Cathe Fans Part 5



  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today's workout was short. I only did Slide and Glide. I had a hair appointment to get to and the plan was to do another workout this afternoon. But it is pouring buckets and DH just called to let me know he is going to be home for dinner (which I hadn't planned) so I think I will sit for a minute with a cup of tea and watch the rain.......and then try to come up with something to make for dinner. Sounds better than a workout right now. :blushing:

    Tami, glad you enjoyed your time off on Friday. I bet it was a surprise that Katy wasn't her usual self. But I am glad she admitted it! I always feel better about my 'off' days (like this afternoon) hearing that sometimes even somebody like Katy gets tired. Great workouts over the weekend! I am glad you are enjoying a nice autumn so far. Hope that keeps up for awhile!

    Thelma, I am glad you enjoyed Flex Train. I would say that is probably a great workout to do (along with Super Cuts) as you work on getting stronger. You can get a great workout even using lighter weights. Hope you aren't too sore today from it.

    Laurie, I am not one for swimming in the ocean either. But just walking through the perfect. The water temp is probably still in the 80s and it felt SO good on the tired feet. Even my MIL was upset when we turned around to come home. Made me smile!

    Off for some tea! See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Last night’s class was the F.A.S.T. format, similar to BootCamp. :bigsmile: She did have a couple of slide-n-glide discs. Which are the plastic kind and on the wood floor I had one go flying behind me. :laugh: She saw me when I first walked in (remind you guys this is the instructor I only see there and she just took over this class this summer) she asked if I was coming to hear class, she missed me last week! :huh: :smile: WHAT. Super nice (again) that I was missed. Unfortunately as crowded as it was I ended up at a station all by myself :blushing: which was fine. Just funny that I was the only loner in the class. The lady I normally partner with had her daughter come and try the class. This a.m. was Plyo Legs and tonight will be Insane-X

    Thelma: Great workout with FlexTrain!! :bigsmile: I agree with Laurel, that is a great one for using lighter weights, glad to hear you enjoyed it. It was really odd seeing her in that “state of mind” forsure, Katy that is. But I loved that she owned it and still made it a good workout for us.

    Laurie: Great job with Chest/Back! :drinker: I went heavy in this round so we’ll see, my SelectTechs can only go up 2.5 more lbs from where I was on some exercises. I like to make notes on those sheets though . . . “go up next time” Sometimes I think, Yikes, did I really mean that? :noway: :laugh: Yes, it was really only 3 hrs OFF but it felt great to me. I’ll take any of it :wink: Which as I mentioned I desperately need to start using so I don’t lose them.

    Laurel: Awesome work with Slide & Glide! :smile: I know you feel like it was “only” just that, but glad to hear you sometimes feel like just a little bit of “only” once and a while.:laugh: :happy: You rock the tough combos and tri-fectas every day/week. I think our weather is slowly changing . . . but yes, to have the entire month be like it has been is amazing. I’ll take it and it makes going into the other weather a little easier. Fingers crossed that the first weekend of October is nice where DH is; that will be my weekend fishing with him. I’ve only had one year of bad weather there. Fingers crossed already! :laugh: What did you decide on for dinner?

    I hope you ladies have a great evening ~ anyone watching The Voice? I love that show :smile:

