Cathe Fans Part 5



  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Hope you all enjoyed the long weekend. I did some good workouts this weekend. Saturday was my usual day off. But Sunday marked the start of Meso 3 with Chest and Back. I followed it with Cardio Core Circuit. Yesterday was STS Plyo Legs. And I kept the promise to myself and did LIS Low Impact Challenge again! It is getting more manageable with repetition, that's for sure. Still not certain whether I will ever enjoy it though. :ohwell: But at least I continue to try.

    Today was DH's first day back at work. I have mixed emotions because it was so nice to be able to spend so much time together this summer. But, at the same time, it will be nice to get back into my own rhythm and routine. And, to emphasize that latter point, I decided I treat myself to a long, guilt-free workout today! I started with one of my favorite combos--Intensity followed by All Out Low Impact HiiT. This makes for a long cardio (about 80 minutes), but I love it. I also did XTrain Core 1. Then, to spoil myself, I did Bob Harper's Yoga for the Warrior. I love following an exhausting cardio with energizing yoga. :heart:

    Thelma, glad to hear your shoulders didn't mind the kickboxing!! Hope you were able to relax and not stress about work over the weekend!

    Laurie, great workouts this weekend! I agree about how the weights felt in that first Meso 3 workout. I actually ended up increasing my weights in a couple of areas, which felt great. But I am also 'enjoying' some nice DOMS in my shoulders as a result. :blushing: Glad to hear your MIL is continuing to improve. I bet she is anxious to get home.

    See you all tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Sorry I missed you all on Friday :frown: The day ended up going kind of busy at the end due to the long weekend & almost no staff here I guess. :huh: At any rate, I had to stay a little late and then met DH at home. We went to dinner with some friends. Weekend was good forworkouts!! Sat was To The Max Xtreme, Sunday was the start of Meso #3 w/ STS Chest & Back with KCM Shape Up workout to follow. Yesterday I did STS Plyo Legs + Weighted Ball abs. This a.m. was the good ol “snooze” button :yawn: :grumble: Having that extra sleep for 3 days got me. :ohwell: So I will make that one up this week and tonight will be Insane-X. I’m sure we will be doing the traditional format again. Hopefully inside vs. tennis court.

    Thelma: I am so sorry to hear about your job situation …:grumble: there is nothing worse than crying either on your way home or to work about your job. (I understand, I’ve been there) That is awful that they accused you in front of people and didn’t just talk to you. Get that resume updated girl! Horrible way to start your long weekend. So sorry. Hopefully having a few days of clarity and not being in the stress has helped your decision of what to do next. Take care of you and if that is the route you need to take by quitting before you find something it may just be a blessing in disguise.:smile: Don’t ever feel bad about venting! We are here to support so VENT away! Good on ya for reaching for a nice stress reliever like Hard Strikes! Looks like you got in some great workouts all weekend actually! I saw ya on the thread there. No ants on the tennis court …. But it is dirty with dust and small rocks forsure. We do bring out the small heavy duty mats but you end up on the concrete a lot. Voting for inside tonight if we get the option. Amy is the trainer that Katy was training. She did do a fill-in for us about3 weeks ago. Jessica teaches the BootCamp and I think an a.m. Spin class. Yes!! Please join us on the rotation!!! You can always swap out another workout for one you don’t have!!

    Laurie: Great job with the workouts! :wink: Glad you like Afterburn … it’s a great one forsure. Definitely on the list of favs for me too. How did you like your Barry’s BootCamp workout?
    That’s awesome news about your MIL and going home soon along with the doctors insisting on a Comfort Keeper in the home. Yahoo! :bigsmile: I’m glad to hear you were able to meet one of the home staff people and sounds like you had a good feeling about her.
    I didn’t think of that until you said it but you’re right … once we are finishing up the 2-month undulating the new ones should be right around the corner! :drinker: :bigsmile: Yay. What are your thoughts about going right into the undulating from this or do you want a recovery week in between. As I told Laurel, I am good either way.

    Laurel: Fantastic workouts (as always) :drinker: :drinker: Friday sounds like another amazing combo! Glad to hear your DH enjoyed Burn Sets. Great work with STS on Sun & Mon too. I have gone heavier in my weights for several exercises as well. I think going heavier in Meso 1 & 2 helped with that. You are a trooper for putting Low Impact challenge back in that player!:huh: Nice. Hope to hear your hubby had a great first day of work. I would say you definitely took advantage of that time today. Yowsa woman ….. you’re a star! That is an awful situation that boss put you in.:mad: I’m surprised your hubby didn’t want to go pay him a little visit, or maybe he did want too. What a JERK, I’m sorry you ever had to go through something like that.
    I’m good either way too as far as going right into the undulating rotation ….I’m so excited you ladies are up for that and we have a plan ~ Thelma joining us too! :drinker: :bigsmile:

    Talk to you all tomorrow ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, I hope you all had a nice weekend. My weekend turned out great after its rocky start. DH's relatives were here on Saturday and we had a blast. I am feeling calmer and no longer thinking that I want to quit. Part of me doesn't want to give these people the satisfaction of defeating me. Tomorrow I will talk to my boss so don't know where that will go. Thanks again for allowing me to vent.

