Cathe Fans Part 5



  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Yesterday was STS Meso 1 Chest, Shoulders and Biceps and 10 Min. Solutions Ultimate Bootcamp Ab Attack.

    Thelma, I was getting the announcement when I tried to enter the community. I didn't realize that the little bell on the upper right lets you know that someone has replied on a chat. I'm going to have to double up the workouts at some point just to catch up. Hope that your back is going to be okay. I didn't find any good zucchini when I went to the store yesterday, so will try my favorite store for that on Sunday. I do have some ground chicken that will be great for making meatballs.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Wow, these changes are going to take some getting used to. Not sure I like this reply box, that's for sure.

    Anyhow, I have been keeping up with the workouts this week and feeling really strong. Tuesday was STS Legs and Kick Max. Yesterday was STS Back and Triceps (and I upped my weights throughout!) and Cross Fire Extreme for cardio. Today is LBB then, for cardio, X10 Low Impact right into All Out Low Impact HiiT Extreme premix.

    Thelma, I really hope your back is feeling better today! Good job getting through the workout yesterday despite your pain. I hope it helped more than hurt. Glad your multi-disc player is coming in handy!

    Laurie, great job with the workouts despite the busy schedule. Thanks for more info on PiYo. The workout you did this week sounds like a good one. I am still thinking about getting that program, but probably after the holidays. I have enough workouts right now.....especially with Cathe's new ones right around the corner!

    Tami, welcome back!! I am glad you had a good time on your trip. No doubt you are back into the swing of things with your workouts!

    See you all tomorrow......provided I can find this thread again. ;)

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited October 2014
    Hi Ladies ~ Finally we are back in action here! I missed chatting with you ladies. Workouts are going good with our rotation and I am hoping to be caught up on Saturday with everyone. I think I am still just a day behind what I would normally be. Headed home tonight to get in a workout; no class at the gym tonight. Our weather continues to be really nice (until this weekend it’s going to start raining), but the shorter days are definitely showing themselves.

    Thelma: Great job with the workouts! You are seriously killing it right now with your workouts. I hope your feet are feeling ok, I was actually wondering about them when I saw the combo of step workouts you did the other night. I do love zoodles forsure and anxious to try out my new peeler when it arrives! Don’t you love Mrs Dash! I have quite a collection on that. Your recipe sounds very yummy. That is a salmon that I caught. There is a big salmon run through the Columbia River this time of year is why he goes down there to guide trips. I was going through a little bit of withdrawal sitting in a boat ALL day yes. Can you imagine?!?! I was very glad to get back to my workout(s) this week. His elbow was pretty sore when I was there and he has had such warm temps there he keeps taking the KT tape off to let it breathe. He was going to re-tape it on Sunday evening. LOL thanks on the guns! I knew you guys would appreciate that, it was pretty funny. I tried finding more info/pics, etc today on the new workouts. I didn’t see the scary bits yet but I bet it will all be good.

    Laurie: Great job trying out PiYo! I haven’t slipped one of those into my rotation yet, but maybe with this rotation I will be able to again. She is very good about describing what is happening & I agree, some of the workouts are a lot more Yoga based than Pilates. Still need to try 2 of them out but so far, SWEAT is one of my favorites out of the 4 I have done. Awesome job with the workouts and no worries on missing the other day. I’m sure you will make it up somewhere or get caught up soon ~ like me!

    Laurel: As always – AWESOME job with your workouts! Glad you are feeling strong and doing so good with the new rotation. I’m loving that we have all continued on into this rotation! I need to pencil in my add-ons for those shorter workouts; I have been just going day-by-day this week so it caught me off guard with the X10 workouts! All good though.

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ I hope!
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, glad to see you're all back! I missed you!
    Tonight's workout was X10 Low Impact and LIS Cyclemax Express. This was a calorie mega burner so I loved it. Unfortunately I think I reinjured my shoulder blade. My upper back seems to go in/out of muscle spasms and my right upper arm is acting up just like ti was when I first hurt myself. I've started to hear the tendons popping again which means the inflammation is back. So disappointing!
    My upper back though felt pretty good as the day went on and even my arm but when I was working out I could feel my upper arm wasn't right. I've been icing and massaging with the lacrosse ball. We'll see how things feel tomorrow.
    I'm off tomorrow so I'll be able to sleep in a little but have a bunch of errands to run so it will be a busy day.

