Cathe Fans Part 5



  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, PT and spinning tonight and my shoulders were fine today after yesterday's bi's and tri's workout. I train with Kevin tomorrow.
    I was able to wear the compression socks I'm allergic to I bought before I went to Ireland. I wore them over long socks and I survived the day. I'd get a little itch here and there nothing that I felt I had to scratch. The socks did help a little but not as good as the KT tape. I finally gave in just taped my feet. I don't think I did a good taping job so I don't think this tape will stay on too long.

    Great workout today Laurie! I can't wait to hear what you think of X10. This Tracie Long workout is definitely a winner for me. It's funny she still talks like all The Firm trainers do! LOL I actually ordered 2 more of her DVD's the other night. Of course I wish I could be doing Cathe workouts!

    Tami, I'm glad you continue to enjoy your Bootcap/FAST class. Great workouts today! X10 is a great one! Definitely cardio day!
    I clearly did too much on my feet too soon so I relapsed. DH doesn't think we have to wait till my aunts leave in mid-August to order the floor but he is so busy with work that I don't know if he'll get around to doing it before mid-August.
    I'm really happy that I was able to do the upper body workout and I've been doing some of the pushups and mountain climbers which is huge progress for me. The plank is not something I'm ready to do yet given what happened last week after my one minute plank. I think I want to try the XT back, chest and shoulders workout soon. I will use light weights of course.
    AWWW! Poor Emma being scared! I bet you guys are glad to get some relief from the heat soon! We've been under thunderstorm and heavy rains since Sunday night and nothing! Finally a little while ago I heard thunder and the rain finally came. Good timing because our rain barrels were pretty empty. We have water bans in our area every year and the rain barrels allow us t o water our plants. The rain is supposed to stick around all night tonight and all day tomorrow.
    This weekend will be a busy one for me. I'm taking Friday off and I'm going to be getting the guest room ready for my aunts. I need to wash the clothes they keep here to refresh them since they've been in a dresser since last year. I've also taken over the closet in that room so need to make room for them. I have a lot of laundry to do! LOL
    What is that KCM Plateau Buster workout like? High impact? I wish KCM will make her covers unique covers for her DVD's because a lot of them look alike like you said.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    If I hadn't tried the hard (hi/lo) portion first, I don't know if I would have liked X10 as much as I did. :laugh: Making me do the Hi/Lo first, and then getting into the Cardio Blast and Fat Burning portion made this workout doable. :laugh: I did the X53 Premix, and I don't know if I have ever sweated so much before. I do think that I'm sweating more now that I'm headed into menopause though. My legs and face just drip, but I think if I didn't exercise I would be in worse condition (if I go by what some women go through during this time:wink: ) I will have to try more of the premixes, so far X10 is tough but I know that I'm not going to dread the next time it comes up on the rotation. My tuck jumps where just horrible toward the end though. :laugh: I think that Cathe said something about not getting up so high. I was barley getting off the floor. :laugh:

    Tami, What premix did you do? I don't think I will ever try the X77 premix! :noway: I was beat at the end, so I know I wouldn't have been in any condition to try longer. Maybe on a weekend day when I haven't been working all day. :wink: Try it once just to say that I did accomplish that. I'm surprised at how much I'm burning on these weight workouts. I do set my exertion rate at the one Cathe has set up on the workout manager for her workouts. I think the Meso 2 workouts will not have as much of a burn, since there are longer rest breaks. I have the Shape Up workout, but have not tried it yet. I agree with you on her covers. I can look at the workouts and it takes me a while to find the right one. Yes that is the heavy weight workout that she just came out with. I have heard some good things about it. I have not tried all the 100 rep add-ons from the previous rotation I did with XTrain, so I'm looking forward to doing the workouts next week. So far I'm really enjoying this rotation. These 4 weeks have flown by, and I have not dreaded any of the workouts.

    Thelma, Sorry to hear that you are having problems with your feet again. Great that your DH is willing to put in the floor for you, that is awesome. I was surprised at how intense the X10 workout was. I didn't read any reviews on it, but I really loved it. I found it way more fun that her IMax workouts. Of course I don't enjoy the step, so that might have something to do with it. I like the fact that she doesn't stay on one exercise for to long. That is the problem that I have with the IMax. I can't Jennie hops on one leg for endless minutes. :noway:

    Laurel, I'm guessing that you have done that X77? I'm impressed with anyone that has been able to do all those sections at once.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! I enjoyed a good day with my in-laws yesterday. We showed them our new house site and the model of our home, so that was fun. It is nice being able to spend more time with family. DH is fully recovered from his back issues, so we tried to play golf today. We got through six holes before the rain and lightening ran us off.....but it was a fun six holes!! Some of the best golf I've played if I am being honest.

    The workouts continue to be great. Yesterday was X77, which I love. Today was the end of Meso 1 with Back and Triceps, and I went really heavy! I followed it with Cathe's Greatest Hits workout and the core from Cardio and Weights. Good stuff!

    Laurie....yes, I did X77. :blushing: You've got me pegged! It is tough, but I love how my body feels completely worked out at the end. The only segment of the five I don't really like is the step section, but in X77 she starts with that, so once I am through that, I look forward to the rest of the workout. One of the things I love about this DVD is I don't feel like I have to do X77 to feel like I've gotten a good workout though. In fact, when we moved, I was doing just one segment, and that is really good for some quick, tough cardio. I think this is one of Cathe's best for that reason. And, yeah, my tuck jumps look a lot like heal lifts at times! :blushing: :laugh: But I try!!