    On Friday I did Tabaticize, Saturday I did Bob Harper: Ultimate Cardio Body, Sunday Spinning and tonight Lower Body Blast. I hadn't done that lower and forgot how hard it was. I think my legs and my bhind are going to be hurting tomorrow! :laugh:
    I've been doing my jumping on the trampoline so that has been great because I can do more high impact this way.

    My shoulders did get mad at me due to all the upper body work I did last week so this week I'm going to pace myself to allow them to calm down. Feeling much better today for sure. I'll try some upper body tomorrow but will try to follow that with 2 days of NO upper body with weights.

    Laurie, great job with your workouts. I can't imagine doing a full routine with an elastic band. Glad your MIL is recovering nicely and hopefully she'll be released on Friday. Does it look like your FIL is doing better now that the home care service is involved?

    Laurel, awesome combos! WOW! Great way to spoil yourself! :drinker:
    I can't believe your husband went back to work already! It sure must feel strange to not be with him during the day. I hope he likes his job!

    Tami, you are doing a such great job with your workouts! I hope you guys worked out indoors tonight.

    My work situation really stinks but I am feeling hopeful that my boss will do something about the problem people. I am going to update my resume and start looking.
    I am really happy that I've been able to up my workout intensity by introducing the baby weights and doing more cardio using the trampoline. The fact that I was able to do Hard Strikes was a huge milestone for me given that the last time I tried kickboxing I set myself back a week.
    Thanks for clarifying who the trainers are at your gym! I thought Amy had taken over the classes that crazy instructor used to teach.
    I am excited about doing the rotation with you ladies but I am also thinking that the gym opens up this month (hopefully) and I may not be able to do some of the workouts. I am doing what I can from the rotation for sure. I'll have to find a balance between my gym and at home workouts.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Got in the Plyo Leg workout and Ab Circuit Med Ball abs yesterday. I loved the plyo legs, and of course the med ball abs is my favorite one on that DVD. :wink:

    Youngest started her first day of her Senior year of HS. DH took her picture this morning. :laugh: Have to find the picture of her very first day of school so we can compare. :bigsmile:

    Laurel, WTG on the workouts! CCC is that dread workout for me, but one of these days I will have to give it a try again. :laugh: You are a trooper for giving that workout so many chances. :smile: :heart: the Warrior workout. I think that one and YogaX are in my favorites for yoga. When we go to the next rotation, I'm going to up my weights. I think that after this Meso 3 round I should be able to do that. I found that I have the 2nd day after a workout DOMS in my back.

    Tami, Great weekend of workouts! I was the last person to leave on Friday, so I know what you are talking about. Everyone left for an early weekend. I'm good either way on starting right after this one, since there are the XTrain workouts between. I think I would just like to start right away, then do other workouts afterward if we don't get the new set when we are finished.

    Thelma, You rocked those workouts! That LBB workout is a tough one, it reminds me of these Plyo Leg workouts from Meso 3. I'm glad to hear that you are not stressed out about your job, it will all work out for you in the end I'm sure. Do take it easy on those shoulders. Yes my FIL is doing better, and he smells better also. They are giving him his bath! :laugh: I also wanted to thank you for the recommendation of the supplement for my hot flashes. This morning was the first time I didn't sweat my face off after blow drying my hair. :drinker:

    Have a wonderful day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today's workout was Meso 3 Shoulders, Biceps and Triceps, and I was able to go pretty heavy on it. Felt great! I followed it with Kick, Punch and Crunch. :heart:

    DH enjoyed his first day of work. He says the day just flew by, which is good. He was slightly concerned he might be bored. I guess not! He thinks he is really going to enjoy it, which makes me happy. He seemed very relaxed about it all last night, which is a really good sign.

    Tami, great weekend workouts!! Hope your class last night was indoors, though. Yes, DH wanted to talk to my former boss, but the started long before the 'choose between your husband and job' ultimatum. DH (and many of my co-workers) were convinced my boss had a 'thing' for me, and that didn't sit well with DH! But I am the kind of person who prefers to handle things myself, so I never let DH near my work center. :laugh: Anyhow, resigning worked out best for us in the end because after that, we were not in any location more than 2 years. Trying to hold down a career would have been impossible--unless DH and I agreed to be apart for long stretches. And I didn't get married for that!! And I treasure the experiences we have had with all of the it really probably was for the best. It just didn't feel like it at the time. Anyhow, I am good with Laurie's suggestion that we move into the new rotation immediately and use that last week in this rotation (using XTrain) as our transition week. Does that work for you?

    Thelma, I hope your day at work is going well. I am glad you enjoyed some time with family. And great job with the workouts!! LBB is definitely one of my favorite lower body workouts. I bet it feels so good to be back at it again!!

