Cathe Fans Part 5



  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Felt great to get my hair prettied! :bigsmile: She was running super late though :grumble: so I went home first, changed and then went to appt. Luckily the salon is only like a mile from my house. This a.m. was Slide & Glide ~ again my challenges with keeping my feet on the discs for some of the moves but a nice workout. Tonight I am headed to a fundraiser dinner with my hubby. It is at this amazing ranch (when I say ranch it is not like a farm out in the sticks …. It’s a place that has barns nicer than my house). It should be a nice event – they are raising money for the local 4H programs.

    Thelma: Great job with All Out LI HiiT last night! :smile: I bet you were surprised on the step but glad you worked it out and got through it. I bet it felt good. So sorry to hear about the struggles with work. Here’s hoping you had an apology today?!?!? I guess that answers my question yesterday about it being a good thing on the added responsibilities …. Sounds like NOT. Not actually burpees in the straps but Mtn. Climbers. So your feet are of course suspended behind you and your in a plank and knees are going forward and back towards your chest. :laugh: I’ve done them before but it has been a really long time and only a couple times before. p.s. Re-wrapped DH this a.m. – that was a good 5 days of tape staying on.:drinker:

    Laurie: We are on the same hair schedule! :wink: That’s funny. Enjoy ….. Great work with Back & Bi’s + No Equip Abs. Did you like that one better than Weights & Plates? :tongue: Yes, I saw that too online about the first 45-min PiYo being mostly instruction. People were skipping it. I know what you mean on the discs. Plus I am on hardwood floors so if I don’t have my heel as a “brake” it could be dangerous :noway: :laugh: I don’t know if you are doing the scheduled Low Impact Challenge tomorrow. This is one I haven’t attempted in a while …. I have my “choreography challenged self” struggles with this one so I may opt for a different workout. Let me know if you do it and how you go!

    Laurel: What a fantastic combo today! :wink: I am planning on Yoga/Stretch this weekend forsure. DH will be gone so I will have lots of time for some extras! Maybe PiYo will arrive.:bigsmile: How fun you guys headed out for a walk today …. And you will learn a new loop to go on when he isn’t around. Very nice. Fingers crossed it didn’t rain on you. We are having the high 90’s again all week and into beginning of next week. The Biggest Loser was my only frame of reference as well on the big thick ropes and until doing them the other day I wasn’t sure how the would be. Katy demonstrated several times for everyone since it was a "new" move for us all & if you are doing them properly you use a lot of legs & core then your upper body. So truly a totally body move. Which I thought would be more shoulders and forearms. As your hands are starting to sweat it’s hard to hang on to those ropes too. My forearms were a little sore today – maybe a combo of heavier weights in STS and those ropes ~ S&G was a nice workout for today!

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ :flowerforyou: Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, PT and spinning tonight. I did a few chest presses yesterday using 5 lb weights that felt like nothing but wanted to try them. My left shoulder blade was acting up today so it's a good thing I had PT. I asked them to give me more exercises to help with the shoulder blades so I got a few more. These shoulder blades don't want to stay in place it seems :sad:
    I gained 1/2 lb for enjoying the goodies my aunt brought from El Salvador.
    My feet are feeling good. No damage done by the baby step routine I did yesterday.
    Last night my aunts, DH and I played a couple of rounds of a game called Yahtzee. It was a lot of fun specially when we thought one of my aunts was cheating! :bigsmile: so the 3 women at the table are all speaking Spanish at the same time. DH said that he felt like it was 3 against one! :laugh: :laugh:

    Ladies, you're all doing an incredible job with this rotation! :drinker: :drinker:

    Laurie, I hope you enjoyed getting your hair done tonight! Thanks for offering to do the rotation with me too! This week has been an emotional trip at work. Things were better today.

    Laurel, I hope you had a great walk with your DH. Did the new house construction start yet?
    The step section I did last night is definitely controlled.
    I think you would do great with the TRX straps because core strength plays a big part in that move.

    Tami, I hope you enjoyed yourselves at the fundraiser dinner!
    I was really surprised about the step workout. I guess I've been avoiding anything that has a step workout.
    No apology came my way today. I don't expect one either.
    I'm so glad the tape lasted that long on your husband! Is he feeling better?

