Cathe Fans Part 5



  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! We enjoyed a nice, quiet weekend. Sadly, we are already facing our first hiccup on our new house. :grumble: We went and checked on it Saturday because they were supposed to have the under ground plumbing in. Well, they did have that done. But while looking at it, we realized they have put the house in backwards or flipped. In other words, the garage is on the wrong side. Very frustrating because we specifically chose the orientation based on windows in the house next door, etc. We finally got in touch with the construction manager yesterday, and he said they would have to go through the whole permit process again and such to get it right. We are waiting for final word from the housing company itself, but I can honestly say this hasn't done much for my confidence in the builder. And I have no idea how long a delay we are talking about.....but probably weeks. At least we caught it before they started pouring concrete....but still frustrating.

    Anyhow, Saturday was my day off from workouts. Yesterday was STS Chest, Shoulders and Triceps, followed by Yoga Based Abs. For cardio, I did Cardio Fusion. Today was STS Legs and Extended Stretch. For cardio, I did the Double Cardio premix from Cathe's 4DS series which combines the two step workouts. I don't do this workout very often because I am not a huge fan of either of the step workouts, but today I thoroughly enjoyed it!

    Laurie, sounds like a weekend of great workouts! I really hope your DH can take a positive action from your MIL's injury like starting to lift weights. It is no fun watching somebody you love struggle into older age with injuries and such. I know that inspires me to keep up with the workouts. I want to be mobile and independent as long as I can. Interesting news on the new Cathe series. I am okay with a little lower intensity at times as long as they aren't too low in intensity. :ohwell: That two month rotation sounds good! When do we start? :wink:

    Tami, hope you enjoyed your weekend! Hopefully your weather has cooled off a bit. We have been doing research into Tempurpedic since your post last week! I think, as I said Friday, it is something we are going to have to do down the road, but it is something worth saving for, that's for sure! So thanks for the information.

    Thelma, I am glad your family gathering went well in Saturday. I imagine that was a relief after a very busy couple of days. So glad your upper body enjoyed the Bob Harper workout!! That must feel great. DH has been joining me for a workout or two a week for the past few weeks, which is good. I think he really wants to keep up with these workouts, but I am wondering if he will be able to once he goes back to work. I will try to do everything to convince him he can, of course! :tongue:

    See you tomorrow!

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    Super quick check-in, just to let you all know I'm here!! :laugh: I've taken up running again, so that and some Yoga have been my go to workouts. We're knee deep in hockey already and busy with school starting just around the corner. But, the new job is going great, so that's a plus.

    I wish I had more time to chat, but lots on the agenda today. Hopefully soon I can catch up with you all.

    Keep up the great workouts!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Pretty quiet weekend and it looks as though our weather (after today being 90) is now going into the pattern we normally have in June/early July . . . which is cooler temps. Highs in the 70-80’s this week after today. Everyone is really happy about this forsure! :smile: So Sat, as planned I did X77 and it felt tough, but good! I was spent afterwards & dripping sweat.
    I started a little later in the a.m. than normal so I needed to shower & get on with my day after that! No PiYo add-on. :laugh: Yesterday was STS Chest/Shoulders/Tri’s + Yoga Abs and I also took the dogs for a walk prior to my workout! :wink: This a.m. I am happy to report that I did get up for STS Legs!!!! Yahoo . . . a new week, new sleeps! Bootcamp/F.A.S.T. tonight

    Thelma: Way to work with Bob Harper – Ultimate Cardio! :bigsmile: :drinker: How did you like his teaching style?!? I know on the workouts I have of his I really enjoy him. He is tough & to the point but at the same time has a sense of humor. That’s great your shoulders/back felt good! Strength is probably increasing there, which is awesome. Happy to hear you survived your Friday with the early wakeup and off to work at the time most people aren’t even up for work! :laugh: Even better to hear that your FIL and everyone went well! Yay.

