Cathe Fans Part 5



  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, spinning plus my PT exercises. I was very tired so I couldn't work out as hard as I would've liked and now I'm feeling like something is brewing in my head and I feel a little bit of a sore throat. :angry: I hope I feel better tomorrow.
    I think it's because I've been waking up at about 4AM so I can be at work by 6AM. I had to leave work early for my ophthalmologist visit and want to get out of work at 12 on Friday so I am making time up instead of taking vacation time.

    I did hurt my shoulder blade doing Total Body Trisets yesterday. I am sure it's just that I shocked them. Today I could tell the blade had popped out or "winged out" as the therapist says. I iced after my workout and PT exercises today and I feel better. My feet feel better thank God! I think I was overstretching my calves

    Tami, nice workouts and so nice of your husband to mow the lawn and to donate the fish and tips to that poor community that has lost so much. I can't believe he went back there but business is business and he has to honor the trips he had scheduled. The TL workouts were a big disappointment but I'm glad I previewed them. Otherwise; I would've been stuck with them.
    OMG! I can't wait to read all about that beach workout!

    Laurel, you always come up with the best combos! Awesome job! I am so relieved about having gotten ahead of the game over the weekend because I'm not worrying about that now. I am glad I previewed those DVD's!
    any time on the recipe! It is good stuff!

    Laurie, Great workouts for you too! The patio project sounds like a lot of work but I bet you'll be glad you did it.
    The weekend was full a lot of work but well worth it. My aunts are like my sisters and one of them is like a mother to me. they are a lot of fun. I hope you have a nice long weekend!

    Good night ladies!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Happy Wednesday!!! :drinker:

    So last night’s “beach workout” for Insane-X …. I felt like I was one of the cast members on the Biggest Loser.:laugh: :huh: Seriously!! We were right in the middle of the city park area with quite an audience. Our warm-up was on the grass, then she had us run down to the water in the sand, 10 burpees (in the SAND) – if you’ve never done a burpee in the sand, it is quite interesting. :huh: Your feet start slipping and digging in plus sand flies as you jump up with your hands above your head. :noway: Then run back up to the cement wall and do box jumps on the wall, back down, etc. Round 2 was running, lunges, push-ups, more burpees, lots of tricep dips on the bench and more burpees in the sand. I wasn’t planning on swimming afterwards with my clothes on like she had mentioned …. Plus I didn’t bring a towel but as we all left it didn’t appear anyone else went in the water.

    This a.m. was XT: Bi’s/Tri’s + 100 Rep Challenges on both! Tonight will be Katy’s Spinning! :wink:

    Thelma: Nice job with Spinning & PT exercises last night! :wink: Here’s hoping it was just one of those days and you aren’t coming down with anything. Fingers crossed and sending you wellness!! :flowerforyou: Great news that your feet are feeling better! Woo Hoo for that. :drinker: It’s going to be so much fun having your aunts there to visit. It is so special that you are all so close. Your poor hubby and all the women in the house! :laugh: I will talk to you tomorrow Thelma. Have a great night!

    Laurie & Laurel – Safe travels! :bigsmile:

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, I trained with Kevin tonight and that was good. Tonight was the last of my prepaid training sessions. Any sessions that I manage to get with Kevin I will pay as I go. My shoulder was bothering me all day but feels good now after my workout and massaging with the tennis ball.
    The new gym is finally going to open up on September 15. They have a deal to wave the initiation fee and paying a reduced membership price if we joined by 7/31. I am going to do it but I wish I knew what their class schedule is going to be like. Even the class schedule is not convenient for me I can still use the equipment. I am looking forward to working out the legs on the machines and I hope that will allow my feet to get better since they'll be getting a break.