    Good night Ladies!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Happy Friday Ladies! I decided to start my workout today with Muscle Max, which felt great. I had some lingering DOMS from this week's STS workouts and knew a total body strength workout would cure that, and it did. I followed it with LIS Low Impact Challenge plus bonus step section. Still not my favorite workout, though I did better in some areas today than I have done before. I really wish Cathe had done better cuing/instructing with this workout because I really don't think it is that hard. But since she doesn't tell you what you are supposed to be doing and, instead, just does it, I find it impossible to learn. Sigh. But I will keep trying. :ohwell: Anyhow, it was a good combo with Muscle Max.

    Tami, hope the fundraiser went well. I have seen ranches and barns like that! Such beautiful places. I was thinking about you when I was doing that step workout this morning. I think you wrote something like 'no!' on it if I recall. Believe me, I was wishing I had done the same a couple of times while doing it. :blushing: Hope you found a good substitute. Enjoy the quiet weekend.

    Thelma, sounds like you are having a lot of fun with your aunts! I love that. How long are they staying? The house construction should start next month. Right now since we are in a holding pattern, I kind of forget about the new house at times. I will be so excited when it starts taking shape, that's for sure.

    Enjoy the weekend!!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    Whew busy day this morning, love it when you come into work and the first thing is an emergency! :laugh: At least it was an easy one to fix. I didn't workout after my hair appointment, just not enough time between eating and going to bed. I plan on doing Tonique Premier tonight, and then LowMax tomorrow.

    Laurel, I really like your easy day workouts. :smile: These first Meso 2 workouts are really working us good, that is for sure. I don't have the Slide and Glide workout, not a huge fan of those wonderful discs. :laugh: I think Cathe says in one of the workouts that those discs went flying across the floor for them also. :laugh:

    Tami, Wonderful that you get to go to what sounds like a really nice ranch for the fundraiser, and of course a good cause. I was in 4H when I was young. Oh yes, I will do the No Equipment Abs workout instead of that Weights & Plates one anyday. :laugh: I don't have that LI workout, so I am going to do LowMax instead. That is one of the few step workouts that I really enjoy. Probably because most of the moves are so simple. \

    Thelma, Sounds like a great evening with your Aunts. My Grandpa loved for us to play Yahtzee with him, almost like poker with dice. :wink: Glad to hear that your work week is getting better and better as is goes along. Since it is Friday today, that is even better. :wink: Sending good healing vibes your way for that dang shoulder. :wink:

    Have a great weekend,
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Happy Friday Ladies ~ :bigsmile: :drinker: :bigsmile:

    The fundraise was amazing last night. So many people there and I don't know how much money they raised but it was A LOT! Inviting the right people to an amazing venue helps! :wink: This a.m. I opted for Athletic Step. . . . Yes, the big ALL CAPS sticky note with "NO" was a reminder to not try that one. :laugh: Tonight I am having dinner with my girlfriend (who has the 6 month old little girl). She told me she needs a date night and dad needs to have a night with the baby ~ so it should be fun. Wanting to get in a nice cardio tomorrow a.m. since I will have missed Spinning twice this week.

    Thelma: Great job with Spinning & PT last night! :smile: I'm sorry to hear you didn't receive an apology :grumble:
    Your Yahtzee game with your aunts and DH sounds like lots of fun! I like playing Yahtzee. Darn it on the shoulder blades not staying put . . . hopefully they offered some good suggestions there. His arm is feeling a little better . . . . but now he is gone fishing again for the weekend. Fingers crossed he just doesn't get too busy and bang it again.

    Laurie: Sounds like you have a couple of nice workouts lined up for today/tomorrow! From the way Laurel and I have talked about LI Challenge you are probably glad you don't have it :laugh: I was in 4H as well. I showed horses until I was 17 so had several years of 4H. Made it fun to know it was for such a good cause. They had their 4H sheep, pigs, goats and cows but no horses. . . I was bummed. But of course the ranch itself had horses so I was able to pet one of them. :blushing:

    Laurel: Great job today! Way to get in that full body workout:bigsmile: Yes, that is completely the DVD I have the sticky note by that says "NO". :laugh: I'm glad to hear that you have a few challenges with it. Only because I always think, how can I not get this :huh: My substitute with Athletic Step was perfect!