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, I did XTrain Legs tonight. This is another one of new DVD's and I chose the premix Legs (Barre, Chair, Floor). OMG did it kill! I already have glute DOMS. :laugh: I chose this workout because I thought it was going to be easy. WRONG! LOL I really liked it though.
    I decided to do a "drive by" the new gym this afternoon just to see that the doors were open and sign "opening soon" was no longer there. So I went in and saw a sign on the door that the official opening is on 11/1. The gym is open for tours and for new members to sign up if they want to. The gym is not big by any means for a gym like Boston Sports Club but there is plenty of cardio and weight lifting equipment. There is only one aerobics studio and a small corner is filled with spinning bikes. I don't even think there were 20 bikes there. Then on my way out I saw a class schedule and I was incredibly disappointed by what I saw. They don't have a lot of variety and the bulk of the classes are either spinning, BURN (TRX/bootcamp like) and Les Mills BodyPump. They have a couple of Zumba, pilates and yoga classes during the week. No Friday afternoon classes because they never have enough members. I know I could not do BURN or BodyPump so this leaves me with spinning, zumba during the week and spinning, pilates and vinyasa yoga on weekends. The manager told me that they may add other classes or even change this schedule. Clearly they don't know much about this area. People like to do mind/body type of stuff around here so I would've expected more pilates an yoga. I hope they improve this class schedule. So all this leaves me wondering if I should really keep this membership. I probably would only use it for the weight machines and cardio but it's not like I would go every day. The classes I would attends are the 5:30 ones and so far they have two days of BURN that leaves me with spinning one day and Zumba another. This is much cheaper than paying 2 personal training sessions a week though.

    Laurie, great job on that STS chest and back workout!
    Congrats on your 15 year anniversary at work. I LOVE taking Fridays off during the second half of the year. I am off Friday and I can't wait! Cathe is an awesome trainer.

    Laurel, I like that Slide 'n Glide workout. I hope you enjoyed your hair appointment. I am glad I got Flex Train and Super Cuts. Flex Train was big on shoulders and that is good for me. I iced last night after my workout so my shoulders are fine.

    Tami, great job with your F.A.S.T. class! AWWW! on being missed in class! I am really excited about doing Flex Train and Super Cuts. Tami, I don't watch The Voice but I do love Dancing with the Stars.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Plyo Legs and S90D Core Dynamics for me last night, and then off to the dd's dance class. I just couldn't do an Ab Circuit workout. The only one of those workouts I enjoy is the Med Ball one, so I will opt to do something else most of the time. :blushing: I don't know what it is about those ab workouts that I don't put them at the top of my fav list. I do like the core work in XTrain though. :huh:

    The dance instructor will have a Tues. class for dd's pointe work. She didn't charge me extra for this either, because dd is more advanced than the girls that attend the class. She is planning on having a dance for them at the recital, so I'm happy about that. Usually that class doesn't have a dance. :wink:

    Laurel, Sounds like a good day, even if it was only one workout. :wink: The tea and watching the rain sounds like it was a great way to relax. Your MIL sounds like the girls when we went to the beach in FL. They loved the whole experience. I think it was the fact that the water was warm, not like the water around here during the summer. :wink:

    Tami, LOL on the flying disc! Everyone likes your motivation in the class, so they all want you to attend. :wink: Great job with your workouts. I have that same feeling about going up in weight, had one that I had to go down on during this round. I don't know if I had made a mistake the last time I did STS, but it was way to heavy. :noway: I am happy with the results that I have gotten with this round, now I really am motivated to do this next round.

    Thelma, WTG on the Leg workout. The barre work in the XTrain leg workout is pretty good. I think it is the only barre work that I have liked so far. I'm sure once the gym opens they will find what classes will work for the area. Did they take suggestions from you on your tour? I have to check my pay stub to see how many more days I have, then I will decide what days I will be taking off. I should take Friday off, it is suppose to be a nice day, and we have brush pick-up coming up in Oct. Still need to get some items out of the back yard.

    Have a great day,
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! I took the workout back up a notch today. I started with STS Shoulders, Biceps and Triceps. I felt really strong on this one! Maybe the lighter workout was good for me yesterday! :laugh: Anyhow, I followed it up with To The Max Extreme. Good combo!

    Tami, glad you enjoyed the class and, again, how great that the instructor missed you! :laugh: about the flying disc though! I hope your weather stays good for a couple more weeks too! After missing the trip out to visit your DH this summer, I bet you are really looking forward to this trip. For dinner last night, I made Tex Mex Calzones. It is a Cooking Light recipe, easy and so good!! And plenty of leftovers for freezing, which I like.