    Tami, I was afraid you were going to say something about kicking sand flying all over the place. I can't believe you had an audience but it's a beach so that is expected. LOL Sounds like you liked the class but again it sounds like it was TOUGH! You go girl!
    I'm sure spinning will be another sweat fest for you!
    I still felt a little bit under the weather today but thankfully it hasn't developed into anything else. I hope I don't get sick because one of my aunts seems to catch every cold that goes around her. DH LOVES having my aunts around and they adore him. We play games, board games like Bingo or we play Yatzhee (?) and we have little prices like scratch tickets which they love. IF DH or I win we don't get a prize! LOL

    Good night!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hello! Spinning was another great one last night.:bigsmile: I then raced home during a huge rain & wind storm. It was crazy! Came in hard core and busted up some huge trees, garbage cans and debris everywhere and then off it went. It was still pouring when I got home but Emma must have been in her house “hiding” because she was completely dry . . . or she huddled on the covered porch. :ohwell: Poor girl. Today’s workout is To The Max . . . I opted to do my workout after work tonight! :bigsmile:

    Thelma: Sorry that was your last session but hopefully you will be able to pay for more as you go! :wink: Good news on the date set for the new gym to open up. Yahoo! Fingers crossed they have some great classes, but like you said – if not at least you can use some of their equipment and get in a good workout that way! :smile: I would imagine there will be at least a couple classes that will be good! OMG! Yes, sand was flying and then also sticking because I was sweating. Not to be a “pretty pretty princess” but I didn’t have a towel so it was gross just wiping it off on my clothes, the grass, whatever. :laugh: I liked it “ok” I would say; something different forsure! She said we might do one more before the end of summer. There weren’t very many people so I think that was disappointing for her. Glad you aren’t feeling any worse …. Take those vitamins! :wink:
    Sounds like you both have a wonderful time with your aunts. That will be so fun.
    So my fishing trip this weekend is back on . . . . the weather and fires/smoke seem to be pretty good where DH is so we are back on. Our friends are driving up to meet me there and I will drive over tomorrow afternoon. My mother-in-law is going to stay with the kids again … I am so thankful. It is only a 24 hour period …. She will come over Sat am. So they will just have Friday night by themselves.

    I will talk to you tomorrow Thelma! Have a great evening :flowerforyou:

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Tami! It's just the two of us tonight! I did spinning tonight and little bit of my PT. Didn't have time for all the exercises. I'm pretty much ready for my aunts which is a great relief.
    I am feeling better thank God! My feet on the other hand started to hurt today. I'm not a happy camper about this. I hope they feel better in the morning.
    I joined the new gym today. Hopefully it won't be a big disappointment. I was told that we'd probably get a notice to go tour the place before it official opens. I'll have 10 days to get my money back from the day the place opens its door to the public on 9/15 if I change my mind. Otherwise; I'm committed for a year and there is a $150 cancellation fee.
    Don't feel bad about me having had my last session with Kevin. I was waiting for the new gym to open so I could just go there. I won't be buying any training sessions there though cause they are $99 per session. They do give you a discount if you buy multiples BUT there is a catch. You have to use them within a month!

    Tami, I'm glad you had a great spinning class. Sounds like a scary rain storm! Poor Emma! I hope she wasn't too scared. freaks out!
    Doesn't sound like people were excited about working out on the beach. It's a nasty feeling (in my opinion) to have the sand stuck to you when you're all sweaty. Did you have sneakers on? The moment the sand got in my shoes I would've been out of there! Next time take a towel!
    I hope you have a great time this weekend. You know the kids will be in good hands so have fun!

    Have a great evening yourself! :flowerforyou:
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Happy Friday Thelma!! So I spent the evening getting all ready to go fishing by packing some food, making myself a couple of breakfasts and snacks and then DH called this a.m. Due to the storms that have rolled through and cooler temps he thinks the fish left that part of the river. :frown: So friends not coming and I won’t be going. What a roller coaster of yes-no-yes-no, fires, smoke, no smoke, rain OY-YOY-YOY!! :grumble: So the house is all clean, laundry done, snacks and breakfasts made! Will leave me with some spare time to enjoy our beautiful sunshine weather this weekend! Only one “to do” is mow the lawn, which I will do in the a.m. ~ it’s supposed to heat back up. This a.m. workout was Rockin Knockout + Heavy Bag Tabata:wink: Used my weighted gloves again . . . works perfect! I'm so glad Laurel had mentioned that's what she does. :smile: I will head to Spinning after work! Hoping to get in some nice workouts & a bike ride this weekend and maybe another stretch/yoga too! :bigsmile:

    Here’s hoping your feet were not worse today and instead they felt better. Those darn tootsies giving you problems :grumble: Congrats on joining the new gym! :drinker: :bigsmile: I’m happy for you and hope that it’s an amazing gym for you! Seems like new gyms are usually pretty good about nice equipment and putting better classes together ….. it’s what entices people to join I would think.

