Cathe Fans Part 5



  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited October 2014
    Hi Ladies ~ Only the one workout today, which was STS Legs + Abs. Felt great, no Insane X. Mentally tired so opted for just "Legs" since I missed it the other day.. I felt it was a good choice.

    Laurie: Great job with that combo last night! Sounds like it was perfect. That's pretty funny about your girls staring at you all huddled up. Ladies I know currently going through "warm moments" will ask me if its HOT in here?! I've had hot flashes before but I know it's nothing like these you are talking about. Can't wait (NOT)

    Laurel: Another fantastic combo today! I bet that did feel amazing!
    I know what you are saying on the HRM because each time you have described the "why" and number obsession since I've known you I feel SO much the same. A. Only weigh myself at Dr. office B. The number is more of an achievement vs. how many calories can I eat now; I pretty much have that down and don't change much of what I eat daily/weekly/monthly. So truly it's more of a habit and again an "achievement" at the end. Kind of weird but true.... I do still have my BodyBugg. Hmmm decisions.
    I love it that you already had your new home decorated ... Will make the first Christmas even more precious. I know your decorating efforts just being in your new home that is finally YOUR home will be like Christmas every day! The joy and excitement will feel the same ... I promise. I like Laurie's plastic idea. I remember when we moved in to our house (May) and I didn't want dirty shoes or anything; my poor hubby & FIL carrying in things and taking off their shoes. Finally we decided it wasn't mud, it would vacuum up.

    Kira: Thank you so much for the enthusiastic YOU GO GIRL for my job! I appreciate it and really trying to grab on to a little bit of that right now! Might give me a little more strength in all the change that's happening. Love that you had a great vacation & near my part of the country. I live in North Idaho, my mom is in Portland. Sorry to hear you're having some shoulder issues. Awesome that you have the knowledge of what you are dealing with through your injury, sounds like you are taking care of it. I really cannot say enough good things about STS, I'm glad you're liking Meso 1 but definitely some serious push-ups! Hang in there, you'll notice a difference in your strength forsure and be pumping those babies out in no time!

    Hi Thelma - Looks like you had a serious long workout tonight!

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow . . . Tami
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Yesterday was my rest day, so no workout for me. :)

    Laurel, I hope you don't regret going heavy on those legs! The legs and back are the muscles that I can lift pretty heavy, kind of scares me sometimes. ;) I totally understand about the Christmas deco. Yes you do have next year, but all that fun is missed for this year. :D If your heat flushes get to bad, the supplement that Thelma recommended really does relieve a lot of the issues. Not that it takes them away, but they are not as intense. I forgot to take them for a few days, and I could tell the difference. I also started taking them around dinner, because it helps with the night sweats. So I throw out a big thanks to Thelma for giving me that advice.

    Kira, WTG on the STS workouts! The first time I tried them I was on my knees pretty early, and I didn't have shoulder issues to deal with. Sounds like a great vacation. I have never been to Yellowstone, but it is one place that we where pretty close to. Do want to go there at some point.

    Thelma, Sounds like you received a lot of solid information from Mark. I have one of those desks that you can adjust the height, so my posture has improved a lot. Also adjusted my monitors and chair. They are very big with ergonomics here. We can have sneakers, but they have to be steel toed. I have three different pairs of shoes, but I'm not to happy with the ugly sneakers they have. The shoes I have on today are much better, so I will wear these for the rest of the week.

    Tami, Leg workouts are the cure, since you do get that cardio affect from working that muscle. ;) The funny part is I will stand in the doorway with the door wide open, I love the cool air coming in. The family just starts laughing at me. :D DH is enjoying having all the covers also. I don't know about you, but I do much better watching the numbers. If I don't track things, it can get out of hand.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today's workout started with STS Disc 4/Back and Triceps. I found myself using some of my Meso 3 weights for some of the exercises! I have to slow the reps down a bit, but I feel so strong right now. Can't thank you ladies enough for introducing these last two rotations!! Anyhow, I followed it with the extended stretch then, for cardio, Kick, Punch and Crunch.