    Thelma, glad you enjoyed XTrain legs!! It is a very thorough workout. Sorry to hear the new gym was a bit disappointing. Hopefully they can make some adjustments before they open or shortly after they open based on feedback from people. I hope so!

    Laurie, great job with the workouts! For me the issue the the STS Ab Circuit workouts is they are long workouts! The Med Ball workout (without the partner part) is the only one under 10 minutes. And I find that Cathe does more explaining in them than she does her normal core workouts. So I feel like the amount of work done in them doesn't quite mesh up with the amount of time spent doing them. Does that make sense? That being said, I do like a few of them quite a bit. But I prefer her core workouts that are short and more to the point than these are.

    See you tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies – Well Katy was gone last night so Aimee filled in. She did the traditional style Insanity workout but added 3 sets of lines before and after the 50 min. Yowsa! This a.m. was Slide & Glide + No Equip Abs (that I missed yesterday). Tonight will be Spinning. :wink:

    Thelma: Great work with XT Legs last night! :drinker: That does have a lot of angles to work the glutes forsure! That is a bummer to hear that the new gym may not be all it was cracked up to be or what you hoped for. Hopefully as they get opened up and maybe receive requests for various classes they will add them. Can you still get out of the agreement if that’s what you decide?

    Laurie: Great job with Plyo Legs & S90 Core! :smile: Great choice to do something you enjoy for abs vs. skipping it. That sounds like a great plan. I agree with what Laurel said and they have grown on me over the years. It is definitely a time issue in the early a.m. but I have learned to like them more. Another one that often comes to my mind is the abwork in CrossFire. I’m happy to hear that things are working out for your DD’s dance class. :smile:
    I know on the flying disc action ….. one of the guys in class told me last night when he saw that he was chuckling inside so hard he could barely finish his tricep dips he was doing. :laugh: Everyone was struggling with them or skipping them altogether. At least I gave it my best effort in the short time I had to master those slick little devils!

    Laurel: I knew before I read your post here that you probably stepped it up a notch today! :bigsmile: :smile: Great job, I bet that combo was perfect. Nicely done. Yum on the dinner choice! I don’t think I have ever made calzones but Tex Mex anything is good! Leftovers for freezing is a huge BONUS. :wink:
    I can’t believe we only have one more week of this rotation. I’m so glad we are continuing on with the next one ~ really looking forward to it!!

    Talk to you all tomorrow ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, spinning for me tonight since I got out of work later than normal and I was BAD food wise today at work so I needed a good calorie burner workout. I am feeling pretty DOMSey today from yesterday's XT Legs workout. My glutes have talked to me all day long! My hamstrings are sore. My hip flexors and even my quads are a little sore too. It hurts sooo good! :laugh: I actually can't wait to do it again!

    Laurie, great workouts yesterday! I am not crazy about ab work I have to admit and it shows! :embarassed: This Barre routine is pretty good and similar to the one on her Barre workout.
    I'm glad your daughter will be able to attend a dance class! I have the feeling the gym will change the class line up. The manager told me they were working on it still.

    Laurel, no one hear is surprised that you stepped your workout up a notch! It's expected of you! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Great job! That Tex Mex calzone sounds delish! what did you use for the bread part?
    I really liked that XT Legs workout and I am feeling hopeful about the class line up potentially changing

    Tami, what happened with Katy? I hope you liked last night's routine. Did you miss the disks at home too? I really hope the club's management team changes the class line up.
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Last night was busy, we went to Charming Charlies to get accessories for dd's homecoming dress. Then I got home and did TaeBo Power. That was my sub for the Slide & Glide. :wink:

    Laurel, Congrats on finishing this rotation of Meso workouts for this rotation! :drinker: I will have to find that calzone recipe, sounds like something that my family will enjoy. I love the recipes that are available on the Cooking Light web page. They don't go to crazy with ingredients. I just found it and pinned it to my Pinterest page. :laugh: Will have to try it out soon. You and Tami summed up the problems I have with those workouts. I don't know why I have not clicked with them yet. I have plenty of other ab workouts to choose from. I'm even looking at some of Bob Harpers add-on ab workouts on his DVD's.