    Hope you have a great weekend Thelma! Talk to you on Monday :flowerforyou:

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies!!!

    You sure are rockin' the workouts!!! Nice work!!

    Things are going good here! I'm LOVING my new job...mainly the work from home part. I can sleep in, roll out of bed and start working and take a break mid-day for a run or a workout. It's nice being able to just stop whenever I want to workout. It's made things around the house better too, as I can let the boys sleep in and get them to YMCA camp whenever works for them and same with pick-up. Perfect fit!

    Workouts have been good. I'm doing a combo of running and yoga, which my body really likes! :)

    I'm happy to hear all the fun workouts, great weather (aside from the rain--we've had it here too) and fun summer events! We've had lots of hockey and lacrosse games this summer, so we're on the run every night and weekend. But, it's all good!

    Well, gotta run! Vacation! Off to The Dells next week for a few days with the boys and then back for a hockey tourney.

    Have a great weekend!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I was able to get in one yoga workout while on vacation, and I did Yoga for the Warrior. There where just to many people around (family) to get anything else in. Also way to many dogs, so next time we go up our's is going to be send to a boarder. I just got done with Meso 2 Disc 13 Chest, Shoulders & Triceps. Plan on doing some catching up by adding in the Leg workout also. Did have a lot of fun on vacation with the family, the only one not there was my oldest dd. She had to work, and doesn't have vacation time yet.

    Tami, WTG on the workouts. Great job on getting the yoga in also, I plan on adding those into the rotation this week also. I really want to try my PiYo workouts, and since they are short it probably wouldn't be a bad idea to add them. I love using those weighted gloves for the bag section. Sometimes I get a little confused on what side she is actually on. :laugh:

    Thelma, Congrats on joining the new gym. Sorry to hear that your feet are giving you troubles, not fun. Have a wonderful time with your Aunts. That is nice that they are so close to you. My two godmothers (also my Aunts) where at the party on Saturday, it is sure nice to see them. They are sisters, but totally different. :laugh: One is a complainer. Was able to see my 93yr old Grandmother also. Don't know how much longer she will be around.

    Erika, Great to see you. Glad to hear that the running/yoga is working for you. I wouldn't mind working from home either, sounds like you are way less stressed. I'm sure that you will have a great time at the Dells. Had a few days of cooler weather here, but still a good time will be had.

    Have a wonderful day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! DH and I enjoyed our getaway to Miami and the Florida keys so very much! Feels like we were gone for a week instead of two days. That part of the state is absolutely beautiful but I returned home happy we live where we do. While pretty down there, it is certainly more 'city', and I like our slower, more 'rural' feeling here.

    Anyhow, I got a good workout in last Wednesday before leaving (Hard Strikes with Tabata Heavy Bag and core), and then I was back at it Saturday with the scrambled eggs premix from Body Max 2. Yesterday was STS Disc 13/Chest, Shoulders and Triceps, which I followed with Cardio Core Circuit. Today was STS Disc 14/Legs, followed by the extended stretch and No Equipment Abs. For cardio, I did IMAX. SO happy to be into Meso 2 workouts.......though I think my legs are going to be screaming at me tomorrow. :blushing:

    Erika, so good to see you! I am really happy that your new job and working from home is going so well. Glad you have found a workout combo that your body is enjoying. I hope you have a great vacation.

    Laurie, I am glad you enjoyed your time away. Great job getting the yoga workout in while you were there! I love that one. I am trying to convince myself not to look into the PiYo workouts! but they really do sound like a good way of adding a little something every day. Hmmmmm........:laugh: . As I have said before, so many workout DVDs, so little time!

    Thelma, congratulations on the new gym membership. I hope it works out for you. It will be nice to be in a new gym with (hopefully) all new equipment and such. Hope you are enjoying time with your Aunts!!

    Tami, sorry to hear about the on-again/off-again weekend plans. But hopefully you were able to enjoy the weekend and good weather. Sounds like you have had some extreme weather this summer (heat, storms, etc). Hopefully it calms down soon. That beach class sounds interesting. I am one who doesn't really like the feeling of being covered in sand, so I am not sure how I would like it. But that being said, sand is a great resistance/training tool for working out, so I imagine everything felt extra difficult. Will she being doing it again?

