a way today to make that MMA workout more challenging! Good for you!
    I am recovering from the upper back tightness which is good. I actually think I have a pillow problem too. I have so many pillows and neither one of them is right for me.

    Tami, I'm so glad you got a surprise visit from your husband! I love that Rockin Knockout workout! I can't believe you are going to miss your Insane-X class! :smile:
    You don't need to feel sick or sad to benefit from the therapeutic effects of retail therapy. No excuse necessary! :laugh: :laugh:

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Was happy to get in STS Meso 3 Chest and Back, along with ACE HiiT Total Body last night. I loved the low rep heavy weight on this one, and really am feeling strong. :wink:

    They updated our purchasing system here at work, and they did a horrible job. Non of my purchasing history was retained. I don't know who thought that this was ready to go live. :grumble: I'm so glad that I kept an excel spreadsheet and all copies of purchase orders, otherwise I would be in bad shape. :wink:

    Laurel, The MMA workouts have not been a favorite of mine either, although I have only done the Fusion workout once. Just didn't enjoy it all that much. Might have to try it again, just to see if I have changed my mind. :wink: I'm impressed with your attempting the Low Impact Challenge workout until you got the choro down. I think that I would have tossed it. I have only done that to one instructors workouts. Amy Bento's kickboxing workouts had to much choro for me to even get the warm-up done, I put that one into the giveaway pile.

    Tami, How nice to be there when your DH stopped. LOL I have my hair appt. tonight! :laugh: WTG on the workout also, hope I will be up for a workout after all that needs to get done tonight. Feel like this is the busiest week I have had this year. Along with that my vehicle's alternator decided to die! :noway: Just not at all enjoying this week so far.

    Thelma, Great job on the workout, and I don't think I have done that workout either. The senior pictures are beautiful, and am very happy with the photographer we chose. Will highly recommend her to anyone.

    Jaz, I think that just about everyone has given their thumbs up to STS, and I agree with them. I like that you can just do these workout with dumbbells. I do have a barbell and do use it. The workouts can be long, they are between 45-65 min. Can be tough to get a workout in if you have time constraints. I have only finished a rotation two times, STS, P90X and Michelle Dozois Peak 10 system. I think it is the variety in STS that I enjoy the most.

    Have a wonderful day,
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today's workout was Shoulders, Biceps and Triceps, and it felt great today. For cardio, I did Crossfire Extreme. After I put the DVD in, I realized this was the exact combo I did last week.....but last week I didn't do the extreme premix. So I guess I changed it up a little. :blushing: :ohwell:

    Tami, so glad you got to see your DH if only for a few minutes. Sorry you had to miss your class last night but I bet the hair appt felt good. Mine is next week and I am ready!

    Thelma, great job with Tabatacise. I think the back work is from Burn Sets, right? Those are such great exercises....simple yet effective! Glad to hear you continue to recover from the tightness. Yeah, the MMA workouts were a huge disappointment for me. I love kickboxing/boxing workouts, so I was so looking forward to them. But the workouts are just too basic for me to consider them effective cardio workouts. In fact, when I got them, I used them as core workouts (45 minute core workouts!) because the moves do work the core....but not the heart unfortunately.

    Laurie, sounds like you are having a horrible week! :noway: :flowerforyou: Good job getting the workout in. I had the same reaction to Amy Bento's kickboxing! I got one of those workouts from Netflix a few years back, got through the warm-up, took it out of the machine, popped it back in the mailer and did Kick Max. :laugh: I never wanted to try another one. :ohwell:

    Jaz, I haven't tried the live streaming. If you do, let us know how it goes because I am curious about it. Everybody has said great things about STS.......and I completely agree. In fact, I can't say enough good things about the program. Don't be scared by it sounding complicated!! I know it sounds like a lot having to set a 1 rep max and calculate weights based on that and all of that. But if you do your 1 rep max tests as a workout one or two days, then it doesn't seem as cumbersome. Then you pop those numbers into Cathe's program on her site, print out your worksheets and you are good to go. I have been doing the program once or twice a year since it was released 5 1/2 years ago and only did those calculations once. So for a short period of 'work', you will get huge dividends that will last a long time. And I still get great results from the program. As Laurie said, the workouts are long. And they do require some equipment. But, as with most everything, if you need to modify something because you don't have the right equipment, it can be modified. If you have any questions, please ask. I have modified almost all of the workouts at one time or another for various reasons, so if you have questions about that, I will try to help!!