    Laurie: Fantastic work this weekend! I saw you did your cardio on Saturday just like “we” talked about for our makeup workout. :drinker: :laugh: Yahoo for that other “new” rotation . . . I would love to do that. This has been one of my favorites so that sounds perfect. I’ll look for it! :bigsmile: I’m with Laurel ~ When do we start?! That’s so nice of you to make the casserole for them. Of course you would want to do something & of course they don’t want anything done for them. Fingers crossed for all good doctor reports this week. I'm glad those Michelle D. new workouts sound like they will be just what you are looking for. :wink: I'll look forward to hearing your reviews when you get them :bigsmile:

    Laurel: Darn it on your first hiccup :grumble: . . . . I’m SO glad you guys went by there so that it was caught prior to pouring concrete. We had that happen with our driveway and luckily we drove by the night before they were going to pour. It was completely mapped out incorrectly! Literally would have had to turn to get into our garage?!?! So it was caught in time and fixed, just like you but one of those things that makes you wonder. Hopefully the communication improves there :smile: & you guys can both feel a little more at ease. Great job with the workouts!! Cardio Fusion is so good and for me I can’t imagine that double cardio action from 4DS . . . since those are not on my “to do” or “favorites” list for step workouts as you know. :huh: Love 4DS but not the step. So good on ya! :drinker:
    I think Laurie was referring to the Michelle Dozois new set of workouts. Not Cathe ~ I’m with you, don’t mind a little less intensity but not too much moderate as to not be a challenge or build your own challenge at least. :wink:
    I know what you are saying on the Tempurpedic bed. CRAZY expensive forsure. I haven’t even priced them out yet but 2 ladies that I mentioned who have them and love them told me they are spendy. So if we do look that direction it might be shot down immediately. :frown: :laugh:
    I did see a flyer in the newspaper for 5 yrs 0% financing at a mattress/bed store! Funny how you have your eye on something and then you start seeing it advertised, or someone talks about it, etc.

    Erika: So great to hear from you! :flowerforyou: Sounds like things continue to be wonderful for you and I am so happy for that! Great job getting back into running and Yoga! Sounds perfect

    Hope you all have a great afternoon/evening ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, I did an XTRAIN - All Out Low Impact HiiT premix with the shoulder challenge. I didn't finish all the exercises because I ran out of time but now I know I can do this routine. I haven't been to PT in a couple of weeks because I only have a few sessions left from my insurance allowance but also because I don't feel that I'm getting better just by going there and really getting a massage and the rest of the work I do myself. I feel that I have a really good strengthening shoulder workout from them. I have two appointments scheduled but I'm seriously considering cancelling.
    Tonight I drove by the new gym down the road and the club's name is up on the building and that is good news. It's going to really happen! I can't wait!
    My new Saucony shoes are working out pretty well but I think I still prefer the Asics.
    I heard on the news that we've had a really cool summer this year. We've only had 4 days in the 90's and that was back in June! It really feels like fall around here in the mornings now.

    Laurie, you're doing great with those workouts!!! :drinker:
    I hope your MIL does well on her surgery. How nice of you to make them the tuna casserole! I am glad my shoulders liked Bob Harper's workout. I am starting to feel hopeful about my shoulders. Hopefully my feet will go back to normal soon.

    Laurel, I'm sorry about the first hiccup on the new house! That was a big hiccup. I think it was Laurie who said her husband was at the construction site of their house every day to supervise things. Sounds like you two need to do the same. I don't blame you for not feeling confident about the builder.
    Awesome workout combos Laurel! You always do such a great job with those combos!
    I was glad the family gathering went well. There was nothing awkward which was my fear.

    Tami, I'm glad you're finally having cooler temps! Youi're also doing a greatj job with the rotation I had dp I'm glad I survived bptj Fiday and Bob's DVD. I really like himtood night!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Did the Meso 2 Leg workout and Extended Stretch last night, so only one more workout to go in this cycle. :noway:

    DH is very stressed about his parents, and his brother isn't helping at all. I really don't know how to help him, so trying to do every I can at home to keep it stress free. Something has to be done with his father, because Mom is not able to take care of him. His brother is the one that is suppose to get someone in every day. Will see how this all end up. :frown:

    Laurel, Dang on the house, but you are right, good thing you didn't have the foundation in yet. We found that it was very important to be there on a weekly basis to make sure that everything was going according to plan. Great job on the workouts. I have never done the step workouts from 4DS, they are step workouts after all. :laugh: Love the kickboxing and bootcamp though. Sorry about the mix up on those instructors, but yes it was Michelle's new set that is probably coming out this fall. I love both her and Cathe's recent stuff a lot. Can't wait to hear something on this new set of Cathe's.