    Hope you ladies have a great weekend!!! :flowerforyou:
    It's another HOT one for us. Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, Happy Friday to all of you! I took today off to be with my aunts and took them shopping. They love to go to the stores! This is why I shop online all the time. I OD on the stores every time my aunts are here so online shopping is my thing!
    It's been raining a lot here and the flash flood type of rain no less. I feel bad for my aunts in this respect because it's been raining a lot since they got here. At least the rain and thunder waited till we got home. I'm happy to report that our basement is dry! YAAAY!!!
    I did Patrick Goudeau's URX-MT: Strength Cardio Interval workout tonight. I like it because it uses the rebounder.

    Laurel, great way to work those DOMS out of your legs! As always a fabulous combo! My aunts are staying for 3 weeks.
    You and your husband must be excited about the construction getting started next month. You said the house would be done by the end of the year? If so that would be FAST!

    Laurie, I hope your hair color came out great! I have to use Henna for may hair as I became extremely allergic to the chemicals in permanent hair color which is a bummer because I have to do the Henna every two weeks. At least I found a cream form which is convenient.
    It's always nice to be busy at work because time goes by quickly too! Am I the only one who likes the discs here? Most be because I use them on carpet.
    I had no idea what 4H was so I had to look it up. What a wonderful organization! I'd never head of it till now.
    Yahtzee night was a lot of fun for sure. My DH is such a sweetie because he doesn't speak Spanish but he loves my aunts and somehow they manage to communicate. I'm sure we'll be playing more games this weekend there is more rain in the forecast.
    I just don't even know what to do about these shoulder blades not staying down. I do all my exercises and when I do them they feel like they're down as they should be the next morning and as soon as I get going with my day they seem to start moving back up.:explode:

    Tami, I'm so glad the fundraiser was such a big success! The venue sounds beautiful too. I can't believe you did a "NO" workout this morning! Do you still think it is a "NO" or is now a "Maybe'?
    I hope you had a wonderful time with your girlfriend!
    I like playing Yathzee. I just played last year for the first time and of course it's a very old game. I wanted to buy one for us so my BIL and wife wouldn't have to carry theirs to our house all the time. I had to get a used one. I ordered one from eBay they other day so my aunt who lives in Italy can take it home with her.
    I hope the new exercises continue to help to strengthen the shoulder blades. I know I've improved a lot but when the blades are not in place I feel like one shoulder is pointing forward or one is higher than the other. Drives me nuts to feel that way because I keep trying to align myself and it's a no win situation.
    I'm glad your DH's arm is feeling better. Hopefully he will try to be very careful with his arm this weekend and I hope that tape stays stuck on his arm!
    I've not used the tape in weeks and since I stopped jumping on the basement floor my feet are doing better. I know I still have the plantar fasciitis but at least I am able to wear my wedge summer shoes and sandals. I still go to work wearing my sneakers and change shoes when I get there. I feel that I have to have the sneakers in case my feet act up.

    Have a wonderful weekend!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I did Tonique Premier on Friday, and my calf muscles where sore up until today. :laugh: I think I may have to incorporate that workout into my routine again. Need to make my calf muscles more attractive. :wink: I actually enjoyed the workout, it sure got my HR up. Saturday I did LowMax (which also worked the calf muscles :huh: ), and that was a great workout also. Yesterday I was super busy baking and cooking, so I didn't get the time to do my workout. I was afraid that my bread dough would over rise if I didn't pay attention to it. I'm okay with taking the time off though.

    Tami, I was thinking of the Athletic Step workout when I was doing LowMax, it is over by the DVD pile that I dread doing. :laugh: I think that you are right on the reason I didn't get the Challenge workout. Step is really hard for me to grasp, so it has to be simple. I didn't do any of the animal husbandry for 4H, my focus was on the sewing, and canning. I have a few ribbons from the county fair. :wink: I'm glad to hear that the fund raiser was a good time, and that a LOT of $ where raised.