    Laurie, how fun for your DD! Hope she really enjoys this final year in high school. I think about you when I do CCC and those final Ab moves. I know those aren't your favorite! Mine neither. :ohwell: I really enjoy the cardio in that workout but wish she had done some different moves than she did for core. YogaX and Yoga/Warrior are my favorites too! But I would add X2 Yoga to that as well. Not as long as YogaX.....but as good in my opinion. It is too bad they don't sell those workouts separately.

    See you tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Last night’s class was the “traditional” Insanity and thank goodness we were inside. One girl was pleading to go outside but was outnumberd by our stares. :huh: :laugh: She made it tough as usual and added on to each round with something like burpees or burpees kick, kick, etc. This a.m. was STS Shoulders/Bis/Tris and tonight will be Spinning.

    Thelma: I’m so happy to hear your weekend went so well and you were able to feel better about your job situation. :smile: Sometimes a step back helps! I’m hoping you talk with the boss today (if you were able to do so) went well. Anxious to hear on that . Great job with the workouts! :drinker: Your feet must be feeling a little better with some of those workouts you are doing this past week/weekend? Thanks for the encouragement and well wishes on my workouts Thelma! Appreciate it ~ you’re doing a great job too & excited you’ll be joining us. :bigsmile: No worries, do what you can do and include your gym workouts as well. Make it work for you

    Laurie: Great job with Plyo Legs + Med Ball abs. :smile: :drinker: That is a short & sweet ab workout forsure! I just love the Plyo workouts, I’m glad we are in Meso 3 for that alone. Thanks for the well wishes on my workouts to you too! Feeling great. I bet that felt a little surreal to have your youngest start her last year of High School. Goes by so fast I’m sure :noway: I’m with Laurel on every time I do CCC I am smiling inside thinking of you describing the ab moves with the roll and the feet out behind into push-up and how much you LOVE it! NOT :noway: :laugh:
    I think we all agree – let’s just head right into the new rotation after last week of this one! Sounds perfect to me.:drinker:

    Laurel: Great combo today! I bet it felt amazing. I went heavier as well. Sometimes as I reach for those heavy’s I can hear Cathe or other instructors saying, don’t worry . . you won’t bulk up! :laugh: Great to hear your hubby had a great first day on the new job. So your work situation was definitely one of those that it was truly a blessing in disguise and leaving was the perfect choice. Not that you had another but it worked out for the best. :wink: I am so glad. New rotation ~ Definitely works for me too! Yahoo …. Looking forward to it :drinker:
    DH leaves this weekend for his Fall Fishing .. I will definitely have more time on my hands to continue exploring PiYo add-ons!

    Hope you ladies have a great evening ~ talk to you tomorrow! Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies! I not as sore as I thought I would be after doing the Lower Body Blast workout yesterday. Just a little bit on bhind. Tonight I did Cathe's Athletic Training workout. Another good one that I hadn't done in a long time so it was challenging. I really like this workout too.

    I spoke with my boss today about the problem I had last week with the other manager. My boss is sick of this guy not getting his people to get their act together and always being so problematic so he was going to talk to him this afternoon. Basically he is ready to take him to HR. As to putting me in my old project? No can do because that other project has no funding and there is nothing to do there. I told my boss that I am ready to quit even if it means being unemployed if things don't improve. So my boss will start by giving his boss (who is also the jerk's boss) a heads up of what is going on and how he intends to take things to HR if things don't change. Work today was weird for me because of what happened last week and when I saw the idiot manager I had to act like my usual smiling self but I could tell he felt uncomfortable.

    I had to leave work early to go see my rheumatologist for a follow up appointment so I don't know if my boss got to talk to that other manager. Everything looks good except that my sodium level is a little low. He thinks it's diet related as well as the fact that I drink a lot of water. I'll have to increase my sodium intake a little bit.

    Laurie, great job on your workouts and congrats to your daughter for starting her senior year of HS. I hope you find her picture of her very first day of school and put them side by side for a comparison picture. That will be so cute!
    I'm so glad your FIL is doing better and I'm sure the baths are making him feel better. Poor guy must feel terrible knowing that he can't do basic things on his own anymore.
    I'm so exited you bought the calcium, magnesium, zinc supplement for the hot flashes Laurie! YAAAY!!!! That stuff is really a miracle cure! LOL
    I am most definitely going to take it easy with my shoulders. I don't want to relapse. I am thrilled about the fact that I've been able to start doing the more challenging workouts again. Jumping on the trampoline is not the same as jumping on the floor. Less intensity I feel but it's better than nothing and the best thing to do for me.

    Laurel, Congrats on upping your weights for the Meso workout! I am sure you felt great about that accomplishment! Love those kickboxing workouts. I don't have the one you did today but will probably try Hard Strikes again this week.
    I'm so glad your DH enjoyed his first day of work!

    When is the last week of your current rotation? You'll have to let me know when we're starting the new rotation please.
    Laurel, I am really excited to be at it again and even more excited to be able to do the rotation with you ladies.

