Cathe Fans Part 5



  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,814 Member
    Hi Ladies! We enjoyed a nice, hot weekend here. DH and I golfed all three days which was, to be honest, quite a test of endurance in the heat. Friday was the worst of the days--97 degrees and a 7 mile trek. I was done at the end, but we enjoyed it nonetheless. I got a good workout in Friday before it, which might have contributed to the fatigue. I started with the upper body premix from Muscle Endurance. Then, for a cardio combo, I did X52 right into RWH Upper Body Circuit. That was tough!

    Saturday was my day off from workouts. We spent the day with my in-laws (playing golf with my FIL for Father's Day, which was nice), but yesterday I started in on my final week of this rotation. I started with Leaner Legs and followed it with AlL Out Low Impact HiiT Extreme. For today's workout, I did something I don't think I have ever done before. Imagine finding a new workout on a 12 year old disc! I did the Upper Body Blast premix from Cathe's Supersets workout....and it was great! Kind of like LIS Upper Body Trisets in format. I have no idea why I have never done that before, but I will do it again. For cardio, I did Low Impact Challenge, which I enjoy though do rarely. Good stuff today!

    Tami, hope you enjoyed your weekend. I was laughing when I saw we did the same workout.....again! Hope you are enjoying your Fitbit. I know mine doesn't quite register my workouts quite right, but I am okay with that. But I understand you might want it to read a little more accurately for something like spinning. I am really trying hard not to overthink using that I can keep using it! DH bought it for me two months ago.....and so far, so good. I checked temps for next week in Seattle. Yikes! Not much different from here. Victoria, BC on the other hand in supposed to be 20 degrees cooler. Could make for some interesting packing.

    Thelma, I am sorry to hear about the flooring! I have worked out on concrete-like floors, and I always need some sort of cushioning. I hope the carpet works, but be careful. I know you don't want to hurt your husband's feelings, but I have no doubt he would rather you talk to him about it over hurting yourself. I am also sorry to hear about your job issues. Is this the same proposal that came your way before your surgery? It sounds like it.

    Laurie, beautiful patio! Those pavers are ridiculously heavy!! We have put down a few around our house and they are beasts. I understand why your back is hurting. Great choice on a stretching workout. Yes, I have done that ME/BC bonus mix on that DVD. It is a really good blend, and I have always wondered why she kind of snuck it on there. Well worth a visit on days where you want a total body workout with just a little cardio.

    See you tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Very quick check in to let you know I am here!! :) Filling in for someone again and still being "new" to most things it has been challenging, but good. Weekend was good - good workouts and a bike ride with my friend.

    I will have more tomorrow or later tonight ......

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,557 Member
    Hi Ladies, I did RWH Back, Shoulders & Triceps. This is not what I had planned to do today but I left work late and then I got stuck in bumper to bumper traffic. DH and I have been planning our September vacation. We're going to the Blue Ridge mountains area in NC. We're renting this river front cabin. It looks beautiful there. The funny thing is that I also have to go to a conference in Washington DC for 3 1/2 days Sun-Wed and then back to Boston for a couple of days and on Sunday we'd fly out to NC.

    Laurie, all that yard work was a mega workout! Good job and congrats on finishing the patio. It looks fabulous!
    Those pavers look heavy! I hope the stretch workout helps your back.
    If I felt good about the cushioning this floor provides it wouldn't be bad. The surface is great for cardio and I think it will be awesome for kick boxing.

    Laurel, I'm glad you had a great golf weekend. You must have a serious tan with all that sun. I can't believe you found a new workout in those pre-mixes! Awesome job with your workouts!
    My new floor is on a wooden subfloor. Before I had two carpets and thick padding over the concrete floor. I have a safer situation now. What is interesting about this super timestep floor is the best floor there is but it is so thin that I find that hard to believe. I've asked DH to see if we could get a sample of the floor that looks like wood is thicker and yet the floor he got me is better.
    The job situation is exactly the same thing my boss brought up before my surgery. My boss is going to talk to his boss tomorrow and I hope he has time to ask about giving me a raise.

