Cathe Fans Part 5



  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! I finished the week--and this rotation--with a tough workout. I started with Lift It Hit It Back, Shoulders and Biceps. I really liked this workout, and really appreciated Cathe's pace throughout. After it, though, it went into Lift It Hit It Chest, Shoulders and Triceps. Cathe's pace was a bit faster for this one and yowza! My arms were shaking by the end of the chest work. But I managed to get through it. I liked it! I am certain I will like it more when I do it on its own though. ;) For cardio, I did To The Max Extreme. My upper body is feeling the fatigue after that one.....but it is a good feeling. :D

    Tami, isn't it hard to believe it has been 6 years?!? I remember meeting you in the 40+ thread....and then you invited me here. Like you, I am so thankful for you all. I don't know where I would be without all of your encouragement. I should be getting my Insanity workouts today. I am excited!! I hope I still feel that way after doing one!!

    Thelma, once again great job pushing through a workout depite being tired. Sometimes just getting through is all you can do. But that is better than nothing (or, as I always think, better than sitting on the sofa eating chips!). I hope you warm up soon!

    Laurie, yikes on the long commute! Good job getting a workout in despite that. I think I would have simply sat down with a big cup of tea and called it a day! I am glad you are feeling better. Sounds like you are doing a great job listening to your body and only pushing it when you are up to it.

    Hope you all have a great weekend. No plans here except doing more things around the house. But that is still fun right now. See you Monday!

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hello Ladies!!! I've been reading back a few posts trying to get caught up on what's new with's been too long since I was on here last!

    I'm so excited to see some of the new Ripped with Hiit workouts you are all doing. I bought the series, and have to say it's my favorite of Cathe's to date. I just love everything about it!!! I did the Back, Shoulders and Bi's yesterday and I'm SOOO sore today! Love all the cardio too!

    Not much new is going good! I'm still adjusting to working from home, and trying to make a point to get out of my PJ's each day! :p But, it helps tremendously to be home, as we've had a number of situations where working in an actual office would not have been good, so it has paid off. I'm finally nailing down a workout routine too, which is good!

    Sounds like you've all been kickin' butt on the workouts and all have had some interesting weather lately too! We're coming out of a deep freeze and hopefully getting up into the 30's, which is going to be warm!

    Hopefully I can get on here more often, now that I've got a routine going! Keep up the great work!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, I hope you all had a great weekend! On Friday I was really tired and had to go easy on myself and went for spinning and Shiva Rea: Flow Yoga for Beginners. On Saturday I felt so much better and had a great workout: RWH Circuit Upper Body (loved it!) and The Ultimate Yogi Cardio, Stretch and today was my usual Sunday spinning.

    I see that MFP has changed the text box again. Before I was able to resize the size of the text box to my liking and could read your posts. Now you get those up/down arrows and if you click on them you can't see the posts! DUH!! Why would they do that?

    Laurie, I'm glad you took Wednesday off and listened to your body. Looks like you had a nice recovery the next day with that Les Mills workout! Good job!

    Laurel, congrats on finishing the rotation! It was a good rotation! Killer workout on Friday lady! WOW! I think we're all loving Cathe's RWH program. She did an awesome job. An easy workout is better than nothing for sure. I'm glad I workout.

    Erika, good to hear from you! Cathe's new program is really wonderful. I love all the premixes she offers too. I'm glad working from home is working out so well for you. We hope to see you here more often!

    Good night ladies!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited January 2015
    Hi Ladies ~ Missed you all on Friday so wanted to catch up . . . . Weekend was good, I ended up meeting a new friend from my old job (if that makes sense). She came on as a new Realtor a few months before I left and we became friends. So it was nice to meet for coffee and catch up a little bit. Ended up not getting in a workout Sat but today was HardStrikes and then headed out to my volleyball league. We started the "winter" league today. We won 4 out of 6 games and it was lots of fun and got in some good exercise too! Going to go right into the Januuary rotation tomorrow a.m. :smiley:

    Thelma: Sounds like you got in some good workouts and glad you were feeling better after the "tireds" on Friday. Some days are just like that and probably being back to work after your vacation made for a long week. Thanks for the kudos and support (as always) on my workouts. I appreciate it. Feeling good and as we have all been saying LOVE the RWH workouts.