    Kira, glad you enjoyed your trip! It is beautiful country out there. I love the Pacific Northwest after having lived near Seattle for a couple of years. Yellowstone is a fascinating place. Such different types of scenery and terrain in a relatively small amount of space. DH and I were in China a few years back and our Chinese guide named two places he wants to visit in the US--NYC and Yellowstone. I found that kind of interesting. Made me realize that Yellowstone is a pretty unique place on this planet. Thanks for posting all the great info on shoulders. Like you and Thelma, I have my share of shoulder issues. I find it interesting that lateral raises may be a problem. I know that upright rows aren't good for the shoulder, but I had never heard that about the raises. Interesting. I have learned over time that light weight is plenty for those raises though.

    Thelma, so happy to hear you asked for and received better exercises. Sometimes it pays to ask! I don't know why so many therapists have gone to band work but, like you, I find I can target better with a weight. Hope you started seeing some good improvements!

    Tami, completely understand about the workout. I am happy you listened to your mind/body and stuck with one workout. I have no doubt you are mentally drained right now. Sometimes a workout helps. And sometimes a quiet evening with the pups is better! About moving, I am already paranoid about damaging something when we move in! My poor DH is going to have his hands full with me as I walk around telling him to mind the walls, stair rail, carpet, etc! Should be a fun experience. ;) And you are so right about Christmas in the new house. Whether it is this year or the next doesn't matter. It will be special regardless.

    Laurie, hope you enjoyed your rest day!! Thanks for the supplement recommendation. What are you using? I remember Thelma recommending something...but I don't remember what it is! My heat flashes aren't intense yet. In fact, I only really have them when I am sleeping. I have had night sweats for a few years, but those seem to have been replaced by hot flashes. I am kind of hoping they continue to limit themselves to night time! Thanks for understanding about my silly Christmas issues.

    See you tomorrow.


  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, I chose Flex Train instead of back and triceps to give my back a break just to realize FT is full of shoulder exercises so I had to modify a lot. My shoulders were feeling a little irritated from yesterday's PT workout.
    Tami, It's good that you listened to your body and skipped Insane X and stuck with the leg workout. You're stressed now and it can trigger hot flashes. The supplement for hot flashes is Calcium, magnesium, zinc. It;s very effective.

    Laurie, I hope you enjoyed your day off. You're welcome on the hot flash remedy!
    Mark did give me good info yesterday. I hope things improve. I didn't realize you had to wear those steel toe shoes!
    We have a physical therapist who does make sure we're ergonomically correct. That is almost impossible given the small desk space we have. The lady was just there last week and checked out my posture. Things were OK but had been told I couldn't lower my desk and now I'm told I can. I have a keyboard tray that I need but gets in the way. If the middle part of my desk can be lowered I could do away with the tray.

    Laurel, you've really upped your weights in this rotation! Good job and congrats!
    I'm glad I convinced Mark to give me new exercises. I had asked before but he said I had to do the bands. It never occurred tome to say I'm not feeling that I'm hitting the target area. I didn't feel too lopsided today but my supraspinatus were throbbing today. So I think part of my injury is similar to Kira's. What I've never done is talk about the exercises I do with Mark. I know that I was told a long time ago no military press or overhead raises.

    Good night ladies!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited October 2014
    Hi Ladies - STS Back/Tris this a.m. and tonight I went to Spinning! Of course I heard about missing class last night .... As expected. Katy gave me the big "L" sign on her forehead. In fun of course.

    Thelma: Sorry I missed your post last night ... I've been pre-typing my messages and copying/pasting so they don't disappear. I'm glad to hear Mark gave you some new exercises! That's great and sounds like he's a good PT to listen to your requests/needs. Great job tonight with FlexTrain! Sounds like you made it work for you. Thanks for telling us the supplement again.... Stress & Menopause both! I'm going to save it in my "notes" .... On the HRM a - no I haven't purchased my reward for 1000+ days. I thought of that as I consider another one.

    Laurie: I bet you had a nice REST day yesterday! Thanks for the encouragement on the Leg workout, I felt like that too. Definitely not Insane X but I seriously needed a time out on any kind of "intensity"..if that makes sense.

