Cathe Fans Part 5



  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    edited January 2015
    Hi Ladies! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Tonight I did RWH Low Impact II and TUY Cross Training. DH and I went to see Exodus and it was pretty good. Although we were disappointed about the "parting of the sea" part. Temps have been freezing here.

    Hi jw92761! I am the only one doing The Ultimate Yogi in this group and I just started last week so I can't talk about results yet. Right now I'm doing both Cathe's Ripped with HiiT and The Ultimate Yogi because I feel that the Yoga practice isn't enough for me BUT the recommendation is to stick to the yoga program 100%. You're right that the practices are very long and I've only been able to do two workouts a day because I'm on vacation but I'll go back to work next week and I'm not sure I can workout for 2 hours a day.
    The program is not easy. So if you have a bad back this may be too advanced for you. The first 3 days of the program are dedicated to 3 of the most difficult practices. At least I think they are difficult. He does a lot of Chatarungas and those are very hard.
    It may be a good idea to watch the practices ahead of time so you know what the program is like. Travis has a DVD called Yoga Foundations which you could get if you feel that the Ultimate Yogi is too hard. Good luck!

    Good night ladies!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Happy New Year! Sorry I have been MIA, but DH and I are keeping busy with the new house. This will sound bad, but I will be glad when he goes back to work, and I can get back to some routine. But the workouts have been good! I have stuck with the previous rotation, so have been doing a week of STS Meso 2 this week. I am also sampling some of the new RWH workouts. I am really enjoying them, though I have a few more to try. I was looking at the rotations Cathe has for them, and I, too, like the look of the XTrain/RWH rotation. That may be the one I try.

    Thelma, I am glad you have a surgery date scheduled. I am also glad you are enjoying the yoga!! It sounds effective....and tough.

    Laurie, I am so sorry to hear the anemia has returned. Hopefully it won't last too long this time. At least you know what it is this time! Good job finding workouts that suit you right now.

    Tami, I saw the new Insanity workouts too!! They are tempting me, to be honest. I will have to think about it, though. Great job, as always, with the workouts.

    jw92761, welcome!! I would love to hear your impressions of the Ultimate Yogi program. I have a very fit friend who, as a result of injuries, pretty much does only yoga these days. And like I said....she is very fit. I hope it works for you.

    I will be back more regularly next week. Still loving the house!!!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Happy New Year! Our party was a hit again, just love that I could make the dinner healthy and delicious. I didn't workout on Wed or Thur. I was so busy on NYE, that I just didn't have time. Thurs I was tired. :( Today I just finished Jillian's Body Rev Cardio 1 and Kettlebell Kickboxing Amazing Arms. So far I am enjoying these workouts, but I can tell that it is going to take a little while for my body to get back to normal.

    Tami, Great job on the workouts. I'm sure that the new year will bring out all those resolutions in people. It amazes me to see all the adds on tv about exercise and weight loss. We had about 14 people total for our party, and we have been doing this for 28 years. We realized that we hadn't seen each other in a year. Our resolution is to get together more often. Hope your year end experience was a good one.

    Thelma, WTG on the workouts! Glad you enjoyed the movie, don't know that I will be going to see that one. I'm not a fan of the person playing Moses. Just can't imagine that he is Moses in any way.

    Laurel, Glad to hear that you are settling into your new house. LOL about wanting DH to go back to work. I don't want to go back on Monday. I'm going to look at some of my e-mails this weekend, just to make sure that I don't have something pending.