    Off to get some chores done!! See you tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies! :bigsmile: Sounds like you both had great vacations! As you read, my weekend fishing trip was cxld and I stayed home but DH came home Sat a.m. so he was here too :wink: It sounds like it was really good that he knew exactly what was happening because it would have been long hot days in the boat. Now that our temps came back up for this week (95 being our coolest day) he will head back down one more time to run his remaining trips. :noway:

    I was able to get in some great workouts & I still mowed the lawn Sat to surprise DH when he got home! :wink: So Sat was Crossfire Xtreme followed by a walk with the dogs, yesterday I did STS Chest/Shoulders/Tris (Meso 2) followed by KCM Total Body KB! That was a fun one and I used my weighted gloves for the first 30 during the punching drills; weighted drills followed and by the time I was done .....even into the eve my shoulders were "talkin to me" :laugh: I am OFF work today!!!!!!! So I took advantage of extra time :drinker: and did STS Legs + Tri-Sets Legs (that was a great add on due to STS being a Tri-set format) :smile: Followed that up w/ No Equip Abs & a walk with the pups again :smile: Most likely not going to go to BootCamp but depending on when DH gets home from work I may sneak in a Stretch/Yoga .... My legs will thank me I'm sure.

    Erika: As always, so great to hear from you:smile: Sounds like you are happier than ever and still busy as ever! SO AMAZING that you have the freedom to work in your family activities & workouts now that you are at home :drinker: Happy for you!

    Laurie: Sounds like you had a nice time with your family and good on ya for getting in your Yoga .... Hey, one day is better than no days! Nice job :drinker: I am happy to report that I ordered PiYo :bigsmile: :drinker: :bigsmile: I think the format and shorter lengths will keep me motivated & an easier add on with the shorter time frames. That's the plan anyway! I'll let you guys know when I start them.

    Laurel: That's so fun you were able to enjoy your time in Miami & Florida Keys and be able to come home thankful for where you are! :smile: Sounds like you can have some nice mini-vacations there :wink: As always, FABULOUS job on the workouts my friend:drinker: Even with a couple days away from home your killin it! Definitely agree with you and Thelma the other day commenting on the sand... Yes in my shoes and stuck to my hands,shins, forearms and hair was not my favorite! She mentioned "maybe" doing it one more time before summer ends but wasn't sure. I think if we encouraged or better yet, discouraged :laugh: she would decide on that. She was also trying to point out that you don't have to have fancy equip to get a good workout. Tomorrow she plans on taking us outside (99 degrees tomorrow:huh: ) and do a tennis court workout with the big tires, jump ropes, etc. Sounds like another BootCamp/CrossFit style workout but in the heat.

    Thelma: Hope you had an amazing weekend with your Aunts arriving! :flowerforyou: I was thinking of you during the KCM Total Body KB and I couldn't remember if this is one you recently acquired or were looking into?! :blushing: At any rate, because you love KB workouts but don't want the high impact -this would fit the bill nicely!

    Hope you are all having a great day! Talk to you tomorrow :flowerforyou: Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies! I trained with Kevin today. Since I had the day off I got there early and got 30 minutes done on the elliptical and I asked him to try something different and he did. Great workout today.
    I decided to try Hard Strikes on Friday and I didn't didn't really punch. I was pawing as Cathe calls it. The little that I did got my shoulder blades acting up again. Such a big disappointment! Saturday I did KCM 30 Minutes to Fitness Cardio Quick Fit. I did the 2nd workout which is more advanced and involves more jumping. I did all my jumping on the trampoline and my feet were happy. Sunday was spinning.

    My aunts are doing great and we've been busy. Of course I have to play hostess so not much for the computer after work.
    They couldn't believe how much weight I've lost and they of course can't get over how much smaller my boobs look. :laugh: :laugh: They say I look like I had breast reduction surgery! I explained to them that it's because I exercise and that my weight loss wasn't based on diet alone. Too funny! :laugh: :laugh:

    Thanks ladies on congratulating me on the new gym membership. I hope this turns out to be a great situation for me. At the very least the cardio and weight lifting equipment will be a good addition to my workout routine given that I'm so limited now.
    Thanks for the good wishes for the time with my aunts. We always have fun. Too bad it's been raining but today was the last rainy day.

