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Cathe Fans Part 5



  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,501 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I did get in another workout yesterday, but it wasn't 21DFX. I decided to pull out a Turbo Fire workout. I did Fire 30 and the Stretch 10 workout. That was a lot of fun. No workout this morning, had my alarm clock set for pm instead of am. I did wake up in plenty of time to get to work though. Guess that internal alarm clock works really well. ;)

    Tami, Great workouts! When are we starting the Cathe rotation? I just want to make sure that I have the right time frame? Is it the 2nd week in Aug? Hope that your bootcamp workout was a good one.

    Thelma, Very glad to hear that your Aunt is better, just sorry to hear that she had to go through all of that. Great job on the lower body workout! Are you able to walk this morning?

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Well last night did not go as planned. :| Unfortunately I got stuck at work until 5:30 so I wasn't able to make it in time; I guess I could have been really late but opted to head home. :( So this a.m. was Lift It HiiT It Legs and tonight I am headed to Insane-X, I think Katy is supposed to be back tonight. Anxious to hear how her race went over the weekend. It was actually in Calgary, CANADA. I thought it was Colorado. LOL

    Thelma: Way to start up the rotation with GG xtreme! I bet you were feeling some DOMS today. Sounds like your aunt is doing better already if she is feeling hungry! That's great to hear. Such a great relief when you have someone really good watching your animals.

    Laurie: Nice job getting in TF + a Stretch! I bet they both felt amazing. Darn it on the alarm clock but that's awesome you weren't running wild and late for work. Yes, the 2nd Week of August!! WooHoo :):) Looking forward to it.

    Hope you ladies have a great afternoon/evening ~ I will talk to you tomorrow!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,616 Member
    Hi Ladies, RWH Hiit Circuit Upper Body with bonus abs for me tonight. Great workout but of course there were a lot of squats and lunges and my glutes and hamstrings were talking to me. I could feel the tightness in those areas during my workout tonight.
    Thankfully I was able to walk this morning, now going up the stairs was a little hard! LOL I thought I was going to be hurting a lot more but since I massaged very well I was Ok this morning. My glutes are sore. I could feel the tightness deep inside. I guess I did those butt blaster moves correctly! LOL
    I was planning on doing tomorrow the RWH Circuit Lower Body tomorrow but not sure if that is too much leg work so I'll wait to see how I feel tomorrow.

    Laurie, great job on getting a second workout in yesterday! It is funny how the internal clock is always active! LOL
    I thought I wasn't going to be able to walk today but the deep massage after my workout helped. I was afraid my IT band was going to get tight but it didn't. Thanks for your thoughts on my aunt!

    Tami, great workouts today! Can't wait to read about Katy's race! I thought she was doing a local race.
    I was pleasantly surprised about the level of DOMS I felt today. I really didn't think I was going to be able to walk or sit down but I can't complain.

    Good night!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,501 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Yesterday I did 30MTF Your Best Body workout 1. Good workout, and I'm feeling it in my back. Sometimes the moves she creates don't appear to work, but the next day you really feel it. Really humid here today, but it is suppose to blow out of here later today. Still in the 80's though.

    Tami, Great workout! Totally understand not being able to get to the class, sometimes it just isn't possible when you are so busy. Okay I will set up my calendar for Aug 10th, I'm very excited to start this rotation. Can't believe that it is the end of July already, it has been a very busy summer. Can't wait to hear how Katy did with her Ironman. I'm sure that it was tough.

    Thelma, WTG on the workout, and of course working that lower and upper body good. Glad to hear that you were able to walk. :D Good idea to massage them to prevent getting stiff. If you can't do the lower body workout, I'm sure that you will find something that will work you good.

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Katy's class did not disappoint last night. It was one of the timed circuit style workouts with 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 of each exercise and then another round; then she changed all of the exercises to something else, same numbering. Lots of Burpees, Squats, Box Jumps, Ball throws, Mtn Climbers, etc. She was very tired so just did her Drill Sargent while walking around. She ended up 6th in her age group; 30 something's . . . So I thought that was amazing. She said she was pretty happy with how she did, except that was too close to the podium to not be up there! LOL I just laughed and of course huge congrats from all of us.