    Laurie, great workout! I never saw the announcements and had not noticed the bell. I never turn my laptop off and I stay logged in with this tread always open.

    Laurel, you're amazing with those combos! Great job!
    I am not liking this new forum format. I don't think the workouts are helping my back.

    Tami, so glad we're all back together! Great job catching up with the workouts. I'm sure you'll be all caught up by the end of the weekend.
    Thanks for the kudos on my workouts! I can't believe how big that salmon was! Good job!
    Sorry to hear your DH's elbow is still sore. He needs to rest it.
    I can just imagine how
    Those Mrs. Dash spices are great and I love the taste it gave the zoodles.
    I had a feeling you'd be going through workout withdrawal last weekend! LOL
    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Got in the Meso 1 Leg and Med Ball Abs workout done last night. Going to get a double workout in tonight, DH and I will probably be the only ones at home tonight. :D Kind of enjoy these Friday night football games that the youngest is going to.

    Laurel, Great job on the workout combos. I am really loving what I'm seeing so far of the new workouts. I'm really looking forward to the weight ones, I'm sure that Cathe will be putting in some really good exercises to get to failure. They just seem like they would be great compliments to adding in other workouts.

    Tami, Glad that you had such a good time with the fishing trip! WTG getting caught up on your workouts. I still have to do that, it can be tough. I love Mrs. Dash also, they have some great combos of flavors. I really like the Mexican spice one, just put that on chicken and grill it. I use that one for my taco type salads. I'm planning on doing the Sweat workout on Saturday, so will let you know how that goes.

    Thelma, I'm hoping you are not getting upper body issues as before! That would be tough to go through again. Great workouts! This format is almost the same as what Cathe's forum went to recently.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! A good, fun workout combo today....perfect for ending the week! I started with Flex Train, which felt good. Then, for cardio, I chose pure fun--Turbo Fire HiiT 25 right into Turbo Fire 60, which makes for a great 70 minute cardio combo (I know...the math doesn't add up, but it really is only 70 minutes!). So much fun!

    Tami, good job getting caught up on the workouts! I can imagine sitting in a boat all day caused you to be a bit restless. I can't sit anywhere all day! Drives my husband crazy, but I need to move! Sorry to hear your DH's elbow is causing so many problems for him. I really hope they can do something about that after he gets home.

    Thelma, I am so sorry to hear you think you have re-injured yourself! I hope not. But I think it is a good idea to give it some rest and see what happens. May be a case of just a little too much too soon. Again, I am really sorry. But great job on the X10/Cycle workout!

    Laurie, from reading the description on one of the new weight workouts, it looks like it may be similar to Burn Sets.....and that makes me happy. That workout is so versatile. I hope the new weight routines are like that. I am with you on the Mrs. Dash Mexican spice. That is my 'go-to' more often than any other!

    Hope you all have a great weekend.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, FlexTrain tonight. It had a lot of shoulder work so I did it with 1lb weights. My rotator cuff feels better but my trapezius are my problem. I wonder if I tore something last week when I lifted the barbell to do squats. That was when I felt something. The trapezius are seriously tight. I've been massaging, icing and applying heat. I asked DH to massage my shoulders and he couldn't believe how hard I was asking him to do it. He felt he was getting a workout. Tonight I've been shopping for massage tools on and I ordered a couple of tools. I have one off those electric things from Brookstone with interchangeable heads and I felt it helped. The scary thing is that things get tight in a short period of time. I can tell massage helps though.
    I definitely need to give this injury a break before I screw myself up again. Of course what did I do tonight? FlexTrain! Oh well! I'm going to change the rotation around because the next workout for tomorrow is the STS #13 disk (I think) for more shoulder and tricep work! I will do the one for Monday instead which is Legs.
    Next week DH and I are going away on Thursday for one night. We're spending the night in a B&B which is a cabin and it looks wonderful. We'll be back home on Friday. I can't wait!