    Erika, Glad to hear you are doing well with your workouts and new job. Can't believe that it is already that time of the year. Had to get our last school supplies for our youngest. She is in her Senior year! :drinker:

    Tami, :drinker: on the X77 workout! It just amazes me how that one is super though when you do the premixes. I think that I'm still down one workout from the previous week, but I think that I will nix that one from my rotation. :laugh: It was probably the X workout. :laugh:

    I have not decided on a new rotation yet, and I was trying to figure out what I can do with DH. I know that he will not do anything without me being there, so I will look at the rotation to see if it is doable for both of us. I was looking at Met-Rx 180 workouts. I know that they will be perfect for a beginner and I enjoy them also. I'm up for suggestions also, I do have everything of Cathe's as far as weight work goes. :wink:

    Thelma, Great job on the AOLI HiiT workout. When is the new gym opening? We have also had mild tems fro the summer. So far so good on the surgery, but the doctor was worried about her blood sugar, way to high.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today's workout was Cross Fire Extreme. I haven't done anything else yet today as I am trying to spend some time with DH before he goes back to work week after next. But maybe I will get in a walk later.

    Tami, great job getting up for STS Legs!!! I am really happy to hear your weather is cooling off. We are enjoying some of the hottest weather of the summer right now. But, honestly, it really means the temps have only gone up a few degrees. And when it is already hot, that doesn't seem to matter to me. But to listen to the weather people, you would think this is newsworthy. :ohwell: Oddly your driveway story made me feel better! :blushing: I know that sound horrible, but it makes me think these things probably happen all of the time. Sad.....but true. We are still on schedule to meet with the construction manager tomorrow, so we will see what he has to say then.

    Thelma, great job with All Out Low Impact HiiT. So happy to hear you are feeling more comfortable with shoulder work. I also think it is good that you feel you can continue to improve with less or no PT. That's a great sign!

    Laurie, sorry about my confusion on the new Michelle D. Series v Cathe, :blushing: I realized after the fact that is what you were talking about. Oh well. Hope you can find a good rotation to do with your DH. If you do find something, can you share? I really know I need to set something up for my DH, but i think most of my workouts are a bit too long and advanced for him. So I am looking for something that is guy-friendly, shorter, and more intermediate. And I am stumped right now.

    Erika, so great to see you!! Glad to hear about the running and yoga. Sounds like a great combo. Hope the new job is still going well.

    Until tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ F.A.S.T. class was pretty good last night, although she did all the exact same stations :huh: and instead of burpees between every station we did mtn climbers with the discs or squat presses or burpees. But otherwise, exactly the same:frown: This a.m. was CrossFire ~ which I always love so much, truly one of my favorites.:bigsmile: (I know, I have a lot of Cathe fav’s!) Tonight is an award dinner for the Parade of Homes, which DH is the co-chairman this year. Last year he was the chairman and they just switch places each year I guess. At any rate, he gets to hand out awards and not speak. I don’t know if you ladies remember last year he was so nervous because he had to speak. :noway: At any rate, going to that to support him and it’s a gorgeous night + a beautiful venue so should be good. :wink:

    Thelma: Fantastic job with XT: LI HiiT yesterday!! :drinker: :bigsmile: I understand you wanting to save up your last few PT appts. Yahoo on the new gym sign going up. I am excited for you on that. Also, that your new shoes are working out! Fingers crossed that your feet are getting better due to all the care you have given them.

    Laurie: Great job with STS Legs last night and the bonus stretch! :smile: I still owe myself an extra stretch this week since I missed that yesterday. Sorry the stress is on with your DH and his parents and all that goes with that. Hopefully his brother steps it up and helps find someone . . . very soon! Thanks for the “cheers” on X77! :wink: I kind of feel that way when I am done. Love it though. That’s right, you need to really plan strategically around what your hubby will enjoy too and weight work. I will think on it as well, although you are a rotation queen so you will probably think it up before I do!

    Laurel: Awesome work with CF Xtreme! :smile: :wink: I had a feeling you would be doing that one Nice job! I bet you are really savoring the moments with DH until he has to go back to work. You guys have really had some quality time together, which is so great. I’m glad my driveway story helped.:laugh: It really is common for ridiculous things to happen but keeping an eye on things and good communication is key forsure. I’m glad you have a meeting with him tomorrow.