    This a.m. was Lift It HiiT It Back/Bi's/Shoul and tonight I am headed to Katy's Spin Class! By the way, she didn't say one word about me being absent . . . I think she was tired and also more concerned with her whole class being low attendance. It's summer and the usual I told her. :)

    Thelma: I am glad the DOMS didn't have you hurting too much today. Great job on the Circuit Upper body workout! Such a great one; I love both those ;)

    Laurie: Awesome work getting in 30MTF last night. Our weather is on the rise of heat again .... supposed to be high 90's this weekend. It's 90 today. No sign of rain; we had a few sprinkles over the weekend so that was nice, just not enough for everyone in this part of the country forsure. August 10th! I cannot wait either. I will probably start on Sunday the 9th since I seem to always start rotations on Sunday. It will be so good and all of us doing it together is a BONUS in my eyes!!!!

    I will talk to you ladies tomorrow :)
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,616 Member
    Hi Ladies, I ended up doing a premix of RWH Hiit Circuit Lower Body because my legs felt pretty good. I'll try to get up tomorrow at 5am to workout. I am really enjoying this rotation because it's making me push myself harder with the workouts.

    Laurie, good job with that workout! We've had a heat wave here this week. I think it's going to rain tomorrow. I've attached a picture of my Dahlia. It is not dinner plate size. It's more saucer size. I wonder if it will be bigger next year though.

    Tami, amazing job with Katy's class! You survived another killer workout! Katy did great on that race! Good for her! I think you ladies are going to enjoy this rotation very much.

    Good night ladies! I'll write back on Sunday night!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,501 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I did 30MTF Kickboxing workout 1, Turbo Fire HiiT 15 and Stretch 10. Those TF workouts are good, just have to get used to the pace. :o This morning I got in 30MTF Muscle Definition Workout 1, and will probably do another TF workout after work. Will see how I feel.

    Tami, WTG on the workouts! That is a great placement for Katy, and I'm sure she is a bit disappointed that she was so close to the top. I'm sure that she will try another again, just to see how much closer she can get. It was nice to walk outside this morning to no humidity! Last night during my workout, I was sweating buckets because of the humidity. You and Laurel will be one day ahead of me during this rotation! :D

    Thelma, Oh how pretty! I love the color. How many flowers has the plant produced so far? I'm guessing that it just lights up the area that you placed the pot at. Can't wait for next year to see if they do get bigger. WTG on the workout, sounds like you are working around your pf. See you on Sunday.

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Well you can tell Katy is back, the Spinning class was packed. Not an empty bike in the room! That had to make her feel good; It was a good class :) This a.m. I decided on CrossFire, which is always a good one. The time flies by. Tonight I am going to head to the grocery store or maybe Costco to get something for DH and I for dinner and a head start on the groceries. I'm still in the "home alone" mode so I don't think I prepared real well this week for food for him. LOL He made dinner one night, it was awesome. ;)

    Thelma: Nicely done with the workout!! I'm glad your legs were feeling good last night after the DOMS you had going on. Happy to hear you are enjoying the rotation! I know it's a good one . . . I am happy to be starting it (again). :);) Well worth it! Love the variety it offers. That Dahlia is so gorgeous.

    Laurie: Way to go on the workouts! Yes, those TF workouts go fast and if you don't have the choreography down, it is sometimes a bit like :s So way to go! Nice to hear the humidity was down this a.m. for you. I bet it felt nice.

    Have a great afternoon/evening ladies ~ I will talk to you tomorrow!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,501 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    No workout for me after work, took the opportunity to make stops on the way home. Of course traffic was horrid also. DH will not be home this evening, so I'm going to get some type of kickboxing workout in. Think the 10min. Solutions Knockout workout would be a fun one. Have not done that one in quite a while.

    Tami, Glad to hear that you had such a great workout with Katy, and of course that her class was full. I'm sure that she is popular because she does her job so well. Yep that is the face I was making on some of those moves in TF, but they are fun workouts even though I wouldn't want anyone to see me doing the moves. ;) I so enjoy the mornings when they are cool, it makes for a nice walk with the pup.