    Have a wonderful weekend,
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited January 2015
    Happy New Year Ladies!! I have to say that I am so thankful for 2015 and actually feel excited about this year. (Couldn’t have anything to do with my brand new job could it?!?!) LOL So everything went great on the 31st and we were out of the office by 6:00. DH and I had dinner at home and watched a movie Yesterday I met my BFF for lunch and we were able to catch up again. I did CrossFire yesterday for my workout and today is Spinning after work. It feels like a Monday, not Friday. Weird,but still flying by like they all do! ;)

    Thelma: Awesome job with your workouts! Are you liking your Yoga workouts so far? How did you like RWH Low Impact II? I haven’t done that one yet.
    Laurel: Sounds like you and DH are having some nice quality time together at home and at the same time I also chuckle at you looking forward to him going back to work. I get it! Not that you don’t love their company, etc. it just takes up more time and you don’t get quite as much done at home when they are there. I don’t know why, it’s just that way. Those Insanity workouts are SO tempting me! I chatted with a girl on MFP who I am friends with. She said the thing she loves most about them is that there is no dread factor due to the time frame.

    Laurie: Great to hear your party was a hit! That’s fun that you all set your resolution to see each other more. I have noticed all the commercials too . . . . yowsa. Next week will start the craziness of classes, but it’s all good. Just plan for parking and spacing in the classes at the gym.

    Hope you ladies have a nice weekend ~ I’m going to get my schedule of workouts put together moving forward this month and then decide on “when” to start XT/RWH rotation.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies! RWH Low Impact II and TUY Strength for me tonight. Back to work on Monday and I'm dreading it BIG time! It is so easy to get used to not working! LOL

    Laurel, I'm sure you've been really with the new house. You're too funny about wanting your DH to go back to work! LOL
    Good job for keeping up with the workouts! I am also enjoying the RWH workouts. I like that they have lots of premixes too. I am really enjoying this yoga program. It is definitely advanced for my skills so I started to modify when I felt my shoulders acting up. I need to make sure that I learn to do this chatarunga killer pose right or I'll hurt myself. Fortunately you can find anything online and found some videos. Done right this Chatarunga pose can do great things for shoulders I think.

    Laurie, I'm glad your NYE party was a hit! Great job with those workouts even though you don't feel 100%. I'm sure you'll be back to normal soon.

    Tami, I really don't think your new job has anything to do with your excitement about this year. LOL! Great workouts! I really like both RWH Low Impact workouts Tami. Cathe didn't disappoint about the Low Impact routines being HiiT. I really am liking the Ultimate Yogi program. It really is hard and if I knew how do full pushups I'd be in fine shape. This Chatarunga pose is a killer for me but I am going to learn how to do it one of these days. For now I'm modifying it a little.

    Good night ladies!
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! Saturday I did RWH Back, Biceps, Shoulders and TUY Yin Yoga. Today Spinning. Back to work for me tomorrow. It's kind of depressing so I keep reminding myself that I'll only have to work 2 months before I'm off for probably 2 months! LOL
    Good night!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies!! I am back.....and it feels great! It feels like forever since I have had a 'normal' day. I am so glad I kept up with my twice daily workouts over the past month because at least I didn't have that 'this is going to hurt' feeling this morning when jumping in.

    Like I said last week, I decided to close out the additional month of the rotation we were all doing. So after taking Saturday off, as usual, I did XTrain Chest, Back and Shoulders yesterday along with Core 1. For cardio, I did the 4DS BC/KB cardio premix. Today was XTrain Legs--the 81 minute premix. For cardio, I did a Ripped With HiiT combo. I am trying to attempt all of these workouts once before going into a rotation. So today I tried two--Plyo HiiT Workout 2 and Upper Body Circuit. I really liked the Upper Body Circuit. The Plyo HiiT was great intensity. But I know I will never feel quite comfortable jumping on and off my step as quickly as Cathe does in the first couple of moves of the cardio section. I just have to accept that. But it was good. I only have the three strength workouts to try now, which I hope to do later this week. Then I think I am going to do XTrain/RWH rotation in the RWH user's guide. I will probably change it a bit to make it work for me.....but I like the looks of it.

    Laurie, I am so glad your NYE party went well! Sounds like a lot of fun to be able to catch up with friends. I hope you keep your resolution to get together more often! Hope you are beginning to feel a bit better.

    Thelma, great job with the workouts. I completely agree about the chatarunga pose. It can do some great things for the shoulders. I really noticed that when I was doing P90X YogaX all the time. I wish I had the patience to do that workout more often because of that fantastic benefit....but I don't. Oh well.