    Thelma, hope your feet are feeling better. DH didn't really do anything specific to hurt himself. I think the drive across the country irritated his back, and he never let it heal properly. I do think his running (he would go out running after we lifted weights) probably irritated it last week since he doesn't really cool down or stretch properly. And he also thinks part of it could have been dehydration of sorts (and that wouldn't surprise me). But a few days rest seem to have helped, which is good. I haven't let him workout yet.....but he wants to! I think he needs to give it some more time, though. Glad you enjoyed the Tracie Long workout. I liked her when I was doing The Firm workouts.

    Tami, hope things are cooling off for you! I am glad you didn't let the hot weekend bother you too much, is still hot! My FIL said this is as bad as Florida gets right now (hot, humid and rainy), and, to be honest, I will take this every day over the heat we had at times in Colorado that was dry and hot and over 100......and without AC. So I hope you are back to 'normal' now. I was looking ahead at the next few weeks of workouts in this rotation, and there is so much variety! Next week is, of course, XTrain. But then those first few weeks in Meso 2 will be an interesting blend of STS and the Low Impact Series. This will make me do some workouts I don't do very often, and I like it when that happens. So happy with this rotation right now. Thank you again!!!! Regarding DH's back, it really sounds like it was a muscle strain. He never got to the point (as I have in the past) where he couldn't walk or lift his legs up and such. To me, that is what signals 'throwing it out'. But like your DH, my DH has almost chronic pain in his back which is no fun for him. How is your DH and his elbow? Is it okay for him fishing? I hope so!

    Enjoy the rest of the day!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies – Another crazy Insane-X format! :noway: :bigsmile: It was same as last week (5 times on each for 45 seconds w/ a 10 second break in between) OH wait, followed by 10 burpees at the end of each. A few different stations, one being suicide drills (aka “lines”) on the other half of the gym. WHAT?!?:huh: I was glad that station came for me in the middle of them all instead of the end. But of course box jumps were my last station! OY
    This a.m. was STS Back/Tri’s, tonight will be Spinning after work. 98 degrees today and then we get a little cool down into the higher 80’s – low 90’s. This Sunday will be a “cool” 78 degrees. Maybe a group cycling ride will happen?! It was just too hot last weekend.

    Thelma: Awesome work with PT & Spinning! :drinker: I’m happy for you that the shoulders are doing so well these days. Smart to be easing into the upper body with lighter weights :wink: Yes, the relief will be nice. Our area isn’t exactly used to a steady stream of HOT weather so it is a lot this early on for us. Again, not complaining because it could turn to cold and rain, that’s North Idaho for you. My mom in Portland, OR is having these temps too. Poor thing, she has to set up her sprinklers and move hoses, water, etc. Luckily we have a sprinkler system.
    I tried to give Emma some special “calming treats” that I had ordered for the 4th of July and fireworks moments …. Put a handful down in front of her. She had no interest in them. :frown: So I don’t know if they work or not. Just happy it passed through quickly.
    Pleateau Buster is a Cardio-Toning combination style workout. I think the highest impact she has in this one is jumping jacks & squat jumps, so I would say not too high impact, these are both moves you could easily modify. I have done the hour long premix but there are 2 different shorter workouts (as most of her DVDs are). It goes back and forth between light weights and cardio. Whereas Shape Up is that format too but set up to be an interval/HiiT style with the 8 rounds of 20:10 time frame.

    Laurie: Isn’t X10 fabulous! :drinker: :bigsmile: :heart: Great job getting through X53 on your first go at it! I usually do the X64 (which is the one I did) and I have done the X77 but I usually have more time for that one on a Sat or Sun. It’s a sweat fest forsure. I was going to answer for Laurel because I also knew forsure she did X77 + something else probably! :laugh: Glad I’m not the only one on the KCM covers. I love it that the month has flown by for you too. :bigsmile:

    Laurel: We do know you well don’t we?!?! :laugh: :wink: Fabulous job on X77 and today’s combo as well! I’m with you guys on this rotation feeling so great . . . look forward to all the workouts and it will definitely keep our bodies guessing with the variety as well. I’m glad you had a nice time with your in-laws, I’m sure they are thrilled for you two. I have always heard that Florida is super hot and humid. The times I was there it was warm and super windy! Great that DH was feeling up to a little golf. That’s great, he must be on the mend with his back. Thanks for asking about DH’s elbow. While he has been fishing every day it throbs at night and he has “bumped” it a couple times so then it really throbs & swells he said but he is fighting through it. The fishery he is at right now the fish aren’t that big and luckily the clients reel them in, but this Fall . . . well you’ve seen some of my pics. That may HURT when he sets the hook, because he does that and then hands the rod off to clients. Fingers crossed he doesn’t aggrevate it too much and it continues to heal. The KT tape on it really helps give it support but he said he has been sweating it right off this week. It’s 100++ where he is.:noway: So he tapes it at night and when it falls off during the day he just continues on. I’m going there next weekend (the 26th) for my Summer fishing trip with another couple. It will be fun, HOT but fun. We will probably see my Aunt & Uncle again this year since they only live about 25 min away from where we will be.

    Hope you ladies have a great evening! Talk to you tomorrow . . . Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    I trained with Kevin tonight and did the elliptical.That went pretty well. I did a really BAD taping job on my feel and the tape was already coming off this morning even though I wore long socks but the tape is helping with the pain on my feet and they feel better. I have PT tomorrow for my shoulders.
    I've decided I'm going to return Jillian's DVD's. A big red flag went off in my head when she started the workout with "there's no warm up because this is a cardio workout" and right away started with jumping jacks! I wonder how many people are hurting their knees because of that.