    Thelma, Sounds like a fun workout. Yes, my hair did turn out great, I love the color. More importantly it really does hide the gray. Interesting on the Henna, I didn't know that you could use that to color your hair. Just to bad that you have to apply it so often. :wink:

    Have a wonderful day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Well a great weekend of workouts for me! :bigsmile: So Saturday a.m. I ended up doing To The Max Xtreme, and then took the kids for a walk before it got too hot. PiYo arrived Saturday :drinker: so I did the Upper Body & Lower Body in the evening to try out the first couple; these were both about 20 minutes long each. Yesterday I opted for dog walk, STS Chest/Shoulders/Tris followed by Patrick G’s KickBox Burn (lots of fun on that one) :bigsmile: and then in the evening I did PiYo SWEAT. I really enjoyed this one. It was as it’s described, a faster paced PiYo style workout that moves between yoga, pilates and even a lower body section with some modified style burpees. This one is 35 min long. So far so good on these. The upper & lower body workouts were very basic . . . VERY which had me a little concerned :huh: Then after “SWEAT” I felt like, ok we have stepped it up a notch. So this a.m. was STS Legs and I am headed to BootCamp tonight.

    Thelma: Great job with PG’s Strength Cardio interval. :smile: :drinker: Sounds like you liked it!?!? I do the shopping OD when I go visit my mom. We shop til we drop as they say …. :laugh: :smile: That’s funny about your question on the discs to Laurie ~ being potentially the only one that likes them. I have hardwood floors so often I will use dish towels . . . they slide better for some exercises than the discs and/or little small pieces of dust/grit can get under the discs and I can hear it making scratches:grumble: Yes, 4H is such a wonderful organization and really offers so many things to young people wanting to be involved in so many things, not just animals, just as Laurie experienced.
    I wonder if your shoulder blades retract forward due to stress at work and how you hold your body there as apossed to being at the gym or home?!? Just a thought.
    I actually didn’t do the NO (all caps & bolded) :laugh: :frown: on Friday. But I see how I worded it on Friday why you thought that I did go ahead on it. Instead of the Low Impact Challenge workout I did one of Cathe’s called Athletic Step instead. This style of step is what I like.
    I had a great time with my friend on Friday night. We laughed and talked and talked and laughed, so much fun! I was happy she called me and we made a date. It was a well deserved and much needed time out for her always having her baby girl while her husband works out of town. We went to a local Sushi place that is so good; shared Edamame and a couple of sushi rolls.

    Laurie: Hopefully those sore calf muscles are feeling better now! :wink: Great job with Tonique and Low Max. Your baking sounds like it was full on …..Very nice that you didn’t mind missing your workout! A well deserved REST day. I'm glad your hair turned out nicely for you! Always a good feeling. :flowerforyou:

    Hi Laurel :flowerforyou:

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Late check-in today! Had a great weekend playing golf with DH. Saturday was my day off from workouts, so that activity from golf felt good. Yesterday was back to STS with Chest, Shoulders and Triceps. I followed it with Intensity. Today was STS Legs, Weights and Plates Abs and the cardio premix from Cathe's 4DS Kickboxing and Bootcamp DVD. Really enjoyed this combo, and my legs felt so much better with the leg workout this week!

    Tami, I am glad you enjoyed the evening at the ranch! Sounds like fun!! Great workouts this weekend. I am anxious to hear more about the PiYo workouts. I keep getting emails about them, and I am really on the fence about them right now.

    Laurie, I completely understand about the disks, especially during Slide and Glide. Cathe doesn't step off those disks once during the cardio portion of that workout, and that is tough for me. I always need to adjust my feet a bit. And I have been known to send a disk flying at times. :blushing: Great workouts this weekend,

    Thelma, I am glad you are enjoying time with your aunts. It will be nice to have them here for so long. We went and checked on our property this weekend!! We are getting so excited to see the start of our house!! Hard to believe that is about a month away.

    See you all tomorrow!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, I did X41 on Saturday and today I trained with Kevin. I think all the jumping I did over the weekend affected my feet and I was in pain all day today. Even though I jumped on the trampoline, I think it was too much, too soon. :mad:
    Tomorrow night will be my last post until Friday night. We're going away to NH with my aunts. I actually may have to skip Thursday's workout because there won't be a place for me to workout at.