    Tami, sounds like a nice New Year's celebration. I can imagine you are looking forward to this year so much more than last year. I kind of feel the same way now that we are 'settled'. Glad to hear you are still enjoying the new job. You've been doing some great workouts as always!!

    See you all tomorrow!!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Nice weekend at home! We had quite the storm come in and now it is turning to freezing rain. What a mess. At any rate, I got in some good workouts. Sat I did KCM Circuit Burn, one of my favs of Kelley-Coffey and yesterday I tried one of the new workouts: Lift It HiiT Legs + Abs Premix. I really enjoyed this workout. Reminded me a little bit of Cardio Leg Blast from XT series. Strength to Cardio move and then an ab move, repeat, through the entire workout. Flew by! Today will be BootCamp.
    I am teetering on the January rotation for one month since it was just posted and looks good to me . . . I don’t want to “flownder” too long or I will be staring at my DVDs in the a.m. Then onto XT/RWH rotation. This will give me a chance to get all the new ones in before the rotation.

    Thelma: I’m sorry you had to go back to work today. :| I understand that feeling all too well and know its super hard. Hopefully the day went well for you and you are right back into the groove soon, not thinking of the “dreaded portion” of it. Nice job with the workouts over the weekend!

    Laurel: Welcome back! I have had no doubt at all that your workouts have remained the same no matter what! Nice job. Are you all unpacked and settled into your new home? Sounds like we are on the same page ~ Getting those new workouts in or at least a lot of them before going right into the rotation. I think the XT/RWH in user’s guide looks good; I will also modify or choose other workouts to make them work for me at times too. When do you think you will start? :)

    Hi Laurie!

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi ladies! RWH Chest, Triceps, Shoulders and TUY Detox for me tonight.
    Work wasn't too bad today. I got into work at 6AM and left at 1PM so not bad at all. We're going to have very cold temps the next 3-4 days. Had a little snow on Saturday and it rained on Sunday leaving us with some ice!
    Laurel, good job for keeping up with your workouts during the last month! Tells us about your new house please. How is your new workout room? Have you met your neighbors yet?
    Yoga does require patience. I'm surprising myself because I'm enjoying it given the amount of time it takes.

    Tami, glad you had a great weekend! Terrific job with your workouts. The RWH Legs workout is really good. Crazy weather! We're going from temps in the teens to single digits to upper 50's.

    Good night ladies!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today's workout started with X10 Low Impact, then right into the LIS Cardio Supersets Extreme premix. Good combo. Then to make up for the workout I skipped on Christmas in favor of something else, I did LIS Turbo Barre. I sometimes dread this workout (which is why I skipped it on Christmas!), but today it felt good and flew by.

    Tami, great workouts! I heard about the wet weather hitting the Pacific Northwest and was wondering how much of it you were getting. No fun!! We are all unpacked in the house. I keep rearranging little things, but, for the most part, we are settled. We still have a lot of work to do on the garage (getting stuff put away so we can get both cars in), but that is going to take some time. I am SO happy with it!! It is so funny that you are looking at the January rotation.....because I was thinking about that yesterday afternoon. I was going to start the RWH/XT rotation next week.....and I may still. But I may also go into January's rotation instead. I guess I have a few days to figure it out!

    Thelma, great workouts! I also heard about your weather. I understand it is supposed to be very cold much of the week. It is so strange for us because we are having temps 15-20 degrees above normal....though Thursday is supposed to be a 'cold' day (high of 60). Winter is such a foreign concept down here, that's for sure. Anyhow, thanks for asking about the house. It is lovely. We have met a few neighbors, but just to say 'hi'. The neighborhood is very quiet (which I love). There are still a few houses being built (including one directly across from us). Our backyard backs into a bit of water and then a nature preserve, and we get the most amazing birds in the yard from there.....some I have never seen before. And some nearly as tall as me!! My workout room is quite a bit smaller than the one I had in the rental, but it works just fine for me. I have everything arranged in a way that makes it easy to use. And I love that it is clean!! In the last house, I was always staring at the stains in the carpet when I was doing push-ups. Don't miss that at all. We are getting our back porch screened in this week (a must because of the mosquitos), and I expect to start spending a lot of evenings outside. I can't wait for that! Like I said to Tami, I am so happy with it. It definitely feels like home.