    Laurie, Great job with that leg and ab workout! It sure would be horrific and depressing to go through physical therapy and not be able to do upper body work again Laurie. So I'm going to give myself a break for a few days to see what happens. I hope my massage tool arrives on Tuesday. It's a deep tissue massage tool and people claim that it is strong so it can get deep into the muscle. I found a youtube video on how to self massage your traps and it helped a little.

    Laurel, what an incredible combo! it does sound like a lot of fun! I like the original Turbo Fire workouts. So I think this injury is different. it did feel like a rotator cuff injury early on because of how my bicep felt but seems OK now and it's just the traps. I hope that with some rest I will get better. It's killing me just thinking that I have to stop the rotation. The X10/Cyclemax workout was AWESOME! I'm going to have to search for that Mexican Mrs Dash spice!
    Have a great weekend ladies!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited October 2014
    Hi Ladies!!!! Had some problems with getting on here Friday so finally catching up with you!
    Friday's workout was X10 + CrossFire Tabatas pre-mix! Saturday was FlexTrain followed by PiYo SWEAT! Felt great. Today's workout was STS Chest/Shoul/Tris and then I headed to my volleyball league- we won 4 out of 6 and actually played really well after not playing since early Spring. I'm just so thankful I work ou; a couple of the girls were dying! One of them totally understandable, she just finished chemo & starting radiation tomorrow. I'm so proud of her for playing with us & doing what she can do.

    Thelma: Great job with the workouts last week & over the weekend too! hope your shoulders are feeling better and maybe this weekend you were able to massage it out. Darn it, hopefully it’s not going back to where it was before. I was able to get caught up on our rotation Sat!

    Laurie: Awesome work with getting in our workout in the other night and I am sure you were able to get in your “double” to get caught up. I bet it is kind of nice having your workout to yourself not having to worry too much about dinner for the family, etc.. Enjoy “SWEAT” on Saturday?

    Laurel: awesome combo on Friday! I bet that was lots of fun. I'm loving the undulating factor of STS in this rotation. Perfect after finishing up our last rotation. Excited to start seeing clips soon of the new workouts!

    Hope you all had a great weekend!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Friday I did get the Back & Tricep workout done, and also Med Ball Abs. I had planned on doing something on Saturday, but we spent 4 hours doing more yard work so I felt that was my workout. :D Sunday I did Flextrain, and putting up all our decorations for Halloween.

    Laurel, Great workouts, those are some of my favorites from TF also. LOL on the math, that was one thing that always gets me about those workout. They really are not as long as the description. :D If those workouts are like Burn Sets I will be happy, kind of want some pyramids also. Have always loved that type in the Meso 2 and Pyramids also.

    Thelma, WTG on taking that shoulder work at a lower weight, that is one though workout on the shoulders. Good job on making the rotation work for you, and I'm hoping the massage will do the trick. Sounds like a fun mini vacation you have coming up.

    Tami, Great job on those workout, and I'm still looking at getting that Sweat workout in. ;) What a great job on the volleyball, and yes kudos to your teammate on playing all those games after going through those treatments.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    edited October 2014
    Hi Ladies! We enjoyed a nice weekend. Spent a little time in the ocean which is always a good thing! And the house continues to come along nicely now. This week is dry wall week, so it will really start taking shape now!

    Saturday was my usual day off workouts. But yesterday was back at it! I started with Cardio Core Circuit, and then DH joined me for STS Disc 13. I really pushed the weights on it.....and then I finished it with 100 push-ups! DH didn't join me on that. :D But it felt really good. Today was Disc 14/Legs followed by Weights and Plates Abs. For cardio, I did IMAX 3, which is always tough!

    Thelma, I really hope some rest did the trick for you. I can have some touchy traps at times. I find I really have to focus on keeping my shoulders down during moves (something Cathe does remind me a lot to do) because I do have a tendency to bring my shoulders up at times. You have my sympathy because tight traps are so painful. Again, I hope you are feeling better and a couple days of rest did the trick.