    Tami, I'm so glad last night's workout was indoors. I was laughing at you guys outnumbering that girl by your stares! :laugh:
    Great job with your STS workout. You had an awesome burn last night! :flowerforyou:
    My injuries are still there but I have gotten better. I know I still have the plantar fasciitis but I'm managing it by doing all the stretches I do and of course not jumping on my basement floor. I think that has been key for my feet. My shoulders have come a long way and I think I will be OK if I use the small weights for a while until I feel that I can slowly up the weights again.

    Tami, how is your husband's elbow doing these days? Are you still taping him?

    Good night ladies! :flowerforyou:
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    What a busy morning we have here! Taking just a moment to update. I did the XTrain AOLI HiiT Premix #1 which includes the core. Sure do love that workout, just the right amount of step and discs for me. :laugh:

    Laurel, Great workouts, :heart: KPC also. Glad to hear that your DH has such a wonderful start on his first day. I'm sure that you will get into a routine soon. Next week starts the last year of DD's dance, so that will put a wrench in my routine. Thursdays will be my off day again. That is the problem I have with CCC is some of the core moves. :wink: Especially that one Tami described. :laugh: I would love to have that X2 Yoga, I too would love for them to sell them individually. I do have his One on One yoga, it is good, but doesn't flow as well as Yoga X.

    Tami, :laugh: on all of you glaring at the lone person who wanted to go outside. :laugh: Nice that it was a tough one. A lot of people don't like burpees, but I actually don't mind them. :blushing: I would rather do burpees than using those dang discs for them. :laugh: That is when the discs get out of control. :laugh: Sounds good on the next rotation, I'm looking forward to seeing how much more I can lift in this next round.

    Thelma, Great news on not being sore. Sometimes I have the second day DOMS with some workouts. :wink: Sounds like you are really enjoying getting back into some of the workouts again. :drinker: I think that you doing your workouts on the trampoline is the best way to get yourself healthy. Very nice that you have a boss that has your back. My boss is the same way, I dread the day that he decides to retire. Correct me if I am wrong Laurel and Tami, but I have our last week being the week of Sept 28th. I will be starting the new rotation on the 5th of Oct.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Well, I sort of shocked myself today because when I got to the workout room, the workout I reached for was STS Squat Rack Legs! :noway: Where did that desire come from? :laugh: But, honestly, it felt SO good to go heavy with the legs. Thoroughly enjoyed it. And I even convinced myself not to wander off and do housework during the long breaks. :blushing: Glad I did that one today. I followed it with another goodie--IMAX Extreme from Cathe's Terminator DVD.

    Tami, glad you enjoyed a 'normal' class inside! LOL about the lone standout wanting outside. :laugh: Bet you will be indoors from here on out. I can't believe your DH is already headed back out fishing! Will you get to join him this time? I hope so.

    Thelma, happy to hear you aren't too sore from LBB! Athletic Training is really a great workout and so thorough on hitting all body parts. As Laurie said, we are due to start the new rotation on October 5. So glad you are joining us!! I am glad you talked to your boss. Sound like he fully understands what is going on which is good. Hopefully something will be done about it.

    Laurie, that CCC move Tami described is not my favorite either. I really can't do them with my legs crossed as Cathe says can be done. My knees just don't bend that way! But I gut through them my uncoordinated way and call it good, :tongue: Great job with All Out Low Impact HiiT. I really enjoy that workout.

    See you tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Tough Spin class last night! :wink: This a.m. was the All Out Low Impact HiiT workout that I missed ~ then at lunch I was able to go to Katy’s Insane Abs class again! She completely changed it up this week and we used a high bench for almost the whole workout. It was lots of fun and new challenges! :bigsmile:

    Thelma: Great workout again with Athletic Training ~ that is another fun one forsure! :drinker: :bigsmile: Awesome to hear that your boss is on your side and is going to deal with the problem child. Hopefully he does follow through with that. I know, right on the stares to that poor girl. :laugh: She is super easy going so it wasn’t like we just shot her down …. But she immediately got the point and decided not to plead for outside. :laugh:
    DH is doing good with his elbow. Yes, the KT tape is still working wonders and staying on. We went to the PRO tape this summer when he was sweating the other off and this stays put for days. It’s great. He did try to hold one of my dumbbells the other day to see how it would feel; curling it with a flat forarem (like a regular dumbbell curl) well, it hurt a lot. So turning his hand the other way (hammer curl action) it didn’t hurt. So obviously there is still pain and trauma to that area. We’ll see. He is living with it for now and getting through until end of Oct. and he will have an MRI done on it then to see.
    Yahoo so mark your calendar for Oct 5th!! So glad you are joining us. :drinker:

    Laurie: Awesome work with AOLI HiiT today! :bigsmile: I enjoyed it this a.m. too :wink: I opted to not do the core since I was going at lunch for a lot of corework. Burpees are definitely something you either love or hate or love to hate! I think I do so many of them between my workouts I am just used to them. Definitely enjoy them more when I’m not winded, after say 90 of them in a class! :laugh: I bet you will surprise yourself with your weights in this next part of our rotation.
    As you and Laurel were discussing X2 Yoga I remember I have that and never got to that workout :blushing: … but still have it. Maybe it will make it out of the “slot” one of these days ~ as we always say, so many workouts, so little time!