    Laurie, hope you are well!

    See you tomorrow!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Afternoon Ladies,

    Very busy day yesterday, just catching up from my two weeks off. Seems everyone is out sick this week, so I'm not getting tons of e-mails. This is a good thing. I was enjoying the Jillian workouts, but really wanted to get in some heavier weight work. I decided the Slow & Heavy workouts would do the trick for a couple of weeks. So yesterday I did SH Chest & Triceps and Muscle Endurance Abs. I'm hoping these will ease me into getting up to doing HiiT workouts again. I found an old rotation of Cathe's that looks like something that will work. November '04 Four Day Split with Cardio.

    Laurel, Great job on finishing up that rotation, and getting all those workouts done even though you where so busy. I agree the XTrain/RWH rotation looks like the best of all the rotations. Funny how getting back into a routine is actually soothing. Since most of us have older children now (don't require babysitters), it should be easier to get out with our friends more often. I am starting to feel better, it isn't as bad as the last time. I couldn't even walk the dog without getting winded.

    Tami, Great job on those workouts, love that KCM workout too. I know that I always like to have a rotation, that is why I was interested in this one. I think doing some of the older workouts will help me get through this time. It does have Imax 2 and KPC in it. I'm going to give it a shot, and if the workout is to much for me then I will find something less intense. We have had more snow in the last couple of days that we had for December in total. Now it is suppose to get super cold too. So was the gym crazy busy?

    Thelma, You are doing a great job with those workouts. I always want to do yoga more often, but it just never seems to happen unless I put it on the schedule. I should just set aside one day out of the week for that purpose. Sorry to hear that you where dreading going back to work so much, I did just a little bit. I don't have as much stress as you have though. :(

    Have a great day!
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, I was tired today and I very close to talking myself out of working out. I simply ignored the tired feeling and did my RWH Low Impact I (love this one!) and TUY Vitality. We are really having some arctic air. It's very cold and I can't imagine being outside waiting for the bus! I used to take public transportation and it's awful having to wait for the bus or the train out in the cold. It amazes me to see kids waiting for the school bus without gloves or a proper winter coat!

    Laurel, WTG with those workouts! I am so happy you're loving your new home so much! I would be in heaven there with all those birds and the quiet neighborhood! So exciting about your workout room being set up just the way you like and it is clean! You said something before about having two workout rooms. Did you do that?
    I always dream of our retirement home and since I was off for almost 2 weeks the bug is in my mind about finding our perfect retirement location. I've always wanted one of those vaulted ceiling log homes with beautiful views and I've been looking at some homes in NC. I'm a dreamer. It doesn't cost anything to dream right? LOL
    We think NC will be our retirement state. We may go to the mountains of Western NC in September to check out the area. I think it makes sense for us to to start visiting places we consider potential retirement locations.
    I have a friend who lives in FL and she's always talking about how cold it is when it's 50 degrees! I think that is the funniest thing! So I understand how they don't have a concept of winter! LOL

    Hi Laurie! I'm so glad you're feeling better and you're doing some great workouts too! Maybe now that you're not feeling 100% would be a good time to do do yoga! Just don't do one of the killer workouts. Try something gentle for now! Work hasn't been too bad even though I was dreading going back. It's just too easy to get used to being home for me! LOL

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Yesterday's workouts where SH Back & Biceps along with MMA Boxing. I didn't do the ab portion, since I had done ab work the day before. These SH workouts are deceptive, and you really feel the muscles that where worked the next day. Had to stop a couple of times during the cardio portion of the boxing workout, but it wasn't the bent over sucking in the breath that made me stop. :)

    Just found out that my boss is leaving to take a job at another of our facilities. He has been the best boss I have had while working here, so I'm not really happy today. I just hope the new candidate is just as good.