    Tami, great workouts this weekend. And good job with the volleyball! Amazing that one of your teammates is there after having gone through chemo/going through radiation. Honestly, some people really amaze me with their strength through illnesses like what she is experiencing. Sure gives me a dose of perspective when I start complaining about whatever in my life.

    Laurie, your yard must be looking fantastic!! Again, that is such hard work it definitely counts as a workout. I really like pyramid work as well, especially how she incorporated it into Meso 2. It feels very effective for me that way......more than her actual pyramid workouts (which I still love though!)

    See you all tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited October 2014
    Hi Ladies ~ Still having trouble with this forum page ever since it came back up ;( For some reason the only way I can access it is by clicking on the link that Thelma had sent me when we were officially back up and running, then scroll down, otherwise I cannot find us on my computer . . . . Gives me the red letters and an X "cannot be found" Weird. At any rate, this a.m. was STS Legs + Weights/Plates abwork. Tonight will be BootCamp.

    Laurie: Sounds like a great time spent in your yard. Yardwork is definitely a workout! I mowed yesterday afternoon after Volleyball and a dog walk but our backyard grass is really browning I think a few of the sprinklers weren’t hitting it properly and the company already came and blew them out a couple weeks ago . . . so with the nice weather we had for an extended period it did a number on that poor grass. Good & bad news is that there is not much to mow because it isn’t growing. Great job with the workouts and getting up your Halloween decorations, very fun. I don't ever decorate like that, maybe due to not having kids, but I always love to see them and the fun festive fall decorations too.

    Laurel: Your weekend sounds awesome being able to spend time at the ocean. What a treat that must be living so close. Yay on the drywall going up. Now you will really start to see the layout, etc. So exciting. As always, amazing job with your workout combos yesterday and today. Thanks for the kudos on Volleyball and I agree a million percent on looking at Staci and knowing all that she has gone through/still going through to be there and play and keep up with as much “normal” activity that she can handle is great.

    Hi Thelma! Hope things have loosened up a bit for you!

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, I hope you all had a great weekend. Saturday was bad for me because my traps were killing me. I was finally able to knead the tightness out but it took a lot of kneading the top of the shoulders. I think I was in denial about having reinjured my rotator cuffs. I think I have because I hear a lot of popping and I have this dull ache in the back. So I've decided that I'm not going to lift weights and specially any overhead shoulder press stuff.
    Today I did Low Max Step Combo and I did some PT exercises.
    I made appointments for the next few weeks to go back to PT. I wasn't able to get any appointments this week so I have to wait till Monday to go for an evaluation. I definitely feel better and I am very aware of my shoulder placement and posture.

    I am totally upset and discouraged about my shoulders ever getting better. I hate not being able to do the rotation. The only good thing is that I think my shoulder blades are actually pointing down as opposed to sticking out like they were before.

    The movie The Judge was awesome. I highly recommend it. DH says it was a little too long but as far as I'm concerned I would've been fine even it went on for 5 hours.

    Laurie, great job with the workouts and yard work IS a workout! Our mini vacation almost got cancelled today because it's going to rain on Thursday. We tried to reschedule but we couldn't get our pet sitter on the days we wanted so decided to go on Thursday but DH is all stressed out about a project at work and wanted to work on Thursday so we decided to work in the AM and we'll be heading out at about 1PM. I'll go to the office from 6-10 and I'll come home to get a little workout in. Halloween decorations! So cool! We've lived here since 11/2007 and we've never got more than 4 kids and in the last 3 years no kids at all so we don't get candy anymore.

    Laurel, awesome job with those workouts as always. 100 pushups! I don't think I can even do a push up right now and I was getting really good at them even though I was doing them on my knees. I was getting my chest close to the floor like I never have before. Oh well!
    I'm so glad everything is going well with the house. I try to keep my shoulders down too but who knows maybe I'll never be able to do these workouts. Do you think you'll be able to move in before the end of the year? I bet the beach was nice!

    Tami, doing awesome with those workouts! Great job with the volleboll games! You go girl! If you have a bookmark for the tread prior to the software upgrade it won't work. I was getting that X too. What I did was go to selected Community then Message Boards and searched for Cathe Fans part 5. Then the only entry the system returned was an older entry from July but I selected it anyway and it brought me to the right thread. The scroll part I have to do too.