    Laurie, I knew you would like X10! I don't have any iMax workouts but if it's a step workout I always get lost! LOL . X10 really makes you sweat. I take a supplement called Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc for hot flashes and it works. I use Nature's Made. Take one a day.
    I really hope DH has time to do the floor for me. He's too busy with work so I'm not holding my breath. He works at home at night after he's been at work all day. Then this weekend they're doing a special project so he'll be working from home Friday night and Saturday. I don't expect anything until the end of August or September. He'll do it though.

    Laurel, great workouts as always. You always come up with great combos! I'm glad your DH is doing better. Not stretching is probably part of his problem. That long drive from CO probably didn't help much. Maybe he's been doing too much exercise wise and is not allowing his body to recover. Good for you for making him take a break from working out so his back can get better.
    So glad you had a great time with the in-laws and had a chance to play golf today. Sounds like you guys are happy with the choice you made to move to FL!
    My feet feel much better than yesterday. Thanks for asking. I should've taped my feet last week but hate having to shower with that tape on and then I have to wait till the tape dries before I can put socks on. I do blow dry my feet a little bit to help the drying process.

    Tami, you killed that Insane-X workout! Serious burn! Is Katy getting tougher or what? Great job with that rotation too! What time do you go to bed at night? I can't get myself to get to bed early anymore. I used to get up at 4 AM to workout!
    I still can't believe the hot weather you've been having. It rained soooo hard here today that roads were flooded and my tall tomato plants were flat on the ground. The hard rain somehow weighed them down with cage and all! The plants are also full of tomatoes. DH and I had to go out to pick them up and put tall stakes around the plant to make sure the branches could stay upright.
    I'm glad my shoulders are doing better. AT leat that is doing better! The other day when my feet were hurting I wanted to give up exercising. I was like: why bother if I keep getting hurt no matter what I do?
    Your poor mom with those hoses! That is such a pain to do. We had to do that early on but in the last few years this town has had a water ban so if they catching watering your grass they can shut your water off.
    Too bad Emma wouldn't try the calming treats! I wonder if it's because she was scared already? Have you tried Rescue Remedy? It's a homeopathic liquid for pets that you can add to her water or rub some to the inside of her ears. I can't say that it works but other people say it does.
    That Plateau Buster workout sounds really good. I was checking out today one of her new ones called Gym Intervals. I may get that one because I have the spinning bike and the treadmill. I can't run so most likely I would do the bike.

    I can't believe your husband's KT tape is coming off like that! I know last night I didn't do a good job with the alcohol pad I was using to clean the oils off my skin. I could tell I wasn't rubbing the tape good enough too. I did use a blow dryer to generate heat and I think I did it too much. I hope he doesn't hurt that elbow! I can't imagine how much it hurt when he bumped it! OUCH! Sounds like you're going to have a great weekend fishing!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Last of the Meso 1 workouts with Back and Triceps, and was super happy with the weights on this one. Feeling my back this morning, so I know I worked it with the right weights. I will have to workout every day up until Wednesday. We are leaving for my brothers cabin on that day. My niece is having her graduation party on the 26th. Of course there is no internet to speak of, but one of my BIL's will probably have a hot spot so I can at least get on to track my eating. I know that I will be eating horribly, just hope not to bad. :huh: Hoping to at least do some yoga while I'm there, just not enough room for anything else. Figured I could do some yoga on the boat dock. We will see if the fishermen will be wondering what the crazy lady is doing. :laugh:

    Laurel, Glad to hear that your DH's back is doing so well, and that you had a nice time with your in-laws. I knew you had done that crazy premix! I will try it at some point, but I know that I will never have the energy after working all day. It was tough just doing the X53 after a day at work. I think that I picked the X53 workout because it didn't contain the step portion. :laugh: Is that one pretty difficult as far as choro? I was thinking the same thing about X10, since the sections are all over 20 min. you can add them onto another workout or just do them as a stand alone. I really like the hi/lo portion, since she put in all the moves that I actually like. :laugh: I'm glad I'm not the only one on the tuck jump. :wink:

    Tami, WOW on your X workout! :wink: Sounds like it was really tough. I will have to squeeze that Shape Up workout in somewhere during this rotation. I think her Bootcamp workout would work really well at some point too. Glad to hear that you temps will be coming down soon. I like when the weekends are not to hot. Sorry to hear that your DH is having to deal with these issues with his elbow until he can get it taken care of. Has to be painful for him.

    Thelma, I think that is a wise decision on the Jillian workout, even though I really enjoy all her workouts. I just wish she wouldn't do exercises that are so high impact, because I really do get some great results. I really like her Yoga Meltdown, even though some people don't like it. Thanks for the info on the Nature Made product. I just hate it when I get out of the shower and I'm getting ready for work. All of a sudden my face is dripping all my makeup off my face. :grumble: I just keep telling myself that this will pass at some point in the future. :laugh: I think I gave away all the Imax workouts, just because I didn't enjoy them.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Good workout this morning. I started with Legs and Glutes....just to hit the legs a second time this week. Then I did the 73 minute premix from Party Rockin' Step 2. Love that workout! DH and I also got 18 holes of golf in today, so it was a good, active day. :heart:

    Tami, that sounds like an insane Insane X class! Yowza! I am sure it felt good....after it was over! :tongue: But it probably felt brutal while it was happening. :ohwell: I hope your husband continues to heal despite the heat and conditions he is going through right now. But it does sound like this fall may be tough on him. I remember the size of fish you posted the past couple of years. :noway: Maybe he can get a hand if he needs it? I don't know how that works. I am glad you are going out there soon as well. It sounds like fun. But, as you said, HOT.....but fun.