    Tami, WTG on the workouts, and I love that someone else got his core work from chuckling about it. :laugh: I guess that the discs are just something that takes a little time to get used to, I know that I'm getting better with keeping my feet on them. I had forgotten how much plank work is in that S90D Core workout, and I felt that I did pretty well. Might have to put that one in again.

    Thelma, LOL on wanting to get in that XTrain Leg workout again. :drinker: I also was a bad girl on my lunch yesterday, but was glad that I had cardio to take care of the excess calorie consumption. To many carbs for me. That is good news that the manager will see how the classes go, and do some changes.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! I decided to start the day with a lower body workout and settled on Butts and Guts. It has been several months since I did this one, and I really enjoyed it today. My hamstrings were talking to me by the end of the floor section with those ankle weights though! :blushing: For cardio, I did LIS Cardio Supersets Extreme. Made for a good combo!

    Tami, sounds like Aimee did a good job subbing for Katy! I was thinking the same thing about this rotation being over already. I think I counted this as being my sixth STS rotation! :noway: And I really think it was one of my favorites. I just loved the variety. Can't wait to start the next rotation since it looks just as good!! Thanks again for getting us on board for this rotation. :flowerforyou:

    Thelma, isn't it fun to have a good hurt?!? Love that!! Sounds like spinning was a great choice for you yesterday. Hopefully it helped the DOMS a bit. For the calzones, I sometimes make my own pizza dough crust (wheat), but when I am pressed for time (like I was this week) I will use whole wheat refrigerated pizza crust. Doing it this way makes it super easy!

    Laurie, great sub for Slide and Glide! Glad you found the recipe! I agree with you about Cooking Light--they keep things simple. I really don't like recipes with a million matter how good they are. :blushing: While I love to bake, I can honestly say cooking is not my favorite pastime. :ohwell: Have you done the ab workout on Bob's Yoga Warrior DVD? I love that one!

    See you all tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Spinning was good last night, almost a packed class. There were only 4 empty bikes. That time of year and with Biggest Loser starting up next week I think a few are getting a jump start before they actually begin. This a.m. was STS Shoulders/Bis & Tris ~ added on Katy’s Insane Abs class at noon today as well.:wink: With my evening off I am hoping to take the dogs for a walk, it’s nice out again today.

    Thelma: That’s so great you are feeling the results of your hard workout and wanting to do it again! :drinker: I love that feeling, hurts so good is right! Nice job getting in a good calorie burner last night! Not sure what you mean on Katy – from last Friday having an OFF night?!? She is still there, but she doesn’t teach the Monday FAST/Bootcamp class. Is that what you mean?
    I am much better with my own discs at home; Cathe’s discs. The ones at the gym are a vinyl and the new flooring they have is a very slick pergo type floor, so they slide like silk on that floor. :laugh:

    Laurie: How fun picking out some accessories at a good price with Charming Charlies! :smile: I don’t have one o those stores in my area but when I visit my mom in Portland they do. Lots of choices for fun accessories. I bet your DD is getting excited. Great work getting in TaeBo Power! Sounds like it was a good substitute and torched those extra carbs! :wink:

    Laurel: Yowsa! :noway: Way to work those legs today. I bet that was a good TOUGH combo forsure. :wink:
    I feel the same way on it being probably right up there as #1 for a great variety in doing an STS program. :bigsmile: I think it was my 5th. I’ve lost count but I think that’s right, 4 forsure. I think it does too . . . a great one to go right into as we all decided before! You’re welcome, I just happened to be in the right place at the right time on my search for a rotation.:laugh: :smile:
    Great suggestion on the Yoga Warrior ab workout! I completely forgot about that one.