    Laurel: another fabulous day! Way to go. Thank you again for all your encouragement & understanding too. It's a challenging time for me and I won't even go into today ... So it's so nice to have you guys! I can't wait to hear all about your new house adventures. I didn't even hang pictures for a while in case I didn't like the spot.. There would be a hole there then! LOL silly but true. DH would stand there holding it which seemed like forever until I decided.

    Hope you ladies have a great day tomorrow! Talk to you then ~ Tami
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Last night was STS Meso 1 Chest, Shoulders, Biceps, and then I added on Ruthless Workout 2 Lunatic Intervals. Good choice because it had exercises in it that worked the core and gave me some cardio also. After all that talk about shoulders yesterday, was a little hesitant to up the weights on shoulder work. I did, and I'm a little sore today.

    Laurel, Great job on using the weights from Meso 3. I was surprised at how the weights seemed easy on the chest work. Thelma gave the info on the supplement, I just get them from Target. Since I have been taking them in the evening, I have not had to fling off the blankets during the middle of the night. I'm also sleeping until my alarm goes off, that has been wonderful. :D

    Thelma, WTG on doing your modifications. I have tried those keyboard trays, and have never found one that I like. My keyboard has no mods, and it is comfy for me.

    Tami, LOL about the L, she has a great personality. Oh we get to reward ourselves for the 1000 days recorded on MFP! Now I have to think of something, but I have plenty of time to think of something. :D I'm no where near getting to that point soon.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today's workout started with the 60 minute premix from Great Glutes. It was a perfect choice for easing the tightness in my legs after Tuesday's STS workout. I am really enjoying these lighter leg workouts from Cathe in conjunction with her heavier STS a workouts. Anyhow, for cardio, I started with X10 Hi/Lo and then moved into To The Max Extreme. Great, tough combo!

    Thelma, thanks for the information on the supplement for hot flashes. I am definitely going to give it a try! Like I said, mine aren't bad.....but annoying enough. Flex Train is really shoulder intensive so I am glad you modified. I hope your shoulders are feeing better today.

    Tami, I bet Katy made you smile.....which it sounds like you needed. I am sorry that things are continuing to be a bit rough. Just know we are here for you if you need to vent. You made me laugh describing hanging pictures in your house! Actually, one of the things I am panicky about is deciding whether I want walls a color other than neutral. I haven't had color on my walls in 30 years!! How will I decide?!?!? Needless to say, that will be miles down the road.....if ever. :D

    Laurie, great workouts! Anything titled Ruthless Workout has got to be good! Thanks for the supplement info. The idea of sleeping through a night has me hopping in the car and driving to Target!! No doubt my poor DH would like it is I slept better as I am constantly waking him up too. :\

    See you all tomorrow!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, for the first time this year I took a rest day. The only times I took a rest day is when I went to Ireland and I couldn't work out the day before our return to the US and the other time I was stuck in traffic during a snow storm. I am exhausted from staying up until midnight and getting up at 5AM. I have to study for this certification exam and tonight I just couldn't do it. I fell asleep at work at my desk. I hope no one saw me! On the other hand the shoulders felt pretty good today. I was due for my PT exercises today but I'll do them tomorrow.

    Laurie, great jog with those workouts! I hope the shoulder soreness is just DOMS type of soreness. Thanks on the kudos for my workouts. I htink going forward I'll have to choose something else when the rotation calls for Flex Train. I really like that workout too but too much shoulder work. The hotflash supplement I learned about it about 7 years ago at work from the ladies who hit the hotflash phase before me. I actually stopped taking it for a couple of weeks to see if the hotflashes and nightsweats would return and they returned! I'm glad it has helped you too.
    I don't think I've ever had a keyboard tray I like but I have to adjust because I need one.

    Tami, don't worry about missing my post. I've been typing my reply on notepad because I need to read the posts as I reply and with the new format there is too much scrolling up/down to do that. Hate it!
    Good job on with the workouts! LOL on Katy giving you the big L sign on the forehead for missing class! LOL
    So MFP gives you a reward for 1000+ days? My counter got reset when I went to Ireland because I wasn't logging my food and I didn't "complete" my daily diary.