    Hi Tami!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,457 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Got in that XStretch workout, had forgotten just how good that one is. Of course I kind of missed Tony a little bit, so that help make the workout so much better. :)

    Laurel, I can't imagine how that felt in that heat! We where a bit warm starting out Sunday morning, and our temps where no where near as warm as yours. Sounds like you had a good time golfing, and of course some great workouts. I really like that Superset workout, the amount of weight you can lift is surprising. Probably because she is doing a 2-2 count. Love the leg work in that one also. Those large rectangular pavers are the heaviest, just glad that DH used those sparingly in his design. Packing for vacation with the temp being different by 20 deg. can make for to many clothes. ;) Then things change, and you never wear them.

    Tami, WTG on the bike ride! Hard being new and trying to learn all that you want to and need to. Took me a while to figure out how to incorporate the Fitbit also, but you will get it figured out.

    Thelma, Good job getting in a workout, it is hard to do after sitting in traffic for that long. Sometimes you just want to say no way. I know that I have done that. Sounds like a nice vacation spot. Do the colors change around that time of the year around there or later? I would love a floor like that for kickboxing, sometimes you can't move your feet like you need to on a carpet.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,814 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today's workout started with Pyramid Lower Body. That workout always makes my legs scream. But it felt good. :p For cardio, I did an interesting combo. I started with Tabatacise, then I moved right into a premix from Cross Fire that includes the fitness blasts, the plyo tabata and the core section. All totaled, it was slightly more than an hour and a great workout combo.

    Tami, thanks for checking in! Sounds like you are busy. Glad to hear you were able to get out for a ride this weekend.

    Thelma, I hate traffic. Good job getting a workout in despite the frustration. I am happy to hear you think the floor is an improvement. Sounds like your DH picked some good material. How fun to have a vacation plan! So beautiful there. I am sure you will enjoy the time away, especially after the hectic year you have had.

    Laurie, glad you enjoyed XStretch. I have only done that workout a few times, but it is a good one. Glad to hear you enjoyed seeing Tony again. Like I have said many times, he always makes me smile. I have always dismissed the Push/Pull and Supersets workouts because I found them pretty disappointing when they came out. After yesterday, I need to revisit them. I even have some DOMS from it yesterday which feels good. Definitely more challenging than I remember them being. No doubt I will overpack for our upcoming trip. I always do for some reason. And I still will find I missed something once I get there! :o I am nothing if not consistent. ;)

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited June 2015
    Hi Ladies ~ Sorry for my very brief check-in yesterday! Sounds like you are all doing fabulous on the workouts and good weekends . . . So Friday I finished up that 12-week rotation I was doing and then Saturday I went for a shorter (15 mile) bike ride with my friend and Sunday started up the Cathe June rotation. Starting off with Slow & Heavy Chest/Back, yesterday was Kick Punch Crunch and today was Slow & Heavy Legs/Shoulders, tonight will be Insane X. This week is alternating S&H with various KB workouts so lots of fun on the KB workouts! I am enjoying S&H but I have to focus and concentrate going that slow. Haven't had to do those style of workouts in a while; since STS Meso #3 and even then it is heavy, not sloooooooooow.

    You guys may have heard about our crazy heat wave. :#B):# We will be in the triple digits by Thursday thru Tuesday. It is IronMan here on Sunday and it will be 104 degrees. I cannot even imagine what they will be going through. Yikes!

    Laurie: Gorgeous patio!!! How exciting, it looks wonderful. Way to go on all that hard work I saw that you did a good X-Stretch last night, I bet it felt amazing and hopefully loosened the tightness up. Yes, learning it all will probably never happen here but my training period kind of stopped in one dept. due to how busy we became just right after I started and the other dept (where I was filling in) is an always, situational only type dept. It is a Long Term Escrow where you are dealing with accounts, payments, special handling situations and unless they come up when she is there I don’t really get the experience because I am only in there “helping” with misc. duties part of the day each day. It was all good and I think she was happy with what I did get accomplished. Try not to leave a stack of “unknowns” for her but it is inevitable sometimes. I am like the FitBit but haven’t figured out the solution for cycling, doesn’t seem to be accurate there. I am a little leary after you said yours has come off so easily. Either way, it’s a good little gauge for my day-to-day.

    Laurel: Way to go on the workouts as always!!!! Putting together more amazing combos too! Thanks for mentioning that workout, doing some “oldies” right now reminds me how effective and awesome they are. Takes some concentration on the slow & heavy; reminding me of Meso #3 a bit. Lol
    I sure hope your weather is a bit cooler (which it usually is over there despite our temps here) but with this crazy heat wave you never know. Definitely a challenge on the packing, but at least you may not need all long pants! I am already seeing what you mean on the accuracy of the FitBit. Cycling is definitely not an accurate reading at all, but so far I am enjoying it.