    See you tomorrow!

  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    The other think I'm looking at is Xtrain. Could anyone let me look at the calendar and explain this pre-mix thing. Thanks so much for your time.
  • v70t5m
    v70t5m Posts: 186 Member
    Q - Does anyone else run simply for the calorie burn? I used to STEP, mostly Cathe of course, but I've flipped my ankles and kicked the step out from under me too many times. I finally gave up on it for the most part. I have a couple Jari Love DVDs that utilize the step, and I find the repetition reduces my injury likelihood. Nothing else gives me the same kind of calorie scorch but running.

    Today I finally hit 4 miles without feeling like I wanted to give up (I used to run 8 miles at a stretch), outside, with a pup by my side. My youngest furkid loves to run (okay, I run, he trots). Granted the amount of sweat I created in our foggy morning was ... just ... disturbing. My top was absolutely soaked. :laugh:

    I was able to kick up into Pincha Mayurasana (forearm stand) last night ... only once, but still! So the upper body work is definitely showing results.

    I'll be re-starting STS next month.

    I've been alternating between STS Total Body and Muscle Max, with TriSets and XTrain thrown in for some additional upper body burn.

    Q - I try to change up my routines every 6 to 8 weeks. Anyone else do this? Have you developed a "pathway" that you follow, or do you just do what you want to?

    Do report on any enlightenment you discover with "The Male Factor!"

    How is your shoulder doing?

    I've been easing mine around (I think my "main" problem is a biceps tendon popping over the tubercle in my humerus ... but it impacts some of the surrounding structure too). Discovering the appropriate pushup position, for me, was remarkably helpful.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Hair appt went nicely as they always do. :smile: This a.m. was Shoulders/Bis/Tris and tonight will be Spinning. I’m sure the “regulars” are wondering where I have been for two nights! :laugh: It’s funny how our little group of peeps wonder about each other if they aren’t there for even a day or two.

    Thelma: Great work with Tabatacise + the add-on back exercise! :drinker: I bet it felt great. I’m happy for you that you are able to get into your DVDs more & more and your body is cooperating with you! So awesome. The feet still doing good too? I know, missing Insane-X is my one I really hate to miss but she only works on Tues. evenings for my work schedule so gotta do it once and a while.

    Laurie: Yay! :bigsmile: I bet your workout felt amazing last night. I saw that on the thread & felt happy for you. Sorry that your week is a bit off the rails and your alternator went out to top it off! :grumble: I’m sure the amount of relief you felt from saving that spreadsheet and info is immense!!! Good job for being so organized. Here’s hoping the week will only get better. :flowerforyou: I also had that feeling just viewing Amy’s KB video that I was looking at once. I have a BootCamp DVD she did and I remember it is pretty good, but not on the favorite list.

    Laurel: Another great day for you on the workouts!! :bigsmile: :drinker: :bigsmile: Nicely done as always and I am sure it felt amazing. So you found a hairdresser there already that you like? I can’t remember I did find out last night that next year sometime my hair dresser might be moving. It’s still up in the air but it sounds pretty positive her husband will have a new job.

    Jaz: XTrain is another amazing program that Cathe has put together. I know if you go on her website and look on the information about XTrain and rotation forums it shows various rotations and pre-mixes. Pre-mixes she does in a lot of her workouts. It combines several workouts into one instead of having to use 2-3 dvd’s. Hope that helps!