    Laurel, what a great idea to do the Great Glutes workout to ease the tightness from Tuesday's leg workout. I am still feeling it too! Another awesome combo today!
    Do you feel that you're having more hotflashes now that you're in FL? the fact that you have such healthy life style I think is the reason why your hotflashes are not bad. When I go crazy for sugar I get them more but otherwise I'm fine now that I take this supplement.

    Tomorrow is Friday! YAAAY! DH's bday is next week so we'll celebrate on Saturday. His brother and his wife will be here and there will be food and cake involved! Lord Help me please! We will go to the movies too to see Jake Gillenhaal's Nighcrawler. I hope it's good.

    Good night ladies!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies - Sadly no workout today :( I had planned on this evening instead of this a.m. Another long/sleepless night so didn't get up and tonight I decided to prepare everything for DH's return home dinner tomorrow eve. Then I won't be in the kitchen very long. He loves the Chicken Enchiladas I make; not overly heavy or sauce, but good! Then I finished up my little load of laundry & folding .... He will have plenty so at least the laundry room is prepared for all that.

    Thelma: On the 1000 day reward. I was just commenting since you had asked if I rewarded myself with anything for reaching that mark. Not MFP a giving me a reward. LOL Sounds like you definitely needed a REST day forsure. Poor thing falling asleep at your desk.

    Laurie: sounds like a great workout! Nice work .... Of course we get to reward ourselves!! Thelma put that little idea in my head. LOL

    Laurel: Yowsa! Another amazing day for you. OK I didn't even mention the paint ... Our walls were white until 8 yrs ago! We've been here 15 years. Looking back I would have DEFINITELY had them done when I had a choice. My advice, go for it! Especially living with white walls all these years. You'll love it. Just warms it up so much.

    Happy Friday tomorrow ladies!!! TGIFx100!!!!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Yesterday was X10 Low Impact followed by Ruthless #16 Rip 10's. This ruthless workout is probably my least favorite, because it is so tough. You start out with doing 10 jumping jacks, then 10 speed skaters. You then go back to the 10 jj, 10 ss and then he adds on plank side to sides. Repeat until you go through about 10 different exercise all starting with the jumping jacks. There is no rest, so a solid 18 min. of cardio. I was unable to get through all 10 of each exercise, some of them where a little tough for me.

    Laurel, I may have to change my mind about those leg workouts, they seem to be a good way to get in more leg work without causing to much torture to your legs. Then of course I read your add ons, so new you got in a super good torture. :) It may take a couple of weeks for your body to adjust to the supplement, but it really does work. I did have to get up last night, but I didn't lay awake afterward like I sometimes did in the past. It's worth the try.

    Thelma, A rest day is very often needed. I know that I really enjoy my one day off in the week. It really sounds like you needed the rest, I think that I did that once at work. Never since we have this open concept though. Being in a cube probably contributed to that though. :D Yep the shoulders are fine today, just DOMS from the workouts. Glad to hear that your shoulders where good.

    Tami, Sounds like you where a busy lady last night getting everything ready for your DH's return. That is very nice that you have something prepared that he enjoys eating. Last night I made Leek and Potato soup, our house still smells like onions. :D I think that I would rather have is smell like Enchilada's :D Well getting to reward myself is motivation enough to get to that 1000 mark.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Happy Halloween Ladies! Today's workout started with Flex Train. For cardio, I did a Cathe oldie--Max Intensity Cardio. It was lots of fun today!

    Thelma, I am glad you took a day off! Like Laurie, I find one day off a week good for me.....mentally as much as physically. No doubt you are tired! Those are long days. My hot flashes have started here in Florida. I fact, until about a week ago, I thought it was just Florida hot!! But they are definitely 'flashes' now. Like you, I need to watch the sugar intake. I haven't been bad lately, but I could be better, that's for sure.