    Have a good night!

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies!!

    Super quick check in for me. No workouts here for about a has been soooooo crazy busy with hockey and the new job that I haven't had more than a few minutes a day to just sit and relax. Hoping to get back into it soon and maybe join a club so I can get out of the house, since I work from home now.

    Great work on the all are doing so great! Awesome motivation for me to get back into it!!!

    I haven't been able to keep up with any new Cathe workouts...are there any new ones that are on the shorter side (30-45 min)?

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    STS Meso 2 Chest, Shoulders & Triceps was the workout last night, and unlike Laurel I really didn't miss those push-ups. :D I made the zoodles last night, and they where great. Thanks Thelma for giving me the tip on the Mrs. Dash. I used McCormicks version of it, since that was the one that was handy. ;) I made some chicken meatballs with it, and everyone loved those. DH even liked the zoodles, I think that I will do that instead of pasta from now on.

    Laurel, Dang 100 push ups! I know that I could do it, but it would be on my knees for sure. I upped my weights from the last round, and I was really feeling the triceps the most. The yard is starting to look really good, I will have some more work come spring, and that will be pulling all the roots out. I really like the cleaned up look, instead of the brush gone wild like it was before. I like the Meso 2 pyramid better also.

    Tami, Great job on the workouts and volleyball. I'm sure the grass will come back next year for you to mow down. ;) It always does. :D I think that DH will put up Halloween deco until he is unable to physically. The man just loves to put them up, and of course we do get a lot of children in our neighborhood. They love seeing the pumpkins that he carves.

    Thelma, So sorry to hear about your shoulders. Glad to hear that you will be getting some PT, just sorry that you have to go. Don't worry about not being able to do this rotation, get yourself healed. I'm sure that at some point you will be able to knock out some weights. Glad to hear that your vacation is still a go, just dang on having that additional stress.

    Erika, Hi there! I hear you on the busy busy busy. From what I understand the new Ripped series is suppose to be in that time frame, even the weight workouts.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    edited October 2014
    Hi Ladies! I did a fun combo of workouts today. I started with X10 Hi/Lo and then went into Rockout Knockout (with the heavy bag section). I followed it with Turbo Barre which felt good today despite the leg work from yesterday.

    Tami, great workouts! It really is fun being so near the ocean. I met DH after work, and we were quite literally the only people on the beach. It was so nice! I admit that the lingering heat is getting to me (it was already 81 at 9:00am this morning), but when we get a chance to be outside like that, I forget about it. Hope to do it more often when DH is no longer coaching football! Sorry to hear about your yard. Hopefully it will recover next year. Regarding finding the thread, I have set a bookmark right to the thread's page, and it seems to work fine. Like you, I tried to access via the old thread, and that didn't work. But this is working fine. Hope that helps!

    Thelma, I am so sorry to hear you have been reinjured. Don't get discouraged!! I know....sounds easy to say, right? But I mean it seriously. When I injured my left shoulder in February 2006, it was a good two years before I started lifting any significant weight. Really, doing STS for the first time starting in February 2009 (three years after the injury) was my first attempt at push-ups (on my knees) or any weight program. When I did that program the first time, the weight I used for my left arm was at least 50 percent less than my right. It took time and patience. It has really only been in the past couple of years that my strength has evened out between arms. Believe me, I had so many times when I thought I would never get back to it, but I was wrong! So never say never. We are here for you!!! Thanks for the feedback on The Judge. That is one I want to see!

    Laurie, I don't know what I was thinking with those 100 push-ups! I was definitely feeling it yesterday. Glad to hear the yard is coming along nicely.

    Erika, so good to see you!!! I hope things calm down for you soon! Even though Cathe hasn't posted official times for the new workouts, I believe Laurie is correct that they will be under an hour. Hope to see more of you!!!

    See you all tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ F.A.S.T./BootCamp was same format as last week. I think that will be here strategy is doing the same rotations 2 weeks in a row. She had mentioned since there are a lot of new people that throwing new things at everyone each week is too much. The class was HUGE last night. Yikes. A good workout though and I was happy to have a partner again! This a.m. was X10 Hi/Lo + HiiT 30/30 . . . tonight will be Katy’s Insane X class. Hopefully she is there.

