Cathe Fans Part 5



  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Sorry I missed you yesterday. Yesterday’s workouts were Insane-Abs at lunch (which felt great to finally go to again) then a dog walk in the evening! :wink: Kind of an “easier” day but that’s ok; planning on a workout tomorrow (Circuit + HiiT is what I’m thinking and then another PiYo) This a.m. was X54 and tonight I will head to Spinning.:smile: Then over to my girlfriend's house for dinner.

    Laurie: Great job with KCM’s Bootcamp – :bigsmile: :drinker: that’s a perfect alternate I would say! Hopefully those DOMs have left by today! Sounds like you have a perfect lineup for today as well and then a fun weekend planned. Enjoy your time at the faire!

    Laurel: Great job with your XT Cardio Leg blast XT + Core! Very nice :smile: Sounds like you got in some more full body work by working the yard! As I mowed the lawn the other night AFTER Spinning I thought, Yowsa! This has to be some calories burned. :laugh: I ended up doing the whole yard and then finally took a shower. The dogs once again followed me around and would stop and rest in the shade. It’s hilarious! Yes, Katy still has some moments though of things she cannot do or has to modify. It is really a bummer for her. She thought it would be 100% but I guess as surgeries can be it is not always 100% fixed. She comments that there is a “stuck” point :frown: and it just won’t cooperate. So she will modify at times, but her modifications are usually something crazy with one leg! :noway:

    Hope you ladies enjoy your weekend ~ DH should be home either tomorrow afternoon or Sunday. But that will be it for his summer trips. Now just about 4 weeks away and he will head for his Fall fishing again :huh: Can’t believe it.
    We have a couple days of relief in temps and then back up starting Sunday. :flowerforyou:

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, great job to all of you with your workouts!
    We had a great time in NH and the townhouse deal we got for 2 days was pretty nice. We had a little rain on Thursday which is the day we went up Mt Washington so we couldn't see a thing and it rained at the top and we even had sleet! The diet went out the window so I've been a little bad. Wed and Friday we actually did walk abut 2 miles each walk. I forgot to wear my heart rate monitor but DH said it wouldn't have mattered because our pace was so slow that the HRM would've asked me if I was alive! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I missed Thursday's workout and Friday was just that slow 2ml walk that doesn't even count as a workout given the slow pace of the walks. Saturday I did CrossFire Less Impact and PT. I jumped on the trampoline but today my left foot hurts. What a bummer!
    This afternoon I will do the spinning bike. I got a new pair of Saucony Women's Stabil CS3 Running Shoes which seem to be OK but still I prefer the Asics that have been discontinued.
    My aunts go back home at the end of the week so it's going to be sad for me. We've had a great time and they have loved the games we played with them.

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! I hope you all had a good weekend. DH enjoyed another great weekend on the golf course, though we got rained off of one yesterday on the 15th hole. And when I say rain, I mean RAIN!! It was crazy. We were so wet that the car seats are still soaking!! But I loved it! I am an odd one because I love getting caught in the rain. Both DH and I just laughed and laughed as we made our way back to the car yesterday in driving rain. We were getting some strange looks! :ohwell:

    Anyhow, Saturday was my off day from working out, but I was back at it yesterday. I started with STS Chest, Shoulders and Triceps, and this week 3 workout is a tough one! I followed it with Med Ball Abs (since I skipped it on Friday) and Step Blast for cardio. Today was STS Legs, which felt good! I followed it with Stability Ball Abs. And for cardio, I did IMAX 3.

    Tami, I completely understand about mowing!! I was drenched after working in my in-law's yard....and then spent two days being SO hungry. I was thinking I probably burned a good deal of calories. Things to look forward to when we finally have our own yard!! I am sorry to hear Katy is still struggling with her knee, but it really admire how she is 'making it work' for her. Many people might have given up. I love that determination. Hope you enjoyed the weekend having your DH home! Hard to believe that his fall trips start in a month. Where is this year going? :noway:

    Thelma, glad you enjoyed your time in NH despite the rain. I was laughing at your husband's comment about the HRM and your walk! :laugh: But those kinds of walks are nice, so I hope you enjoyed it. Don't worry about the diet. It will come back to clean in good time no doubt. Hope your feet are feeling better!!