    Tami, I think you probably needed to take a break too. I am sure your mind feels better with getting things done for your DH's return. Hope things get better for you soon. Thanks for the advise on wall colors! Our builder will only paint the main color (neutral) so it will be up to us to add accents. I think we will want them, especially in a couple of rooms. But I know committing to a color is probably going to be the end of me! Which is funny....because my house, naturally, has something of a color scheme already. But it isn't permanent! :D

    Laurie, great workouts, though that ruthless workout sounds tough! These newer leg workouts from Cathe really are good for working out slightly fatigued legs already. I think they are too light to do only them in a rotation (my legs like heavier weights), but they are good like this. And I feel them. There were a couple of moves in Flex Train today that had me going 'yep, that's hitting what I worked yesterday!'

    Hope you all have a great weekend!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, I hope you all had a nice weekend.
    Friday I did STS #5 Back and Triceps and I really liked this workout. Then on Saturday I did cardio. Tabatacise #1 with core, no stretch, then I did the X10 double low impact premix and today some spinning

    My shoulders are doing very well today. They scared me yeserday but i

    Tami, I'm sure you are thrilled to have your DH bac. Thanks for clarifying that MFP doesn't reward members with gifts or

    Laurie, nice going with the workouts. I really needed a day off last week and I'm glad I took it.

    Laurel, another amazing combo! I had a feeling that you'd started to feel the hotflashes not that you are in FL. Probably the hot temps have a lot to do with it.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Friday was trick or treating, and we had a fair number of children. Only two Frozen princesses. :D Most of the children where being hauled around in the parents cars, it was very very cold with the wind.

    My workouts Friday was X10 Hi/Lo and Ruthless #10 Pure Willpower. Saturday was STS Legs and Ruthless #1 Hardcore Circuit. Sunday STS Back & Triceps and Ruthless #4 Wicked Lower Body. I'm really enjoying adding on the Ruthless workouts, since they are all around 20 min.

    Laurel, I don't have MIC on DVD, so have not done that one in a very long time. Even for it's age, it is a very good workout. In a rotation like this it sounds like those leg workouts would be good. When Cathe puts them on the deal of the day, I will have to take a look at them. I noticed that when I eat truly clean, the hot flashes are less intense, and yes sugar is a very bad culprit. I had some candy this weekend, and have been regretting the consumption. Not worth the heat. :D I have FlexTrain on the rotation for tonight, can't wait to hit those muscles that have been missed.

    Thelma, Great job with the workouts! Glad to hear the shoulders are doing good.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Hope you all had a nice weekend. We had a very cool--almost cold for here--weekend. No AC since Friday!!!! I am loving the fresh air. Don't think it will last much longer, but I will take it when I can. Had a nice visit to the new house. They are painting and it is beginning to almost look like a home. Very exciting.

    Saturday was my day off. Yesterday I did the STS workout (Chest, Shoulders and Triceps). DH joined me on it, and we really pushed each other. It was fun. Today was STS Disc 17/Legs. I really love these Meso 2 leg workouts. I followed it with Weights and Plates Abs, and for cardio I did Cathe's Greatest Hits. The cardio felt good after two days off from it.

    Thelma, glad you enjoyed the back/tricep workout. I like those ones because Carhe moves a little slower in it than she does the Meso 1 Chest, Shoulder, Bicep workouts. Saw it was snowing your way yesterday. Hope you were home, warm and safe!

    Laurie, great workouts! I like the sound of the Ruthless workouts. We had some Trick or Treaters Friday as well. First time we have had any in a couple of years. It was fun to see the kids in costume. I only had one Frozen princess. And she was too cute for words. Seems like the thing here in Florida is to sit in the driveway and pass out candy. We did that in LA as well. I didn't do that this year since DH wasn't home and I don't really know the neighbors here. So I sat inside watching a Paranormal Activity marathon on FX (scary movies!) and running to the door every few minutes. I love Halloween! Thanks for all the info on the hot flashes. I picked up the supplement this weekend and am hoping that--and a little dietary control--will make things a bit better.