    Thelma: I’m so sorry to hear about your shoulders not improving. I can only imagine how frustrated you are! Here is my positive wisdom for you With the strength you have gained after recouperating from the last injury, you will heal faster this time! I am sending you positive thoughts and big hugs. You got this and they will get better again. Just take care of yourself and there will always be another rotation/workouts! They are never ending and we will be here when you are ready. Thanks for the good reviews on The Judge. I think that looks like a good movie; most likely will wait until it comes out on video, but maybe not …. My BFF loves going to movies so maybe we will go see it. Thanks for that on our forum site as well.

    Erika: Hello!! So good to hear from you and sounds like things are busy as always with everything! As always, the workouts will be there when you can grab a few extra minutes in the day. I do believe the new Cathe workouts have some shorter time frames. Like Laurel mentioned, she hasn’t posted them exactly but I think I read that somewhere.

    Laurie: Great work on Chest/Shoul/Tri’s last night! I’m good on the non-push ups as well. I get my fair share of them on Mon & Tues night between BootCamp and Insane X – those and burpees. I think that’s great that your hubby loves to do that for all the kids. Thanks for the encouragement on the yard. With DH being gone I felt like I did something wrong, but we have a sprinkler system so that is the only thing I can think happened; which happened last year but he was home to “adjust” the sprinkler head. At least the front looks good. I know it will come back, just a little sad to see when it has still been nice out.

    Laurel: Fabulous workouts again!!! Nice add-on with the Turbo Barre work. I meant to ask you on the 100 push-ups, did you do them all at once or split them up? Yowsa, nice work lady I would need to split them up into batches! I bet your chest muscles were talking to you yesterday! I didn’t realize your hubby was coaching football! That’s fun, what age of kids is he coaching? Very time consuming I’m sure.
    How is your mom doing/feeling? After catching up with both my mom’s over the weekend I was thinking about yours and wondering how she is. Thanks for the tips on the forum, I will try that.

    Hope you all have a great afternoon/evening!
    Talk to you tomorrow . . . Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, tonight I did XT Legs. I love how some of those exercises get deeply into the glutes. I am happy to report that my back felt pretty normal today. I know there is a little something there abut what a change from last weekend till now. The key has been to rest my back and a lot of massage. I am feeling hopeful that I may be able to continue with the rotation in a week or so.
    There was a 7.3 earthquake in El Salvador last night. Thankfully my family is well. They're all shaken up of course but hopefully there won't be any major aftershocks.

    Erika, good to see you here. You are one busy mom! I'm sure you'll be able to get your workouts in soon.

    Laurie, great job with your workouts and I'm so happy you and your family liked the zoodles. I think I'm actually liking them better than spaghetti squash. I think it's great that your DH likes to do all those Halloween decorations and the pumpkin carving too! I couldn't carve a pumpkin to save my life! LOL
    I still don't know if the mini vacation is a go Laurie. I've not heard back from the pet sitter. I cancelled for this week and re-booked this week again but the sitter hasn't confirmed that we're still on her calendar.

    Laurel, really fun combo today! Great job! I'm really happy that to be feeling better Laurel. I'll have to keep massaging my back to make sure things don't get tight on me. At the rate I'm going with my shoulders it will take me 2 years too.

    Tami, glad your F.A.S.T./BootCamp class was good even though it was the same rotations as last week. It makes sense for Katy to keep to use the same routine for the sake of the newbies. Awesome job with the rotation workouts too!