    I just had a thought for both you and Laurie with your DH’s joining you in the weight room. What about some of the S90 workouts? I know they move a long pretty quickly but the workouts are shorter and to the point? Not a bunch of equipment needed either?!?! Just a thought. :wink:

    Hope you ladies have a great evening ~ talk to you tomorrow!:flowerforyou:

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, spinning tonight. I should've done my therapy exercises but I was a little tight from yesterday's shoulder workout and my right shoulder was acting up for most of the day. As the day went on it got better and tonight after my spin I massaged my back and shoulders so I feel better. Clearly I over did it yesterday so now I know that I needed to use a lighter weight in order to do the 3 sets of each exercise.

    Laurie, great job with that rotation! Sorry about your husband's stress over his parents. That is such a difficult position to be in. I think keeping your home stress free for him is an awesome thing to do Laurie. You are doing something for him. You're there for him if he needs you.
    The new gym is scheduled to open on 9/15 but it won't surprise me if the opening is delayed. Glad your MIL's pre-surgery labs are looking good.

    Laurel, great job today even if you've only gotten one workout in. I know it's not enough by your standards but you're doing the right thing by spending more time with your husband before he starts his new job.
    Have you considered doing some of the short premixes with your husband? Maybe a full workout is too much for him right now but I think there are a lot of short premixes in Cathe's DVD's that may want to try.
    I really think my shoulders will be OK without physical therapy.

    Tami, nice burn with the F.A.S.T class last night. CrossFire is one of my favorites too. I hope tonight's dinner goes well! I really hope my feet will get better soon. The doctor did tell me it could take up to a year though.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    No workout for me yesterday, spent two hours after work walking around a park while my youngest was getting her Senior picture taken. I think that she will have some really awesome pics though. So I'm hoping that I can double up tonight, but will see how that goes. My MIL's surgery is up in the air right now, since some of her test results where not what they wanted them to be at. But this morning she received a call from the hospital wondering where she was. :huh: So either the doc and hospital are not communicating or my MIL is not understanding what she is being told.

    Laurel, Great workout as usual. :wink: I will for sure be looking at some of the paper workouts that I have collected over the years, and on the web page for some info. I know that Body Beast would probably be a good one, and they are selling it for something like $40 right now. What to do what to do. :laugh: I like having someone tell me what to do, so I love the DVD option. :wink:

    Tami, Great workouts yesterday! Love that you get in your early morning and then go to the gym. :wink: Have fun at the award dinner, I feel for you DH on having to speak. I have the same problem, and also get all red in my upper body. When I walked down the isle to get married, everyone could see the flush coming over me. :laugh: I know for sure that DH will probably not do any cardio, he just will not do it. The most he will probably do is walking fast. :laugh:

    Thelma, Glad you where able to clear up the tightens with your massage. My MIL has realized that she isn't able to take care of my FIL, so has said that he should go into managed care for about two weeks. Not something that you want to happen, but I think that it will be what she needs, and give my FIL a wake up call.

    Have a wonderful day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Got a good, early workout in this morning. I started with my HiiT combo workout from Cathe's Shock Cardio series. Then DH joined me for the last workout in Meso 2--Back and Biceps. Loved this workout. After that, we were off to meet the consteuction manager, and there is good news on the house! He says the mix-up only set him back 3 days, so he is still planning on pouring concrete next week! If so, it means we may still make it into the house before Christmas. The construction manager was really nice, and I guess everybody in the company was all up in arms about what happened. That makes me feel better because I wouldn't like to think such a thing would be met with a shoulder shrug.....especially since it was clearly their error. So.....all is good,

    Thelma, sorry to hear about the sore shoulder, but I am glad it felt better through the day. Probably a good idea to start light and slowly while you are still recovering. Thanks for the premix idea. I have thought of that. But one of the things my DH struggles with in the quickness of the exercises....not so much rep speed as how little time there is to set up for the next exercise. Since you have done some Meso 1 workouts, you know what I am talking about. So I am hoping to find something less equipment intensive than Cathe if possible. We'll see.