    Thelma: Good job getting in your workouts! I am so sorry to hear about your new floor and the disappointment you must have both felt when you found out it is as hard as concrete. Dang it. I am sorry also to hear about your job stress and added responsibilities with no benefits (ie: more money) hopefully you can be compensated. That’s tough when you aren’t given the choice either, I’ve been there.

    Hope you ladies have a great afternoon ~ I will talk to you tomorrow! Tami

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,557 Member
    Hi Ladies, I did Kick, Punch & Crunch tonight to test the new floor. I went high impact and it felt good on the new floor. Definitely good floor for kickboxing. I did my first jumping since prior to the surgery. I did good and my foot was OK. The entire state of MA was under tornado warnings but nothing happened thankfully.

    Laurie, I hope the stretch workout helped your back. I really wish I could say no to this job but I have to also think about the consequences. The colors change in NC but I doubt it is when we will be there.

    Laurel, what a workout! Funny you did Tabatacise today because I was very temped to do part but decided it could be too much fo r my foot right now. I can't wait to be able to tabaticise again.

    Tami, awesome workouts! I hadn't heard about the heat wave you guys are having! Yikes is right! I hope Katy doesn't make you workout outdoors tonight! The new floor is a lot better now that DH put the rug pad between the wooden subfloor and the new floor. Thank God!
    I think my boss had his one on one meeting with his boss today. I hope I can get compensated. Just in case I've left a message with the HR person to ask about these things

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,457 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Yesterday was Pure Strength Chest, Shoulders, Triceps, Back & Biceps. The PS workouts stand the test of time, even with the outdated workout clothes. ;)

    Laurel, Great job on creating those good combos. I have done the PLB workout recently, and it is a good one. I really didn't like the Superset/Push-Pull workouts until about a year ago. When I first did them, I don't think that I went heavy enough. Recently I did them again, and found that they gave me a good burn. I think it is because I wasn't afraid to use heavier weights. The leg portion in Superset reminds me a little of Leaner Legs.

    Tami, Super job on the SH workouts, and I agree it is hard to let yourself concentrate on doing those as slow as she wants you to. I love that we are all revisiting some classic workouts of Cathe's. Can't believe that I'm calling some of the these workouts classics. It takes a while to get all the ins and outs of someone's job, especially when you don't do it everyday. I agree the Fitbit is great for tracking you everyday movement. Has it surprised you with all of a sudden vibrating on your wrist? Mine went off last night, but I didn't have the energy to fine out what accomplishment I had achieved. :D

    Thelma, Yippee on the jumping! How fun that it was with KPC. Being in the mountains in a cabin is probably the best, even with the trees not changing colors yet. Sounds like a great relaxing vacation. You all get the same type of weather we have only about a day later. We have a large tree branch laying in our back yard that we have to move, neither DH or I want to attempt it yet. Will have to move it to mow though. :)

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,814 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today's workout started with Pyramid Upper Body. I really enjoy this workout. My rotation called for Athletic Step, but I opted for Greatest Hits instead. It uses parts of Athletic Step but is also a bit longer/more intense which I wanted today because--yowza--my legs were tight after yesterday's pyramid leg workout! I think the longer cardio helped ease them a bit. We'll see if it worked later today I suppose. :p

    Tami, isn't it fun revisiting the older workouts? I agree about concentrating in Slow and Heavy. When I can talk myself into doing them, I think they are some of the best. I always feel a good way, of course. I was checking the Seattle weather again last night. Yikes! I can't believe how hot you are. It reminds me of the last summer we were in Washington State (2003) and we were in the high 90's much of it. And, of course, we had no AC. It was not fun. We are spending a couple of nights in Seattle and the website for the hotel doesn't have anything about AC. I hope they have it! The weather in Victoria is now projected in the mid-70's which sounds perfect!

    Thelma, great job with KPC. I am really happy to hear the new floor felt good. And it is even better that you were able to do impact. Yay! That is fantastic!!

    Laurie, you know I love those workouts! I did Pure Strength the week DH was off (two weeks ago), and I still love them. I am definitely enjoying revisiting the 'classics'. I will have to try the full Supersets workout again soon for that leg work. I think, like you, I found the upper body part better because I wasn't afraid to lift more. I was still feeling that workout in my biceps this morning when I started PUB! Good stuff!