    See you tomorrow!!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ I had a nice weekend! :smile: Friday evening after Spin class I went to my friend’s house for dinner. She made Chx skewers and I brought a big salad. Very relaxing and nice. Sat a.m. I had a nice a.m. coffee time and then walked the dogs, came back and did KCM Circuit Burn followed by PiYo Strength Intervals.:wink: Later in the afternoon I went with my BFF Kayaking for the first time ever! It was a lot of fun, except for crossing the busy river with all the boaters and jet skiiers:huh: Then we went into a nice quiet little inlet & we saw a moose only feet away from us. Pretty awesome. Yesterday was STS Chest/Shoulders/Tri’s followed by PiYo Core. :drinker: DH came home exhausted beyond belief, every inch of his body hurts he said but was so glad to be home so he can recuperate from it all. Being on your feet all day long in a boat with a bad back does have to cause some repercussions forsure. He SNORED so loud I barely had any sleep at all:grumble: :noway: . . . . So no STS Legs this a.m., I will move it forward to tomorrow. I am going to BootCamp/F.A.S.T. tonight though forsure! Today’s temp is going to hit 100 and then cool down slowly the remainder of the week.

    Thelma: Welcome back! :bigsmile: Sounds like you had a great trip to NH and lots of fun with your aunts. That is going to be super hard when they leave . . . always the worst part, but always encouraging to look forward to a “new” trip or time together ahead. I hope your new shoes end up being great for you! :wink:

    Laurel: Sounds like a super fun memory with the rain soaked golf day! :bigsmile: :laugh: How funny. I can just picture you guys running off the course, laughing like crazy. Great job with the workouts yesterday & making up the ab workout. My 45-min class the other day felt like an “ab makeup” day for me! I’m planning on doing the Stab Ball Ab workout tomorrow after legs though.
    It’s nice to have him home. Minus the SNORING :grumble: :frown: :laugh: It is really hard to believe he will be leaving again in a month …. Where does the time go is right? I swear every year he extends it on both ends though because he gets more & more booked. It's nice that his regular full time job gives him all that vacation time to use. He’s excited for all the trips he has booked but dreading the exhaustion … again. So glad his son will be home to help him out!

    Reviews for you on PiYo: They are starting to meld together but while it’s fresh in my mind.
    Strength Intervals: This had a good variety in it and seemed similar to the SWEAT dvd I did last week. “strength” coming from your core and legs; along with some upper body, but not a lot of upper. One of the moves was the Spiderman push-ups and switch legs by hand & then faster. Some squats, squat kick. She does a move on the floor that reminds me of Cathe. CrossFire I think: higher plank, rotate over, kick out, back to plank rotate over, kick out the other way.
    Core: This was a nice core workout packed into the 35 min workout. All different aspects in this one as far as Yoga based abs, Pilates, Standing and floor work. Some plank work as well; side planks, thread the needle style side planks and regular.
    I’m noticing the format in all of them I have done so far is usually 10-15 min increments of whatever work she is doing. So lots of variety packed into a short time frame and then the last 3 min is usually a stretch.

    Hi Laurie :flowerforyou: Hope your weekend was nice!

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, I'm glad you had a good weekend. I did too. Last week while I was away a couple of big announcements were made at work. An office in the UK is going to be closed, a line of business in the US was sold and a big project here where I work got canned. I'm glad I wasn't at work when the announcements were made because that can always be too stressful due to all the speculation that ensues post announcement.
    Tonight I did XTRAIN - All Out Low Impact HiiT . I really like this workout. My feet are better but not where I'd like them to be.

    Laurel, great workouts and I'm so glad you and your hubby are enjoying golf to the max now that you live in FL. It's a good thing you made the best out of the soaking rain and laughed it out. I would've been horrified about getting wet! LOL

    DH can be really funny and the HRM comment was a really good one. It was sad to discover that my aunts are in such bad shape. Their lives are pretty sedentary and it shows. The walks were nice we walked through two gorges. It is so awesome to see what mother nature created.

    Tami, sounds like you had a wonderful weekend and like you're enjoying your new PiYo workouts! Too bad your DH was snoring so loud! He really must've been exhausted from his registration paperwork

    How exciting about you kayaking for the first fime ever! Glad you liked it!
    I'm glad you have your husband back even if for a short period of time.