    Tami, sorry to hear about the repeat in F.A.S.T. class. How disappointing!! Hope she changes things up next week a bit more. Thanks for the S90 suggestion for DH. I am going to have to look at those workouts again. I remember they are fast.....but pretty basic. And very effective. I think the length of them would appeal to him. So.....something to consider. We are enjoying these last few days together, that's for sure. Hope you enjoyed your evening last night.....and your DH felt more comfortable this year without a speaking part.

    Laurie, I think walking around a park for two hours counts as something of a workout! How fun for your daughter. Are you having a hard time coming to terms with her being a senior? Sorry to hear about the confusion with your MIL's surgery. I hope she gets it worked out soon and is able to start healing. I have never looked into Body Beast. Thank you for the recommendation! I will look into it!

    See you all tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Last night’s event went really well. :drinker: DH did awesome presenting the awards and minus a storm that blew in and over the event (it was inside luckily) all was a success! :wink: This a.m. was STS Back/Bi’s – headed to spinning after work!

    Thelma: Great Spin last night! :bigsmile: Glad you got in some shoulder massage for that tightness.
    Thanks for the kudos on the FAST class. Dang it on the feet potentially taking that long.:frown: I know you have said that but I just keep that "wishful thinking" that they are getting better faster for you :flowerforyou: I guess day-by-day and just do what you can do, which is exactly what you are doing.

    Laurie: No worries on the missed workout yesterday ~ Like Laurel said, a walk around the park for 2 hours is something! :wink: You were still moving out in that fresh air. How exciting for your DD. I bet she is excited to see them, always an exciting time. Hopefully the hospital and your MIL were able to communicate better today on her surgery. :frown: Darn it. Thank you for the thoughts for DH . . . speaking is so nerve racking so I am glad he was able to be the hand shake, here is your award person vs. last year having to speak the whole time. He was way more relaxed.
    On the S90 suggestion yesterday for you and Laurel I was thinking just the weight work :smile: I absolutely get the non-cardio factor! :laugh: Mine is non-All styles of workouts :laugh:

    Laurel: Great job with the workouts and extra great since DH joined your for STS!! :drinker: :bigsmile: WooHoo on the construction meeting going well too and that it sounds like he handled it professionally. I would still be checking on things often …. Which I am sure you guys will be, but yay!! :smile: So great you will maybe be in by Christmas. I hope she changes it up too … I was surprised it was exactly the same. I can’t imagine she will do that again next week ~ here’s hoping!

    So I am sure you have all seen and heard about the nationwide ALS challenges. Well our boss was challenged by a local banker yesterday so he had bucket(s) – yes 3 dumped on him this a.m. :laugh: and he challenged our office for tomorrow. Yes, I will be in it. If there is a video I will send you guys the link if you can even see me in the group of peeps. Right after work in our parking lot! Hilarious and a great cause. We will be challenging one of the other Real Estate offices in town.

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Have a great night! :flowerforyou:

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, I am so excited because tonight I did AfterBurn and it felt great. I modified certain things as I went along but did 90% of it which felt SOOOO GOOOD! I am down to using 1, 2 and 3 lb weight which is frustrating. I keep reminding myself that using baby weights is better than not being able to even use my arms at all during workouts.
    My left shoulder which was the most injured has been acting up since the other day but it's better. I decided to take a risk tonight and I can tell my shoulder blades are pointing down as they should. I love that feeling!

    You ladies are doing such a great job with this rotation. :drinker: :drinker: :flowerforyou: Is it almost over? How long will it go on for?

    Laurie, walking for 2 hours IS a workout! Some people can't even walk 5 minutes! If you can get your DH to walk fast and get him hooked on working out eventually he'll try something else. I hope your DD's pictures come out beautiful!
    What a mix up with your MIL's surgery! Can your DH or BIL talk to her doctors to find out exactly what is going on? At least your MIL realizes that she can't take care of her husband.
    I'm with you on liking someone telling and showing me what to do so I prefer DVD's. An exercise book is just not fun to me.

    Laurel, I bet that Hiit workout you did today was very intense! Good job! You must be so relieved after that meeting with the construction manager! I would've thought the delay on the foundation mistake would've been more than 3 days. Lucky!