    Until tomorrow.....

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Last night's Insanity class was with a brand new instructor; so needless to say it was not the level of intensity that Katy pushes us too. It felt pretty good to me since I had done shoulders & legs in the a.m. this had a lot of shoulders, legs and 20-30 second HiiT bursts. This a.m. was Hard Strikes and tonight will be Spinning. We will have a sub again I am sure. Today is our last day in the low 90's and it starts up higher each day tomorrow.

    Thelma: That is really great news about your new floor and the higher impact you put into your workout and no problems! Yahoo :) Luckily no outside workout last night due to the nice new instructor being kind to us.

    Laurie: Awesome job on Pure Strength - laughing about he outfits because we all know what you are talking about. But as we have mentioned this week, they really do stand the test of time with the moves/workouts themselves! Which shows how amazing Cathe is all these years. The FB has surprised me when it vibrates forsure. I thought I had kicked it into sleep mode somehow since it vibrates for that too! LOL

    Laurel: I really enjoy the Pyramid workouts too :) I remember that one as some of my first favorites of Cathe's; it was on VHS of course then when I bought it . . . . but still a goodie! Well fingers crossed they have A/C .... YIKES! I think Seattle and Portland are getting the heat as well (as you saw) but the 70's will be perfect in Victoria. Nice. Are you bringing workouts with you?

    Hope you ladies have a great afternoon/evening ~ Talk to you tomorrow! Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,557 Member
    Hi Ladies, I've yet to be able to get out of work early this week. This afternoon I had a little blow out with that woman I think could potentially be selected as a manager if I don't accept the job. She started yelling at members of my team in our software lab and went postal on them so I asked her to tone it down and I said I know it can be frustrating (these guys never look at the design specs). She still kept going so I reminded her that I'd asked her in the morning to be respectful to the team because she was being impatient with them. She yelled at me that she wasn't talking to me so I reminded her that she was talking to MY team and that I was not going to tolerate that behavior.
    Today she announced that she's pregnant again and it was like she'd gotten a license to bully people. I went and told my boss what had happened before he heard it from the grapevine and I told him that the fact that she is pregnant was not an excuse for her behavior as another manager had claimed for an employee of his. My boss asked me if he wanted him to intervene and I said no but he told me that one more time and he needs to intervene. I am proud of myself because I could've yelled back and I was calm as a cucumber. After the blow out my hands were shaking. I felt that I should take the job as a manager but doing that because I was upset could be such a bad move. I got home late and I didn't feel like working out but I forced myself to at least walk on the treadmill.

    Laurie, great workout! OMG! The outfits! LOL. Why don't you guys cut the broken branch where it is now so it's easier for you to move smaller pieces? That is what DH did a couple of years back where we found what looked like a tree in our backyard.
    I am really excited to have been able to do some high impact. My foot tolerated it even I'm always afraid the bone will break. DH and I love nature so this little cabin sounds and looks perfect for us. This is the trip to celebrate our wedding anniversary too.

    Laurel, another killer workout! Outstanding! I didn't want to give up on the new floor without trying it out first. I think it will be OK. One of these days I'll feel daring enough to try the tabatacise workout. If I remember correctly there is a low impact section so I may try that.

    Tami, great workouts! I hope there were some newbies in the class last night given the "kind" instructor.
    My foot is definitely better. Today I was able to walk at 2.9 mls per hour. I don't think I had been able to go faster than 2.3 - 2.5 since the surgery and in the beginning I could do 2mph.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,457 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Yesterday's workout was CTX Leaner Legs! Love this leg workout, and of course I added on the ab work also. That one is non-stop crunches. I'm okay with crunches. :D

    Laurel, Great workouts, and I hope that you where able to ease the leg muscles a little. The bicep work in PUB really gets that muscle good, you can see on Cathe's face that she is about ready to stop! On the Superset workout there are some great premixes that I think you would like. Doubling up the rounds. I didn't have enough time, but I think they would have been really fun to try. I was looking at a Cory Everson workout on youtube yesterday, and talk about BAD workout clothes. I remember the workout being really good, but I don't know if I would be able to look at the outfits for even a half hour. :D

    Tami, Not as tough of a workout, but I'm sure that every once in a while it is good to take it down a bit. Great job on the Hardstrike workout also. Dang on the temps, hope we don't get those. Cathe's outfits are tame compared to those Cory ones. Just google it and you will see, but dang that Get Hard Arms workout is really good. I'm planning on that one or CTX Shoulders, Biceps & Triceps.