    Good night!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I had a busy weekend and didn't workout at all. Saturday was a beautiful day for a car show, and DH received the best in class for his car. Sunday was also a nice day, and it was rather interesting being back at the faire. I really didn't get the urge to go back, but DH did. I would not have survived the day in a dress, it was hot with my tank top and shorts. :wink:

    So with no workout done this weekend, but lot's of walking yesterday I did STS Chest, Shoulders and Triceps. I was feeling that it wasn't heavy enough at the time, but this morning I'm feeling those areas. :wink: Guess that one sneaks up on you.

    Laurel, Sorry to hear that your golf game got rained out, but glad you enjoyed the rain. :wink: We had one of those soakers yesterday, my youngest had to go to work during that time. She went out in her rain boots, since she didn't want to get her work shoes wet. Wonderful workouts, I didn't get that Med Ball Ab workout done, and forgot about it yesterday. That STS CST workout has to be one of the longer ones, but it sure went fast. I think I looked at the DVD player at about the 65 min. mark.

    Tami, Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend of workouts and some great friend time. I have never gone kayaking, and probably never will. I don't like boats an water, even though I can swim. :laugh: Thanks for all the PiYo reviews, now I really want to try mine out. Just wish I wasn't so tired at the time I have available. :yawn: Sorry to hear about your DH and snoring, I know how that goes. My DH has been pretty good since he lost weight.

    Thelma, So nice to hear that you had a great time, and got to enjoy mother nature. :wink: Wow those are a lot of this all at once for your business. It sure is amazing how those speculators start going around the business. :laugh: :laugh: on the HRM monitor.

    Have a wonderful day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! I changed my workout up a bit today. The rotation called for another X45 workout, but since I did X77 on Friday, I decided to do something else. So I opted for Drill Max instead. Good stuff. I was going to try to get some yoga in but DH and I opted for running errands instead. :ohwell:

    Tami, glad your husband made it home safely, but I sorry to hear he was so worn out. At least he has a few weeks to recuperate. Sounds like you had a nice weekend, though, despite the heat. You have had a really hot summer, haven't you? Thanks for the info on PiYo. Do you consider them good add-ons? That is what I am looking for and not something that may conflict with any other rotation I am doing. Does that make sense? So all thoughts are appreciated. I ended up missing the free shipping offer on the program, but that is okay as I want to make sure I will use them before buying them. Hope you got some sleep last night!

    Thelma, sorry to hear about the mess at work! That sounds crazy. Hope things calm down for you there. Sounds like it has been a very tumultuous time for everybody there. Good job with the All Out Low Impact HiiT workout. I love that one too!!

    Laurie, glad you enjoyed your weekend. Sounds like both days were fun. I imagine it was much better walking around the faire in shorts!! I don't know how you did it in full dress for as long as you did. I agree about this latest STS CST workout. It was long but just flew by. I remember that next week's workouts are significantly shorter though. But just as tough!

    I probably won't get a chance to check in tomorrow as I am off to get my hair prettied up in the afternoon and do a few more things while I am out. So see you Thursday!!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ F.A.S.T. Class was almost identical to last week except she had us do Burpees in between each 2 minute rounds of weight work.:huh: So we did a minute of Burpees as our cardio in between . . . . which was roughly around 100 I would say! The girl I paired up with last night always thanks me for being her partner and for constantly challenging her to try to do more! I thought that was a really nice compliment. This a.m. I did get up (struggled due to night #2 of SNORING:grumble: ) but I did and was able to get in STS Legs! I owe myself an Ab workout though because I didn’t allow enough time :frown: Tonight will be Insane-X after work.

    Thelma: I’m glad that you were able to miss that announcement at work as well :wink: After going through that kind of a thing earlier this year (not on a global level but still a company change) it is stressful with all the uncertainties. Very nice work with XT HiiT!! Woo Hoo:drinker: and glad your feet are feeling better too. It was pretty exciting to try Kayaking for the first time. My BFF has gone a lot with her husband so I trusted her judgment on the river being so busy with boats, etc. that we would be safe. She was of course in a neon green kayak and I was in her husbands which is camouflage! :laugh:

    Laurie: Sounds like you did have a busy weekend but fun!!! Congrats to your hubby for the Best in Class on his car! :bigsmile: Glad you didn’t have guilt or wishing you were there when you back to the faire. I'm sure relief with not being in your long dress all day forsure. That STS workout is a longer one! :wink: I noticed that too and was glad it fell on Sunday for me; having the extra time. :laugh: I know you can relate to the snoring …… OY! Yes, the year he went on his health kick and lost 30 lbs there was zero snoring. It was amazing. I haven’t told him he is snoring the last couple nights because I’m sure he knows and I don’t want him to feel bad. You’re welcome on the PiYo reviews. I’ll keep them coming. I’m happy I’ve been able to get through that many already. LOL Don’t worry, the beauty of owning the set is that they will be there for you when you have the extra time & energy! No worries.