    Thanks for the good wishes for my shoulders. I've been totally frustrated and discouraged but feeling hopeful today for sure. Over the weekend was bad due to the super tight traps. Even my head over my shoulders was an inconvenience cause if I looked down to read something it would make my traps hurt more. Much better now. I think you're right that because I've gained some strength I am recovering faster. The scary part was to have everything on my upper back tighten up so badly. DH loves going to the movies and this is the best time of the year when all the new movies come out. I think we're going to see a Brad Pitt war movie on Saturday too.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I'm going to have to change up my rotation to take Tuesday as a rest day. There is just not enough time after I get home from work to get something in before we head out to dance class. I don't want to be eating at 9pm at night. So no workout yesterday, and will have to do some schedule changes. ;)

    Laurel, Nice workouts! Sounds like a really nice time on the beach. So would love that, but again we are heading into the dreaded winter. :p Have you noticed that this thread includes all the previous threads also. I was wondering why our thread said that there where over 1.9K posts. When I saw that I noticed all the pages to this thread. :o I also did the bookmark thing at the top of this page. I'm guessing that is what makes the little bell show when others post? I didn't look at the thread that told us all about the changes. :D

    Tami, Great workouts, and so love that HiiT 30/30 workout. I hope between Laurel and I that you are able to find this thread more easily. Just look at the upper right corner of this thread where the bell, star and gear are located. Anytime you are in the community, and someone has added to this thread (after you bookmark), you should see a number next to the bell. Hope that made sense.

    Thelma, Glad to hear that your family is doing well, that is a big quake. Glad to hear that your back is progressing in the right direction. I will cross my fingers that your mini vacation will be a go. Sometimes you just need to get away for a while. DH is a very good artist, so I think that he really enjoys seeing his creations.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today's workout started with STS Back and Biceps. I felt strong on the back portion. Biceps....not so much! But at least I didn't have to go down in weight. I followed it with STS Yoga Based Abs and then, for cardio, I did the Circuits and Intervals working from Cathe's Greatest Hits DVD. I actually wish she was doing another 'Greatest Hits' workout with this new series because I have really enjoyed this DVD from her last series.

    Tami, sounds like a good class even though it was the same as last week. Sounds like The Biggest Loser competitions and fall have the gym full again. Great job on that Hi/Lo and 30/30 combo! That sounds like a good one! On the 100 push-ups, I do them like the 100 rep challenges in XTrain. So I knock out at least 35 before taking a 20-30 second rest and so on. I think I usual break them up into 45-25-20-10 segments, but after that STS workout, I think I did 35-20-20-15-10 this week....and it was tough! Thanks for asking about my Mom. She seems to be doing well, though it is hard to tell from such a distance. Thankfully one of my sisters is going to visit her next month, so I will have a better idea how she is. She keeps talking about coming out here to visit after we get into the new house, so I take that as a good sign. If she doesn't make it, I will definitely get to see her as soon as I can. We just have to get the house financed first!

    Thelma, I am so happy to hear you are feeling a bit better. Give yourself some more time and when you do come back, take it slow! Great job with XTrain Legs! That earthquake is scary!! I am really happy to hear your family is all right.

    Laurie, I completely understand about not wanting to eat dinner at 9:00pm! Yep, I'd be changing my schedule too. I haven't read anything about the new forum either. Actually, I set a bookmark for the thread directly on my iPad, so I haven't even played with those little controls at the top. Maybe is will do that! I did notice all our old posts are here! I kind of like that!

    See you all tomorrow!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, X10 low impact and step for me tonight. I woke up with tight traps today and it's taken me all day to the tightness out. I don't know if I was tight because last night I did XT Legs floor section and I was doing all that glute work on all 4's. Even though I'm tight I still feel hopeful that I'll be able to do the rotation soon.
    The new massage tool arrived yesterday and I tested it tonight. It's going back. It's not powerful enough for my taste.
    The earthquake in El Salvador was scary and it was 28 years after the last one which was bigger than this one. It's amazing but people just go to work as if nothing happened there. Who cares if the buildings are all cracked.
    I'm going to work tomorrow morning and will come home to do a little spinning workout before we head out. Have a nice weekend ladies!

    Laurie, good idea to make Tuesday your day off. I wouldn't want eat that late either. Our mini vacation is still on but it's going to be raining pretty hard tomorrow which is a big disappointment but any day outside of work IS a good day! OMG! We no longer have those awesome emoticons!

    Laurel, nice workout today! Is that Greatest Hits DVD a step one? I did the step portion without any risers today just to make sure my feet didn't pay for me wanting to do the step.

    Good night ladies!