    Thelma, I think it is smart to return the Jillian DVD. If it doesn't work for you, it doesn't work for you. I know I would be annoyed by her implying you don't need to warm-up for cardio. That makes no sense. I do have some cardio workouts (like Insanity) that start right in with impact, but it is slower, controlled impact called a warm-up. In other words, there is no sense that there is no warm-up at all. DH and I are very happy with our choice of Florida right now. It really suits us!

    Laurie, the step part of X10 doesn't have any choreography to speak of. I don't really know why I don't like it, to be honest. I think it is because there are no fun moves or music. And I think there are some of both in the other sections. But it is very 'doable' without being too tripped up. Though, as is the case with many of Cathe's step workouts anymore, her cuing isn't great on the step part. But the moves themselves are very basic. I will be joining you in working out straight through until next Wednesday. DH and I are hoping to take a quick trip to Key West next week. Looking forward to that!

    See you tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Today’s workout was Cardio Fusion! :smile: It has been a really long time since I did that one but opted for that in place of PR Step :blushing: It’s definitely a great workout and lots of step. I was going to mow the lawn tonight but what’s a couple more days and cooler temps to do it in.

    Thelma: I’m so glad that KT tape is helping. It’s miracle stuff forsure! :bigsmile: I know with DH’s elbow he said just having that support on there. The tendons that are holding things together so to speak and/or damaged in that area have relief with the support from the KT tape. When he can keep it on. You have to understand, he’s not “prepping” like he should. Just taping her up and it’s already hot out so his skin probably isn’t completely dried when he is putting it on. He didn’t have problems while he was home …. I was helping him though.
    Sounds like your workout with Kevin went pretty good, that’s great. I can imagine your frustration with the roller coaster of foot pain. Don’t give up girl!!! :flowerforyou: You’ve come this far and are learning to aid the process. Do your best each day, that’s all you can do. Good to know ahead of time on those workouts that if it is not your style just move on. As we have all had to do and we all know there are several out there to replace them! :laugh: I bet that Gym Intervals would be a great one if you have all the equipment! I think Katy enjoys making it tough but depending on who is in her class she can only make it “so tough” as to not have people never come back or complain. Lately it has been the “die hard usuals” so she has been making it tougher. Next week is the beach workout. It sounds like running and burpees & whatever she can think of in the sand.
    I try to be in bed between 9-9:30 every night. My alarm goes off at 4:15. Gives me a little time to get into my workout clothes, maybe a cup of coffee/snack, set up the workout area and go to it!

    Laurie: Great job finishing up Meso 1! :smile: I’m always kind of happy to see the chin-ups/pull-ups go away. Although that probably means I need to do more of them. :laugh: Sounds like you have a fun trip ahead and working out every day right up to it you may enjoy the small break. Is that where you went last year? I remember you going somewhere and doing Yoga out on the dock. Maybe you could pack a cooler of healthy foods for yourself to help not fall off too far?!?! The choreography is not challenging; like Laurel said, there really isn't choreography in X10 on the step portion – yet another plus for me! :bigsmile:

    Laurel: Great job today! :drinker: I really need to actually try the PR Step so I can someday say I love it! :laugh: :wink: How fun you were able to get in some more golf too. :drinker: Yes, Insane-X was exactly like that. Brutal at the time, but felt great when I was done. Luckily this fall DH will have some help actually. My step son will be coming from Alaska for several weeks, so if by then he is hurting a lot (or hopefully not) he will have some relief. :smile:

    Hope you ladies have a great evening ~ Talk to you tomorrow! Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    HI Ladies, TGIF for me! :bigsmile: I did my spinning bike tonight. I had PT today and for a change my shoulder blades don't want to stay down so I was way off. and a little tendon around the outer part of the shoulder blade gets really tight and it throbs like crazy all the time. Ian went nuts on me with a technique I've seen them use but I had idea what the heck it was going to be like. He said it would hurt. HURT wast the understatement of the year. It hurt like hell but I just kept reminding myself to breathe. The tool he used is a Graston tool. There is technique called Graston. The tool he used was like a paint scraper and the motion he used was exactly that. He put serious muscle into scraping the crap out of that area. I thought I was going to end up without any skin and totally bloody. So I just looked it up and it's something known as "Tissue Provocation Therapy"
    Although not always painful, it often is — as a provocation therapy must be in principle. In particular, its goal is to “break down scar tissue and fascial restrictions,” and may target tissues that are chronically painful, like a case of tendonitis.

    If you go to that site there is a picture of The results of a Gua Sha treatment, a more aggressive ancestor of modern tool-massage. It roughly translates to “scrape or scratch, causing a rash.” That is what the outer side of my left shoulder blade looks like. After reading this article I'm scared that I had this done!

    My new Tracie Long DVD's arrived today so I'll be trying at least one of them this weekend. I am glad I'm returning Jillian's workouts. I shouldn't have gotten them knowing that I wasn't in love with the workouts from her Revolution program.
    I'm off tomorrow and have a lot of errands to run. DH and I will go out to dinner and he has to work from home on Saturday. I'll be getting stuff ready for my aunt's arrival next Friday.