    I really learned my lesson about taking it easy and using lite weights Laurel. I know that Cathe's workouts are constantly changing equipment and there is no time in between I use the pause button A LOT! Specially when they just say: Cathe is using # lb. weights but you don't know what the exercise will be. I know I can't lift the same weight Cathe lifts so I always wait to select my weight until she does the first rep of an exercise, then I rewind to the beginning of that exercise, pause the DVD and then I select my weight. I do this with every DVD workout I do.

    Tami, so glad your DH did an awesome job presenting the awards. I HATE public speaking. I get very nervous. My hands shake and my voice sounds like I'm about to cry! So embarrassing!

    Great STS workout this morning! I hope you enjoy your spinning class tonight.
    OMG! I can't believe you're doing the ALS challenge! I hope you're not having a super hot day because it's going to feel much colder over your hot body. Just like showers in El Salvador feel. No hot water for most people there so you have to take cold showers. It really feels like you're bathing with iced water! LOL Good luck!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Well last night was a real stress for DH with his mother. :grumble: She was upset that the company coming in charged her $.60 over. :huh: She doesn't want anyone coming in. DH said that she is taking her arm out of the sling, and his father will not help do any housework. Apparently that is women's work. This is what he is dealing with, and because of the stress that my MIL is putting herself through her blood pressure has been elevated. This is why her surgery was postponed. DH got home around 7:30 (after going to see his parents) hopped on the lawn tractor, then he got the phone call from his Mom. He was on the phone until after 9pm. I then told him to get himself out for a walk, just to relax. :happy:

    Sorry to rant like that, but I guess you all are my stress relief. :laugh: I did manage to get in the last workout for this Meso cycle Back and Biceps, and that sure was a fun one. I contemplated doing something else, but just didn't want to add another 50 or so minutes onto my workout. :wink:

    Laurel, Awesome news on the house! :drinker: Great job on the workouts, I do love the SC HiiT. I'm actually okay with her being a Senior this year, she is planning on going to a local 2 year college or beauty school. So she will be living at home during that time. :wink: I was looking of S90 also, since I found that one at Half Price Books for $7. I will have to check that one out also, thank you Tami. I just wondered how I could incorporate that with what I want to accomplish. Now my brain is really working. :laugh:

    Tami, Glad to hear that your DH enjoyed the night. I'm looking forward to trying out the LIS Triset workout next week. Finally get to take the wrapper off of that one. :laugh: I love the non-all style workouts! I could probably incorporate these with the RushFit or Kettlebell Kickboxing that I have not tried yet. I really want to get through all the workouts that I have not tried yet. Love the results that I have gotten from this rotation, but looking for something different for a bit.

    Thelma, Wonderful job on the Afterburn workout! Those baby weights are still used by me once in a while. :wink: They will help you in the long run, and I can see where it would be frustrating though. DH and his brother consulted a lawyer on what they should do, and he told them that they need to inform the doctors of exactly what their mother and father will do and not do. So taking her arm out of the sling is one thing that the doctors will be informed of. That way they may make is so she won't get to do that. She will never recover otherwise.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today's workout was Rockout Knockout, and for fun, I added Hard Strikes to it. Love that combo, I finished it off with a very relaxing Kari Anderson Angles, Lines and Curves. :heart:

    Laurie, I am SO sorry to hear about the issues with your MIL! Your DH must be so very concerned and frustrated. I hope talking to the lawyer helped. The whole thing about the housework, though, is just hard. Will she let somebody else do it (like a service?). Is that even a financial option? But I know men of a certain age (my FIL being one) who see no need to do anything around the house. Makes me :mad: . I know I have to keep reminding my DH that I am not his housekeeper. And I will keep reminding him for this very reason. Anyhow, feel free to vent away. I really hope things get better soon. :flowerforyou: Sounds like your daughter has a great plan for life after high school! Beauty School is supposed to be tough! But it is a good profession to get into.

    Thelma, YAY for Afterburn!! I bet it felt great. And don't worry about 'baby' weights. The purpose of weights in that workout is really to get your heart rate up and maybe do some additional conditioning. So lift what you can. I know when I have done those types of workouts when I travel, I often just use bottles of water for weight. :tongue: I figure a little something is better than nothing. I agree about the pause button, and I have done that through our workouts together so DH can see that the pause button can be his friend. But he gets really frustrated if he can't keep up for some reason. Glad it doesn't bother me.....too much. :ohwell:

    Tami, happy to hear the event went well, despite the weather. How fun that you are doing the ALS challenge! I have seen some numbers over the past few days on how much money is being raised with this campaign, and it is amazing!! Look forward to seeing video if you get one!