    Laurel, Nice workouts! I tend to do that to workouts I dread. You think about doing it, but then decide to postpone them. I give you credit for doing it, I would have just crossed it off as an oh well next time. :D

    Thelma, WTG on getting in that workout without talking yourself out of it. I was in that kind of mood yesterday also, I'm glad that I did my workout also. I think I will sub one of these cardio days listed on the rotation with yoga. I do enjoy them so much.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    edited January 2015
    Hi Ladies! Today's workout started with XTrain Bi's and Tri's, and it felt good. I should have gone heavier on a couple of exercises, but adding on some reps seemed to help. I love these XTrain workouts! Absolutely no dread factor for me. I also did XTrain Core 2. For cardio, I did the IMAX Extreme workout from Cathe's Terminator DVD.

    My neighbor across the street does his workouts in his garage with the door open. Definitely a Florida thing to use the garage as a room in the house. But.....anyhow.....he is doing P90X and that has me itching to do some P90X again. So I think I am going to do Cathe's January rotation and then the RWH/XTrain rotation....and then the P90X/X2 12 week hybrid I did two years ago (can't believe it had been that long since I did P90X!) I will probably buy Insanity Max 30 later today because I figure that and these new HiiT workouts would be a great cardio complement. Well, that's the least for now. Subject to change without notice or reason! :D

    Laurie, I love those Slow and Heavy workouts. They are so tough and effective. Hope they work for you. I am glad you are feeling a bit better. I hope you stay warm, though. Looks like Wisconsin is being hit the hardest right now with both snow and cold. I talked to my sister yesterday who is in Denver, and she has had enough of this winter, that's for sure. It has been a tough one. I am sorry to hear about your boss. I hope you get another good one.

    Thelma, great job pushing through with the workouts! I agree with you on that Low Impact HiiT One workout. I love that one!! It is tough but fun. Love the moves she uses in it. I hope you get some warmer weather soon. Like you, I did public transportation for years...and actually got hypothermia one winter waiting for the bus!! The temperature dropped 50 degrees during day while I was working (from 30 to -20!). Of course, nobody--including me--was prepared for it. So the bus was over an hour late....and I was in pain! No fun. About the workout rooms, yes we have two. DH bought himself a Bowflex Max Trainer, which is in one room with some of our other equipment. And then I have my room. I am going to try the Max trainer some day because it looks really good! I am glad he has a piece of equipment that he feels comfortable working out on, that's for sure.

    Tami, hope you are well!

    See you tomorrow!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, spinning and TUY Mountain Poses. I didn't sleep well last night so I was glad Mountain Poses was tonight's class! I've been watching a lot of those "how to" videos on You Tube on how to do a proper Chaturanga. I found two today that had some pointers that totally clicked for me tonight. I think the problem with TUY is that it is too fast paced and doesn't allow a beginner to do the pose properly. I just ordered two beginner's yoga DVD's and may do those instead of TUY until I get better at this pose because I don't want to hurt myself. My shoulders are already feeling it which is why I'm modifying but sometimes I can't help myself and go fast like the DVD but I know I'm not doing the pose properly. I need "slower" workouts for now. Laurel, I actually reduced the speed on the DVR so that I would have a chance to try to do the modified version without falling behind with the class.

    Laurie, WTG! You're doing an awesome job! Sorry about your boss living. I can totally understand why you're feeling sad about his living. I would feel the same way if my boss left. I wanted to talk myself out of working out tonight again but went through with my workout which I'm thankful for. I'm sure you'll enjoy the yoga workout when you have the opportunity to insert it into your rotation.

    Laurel, awesome work outs!!! People in FL don't need a car garage cause it's not cold there! I can't believe your neighbor workouts in the garage with the door open! LOL
    you should do the same to show him that you can kick his butt with your workouts! LOL
    OMG! I Can't believe you got hypothermia! It really is brutal when the buses are late in the winter and you can't even go somewhere for shelter cause you're going to miss the bus! That Bowflex machine looks like fun! Let us know how you like it!