    Hope you all have a great evening ~ talk to you tomorrow! Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi ladies! Tonight I did Total Body Trisets Upper Body and I felt like I had shocked my shoulder blades pretty good. This is different than DOMS. Things just get tight and some areas start throbbing. I iced for a long time after my workout and I think I feel better but won't know until tomorrow. I did use slightly heavier weights

    Laurie, I'm sure you totally enjoyed the TaeBo workout given that you're not a fan of the slides!! :laugh:
    That XT leg workout really to areas I clearly wasn't getting to given the DOMS. I should do that thing every day! :laugh:
    I'm not a good diet cheater because I can't stop sometimes and since I was bad last weekend while I was away I haven't been able to recover from having gone off the healthy diet.

    Laurel, what a great combo! Great job! :flowerforyou: No wonder your hamstrings were talking to you!
    It sure felt good to hurt in a good way. Spinning was definitely a good choice because the DOMS'ed areas were pretty much gone today except for the area deep in the glute but it's hardly noticeable. I like easy recipes too. Any recipe that has a long list of ingredients and prep work are no,no's for me.

    Tami, Great spinning! I can't believe the Biggest Loser warriors have already joined the gym. Good for them though.
    I love that feeling of DOMS. Tami, when you said last night "Katy wasn't there" I thought she had skipped class and you didn't know where she was at. I was wondering why. I din't realy
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Yesterday was Meso 3 Shoulders, Biceps and Triceps. Really feel the workout today! :happy:

    Laurel, Great choice with the Butts & Guts workout! That is a good one, and I have not tried that one in a while either. I don't plan on doing the Extreme workout today, but the LIS Cardio Superset is going to be done today. I do remember that Yoga workout, and I am planning on including that one. I know it was super tough, and moved fast. :wink: I forgot to let you know about my MIL, she is doing really well with her shoulder. :wink: Not wanting the Comfort Keepers in her house is another thing. :laugh: I don't know what is all going on over there, but my DH will only listen to her complain and tell her she needs to take care of it. He has stopped giving his advice, because his Mom would argue with him.:ohwell:

    Tami, Not to long from now you will be dealing with the flood of people attending the gym for their New Years resolutions. :laugh: WTG on the workouts. Charming Charlies is like and OCD paradise! I love that everything is color coordinated in that store, but it sure does make finding something that matches so much easier. I had let those TaeBo workouts get way to dusty, they are so good at working the middle section of the body.

    Thelma, You are rocking the workouts, and I'm hoping that you will be okay with your shoulders. WTG on upping the weights a little. I feel like that with some workouts, they just hit the areas that probably have not been worked in a while. :wink: It is hard to get to that point of not eating badly for a long stint, but you are working out so that is a bonus. The getting back to the healthy eating will come back. :wink:

    Have a wonderful weekend,
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Happy Friday Ladies! Today's workout was a fun combo. I started with Flex Train and then did Hard Strikes. My shoulders were definitely feeling it at the end. Good, fun stuff right there. Really enjoyed these two as a combo.

    Tami, can't believe the gym is filling up so quickly! Are your classes first come first served or do you get to reserve a space? Just curious because I imagine it would be frustrating to show up for a class and there not be any space....especially for something like a spin class. Hope your weather stays nice for the weekend!!

    Thelma, good job with LIS Upper Body Trisets! I hope your shoulders are okay with it though! Sounds like you took good care of yourself after the workout.

    Laurie, glad to hear your MIL is doing all right. Thank you for the update. I really hope she keeps the helpers around for a little longer though! Great job with the workouts!