    Have a great weekend!
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,616 Member
    Hi Ladies, DH and I had a great time in ME. Our round trip was 700 miles! It took us 5 hours each way but well worth it. I got up really early on Thursday and did Hard Strikes before we left. Then we did a lot of walking around Bar Harbor. On Friday we hiked up Mt. Gorham. We did the loop which is 4mls. The mountain's altitude is 525 ft. That was my first hike in maybe 8 years. My brand new hiking boots were great. They were comfortable and protected my feet and ankles. The mountain was pretty much all rocks. The sun was pretty strong and it made the hike harder but I finished without any blisters! We discovered Gifford's Wild Blueberry ice cream in Bar Harbor. OMG! It was heavenly delicious. It had lots of blueberries. DH went crazy for boiled lobster. I didn't because it is one messy job and I can deal with getting my hands dirty. I would've had to use gloves! LOL. I did have stuffed lobster one night that was amazing! Yeah, I was bad with food!
    On Saturday I was tired after the trip so I took it off. Today I did my spinning bike. Finished the first week of the rotation and I basically missed one of the workouts but I'll do it some other time during the rotation.

    Laurie, great job with those workouts!!! The Dahlia crowns I was sent produced 3 plants per planter and the one in the picture would've had at least 5 flowers but I cut the buds to see if the main flower got bigger. The other two plants have 3 or 4 buds each and they are slightly smaller than the one in the picture.
    I've been sleeping with my Achilles tendon boot every night for the past few weeks and that is what has been keeping my PF under control.

    Tami, awesome workouts! I'm sure you're thrilled to have to have Katy back. I hope you're enjoying having your husband home.

    Have a wonderful week ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,501 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I actually didn't do my Friday workout! I got off of work early, so I started doing some gardening. Figured that was enough of a workout. Saturday was 30MTF Weights Back, Legs, Chest & Abs, then followed that up with Chris Freytag's ACE HiiT Lower Body workout. That fried my legs pretty good. Sunday I was busy with grocery shopping, and prepping food for this week. This morning I did the ACE HiiT Total Body workout, and will probably get in a 30MTF workout after work. We had a really bad T-Storm yesterday, there was golf ball sized hail and tree branches all over the yard. 60 MPH winds, and when I walked into the yard to snap a pic of the hail the yard squished with water.

    Thelma, Sounds like you and your DH had a great time. That ice cream sounds wonderful. I didn't eat all that great this weekend either, we went to a car show on Saturday. They have it at a drive-in, so the food isn't all that healthy. Of course they had custard, so I did have some. We don't go for custard all that much, so I treat myself once in a while. Glad to hear that your new shoes worked great!

    Have a wonderful day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,867 Member
    Hi Ladies! I am back after enjoying a final fun week with DH before his summer break ends this week. We didn't do anything special but managed to golf every day. That actually ended up being something of a challenge because we have definitely hit rainy season in Florida! So I was up early all last week to get my two workouts in, then had breakfast as we ran out to a course to try to get a round in before the rain. We only had to stop for rain one day, which is good. We waited the storm out (about 30 minutes) then finished up having the course to ourselves. It was a fun, but also a messy and muddy week. My arms and shoulders are going to enjoy a little break from hitting golf balls this week. And the good news is DH loves my new haircut! Very happy about that.

    Like I said, I got my usual two-a-day workouts in last week. Yesterday I started the last week of Cathe's July rotation with LIHI Back, Shoulders and Biceps extreme premix followed by Cardio Core Circuit. This morning was IMAX 3 followed by Lower Body Blast. I can't wait to start our new rotation next week!

    Tami, I am happy to hear Katy is back! And it sounds like she did a great job with her triathlon. That is incredible. I bet it feels good to workout with her again. You have been getting in some great workouts.....as usual!