    Laurel: Another great workout today! :bigsmile: Way to swap it out since you just did X77 on Friday! I was looking at that too and thinking …. Hmmm, just did that one. We’ll see how I feel in the a.m. for which one I choose. We have had a really hot summer. It’s been very unusual for our area. We normally get a little spurt of hot weather (90’s) and then it backs off, heats up, backs off with rainy days in between. This a.m. we had thunder rolling through and some rain. Really muggy after that 100 degree day yesterday. It’s clear now but in the high 80’s so it feels good.

    To answer you about PiYo: :smile: I would say for the workouts I have done so far they would be good for add-ons if you want a shorter and “light” workout that involves working your core. I pictured there to be a little more PiLates/Yoga based moves which there are, but you are doing each move twice and moving on to a new segment. She definitely designed it to pack a lot into the short time. I do like that you get some stretching worked into each workout and the CORE workout was good but at the same time I was comparing the core work to all of Cathe’s Abwork & asking myself “would I do this in place of one of hers?” Like it, but not as a replacement for Cathe’s core work. Since you have more time to add-on I think these are great for that. Again, a shorter/light workout that works all parts of the body and/or an emphasis on upper or lower. But all involve working the core (which is where the yoga/pilates come in as a whole I would say). In the 4 that I have done I don’t feel like I am doing the same workout over & over again . . . which is good! I still have several more to go so I will keep you posted! I’ve started with the easier and working my way through. So far I would say that I definitely wouldn’t rely on them alone as my workout program ~ Add-on’s to any program I think would be a compliment to any type of workout and not interfere. (That’s a lengthy answer and also another way of saying “I’ll keep you posted” but hopefully it helps some). :flowerforyou:

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, I did spinning tonight. I was due for my PT exercises tonight but just didn't feel like it as I wanted to spend more time with my aunts given that these are my last few nights with them. Sorry I'm keeping my posts short but my time is limited now that I have my aunts here!
    My feet felt better today but I can tell my Achilles tendon is acting up on the right foot because I've not been sleeping with the boot. I'm so sick of doing that!
    Hopefully things at work will relax soon because I'm sure some people are nervous that we may be next. I just feel like saying can you please wait 4 more years so I can retire once you get rid of us? LOL

    Great job to all of you with the rotation workouts!
    Laurie, walking is also a workout! Unless of course your walk was like mine! LOL
    How exciting for you guys that your husband's car won best in class!
    We're expecting lots of heavy rain tomorrow so we are under flash flood watch.

    Laurel, have fun getting your hair all prettied up!

    Tami, sorry about the lack of good sleep due to your DH's snoring! Definitely a nice compliment your workout partner paid you! Kayaking sure sound looks like a lot of fun even if you're using a camouflage kayak! LOL
    My brother-in-law, his wife and my father-in-law who is in town will be coming to our house on Saturday. That will be an interesting day. It will be my FIL's first time in our house. Normally we have a lot of run with my BIL and his wife but it will be a little weird with my FIL here since we're not used to having him around.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Afternoon Ladies,

    Yesterday I had a horrible headache, so I didn't get my workout in. Today will be the Meso 2 Legs. I don't think I will be doing anything else, since it is my birthday and I have no idea what my family has in store for me.

    Laurel, I was going to nix the X10 DVD also, just had not decided which workout I wanted to do. Great sub for the X workout. I'm looking forward to some shorter workouts though. :wink: Hope you have a great time with your hair appointment.

    Tami, So sorry to hear about another night of snoring. :frown: Great workouts, and I too need to add in an extra ab workout. :laugh: Something that I tend to ignore way to much. I tend to do the same thing with my DH, he really doesn't like to know that I was kept awake from his snoring. I guess I did some payback at one point recently. :laugh:

    Thelma, Enjoy that time with your Aunts, that time goes by so fast. Don't worry about the short posts, I have done that many times. Just way to many things going on. Hope that rain isn't to bad for you.