    Laurel: Way to reach for the Squat Rack Legs workout …. :smile: It has been a long time since I have done one of those and glad to hear you didn’t do laundry while waiting for the next round. That is the only part of Meso 3 that I understand is necessary but prefer a few shorter breaks. I sometimes go fill up my water in the kitchen! Way to follow it up with Terminator! It has been so long since I have done that one. If I remember correctly, there is a lot of high intensity throughout?!? I’m sure we will be indoors from here on out plus with the Biggest Loser starting in the next couple of weeks. I can’t believe the days getting shorter and shorter …. This a.m. was only low 50’s too! We are supposed to have a nice sunny day tomorrow and through the weekend though! Yay.:drinker: I will get to join him this Fall yes. Which is always nice for me and him too. It’s usually the mid-way point of his long stay there and I will drive down with some friends of his that he invited. Since I missed the summer trip due to the fires he is really anxious for this trip! :bigsmile:
    I’m with you on that CCC move too …. I just get to that “sticking point” but my legs aren’t crossed; just bent knees and pop my legs out behind me. :laugh:

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, I almost didn't get to reply as MFP is acting up and is not loading fast. It seems that the site is having some problems. I waited about 10 minutes for the posts to load and after I read your posts I made the mistake of hitting the refresh button so I'm having to wait and decided to start typing a reply on Notepad.

    I did spinning tonight because I needed to give my feet a break as the plantar fasciitis on my right foot is acting up. Shoulders though are feeling good!

    I spoke with my boss today again and it was so disappointing because he never wants to deal with anything he hasn't witnessed so for example the fact that the other manager accused me of being insensitive he's not touching. So now I'm mad. I told him that I was going to HR to file a complain for the record and not necessarily to escalate it.
    This afternoon he told me that the managers had their weekly meeting with their boss and one of the subjects was the leadership team doing their part. Somehow the manager who accused me (my boss said) fessed up to what he did to me BUT I think he just said I said something to Thelma and I could've handled it differently so he said he'd be "more sensitive" to other people's feelings! Can you believe this and can you see how this guy uses the word sensitive for everything? I don't think he fessed up by saying: I unfairly accused Thelma in a public setting of.... Now my boss doesn't think I need to talk to his boss about it but since it's bugging me so much I am going to tell my boss that I WILL talk to his boss so he hears my side of things. If he reminds me again that he other guy "fessed up" and it's not necessary so let's wait to see how things go I'm just going to tell him that I am going to talk to him and he can go with me or stay out of it.

    Ladies, MFL continues to act up and I can't get in!
    Great job to all of you with your workouts! Thank you all for the kudos on my workouts
    Got the rotation start date: 10/5. On a Sunday? Really? I may start on 10/4 and will do my usual Sunday spinning which is what I consider my day off. We're doing the "2 month STS/Metabolic/Hiit Undulating Rotation" right?
    Is the Yoga Abs workout mentioned on that routine part of the STS Disc #30 Shoulders, Biceps, Triceps disc?

    Laurie, is your DD going to be doing any sports this year or is it just dancing?
    I also dread the day my boss retires. I told him that I will retire the day he does too. I actually think he's 65+ so if he wanted to retire now he could.

    Laurel, great job with those workouts. WOW Lady! You always amaze me!
    My boss understands what is going on but he likes to do stuff by the book and that drives me crazy. Specially in this case!

    Tami, glad your spinning and Insane Abs were great!
    As you read above my boss seemed to have changed his tune today. I have the feeling that maybe he talked to HR before I did and was advised to stay out of it.

    What happened to lady from the last Biggest Loser newbies you were helping/encouraging? The one who was trying really hard? is she still going to the classes?

    Glad the KT PTO tape is working for your DH. Sorry he still has the injury though. Is he going to have surgery after the fishing season is over?
    I did mark my calendar but I set it to start on 10/4.
    BTW Tami, we seem to have gone back to summer. We've had a couple of hot days this week and I heard that starting tomorrow we're going to have hazy, hot and humid weather!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Got in the Meso 3 Shoulders, Biceps and Tricep workout yesterday. Felt really good about my weight selection. Feeling the DOMS this morning. DH is bringing his mother home today, so we will see how this next week goes. :huh:

    Laurel, Dang crazy desire of yours, but WTG on getting in that workout. LOL about the waiting in between exercises. I did those workouts once, and I remember the wait. That is the problem I have with that move in CCC, and the fact that that my legs are so long.