    Thelma, I am so glad you enjoyed your trip to Maine. I hope you enjoyed that ice cream! I got addicted to blueberry cheesecake when we were there, so I hear you about the eating habits going south in Bar Harbor!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited August 2015
    Hi Ladies ~ Sorry I missed you on Friday ;) It was end of the month and very busy here at work. I didn't really take a lunch break; just trying to "help" out wherever needed kept me busy. I did get in STS Total Body on Friday a.m. and was planning on the Spinning class after work but had a few things that took longer in the other dept. I work in. After that, I just headed home instead of being late for class. Saturday I did KCM Shape Up workout and yesterday I did her Cardio Pump workout. That one was a Pyramid style of lifting with kickboxing cardio in between various muscle groups; it was a good one and that Shape Up workout is always good (Tabata/HiiT style). Today I had high hope with myself to get up and do one of Shaun T's workouts but again hit the Monday snoozer. Sheesh! :|:o So I will get my workout in at BootCamp tonight after work.

    Thelma: Sounds like you had an absolutely amazing time on your weekend! That is so great and I hope you enjoyed every morsel of your yummy food! Yes, I am very happy that Katy is back and my hubby too. He was mentioning his upcoming busy schedule to me last night. I told him I need to post a calendar on our fridge because I can't keep track and he forgets that he doesn't tell me. At any rate, lots of fishing on some of our local lakes coming up and then his fall season will start mid-September if it is still on. Which for right now it is.

    Laurie: The gardening sounds wonderful and hopefully none of your hard work was ruined with the storm you got?! Sounds like it was pretty intense with hail! Great job with your workouts over the weekend too. ;)

    Laurel: Welcome Back! I think your week with your hubby sounds like lots of fun and relaxing too. Amazing job with the workouts as always and I am also super excited to start our rotation. Over the weekend and this week I am kind of just doing some that I don't do too often right now and/or wanted to try and don't get tons of opportunity. Like ST's that I keep meaning to plug in. LOL We'll see where the week takes me; I'm terrible about standing there staring at the DVD's if I don't have a plan. :#

    Also --- I am going to be visiting my mom on Labor Day weekend!!!! I will be there Sept 4-8. After visiting with DH I thought I better get in a long weekend before he is gone again. Due to the dogs and all it is just nicer to have one of us home. So mom & I made a plan and I asked my two bosses and they both were thrilled for me :):) So that will be really great and so good to see her. I haven't seen her since L.A. in November, that is a really long time for us; one of the longest. No "new" news on her move to California so it will be fun to be in Portland again.
    This also means I will also be catching up on our rotation ladies when I get back! ;)

    Hope you ladies have a great afternoon ~ I will talk to you all tomorrow! B)
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,616 Member
    Hi Ladies LIS Total Body Trisets Upper Body Split tonight.

    Laurie, great workouts and gardening. OMG that storm sounds scary! What kind of car shows do you go to? I know someone who loves Corvettes and he's always going to those shows. I hope you enjoyed your custard! There was an ice cream place in Bar Harbor that sold an ice cream they called soft custard. I'd never heard of such thing and asked for a little taste. It was very creamy. I was told it is made differently than regular soft serve and that it had eggs.

    Laurel, welcome back! I'm glad you had a great week with your husband and that you were able to play golf in spite of the rain! Good for you for getting your workouts in too! Laurel, I'm so glad we didn't discover blueberry cheese cake or we would've been addicted to that too. I did try blueberry pie but I wasn't crazy about it.

    Tami, awesome workouts this weekend! We did have a great weekend and lots of good food too. Good idea to put that calendar up on the fridge to keep track of your husbands fishing trips! I'm so glad you'll be going to visit your mom!
    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,501 Member
    edited August 2015
    Morning Ladies,

    After work I did 30MTF Cardio Blast Plyo. This morning was Chris Freytag's ACE Core HiiT. Planning on a 30MTF workout when I get home.

    Laurel, Sounds like a great golfing vacation! Glad to hear that the hair cut was accepted, it is good to get into a different style every once in a while. I always say that hair grows, and once you cut it, it seems to grow faster. :D WTG with getting in your two a day workouts. Mine are only 30 min., but we will see how it goes once we start the rotation next week. I am planning on doing at least 30 min. in the mornings.