    See you all tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited November 2014
    Hi Ladies - I just wanted to let you know I'm here .... But not! I haven't worked out since Friday other than my Vball games yesterday. The job situation has not worked out, the mgr who told me I was going into this position is now saying he doesn't think I'm up to this position, he doesn't want to work with me, etc and SO much more but that's it in a nutshell. Due to the fact he has single handedly eliminated most of my position I don't have a "spot" right now. So the owners are trying to figure that out, backing him. It's awful. I'm so exhausted emotionally that I am having a hard time with everything. I hope to get in a workout tomorrow a.m. Started looking for a new job, have an interview tomorrow actually ... It might be something that is offered a couple months from now he said but going to talk to him in the a.m.

    If you guys could please pray for me & my well being, getting back on track and a new job I would appreciate it.
    Thank you .... Talk to you tomorrow/next day ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, I tonight I did the STS Disc #17 Legs workout. I really like these legs workouts. I know I'm going to be feeling this tomorrow. My shoulders started acting up. I think it always happens when I do deadlifts while holding weights. I was very much aware of my posture so hopefully I will continue to get better at shoulder posture during deadlifts. Other than that the shoulders have felt pretty good. Tomorrow is election day and I'm going to go vote before my PT session with Marc.

    You ladies won't believe this but I decided to go check out the new gym and they were already open. I asked for a class schedule and all the 5:30 classes are not on the schedule except for a bootcamp class which I can't do. Then the other classes are at 6:30 and 7:30. I want to be done working out by 6:30! I don't want to be at the gym lifting weights either so I asked how I'd go about cancelling. I was told that the manager had to do it and that she'd left for the day. The girl at the front desk didn't know the manager's schedule and it could only be done in person. I told them I was never notified about the gym being open and the girl told me that unfortunately the online team I had used to join is not very good about communicating with anyone and that they didn't even know who had joined online! I see red flags going left and right as I'm hearing all this crap. As soon as I got home I called the number I was given when I joined online and I was pretty much on hold for about 40 minutes and when someone finally got on I had to be put on hold 2 more times. Turns out these people had been charging me the monthly fee since August when the gym just opened on 11/1. More red flags! I'm just horrified! Anyway, I finally got this girl to cancel my membership and she sent me an email with the cancellation info. I'm having DH check my credit card statements online to make sure I get reimbursed.
    As soon as I got home

    We got a little snow here yesterday and it was super windy and cold. Our wind chill factor today was 25 at 6AM.

    Laurie, we no longer get kids around here. Our road is very dark and only one side of the street has sidewalks.
    I watched a little clip of these Ruthless workout DVD's and it looked a lot like Insanity or maybe P90X. Looks like fun but nothing I can do now. Great job adding these workouts to your rotation.

    Laurel, I love cool nights given the night sweats. How exciting about your house Laurel. I would be there every day to see the progress! LOL
    I bet it was great to have your DH join you for Saturday's workout. I also love these STS leg workouts and I feel them even though I'm holding 8lb weights. I ddn't have a chance to do the ab part.
    The snow didn't stick around so it's a matter of staying warm around here!

    Hi Tami, I'm so sorry you're going through this situation at work. This is definitely an emotionally draining situation. of course we are going to pray for you and your well being. You will find a new job I'm sure. Remember that you need to be of clear mind when you interview so try to relax and think positive. I hope you get to exercise because that will help you relax. Good luck tomorrow with the interview and let us know how it went.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Yesterday was FlexTrain.

    Laurel, That is very exciting on the painting. Did you go with all neutral, or pick colors? I love Halloween also, just love seeing the children in their costumes. It really surprises me how creative some of them are. Just to bad this year they had to wear their coats to cover most of them up. I loved the ones that came in fur outfits. :D Hope the supplement works for you also.

    Tami, How horrible! I will most definitely put all my thoughts and prayers into your mental health and future job situation. The workouts will help also. Best of luck on the interview, I know that you will do a great job. I can't assume anything about this manager, but one week really isn't enough time to determine if someone will be a fit in a position.

    Thelma, Great job on the workout, those Meso 2 Legs are some of her best ones. Oh yes you really did have a lot of red flags with that gym. Glad you where able to cancel, and I hope that they reimburse you quickly. Yes the Ruthless workouts are a lot like Insanity, but the instructor is a talker. Doesn't bother me to much, but some people can't stand that. Really have noticed that my butt has been sore doing these. They are high impact for sure.