    Tami, Wonderful job on those workouts. Glad to hear that Katy worked your abs so hard. :bigsmile: Okay 90 burpees might be way more that I can take, then they probably wouldn't be a good exercise anymore. :laugh: I see in this next rotation that she doesn't have the X10 premixes, and then adds on something. I'm going to add on the PiYo workouts to those days. Figured that would be the best option for me. :wink:

    Thelma, WTG on doing the workouts that work best for you. Glad to hear about the shoulders. Sorry to hear that you are going through all of this at work, for sure you need to go to HR on this issue. Starting on the 4th isn't a problem, you will be the first to do the workouts. :wink: The youngest will be doing her track in the spring also for her sports. I think that this is the first year that she has been looking forward to going to school. :laugh:

    Have a wonderful day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! I had kind of a frustrating morning this morning which means my workout schedule was a bit weird. I did start the day, though, with XTrain Supercuts Extreme premix and Core 2, which was fun.

    Anyhow, to the frustrating part. DH is coaching football and needed to do laundry for tonight's game. He told me this about 10:30pm, so I told him to have fun doing his laundry, but told him to do only what he needed (to save time) and leave the rest of his stuff for me today. So when he started the load last night, he pulled a nob off the washer. I just rolled my eyes at that point and went to bed, leaving him to fix it. :blushing: Bad idea. He banged around for about an hour, said it was fixed, and I was too tired to make sure. So after my first workout this morning, I start the clothes he left behind......and the laundry room floods. :grumble: So I spent over an hour cleaning that up. Not fun. I suppose the good news is these are at least the landlord's washer/dryer.....but still. Hopefully we can fix it this weekend. But by the time it came to my second workout, I was a little out of sorts. I finally settled on Cathe's Low Impact Circuit, which I haven't done in a couple of years. It was a perfect choice for today. I forget how good that workout is sometimes. Light cardio but hits all the muscles pretty well. And the time just flew by, which is good.

    Tami, sounds like some great workouts yesterday! The Terminator DVD is definitely high intensity. It has the three workouts on it which are premixes taken from Cathe's Intensity Series. I really like the IMAX one because it is a combo of IMAX 2 and the cardio/legs from Cardio and Weights. I am so glad you are going to go out and see DH this fishing trip. And maybe you'll catch another big one!!

    Laurie, I had some DOMS from the Shoulder, Bicep and Tricep workout too. That's one of the reason I decided to do some light weights today because that usually knocks the DOMS out. But I was reaching for something yesterday and my tricep was say 'hello!' very loudly. :laugh: I hope your MIL does well with her transition home.

    Thelma, glad you were able to post! Sometimes this site does get jammed up a bit, but I don't think it happens as often as it used to which is good. The Yoga Abs workout is actually on the STS Ab Circuits disc. I think you have that one, right? If not, you can substitute anything you like. No problem starting when it works best for you! Sorry to hear about your boss. Some people just can't do the tough 'boss' work, which means taking action when some people aren't performing. And it sounds like your boss has that problem. I think if it is bothering you that much, you have every right to pursue it.

    I hope you all have a great weekend!! See you Monday!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies and TGIF!!!!!! :drinker: Even with a shorter week it feels longer than normal. :huh: This a.m. was Supercuts + Core which always feels good. Headed to Spinning after work. :wink:

    Thelma: Don’t ya hate it when that happens w/ MFP?!?:grumble: I usually type everything out now on a document and copy & past it “just in case” …… Great to hear your shoulders are still feeling good. Yahoo! They are going to be getting stronger and stronger now I’m sure. :wink: Laurel said it much more diplomatically but I will say I’m so sorry to hear that your boss has decided to take the "corporate tail between his legs" action at this point. :angry: Dang it! How frustrating. I agree that you should file a complaint if nothing happens – so that it is on record.
    DH elbow: Once fishing is over he will go back to the ortho surgeon and have an MRI done. If he feels surgery is necessary he said he will do it. YIKES. I hope not but at the same time getting it fixed will save him years & years of discomfort and proper healing vs another problem down the road. That’s sweet that you asked about that girl. :smile: I haven’t seen her since the Biggest Loser competition ended last time. I’ve looked for her and wondered. Hoping she is doing her own workouts maybe at a different time of day but still at it.

    Laurie: Great job with Shoul/Bi’s/Tris last night! :smile: You must have picked some good weights for yourself if you are feeling it today! Nice work. Fingers crossed for your DH and MIL that all goes smoothly. That sounds like a great plan for getting in some PiYo! Great idea. :drinker:

    Laurel: Frustrating a.m. is right! :grumble: OMG I bet you were more than rolling your eyes at that point LOL Fantastic job getting in your 2 workouts despite having to clean up the mess! Which means you had to get warmed up again, etc. Some people might have just went on with their day. Way to stay with it. Thanks for the reminder on Terminator … I might have to revisit it one day to see how it goes. May have been the step portions that makes me hesitate when I look at that one sometimes. :blushing:

    Hope you ladies have a great weekend! :flowerforyou: Talk to you Monday . . . Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, I hope you all had a great weekend! We had a great weekend. We went to NH to have brunch with some friends and that was fun.
    I made the mistake on Friday of talking to my boss' boss and he basically told me the manager in question was a nice guy and we all make mistakes. He said I should go talk to that guy to ask him what he meant and to give each other a hug so I could have a great weekend. I had to exercise incredible control and not look mad at all because that would've only made me look bad. He kept insisting that I got talk to the guy and I told him that I wasn't ready to do that. Now I haven't stopped thinking that talking to him was a mistake and I'll be in some kind of trouble. I do have an appointment with HR on Monday afternoon and I think I will cancel. After all HR is on the company's side not mine.