    Laurel: Congrats on finishing up the rotaion & the extended portion too! That one and the one we all did prior is definitely a keeper in my notebook of rotations! Really loved it and I am looking forward to the coming rotation(s) as well. :) The Back/Bis/Shoulders workout I have not done yet but sounds like I will enjoy it. I agree she goes quick through that other one and it does sneak up on ya! It is crazy to know that it has been 6 yrs!!! I have enjoyed every moment chatting and look forward to many more! Did your new Insanity workouts arrive?!? I should check the tracking on mine. I think they should be here tomorrow. :smile:

    Laurie: Nice job with the workouts . . . . way to listen to your body if you weren't feeling that great. I noticed you have been doing some Les Mills workouts. They must be feeling good to you. Nice work. That commute sounds awful, hopefully it goes back to normal this week. That makes for a very long day I am sure. It was nice to meet with my supervisor the other day and go over goals. Being there only a month she basically told me where they would like to see a big portion of my training completed by March when the busy season hits I will have a good grasp on those depts. She told me she is thrilled with how I am doing and basically sees me naming my dept. in the future! What a compliment to me I felt and again, it feels so good to be appreciated. I actually spent some time this weekend getting some things to decorate my office space. I haven't wanted to do that in so long. I also bought a plant in a darling little pot. It all feels really good.

    Erika: So great to hear from you! Sounds like you are adjusting to your job at home now and good to hear you are getting back into a workout routine. That's awesome. Hope the boys and your DH is doing well also. Awesome that you are enjoying the RWH workouts too. :smile:

    Hope you all had a fantastic weekend! I will check in tomorrow . . . . Tami
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Had a really enjoyable weekend, it was cold though. Today was in the teens, so it feels like a heatwave. :D The Combat workout felt so great that I decided to continue those workouts. They are more intermediate/adv, so I think that this would be a great way to ease back into those RWH workouts. I really still want to do a rotation with those. Anyway I did Combat HiiT Power, this one has a section of weights and then a section of plyo. I wasn't able to do the plyo the way that the advanced, but I was able to do more than the modifier. :) I also did Combat 45 on Saturday and Combat 60 on Sunday. I think I will continue on with these workouts.

    I got an e-mail from Michelle Dozois about her new system that is coming out, and she is having a 30 day challenge beginning Feb 1. I might consider this, some of her new workouts are 30-45 min. Maybe do these Combat workouts, then flow into the Peak 10. Might get those as download versions.

    Laurel, Awesome workouts as usual! Nice that you could do those RWH workouts as a total upper body. That 30 min. workout was a great way to de-stress after that commute, that is for sure. After doing all the workouts, I don't know why I have not incorporated these workouts into my rotation more. They really are fun, and after doing these they are a lot like the Peak 10, but not as intense. I still feel it in the body afterward, so I know they are working.

    Erika, I agree with you on this being a great series of Cathe's, just have to wait a while before I can continue on with them. Glad to hear that you are able to handle situations in the home easier that in the past. That has to be a huge relief. I love that you have to force yourself to get out of your pj's. One of these days I'm hoping that will be the case for me also. ;)

    Thelma, Great job on the workouts, and you doing the same thing with not overtaxing your body. It really did do wonders for my body to take that day, even though I have had way to many of those days lately. So many people in our office where sick with this flu, and I really don't want to get it.

    Tami, Nice job on the workouts, and congrats on the 4 wins in vb! I always envy you getting to do the vb league, we don't have many of those around here anymore. The one place that had indoor around here sold the place to a painters union. Have no idea what they are using that nice gymnasium for? :D Isn't it nice to have goals set for you to reach? I know that it really helps me. Sometimes you can feel that your job has no direction, but this company you are working for sounds like they are trying to meet their needs and the employee's. Of course you need to decorate. Most of my deco are pics of my girls. :D

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Had a nice weekend, though a bit busier than I anticipated. My MIL called
    Friday night and asked if they could come visit the next day. This was their first trip to the house, so I was glad to have them. But, needless to say, all those chores planned for Saturday got compressed into yesterday. And Saturday was spent in the kitchen making dinner for the family. But it was all good. My in-laws really liked the house (and the dinner!) so it is all good.

    I took Saturday off from workouts, as usual. And so I started with Cathe's January rotation yesterday. I did RWH Plyo HiiT One (love that workout!) right into the X10 Cardio Blast/Hi-Lo premix. Really fun combo. Then I did LIS Lower Body Trisets which was perfect with the other workouts.

    Today's workout started with Rip It Hit It Chest, Shoulders and Triceps. It was a bit easier without another workout before it (as I had done it last week) but this is not an easy workout by far, especially with the weight Cathe is using. But it flew by! I followed it with Core 1. And then, for cardio, I did Cathe's Cardio Fusion 80 minute premix. Good stuff.

    Thelma, glad you were feeling better on Saturday. Hopefully taking it down a notch on Friday helped. Glad you are enjoying this new series. It really looks like you have found a good blend of workouts between this series, yoga and spinning. Great variety in that combination!