    Have a wonderful day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today I did X10 Cardio Blast straight into Cross Fire Extreme. Good 90 minute cardio combo. That was it for me today as I had to go get my hair prettied and then vote.

    Tami, I am horrified this is happening to you. Kind of like when we choose the same workout, I had a sense yesterday that something was going seriously wrong for you at work. I can't believe after all the time you have worked there that this is the deal you get. I will definitely have you in my thoughts and prayers. I hope the interview went well. I also hope your DH is home to support you. Please know we are here for you my friend! Big hugs!!

    Thelma, yikes on the new gym! That is no way to run a business. I am really glad you checked on it. And I am also glad you were able to cancel and get your money back. I don't imagine they will be around long if this is how they operate. Glad you enjoyed the leg workout! I was feeling it a bit today, that's for sure.

    Laurie, now you have my curiosity up saying these Ruthless workouts are like Insanity. Some people have the same complaint about Chalene in Turbo Fire--that she talks too much. Doesn't seem to bother me for some reason. But, then again, I am used to chatty Cathe. :D We went with neutral colors on the house. Actually, that was all we were offered by the builder for some reason. But it is a nice light tan--a very warm color that should look nice with the wood floors we are putting down. We learned yesterday that the builder is now shooting for closing during the week of Dec 15. I don't think he liked the idea of closing right after Christmas any more than I did! Of course, now I am panicking about moving in six weeks......again. But I am SO ready to make the last-ish (at least for awhile) move.

    Talk to you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, I was scheduled to go have PT tonight but decided to cancel. It was a busy day at work and I was tired plus I had to go vote. Since tomorrow's rotation workout is STS Disc #18 back and biceps I did it tonight with my PT exercises. I will do cardio tomorrow. My STS disc #18 was skipping or getting stuck in the early part. I'm not sure if the disc is dirty but it was the first time I've used it. I didn't want to stop the disc and take it out because I was about 15 minutes into the workout so I kept going. It eventually went back to normal.

    Laurie, I am really glad I was able to cancel that gym membership too. The video clip I watched from the Ruthless program looked very challenging and the guy did talk a lot but I didn't find him annoying.

    Laurel, great workout combo today! I can't believe you'll be moving into your new home so soon! How exciting! I still can't get over the gym. This is a huge chain with a big base in NY. I used to be a member back in the 80's and loved the one in Boston. I guess they have expanded a lot and not in a good way. The way they try to lock you into the membership is crazy too. I bet the gym in Boston is still pretty good with great classes too. I am happy trying become a Cathlete!
    I am really enjoying the STS workouts. I did the entire workout today without modifying which was great and added my PT moves. I of course stayed away from the barbell and my heaviest weight was 8 lbs.

    Tami, thinking of you. I hope your interview went well. I was happy to see you did your Insane X workout today because exercise helps relieve stress.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Yesterday was my rest day, so no workout for me. ;) With having to wait in line to vote, and then getting the youngest to dance class there was really no time to do anything. Tonight I have a hair appointment, but I'm hoping that I can get my workout in anyway. May have to do the 9pm workout tonight. :)

    Laurel, Great combo of workouts. I'm going to guess that Tami will tell us that she is getting her hair prettied too sometime in the near future. :D We all seem to be doing that at the same time. We used a neutral color in our house also, and through the years I have been painting the rooms different colors. It was nice having the neutral, didn't have to put primer on the walls. ;) Wow just before Christmas! Very exciting though, hope they are able to hit that date for you. Just one more move for a long while hopefully. ;) Yes the Ruthless workouts are on par with Insanity for intensity, and of course the use of just your body weight. Not as polished as Shaun, but again everything is at your pace.

    Thelma, If that disc is defective you can always contact them at to get it replaced. I have heard that they replace for free. Good thing that you where able to get do the PT work on your own. Good job on making those workouts your own.

    Hello Tami, great job on the workout. Hope all is well with you today.

    Have a wonderful day!