    Kira: Sounds like you have a nice variety going in your workouts! Including running :wink: That’s so great ~ running is not my favorite but I have always wanted to like it more because I do think it does great things for your body/cardio ~ congrats on hitting 4 miles! Yahoo for starting up STS next month. :drinker: Truly one of the best I think & one of my favorites. Have you done STS before? For me, I try to change things up. But there have been times I have done 9-month rotations, with that being said it doesn't sound like a lot of change but the rotation itself felt like it had a lot of variety to me and loved every day/month of it. So doing various rotations is what works for me. :bigsmile: Helps me decide on what I will do each day/week/month. My p.m. workouts at the gym are kind of like “bonuses” or extra cardio . . . for fun! :smile:

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, my new Cathe DVDs arrived this afternoon minus the new series of course. One of the new ones is Xtrain Super Cuts. I had to stay late at work so I had to do a short premix. I really liked it. I probably won't have time to write till Sunday night so have a great weekend. I will do spinning tomorrow afternoon after I finish working. Then off to NC!

    Hi Laurie, great workouts. Sorry work has been so crazy! Clearly no one tested the software upgrade in a test environment to make sure it would work. I'm sure they can restore your transaction history if they made a backup of the database. I test computer software for a living. I'm so glad your DD's pictures turned out so good!
    I know that Tabatacise DVD is fairly new to you but it never occurred tome to check out the premixes with the back part. I guess I didn't think it was really a back workout! DUH! Good stuff! I'm going to do those more often now because there were a few with the back part.

    Laurel, you always do those awesome combos and you did change today's combo by doing the extreme workout.
    I don't know if the Tabatacise back workouts are from the Burn Sets workout because up until today I didn't own it. I will soon find out! I'm surprised that Cathe didn't do a good cardio job with those MMA workouts.

    Jaz, we all have the XTrain workouts. I love them. The other ladies have them too and I'm pretty sure they love them too. The premixes are basically additional workouts where Cathe combines different sections of the workouts into another workout. Those are great!

    Hi Kira! I can't run at all due to my bad knees and flat feet. I know exactly what you're talking about with the step. I have that big step Cathe uses as well as the little one. When I first started doing the step I had to use the little one because I thought I was going to break my ankles. To get used to the step I would suggest using the little one. Sometimes the step may be too high for me so I have to lower it. I also modify the moves because I get lost in all the turns. That ricochet move I will never get so I modify. The key is to keep moving. Do you have the Tabatacise workout? That is a huge calorie burner. I have a spinning bike so I do that for cardio a couple of times a week.
    The book arrived in the mail the other day but I've yet to read any of it. I was looking at tonight it and it said something about it being a Christian version? So I'm not sure if there are different version of it. Work has been crazy and I haven't had a chance to read anything. It's either working out or reading for the time that I have after work. At least things at work have improved a little in that no one is getting on my case and I'm busy with my own work.
    My shoulder is doing OK but since I've been adding more upper body workouts I keep shocking the upper back so I have to let it calm down for a couple of days. I've not figured out what moves aggravate my shoulders though. For me it's more DOMS effect I think but things get really tight. I have to keep massaging my upper back by pressing my upper with a lacrosse ball. That helps a lot.
    Your injury sounds scary. Do you actually hear the popping sound? I think in your case you probably need physical therapy. You may have some inflammation too. I would hear my shoulder make these popping sounds and the doctor told me it was my inflamed tendon trying to get through a space too small between the shoulder bones. So the key to reducing that sound was rest and physical therapy. I'm starting to hear a little popping since I started adding upper body exercises but it goes away. I also have to stick to using light weights for a while so I don't re-injure myself.
    I don't really have a routine since I hurt my feet and my shoulders. I rotate between the set of workouts that I can do given my injuries. I have added more high impact workouts but I jump on a trampoline.

    We're going to be starting this rotation next month if you're interested:

    Tami, killer workouts today! I'm sure the regulars at the gym were wondering where you were. Too funny!
    I'm really happy about being able to get more into the workouts even if I just use small weights. Funny you asked about my feet because I told DH over the weekend that I thought my feet were back to normal and I jinxed myself! The plantar fasciitis started to act up but I slept with my boot a couple of nights and it got better. Overall my feet are doing much better. Thanks for asking. Next time you're going to miss classes at the gym you have to at least tell Katy ahead of time so they don't freak out! LOL
    i hope Emma is doing OK!