    On Friday I did Hard strikes and decided to use the weighed gloves. Big mistake! My back has been in knots and achy. I've iced and massaged. I hope I get better by the time we start the rotation. This is not feeling like I'll be better in a couple of days but I hope I'm wrong.

    Saturday I did AfterBurn and tonight Spinning.

    Laurie, great job with your workouts and weight sleection on the STS workout! I hope it all went well for your DH while he was taking his mom home. I can't believe your DD was actually looking forward to going back to school! LOL

    Laurel, great workouts! Sorry about the flooded laundry room!
    I do have that STS #30 DVD with the Yoga Abs workout then!
    My boss has changed. He used to be there for us. Now he's playing company politics which is a shame because I've knonw him for about 10 years.

    Tami, you're doing a very good job with your double workouts! Great idea to type replies outside of MFP. Work is really frustrating these days. I don't see things changing at all.
    I hope your DH doesn't need elbow surgery. If he needs it he should do it ASAP because like you said it will save him lots of pain in discomfort.
    Too bad that girl didn't continue the gym classes.

    Good night!
  • v70t5m
    v70t5m Posts: 186 Member
    I told my boss that I am ready to quit even if it means being unemployed if things don't improve. So my boss will start by giving his boss (who is also the jerk's boss) a heads up of what is going on and how he intends to take things to HR if things don't change. Work today was weird for me because of what happened last week and when I saw the idiot manager I had to act like my usual smiling self but I could tell he felt uncomfortable.


    I am most definitely going to take it easy with my shoulders. I don't want to relapse. I am thrilled about the fact that I've been able to start doing the more challenging workouts again. Jumping on the trampoline is not the same as jumping on the floor. Less intensity I feel but it's better than nothing and the best thing to do for me.


    I feel for you. (Completely unsupportive boss - check, shoulder issues - check).

    The book "The Male Factor: The Unwritten Rules, Misperceptions, and Secret Beliefs of Men in the Workplace" by Shaunti Feldhaun was very helpful to me in figuring out why men do, think, and say the things they do. (It even enlightened me on my hubby!)

    Ultimately, I did quit. And have been figuring out what I want to do with myself since. In the interim, I've upped my workouts. Who wants to do a "measly" 45 minute workout when I can do 1.5 hours??? :) I don't think it has quite reached the point of pathology ... maybe ...

    I have a problematic shoulder that tends to give me fits every couple months. I've been increasing my upper body strength for yoga balances, I'm working towards forearm stand (need shoulder girdle strength for this).

    I have Cathe's Boxing, which never really impressed me due to its low calorie burn. However, I used a pair of 3 lb. weights with it today, and enjoyed the combos. I also wore out quickly. Of course, that could have been the X10 I used between the combos, or Core Max. :bigsmile:

    It has taken me some time to figure out what movements damage my shoulder ... upright rows can exacerbate (so I sub front raise instead), and jumps into pushups can cause poor form that leads to re-injury (I separate these into two different movements now ... that's what the remote is for, right?)

    Good luck with the job situation,
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! I hope you all had a good weekend. Ours was nice and quiet. We went to see our new house on Saturday and the concrete has been poured! :drinker: They are going to start laying the blocks for the ground floor this week so next weekend it will probably look more like a house. I am excited!

    Saturday was my day off from working out. DH did fix the washer, which was nice. He was very apologetic about leaving me with the mess! Sunday was back to the routine. DH and I did the STS Chest/Back workout and followed it with the Extended Stretch. For cardio, I did Tabatacise. Today was Plyo Legs and Pilates Abs. For cardio, I did the LIS Low Impact Challenge workout.....again. And I am very happy to report I didn't get frustrated once!! So maybe there is hope for this workout. I have promised myself I would give it two more weeks.

    Tami, hope you had a good weekend! The step portions in the Terminator workouts can be a bit confusing, but there is one workout (the Gauntlet) that is less choreographed. It contains portions of IMAX 2 in it, but once you learn those, they are pretty easy (since they repeat a lot). The Gauntlet is a great circuit workout, so I do recommend it sometime if you have he whim!

    Thelma, great workouts!! I am so sorry to hear about the work situation......especially since you feel you may face repercussions as a result of talking to higher management. And, very sadly, I understand your concern about HR. I really have no recommendations, but I really hope you can find some comfort somewhere about this. :flowerforyou: We are here for you!

    Kira, good to see you. Sorry to hear about your own work situation. Sounds like you and I both took our unemployment as an opportunity to increase our fitness! There are worse things, that's for sure! Hope you are well!!