    Enjoy the weekend!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Happy Friday Ladies! :drinker: :bigsmile: :drinker: I had a nice evening at home last night with the pups. I changed my clothes right when I got home and I don’t know how they know but they knew right away we were going on a “W-A-L-K” it was still nice out and then the rain came so it was perfect timing. I hit the snooze button this a.m. so no workout today :grumble: :yawn: A girlfriend of mine who I haven’t seen in a very long time invited me to her Pampered Chef party tonight & she just built a new home so it will be fun to see it and see her; headed there shortly after work. I will make it up to myself with tomorrow’s workout! I like the combo you did Laurel :wink: :smile:

    Thelma: I was excited to see you did the Total Body Tri-sets upper last night; :bigsmile: such a great one and really does put a lot of work into the shoulders with all the variety there. I hope all is ok and just a little sore vs. something wrong in there. I know, they have 2 to 3 sessions of Biggest Loser a year so this is the Fall Group, then they go right into Winter Group and then Spring.
    Yes, I guess Katy has something once a month at her “regular” full time job that she has to stay for so that is why Aimee will fill in probably once a month.

    Laurie: Great work with Shoul/Bis & Tris! :wink: Thanks for the kudos on the workouts. Feeling good! Glad to hear your MIL is doing well with her shoulder, sorry she is giving the Comfort Keepers a little battle though. Sounds like your hubby is dealing with it the best he knows how. Charming Charlies is a bit like that – great way of putting it.:noway: :laugh: Yes, if you didn’t have any idea what goes with what or colors you could walk in there and figure it out quickly.

    Laurel: As I mentioned above, what a great combo! :drinker: :bigsmile: That sounds like lots of fun. I might just try that in the a.m. The classes are all “sign up” classes except for BootCamp on Monday’s & the Insane Abs class at lunch. Now that they have a bigger workout area for those classes they can fill them with a lot of peeps. But definitely on Spinning you have to sign up. Only like 20 - 25 bikes in there. Sometimes people will wait outside and if there is a “no show” they can get on the bike. Katy has a 5 min rule. So if you aren’t there 5 min after class starts, you get the bike. Luckily I have a friend that signs me up every day for the classes and the Front Desk people just basically put a few of our names down automatically, but if I was sort of in and out of the class it would be hard to remember to sign up in advance. You can only sign up a day before too.

    Hope you ladies have a great weekend ~ Talk to you Monday!!! :flowerforyou:
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies! Happy Friday! Tonight I did XT All Out Low Impact HiiT and did some house cleaning too.
    I'm happy to report that yesterday's upper body workout followed by ice worked because I'm feeling pretty good today. I didn't have that tightness I sometimes get when I over do it.

    Laurie, WTG on the Meso 3 Shoulders, Biceps and Triceps! It's a good thing I'm working out otherwise; I'd be in deep trouble.
    I'm so glad your MIL is going so well with her shoulder. Hopefully she'll learn to accept the Comfort Keepers.

    Laurel, what a fun combo you came up with for today! Great job! :drinker:
    Icing really helped my shoulders!! I'm really excited about being able to do upper body work.

    Tami, glad you had a nice evening at home last night with the pups. They're so smart! I hope you enjoyed yourself at the Pampered Chef party.
    I still can't believe I'm doing more upper body work. Ice is my best friend! Total Body Tri-sets is really a great workout
    I think it's good that there are 3 Biggest Loser contests a year because they do motivate a lot of people.
    When do you go on the fishing trip with your DH?

    Have a great weekend ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Friday was LIS Cardio Supersets, Saturday I did TaeBo Power again (couldn't resist) and Hardstrikes Premix 17. On Sunday we did a lot of brush clearing in the tree line behind our house, so I didn't do a workout. Our brush pile is the biggest in the neighborhood. :laugh:

    Laurel, Love your workout combo. The TaeBo Power is all about upper body work (and I used weighted gloves), so that is why I combined it with the Hardstrikes. Got the idea from you. :wink: I'm kind of glad that I didn't do the XTrain workout yesterday, because my shoulders are still feeling the workout love from Saturday. :laugh:

    Tami, I did LOL about those pups knowing that they are going on a walk, mine does the same thing. :wink: I have not been to a Pampered Chef party in quite a while, hope you where able to sample some good food. That is one thing that I remember them doing to demo their gadgets. :wink: Did you find a gadget that you didn't have? Do they have one of those spiral things for veggies. I want one that works really well for zucchini.