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Last night’s Insane-X class was the “old format”. Katy was gone so we had Aimee and she did a good job! Felt a little strange doing the old format since we have been doing those crazy obstacle course type workouts with Katy now for so long :laugh: But it was a good workout and glad I went! No workout this a.m. . . . between a thunder storm and Mr SNORE it was another restless night. :yawn: :frown: Dang it . . . I have some “makeup work” to do on Saturday – which will leave me time to do X77. :smile: Tonight is going to be Spinning and I believe Katy is gone for the rest of the week so we will have a sub.

    Thelma: Nice job with Spinning! :smile: I understand you wanting to spend every moment left with your aunts. Hope you had another fun evening with them. Dang it on the Achilles acting up . . I’m sure you are very tired of the boot. That would be uncomfortable forsure to sleep in. I need to see how my BIL is doing now with his Achilles and if it is better, etc. Doing his exercises, etc. Yes, I am still suffering with no sleep :yawn: Last night's new challenge added into the mix was a storm so between Emma up & down and panting and pacing on one side & DH snoring/tossing & turning I am ready to go lock myself in the spare bedroom. Fingers crossed that your time with BIL and FIL will go smoothly! Hoping you end up having the fun you always have and your FIL can join in!

    Laurie: Happy, Happy Birthday to you!! :drinker: :bigsmile: :drinker: :bigsmile: I hope you have a great time with your family tonight! Very nice and hopefully that headache is gone! :wink: Thanks for the good wishes on my workouts & glad I'm not the only one who misses those ab workouts sometimes.

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow,

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    No birthday celebration last night, my MIL fell and broke her shoulder! :frown: She fell over the coffee table (she was carrying something, so probably didn't pay attention to where she was), and shattered her humerus. The worst part was that my FIL (who had a stroke about 22 years ago) didn't hand her the phone for about 40 minutes. He was sitting in his chair watching TV while she was yelling for him. :noway: Of course she refused to have the life alert or anything similar installed, so this is what happens. You can't have strange people coming into your home you know. :grumble: She has an appointment with the surgeon today, so we will see what happens. This isn't the first time she has fallen this year, she just broke her wrist in the spring. Now there is going to be a loving care person coming in daily to help them.

    Anyway I did get my STS Meso 2 Leg workout done, and I added KCM's 30MTF Kickboxing Core/Ab Premix. Just didn't want to do the stability ball workout. :wink:

    Tami, Thank you for the birthday wishes, it wasn't to bad of an evening. I made myself and the youngest a steak, with wild rice and broccoli. Have fun with the rest of the week without Katy, guess all of you members will have to remind her how good of an instructor she is. Sorry to hear that Mr. Snore is still at it, that isn't fun. I have to do some make-up work on Saturday also. I don't think that it will be the X77 though. :laugh: I might do one of the Michelle Dozois circuit workouts. I have not workout out with her for a long time.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Yesterday's workout before my hair appointment was STS Back and Biceps and XT Tabatacise with Core 1. Made for a good combo. Today I felt like hitting the legs again, so I started with Lean Legs and Abs and followed it with the 66 minute premix from PRS#1. :heart: So much fun!!

    Laurie, Happy Birthday! I am so sorry to hear about your MIL though! She must have been in so much pain! I have dislocated both of my shoulders, and shoulder injuries are so hard to recover from. I hope her meeting with the surgeon went well and they are able to do something for her. Good job getting the leg workout in despite everything going on.

    Thelma, I hope you continue to enjoy these last few days with your aunts. I bet you will be so sad to see them go, especially since they live so far away. Hope your feet are feeling better. I could feel my Achilles acting up during the step workout today so I made sure I adjusted right away. Don't need that hurting me again!! So you have my sympathy and understanding.

    Tami, thank you so much for the info on PiYo!! That really helps me understand the focus of the program. I might look into it more after we move (since we are trying to save money now!). I must admit, I was kind of hoping to hear they were more 'genuinely' Pilates or Yoga, but :ohwell: . Sorry to hear the sleep troubles continue! Hopefully once your DH is rested up from his trips, you can start resting again too!! Great job, as always, with the workouts. Your gym workouts sounds fantastic!!!