    Tami, sorry your fishing trip got cancelled! You've been doing really great with your workouts and mowing the lawn!! I am not ready for those kickboxing workouts. At the rate I'm going I wonder if I will ever be. This is so frustrating! :grumble:
    Did your husband still those clients out fishing last weekend? Did they catch anything at all? I hope his elbow is OK!
    I hope you had a good day off. The day here started with some very heavy rain. There was no way we were going in that rain. Eventually it stopped at about 10AM and we went out for a while after that.

    Erika, good to hear from you. I'm so glad you're loving your new job! Working from home is awesome!

    Laurie, I'm glad you had a good time during your vacation. Good for you for getting the yoga workout in! Awesome job on your workouts too! Those PiYo workouts look awesome. Definitely not for me but I wish I could do them.
    WOW! Your grandmother is 93! Amazing! I'm glad you go to see her. My aunts are different too. Thank God they're not complainers though! LOL

    Laurel, welcome back! I'm glad you had a nice time during your mini vacation. I'm with you on preferring a rural area. That is why I like going to the Rings of Cork and Kerry areas in Ireland.
    You always amaze with your combos. Fabulous job!

    Have a great night!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Last day of my vacation! :cry: Oh well, at least I only have three days of work. :happy: I did LIS Cardio SuperSets for the first time, and really enjoyed it. The discs are not my favorite, but glad that the exercises where familiar for me.

    Laurel, Sounds like a nice get away for you both. Great workouts! I am also very happy to be into the Meso 2 workouts, at first I was thinking I would have to take the weights down. Have not tired these STS workouts in about a year, but I was good with all the weights. You are right, the legs where talking to me this morning. Well I should say my thutt area. :laugh: LOL about the PiYo workouts, I plan on looking at the first one today at some point.

    Tami, I was wondering how you would feel after the KCM workout. She really does work that upper body with that one. I'm going to try to get that one into my rotation again soon. Congrats on the PiYo purchase. I think you are right about adding them onto your other workouts. I don't think that they are enough to just do on there own.

    Thelma, Good job on the workouts, to bad about the punching. LOL about the Aunts thinking you had breast reduction surgery, exercise sure does reduce the fat in them doesn't it. My dad's mother lived to be 93, so I think the females in our family have a long life. I think that one day you will be getting those kickboxing workouts in one day. :wink:

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today's workout started with LIS Cardio Supersets, and I did the 64 minute premix. Love this workout! I followed it with Turbo Barre from the same series. My legs are feeling that after yesterday's STS workout! :laugh: May not be able to climb the stairs to bed tonight. :tongue: :blushing:

    Tami, you did STS legs followed by the LIS Lower Body Trisets???? :noway: Oh my. I know I wouldn't be walking after that!! Great job!! Sounds like you have been taking your workouts up a notch lately, even with the heat. You amaze me!! Sounds like you may not have to do the sand workout again, but I am not sure a tennis court workout in 99 degree heat is much better! Yikes! Stay hydrated!!! Let me know how you like the PiYo workouts!

    Thelma, I am glad you are enjoying the time with your aunts. Bet they were amazed at how much you've lost! You've done great. :laugh: on the breast reduction conversation. Of course, I went down in bra size when I lost weight too....and I really didn't have a size to lose!! :noway: :blushing: :grumble: It is what it is I suppose. :ohwell: Great job with the workouts. I am sorry to hear you continue having issues with both your shoulders and feet. But I really admire how you continue to do what you can.

    Laurie, sorry to hear your vacation time is coming to an end. I have said it before, but there is something about these STS leg workouts that really gives me DOMS whenever we change Mesocycles. So, like you, I am feeling yesterday's workout today, but more in the quads. Guess it means I am hitting the muscles differently which is good. Keep us posted on the PiYo workouts. I am really interested now!!

    See you all tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies Today was Cardio Supersets – which was the perfect early a.m. after hitting my snooze a couple times workout! :laugh: Perfect time frame and good to get these Legs with DOMS moving! Yes, yesterday’s workout with all the tri-sets worked! :noway: :smile: I’m a little nervous for the 99 degree workout on the tennis courts for Insane-X. She may come to her senses and have us go inside.