    Tami, Great job on the workouts! I have been wondering about the Cardio Pump workout, it sure looked appealing. I like the fact that she incorporates kickboxing into her workouts. That is a long time since you saw your Mom. I'm glad to hear that you are able to go to CA to visit her. I'm sure that you and your family will have a great time.

    Thelma, Nice workout! Yes the storm was crazy, it didn't last long, but sure was intense. We were lucky to only get the size hail that we did, a city very near us had larger hail that caused a lot of damage. We go to mostly Oldsmobile car shows. DH has two of them, and we belong to the national and local chapter. The national show was the one we were at on our vacation. Our local chapter was hosting the show. Yep that is custard, with egg. It is all over this state, but mostly in the Milwaukee area. They even have a web page that lists all the flavors of the day for every custard place. I think that my favorite is apple pie, they put in the crust! Talk about a calorie overload. :o

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,867 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today's workout started with LIHI Chest, Shoulders and Triceps Extreme. Such a tough workout! My arms were seriously shaking on some of the push-ups. Good stuff. For cardio, I did the cardio combo premix from 4DS Kickboxing/Boot Camp workout. I love that one.

    Tami, I completely understand about staring at the DVDs. I used to choose my workouts on a day-by-day basis but anymore.......that isn't happening. I definitely need the'push' from a rotation when doing some workouts I don't do very often or much like. I usually find those are some of my best workouts! But if left alone, I would never do them. Sad but true. Sounds like some great workouts over the weekend though. But I think I might have not been able to push play for Shaun T. on a Momday morning either. ;) Great news on being able to visit your mom soon. So glad your new bosses are so easy to work with when it comes to things like that.

    Thelma, great workout! That is one that has definitely grown on me since I first did it. That is so funny about the blueberry pie.....because I had the same reaction. And I normally love blueberry pie! I just wasn't impressed with the piece I had in Maine. But the cheesecake was killer! Now my mouth is watering. :p

    Laurie, yes it was nice the hair cut was a big hit. I love it. Even if DH was hesitant, it would take some convincing to get me to grow it out again. So much easier and SO much cooler. Great workout yesterday.

    Until tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Well last night's Bootcamp was a little blast from the past instructor. She had us go over to the hospital and run stairs. In between the stair running we did wall squats, lunges, planks, push-ups, etc. On the concrete. Glad I can stay on my toes! It was good and she could have actually been a lot harder on us than she was, so it was just a good workout, but only like 45 min. My back was very tight prior to doing that and by this a.m. it is extremely tight. I didn't work out this a.m. hoping it would loosen, not yet. I know it will, I can tell it is just muscles so this eve I may just do some stretching or abwork, hoping that helps. Or I may just attempt Katy's class and see how that goes. We will see.

    Thelma: Nice job on Trisets Upper Body Split - always such a good one! Yes, the calendar is a must I guess. LOL

    Laurie: Sounds like you are doing a perfect combo with the 30-min workouts split a.m. and p.m. Nice work! I think that Cardio Pump one is definitely a good one. Going heavier in the pyramid portion would give it some growing room forsure!

    Laurel: Way to go on the workouts today! Sounds like a perfect combo and tough stuff! I am glad you can relate to the DVDs situation! LOL It took me about 20 min the other day to just finally decide on one.
    I am so glad about my new bosses too . . . they are all wonderful people here. Amazing :) My mom was thrilled to know it is actually happening and my flight is booked!

    Hope you ladies have a great afternoon ~ evening! I will talk to you tomorrow, with hopefully a much looser back!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,616 Member
    Hi Ladies, spinning for me tonight. We had bad storms today, thunder, lightning, strong winds, hail, trees down everywhere and thousands without power. It took me almost 2 hours to get home tonight. First drove into the storm in the afternoon. Just a little rain though but people can't seem to drive so they slow down. Then when I was 10 minutes away from home driving down my back road I had to turn around because there was a tree down blocking the road. Then when I was about to turn onto my street there was a guy there blocking the road and I couldn't turn so I drove around the block just to find the other end blocked off! Apparently a tree fell on the power lines and now people just down my street are without power. I drove around again and decided to turn onto my street even though it was blocked but my house is the second house from the corner and thankfully nothing happened here.