    Must run! Until tomorrow!!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Spinning was great last night. :bigsmile: Katy was there but is now gone for the rest of the week. We do have a good instructor filling in tomorrow night though. Happy to report that I finally was able to get in a good night sleep! WooHoo. So this a.m. I did STS Back/Bi’s :drinker: Emma was quiet, DH was moderately quiet and I woke up only once before my alarm vs. multiple wake ups!

    Laurie: I’m sorry to hear about your MIL! :frown: Sounds like my Grandma when she broke her nose about 10 yrs ago; she slipped while she was knelt on her washer and went face first into it. Of course didn’t call anyone, including me (she was living here at the time) and drove herself to the hospital. I can’t even imagine:noway: At any rate, I hope your MIL received good news from the surgeon. Poor little fragile bones :ohwell: Good idea on the daily care person coming in it sounds like. Hopefully they are both receptive to that?!? Great job getting in the Leg workout & your KB add-on! :bigsmile:

    Laurel: I’m so glad that helped on PiYO. :wink: Felt like I was rambling a bit without a lot of specific info. As I mentioned I will definitely keep you posted as I do more of them. Good grief friend ~ you are killing it as usual with the workouts! :drinker: Nice job. I know what you mean on saving $$ when we built our house we did that because of course you want to “upgrade” to different things or buy all new this or that for your new home. So much fun! Can’t wait for you to be right into the process. Super exciting. :bigsmile: Thanks for the kudos on the workouts ~ feels a little off schedule :ohwell: but that’s life sometimes as we all know so well! I did tell DH last night that I was headed to bed and hoped we had a nice quiet night. I blamed it more on Emma. He said, well I know I tossed & turned like crazy last night … so it was a perfect segway into me saying “yes and talked and snored” :laugh: I did mention the next bed we buy needs to be a King Size bed. He said, let’s do it! So might be bed shopping in the near future. I’m willing to save up for a Temperpedic …. I guess you don’t feel the other person moving at all.

    Hi Thelma :flowerforyou:

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, Tonight I did some spinning and yesterday I did Chris Freytag's Walking Cardio ShapeUp which I really liked. I picked up my refurb'd pair of orthotics and they feel great. I dropped off my second pair so they can get refurb'd too.
    Glad to see that you're continuing to do those amazing workouts!
    Laurie, happy belated birthday!

    Laurel, I hope your hair came out great. New hair dresser right? That's always scary. I've been going to the same one for way too many years to remember and now she's having her first baby and will only work part time so I'm going to find someone new since I can only get there on Saturdays.

    Tami, sorry about the lack of sleep! I can understand how you feel because I couldn't sleep last night thinking that I had to get up early to go to the airport. I have to get up at 2:30AM tomorrow to take my aunt to the airport and then both DH and I will head to our respective jobs. I hope I can be at work before 6:30AM. We have to leave the house at 4AM, will get my aunt checked in, through security and we'll leave. Then we have company on Saturday so I have to clean up the house tomorrow night. Crazy!

    Good night! Life will be back to normal next week!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Yesterday I did a Michelle Dozois Your Best Body Circuit, it is one of her older ones. It was a more intermediate version of the ones in the Peak 10 set. I think that I will seriously look at buying her newest set that she is putting out. I just like her style. Will be leaving early today, since it is guilt free Friday. Need to get to the grocery store, and then STS Meso 2 Back & Biceps and some type of cardio. Have not decided on what yet, but thinking that I need to do something that I have not tried in a while. It has been nice to revisit some of the workouts that have been collecting some dust. Maybe KCM's Train Like a Contender. :bigsmile:

    My MIL will have surgery on her shoulder Wednesday.

    Laurel, Great workouts! It surprises me that coming up with certain combos of workouts can be so much fun. :wink: Of course you get in some that I don't know if I will ever attempt. :laugh: I probably will never do the X77, just scares me way to much. Thank you for the bday wishes.