    Thelma: Very nice job on the workouts over the weekend and yesterday too! :drinker: Sorry to hear about the shoulder blades acting up but smart you did the trampoline for your feet! OMG that is so funny that your Aunt’s commenting about your chest being smaller! :laugh: If anyone ever told me that I would cry because that would mean they are probably gone ….. I knew they were going to notice all your hard work/weight loss! That is so great. :bigsmile: Thanks for the kudos on the workouts and lawn mowing! DH was very relieved to see I did it again. He ended up cxlng all the trips until this coming weekend. He thinks with all this hot weather the fish run will come back through that area. If not, he will call it a season for that spot and wait for his Fall Fishing. He is in contact with a few guides who are still over there grinding it out, waiting for better and it was very slow this weekend. His elbow is definitely bothering him …:frown: …. I bought some of the KT Tape “Pro” version and taped him up on Saturday. It’s working great! Still on. So he is hoping this will be his ticket when he is gone again and this Fall. Helped that I put alcohol on his arm too and I was doing it instead of him trying himself.
    Don’t worry … you WILL get there:flowerforyou: it’s just going to be a little longer time frame than what you had hoped for of course (isn’t that always how it goes on injuries) I’m sorry that you have had a long run with these injuries. But they will get better! Like Laurel, I am very impressed and inspired that you persevere through it all and do what you can do. Many would have thrown in the towel. I thoroughly enjoyed my day OFF. Just being OFF on a weekday is so nice … thanks!:flowerforyou:

    Laurie: Sorry it’s your last day … I feel that way when I have ONE day off and when I have several it is really tough! I’m glad it’s been a good vacation for you though. Nice job with Cardio SuperSets! :drinker: Those discs are a bit like :huh: for me too. I sometimes don’t use them for the jumping jacks and other moves because I spend too much time trying to keep my feet on them, I don’t get a good workout during that section …. Your encouragement and mention that I would like that KCM Total Body KB workout inspired me to try it; I always like those as an extra burn after Chest/Shoulders for some reason! Definitely the PiYo wouldn’t be for just that but as add-ons forsure! I’m excited. It was a week moment :blushing: on the computer thinking “I should just give these a try, why not” But like I said yesterday, having something that will inspire me to at least do a little bit more of stretch/yoga will be great!

    Laurel: Fantastic job today on the workouts and adding in the Turbo Barre! :smile: :drinker: I know my legs were feeling it Yowsa! Meso 2 does the trick! Thanks ~ I have been feeling so good with this rotation and with you guys right there with me doing the workouts, it’s inspiring so thanks ladies!!! :flowerforyou: When I feel that way, I try to just keep pushing myself or doing more when I feel up to it. Surprising through the heat. But getting them done in the early a.m. or A/C at the gym helps! Except for today …… YIKES :noway: As I mentioned above, I think she will change her mind but we’ll see. I will definitely keep you posted on the PiYO workouts when I start them. They are very short or at the longest about 45 min from what I read and I think they style of them will be good.

    Have a good evening ladies ~ talk to you tomorrow! Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, PT and spinning tonight.
    You ladies are doing an amazing job with those workouts in this rotation. I wish I could be doing it with you. Hopefully I'll be able to someday!
    It was a crazy day at work. Lots of changes announced and more responsibility for me and a few others.

    Laurie, sorry your vacation has come to an end. You do have to look at the positive side and that is like you said a short week. I'm off Friday and I can't wait. That is a long life for women in your family Laurie. So cool! I got a huge kick out of the breast reduction surgery comment from my aunts. LOL
    I can't wait till the day I'm able to do kickboxing workouts again. Those are some of my favorite workouts.

    Laurel, I hope you didn't have to crawl up the stairs tonight! Great job! Funny thing about my breast size is that I think they still look too big! LOL
    You and Tami say you can't afford to lose anymore breast size and here I am willing to give some away to both of you! LOL
    Thanks for the kudos on my workouts and perseverance Laurel!