    Ladies, you are doing an AWESOME job with the rotation. :drinker: :drinker:

    Laurie, congrats on finishing up the Meso 1 workouts! How long will you be gone for next week? I hate having to be somewhere where there is no place to workout at. That is what happens when I go to El Salvador. I know how you're feeling about the food you're going to be eating because my aunts arrive next Friday to stay with us for THREE weeks so I'm afraid there will be a lot of temptations.
    BTW, that supplement for hot flashes does work. The women I work with have used it and that is how I know about it. I had told a nurse at my rheumatologist's office and she told another one about it. When I went for a visit the nurse saw me and asked me what it was because she had these horrible sweaty hot flashes that she would be soaked in sweat right after she stepped out of the shower. She started taking them and now she's pretty normal. She told me I saved her life! LOL

    Laurel, great workouts today. Glad you guys got to play golf today!
    I don't think I'll ever buy another Jillian DVD. I used to like her early stuff but don't like what she's doing now

    Tami, good workout choice today and also, good choice to wait till the weekend to mow the lawn! We've had a gorgeous day today. We hit 85 but NO humidity. Tomorrow and Saturday more of the same.
    Thanks for telling me about the KT tape Tami! It really is miracle stuff. I did a bad taping job and the tape already is hanging off my feet in a couple of places but it's still offering support so I just cut those pieces off.
    I'm sure your husband is not prepping like he should which is what I did that is why the tape came off for me. When I was in Ireland I did an amazing job and the thing lasted 7 days!
    It really is an emotional roller coaster to have my feet act up and the shoulder blades not wanting to get better. Thanks for cheering me on Tami. I won't give up. AT least I don't have that feeling anymore!
    The Gym Intervals DVD looks pretty good. I'll have to take a look at that Plateau one to see if it's doable for me.
    Katy is tough and she keeps it varied which is good. OMG! That beach workout is going to be interesting. I can't wait to hear all about it!
    I used to go to bed that early too Tami. That is why I was able to workout in the AM. Now here I am still typing at midnight! What is wrong with me? then I get up at 5AM! I have to do better.

    Good night ladies or is it good morning? LOL
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Yesterday I did KCM's 30MTF Kickboxing combined premix. I used my weighted gloves and got a great workout. Today will be the first time I'm trying out the 100 rep exercise. I'm thinking really light weights for this.:wink:

    Laurel, Great workouts as usual. I have not done the L&G workout in quite a while, but I remember how good and fun that one was. Glad that you and your DH where able to get in 18 holes of golf without being chased of the course for rain. :happy: Glad to know that the step workout isn't difficult, that gives me some hope. Some workouts click with us and some don't. Going to the Keys will be a nice getaway for you both. I have never been there, but a friend of mine would go there all the time and loved it.

    Tami, LOL I would wait for the cooler temps also. My DH mowed the lawn last night, and he was wearing a jacket because it was so cool out. It has to be hard for your DH to put that tape on with one hand also. :wink: Those chin-up/pull-ups are something that I was happy to see going away also. :laugh: To tell the truth, the push up fest is something that I will not miss. :laugh: I'm trying my best to think of things that I can bring, but my Mom's cinnamon bread is to tempting when she toasts it and put the lovely butter on it. :laugh: That woman is evil, but I love her. :happy:

    Thelma, How nice that you have today off. Interesting technique that was used on your shoulder blade. Just from the description it sounds painful. :frown: You are right the workout you bought is a lot like her Body Revolution workouts, so good choice to return if you don't like BR. :wink: We will be gone from W-SU, and then I'm taking M&T as days off to get some things done at home. (like getting my drivers license renewed) I saw the supplement at the store last night, but know I can get them cheaper at another store so held off until I can get there. I'm hoping it works for me too.:smile:

    Have a wonderful weekend!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Happy Friday! I did a lighter workout today, but that felt good on my body....especially since I didn't take a day off this week and won't for several more days. I did XTrain All Out Low Impact HiiT, but did the 'extreme' premix. Then I did XT Core 1 and 100 reps of scarecrows. After, I surprised myself by doing a 10 minute yoga session by Rodney Yee. And it felt good!!

    Laurie, I like the 100 reps....but the scarecrows are tough on my shoulder! I use 3lbs, but I think 1lb might even be enough given the exercise. So I hope you go/went light! Legs and Glutes is such a great leg workout, but I was still surprised to wake up with some DOMS! Just hits the muscles differently than all the other leg workouts I have been doing, I suppose. I am looking forward to seeing key West. Actually, my only real interest in going down there is the drive!! First time I will take a bridge over hat much water. Should be fun!

    Tami, good call on not mowing! It is too hot in that kind of heat. You did a great substitute for PRS! But you know I love that Cardio Fusion workout. How fun that your step son is going to come down and fish with your DH!! That's really special. And it is fantastic your DH will have some help!

    Thelma, okay so I was squirming with your description of that physical therapy procedure. Yikes!! That sounds really, really painful. Hopefully, it is effective in helping you get better. But I must admit, I kinda hope it was a one-off thing because I have never been one that thinks you need to be in such pain to heal. But maybe that's just because I am not a big fan of pain. :blushing: Hope you are enjoying your day off, and I hope you like your new workouts!!

    Enjoy the weekend!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Happy Friday Ladies!:drinker: :bigsmile: Not sure if any of you may have seen it on the news (it made GMA) but a little town in the Pacific Northwest called Pateros, WA was on fire yesterday. There have been terrible fires surrounding that area all week . . .Well that’s where DH has been!! :noway: :noway: He called last night and was in a bit of a panic to get off the river, they were evacuating the town. People lost their homes just across the road from where he was at. :cry: Reminds me of what you witnessed last year in Colorado Laurel. Luckily one of the guys he had fishing had a truck and pulled the trailer out of there and DH pulled his boat home. Scary stuff. Needless to say I was woke up at 2:30 a.m. when he came home and not sleeping real well prior because his cell service was lost, so no workout this a.m. Planning on Spinning tonight with Katy and I will do today’s workout tomorrow a.m. instead. :wink:

    Thelma: YOUCH! :huh: That does sound so painful. Not even a “hurts so good” massage, but flat painful. Hoping it helps after that treatment. I thought my decision on mowing was a good choice … especially now that DH is home.:wink: We’ll see how the elbow is feeling though. Currently our weather has cooled but all that smoke from 3 hours away is consuming our whole area. It looks like dusk all day long. Yahoo for having today off! :drinker: :bigsmile: So fun. Of course on the KT Tape. I’m so glad it’s been so helpful for you.
    Yes, that beach workout is going to be insane I’m sure. I’m a little nervous but at the same time up for the challenge. Yes, the early to bed early to rise is the only way I can do it. If I stay up too late it is harder to get up.