    Thelma, Great news on your shoulders. Improvements in that area must really make you feel great. I really enjoy the AOLI HiiT, one of my favs.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Had a nice weekend here. We were at the new house both days as they are beginning to make alot of progress. We have windows!! It is exciting!! Saturday was my usual day off, but yesterday I was back to the workouts. I started with XT Burn Sets Chest, Back and Shoulders plus core. For cardio, I did the All Out Low Impact HiiT extreme premix. Today was Cardio Leg Blast Extreme (doing the step portion twice) and then I added on the Strength Only premix from that DVD. My legs were feeling a nice fatigue by the end! I really love this workout and how it can be used so many different ways.

    Tami, hope you enjoyed your Pampered Chef party. I have only been to one, but I enjoyed it. And I really like the few gadgets I have from Pampered Chef (and the cookbooks). Quality stuff. Glad to hear you have a system in place to ensure you always have a place in class. I like that the gym helps look after you since you are there every day. Hope you enjoyed the Flex Train/Hard Strikes combo if you did it. I enjoyed that one quite a bit!

    Thelma, glad to hear you weren't too sore from the Upper Body Tri-sets! I imagine it feels good to be back into the swing of upper body work!

    Laurie, great workouts Friday and Saturday......and Sunday too with the lawn work! Sounds like the TaeBo Power workout is a good one! Glad you enjoyed the combo with Hard Strikes. I tell you, I was feeling my shoulders still a bit when I started yesterday's XTrain workout. Felt better as the workout went on, but that first set of chest presses were like :noway: .

    See you tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ The Pampered Chef party was really nice on Friday. :smile: I didn’t know a lot of people there but the hostess lady put us in small groups so that we could all do “hands on” with the gadgets and make the food. It was fun to see my friend’s new home and spend some time with people. . . . with DH being gone and spending all my Friday’s with the dogs it was a fun change! :laugh: Sat a.m. was right into Hard Strikes followed by 3 Heavy Bag Tabatas and Core pre-mix!! :bigsmile: Then a dog walk & house cleaning + mowing the lawn. :wink: Yesterday was Burn Sets Chest/Back/Shoulders + Core. Today’s workout is going to be XT Cardio Leg Blast xtreme premix when I get home. :smile: I decided this will be a better workout than the F.A.S.T. class for this evening and really wanted to get in that xtreme premix! :drinker:

    Thelma: Great job with All Out Low Impact on Friday!!!! :bigsmile: Happy to hear that the icing helped. :drinker:
    I agree on the Biggest Lower competitions being offered so often. It really helps people with learning about fitness programs and forces them to try classes that they may have never tried. Also, just keeps them accountable. One of the “regulars” in my class did it a couple times and from there on he never misses his workout and has lost a lot of weight. He said the accountability really forced him to do it and now it’s habit. I leave this Friday to go see DH. I am really looking forward to it. :smile: Supposed to be traveling down with a couple who are friends of ours. My stepson is supposed to be flying in from Alaska as well and meeting us down there with his girlfriend, then he will stay on and help DH for the remainder of his season there. Which he is counting the days until he has some help. He's pretty worn out right now.