    Tami, Yippee on getting some sleep. You probably slept better because you have not had a regular sleep in a while. :wink: Great job on your workouts also. You are correct on the fragile bones, and for the fact that she doesn't get her feet high enough. My father is like that also, and he fell when we where up at the cabin. He didn't hurt himself, but sure gave us a scare. Just seeing how week their muscles are getting as they age, lets me know that I need to keep lifting weights. DH and I talked about this after his mother fell, and I told him that men's bones get more fragile as we age. I told him that he needs to start lifting weights to strengthen them. I hope this has made him more aware of this, and I can get him into lifting weights with me. Maybe after this STS rotation, I can get him to start with me this fall.

    Thelma, Wonderful workouts for you also! That is a very early call to the airport! :noway: You are probably going to need a nap before you start your cleaning. :wink: Sending you extra energy vibes ~ ~ ~ :bigsmile:

    Have a great weekend,
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today's workout started with Flex Train. DH joined me, and he was sweating like crazy by the time it was over! I think he needs to work on his endurance. :wink: But he enjoyed it, and so did I. This workout is growing on me, especially when I add it in to an otherwise tough workout/weight week, like this week. I followed it with X52 to kind of make up for the scheduled workout I skipped on Tuesday.

    Thelma, boy you are having a couple of long, busy days now. I hope your aunts got off safely, but that is an early flight! :noway: I hope you made it to work safely....and managed to stay awake all day. :yawn: I hope you enjoy your company tomorrow!

    Laurie, sounds like a good workout! I have never done one of her workouts. Sometimes I think I need to step away from Cathe to add a bit more variety to my program. I don't only because I am so familiar with Cathe that I find the familiarity easy. In other words.....I am too lazy to learn new workouts! :blushing: Maybe someday. I am glad your MIL was able to get a surgery scheduled relatively quickly. Hopefully they are managing her pain right now. This can't be easy on either she or your FIL.

    Tami, yay for the sleep!! Nothing is better than a good night's sleep when you've not had one for awhile. I will have to remember that about Tempurpedic. DH and I are talking king size bed as well (down the road a bit), and I definitely want something where you can't feel the other person move. We had a bed like that in a hotel room in Phoenix when we were there this past Thanksgiving, and I have thought about calling them up to ask what kind of bed it was!! But it was wonderful! In fact, DH was laying on his side reading, and I was up across the room. I got into the bed and he starts talking to me like I was still a room away!! He had no idea I was in the same bed. It was perfect!! Glad the spin class was fun!

    We went and checked on our property today....and they are working on our house!! They were digging for the initial plumbing today. So exciting to see work being done!! I am getting really excited!:drinker:

    Hope you all have a great weekend!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Happy Friday Ladies ~ :drinker: :bigsmile: It's felt like a long week for me. Relaxing evening at home last night, earlier dinner than our normal when I go to the gym and this a.m. was Flex Train, which felt good. Always like to go a little heavier in that one, but I enjoy the flow of it from exercise-to-exercise & the abwork at the end is good. Tonight will be Spinning with our sub instructor & as I mentioned, planning on X77 in the a.m. :bigsmile:

    Thelma: Yowsa! :huh: :yawn: That is an early airport visit and then off to work. That would be the hardest part of all . . . it’s one thing if you know you can just stumble back home and take a nap if needed but to be ready for your whole day after that. No fun. Hopefully that deliriousness kicks in to keep you going! Great news on the refurb orthotics feeling great! I would imagine those are way less expensive than a new pair. Glad to hear you liked the Walking Cardio Shape Up! I bet it was a little kinder to your tender feet. I totally know how that is when you have to get up and so then you can’t sleep. I do it to myself almost every time I fly to see my mom. Partially because I always pick the early flight to get there and have a whole day and the other part because I am so wound up to see her and spend time with her = NO SLEEP. :laugh:
    Hopefully you get in a nap or a super good night sleep before your new round of company arrives. Good luck this weekend ~ hope it all goes well.:flowerforyou: :wink:

    Laurie: I wondered if that MD workout was a new one or older one?!? Great that you enjoyed it enough to explore her “new” ones. Is her new set similar to what she has been doing or something entirely different? Glad your MIL has it all scheduled and like Laurel said, they are managing the pain?!? It really does make you appreciate lifting weights more & more and continuing on with it to stay strong. I bet your DH is really taking a look now after seeing his mom and dad in the aging process. That will be fantastic if he joins you!