    Laurie: Awesome work with KCM’s 30MTF KBxng! :smile: :bigsmile: Enjoy the 100 rep challenge. They are really great actually! Provides a good burn and a little extra work on the muscle. Good stuff.
    Laughing on the “push-up fest” . . . yes, that’s true. A lot of push-ups in Meso 1 as well. Yum on the homemade cinnamon bread. My mom makes that too sometimes. For me if I can figure out a way to have a few splurges and mix in some healthy eats I am happy. I bet you will find just the right balance.

    Laurel: Another fabulous day today with the workouts! :drinker: I was so looking forward to this line-up this a.m. So tomorrow will be my turn. I thought you might be a little proud of me with Cardio Fusion. I do have a few moments throughout of :grumble: but I keep plugging away and make up something as I go. I was thinking the whole time, ok you avoided a learning curve again on Party Rockin Step to do one that you haven’t exactly mastered. :laugh: :blushing: I’m jealous that you are going to Key West. I have only seen pics and it looks AMAZING! Yes, it will be so much fun for DH to spend that time with his son. They did that last year and were able to really spend some quality time together. I’m glad they get that opportunity again …. For both of them.

    Enjoy the weekend ladies! :flowerforyou: Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, I did a Hip 30m. Tracie Long today but it was OK. I was just not very impressed so I decided to watch the other DVD's I'd ordered in case I needed to return them too. I decided to ride my spinning bike while I watched the DVD's. I am basically returning all of them except for the Tracie Long I did last weekend.

    My day was just running errands but it was good. I slept in, went to Marshall's for a while and found NOTHING! LOL.
    DH and I went out to dinner so I'd saved my calories for some Bertucci's rolls! YUMMY.
    He is going to the office tomorrow! I seriously doubt he'll be here by 2PM. Tomorrow I'll go tot he post office to mail the DVD's and will be doing laundry all day long! LOL I'm thinking about doing Slide n Glide tomorrow.

    I thought the area where I got the painful massage yesterday would be extremely painful but it's not at all. I have a nasty bruise though.

    Laurie, good job with those workouts! Did you do the 100 rep one? I LOVE cinnamon bread! OMG! I'd be in trouble.
    This is the stuff I use instead of butter and I like it.

    Maybe you can take some of this spray with you on your long weekend? I took it tonight with me to Bertucci's! LOL
    Great idea to take the those extra days off!
    I hope you try the supplement for the hot flashes.

    Laurel, I really like that XT workout! Sounds like you had a lot of fun with those workouts today!
    I hope the shoulder treatment is effective because I won't allow them to do that to me ever again. I'm not a big fan of pain either.

    OMG! What a scary situation for those people in and your husband! Thank God he's home! I heard about a fire in WA the other day. Those poor people!
    There wasn't a single "hurt so good" moment during that massage yesterday. Definitely good move to have waited till the weekend to mow the lawn! If you tape his elbow I bet he'll be able to do the lawn! :bigsmile:

    Have a great weekend ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    What a great weekend we had here. I did the XTrain AOLI HiiT with Core and the 100 Scarecrows. I did use 2lb weights, and was working hard toward the end. On Saturday I was going to do the next workout, but I needed to get in the back yard and work on our treeline again. I'm bound and determined to get that area cleared out. I have a few blackberry scratches, but made some headway toward my goal. There is a huge grape vine that has gone wild, so I have to figure out how to manage that. I know that the vine will be hard to get rid of so we need to come up with a way for it to grow, but not all over the place. DH is probably going to do some type of grape arbor, knowing that it will never bear fruit. :wink: So I spent about 4 hours doing that on Saturday for my workout. Yesterday was XTrain Chest, Back and Shoulders plus core. I also did the 100 Lateral Raises, started out with 2lb and about half way through went up to 3lb. I think next time I will start out with the 3lb and advance from there.

    Laurel, Of course you did the extreme premix, now I need to know what that one is like. I do have this one scheduled for a future workout. I do really like AOLI, just a lot of fun. :drinker: on the yoga workout! I'm actually looking forward to doing them on my vacation. :wink: Totally agree with you on L&G, it does do an all around great job on the legs. I just need to get some new ankle weights.

    Tami, I'm so glad the your DH is okay! How scary for him and you. I can now be happy that this next chest workout will not have any push ups, but I was really impressed with myself on getting through the XTrain one all on my toes. That is not something that I was able to do when I had done the 90 day rotation. :wink: I really do see changes in my upper body and legs after only 4 weeks. I'm going to be bringing some fruit and boiled eggs, since those are easy things to use as a snack. Keep me from eating anything that is laying around.

    Thelma, Sorry to hear that the TL workout wasn't a keeper. Sounds like you had a nice, and productive day off. I will check out the spray also, thanks. :wink:

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! We had a quiet but nic weekend here. With DH not working, we choose to do our errands on weekdays leaving the weekends for time around the house. I got some good workouts in, though. Saturday was XTrain Disk 1, Chest, Back and Shoulders and 100 lateral raises. I followed it with Cross Fire Extreme premix. Yesterday was the 81 minute premix from XTrain Legs, 100 hip thrusts followed by Rhythmic Step. And today was Super Cuts with Core 2 followed by Intensity. Good stuff!