    Laurie: Great job with the workouts and the outside workout with all the brush clean up! :bigsmile:
    I remember you saying about your dog and just knowing she is going on a walk. It’s hilarious how they just “know”. Funny you ask about the zucchini peeler. That is one of the items I ordered! :laugh: :happy: It makes really thin “spaghetti” like strips (which is what one of the dishes was; zucchini with marinara over it) I love this instead of pasta! Would work great on spaghetti squash too. Then the other side will make ribbon like peels. I also ordered a hand chopper for chicken or veggies. They are like super tough scissors that slice through chicken breasts, broccoli/cauliflower … etc. Probably one of those “don’t really need it” items but sampling it worked for a sale on my part! :blushing:

    Laurel: Yahoo on the new house taking on windows! :bigsmile: That is awesome. Before you know it you will be able to imagine the layout and rooms really good. Drywall yet? Probably coming very soon. Thank you again for the suggestion on that combo . . . although I didn’t end up doing Flex Train afterall :ohwell: I went with that longer pre-mix and then felt like I needed to get all my "stuff" done around the house/yard. Sounds like we are on the same wave length with the XT Cardio Leg Blast xtreme today. :laugh: Funny I’m with you on the shoulders feelin it from Saturday. When I started yesterday’s workout I was feeling some sore muscles in my shoulders and lats. I used my weighted gloves (5LBS ea) which I normally do on that workout, must have been the added 3 Tabatas.:huh: ?!?
    The Pampered Chef products are quality forsure. I have a few items of there’s that were either gifted or my garlic press which I’ve had for like 15+ years and love it. Just works great and keeps working, others I had broke quickly.

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, I hope you had a nice weekend. On Friday I did Athletic Training Workout and yesterday I did my usual Sunday spinning. Tonight I I did After Burn.
    I've been looking at the undulating rotation to make sure I have all those workouts. I missing the XT Low Impact Challenge Step but I will just use one of my step workouts.

    Laurie, Great job on the workout and I would say that picking up the brush around your property IS a workout. Yard work can be hard! I'm very exited about being able to do upper body work even if it means using very light weights.

    Laurel, great workout and congratulations on your new house progress! It feels great to be able to do the upper body workouts,

    Tami, glad you enjoyed the Pampered Chef party. I've never been to one but it sounds like fun. You must be counting the hours until you see your HD. How is his elbow doing? How nice that you guys get to see your step son again.
    On the zoodle gadget I have the Paderno one. I ordered it about 2 months ago and haven't used it but will next week

    The biggest loser is an inspiring show. Good for that guy at your gym who became a biggest loser himself with all the weight he lost. I wish my BIL and his wife would get inspired. They talk about how bad they eat like it's the funniest thing. They are so out of shape that get winded very easily. It makes DH and I sad to see them like that. My BIL wasn't as big as he is now but he married this lady who is used to cooking a lot of food and sweets and he gained a lot of weight. We were hoping my weight loss and seeing how we eat would inspire them but it can't be done.

    Good night!

    Good night!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Yesterday was a busy one, with having to get grocery shopping done, made dinner and then at 9pm finally getting in my XTrain Chest, Back and Shoulder workout. :huh: I'm feeling those body parts today, went to failure on all the exercises. Think I could have gone heavier on the single arm moves for the shoulders, will remember that for next time. :wink:

    Laurel, WTG on the workouts! You are going Extreme. :wink: Great news on the progress of the house. Guess all the behind the wall stuff will be going on now with plumbing and electrical. I tried that Tex Mex Calzone recipe last night, and everyone loved it. I liked that it didn't take a long time to get into the oven. :wink: They didn't look pretty, but sure where tasty. :laugh: LOL on the chest presses, I was thinking the same thing. I was just impressed that I plowed through those 16 push-ups without any problems, and my form was so good. :noway:

    Tami, Great job on your workouts also, and of course getting in the dog walking. So glad you had a great time at the Pampered Chef party, now I want to go to one for some gadget fun. My spatulas from them are so old, and the rubber is starting to deteriorate. I love those so will need some new ones soon. I also have that garlic press, it is awesome. :wink: Yep that is why I want that peeler, it would be so nice to have zucchini noodles.

    Thelma, Great workouts! I'm sure that you should be able to find a sub for that workout with all the ones that you have available to you. I do one of the Low Max premixes as a sub for that one. I know I was working hard in the yard, my legs are all scratched up from it though. :laugh:

    Have a wonderful day!