    Good night ladies and I will write back on Sunday. I'll miss you all!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    No workout for me last night. Hopefully the rest of the week will be better. My car is now at the garage to see what is wrong with it. I'm hoping it isn't the alternator, since it is such a bad spot that the labor will cost more than the actual part. :huh: Tonight will be Plyo Legs and some abs. I don't think that Kim will be going to dance class tonight, she is still not feeling well. I put a call into the dance studio to see if the class is going to happen. So far her web page shows it as being closed. :wink: One day a week isn't that bad I guess. :laugh:

    Laurel, LOL about your workout being the same, but different. If you enjoy the workouts why not. :wink: I'm so glad to hear that I'm not the only one that didn't enjoy those Amy workouts. They had such good reviews that I thought maybe I was a super klutz. :laugh:

    Jaz, XTrain was the workout system that got me back into Cathe's workouts again. I had taken a hiatus from her workouts, and I purchased this set on one of her deals of the day. Didn't regret that purchase at all. All the DVD's have premixes that makes them a great buy. She will take the workout, and then change them like adding on the core workout or making the workout a double. The Burn Set she breaks down each muscle group into its individual workout, this way you don't have to go through a chapter type setting. The only workout in the set that didn't catch me is the Leg workout. I don't hate it, but I don't think that it is one that I would turn to often. I know the rotations are in the workout manager,. Go to rotations, download a rotation hit the next button, hit Cathe rotation and the next button, all the XTrain rotations are listed. Just select which one you want to look at. I did the 90 day Undulating rotation, and enjoyed it alot. I didn't purchase the ride workouts, because I don't have a bike.

    Kira, I was running last year, just for the calorie burn. I did enjoy it, but then the snow came. I just don't enjoy running in the cold, and of course the possible chance of falling on my butt. :laugh: Glad to hear that Jari's workouts are working for you. Keep up the good work on the yoga also, I don't know that I would ever get to that position. Maybe that is something to work to. :wink:

    Tami, I bet that they are wondering about you, I don't think you miss that many in a row unless you are on vacation. :wink: Just got a text from the DH that it is the alternator, and only $400. Whew that is news that isn't so horrible. I should have known that Amy's workouts wouldn't be for me, but I love kickboxing so much that I though it wouldn't be so bad. :laugh:

    Thelma, I :heart: Supercuts! Apparently they did do testing on this system. They asked me to do some of the testing, but I couldn't give it my full attention, just way to busy. Guess I should have taken the time so that they would get it the way I wanted it. :laugh: I'm just surprised that they didn't include at least one year of purchases. Enjoy your weekend in NC!

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! So today I combined the workouts listed on the rotation for today and tomorrow into one workout (like last week), leaving tomorrow open to doing another total body workout. So I did Great Glutes (with the chair section), followed by Party Rockin' Step 2 60 minute premix and STS Stability Ball Abs. Good stuff!

    Tami, glad you enjoyed your hair appointment. I have found a stylist here, but it may just be temporarily as I may need to find another one when we move again. We'll see about that, though, because I really like this lady (and her prices :blushing: ) so I may just take the longer drive to continue to see her. I would love to stick with somebody for a little while! I am sorry to hear your stylist may be leaving. So frustrating finding a new one!

    Thelma, glad you enjoyed what you saw of Supercuts. It is definitely a good one! Enjoy your trip to NC!!!

    Laurie, hope your week calms that it is almost over. Hope your DD feels better soon. I was wondering if they got the dance instructor issue worked out. Doesn't sound like it yet! That's unfortunate.

    Jaz, I think everybody has explained premixes well. They really do add so much variety to a workout program. I have some workouts where I do the premixes more than the standard workout. It is like getting different workouts for free, which is always good! XTrain is a fantastic program. It offers so much variety and there are so many different ways to use the program. The upper body strength training workouts are some of Cathe's best. If you are looking for a more complete program (one that includes strength and cardio), XTrain is a fantastic option.

    Kira, I am sorry to hear you had to give up step completely. I know when I have had to give up step for short durations, my cardio always feels lacking. So I understand why you are running. Honestly I don't think you will a better calorie burner than running. I just don't like to run which is why I don't do it, unfortunately. Wish it was something I did love to do. Regarding changing up the workouts, I actually try to change something in my workouts almost every week to keep the variety going. Where I may do a strength rotation like STS, those workouts themselves change weekly. But I try to focus on keeping variety in my cardio. For instance, I try to make sure I do a variety of steady-state, metabolic and HiiT (or interval or tabata) workouts within each week. I also try to go two weeks before repeating a workout (which I didn't do yesterday :blushing: ). I feel this keeps my body guessing and not adapting to one form of cardio. Variety is good! Hope that helps!