    Laurie, glad you enjoyed that Tonique workout. Is there jumping involved? Low Max is a great workout! Great job!
    I knew Henna could be used for hair color which is what women use in India. My hairdresser colored my hair once with this powder henna and it was a mess. The color part worked but I just could not deal with the smell of over steamed spinach and the mess it made. I found this cream version that requires no mixing. No smell, no mess! It is a pain to have to do it every two weeks but that the price I have to pay because I want to cover my gray! LOL

    Laurel, I'm so glad you're enjoying golf time with your husband. Fabulous jog with those workout combos!
    Time with my aunts is always very special. I'm getting sad just to think that they'll be going back next week!
    I'm sure checking out the property made you guys more exciting about your new home!

    Good night!
    Tami, great job on those workouts and I'm so glad to see that you're enjoying your new PiYo workouts!
    I did like PG's workout which got me thinking that it would be OK to do a lot of jumping on the trampoline. not quite there yet though.
    About the discs. I'm the only one who uses them on carpet so my experience has been good with them. Mine never go flying away from my feet and I rarely re-adjust.
    Excellent question on my posture outside the workout environment. I tend to lean forward when I'm reading documents on the screen so that could be a factor. I'll have to be more aware about this habit.
    I must've read your post about the NO workout when I was falling asleep at the keyboard and misread things! Sorry for the confusion!
    I'm glad you had such a wonderful time with your friend!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I absolutely love this week of Meso 2 workouts. Dropping in weight and going to failure, still amazes me that I actually do reach failure. :laugh: Got the Chest, Shoulder and Tricep workout done last night.

    Tami, I have heard that the upper and lower are not all that tough, but since these will be add ons for me that will probably be okay. Now I'm jealous that you have that Patrick DVD, I have been looking at that one. If you say it is fun, then I know I probably will like it also. This one is going higher on my wish list. :wink: Funny those calf muscles where still talking to me as I walk down the stairs this morning. :laugh:

    Laurel, WTG on the workouts, great combo again. So great that you and your DH are getting in some great golf, I know my boss has been going more this year and is having a great time. :drinker: on the Leg workout, glad to hear that they get better. I'm hoping this new series uses the discs about as much as she did in XTrain. I can handle that. :happy:

    Thelma, Dang on the feet. :frown: Enjoy your time off though. In the Tonique workout she does a warm up with jumping jacks, high knees and what she calls cross jacks, but they are doing jumping jacks from side to side. You do each of these for one minute twice. Most of the moves are low impact, and very high reps. On the mat part she does some mountain climbers to warm up. The only thing I find annoying about this workout is that she uses a voice over, so she has started the reps before you realize what is going on. This workout is considered one of her easiest though. You might want to look at the clips that total fitness has, they are probably the best to see what the workout is like. What we women do to cover that dang gray hair. :laugh:

    Have a great day!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member

    Here are some of the Tonique workout that are free, this should give you a little more insite as to what Sylwia is like.
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today's workout started with LIS Athletic Training. I don't do this one very often, but it is a good, solid workout. Felt good today, especially in working out some of the muscle fatigue I always develop during Meso 2. I took a break and then did Turbo Fire 55....just for fun. Capped it all off with a 7 mile walk with DH. Love this time we are spending together right now.

    Thelma, I am sorry to hear your feet didn't like the X41 workout. Very frustrating, no doubt. My right foot is still bothering me, so you have my sympathy. Hope you have a great time in NH with your aunts!!

    Laurie, Meso 2 is, without question, my favorite of the three cycles. I love the variety it has in it. I like the discs for some work (like legs) but they aren't my favorite for cardio. So I suppose that means I want her to use them like she did in XTrain too!! I am excited to hear more about this new series. Love the idea of more HiiT workouts.

    Tami, hope you are having a good day!!

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ F.A.S.T. was a good one last night. :bigsmile: She had the stations structured so that we went from each station (2 moves at each) focusing on every body part, with a cardio style move at every other station. It was good. She felt by not having us stop and do cardio as a group helped us move along and get more stations in. She made me laugh at one point because I typically do the weights the guys are doing. Well when it came to wall squats she had a 10 LB plate sitting there to put on our legs. She said, just a minute ….. leaves, comes back and brings in a 25 LB weighted ball and put it on my lap! :huh: “There you go!” It was pretty funny. My legs were quivering forsure when we got to the 60 second mark & then I had barbell lunges after that! This a.m. was Athletic Training & tonight will be Insane-X. :wink: Wonder what she has in store for us tonight.