    Tami, oh my goodness about your DH! I was thinking about you and him just this morning when I saw an update on the fire. Since our experiences the past two summers in Colorado, every time I see something on a wild fire, I pay attention. I am so sorry your DH was there and had that experience. I am also so sorry for those who lost everything. Right before we left Colorado, we visited our friends who lost their house last summer. They had been in their newly rebuilt house for only a week when we visited. It is amazing how much they are still having to do to get back to some state of 'normal'. So my heart breaks for those who are lose so much. :cry: I hope you had a good weekend and were able to enjoy time with your DH. :flowerforyou:

    Thelma, I am happy to hear you didn't suffer to much pain after that therapy session. In fact, I hope you saw some improvement over the weekend. But I am sorry the Tracy Long workouts didn't click with you? Any particular reason. Just curious.

    Laurie, those 100 reps are good, aren't they? Well, except for the scarecrow one. :ohwell: Your yard work sounds tough. I think that counts as a workout! I am doing some stretching every day with DH, and it has me convinced I need to get back to yoga. It is amazing how much better I feel when I am more limber.

    See you tomorrow!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, I can't believe I survived this busy weekend. decided to rewash all the winter clothes my aunts have here before packing them away. Had to sort stuff out to make sure there wasn't anything there that they could wear while they're here. I was pretty much on my feet all day on Sunday getting ready for the work week and doing more laundry. Huge accomplishments during the weekend that will keep me stress free this week.

    We tried a new recipe yesterday and it was a keeper. Here is the recipe

    I used a cookie dough scoop to make the zucchini boats. It worked beautifully and it was quick. DH forgot to add the salsa and instead he added the full 4oz can of tomato sauce. The zucchini boats were delish!! We didn't do the boiling water part (too much work!). Instead we left them in the oven 10 minutes longer. We also used taco seasoning instead of the spices listed on the recipe. Very filling too!

    I also chose to do the XT All Out Low Impact HiiT on Saturday, yesterday I did a little spinning and today I did a premix from the Total Body Trisets.
    Since I know I've been getting carried away with the peanut butter I decided to search for a 2 tbspn spoon and found it online! I ordered it and now I'm totally measuring my one serving! I hope the scale is good to me on Thursday morning!

    Laurie, great job with the workouts! Yard work is HARD work. I'm sure you burned a lot of calories!

    Laurel, glad you had a nice weekend. Wow! Awesome workout lineup!
    I actually am feeling pretty good on the shoulder area that bugs me all the time. I hope it stays that way!
    The TL workouts were weird. It was a 30 minute workout, there was no warm up. She did some moves that were hard to follow and there were some I simply could not do. The hip workout is the one I did and there were some moves there that hit the right spots but the DVD wasn't worth keeping. After I saw that I decided to check out the other DVD's to make sure I liked them. Thank God I did that because I would've been stuck with them.

    Good night ladies!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies! :bigsmile: Late check in for me today ..... Work was busy. I'm filling in for someone who is an assistant for our head honcho! So it's busy, but I appreciate that she asks/trusts me to do it when she leaves :wink: Her & I have worked together for 20 years. Weekend was good with lots of fun workouts! Sat was All Out Low Impact HiiT + Core & 100 Rep Scarecrows. Yesterday I decided to flip-flop the Leg workout (since it is longer of the two) so did XT Legs Pre-Mix #3 + Rear. Delts & 100 Hip Thrusts. :wink: Plus, don't fall over in shock but last night I did Jillian's Yoga Meltdown!! What:noway: :drinker: it felt great. Today was XT Chest/Shoulders/Back + Core & 100 Rep Lateral Raises, BootCamp this evening. :bigsmile:

    It was nice spending the weekend with DH after him racing home but you guys will be surprised to hear .... He went back. I was very shocked to say the least! :noway: He left yesterday due to some of the clients wanting him to fulfill the trips. A portion of the town that he stayed in did not get hit by the fire but it is seriously a SMALL part. Power & water are coming back slowly there. He is friends with the lady who runs a local motel there & she rents a spot for him to park his trailer. Well he told her he doesn't want it to be perceived as disrespectful so he is going to donate extra fish & tips to the community. May not be much but he said he wants to do what he can if he is there. :smile: He will only be there for another week to 10 days.
    So needless to say it looks like a bomb went off there & of course it's a very sad atmosphere. The fire took out so many homes and orchards and then moved on to a bordering town. :cry: I'm thankful for my aunt & uncle who live the opposite direction about 25 miles... It didn't go that direction.

    Laurie: Sounds like you had a really awesome weekend! That's so great :bigsmile: Way to go on the workouts too! That is so great that you did the push-ups on your toes and that you are already seeing/feeling results in 4 weeks! Congrats Good idea on the fruit & HB eggs for your trip! That will be perfect :wink:

    Laurel: Outstanding as always with the amazing combos of workouts!!!!:drinker: :bigsmile: thanks for your thoughts on the fire ..... I knew you would totally relate. That's wonderful your friends are in their new home but I'm sure it is still a grieving process & very surreal to say the least. DH spoke with the Mayor yesterday (he lost his home too) and explained why he was there, it is his job and needs to fulfill the obligations. The man understood and thought it was great that he was "giving back". He gave him & his family some Salmon. They are in a motor home until they figure out what to do. :frown:
    Good on ya for getting back into the stretching/Yoga! I was very proud of myself for doing that yesterday & I hope to continue... I know I always say it- I feel so great in doing it, so why don't i do it more!? :blushing: :wink: I understand the importance, especially as I age and want to continue to be active!