    Erika, so good to see you!! I am so glad to hear you are enjoying this new series as well. I love them! They are short but very tough. Hope you are warming up now. It has been a tough winter up there. I bet that makes you all the happier to be working from home. I hear you on the struggle to get out of the pj's some days....but for me it is my workout clothes! Put them on first thing in the morning and have gotten into the bad habit of keeping them on all day now. Oh well. At least they are comfortable!

    Laurie, sounds like you have found a good series to see you through right now. Great job with them! I have a few workouts that I wonder why I don't do more because I really enjoy them when I do them, so you aren't alone there.

    Tami, sounds like a good weekend. Congratulations on the volleyball wins! I got the new Insanity workouts on Friday but haven't had a chance to crack them open yet! I hope I can start looking at them today or tomorrow. I am anxious to see what they are all about. So happy to hear how much you are loving this new job!! And so nice to be appreciated. Sounds like they are just as happy with you as you are them!!

    Enjoy the day!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Happy Monday! Today’s workout was RWH Plyo HiiT One + X10 Cardio – lots of fun, what a great combo! Tonight will be BootCamp/F.A.S.T. class right after work.

    Laurie: Glad to hear the Combat workouts are just what you need right now, that’s awesome. That’s great to hear MD is coming out with her new ones soon. I know you were looking forward to those. Yes, I have a feeling a lot of my pics will be fishing, dogs and my cute nephews. But it’s all good stuff! It will be fun to get my new things and hope they look good, otherwise back to the shopping.

    Laurel: Very fun that you were able to have your in-laws over to the new house! I bet they loved it and of course the dinner too! My Insanity workouts are arriving today, I checked the tracking! Yay. Doesn’t mean I will be able to look at them until probably this weekend but it’s exciting to get them in my possession. Great combinations you are putting together already with this January rotation! Nicely done.

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    I'm back! Day 2!! :D Today was RWH Legs and funny thing is 1/2 way through I realized I did this workout last week and was walking funny for a few days. Hopefully it isn't that bad this time around! :p

    Tami--Nice Combo today! I also LOVE X10. Can't get enough of that one and RWH lately!

    Laurel--Great Combo as well for you! ;) Sounds like a fun visit on Saturday and glad you were able to catch up on Sunday!

    Laurie--I had to laugh at the teens being a heatwave! :D We never got above zero today, so I'm more than ready for the warm up we're going to be having (mid 30's by the weekend!). Great idea on the Les Mills workouts...those are good ones! Speaking of Michelle, I got her latest 2 DVD's and just love them. Fun, but killer workouts! I'm curious to see what the system is like. I have been hit or miss with her through the years, but her latest 2 are keepers.

    Thelma--The yoga workout sounds wonderful...good idea! I'm "trying" to incorporate more's hard for me to sit still enough to do it though! :p

    Well, I'm off to enjoy a night off from hockey...hubby took the hockey duty tonight for me! I'll hopefully be back on tomorrow!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies! RWH Legs and TUY Strength tonight. I'm glad you all had a nice weekend! We had a nice weekend. My BIL and his wife were here and that's always fun.
    We had some rain today and it's back to bitter cold tonight! We'll have to be very careful tomorrow morning. I'm sure there will be plenty of black ice.

    I am considering giving up this yoga workout ladies because I'm starting to feel fat. It's just weird. Maybe I'm getting bored of so many chaturangas. Maybe I'm so used to the Cathe type of workout. Don't get me wrong, this Ultimate Yogi workout is not easy by any means but it just doesn't feel like I'm going to have an "after burn" like I do with Cathe's workouts. My biggest worry is that I'm going to have surgery in March and I will be out of cardio commission for a while. If I feel that I'm getting fat now that I've reduced Cathe's workouts what am I going to be like when March comes around? I think I would still do some yoga a couple of times a week but not every day. I'm going to redesign my rotation so I can do more Cathe workouts

    Tami, Glad you had a great weekend and you even made time to meet with a friend! Great workouts and with the winter league games!!!
    You're very welcome on the kudos and support on your workouts. You're very supportive too.
    One of the things Travis Eliot (TUY) says on his DVD's that sometimes one of the greatest challenges is to know when to stop. I am modifying now and sometimes do a child's pose instead of a downward dog.
    I am really glad I got the RWH workouts even though for a while there I had my doubts about being able to do any of the workouts.

    Laurie, I know the "heatwave" feeling after having been so cold last week. That's exactly what it was like here today!
    I'm happy you found a workout in your "library" that you feel it's what you need right now. Be patient, you'll be doing the RWH rotation in no time! Good job with the workouts! You're getting stronger every day!
    I am really glad I listened to Travis Eliot about knowing when to stop. It was good to listen to my body and go for something easier on Friday. I was really tired today but I pushed through the workouts.
    I hope you don't get the flu Laurie. Do you get the flu shot?

    Laurel, I'm glad your in-laws liked the house and your dinner! Great workouts! I bet those Plyo HiiT workouts are awesome! The January rotation sounds like a great one!
    Taking it down a notch on Friday was very good for my body let me tell you!

    Erika, good to have you back! That RWH Legs workout is a great workout! Hopefully you won't be too sore this time around.
    The yoga program is really great but advanced for me. I think doing yoga a couple of times a week is a good thing. I've ordered a couple of beginners DVD's and will incorporate those into my rotation so I get better at it. The most difficult pose for me is the chaturanga and this program has LOTS of them. I can do all the pretzel poses pretty well though. There are some dvd's in this program that keep you constantly moving and then there are the other ones that are slow to give the body a break from the harder flows. Enjoy your night off from hockey!!!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    My workout yesterday was Combat HiiT Plyo. I was able to get through all of the plyo work without to many modifications. Of course I was no where near the advanced, but again not having to follow the modifier either. Today is my rest day, and I need to pick up my new glasses after work. First dance class of the new year, and the last 5 months of this also. Over the holidays I realized that there is only 5 months left of school for my youngest. B)

    Laurel, Glad to hear that the in-laws liked the house and dinner. Great workout again. Are you able to use the weights that Cathe is using on those RWH workouts? I know I wasn't able to go that high, but I know you have been upping those weights during STS. I probably forget about those great workouts, because I have way to many of them I'm guessing. :D

    Tami, Sounds like a great workout for you also. MD has been sending out these videos, that I have been watching, and she is also doing this challenge. I'm not really sure about this challenge, but it really does come at a great time of the year to try something like this. I know that I had really good results with the last challenge I did of hers. I'm still uncertain about when the actual start date is going to be, it looks like the 25th of this month. Happy decorating! ;)

    Erika, Glad to see you back again! WTG on the workout, that one is probably my favorite leg workout of hers. I think it flows really well, and I like that it uses db's through the whole workout. Yep I have the 360 workouts, but have not been able to try them out yet. I think that doing the challenge might be the initiative to try them out.

    Thelma, Great workouts! Be careful today on your commute to work, I know how those days of ice in the morning are. Sounds like you have a solid plan ahead of you with a different rotation. Hate that fat feeling. Sorry that you need to give up the yoga everyday, but if it isn't what your body needs right now then you know it. I'm leaning to the MD 30 day Challenge, then I'm thinking that I can roll right into the RWH workouts after that. Just hope my body decides to cooperate with that plan. :|

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Had a bit of a disjointed workout today as I have had people over doing some things with the house. Started with the county appraiser (wondering if the house had been finished! Um.....yes!). Then I had a guy from Lowe's giving us a quote for a fence (yikes....that is expensive). Now I am waiting for a guy to deliver a photo we purchased a couple months ago for our living room. Just one of those days.

    So I started my workout early with RWH HiiT Upper Body Circuit. I did the 59 minute premix which adds ab sections into the workout. It was good. The workout didn't feel like a cardio workout, though, with the core work, but it did feel like a good total body circuit workout which I wanted and enjoyed. I am still trying to figure out why Cathe didn't include the stretch at the end of her premixes. Very unusual. Then I had a break for the appraiser guy to come look at the house. And then I did Rockout Knockout....which I love.

    Tami, great workouts! I had a quick peak at the first Insanity workout today. It looks really good! Tough.....but good. Definitely looks like Insanity in structure (warm-up, stretch, cardio interval, break, cardio interval, break, etc). But the warm-up and stretch are only about five minutes (shorter than Insanity), and then the cardio intervals look to be about five minutes long with a 30 seconds break in between. He does about four moves per interval but unlike Insanity, he does short bursts of each move and then repeats them all about three times before the break. So no doubt it will be tough. I had a hard time convincing myself not to do it today!

    Erika, good to see you again! I really like the RWH Leg workout as well. In fact, I like all of the workouts. Hope you enjoyed your evening off!

    Laurie, congrats on the workout! That must have felt good. Sounds like you are definitely getting better. Wow, must be hard to believe your DD only has five more months of school! I hope she is enjoying this time in her life.

    Thelma, great workouts! I have to say....I completely understand what you are saying about the 'feeling fat' feeling. I know all evidence indicates I don't need to do cardio every day. But I just feel better when I do because it combats that feeling you describe. So, as Laurie said, I think you should listen to your body. But be careful! I recommended yoga to help you do something because of your feet. I hope you can find a cardio routine/rotation that is feet and shoulder friendly! And if you do yoga a couple of time a week, you won't lose the benefits you have gained from doing it!

    See you all tomorrow!


  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies! What a bummer! I lost all my reply because when I hit post I got an error that it couldn't find the board.
    Tonight I did RWH Low Impact II and TUY Yin Yoga.
    I am torn about the giving up this yoga program because I really like it. I wish I had more time in the day! I've been thinking that if I realign my Cathe rotation with the TUY in a way that the bigger calorie burner workouts are paired with the low TUY burners I would feel better about the small burns. Today's Yin yoga workout for instance is all about deep stretching and it lasted 65 minutes for a total of 79 calories burned. I loved the workout because I can tell I'm getting more flexible but 79 calories? That part killed me but the low burn is expected as you're not doing anything but holding a stretch. Decisions, decisions!

    Laurie, congrats on being able to do that plyo workout! Those are not easy even when modifying. You must be feeling better! Good job! It must be hard to believe that your little girl is all grown up and only has 5 more months of her dance classes!
    I bet that MD 30 day Challenge is a lot of fun. I'm sure you will be able to do it.
    I have a lot of thinking to do on the yoga for sure.

    Laurel, you've been busy with the house for sure! I know fences are super expensive but well worth the $ if you value your privacy. Funny about the appraiser wanting to know if the house was completed. LOL
    You still managed to get a killer workout in though! What do you mean Cathe didn't include a stretch at the end of the premixes? The ones I've done include a short stretch segment.
    This fat feeling is killing me Laurel. I am glad you recommended the yoga because I've tried it in a way I've never done before and I like it. I really think that when yoga is your only workout method you really need to eat like a bird! LOL

    Good night ladies!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited January 2015
    Hi Ladies ~ A little later check in for me. I had a lunch date today with my old co-worker and it was nice. She was one of the ladies who I worked side-by-side with for the 21 yrs I was there. We didn't talk at all about "the whole ordeal" just what's new and the holiday's, refreshing and I was glad she reached out to me. It was bothering me that she hadn't if I'm being honest :neutral_face: Today was Insane-X (no a.m. workout today) but the Insane-X was another tough one. We did stations and it was 50 of each thing before we could stop. Burpees, box jumps, jump rope, ball throws, mtn climbers, etc. Then she had us run stairs & finished up with plank work and abs.
    DH did his sleep apnea test last night so we should find out in a couple weeks what will happen next. Hence a little restless night sleep for me. This will be an adjustment for both but I am so happy he is following through and anxious to get some help with his sleep. He's tired of being tired forsure.

    Thelma: Great job with the workouts! You are doing awesome and the feet must be cooperating with those new shoes. I totally understand what you are saying as well on the "fat" feeling. When I don't get in my cardio like I like it bothers me and I don't feel nearly as energized. Maybe with your surgery coming up you should do the plan that you would like but as eveyone has said "be careful" and do what you can do. mix in some Yoga too. I think that sounds perfect. Stay warm in those cooooooooold temps you are having and safe driving.

    Laurie: Awesome workout with that Plyo yesterday! Sounds like your energy level is coming back a bit, which is great. I remember you doing the MD rotation before and really seeing the benefits. Sounds like it may be the perfect plan if you are feeling up to it and then rolling right into the RWH workouts. :smile: WOW! I bet it is so surreal that your youngest will be finished with school before you know it. Is she excited? Does she want to go somewhere for college or stay close to home?

    Laurel: Great workouts AGAIN today!!!!! Even through the busy moments of people coming by. Strange that the appraiser has come by now, after the closing and you guys are already in?!?
    That sounds about right on the Insanity workouts as far as the clips and descriptions I read. Yahoo! Tough, shorter and to the point. Mine arrived today so I am anxious to at least peak in the box for now.

    Erika: Great to hear from you again today! Hopefully your DOMs are not too terrible tomorrow. Enjoy your hockey free evening at home to yourself!

    I will talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    So no workout for me last night (rest day), but I did get my new glasses and they are really cute. Guess the best part is that I can see. :D I'm thinking that I will not get the new MD workouts, it just doesn't seem to be cost effective. $97 for (2) 60 Min. workouts with some express options, (3) 30 min. workouts, nutrition guide, 90 day membership to Fitness Glo (have had this in the past and never used it). I guess I don't have a lot of time to decide, but this seems to be more $ than I would normally spend on a workout set. So I'm going to do the Combat Ultimate Warrior Rotation for 60 days, then go into the RWH workouts. By that time all of you can give me an idea as to what rotation would be a good one to try. :D

    Laurel, Great job getting in your workouts even with all the interruptions! I can imagine how much that fence was. We are wanting to build a shed, couldn't believe how much just the material costs where at the time. Labor would be DH and I. ;) I didn't realize that the stretch wasn't included in those premixes. That really is strange. Maybe it is that way so you can do yoga! :D

    Thelma, Hate when that happens to a post. WTG on the workouts, and getting in that stretching. I have that same problem with the burn on yoga workouts, but they are so good for your body. You are probably right to incorporate the high burn Cathe workouts with the stretching. Your body would probably love that.

    Tami, That was great that your former co-worker went to lunch with you. Nice workout also. I hope that you get some good news on the sleep apnea. I know that the many members of my family that have the machines don't feel as tired during the day as they used to. I am feeling much better every day. The youngest dd is going to be going to school for cosmetology close to home. She is very happy about saving a lot of money. I think that she said something about saving us so much money that we could get her a new car. :D

    Have a great day!

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today's workout started with cleaning the garage. :D Sadly, I am being serious. DH has been procrastinating, and I just had enough. So it is much better now, though we still can't get both cars in (the trash bins are too big which is why we want a we can keep them outside and hidden), but at least we can walk through it. Anyhow, after that I went into my 'real' workout. I started with Lift It Hit It Legs, which I love. For cardio, I did the third workout on Cathe's Hardcore Extreme DVD, which is a combo of IMAX 3 and Kick Max. I really enjoyed that today.

    Thelma, I'm sorry you lost your post! I had something similar happen a few days ago, and it is so irritating. Anyhow, good job with the yoga. I hope you find a good, workable balance that includes both Cathe and TUY. Sounds like you have a good plan in mind. What you said about the calorie burn during yoga reminded me of when I was doing P90X the first time.....and started Insanity shortly after. I quickly learned that I burned more calories in the warm-up of Insanity than I did in all of the 90 minutes of YogaX. To be honest, it was shortly after that that I stopped wearing my HRM. I decided it was better to do certain different workouts for the workout sake and not for the calorie burn. But I still struggle with that when it comes to doing yoga or something like Turbo Barre. Wish I could get past that......but no luck so far. :| The premixes in the new series are a bit strange because I know there are no stretches after the core routines (minus what she does to stretch the core). But I thought for sure she would have included the stretch on the Upper Body Circuit premix I did yesterday. But it ended at 59 minutes with a core exercise....and no stretch. That usually isn't an issue for me since I am usually moving on to another workout. But yesterday I wasn't, and I was like 'Where is my stretch?' ;)

    Tami, hope your husband gets a good resolution to the sleep apnea study. I am glad you got together with your former co-worker as well. Hopefully you can start seeing her more often. About the county appraiser......can't figure that one out. Obviously the house was appraised before closing. But I think this one was for the county to finally say 'that piece of land now has a house'. I think it is for tax purposes and things got a little behind because of the holidays.

    Laurie, glad you like your new glasses! I love getting new glasses....though I don't do it often enough. That seems like a lot of money for a few workouts! I don't blame you for not being able to justify that. I forgot to answer your question yesterday about whether I use Cathe's weight in the new series. I do for legs. On the Back, Shoulder, Bicep workout, I use a bit more than Cathe on the first bicep exercise (she uses 35, I use 40). On the Chest, Shoulder and Tricep workout, I match her weight on chest presses. But on chest flies, I took it down to 20lbs (she is at 25) for the third set of flies. Hoping to keep that at 25lb soon though. I match her for shoulders. For triceps, she does overhead tricep presses with a 35lb dumbbell, and I am not comfortable getting that much weight over my head because of my shoulders. So I use 30lbs for the first two sets, then 25lb for the final set. Much more comfortable for me, that's for sure. That's where I am at for now at least. Great idea about doing yoga after RWH premixes! If only I could convince myself to do it.

    Enjoy the day!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited January 2015
    Hi Ladies ~ This a.m. was RWH Chest/Shoul/Tris, I decided to do the xtreme premix which adds on another set to each. It was a “burner” but felt good. I go heavier than Cathe in most, but like Laurel on the OH tricep extensions with one heavy, I go a little lighter. I always have visions of dropping it behind me or just not being able to handle that weight over my head. I’m with ya Laurel! For Cardio, I will be headed Spinning after work.

    Laurie: Congrats on the new glasses! Glad they are cute & an extra bonus that you can see, lol! I can absolutely see why you don’t want to make that investment in those new DVD’s . . . yikes! I realize you get more with it, but still. Sounds like you have a great rotation in place, and yes by the time you get into the RWH workouts we will have done them and can give you ideas/answer questions, etc. Always a good thing too! We have heard from several people that he will not even feel the same in his day once he gets good sleep again. We are both looking forward to these moments!

    Laurel: I forgot to comment on the “fence quote” – they are crazy expensive, I know. We had to get our yard fenced due to having big dogs of course but luckily we had chain link on one whole side and back so we were able to just have one side, an RV gate and man gate put in. That was expensive enough but I was so thankful it wasn’t the whole yard. Fabulous job on the workouts, after the get dirty and clean the garage workout. That is a workout forsure. Isn’t it funny how those guys procrastinate on stuff like that. I am shaking my head in absolute agreement on what you said to Thelma about the calorie burn on say YogaX and warm-up for Insanity! Also, I cannot get past that in my head, (wanting more). I think you are probably spot on with why the appraiser was there afterwards; kind of what I was thinking but yes, they must be behind.

    Hi Thelma ~ Sorry about your post! I think I still hold the record for having difficulties there. Sheesh. So frustrating. Great job with the workouts. As I commented to Laurel above, I know exactly what you are saying/feeling about those calorie burns & having more time in the day. Maybe mix it in part of the week (yoga) and the other part of the week doing higher calorie burn workouts. That will be the only way to get the best of both worlds. Especially if you are liking the Yoga.

    Hope you ladies have a great afternoon & evening!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, I didn't sleep very well last night and today was full of meetings at work and wasn't feeling energetic so I ended up doing spinning and tried out my new Tara Lee Yoga Foundations. It was definitely a foundation workout but she had some pretty awesome moves that stretch you in ways that felt sooo good. I'll be working on redesigning my rotation this weekend for sure! Temps continue to be super cold here.

    Laurie, glad you like your new glasses. I can't believe how expensive that MD workout program is! I just got a new pair of glasses myself which I like very much. I own two pairs of prescription glasses. One for driving and every day stuff which are progressive and the pair I just got are just for computer use and the top part of the lens gives me about 6-7 feet of distance. This is really what I needed for work since I spend a lot of time in front of a computer.

    Laurel, great workout and good job reorganizing the garage! That RWH Legs workout is really awesome.
    I know that some workouts shouldn't be so focused on the number of calories burned but I just can't help it. That's like me weighing myself every day! Because I can't help being focused on the number I thought of redesigning the rotation to pair high calorie burning workouts with a yoga workout.
    Laurel, I wonder if Cathe omitted the stretch portion only on the longer premixes? Since I haven't done any of the longer premixes I haven't ran into that issue.

    Tami, glad you had a good lunch with your friend. It was really nice of her to get in touch so you ladies could get together.
    Katy is coming up with really hard routines lately! You guys must not have a lot of newbies since she's putting tough routines together. Great workouts!

    I really think that with the surgery coming up I need to burn as many calories as possible between now and then. I definitely can't afford to be doing yoga every day. I may do the short routine I did today from the new DVD because I like the stretching the lady did.
    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Last night was Combat 60, I used my weighted gloves so I have a really good burn in the arms and shoulders this morning.

    Laurel, Great workouts including the organization of the garage. Sounds like you will still be busy with unpacking, and trying to find places for all your things. I usually have to get my eyes checked every year, they change so much. My far sited eye actually improved in vision, which was a surprise. Wow you can really lift a good weight for most of the body parts. I can lift a lot heavier on the back exercises, so tend to follow Cathe's weights. But like you I am going down on those chest flies. I figured that the average DVD was around $19 a each. That just seems way to high.

    Tami, Great job on the workouts. Did that premix include the burn sets? I usually take my glasses off when I exercise, it can be really funny sometimes. I think I need a bigger tv to do my workouts, I can't tell what they are doing. :D If your dh does get the machine, it will take a little while for you to get used to the "new" noise, but it is way better than listening to them not breath. ;)

    Thelma, WTG on the workout, sounds like you really enjoyed it. LOL about burning those calories pre surgery! I'm sure that you can come up with something that will work for you until that time. I use the same pair for the computer work and driving, so far I don't have a problem with that. I also have contact lenses, and those are actually better for driving. I think it is because I can wear sunglasses with them.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today's workout started with Lift It Hit It Back, Shoulders and Triceps. Really like this workout. For cardio, I did an oldie......Cathe's Max Intensity Cardio. Always a good one for me.

    Tami, you rock!! I will have to try that premix sometime. But I tell you, if it includes the 'finishers' I am not sure how I will do the push-ups! Those Tricep push-ups after the second set of chest presses is killer for me! The other two sets are okay, but that one really gets me. Something to improve on, that's for sure. DH and I are definitely rethinking the fence. We weren't even coming close to fencing the whole yard, just the sides of the house to 25 feet from the little river-ish we have behind us. Unfortunately the HOA requires white vinyl. And with the threat of hurricanes, fences must be dug deep so labor is outrageous, and it is a bit much for DH to do (and he doesn't really have the right equipment to dig as deep as we would need). So......definitely going to make some changes. Makes me glad we don't have dogs because we have options.

    Thelma, good job getting a workout in despite bad sleep. Glad you liked the stretching in your new yoga workout. I am with you on focusing on numbers, and that is bad for me. That obsessive focus I have worked in my favor when I was losing weight but after that it simply caused me stress. So even now, I only weigh myself periodically......just to make sure I am not going off track. And I use my clothing as my guide. If my clothes need to weigh. When I start weighing myself, I am forever on the scale. Not good. Too many other fun things to be obsessed with! :D I haven't tried enough of the premixes in the new series to see if there is any rhyme or reason to the stretch/no stretch. i should probably peak into Cathe's site sometime as I am sure there is an explanations.

    Laurie, great workout! I have been trying to get my eyes checked every year, but right now I am sitting at 18 months since my last appointment. I had to finally talk my doctor at my last appointment into bifocals which really help me when I am reading. They cost so much though!! I still wear my other glasses for working out. And always wear my contacts for driving. The cost of my eye care, when all summed together, could fund a small nation. :p But it is better than walking into walls!

    See you all tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    edited January 2015
    Hi Ladies, tonight's workouts were a premix from RWH Legs and TUY Detox. This detox workout is all about twisting your body into pretzel positions because that is how you twist out any toxins out of your body. In the mean time you have to stand on a runner's lunge while your upper body is twisting in different directions. My thighs were killing me today after Cathe's leg workout! I actually had to drop to my knees once because my quads were killing me. This detox workout is 72 minutes long and it hit me hard today. Maybe it detoxed me and I ended up feeling totally relaxed that I fell asleep in the middle of a stretch pose where I was already on my back and the bottoms of my feet were touching as in a inner thigh stretch. I passed out in that pose! Can you believe it? I was cracking up! LOL
    I started to feel something different with my body two days ago but I wasn't sure what it was or maybe was too busy thinking of other things to think about. What I've been feeling are my abs! As you may have noticed I've not been big on doing ab workouts but with yoga you have to engage them. It turns out that my abs are firming up! I can feel myself sitting straighter too when I'm in front of my computer at home which is where I tend to slouch. The other interesting thing is that it appears that I may have a size reduction! This is after I've been saying I feel fat! The pants I wore today were feeling a little snug last week but not today. When I got home I pulled out a pair of jeans that I'd stopped wearing maybe 6-8 weeks ago because they felt tight. They fit just right today! This is crazy! How could I have felt so fat early this week and now I'm feeling my body changing? Now I don't want to give up the yoga workouts! LOL. I am going to try not to think too much about the "number or calories burned".
    Maybe this yoga workouts do help with toning even though I'm not burning a lot of calories!
    Tonight I went up to the attic to get my crutches so I could practice walking with them and also so the cats could get used to them. It's a good thing I did that! All the rubber padding parts had dried up and the hand parts crumbled under hands when I tried to use the crutches! My last surgery was in 2007 so they've been in the attic all this time. I have to order replacement parts!

    Laurie, you're doing great with your workouts! Your energy level must be a lot better! I've always used one pair of glasses for work and driving. Mine have clip on shades. I don't even wear my glasses at home. The problem started to happen when I started tilting my head back in order to be able to read from the monitor. I had to tilt my head back so I could see through the reading portion of my progressives. The optometrist told me that it was a common problem with progressive users and that a second pair for the computer is the best solution. He said bifocals was the way to go. In my mind I thought I'm not doing that! When I went to get my glasses the guy at the store told me about these lenses that are specific for the computer and were not bifocals! These lenses have a larger reading portion and the top part gives me about 6-7 ft of distance view. The new glasses are perfect for my needs.

    Laurel, great combo today! Too bad the fence would be so expensive. Can you build some kind of a little fence around the trash cans? Just a hiding place for them.
    I am going to try to be strong about not focusing so much on the calories burned Laurel. I am maintaining my weight. It would be nice to drop another 5 lbs but for that I'd have to increase the calories burned OR decrease my food intake. I'm not sure I can reduce the food part. I'm going to try to focus on the fact that my pants are fitting better.

    Good night ladies!