    Laurel: YOWSA! :noway: Another great day. . . great job getting in that “skipped” workout but I felt like you already had extra credit in that department!!!! :wink: Nicely done. Flex Train is definitely one I like to add on to or use as an add-on or like you said, simply during a week that might be tougher than others with every other workout stacked in. I’m sure she kept that in mind doing this rotation. I am glad I at least have Spin tonight! Love it that DH joined you for the Flex Train portion, that’s so awesome. :drinker: That’s funny on the hotel bed & him not even knowing you were there. The Tempurpedic beds I have heard from 2 different people I know AMAZING feedback just as I said, so definitely worth looking into. I know if my DH is serious about it and we can swing it financially I am IN! Yahoo that they have started digging . . . I can imagine you are both beyond excited. So happy for you guys!

    Have a great weekend ladies ~ :drinker:
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, I hope you all had a great weekend. Mine was busy but good. I did spinning on Friday and today and on Saturday I did Bob Harper: Ultimate Cardio Body. There are a lot of lunges on the Bob's workout so that wasn't very good for my feet :mad: but the upper body workout part was great for my shoulders/back! Go figure!

    Saturday turned out to be a really good family gathering. I thought it was going to be awkward having my FIL around but he was just fine. The food was a huge hit so we were happy about that.

    My aunts left and we survived the early trips to the airport. Thank God I'm able to drink coffee! That's how I survived going to work on Friday. I actually got to work at 6:10AM that day! LOL

    Laurie, great workouts! Your MIL broke something on her shoulder when she fell? Is that why the surgery?

    Laurel, incredible workouts as always! So glad to see that your DH joined you for a workout! Is this the first time he joins you since he hurt himself last time?
    OMG! I'm so excited for you and your DH that the house is finally being worked on. It's hard to believe that it will be ready in December! That is so funny about the hotel bed! :laugh: We've had a Sleep Number bed for 9-10 years now and we love it. I think that hotel bed you're talking about may be a really firm bed which I'm sure I would love.

    Tami, awesome job with those workouts! You've been on FI-YA!!!
    I'm so glad you finally got some sleep! I couldn't believe how alert I was on Friday at work thanks to the dark roast coffee I was drinking. The reason why I'm having my orthotics reburb is because they're custom made and they literally just replace the upper sole. Everything else is about my arch and heel. The may part of the orthotic is underneath the upper sole so that is what was replaced. There was no need to redo the foot mold to figure out my arch and heel. Refurb'ing is definitely cheaper.

    Good night!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I did do the TLC workout of Kelly's on Friday, and really enjoyed it. Saturday was Flex Train and Sunday STS Meso 2 Back, Shoulders & Triceps along with the Yoga based Abs. :wink: I thought doing the Flex Train would be to much lifting, but I went light with the weights, so I think I did okay.

    The lady that made this rotation created another one called 2 month STS/Metabolic/Hiit Undulating Rotation. Looks like something that I would be interested in for sometime in the future.:wink:

    Laurel, You are right it was a really tough week for this Meso cycle. I really enjoyed the shorter workout yesterday. :happy: That is great on your DH liking Flex Train, have to say that I really liked it from the start. It reminds me of Michelle Dozois Pure Strength workout from her set. If you enjoy your Cathe workout, then keep doing them. I have a hard time sticking with one instructor for a long time, so I need to add in other instructors for my exercise ADD. :laugh: I think that I have my DH on the road to lifting weights. Dealing with his parents have convinced him that he doesn't want our children going through this same thing.

    Tami, You and Laurel have some great endurance to get through that X77 workout. :wink: From the information I have on the new set, it will not be as advanced as her current set. She mentioned that it would be for those people that want to get back into fitness, or just starting out. I enjoy doing intermediate workouts every once in a while, and I love MD so I will be buying it. She is including a 360 workout into this set also. I have not tried one of those yet, so am interested in that. Lets all cross our fingers on the DH getting motivated to do some workouts with me. All I would like at this point is the lifting of weights.

    Thelma, Interesting on that BH workout. He really does a lot of shoulder work in his workouts, so I'm glad to hear that your upper body was doing fine. Hope those feet start feeling better as you progress. Yes my MIL fell and broke her humerus. She has an appointment today to make sure all her vitals are doing okay, and then will be going into surgery on Wednesday. I made them a tuna casserole yesterday, and broke it up into portions for them. She of course doesn't want me to do anything for them, she says I'm much to busy. I love to cook, so this is something that I can do. :wink:

    Have a great day!