    Tami, OMG! I hope Katy had you do the class indoors tonight! 99 degrees is a lot and probably dangerous given how strenuous those workouts are!
    Thanks to you too for the kudos on my workouts and perseverance to you too!
    I was happy that my aunts noticed such a big difference in me. They are funny for sure! After they told me about their thoughts on size I told them they'd made my day! LOL

    Sorry your husband had to cancel his trips temporarily and that his elbow is bothering him. The good thing about him cancelling the trips is that you're applying the tape on him and he'll be able to experience the KT tape when it's applied properly.
    Hopefully, this break will do his elbow a lot of good and it will give the fish time to get back to that area so he can finish his trips.

    Good night!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies!! I enjoyed a good, tough workout today. I started with STS Back and Biceps and really pushed the weight up a bit. It felt good, but my arms were screaming at the end. I took a little break to let them relax and then, for cardio, I did my HiiT combo of Cathe's three Shock Cardio HiiT workouts. I topped it off with the much-needed STS extended stretch.

    Tami, I really hope you didn't have to workout outside last night! Yikes in that heat!! Especially on concrete. I know I would wimp out on that. :blushing: I don't mind heat but it is the heat on concrete that gets to me. Anyhow, I imagine your legs were a bit tired from that duo! Like I said, you amaze me because there is no way I could have put those two workouts together and still been able to walk. Glad Cardio Supersets was the perfect solution. I am still really enjoying this rotation!! So thank YOU for introducing it to us!! It is, without question, exactly what I needed to keep me on track with workouts this summer. Having workout partners has been invaluable to me throughout this time of 'change'. Hope your DH's elbow starts feeling better. Any chance of you going out with him if he goes out fishing again?

    Thelma, have faith that you will be able to do this rotation one day!! As Tami said, you will get better. It just takes time. And when you are ready to do this kind of rotation, I know I will happily do it with you!! Sorry to hear about the craziness at work. I can't imagine more responsibility was welcome news to you given how crazy it has already been for you. Hope things aren't too bad. :flowerforyou:

    Enjoy the rest of the day!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ I’m happy to report that we stayed inside last night :drinker: She said, no that would just be flat mean to make you guys go outside. It’s too hot. So my faith in her coming to her senses prevailed! :laugh: :smile: Although, she made it one of the hardest YET in the gym and TRX area around the corner. :noway: 10 stations, 5 minutes each with 10 burpees in between each station. One of the “new” stations added was those big huge ropes that you squat down and start rowing/flailing your arms up and down making the ropes go up and down. I’ve never done that. Sheesh it is exhausting to do that many times at a minute each and then follow it up with 10 burpees. There was also Mtn Climbers with your feet in the TRX straps (awkward), box jumps and pull-ups I didn’t make it to; we all ran out of time. She said if Yoga wasn't starting in the room next to you guys we would keep going. We did get a 30 second water break after the 10 burpees before each 5 min round. So this a.m. was STS Back/Bi’s which felt great! I did go heavy so my muscles were talking to me but at least my Legs had a break. They feel good today ….. I’m getting my hair prettied tonight :smile: after work so no Spin :ohwell:

    Thelma: Another great combo with PT and Spinning last night! :bigsmile: Way to work (as always) hard and steady! Nicely done. You will definitely be able to do this rotation when you are all healed up …. and I ditto Laurel, I will be happy to do it again with you :flowerforyou: I’m glad you all sent vibes Katy’s way to stay inside. Someone said to her “I will file charges if you make us go out there” it was all in fun and pretty hilarious but yes, RELIEF when I saw her setting things up inside.:smile:
    I’m hoping the break helps … as with any injury rest really does do the trick. But it’s so hard when you need to continue on. As you know too well. I really hope the changes at work and new responsibilities are not too overwhelming for you :huh: Sometimes those things can be a burden or a nice added change.

    Laurel: Another fantastic day! :drinker: :bigsmile: What a great workout and then ending it with the stretch.
    I don’t know how many times I have thought of doing the “Laurel triple-threat Hiit” as I like to call it but still haven’t after all this time. I will one of these days, sounds like a lot of work and fun at the same time. Definitely that concrete would have been miserable. I was equipped with 2 full water bottles! So it was nice to have one for the drive home. I was a little nervous when we first started because my legs were really tight, but as we got going they loosened right up and then the pain of whatever I was doing took over the pain in my sore legs. :laugh: I hope his elbow gets better too. It was coming along nicely until he started using it all the time and banging it on things a couple times – naturally that would not help in the healing process. I probably won’t be able to go when he goes this weekend because he will have trips booked so my “turn” will be this Fall again ~ Second week of Oct.