    Laurie, great workout! Sounds like we got today the storm you got yesterday! I was at work so I totally missed it. Thankfully our house was fine. I bet those Oldsmobiles presented at the car show are awesome! OMG! That custard sounds delish and if served in a crust even better!

    Laurel, what a killer combo! WTG! I think that if I'd had the blueberry pie a la mode I would've like it as the ice cream would've masked the taste. I thought it was weird the crust had been sprinkled with ground cinnamon. It was overpowering. Now I feel like going back just for the cheesecake! LOL

    Tami, glad you enjoyed your BC class! Were some people doing modified planks on their knees/elbows? Sorry about your back. I would say gentle stretching and massage. When my lower back hurts is usually because my hamstrings are tight. That required massaging the hamstrings with a hard ball like a lacrosse ball. You have to practically sit on the ball for a deep massage. I hope you feel better.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,501 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    After work was 30MTF Your Best Body workout 2, and this morning was 21DFX Plyo Fix Extreme. The 21DFX plyo workout is really very good, and no dread factor. I think I like it because you do 30 sec. on / 30 sec. off, makes it so doable. I'm feeling it in my butt and legs for sure, probably will have to walk around alot today so I don't stiffen up to much. :D

    Laurel, Really great workout combo! My DH was hesitant about me cutting my hair shorter, but he really liked it when I got home. I love my shorter hair, but now I don't have enough hair to make a pony tail. :D All I need to do is get the front portion out of my face, so it all works out. I'm now on the countdown to the rotation! :*

    Tami, I'm impressed that you are doing push-ups on concrete! I wouldn't be able to do that without having my lifting gloves on. I can't even do push-ups on my carpet without my gloves. :D I think that I need a little stretching also, I was a little stiff in the hips when I tried to get my socks on my feet this morning. :D That could have been because of the plyo work I just finished also. I'm going to have to check that Cardio Pump workout out too, all the reviews sound good.

    Thelma, Great job on the spinning. Sorry to hear that you got that storm, and it sounds like what we had in certain areas. Glad to hear that your home survived. Cinnamon in on the crust for blueberry! I usually don't see to many things with cinnamon and blueberry. Now nutmeg, I have seen that.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,867 Member
    Hi Ladies. I started today's workout with Pyramid Lower Body. This workout always makes my hamstrings scream. I know I will be feeling it tomorrow. For cardio, I did the Circuits and Intervals workout from Cathe's Greatest Hits DVD, which is a combo of IMAX2, Cardio and Weights and a little Supercuts as well. I really enjoy this workout.

    Tami, yikes on the BC! It does sound like a blast from the past. I am definitely beyond the age where I would want to do that on concrete, that's for sure. Good job getting through it. I hope your back feels better. Like Thelma mentioned, much of my lower back pain stems from tight hamstrings so, hopefully, some stretching will work wonders. How exciting you already have your plane ticket to Portland! Something to look forward to, without a doubt.

    Thelma, sounds like a horrible storm....and a worse commute. Glad you made it home safely. Cinnamon and blueberry? I like cinnamon on almost anything....but not blueberry. Interesting. My complaint about the piece of blueberry pie I had was almost the opposite.....it had no flavor. I think they were trying so hard to make the blueberries the 'hero' of the dish, the forgot they were actually making a pie and not just serving blueberries. So the crust didn't have the usual nice buttery flavor which always combines so well with the slight sweetness from fruit (and the blueberries weren't sweet enough to carry the sweetness on their own). So it was kind of like blueberries in between two layer of overly floured pastry. Not good. But here I have made my mouth water again...this time for good blueberry pie! :p

    Laurie, that Plyo Fix Extreme workout sounds great! I love intervals like 30 on/30 off. I can get through anything that way. Sounds like it was effective too if you are already feeling it! My hair is too short for a ponytail too, but I just throw a headband on and that is fine. I love that it isn't on my neck at all....anytime. Don't miss that at all.

    See you all tomorrow.