    See you all tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Well the day just flew by for me today. No lunch break and it’s narrowing right down to the end of the day for the big ice bucket water! :noway: It is sunny out but not too hot so it won’t feel too bad . . . right?!?! :laugh: :noway: This will be a quick check in ~ I have been filling in for a couple people the last couple of days at work so it has been super busy for me. This a.m. was Rockin Knockout & tonight I am headed home for a little BBQ with my hubby. No workout planned. I will catch up with you ladies tomorrow . . . But let me just say GREAT workouts ladies! :drinker:

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, spinning for me tonight and I'm happy to report that my shoulders are feeling good! My feet not so much but not too bad. I haven't really done my PT exercises this week and I'm not sure I did them last week either but I actually feel better without them. I'm trying to make sense out of this. PT should help right?

    Laurie, I'm sorry your DH is going through all that stress with his parents and of course you're stressed over him I'm sure. It really sounds like your in-laws are not doing a good job taking care of themselves. I think it's a great idea that your DH and BIL talked to an attorney about their parents. This is a very difficult position to be in for sure.
    I hope your husband went out for that walk last night.
    Vent away Laurie! We're here for you!

    I am really happy about having been able to do AfterBurn last night and even happier that my shoulders are feeling good today!

    Laurel, what a great idea to do the kickboxing workouts back-to-back! Those are really good workouts! Hopefully I'll be able to do those soon.
    I will keep doing the baby weights and hopefully I'll be able to increase the weight over time.
    Too bad your DH gets frustrated with the workouts even when you pause the DVD. He probably wants to keep up with you so badly and not knowing the choreography is frustrating him.

    Tami, I hope the ice bucket challenge wasn't too bad! People at work did it this week but I missed it. A picture was sent via email of the people who did it and the VP was one of them. He's lost a lot of weight this year and showed it off by going shirtless! LOL
    I hope you have a great evening with your husband!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Last night I did Peak Fit Cardio Strength. Talking about her workouts made me want to do one of them. :bigsmile: My MIL was put in the hospital a day early so that they could get her vital on a more normal basis, she is suppose to have her surgery this afternoon. She has also agreed to have the visiting nurse come in the mornings, and the comfort keepers for a couple of hours in the afternoon. Hopefully this will work out. :wink: Thanks for letting me vent yesterday.

    Laurel, Have heard many good things about that Kari Anderson workout on other forums. Glad that you enjoyed it. I will probably be doing the Rockin Knockout when I get home. This has bothered me with my FIL since I met my DH, but this is how their life has been from the beginning. Some of the stories that DH has told me just make me shake my head. I'm really glad that my Dad was never like that. :laugh: With seven kids, he had to help.

    Tami, Great workouts for you also. Hope you enjoyed the BBQ, and I hope you didn't get to cold for that Ice bucket challenge. Both of my girls did that yesterday.

    Thelma, Wonderful news on the shoulders! I have never had to do PT, so I really don't know if it helps or not. Great job on the spinning. Yes DH did go for his walk, and last night he went to bed way before he usually does. Surprised me. :laugh: I think all of this has caught up with him.

    Have a wonderful day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Good combo of tough and fun in the workouts today. I started with STS Total Body, which always feels tough to me. Such a great workout. Then, for the fun factor, I did Party Rockin' Step 2. Great way to end the week's workouts!

    Tami, I hope the ice bucket challenge went all right. I sure hope it wasn't too bad! Hopefully you enjoyed the time at the BBQ after.

    Thelma, yay on the shoulders! That is such good news. It is interesting for me with PT exercises. I find them very helpful while I am doing PT. And then I always do them after I am no longer in physical therapy. Sometimes I have kept them up for weeks, sometimes months, and, in one case (my left shoulder), years. But, invariably, when I stop doing them, I find a new strength in the area I was working. I think it might be (and this is a completely unqualified opinion) because I was exhausting the area I was working too much to enjoy the gains. Does that make sense? Anyhow, I just wanted to let you know I have had that experience. But if I ever see the problems creeping back, I do go back to the PT exercise with good results.