    Hi Laurie – Hope you are having a great day! :flowerforyou:

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, I did one of the XTRAIN - All Out Low Impact HiiT premixes today. I picked the one that didn't list step on the title and guess what? There was step involved. So I did it using the 6 inch square step. It was really low impact so I was fine with that. Good to know that I can actually do that. I have PT tomorrow so we'll see how it goes. My bruise is getting better.
    Yesterday things at work were crazy like I said and my boss' boss yelled at me over having communicated a message he told me he himself that he had approved because I as the team lead had 80% of the vote. That was last Thursday. Yesterday it was like I shouldn't have said anything. Thank God my boss was there during both conversations so he totally had my back. Today the big boss was going with my suggestion! I told my boss that his boss should apologize to me but that I would take the fact that he is following y recommendation as an apology. At least I feel better about things.
    Tonight DH and I played

    Laurel and Tami, thanks for offering to do this rotation with me when I recover from my injuries!

    Laurel, great combo today! I'm really afraid of getting more responsibilities at work because that is when it gets easy to give up one's personal life.

    Tami, I'm so glad to see that your workout happened indoors last night! Burpees with your feet in the TRX straps is hard! Good for you for finishing the class! How funny that someone "threatened" to file charges against Katy! :laugh: :laugh:
    Great workouts for you today too!
    Good night!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Very busy yesterday, so I couldn't get online. I got in STS Meso 2 Back & Biceps & No Equipment Abs. Tonight I am getting my hair colored, so I'm hoping to get something afterward. Will see how that goes.

    Laurel, My legs where still feeling that leg workout yesterday. :laugh: So glad that it was a back & bicep day. :wink: WTG on the workouts, you do some awesome combos. I also upped my weights on the bicep work, didn't feel comfortable going up to much on the back. I will be upping the weights on the one arm rows though. I didn't fail on those. :wink:

    Tami, We are on the same hair schedule! :laugh: WTG on the workout, and glad that she decided on an indoor workout. :laugh: I have been wondering about how coordinated I would be with the TRX straps. They look interesting, but I'm very leery. I took a look at the 45 min. workout for PiYo, and this one is just showing you all the moves in the workouts. She only has you do that one for the first day, and then I don't see it in the rotation anymore. I'm still holding out hope that my DH will join me on these workouts. I have the same problem with the discs, I tend to jump and the discs move on me. :laugh:

    Thelma, Wow that is something with your bosses boss! Glad to hear that your suggestion was used! Great job on the workout, so glad to hear that it didn't cause any problems for you. I will also do the rotation with you when the time comes, it really has been a good mix to keep you motivated. I have not found a day that I didn't want to do a workout. :wink: If I don't have the Cathe workout, I can usually find something that works in it's place.

    Have a wonderful day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Enjoyed a lighter workout today which was nice after yesterday's workout. I started with LIS Slide and Glide, and followed it with LIS Yoga Max. Great combo. And DH and I are headed out the door soon for a long walk. He has. 7 mile loop he has been doing that I want him to show me. So that should be fun.....provided it doesn't rain on us!

    Tami, I am so glad to hear you didn't have to workout outside! But that workout sounds tough! I have seen the participants using those ropes on Biggest Loser and wondering if they are effective. Sounds like they are from your experience. And mountain climbers with TRX straps? I think I might still be tied up if I attempted that. :tongue: :blushing: I am glad your legs were feeling better......or at least you were able to forget about them because of the new pain from what you were doing!!

    Thelma, good job with All Out Low Impact HiiT. Yeah, that step work isn't too bad for the feet since it is low impact and controlled. Where I have my problems is fast work, lists of jumping on both feet, and just lots and lots of stepping up and down using the step. So, hopefully, your feet are feeling okay today. Sorry to hear about your situation at work, but I am glad your boss has your back.

    Laurie, my legs are finally feeling better today! Hopefully next week's leg workout will be easier to get over! :laugh: But, of course, now my arms are sore from yesterday's push. But I do think Slide and Glide helped with that. I hope!

    Well, DH is ready to go!! See you tomorrow!