    Laurel: Way to go on the workouts! :drinker: That 4DS cardio pre-mix is a great one forsure. That is so awesome you had a nice weekend playing golf with your hubby. Sounds like a lot of fun. I will keep you posted as I do more of the PiYo workouts. I thought I should add a “side note” about my comment yesterday about it increasing in intensity. I understand that this program is not intended at all to be “intense” by any means.:smile: The idea is to get in some good flexibility/stretching style of training. I love that you and your DH are getting so much quality time together .... I bet it feels so amazing after so many years of not being able to have a lot of that. Very happy for you both!! :flowerforyou: Great job today with your combo as well + the 7 mile walk. :bigsmile:

    Thelma: Awesome work with X41 on Saturday! :drinker: Darn it on the feet hurting again though :frown: I would think the trampoline wouldn’t bother them. Having your time off and mini vacation with your Aunts they will probably feel better. Have a great time and don’t worry about the missed workout …… you’ve been working hard and your body will enjoy the break I’m sure!

    Laurie: Meso 2 does feel great doesn’t it!! :bigsmile: Agreed on the PiYo workouts …. Exactly why I am thinking these will be good to “add-on” to get in some stretching, etc. and then when I have time for the longer ones it will be good to know what each is to pick from. (If that makes sense) ~ I’ll keep you guys posted as I try more. That Patrick KB workout is great I think. :smile: He actually only leads the warm-up and then the girl (who’s on the cover) leads the rest of the entire workout. She does a great job though and he interacts a few times. There is a warm-up and then (4)10 minute rounds. You can do all of them or just one of them or pick and choose. It has a lot of good punching, kicking and cardio factor too. Since we both like so many of the same workouts I feel good recommending it to be at the top of your wish list!

    Hope you are all having a great day ~ talk to you tomorrow! :flowerforyou:
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    HI ladies, tonight I did KCM 30 Minutes to Fitness Cardio Quick Fit + PT. My feet were thankfully better today. I did jump tonight on the trampoline. I hope my feet are OK tomorrow. I'm going to get up early so I can do some spinning before we leave for NH because I won't be able to workout until Friday night.

    Laurie, I am glad you're enjoying the Meso 2 workouts! Great job! Thanks for the Tonique links. I thought I was in some porno website when I saw that woman wearing that small bathing suit and blowing kisses to the camera! I hope she wears more appropriate attire on her DVD's. The workout looks great. Reminds me a little of Tracy Anderson's moves. Those are effective moves for problem areas like the butt and thighs. I'm going to have to add these DVD to my wish list.
    I should be able to do some mountain climbers using the disks. I think the voice over part would be extremely annoying to me too Laurie. Before I buy I need to watch the video clip.
    We do crazy things to cover the grays! I put up with the allergic reaction to perm color for a while but it had started to get scary so I had to stop doing that.

    Laurel, I like that LIS Athletic Traiing DVD. Great job on today's combo! Sorry your foot is still bothering you! It really is frustrating not to be able to do the things you want to do.

    Tami, you've been on serious FI-YA with those workouts! Excellent job! I can't believe how awesome Katie is with her choreography. I love that she's constantly changing the routines on you. OMG on the squats with the 10 lb plate and 25 lb weighted ball! I thought the trampoline was going to help me with jumping too.

    Good night!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today started with STS Back and Biceps. I felt really strong today despite my arms still hurting a bit from Sunday's workout. I followed it with the extended stretch then moved into the Intervals and Circuit premix from Cathe's Greatest Hits DVD. Made for a great combo.

    Tami, your class sounds great, I laughed at the fact she brought you a 25lb weight! :laugh: What a compliment, but I can imagine your legs were quivering. Thanks for the clarification on PiYo. I think I might be getting this program. It sounds like a perfect way to add some stretching to the workout program in doable lengths.

    Thelma, great job with the workout. Hope your feet are feeling well today. Enjoy your trip to NH!!!