    Laurie, I am happy to hear your MIL is in the hospital and being looked after. Hopefully her surgery goes well and she will take the time needed to recover. I am so glad she has agreed to people coming to help her. That is a big hurdle for some people. Keep us posted please!

    Hope you all have a great weekend!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Happy Friday!!!:drinker: :drinker: Well the ALS challenge went well! As far as getting ice cold water dumped over your head. :laugh: :laugh: It was pretty hilarious actually. I was soaked from the girl next to me so I immediately stood up to dump it on the next person . . . forgetting it was still my turn to be dumped on. We re referring to it as a "false start" ~ don’t worry, I sat right back down. Here is the link for you guys to watch if you want. (I am near the end and in the tourquoise tank top), pretty funny stuff.

    DH was at a meeting longer than he expected so we went to dinner at a nearby place we really like instead. Tonight we will make dinner at home . . . Our weather has definitely taken a dive towards colder, stormy temps. 50’s this a.m. Feels like Fall :huh: So this a.m. was STS Total Body ~ which I love every time I do it. When I saw that one on the schedule this week I was really looking forward to it. Good stuff. Tonight will be Spinning with Katy in our small Friday evening group.:wink:

    Thelma: I think it is great that you are doing the workouts and the weight that you feel you can handle. Don’t worry about what Cathe/others are doing, do what you can do and eventually through your injuries you will increase! So good that you are doing what you can do. Plus YAHOO for your shoulder doing better :drinker: Thanks for that on DH ~ yes public speaking is definitely not my favorite either and he actually failed classes in school because he wouldn’t stand up and speak – that fearful. So his job has brought him a long way from those days forsure.

    Laurie: So sorry to hear about the stresses with your in-laws and also your DH.:frown: Surgeries are always a stressful situation and sometimes the nerves take over . . . which sounds like your in-laws are having a little struggle there. I’m glad she has now agreed to have some help. Hopefully FIL puts on his big boy boots and helps her out too. I’m so sorry Laurie. Hope everything goes smoothly with her surgery today. Always here to listen ~ vent away! :smile:
    Great work finishing up STS Meso 2 the other day – Hopefully you are able to get in your workout tonight if you can. Will feel good to get a little “anx” out right now I am sure.
    I can’t believe how quickly we are all clipping right along through this rotation. You’re welcome on the S90 suggestion the other day. I was pretty sure you had those workouts?!? Sorry if I created a potential purchase.
    Remember I have all the sheets for the workouts so if you decide to go that route I can send those to you. Gives the order of what’s next. I found those to be helpful since he moves right along. I hope you love tri-sets next week! It is such a good workout; the variety in it is awesome I think. I’m glad you have enjoyed this rotation too & seeing results! Always a bonus.

    Laurel: Awesome work with the double KB whammy with RK and HS!! :bigsmile: :drinker: Then to get in your stretch ~ you’re a star!! Another great combo today I see, nicely done and I bet it did feel good to end the week with 2 workouts you enjoy!

    Hope you all have a great weekend! :flowerforyou:

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, I hope you're all having a great weekend! We've had a busy weekend as always but it was a good one. I've been doing more upper body work and it feels good although on Saturday I did Total Body Trisets and Chris Freytag's Walking Cardio ShapeUp on Friday. think I over did it. My shoulders are really tight. Better today but still tight. Today I did a little spinning.

    I bought a 2 ft pvc pip to help me massage my legs. This is better than the foam roller and it was $800

    Laurie, glad your MIL had her surgery on Friday. I hope everything went well. I'm glad she accepted help! Great job with the workouts!

    Laurel, Great job with the workouts! I am going to continue to do the PT exercises from time to time.

    Tami, You didn't even need to tell me who you were on the video. I didn't read you post at first. My eyes zeroed in on the link and I watched the challenge. As soon as I saw those beautifully sculpted arms I said: "That is Tami". Then I read the post and I was right! I am still laughing at the "false start." It would've never occurred to me to call it a "false start" :laugh: :laugh:
    You guys did a great job! Was it really cold? Did the water have ice cubes?
    Great job wit the workouts too.

    Good night ladies!