    Thelma, Sorry to hear that your working late, and not able to get in your workouts. Sounds like you could have used a little punching work last night. WTG on keeping your cool during that confrontation. It is extremely hard to do that in those type of situations. You are right, being pregnant doesn't give you license to be nasty. DH probably will cut the branch, I think he was hoping that the neighbor would see that it was from his tree that the branch fell from. I teased him that since it is on our lawn, it probably is our problem to get rid of. :D

    Have a great day!

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,814 Member
    Hi Ladies! I started my workout today with Lean Legs and Abs. That seems to have taken away all of the lingering DOMS I had from PLB on Tuesday....thankfully. I followed it with RWH Low Impact HiiT One Doubled, and added on the 20 minute step bonus from Cathe's Low Impact Series just for a little extra.....something. It felt good!

    Tami, sounds like a nice break from the tough Katy workouts! I am sure you are glad it is temporary, though. From the looks of things, you are going to be very warm for quite some time. I really hope you don't start having fire problems. I remember that fire in Idaho a couple of years back and nobody needs a repeat of that. I have my fingers crossed for relief and rain soon. I will be taking my iPad full of workouts with me on vacation. We are hoping to get some good activity in while we are there, but I am also hoping to get workouts in most days. This trip, at 10 days, is just too long not to workout through. I've told DH my plans, so he has been warned. :p We did call the hotel in Seattle last night and they do have AC. So we are good in that area at least. Getting anxious now!

    Thelma, sounds like a horrible situation at work. I am glad you were able to handle it calmly, and that your boss backs you up on it. I agree about making decisions when you are upset like that. Best to wait until everything is a little calmer. About Tabatacise, take your time. It is high impact all the way through...and really high impact for most. Maybe you are thinking about All Out Low Impact HiiT? That might be a good one to try sometime if you have it.

    Laurie, same workout I did Sunday! I love that one. It just flies by for me. And I like the crunches too! You made me laugh!! I had totally forgotten about Cory Everson! I had two of her workouts, and really enjoyed them. Boy did she work the arms. But the outfits.....oh my. And the hair. I don't think I could get through that again.

    I will be MIA tomorrow but will check in again before our trip next week. Have a great weekend!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Last night was a good Spin class, we had the Monday night BootCamp instructor and she is a lot of fun and again, good music. So good class. This a.m. was Slow & Heavy Bis/Tris . . . I am going to head to grocery store after work to avoid the CROWD of people in town for IronMan this weekend. Talked to one of the doctors at the gym yesterday and they are all concerned at the amount of emergency situations that may happen this year due to the heat. They are going to start the race at like 5:30 in the a.m. it sounds like for at least a few hours of better temps. YIKES.

    Thelma: That lady sounds like a real "treat" . . . I am sorry you had to deal with her, but so awesome on you to completely remain calm. Hormones or not, she shouldn't have gone nuts on everyone. Sorry you had to work late too. The RWH series has a couple of nice low impact workouts too that are good!

    Laurie: Yahoo on CTX Legs! Another one that is so good and I haven't done in a long time. May have to bring that one out. I will have to check out Cory's outfit on YouTube. HILARIOUS. Like you say, even for a great workout if you are staring/giggling the entire time it might be tough to get through. Yes, it was nice to take it down a bit and here's hoping Katy doesn't hear that it was "calmer" than her usual or she will fire it up x10! YIKES.

    Laurel: WOW, what a combination of workouts today, nice job! I did look at the 10 day forecast as well . . . yes HOT, HOT and more HOT. Yes, we are hoping no fire problems; they are already having some in the same area of central Washington that they usually do and a "man made" accident fire happened here in our town but not a forest fire out of control. Hoping for cooler temps and some moisture forsure. I am glad your hotel has AC, I can't imagine if it didn't. I figured you would be doing workouts, you are always so good about that when you travel. You are going to have so much fun. Long flight, but it will be awesome.

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow!!
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,557 Member
    Hi ladies, no workout for me tonight. Another late day at the office. I'm so glad tomorrow is Friday! Going for a hair cut on Saturday and then I will meet someone I worked with back in the 90's. She used to be my best friend and partner in crime. I left that job in 1998 and somehow we lost touch and she just found me in Facebook. I'll be going to Washington DC in September for a conference so today I booked everything for that trip. The only other woman going is the one I had the confrontation with yesterday. Not happy about that. That is the same week DH and I leave on our vacation.