    See you all tomorrow!

  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    Thankyou very much everyone for taking the time to talk to me. You are a really friendly bunch!

    I'd forgotten I bought Xtrain shoulders etc a while ago. I've just done it and I REALLY enjoyed it. I loved the fact that I could chose a premix to chose the time I have available.

    Going to register for the free streaming. Can't believe I can get access to all those workouts for just $19.99 a month. Going to start Xtrain tomorrow. I now need to decide which one of the rotations to do.
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Spinning was a great class last night! :smile: I would have to say it was one of my favorite formats that she does as well:bigsmile: Of course I saw her first thing when I walked into the gym and she told me she missed me, wondering where I was. :laugh: To her I was only gone one evening & asked :laugh: Pretty funny! Today’s workout will be X10!! Not sure which pre-mix yet. No class at the gym and no appts so it will be nice to go home and get my workout in! :drinker:

    Thelma: Congrats on the new DVDs arriving and forsure XT Super Cuts! :bigsmile: That is such a fun workout, you will probably find yourself going to it again & again. Have a great time in NC!:flowerforyou: Emma is doing great ~ thank you!

    Laurie: What a week! :huh: Hopefully you are able to get in your workout tonight if time allows. Good news on the car then, could have been a lot worse. Those things are never fun but a relief when it’s not as bad as you thought it might be. :drinker:

    Laurel: I always run out of great words to describe the “awesomeness” of your workout combos! :bigsmile: :laugh: How about that for a word. Seriously ~ great job!!! :smile: I noticed Party Rockin Step on the schedule and noticed on my calendar I wrote “cardio” :laugh: Maybe Sat I will give it a try – hate to even mention it and not do it but it’s time to dig in on that one and see how I go.

    Jaz: Not sure that I explained it very well on the pre-mixes after reading the others response:blushing: (sorry about that) but you get the idea anyway. That’s great you remembered about XT Shoulders, it is a great workout and I love that whole set! So many options & again “pre-mixes”
    You’ll have to keep us posted on how you’re going and if you have any questions please feel free to ask.

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    Thanks. Looking forward to getting to know you all.
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    TGIF:drinker: Well I did get my Plyo Leg and 10 Min. Solutions Ultimate Bootcamp Ab Attack. I was up at 4am this morning, and couldn't get back to sleep, so I decided to get up and do the Rockout Knockout workout. I think that the rotation said the 37 min. Premix, but I did the full workout. It was fun to get something done early. I still have a little more catching up to do, but I should be back on schedule by Sunday or Monday. :wink:

    The Thursday dance class has been cancelled for this semester, so we will only have Tues. night. I think I will like this! :laugh:

    Laurel, Way to combine those workouts! I don't have the step workout, so I'm subbing that one. :laugh: I still am up in the air as to what I'm going to do. :laugh: I also will be subbing the leg workout for the lower body premix in the Body Blast Supersets. I have not done that one in a while, so thought it would be fun.

    Jaz, Please do let us know how those streaming workouts go. I think that you will really enjoy those XTrain workouts.

    Tami, I think it is great that you are missed at the gym! I'm telling you that I'm really really happy that this week is over with. I walked into the office, and said TGIF! :laugh: Everyone in the office agreed with me. :wink:

    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Happy Friday! Today I started my workout with High Reps. It felt tough!! I know my body really prefers the six reps STS offered this week as opposed to the dozens offered in High Reps. :laugh: But it was a good contrasting workout. I followed it with Intensity. :heart:

    Tami, sounds like a great Spin class! And how nice to be missed!! Thank you for your compliments on my workouts. I can say the same about your workouts! I am curious if you try PRS2. It is fun....but not easy to learn. I still encourage you to give it a bit of a preview. That helped me tremendously.