    Thelma: WOW! What's a busy weekend you had but so great you are ahead of the game! :drinker: :bigsmile: that always feels good, especially with company coming. Thanks for the recipe link- YUM! I will have to try those :tongue: :smile: Way to go on the workouts!!!! You are working so hard and glad to hear your shoulder is feeling better! :wink: DH did mow the lawn while he was home! wooHoo! I was off the hook. :laugh: Dang it on the TL workout not being a hit..That's ok, find the ones that work for you!:wink:

    Hope you ladies have a great Tuesday! I'll talk to you all tomorrow ..... Hopefully earlier in the day :wink:
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Busy night last night, but I was able to get in XTrain legs Premix 3 and I added on the 100 rep Hip Thrusters also. We went and ordered the concrete stones for our patio, just need to get someone to make the area level so we can lay the stone. That is one thing I'm enjoying about not being at the faire, our home is not looking so neglected. :happy: We plan on leaving early on Wednesday, but will see how that goes with this family. :laugh: I'm usually ready within and hour, DH and youngest take their time. Of course they are not the ones that have to drive for almost 6 hours. :wink:

    Laurel, I have to make sure that I get some stretching in each day also. I think that I will be doing something before I go to bed. I will bring my yoga mat up to our bedroom, and just do that. Maybe not Yoga for the Warrior, since that one always gets me sweaty. :laugh: I actually got my DH to go for a fast walk on Sunday, and I'm hoping to add in some stretching. Convince him that we need to get ourselves limber in our old age. I have some Yoga Zone beginner workouts that I'm going to pull out and see what happens.

    Thelma, That is a lot of work sorting through all those clothes. That is very nice of you to do that for your Aunts. I have seen that recipe, and pinned it on Pintrest to try out. Thanks for the info on extending the cook time instead of boiling the zucchini. I usually do the same thing with the spice, my family has a favorite taco mix. :wink: Looks like everyone had a great time with XT AOLI HiiT this weekend. :laugh:

    Tami, You will be a busy lady with the added duties this week. :wink: I know that I was happy when my co-worker came back from his honeymoon. :wink: What a super great donation your DH gave the community that has been hit so hard with this fire. WTG on the Yoga Meltdown, those two workouts are tough. I love that they are short though.

    I'm planning on getting my workout in tonight and tomorrow morning (been a while since I did a morning workout :huh: ). Will see if I can get on during the rest of the week. I know that my phone works up there, but of course those apps don't let you see the forum.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! I had a good workout this morning. I started with XTrain Bi's and Tri's, which I love. I added on 100 reps for both biceps and triceps which really burned my arms! :love: For cardio, I did Drill Max's Ultra Cardio Blast. Made for a good combo.

    Thelma, sounds like a busy weekend. But it has to feel great to have all that work done. I know doing things like that is like a weight off my mind. I am glad you previewed those Tracy Long DVDs so you could return them. Sounds like they were very disappointing. Thanks for the recipe! Sounds fantastic!!

    Tami, wow on your DH returning to the fishing site. But it does make sense, and I am sure the community actually will appreciate outside help as well as any added income that may come their way with people being out there. I am glad he isn't staying for too long, though.....for his sake. That kind of environment is hard to take. Congrats on the yoga workout!!! Sounds like we are all on the same page about the benefits of doing yoga......but need to remember it when reaching for DVDs! :laugh:

    Laurie, I am trying to teach my husband how to workout properly, and that includes stretching. It is very hard to knock that 1980's 'I am a high school football player' mentality out of his head. He is finally understanding when it comes to lifting that it is more important how you lift than how much you lift. But it has taken me 20 years to get to this point! :noway: Stretching is a new thing, but he is at least listening. I am concerned as we age that he won't age as well as he could given proper workouts. is a work in progress I suppose. I hope you enjoy the weekend!!

    We will be leaving tomorrow morning for Miami and the Florida Keys. I will get my workout (Hard Strikes) in first, but probably won't have a chance to check in here. Hope you all have a great weekend!!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ This a.m. was Supercuts + Core + 100 Hip Thrusters! :wink: Those Hip Thrusters really make me wish I had a barbell when I do those …. The dumbbells dig into the hip bones. :huh: :laugh: Tonight is supposed to be our “Beach Workout” for Insane-X but it has been raining off & on. Looks like it might just be cloudy at 5:30 so that should work. I’m a little nervous about what she might have in store for us :noway: Most likely there will be very few people there because they didn't post a flyer like they said they would, but we will see! I'll let you guys know how it went.

    Laurie: Another great day with the workouts! Way to go :drinker: That’s great you were able to talk DH into a nice brisk walk on Sunday! Perfect. Hopefully you are able to get in your workout tonight and tomorrow. Have a great time!! :flowerforyou:

    Laurel: Great work on XT Bi’s/Tris with the 100 Reps challenges for both (that’s my plan tomorrow too) awesome cardio as well. You are on “FiYa” :drinker: Getting it all done before your big trip!! :bigsmile:
    I agree wholeheartedly on him not staying long! We agreed that me coming down for our summer fishing trip this weekend is probably not a good idea. Thanks for the congrats! I hope to keep reporting in at least once a week for now that I am doing this and improving to more than once a week soon! Amazing that your hubby is doing this with you even on the stretching/yoga! What a guy! That is so great. Hope you have a blast in the Florida Keys! I'm sure that goes without saying - Have fun! :flowerforyou:

    Hi Thelma :flowerforyou: Hope you have a good workout tonight!

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami