Cathe Fans Part 5



  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,560 Member
    Hi Ladies, I hope you all had a nice weekend! On Friday I did RWH Back, Biceps & Shoulders plus walking. Saturday my foot wasn't happy and it was very swollen so I just practiced my walking. I've not been able to tolerate a sneaker on my left foot because of the swelling so today I my babied my foot because I knew I had to be on my feet a lot more than normal and my foot swelled up. The swelling is happening from the arch to the toes so half my foot. There is also something weird going on with my arch. The muscle feels very tight and it hurts when I walk. I've been massaging it and it gets better when I do that. My foot was hurting this afternoon and when I saw how swollen it'd gotten I decided to ice it and that has helped a little with the swelling and a lot with the pain! Why didn't I think of this before you asked? Don't know. I feel so stupid about not doing it sooner because I'm always telling people to ice. Going forward I'm going to ice a few times a day. My back and sit bones are back to normal. On Friday I sat in my nicely padded office chair and I rolled a towel which I put under my upper thighs so I could keep my tail bone off the seat. That seem to have helped. Thank God!

    Laurie, great job with the Peak Fit workout! We went looking for plants on Saturday and the hardware store had just gotten its first annuals and perennials. They didn't have the annuals I wanted but did get a couple of plants to get us going.

    Laurel, congratulations on finishing up the P90X/X2 rotation! That really was a killer rotation you put together!
    I hope you had an enjoyable hair appointment and that you were able to figure out the reason for the electricity outages.
    The wooden chair is what did my back in last week so I won't be sitting there for extended periods of time like I did last week! Lesson learned the hard way! LOL
    Good night ladies!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,460 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Got in my Peak Pure Cardio and 55 weighted Sumo Squats on Friday, Saturday was a bust.. dd's track meet was cancelled, but was rescheduled for today. She was suppose to get her pictures taken for dance today, so had to do that on Saturday. She also had the plastic baby for one of her classes that she took home this weekend. So I was hauling all over the place, with a plastic baby in the car. :o Sunday was Peak Pure Strength 1 and 60 elevated side lunges. Hoping to get in something today, but I have my Mammo after work, track meet, and probably something else also who knows I might be forgetting something :p .

    Laurel, Great way to end the rotation, and of course getting through the whole thing. It sure was a tough one. I bet that you had a great time with Cathe yesterday. :) Hope that you are able to identify where the electrical problem is, and that it doesn't have anything to do with your new home.

    Thelma, Good job on the workout. Glad to hear that you found ice to be a good solution to the swelling and pain. Sometimes the solution can be right there, and you don't realize it. I'm just waiting for the temps to improve a bit, we are still having freezing, so I have to wait a little while yet.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,817 Member
    Hi Ladies! We had another hot and muggy weekend here. Even the seasoned Floridians are complaining about this early heat. It was 77 degrees at 6:00 this morning! But it is supposed to cool off this week a bit. But my luck has me going to Phoenix tomorrow where they are expecting....a heatwave. Sigh.

    Anyhow, I worked out on Saturday, which is unusual for me. But I wanted to finish up my Insanity Max rotation before heading out tomorrow. So Saturday was Max Out Sweat followed by Cathe's Cardio Core Challenge. Yesterday was Legs and Glutes, followed by Max Out Strength and X37 (and 18 holes of golf!). Today was XT Burn Sets Upper Body with core 1 premix. I finished up Insanity Max 30 with Friday Fight Round 2, and added on Party Rockin' Step 2.....just for fun. So glad I did the Insanity Rotation! Thanks again for the recommendation/encouragement, Tami. It really pushed me when I needed a little pushing. :)

    Thelma, I hope the ice continues to work for you. You must be so ready for the swelling to be gone!! But good job getting a workout in and doing all you can do to stay active/fit through all of this. You are amazingly patient!

    Laurie, sounds like a crazy weekend and busy day today! Does your life ever calm down? Great job with the workouts. How about I send you some heat? I can't believe you still have freezing temps!! Enjoy them for me. :p

    Tami, hope you are well!

    I probably won't check in again until I get back next week. I am taking workouts and clothes again for the days I can workout. Wish me luck with motivation!! Enjoy the week!!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Another crazy busy Friday here at work . . . Sorry I missed you all. I had a nice weekend of workouts, Saturday I did KCM Plateau Buster + Bonus Round which was a fun workout, just what I needed. Sometimes I like to throw in a little something I haven't done in a long time. Then yesterday was back to my rotation with XT Burn Sets Chest/Back/Shoulders along with a dog walk. I opted to not go into work this weekend at all and be able to get my house clean, errands, meet my friend for coffee and a lunch date with my hubby after he fished. So it was a productive and fun weekend! Went by fast. Today's workout will be BootCamp after work, even without Volleyball yesterday I didn't get up this a.m. I need to snap myself out of this "Monday Snooze" moments! :)

    Laurel: Congrats on finishing up your rotation! Nicely done and amazing that you did end up doing all 3 programs . . . you are a star! You are welcome and I hope to one day be getting more of them into my daily routine as well! Hopefully you were able to sort out those power outages before you left? Your weather sounds amazing and heading to AZ it will be even warmer there! At least you are prepared a little bit. Hope you have an awesome time! We will talk with you soon.

    Laurie: Busy as always with your DD it sounds like! Nice job getting in your workouts though when you can. Good Luck at your mammo today, all good thoughts your way! After the scare we had here at our office I am never going to put off or miss that appt. in the least.

    Thelma: Sorry to hear about your foot pain and hopefully the icing continues to help. I agree with Laurel, you are a tough cookie and perseverant to the max with your workouts! Nicely done and I am sure your body thanks you for your efforts as well. p.s. Katy did give me a bad time about being a slacker - yes. I wanted to tell her why but knew it would cause a big production and singing so I just said I had another commitment. LOL

    Hope you ladies enjoy the rest of your afternoon/evening! I will talk to you tomorrow.
    We are supposed to have super nice weather tomorrow . . . 74 degrees and sunny!!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,560 Member
    Hi Ladies, spinning and a little walking for me today. My foot swelled up during the day but at least I wasn't in pain. The only time the pain started was while I was working out and my foot was inside a shoe. I iced 3 times today so I'm sure that helped. Our temps here at in upper 50's and very dry air so it's cool.
    We are finally getting something done about my workout floor. Our handy man will be here on Wed to level out the floor and to install a sub floor. We then will have to buy the floor. The only bad thing about this is that the ceiling in the basement is low and I'll be losing 3 inches. I am short but once I get up on the stop I am going to hit the ceiling if my arms go up in the air. I'm so excited!

    Laurie, what a busy weekend you had! WOW! Good for you for getting those Peak Fit workouts in! Good luck with your mammogram!
    I am so ready to get my plants our. We bought some for the window boxes on the shed and since the hardware store had them outside we just planted them and they are OK. I bought a tomato plant early on and it has little tomatoes. It's still in the planter we bought it in!

    Tami, great workouts! Such a fun rotation. Good for you for taking the weekend off and to do some fun stuff (not the cleaning part though!). I tried standing on the spinning bike but that didn't feel right. I just can't wait to do other stuff. I feel like a cow.

    Laurel, great workout! I hope you have a nice time in Phoenix! Where you able to figure out what was causing the power outages? I can't believe it is so hot there! I don't do well with the humid weather.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,460 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    No workout for me, we didn't get home until after 9pm. I had a little something to eat, and then it was some reading then bed. The track meet was cold, and the youngest was exhausted from taking care of the plastic baby. She broke down crying in my arms, but I told her that she had to get back out there and complete her last race. She ended up putting in an impressive time in the 4x400, just wish that all the girls had done the same thing. ;)

    Laurel, Have a great time in Phoenix. Hope the heat isn't to bad, but then again they have dry heat right? ;) Great workouts, you really had a nice mix there. Would love some heat! Can't wait for the day I can wear shorts out in the mornings walking the dog. I'm guessing that our days will be busy until the graduation. With track and dance it has been crazy.

    Tami, Great job on the workouts. Nice idea throwing in a different workout from time to time. I was impressed with the new mammo 3D machine that they had, I was done within 15 min. Last time I was in it took so long just to get good images. Oh 74 degrees sounds wonderful, we are going to be warming up also.

    Thelma, Good job on the spinning and walk. Nice that you didn't have pain, that is probably the worst part for you. Very nice that you where able to get some plants in, I'm thinking that we should be able to put something in pretty soon. I'm ready to see things blossom, it appears that the tulips are going to be opening up within the next few days. :) Do those potted tomatoes produce all year? Now that is something that I should check into, since we eat so many of them.

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Well I ended up working out at home last night instead of BootCamp. I was excited when I found out DH had plans so I had that option . . . he was going to be outside anyway but met a friend after work for his Birthday "Beer(s)" - So I did XT Cardio Leg Blast, which is always good. Made dinner and then DH was home. Perfect timing for both of us really. ;) Today was XT Bi's/Tris Burn Sets and really going to try and go to Insane X but due to the 76 degree day outside I may head home, enjoy and take the kids for a walk. Today is our nicest day and then thunder storms tonight, cool tomorrow and rest of week. Not sure what I will do; it will be tough to go to class! I could always go for a walk after class .... :)

    Laurie: Sounds like a busy day and the track meet sounds like it ended up good for your DD, that's good she was able to pull herself together for that last race. Good on her!! You are an awesome mom for all that you run her to and cheer her on, even in the cold temps. Glad to hear you will be warming up soon. Hope all was good with your Mammo too :)

    Thelma: Nice to hear your foot wasn't painful but no fun on the swelling. I would guess that you would take the swelling over pain any day! I am sure you are getting very anxious to do "more" but your patience and care for you foot is going to pay off in the long run, hang in there! You'll be upping the intensity before you know it!

    Hope you ladies have a great evening ~ talk to you tomorrow!
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,560 Member
    Hi Ladies, tonight I did RWH Back, BIceps, Shoulders and a little walking. My foot was hurting because I've been practicing walking a little more wearing sneakers as opposed to barefoot. Ice did help with te pain so that is wonderful.
    Tami and Laurie, you're correct in thinking that I'd take the swelling over the pain. BIG TIME!

    Laurie, you had a busy night last night. I'm glad your DD put in an impressive time in the 4x400. I must've missed the post about the plastic baby. Is that something she's doing for school? When do you get your mammo results?
    I have no idea if the tomatoes would produce tomatoes all year round but I think they would in the right environment given that they are perennials in certain zones. We need to get ours in the ground but our vegetable bed needs to be prepared and that is something DH will get to this weekend. The plant I got 3 weeks ago had flowers already and not I have little green tomatoes.

    Tami, great workouts! I can't believe you're already having temps in the 70's! We may hit that next week. I don't think you should feel so guilty about skipping a gym class when you already worked out this morning!
    I am really anxious about being able to do leg workouts. I've waited this long I can wait a little longer I suppose.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,460 Member
    edited April 2015
    Morning Ladies,

    No workout again, this was my usual day off for dance so it wasn't happening no matter how much I wanted to. Just not enough time, but I will be getting in a workout tonight for sure. There is nothing pulling me away from my routine tonight.

    Tami, Great job on the workouts, sure is nice when you have the house to yourself for your workouts isn't it? I have my workout space in our basement, and no one usually bothers me. I still like having that time knowing that no will bother me. The track thing is very interesting right now, since the team doesn't seem to be a "team". There are a few bad apples in the bunch that I think are bringing some of the girls down. Of course the coach is a guy, and dealing with hormonal teens. I feel for him. There also seems to be one parent that is way to involved in her dd's business.

    Thelma, Nice workout! Sounds like you have a handle on getting the ice for the pain. It is just a matter of time with the swelling I suppose. I think that is so cool that you will have some tomatoes so early, hope the plant last for a time. They said that they would be looking at the mammo pics the day after, and then getting me the results within 7-10 days. If I get a phone call then they found something, if I get a letter then I'm good for another year. ;) Will be hoping for a nice letter for sure.

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Well I opted to go to Insanity last night and boy was it TOUGH! Seriously felt so hard. We were outside (which I figured we would be) on the pavement/tennis courts/parking lot. :# This alone always makes it feel harder, being on that hard ground. She had circuit(s) set up as partners, each item had a time limit and you had to get through all of them in a certain time; 5 min rest and do it again. Which took an hour! So guess who my partner was . . . . KATY! Yikes. She was very tough on me and a few times when she had to go assist people I was glad to catch an extra breath. One round was the big thick rubber band action that she holds and you try to sprint, then trade and she sprints, back to start - then a plated weight over your head (20 LB minimum) and forward back. This all counts as "1". This station alone was done 8 times. :D Another station was huge tire jumps, in & out, in & out, etc. I thought I was going to trip on round 2 (this was done 10 times & 8 times in round #2). This a.m. I opted for that "rest" ~ my lower back was talking to me after those plated "runs" over my head. Just doing one workout today which will be Spinning.

    Thelma: Thank you for your always encouraging words and kudos! As you read above, the guilt got to me and I opted for that brutal workout instead. LOL Needless to say, the dogs did not get a walk. I drank a huge glass of water outside with them and gave them lots of loves instead. Sheesh, I was pooped and my face was so red until about 8 pm. Great job getting in Back/Bi's/Shoulders; sounds like the foot was a little less painful yesterday, even with your practice in a shoe. That's good to hear.

    Laurie: I'm sure tonight you will be getting in a great workout & it will feel amazing! Yes, it is so nice when I get the house to myself. We have said many times, had we did our house over again we would have had some sort of either a. Den or b. Basement - maybe in our next house, if we have a "next" house. Our location + lot size + shop is hard to replace for the $$. That is so hard when there is drama with teams and I remember all so well how it happens, makes it very frustrating. I feel for the coach too - sounds like your daughter is trying her best and holding her head high, that's all she can do and it is awesome!!

    Hope you ladies have a great evening! I will talk to you tomorrow,

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,560 Member
    edited April 2015
    Hi Ladies, I didn't have a workout room ready for my workout tonight. The handy guy and his son were there working on finishing up the subfloor. I've lost already 3 inches and we have yet to install the top floor! At least the floor is now level. My foot was acting up again today but again ice helped.

    Laurie, too bad there are those bad apples in your DD's team. Like you my workout area is in the basement where I can have total privacy. I think we will have tomatoes through October. Of course we don't eat a lot of tomatoes. I use a little in my salads and DH only likes grape tomatoes so I always get one of those plants. I know our daffodils have already bloomed that means the tulips are next. Everything is so late!
    I hope your mammo is normal. I am so spoiled. I go to a hospital and all my doctors and labs are there. The day my mammo is scheduled I also have an appointment with the breast specialist. By the time I get upstairs to see the specialist she already has my mammo results.

    Tami, WTG with that killer workout! Talk about sending me on a guilt trip for not having worked out today. Sounds like Katy killed you guys.
    When you guys buy your next house you better make sure you have a dedicated workout room even if it's in the basement!
    Thanks for the encouragement with my foot Tami. I am just so worried about having to go back to the office as of 5/11. The new sneakers I bought for the summer that I said fit me before only fit me when the foot is not swollen. It won't be an idea to wear them to work just yet.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,460 Member
    Got in my workout last night, and Peak Cardio Strength 1 was my workout. Have to say that one is really tough to get through. I just need to get my endurance up a little. I know that last time I did this rotation, the first time through these workouts was tough.

    Tami, That workout she gave you sounds brutal! :D Sounds like Katy is taking you to the next level! We have the same problem with our house. My DH is of course a car collector, he has two. We had to build our house with a 5 car garage. You don't fine to many of those type of houses on the market, so I understand your situation. I don't know what I would do without having my small space in the basement.

    Thelma, Oh my on the loss of three inches already. I suppose you can probably add another inch onto that for the floor. I'm on the tall side, so understand when you lose space like that it can be difficult. One of the things I don't like about being on the step is that I hit the ceiling with my hands. Most times I only bring my hands just above my head. It would be great it they did my results that fast, it can get on your nerves waiting.

    Have a great day!
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,560 Member
    Hi Ladies, I did a little bit of everything today: Hard Strikes, spinning and a little walking. I over did it no doubt but it felt so good!
    Laurie, congrats on being able to get a workout in with your busy schedule! I can't believe you have a 5 car garage. Of course if your husband collects cars then it makes perfect sense.
    I'll probably lose another inch when the workout floor goes in. I can understand now how tall people feel with low ceilings. I'll be hitting my hands on the ceiling for sure. I hope you get your mammo results soon!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,460 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    My workouts where Peak Core Dynamics and Dynamic Flexablilty. I will be by myself tonight, dd has a track meet, DH is working and the oldest is going out with a girlfriend. So I think it is my workout, and then watching Mansfield Park that I recorded.

    Thelma, Nice hitting all those workouts, hope you didn't over did it. Hope that floor gets finished quick, so that you have the opportunity to use it and let us know the difference.

    Have a great weekend ladies,

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies & Happy Friday! Today's workout was HardStrikes! Always love that one. I am going to dinner tonight with a group of our friends; couple, so no Spinning tonight. I will get in a good workout in the a.m. and then meeting a couple ladies for a walk; it's supposed to be nice tomorrow.

    Laurie: Great job with your Peak workouts so far! These are all the new ones or some new, some older? Yes, Katy definitely takes it to the next level and if you are her partner (as I found out) she shows no mercy. Luckily my back loosened up Wed. evening. Sheesh! Hope you enjoy your evening to yourself tonight!

    Thelma: Sounds like some great workouts yesterday, nicely done! I bet your new flooring in your workout room will feel so good on your body/feet. Yay for that. I hope to one day have a workout room, definitely if we do move eventually that will be on the "going to have" list! LOL

    Hope you ladies have a great weekend!
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,560 Member
    edited May 2015
    Hi Ladies, I really over did it on Thursday and I paid for it today. So tonight I did spinning.
    I have to get on DH's case so he can order my workout floor. I can't wait!

    Laurie, nice job with that workout! I hope you had an enjoyable "me" Friday!

    Tami, happy Friday to you too! Love Hard Strikes too! Enjoy your dinner with friends! You must add "my own workout room" to the list of "most have's".
    My only plans for tonight were to interview a pet sitter!! Going for a hair cut tomorrow.

    Have a great weekend!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,460 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I don't know what I did to my ankle, but it is hurting. No swollen, just hurting when I move a certain way. I know it wasn't the Peak workouts, because this started hurting before I started them. So I'm taking the workouts down since those Peak workouts are way to high impact. I did KCM's 30MTF Weights Workout 1 (Back, Legs, Chest & Abs), and on Saturday I did 30MTF Trim Down Boxing Premix. I also did a lot of gardening in the afternoon. On Sunday I was feeling the shoulders and legs from the boxing and rock hauling, so I decided to take the day off. I made a ton of progress on the last portion of the tree line, so I'm really happy about that. I managed to get out a tree root (with DH wielding the ax, me digging it out), so I only have one more to go. That last one I already dug out, so that one needs the saw since it is a lot bigger than the one we took out on Saturday.

    My MIL fell again, but this time she has a broken vertebra. We should here something today about what they will be doing for her, but now the guys really need to do something about their parents living conditions. These two really need someone to be there to check up on them.

    Tami, WTG on the Hardstrikes workout! That one is fun. I wish I was still doing those Peak workouts, I think once this ankle stops hurting I will go back to them. For now I'm happy with finding things that are not going to bother the ankle. Of course I can't keep still. :)

    Thelma, WTG on the spinning. I really enjoyed the me Friday, probably going to have another on this coming Friday. We will see how it all goes with DH and his parents.

    Have a wonderful day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,817 Member
    Hi Ladies! I missed you all last week but had a fantastic trip to Phoenix. My mom is doing really well given everything (her cancer returning and spreading), and we had such a good time together. Even the 100 degree temperatures didn't bother us! So glad I made this trip.

    I also was able to workout on my non-travel days. I kind of kept my east coast time, so I was up with the sun working out. Wednesday was Travel Fit and Tabatacise. Thursday was Lean Legs and Abs and Rockout Knockout. And Friday was Travel Fit (again) and Cross Fire. I flew back home on Saturday, and yesterday I started my new XT/RWH rotation. I did Hard Strikes followed by the lower body premix of High Reps. Today I started with Cathe's Max Intensity Strength, then did X10 Cardio Blast right into RWH Upper Body Circuit. Feels good to be back with Cathe!!

    Tami, great workouts last week! That InsaneX workout sounds like it was brutal! Glad you were enjoying some more nice weather!

    Thelma, I hope your workout floor is done......and you didn't lose too much room! I hope your foot is continuing to get better too! Sounds like it is still swelling up quite a bit. I hope that improves soon. You are nearly 60 days post-surgery aren't you? Again, your patience and perseverance with your workouts amazes me!

    Laurie, so sorry to hear about your ankle. Hopefully taking some of the impact out of your routine will help. Is it the Achilles? I hope not because that is so painful. I am also so sorry to hear about your MIL! Is she in the hospital? That sounds like a very dangerous--and painful--injury. I hope she is okay and they can come up with a better situation for them. That is very scary.

    Off to catch up on some things. See you tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited May 2015
    Hi Ladies & Happy Monday! Weekend went by really fast for me, but good one. Weather was AMAZING! So Friday night was the group dinner with friends and it was fantastic. Then Saturday DH had invited people over in the afternoon for a BBQ and to watch the big boxing match. So I had met my friends for a walk that a.m. and then came home and cleaned and prepped for company. That was my day :o Yesterday I decided to do KCM Circuit Burn for my workout and it felt so good! Then later in the day I took the kids for a quick walk . . . . Emma cannot go very far and she is really tired and panting, poor girl. I'm hoping it is a combo of out of shape and her elderly body and not just the latter that is making her tuckered out so quick. Bernie was sucking air pretty good too, but he a little "large and in charge" right now . . . . . . They love to go and want to keep going, but when we turn down our street they are both very tired. :( The neighbors must think I am dragging them by their leashes. Today's workout is going to be High Reps, which I am doing after work because DH will be out of the house. This week has High Reps and also STS Total Body thrown into the rotation, love that!

    Laurel: Welcome Back! Sounds like your trip to AZ was all that you had hoped for and then some! 100 degrees?!?! YOWSA. Awesome work getting in your workouts while you were gone too. I know you will love the XT/RWH rotation but I am sure you will be adding on lot of other things in there too! Yes, last week's workout for Insanity was brutal. Not sure if it is that hard concrete plus the sun or just flat BRUTAL but, yowsa!

    Laurie: Sounds like a very active weekend for you! All that yard work and the workouts! Way to go. I am sorry your ankle is still bothering you. I wonder if you get one of those braces for it, start with that for just a little extra support. Good idea laying off the intensity for a while until you know but a little support might help as well?!? I'm all about "how can I keep moving despite this injury" so I get what you are saying about not staying still! :)

    Thelma: Hope you had a great weekend and the foot is feeling better?!?! Did you hire the pet sitter you interviewed?

    I will talk to you ladies tomorrow . . . have a great evening!!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,460 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Yesterdays workout was KCM's 30MTF Weights Workout 2 (Biceps, Triceps, Shoulders)

    Laurel, Glad to hear that you had a good trip to visit your Mom. WTG on the workouts, sounds like you got in some really good ones. Have a great time with your new rotation. Thankfully it isn't the achilles, it is right in the joint and only hurts when I am moving in a certain direction. Unfortunately most of the high impact moves bothered it. It is getting better, just annoying. My MIL is very unstable, she was walking from their condo to her mailbox and must have tripped on a crack in the road. She shuffles, so I can see why it happened. She landed on her butt, so it is in her lower back. At 89 years old her body really can't take all this falling that she has done in the last year. She was insisting on going home, but my DH has had enough. I know she isn't falling on purpose, but I think that she really enjoys the attention that she is getting from her sons.

    Tami, Sounds like a fun weekend. The fight didn't sound exciting, but at least you got to enjoy it with friends around. Great job on the workouts, and of course those two tb workouts you have this week should be a lot of fun. I think that because the ankle doesn't hurt all the time I think that I can do more than I should. Keeping with weight workouts seems to help. I'm looking at TaeBo also, some of those workouts are low impact, but really work the body good.

    Thelma, Hope everything is going well with you.

    Have a great day!