    Laurie, I love how you filled your early morning 'I can't sleep' hour! My DH thinks I am nuts when I get up at hours like that to workout, but I figured I'd rather do anything other than lay there thinking about not sleeping! I have done Supersets in forever! Hope you enjoy the premix!

    Jaz, as Tami and Laurie said, I too want to know how the live streaming goes. Good luck with XTrain!! I hope you love it!

    No really big plans for the weekend. We will, of course, check on the house tomorrow (and hope they have worked out the snag). My in-laws are coming over on Sunday along with my BIL and his new wife. My DH and BIL (DH's older brother) have a bizarre relationship--not helped by the fact we never seemed to live on the same continent at the same time for the past couple of decades. I have only met this BIL twice in our 24+ years of marriage! :noway: But I am really looking forward to seeing him and his wife so that should be fun!

    See you all Monday!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, I was able to get my workouts in while in NC but I ate too much and continued pigging out today. I feel FAT! Back to normal tomorrow. We had a wonderful time with my sister and her kids. DH is an IT guy so he spent a good part of Friday rebuilding my sister's kids' laptop and setting up parental controls for the youngest who gets easily distracted but . While DH was working on the laptop I decided to go workout at gym where my sister is living at. They have a nice little gym. MUCH better than the one at the hotel so I was glad I got my elliptical workout in on Friday afternoon. On Saturday I got to the hotel's gym right on time to grab the recumbent bike at the gym of 4 machines! I was there at 6:40 AM working out and others had already taken the 2 ellipticals and the treadmill. Today I did a little spinning.

    We've come back talking retirement in NC AGAIN! About 8 years ago we bought a house which we sold last year. This time if we do it will be in 5-6 years and it would be an over 55 community. I would love to live at least in the same estate as my sister and her kids.
    On Saturday when we came home DH fed the cats and I went to the supermarket. It was great to go food shopping at 8PM. There was hardly anyone there! DH went to the other supermarket near the new gym to get the rest of our stuff. We have to do 2 supermarkets because I prefer the produce at the one I go to and it's a small place so not everything we need is available. DH says the new gym looks like it's ready to go. He was there at about 8:30PM on Saturday night and there was no one inside so I don't think the place is open yet.

    Great workouts ladies! You've been hard at work as always!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Well I did manage to get all caught up, well except for an ab workout. I did STS Shoulders, Biceps and Triceps, Supersets Lower Body Blast Premix (this was four exercises done three times), and Tae Bo Celebrity Fit Cardio. I figured that the TaeBo workout had enough ab work in it to qualify as an ab workout. :laugh: I know that my abs where feeling it the next day. :wink: I took yesterday off, and will get back into the rotation today.

    Laurel, I had that same problem with the Superset Leg workout. It sure was a lot of reps, and my legs where feeling it. I love these low rep workouts, and I'm super happy that I have strengthened my forearms. I think Meso 2 helped with that. :laugh: I don't know if I will ever try that premix again, since it was the same four exercises done in repetition. I liked the fact that I didn't have to change my weights constantly. :wink: Hope you get to see how far your house has advanced since the last time you where there.

    Thelma, Glad that you had a good time with your sister and her family. I have found that those hotel workout rooms are pretty small, except for in Orlando when we where there. They had really nice weight rooms. Nice that you where able to use the workout room at your sisters. That was good of your DH to take care of the IT issues. I do the same thing with grocery shopping, just some things are better.

    Tami, Hope you had a wonderful weekend!

    Have a wonderful day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! We enjoyed a nice weekend this weekend, despite lots and lots of rain! Saturday was downright cool and wet. I loved it! We visited the house, and they are making good progress. Our 'snag' has been satisfactorily solved, so that is good. Almost time to think about moving again! :noway: Yesterday, my in-laws, and BIL/SIL were here. Really enjoyed meeting my BIL's wife. Spent the day showing them around and wading in the ocean. Loved it!

    I got my workout in yesterday after taking Saturday off. Yesterday was Chest/Back. For cardio, I only had a little time, so I did the X10 Hi-Lo premix. Today was Plyo Legs and No Equipment Abs. For cardio (to complete my self-imposed challenge), I did Low Impact Challenge with the bonus step added. Felt good today.