    Good night ladies!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited January 2015
    Hi Ladies! Sorry I missed you yesterday . . . . if I don't get a chance on my lunch break to check in with you guys its tough for me. Being the "newbie" still with a lot to learn I don't have much down time. But as I keep saying "i LOVE it" :) I had my first staff meeting today, talking about the new year and goals. I also get to meet with one of my supervisors on Friday for a one on one, goal setting type meeting. Love it that they actually do this. I know for most it is normal, but not for me. I was thanked the other day for just being a part of their team (again), feels so nice! So yesterday was RWHiiT Chest/Should/Tris and last night was Insane-X. I think it was one of the toughest ones. Not sure why, the moves were all familiar "Insanity" moves but the format was kind of a build on/add on and all the moves were one minute. The kicker was tuck jumping over the hurdle and then a burpee, back and forth over the hurdle. This was in every round no matter what. This a.m. was Rockin Knockout and went to Spinning tonight!

    Laurel: YOWSA on your amazing workouts lady! Way to work!! I love hearing the joy in your voice over your new home! So exciting and I am glad you are loving it so much. That is amazing you have your own workout room and DH too! How fun is that. Very lucky to be having a nice climate to live in as well. No winter?! Can't imagine but I know it must be nice. Our weather simmered down a bit. We are now into some normal cold, wet days with some freezing fog and mild temps during the day but no more snow right now.
    It is funny & I love that you were looking at the Jan rotation as well! That is my plan llike I said the other day ..... so again, we are one the same page. AND I agree on the Insanity Max 30 being a great compliment to these new ones. Which I also decided to go ahead and order. Merry Christmas to me :smiley:
    So funny! :smile: So looks like we'll be on the same page for a while ---- yahoo!!

    Thelma: Way to go on the workouts and fighting through that urge to not workout! :wink: Sometimes it is necessary of course but sometimes it feels good when you talk yourself back into it. I have been thinking of you and the crazy cold temps you guys are having. BRRRRRRR! I'm glad you are easing back into your work schedule and now that your there its not so bad. I think it is so great you are continuing with your Yoga and you seem to be enjoying it! I love what you said the other day about "it takes patience" - I agree 100%. You really do have to set your mind right on just doing the moves and taking your time. Probably the hardest part for me, but I always feel good when it's done.

    Laurie: Im happy to hear you are feeling better and I am sure nobody is happier than you that you are! Sounds like your new rotation is giving a lot of variety for you. That's awesome and as you feel like it, you will ad in some more HiiT workouts, etc. Sometimes you gotta do what your body is calling you to do to stay "in it". Yes, the gym is CRAZY. I just try to get parked and get into my class but it's craziness right now. Once I am in the class it's busier as well but not like the room with all the treadmills, bikes, etc. Sorry to hear about your favorite boss leaving. I know how much you have liked him, that is a huge bummer. Will be hard to live up to that I am sure for the next person but hopefully he/she is another good boss. Fingers crossed for you. We had more snow over last weekend than we did all December as well. Now it's just wet and frozen and a mess of course. But, that's part of winter in the Northwest. LOL

    Hope you ladies all have a great evening ~ I will check in tomorrow!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today's workout started with Lift It HiiT It Legs. I enjoyed this one quite a bit. As Tami said the other day, it is similar to XTrain Cardio Leg Blast. But I liked this one even better because it doesn't use a step. I followed it with Core 2. I like the core workouts from this new series, but don't find them overly challenging. Maybe that is because the workouts involve a lot of the core already. Anyhow, for cardio, I did the 74 minute premix from Party Rockin' Step 1. <3

    Thelma, good job getting in a workout. I am glad you are slowing down the yoga to make it work for you. It is great stuff....but only if done properly. I love that you thought about doing the slow motion on your DVR!! I should do that when Cathe goes hop crazy over the step in RWH Plyo HiiT 2!!