    See you all tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies – Weekend was pretty good :wink: Saturday a.m. I met my girlfriend who has the little baby and we went for a walk around a local hiking spot that’s really nice and a fun 2 mi hike around a hill that sits right alongside the lake. It was a beautiful a.m. and her little baby was on her back in a big hiking “pack” – hilarious because she is at that curious stage looking at everything. Then we had coffee and I headed home to help DH with whatever he needed to get ready. He left yesterday . . . which is always a weird feeling. :frown: Sunday’s workout was back to STS Chest/Back followed by HardStrikes! :bigsmile:
    I missed my a.m. workout ~ I snoozed:yawn: it this a.m.:grumble: I was going to do it this evening but found out that Katy is subbing for BootCamp tonight !! :bigsmile: :drinker: So tomorrow a.m. will be Plyo Legs + Abs . . .

    Thelma: I am SO sorry you are continuing to not have any support with the boss and/or anyone else it sounds like. :sad: Your boss’s boss sounds like a normal male response of how they treat things and have a tendency to think women over react. Not trying to sound sexist, just saying ~ they often deal with issues differently. I’m sorry. :frown: Keep us posted ~ we are here for you cheering you on! :drinker: Great job with the workouts with HardStrikes, AfterBurn and Spinning! That is a nice lineup with awesome variety. Thanks for the encouragement on the workouts :smile: Yes, I hope he doesn’t have to have the surgery either. Fingers crossed . . . but the MRI won’t be until November.

    Laurel: Beyond exciting about the concrete being poured on your new house! :drinker: :bigsmile: Just wait when they start framing and you can walk around “imagining” the rooms. This is so great!! Awesome job with the workouts too this weekend! As always you are doing amazing. :smile: I love it that you have set a personal goal to conquer that LIC workout! It is a great feeling when you do though … I remember doing that with a few of them and felt so happy with myself when I got through it no problem. Thanks for the heads up on the Gauntlet vs. Terminator. I remember the latter being a bit confusing ~ which is probably why I haven’t revisited it for quite some time. :blushing: Pre-sticky note method of reminding myself. :laugh:

    Hi Kira – Good to see you here! Hope you have had a good summer. Sounds like you are doing well with the workouts during this time & using the time towards your health & wellness. Nice job! :flowerforyou:

    Hi Laurie - Hope your weekend was fabulous!! :smile:

    Talk to you all tomorrow ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, tonight I did one of Laurie's favorite workouts: Slide & Glide! :laugh: :laugh: I realized that I hadn't done that workout in a while. A lot of pushups, burpees for my shoulders. I did do some pushups, mountain climbers and tricep work with weights when the pushup type stuff go to be too much.
    I feel better about work. I decided that I have to be careful about anything I say or do because with my luck I will be the one who gets taken to HR and gets written up! Thankfully my boss' boss didn't ask me if I had spoken to that jerk manager.

    Hi Kira, I can't believe how much we have in common! Thanks so much for the name of that book. Just ordered a used one from!
    I want to quit my job but I was looking at job possibilities online and there aren't many for the type of work I do. Then I think about the fact that we've been saving for an early retirement and if I quit that will set us back BUT if I see that I'm being targeted by the men in high places at work then I will have to quit.
    Good idea to figure what move irritates my shoulder blades. I been massaging the area with a lacrosse ball so I can get to the tight places. The right side doesn't want to relax but I think it is slightly better today.
    My shoulder blades are my problem and they don't want to stay down. Probably the tension at work and the fact that I've added upper body work is making my weak spot tense up.
    I'm glad you added the hand weights to your boxing workout! That must've been a nice burn!

    Laurie, I'm so excited for you about the construction progress! Pretty soon you'll be packing again to make the move to your new home! Thank God your DH was able to fix the washer!
    Fabulous workouts! I have no doubt in my mind about you mastering that LIS Low Impact Challenge workout.

    Thanks for being there for me with all this work venting. I think all I can do is wait and hope for the best at this point.

    Tami, that hike sounds beautiful! When will your husband be back?
    I bet tonight's BootCAmp class was a a lot of fun! When will your DH return home?
    We do have a "boys" clutb at work and things are not going to change. Thanks so much for being here for me and for your support.

    Good night!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! I had a really enjoyable workout today. I started with X77 which is always a fun challenge. And because Laurie and I were talking about it last week, I followed it with P90X2 Yoga. :heart: It just flew by and made me feel so good. Happy I reached for that one today.

    Tami, sounds like a pretty nice weekend......minus your DH leaving. :cry: How is your friend adjusting to motherhood? Hope she is enjoying it. Great job with the workout on Sunday. Sounds like a good combo! I can't wait for the house to take shape right now. I think they are planning on starting on the electricity by mid-October, so it is going to happen fast! Ready to get settled so I can feel settled! :laugh: Still feel like we are transitioning.

    Thelma, I am glad you feel better about work.....but I hope you don't let them bully you either. Tami said it perfectly about how some men think. But I do hope things improve for you there. Good job with Slide and Glide and modifying it to fit your needs right now.

    Laurie, hope everything is going all right with your MIL. Thinking about you! :flowerforyou:

    See you tomorrow!