    Laurie, awesome workout. The ab portion sounds great! I also thought that I could've used the Kick Punch and Crunch workout yesterday. I'm glad you also agree that being pregnant doesn't give anyone a license to be mean to people. The woman walked in the office totally happy and cheery today.

    Laurel, what a fun workout you did today! When is your trip? How can a hotel not have AC? Of course I just booked my hotel for the conference in September and now I'm wondering if it has AC! LOL
    I'll be in DC from Sunday to Wed in September. The hotel we'll be staying in seems to have a great gym so I'm excited about that. It really is a horrible situation at work. I wish I could retire now!
    I could've sworn the Tabatacise workout had a low impact section! I am going to try the All Out Low Impact Hiit soon. That one is a really good one. Laurel, I may be thinking of X10. Is the one I'm thinking of with a low impact section? Gosh this is a good workout too! I don't think you ladies have mentione this one lately!

    Tami, great workouts! I'm glad you got that new instructor you enjoy! Where is Katy?
    Good idea to do your grocery shopping before the crazy crowds take over the town! OMG! I don't blame the doctors from worrying about the emergencies they may have this weekend due to the heat.
    Thanks for mentioning the RWH low impact workouts! I like those. I can't wait for the break knob for my spinning bike to get here!

    Have a wonderful weekend!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,457 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    TGIF!!! Yesterday was CTX Shoulders, Triceps and Biceps along with 30MTF Trim Down Boxing Premix. The arms where toasty after all of that.

    Laurel, Love seeing the great combos that you come up with. I'm really enjoying doing these older workouts too, it really is interesting what Cathe could do with minimal equipment. My abs are still sore from those crunches, and I <3 it! While doing the boxing yesterday I sure could feel it during the side to side moves. I couldn't bring myself to do that Cory workout yesterday, it just would have annoyed me. :D

    Tami, Great job on the workouts, and having a good spinning class. Hope that those participating in that IronMan take precautions. We had two individuals have heart attacks at a marathon in Milwaukee. One of the people was only in his 20's, but they where going over the Hoan Bridge, which has a huge accent. That can really tax the body. I hope that Katy doesn't find out about you easier class, don't want her to torture everyone in the class.

    Thelma, Sorry about the workout, but nice that you will be meeting up with your friend again. I'm sure that you will have a lot of talking and laughing to do. Oh that should be a interesting time in DC with a hormonal co-worker. I think that during those times of pregnancy, you have to be super aware of your attitude. I have to do the same thing during the mood swings I have with this menopause fun. I think that comes with age also.

    Have a wonderful weekend!
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,557 Member
    Hi Ladies, I hope you had a great weekend. We had a good one and a really rainy one. On Friday I did Flex Train, I took Saturday off to give myself a pedicure and today I walked on the treadmill.

    Laurie, what a great workout you did on Friday! WTG!
    Breakfast with my ex co-worker was interesting. She was late and then she wasn't feeling well so she only had coffee! It was OK. I think we both thought it would be as fun as it used to be. I didn't like it when she told me that she was hurt that I'd not invited her to my wedding. We had lost touch long before my wedding so why should I invite someone who wasn't in my life anymore? That was a big turn off for me. I would've never said that to anyone. She wants to meet again the next time I go get my hair cut. Not sure I'll do that.
    Back to work tomorrow but at least it will be a short week! YAAY!

    Have a great week ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,457 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    This is a short work week for me, only three days. That is good because we are having dd's grad party on the 4th, just work really well to have all our friends and family over on that day. Friday I did Tae Bo Advanced, it was somewhat classic Tae Bo. Sometimes I had to stop to understand what he was wanting us to do. At one point Shelly looked confused. Saturday I didn't workout, but it was a gardening day anyway. It was the first time that my FitBit hit 15,000 steps in one day. I have come close on other days, but this was the first time I passes it. Sunday was Power Hour, and it was truly fun to revisit that one. I'm thinking of doing it again on Tuesday. :)

    Thelma, To bad on the rain, but your workouts sound fun and giving yourself a pedicure sounds even better. ;) That is very unfortunate about your ex co-worker. This is a person that you will be happy not to let back into your life I'm sure. I try not to have people around me that can hold grudges for so long. Yippee on your short week also!