    Tami, sounds like a tough workout! Sorry the gym is so crazy. I think today may mark my 6th anniversary with MFP, and I am SOOOOO happy my New Year has not been started with a diet ever since. Don't miss those resolutions at all!! We are definitely on the same page with workouts! I ordered Insanity Max 30 last night! The feedback from your friend (no dread factor) was enough to push me over the top and buying. Thank you for sharing that!! I am really looking forward to seeing what they are all about. As you said...Merry Christmas to me!

    See you all tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Spinning was a great class last night and surprisingly, not jam packed! This a.m. was HiiT It Legs and no class tonight. One of these days I will probably be able to make it back to Insane Abs on Thurs noon hour but not now. Tonight will probably be a Bball game on TV with DH unless he meets his friends for that, then I could sneak in a workout! ;)

    Laurel: Happy 6th Anniversary! :):) (*) I think I am right behind you on that . . . . I would have to look. I know you were one of the first people I found and reached out to (asking about STS I believe) and became friends with. So thankful I joined too and have you ladies here! It is nice to focus on other types of goals in the New Year isn’t it?!?!? That’s so awesome. Another amazing day in the new workout room! Way to go & we did the same workout today! Don’t you love this one? I am also liking the abwork with these new workouts. Again, I laugh because I had mentioned the “no dread factor” on her reply to me the other day about Insanity Max 30 because that tipped me right into really wanting it then too, mentioning to you guys & pulling the trigger. So I'm glad it helped you too. I’m excited and glad we are on the same page with the workouts!

    Hi Laurie & Thelma!

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow . . . back to work! Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, I've been getting out of work later than normal this week and these yoga workouts are long so tonight there was serious dread factor. Of course it's long because I don't want to give Cathe up. I worked out but my heart wasn't into it at all. Tonight I did RWH Back, Biceps and TUY Cross Training. Thank God tomorrow is Friday!

    Laurel, awesome workouts as always! I love that leg workout too. Happy 6th anniversary!
    The slow motion option on this dvr is awesome. I think I'm going to do easier workouts instead of the tough TUY until I can become better at the posses.

    Tami, great workouts! That Insanity class sound TOUGH! I'm so glad your job is going so well. What a difference from the other place! One on ones are a really good to have. My boss has them too and we meet with him every other week.
    It's been insanely cold here but I bundle up well and I don't really feel it plus I'm not outside more than 5 minutes.
    Tami, I bet you miss your Insane Abs class. I'm sure you'll make it back to the class soon.
    I am really glad I discovered this group and I am so thankful to have found you ladies because you've been so supportive and helpful.
    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I didn't work out on Wednesday, just wasn't feeling good. I am getting better, but there are days that the energy just isn't there. Yesterday I felt like doing a Les Mills workout so I did Combat 30 with weighted gloves, and that was a ton of fun.

    Laurel, Great job on the workouts as usual. Congrats on your 6th Anniv., that is a great record. That is the same thing I liked about the HiiT Leg workout. Yep we are getting hit pretty hard right now with the weather, it is very cold (not as cold as last year), but it is suppose to get better this weekend. The wind is the worst part, this morning the dog didn't even want to take a walk. :D LOL about your rotation being subject to change. I think I will have that same attitude.

    Tami, You are rocking those workouts also. We have the goal setting thing also with our boss. I told my boss if I would have known he was leaving, I would have given myself Exceeds Expectations on my performance review! He laughed. I don't mind snow to much, but this cold and wind and depart the area. Yesterday it took me 1-1/2 hours to get home. Usually on Thur is is about 45 min. with me having to pick up the dog at doggy daycare.

    Thelma, Great job on the workouts. That is the hard thing for me also, I want to do all the fun workouts at once. You are being really dedicated to those workouts, I think I had heard that they where lengthy. I think that I will try to do ones that are about an hour, but if I do them on the weekends I will look at longer.

    Have a great weekend,