    Thelma, glad you enjoyed your time in NC! Good job getting your workouts in!! I am anxious to hear about your new gym.

    Laurie, great job getting caught up after your disastrous week! I was wondering about the Supersets premix. Sounds like a good one to do when you don't want to think much! I have too many days like that. :blushing: How is your MIL doing? I hope she is recovering nicely.

    Enjoy the day!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Sorry I missed you all on Friday! :flowerforyou: I ended up leaving work early …:drinker: .. I was caught up & I have a LOT of vacation time plus some hours so I used them. No other reason than that, but it was nice to just “leave” work.:bigsmile: Workouts for Friday were Great Glutes & then I did go to Spinning on Friday eve (eventhough I was already home) . . It was a good class but not like the “usual” Katy format. She even admitted she was just pooped and had a hard time even leading the class. Still 110% better than when I used to go on Friday's with that instructor that left. Sat was CrossFire X-treme followed by a walk with the pups and yesterday was STS #34 Chest/Back and followed that up with another dog walk ~ our weather has been truly amazing for September. Today’s workout will be BootCamp and doing Plyo Legs + Abs in the a.m. :wink:

    Laurie: Great job getting caught up on your workouts! :drinker: Yowsa, I saw the calorie burns you had too. Nicely done and with the week you had it probably felt great or maybe exhausting. How did that 4 am feel the other day? As Laurel said, way to make good use of that time. Thanks Laurie, it does feel like a compliment in a way that they “notice” if I am gone, even after just 2 classes.

    Laurel: Great job Friday getting in High Reps, I bet that was a bit of a shock to your body.:laugh: :noway: That’s how BootCamp feels on Monday’s because they do SO many reps in our 1:45 or 1:30 that we do whatever exercise. I go lighter of course than STS but still. Thank you for your ongoing encouragement with PRS2 . I actually was going to preview it (really – not an excuse) on Saturday and then the day just got away with me. I will definitely preview it instead of plug it in and go, which is often my normal approach. Sounds like it went well with your BIL and his new wife, that’s great. Amazing you have only been around him a couple times in all those years but unless he was traveling the world to find you guys that would be the way of it. Awesome workouts yesterday as well. :smile: Glad to hear the house is being fixed to what you agreed upon.

    Thelma: Awesome job getting in your workouts while in NC!!! :drinker: Sounds like you timed it perfectly at the hotel! I think vacation can have a tendency to make a person feel FAT or sluggish due to the change in routine. :ohwell: No worries, back on track & drink your water. You will feel better in no time! Who watched your sweet cats while you were gone? Yay on the gym being that much closer ~ I bet it is any day now.

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, tonight I did my new FlexTrain DVD and I liked it a lot. I had to use small weights and it still gave me a nice burn. I had to modify on the plank style push ups. I LOVED the music on that DVD.

    Laurie, great job for getting all caught up . Too bad your DD won' be able to go to her dance classes! Going to two or three supermakets is a normal thing for us on a weekly basis.

    Tami, I can't believe Katy wasn't feeling like herself. I'm sure it was fun. Great workout line up during the weekend!
    Good night!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    The last Meso workout for Chest and Back yesterday, and it was getting tough toward the end to lift those weights. I'm going to up my weights for the next round coming up. :wink:

    Laurel, WTG on those workouts! Glad that you enjoyed your weekend with all the in-laws. That is one thing I envy, just wading in the ocean. :wink: I don't enjoy swimming, but I like walking in the water. Wonderful news on the house, I'm sure that it will go really fast now. Just one more time on the move, and then you can get all settled into your new home. Can't wait to hear how that new workout room takes shape. :wink:

    Tami, WHAT Katy has a day when her energy isn't on go go go! :laugh: Nice that you could take the day off, I well be doing the same thing. I just made 15yrs here at work, so that means I have some extra vacation days to use up before the end of the year. I didn't get through all my current vacation, so I think that I will be taking some Fridays off. :wink: Have to admit that I did feel pretty worn out on Sunday.

    Thelma, Flex Train is a good workout, I'm loving the way Cathe has been doing those metabolic workouts.

    Have a great day!