    I will be gone tomorrow as we are headed to the in-laws for the day. So i will see you all Friday!!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Afternoon Ladies ~ :flowerforyou:

    Today’s workout was STS Back/Bis, tonight is Spinning right after work.:wink: Hoping to get at least half of the yard mowed (it’s slightly cooler today/tomorrow) and then maybe a stretch. We’ll see . . . it will be about 8:00 by then. Last night’s Insane-X was another tough one. We actually had some similar stations as the F.A.S.T. class the night before . . . except Katy goes for 5 rounds at each for 1 minute. So weighted wall squats were brutal!!! She had weighted balls sitting there but after round 1 I set it down. :huh: I still had Weighted Squats on a Bosu ball to go! The other stations were walking push-ups along the ladder down and back, high knee tuck jumps over obstacles, jump rope, kettle ball swings and abs. We only had about 7 or 8 of us there.

    Thelma: Awesome job on the KCM workout + PT! :drinker: :bigsmile: WooHoo on the tootsies doing better as well. Thank you for the kudos on the workouts . . . still feeling great and loving all the variety along with good weight training. Hope you are able to get in your workout before you go! Have a great time. :wink:

    Laurel: Fabulous work AGAIN today! :bigsmile: If I do a stretch I usually never feel like going right into cardio ~ nicely done! OMG! I know, right?!? She was pretty proud bringing that big ol ball into me and plopping it on my legs. You’re welcome on PiYO. I was thinking of that yesterday a.m. and thought, I should clarify, so glad I did. I made it sound sort of boring by saying that. It’s not and if you like Chalene I think she does a good job with her presentation in the 3 workouts that I have done so far. It’s not the sloooooooow OM moments at all. I'll continue the updates! :wink: Have a great time with your in-laws!

    Until tomorrow ~ Tami
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Well Tuesday I didn't workout, because DH wanted to go on a date. We went to a movie, and saw Lucy. It was a good movie, but I'm glad that we went on the cheap movie night. :wink: Yesterday I got in the STS Leg workout along with 10 Min. Solutions Bootcamp Ab Attack. I went with this ab workout instead of the weights & plates. :laugh:

    Laurel, Love your workout combos, and I bet the TF workout was fun. The more I get used to the moves, the more fun I have with them. Nice long walk you both had. I'm finding some soreness in my legs this morning, was really making sure that I was engaging the muscles that Cathe said I should. :wink: I'm sure glad that the rep count is only 10 though. :laugh: I agree with you on the HiiT. Kind of want to see some more like the Shock Cardio HiiT workout, those are fun ones to me.

    Tami, Great job with the workout, and the fact that they where quivering (like a chihuahua :happy: )! I think that is Muscle Endurance that Cathe makes that comment. :laugh: That Katy sure puts together some great workouts for you. Thanks for the info on the DVD, I didn't know that they where in 10 min. sections. I love that type of option since I would like to do add-ons, but sometimes workouts are a bit to long or not what I want to do.

    Thelma, Great job on the KCM workout, and I hope you have a great time in NH! LOL on the porno, that is the same thing I though with her outfit. She does have a very skimpy outfit on for the cooldown, which made me raise my eyebrows :huh: , but the rest of the workout is all normal workout gear. :wink:

    Have a wonderful day!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Since I didn't have LIS Athletic Training, I opted for KCM's 30MTF Bootcamp Premix #1. I have some DOMS in my tush this morning, so I guess this workout hit some areas that have been neglected. :laugh: Since I get to leave early today, I'm going to do STS Back & Biceps with Med Ball Abs and then follow that with 10lb Slimdown Xtreme Kickboxing :drinker: DH and I are going to a car show tomorrow, and Sunday all of us (along with the boyfriends) are going to the Ren Faire for the first time in 2 years. NOT in costume, I don't know if I could handle the heat when I get a hot flash! :laugh: I don't have them bad, just every once in a while they come on.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! I got a good workout in yesterday before going to the in-laws. I did XTrain Cardio Leg Blast Extreme and Core 2. Then my MIL had us working in her yard all the 95 degree 100 percent humidity that is central Florida in August. :noway: I was spent after that! Today's workout was X77, and I followed it with LIS Yoga Relax. Perfect combo after yesterday. I didn't do the Med Ball Abs since I did core yesterday. And, honestly, I just forgot to do them. :blushing: :ohwell: Maybe later.

    Tami, sounds like another tough class! She really is piling it on right now, isn't she? I guess this means she is 100% post-knee surgery! Hope your weather is cooling down a bit!

    Laurie, great workouts! I hope you enjoy the faire. I imagine it may be a bit bitter sweet, but hopefully you will have a good time!

    Enjoy the weekend!!