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,814 Member
    Hi Ladies! One more check-in before heading out on vacation. Really looking forward to it! Because we are headed away, I decided to workout throughout the weekend. So the workouts have been: Friday--High Reps and IMAX3; Saturday--X77; Sunday--RWH LIHI Legs and Core 1 and Body Max 2 Scrambled Eggs premix; Today--RWH LIHI Chest, Shoulders and Triceps followed by Back, Shoulders and Biceps followed by Intensity! I am hoping to get up early in the morning for a workout before spending all day in airports and on a plane. Keep your fingers crossed that happens!

    All of this mad intensity has paid off though. I rarely weigh myself (because of my often mentioned numbers obsession) but decided it best to weigh myself before vacation to keep myself somewhat accountable. I am five pounds lighter than I was last time I weighed myself!! That puts me under my goal five pounds. :o Very surprising. Hopefully I don't gain it all back in the next ten days.

    Tami, I am happy you enjoyed the spin class. I hope everybody came out of that Iron Man okay. I saw the temp in Spokane projected at 105!! I hope you get some relief soon.

    Thelma, I am sorry to hear about the breakfast with your former friend. Sometimes it is great to meet up with old friends....and sometimes it isn't. I am shocked she mentioned your wedding to you. There was no call for that, especially since you both had stopped keeping in contact. I understand if you choose not to repeat this meeting. And, yes, you must be thinking about X10 which has a great low impact section!

    Laurie, that gardening really is a good workout! Congratulations on the new milestone on your Fitbit!! Power Hour is such a great workout. So many reps, but I love the pace of that workout. Your 4th/graduation party sounds fun. I hope you have good weather for it.

    I probably won't check-in for a couple of weeks, but I will be thinking about you all. Have fun and stay strong!!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Happy Monday! We are surviving the heat but it is not supposed to let up anytime soon :o Although compared to 105 yesterday the 90's are feeling better. Back up to 99-100 on Friday and Saturday though. I did get my workouts in though ..... with A/C in the house and the a.m. being a little cooler, it didn't affect my workouts. So Saturday I did Rockin Knockout + Heavy Bag and then added on the Boxing/Legs drills from KCM Circuit Burn, it was a nice combo, yesterday was 4DS all Upper Body and today will be BootCamp after work.

    The IronMan people did well, I haven't heard all the horror stories of people dropping due to the heat but one story that is so amazing to me, is a Irag War veteran who lost his eyesight and did the whole race with his brother-in-law. They swim together, (BIL will tap each foot to tell him which way to go), tandem bike the 110 miles (which a bike of that style adds 60 lbs to the weight) and run the marathon. They finished just 9 minutes short of the cut-off, but what an amazing thing! Gives me goose bumps. :)

    Laurie: Sounds like a very busy weekend and you have been doing an amazing job with your workouts. I too only have a 3-day week! I couldn't believe it. We are closed Friday but my boss told me she thought I should use my Birthday holiday day that I still haven't used on Thursday to make it a nice 4-dayer! OK :) So no plans, but it will be awesome. I hope to get in some amazing workouts and maybe go on an early a.m. bike ride before its too hot. Congrats on hitting the 15,000 Steps over the weekend! Yahoo.

    Thelma: Sorry to hear about your breakfast being a little awkward :( It is really hard when you lose touch with a co-worker/friend that was once considered a good friend. I am dealing with that with my peeps from the old job. For her to say that about the wedding is super "ODD" . . . I am sure that cut things a little short after that. Yikes. People are funny, they never cease to amaze me with their expectations sometimes. You had asked me about Katy. she has been training for a Half IronMan race that is coming up very soon. So between working her full time job and training every other moment she has had to give up some of her classes for a while to just not be totally run down. We miss her forsure ;)

    Laurel: OUTSTANDING workouts! Of course you hit it hard eventhough you will still be working out! I hope you were able to get on last chance workout in this a.m. like you had hoped. I know how that feels being at the airport. CONGRATS on the 5 lbs down!!!! OMG, that is substantial for little tiny you & I bet it was a very nice surprise. I would love to have that happen to me. Hence, avoiding the scale other than the doctor office. LOL
    I hope you both have an amazing time! I hope the weather stays gorgeous but not scorching for you!!!! Safe travels

    I will check in with you ladies tomorrow ~ Have a great afternoon/evening! Tami