Cathe Fans Part 5



  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,553 Member
    Hi Ladies, another crazy day at work. I've been glued to my desk the last two days working. Today I stayed late so I could finish one project and I did. I had two projects to finish but the second thing will have to wait till Monday. I was tired when I got home but I still forced myself to walk on the treadmill even though my mind kept saying don't do anything. I could feel PF tightening up after I finished walking so I massaged, iced and then massaged some more.
    My bike is very closed to being back in business. The break knob came today but of course it's not the right part but it can be modified into being the right part. DH thinks he can fix it so I hope he gets to it this weekend. We're going to NH to have brunch with some friends on Saturday.

    Laurie, great job with that workout combo today! I'm so glad your DH is on board with a new doggy! I'm so glad Cami gets along with her other classmates! LOL. I hope Cami doesn't mind a new brother or sister. So funny that she has her own yoga mat! LOL

    Laurel, what a wonderful combo! Just let me know if you change your mind about the blueberry preserves.
    I really needed a rest day. That rotation looks good except for the plyo which at this rate I will never be able to do but I can substitute with some low impact. I'm going to be gone for almost two weeks in September so I would have to finish two weeks later. Count me in!

    Tami, awesome workouts! I'm glad you enjoyed the spin class. Enjoy your husband's short visit! I can just imagine how much laundry he'll have with him! Good idea to get a head start with your own! With animals the way you approach them is what determines their behavior. I'll definitely give the rotation a try!

    Have a wonderful weekend ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,452 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Only a half day of work for me today! :) Was awake again this morning, so got in 21DFX Upper Fix Extreme. I will not be doing any workouts this weekend, but we should be back early enough on Monday for me to get something in. Then starts our vacation week, but we will be busy with the national car show meet for the rest of the time. I might need a vacation after this vacation. :D

    Laurel, Nice workouts! I'm planning on Butts & Guts for the lower body workouts that I don't have in this rotation. I'm excited to be working along with you, I tend to complete a rotation that way. I am usually pretty good with my hot flashes, I usually have some around 4am. Don't understand why, it just happens that way. So I'm going to be heading down to my workout space from now on. No use laying in bed until my alarm goes off. ;) They have the office at work so cold, that I'm comfortable during the day.

    Tami, Glad to hear that the spin class was good. Love that RWH workout. Sounds like you are going to be without the DH for periods of time, good idea to make a home cooked meal. This week I was lucky enough to have the youngest finish up all our laundry. That was really nice, and I didn't have to stay up late at night to finish it. I think that is why I suggested another dog, you can tell that Cami needs the company. Even though I swear that she loves to sleep all the time, it would be good for her to move around a little bit more during the day. Hoping a friend will give her a little more motivation. I know that after doggy daycare yesterday, she was in a much better mood. Of course she got to play with her gs boyfriend Ace. :D At least that is what the girls at daycare said. :D

    Thelma, Great job on walk, and giving that pf some care. Enjoy your day off, and of course that work will be there for you when you get back to work. ;) Great job on getting that project finished. It is very nice that your DH is so handy, I have one like that also. I'm guessing that he has to change the thread, like you mentioned before, for the knob to work?

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,809 Member
    Hi Ladies! I ended the workout week with Power Hour followed by the 74 minute premix from Party Rockin' Step One. Pure good fun on both of those workouts. Love that!

    Tamil, glad the spin class was good. Hard to believe another summer fishing season is almost over! That is crazy. I hope you get a chance to go out this fall since you missed your summer weekend. I bet DH is always happy to come, and I agree about the home cooked meal. I try to do the same for my DH if he has been away for a bit. I know I can't wait to get back to home cooking after eating out for any period of time at all. Really looking forward to this upcoming rotation.

    Thelma, good job getting on your treadmill a bit. I am so happy to hear you are going to jump into this rotation with us! We will all be modifying/revising it based on our schedules, moods, energy, time, etc. So don't think twice about modifying to low impact workouts or being on a different schedule. I enjoy doing rotations together because it motivates me, but I still make the rotations work for me. Looking forward to it!!

    Laurie, hope you have a great weekend! Great job getting another early workout in. I bet it felt good before heading off for the weekend. Hope your vacation week isn't too exhausting!!

    Enjoy the weekend! DH is away this weekend, so mine will be quiet. Probably fill it with workouts, a good book and maybe some bad SyFy movies. :p

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,553 Member
    Hi ladies! I hope you had a great weekend. I had a pretty good one and great workouts. On Friday I did RWH Chest, Triceps, Shoulders, on Saturday Body Blast Series Legs & Glutes and today spinning! My bike is back in business! YAAAY! On Friday I must've gone heavier than I have in the past because I had DOMS. I also had DOMS on Saturday. I definitely stayed away from lunges.
    My foot is doing so much better! I think my calves were tights and I've been massaging them a log. My heel was tight on Friday and I massaged it pretty hard. In fact so hard that it was feeling numb on Saturday but better today. I copied the rotation to a Word file and I added lines after each day to write my little notes.

    Laurie, great workout on Friday! I hope you had a great weekend. Is this your vacation week? How exciting! I'm sure you'll need a vacation after your vacation! LOL Cami has a boyfriend at daycare? Too cute!
    DH is handy and he did fix my bike. The knob has this long pin with a big threaded section on one end but the thread is too big. Luckily the other end has a shorter threaded area with the right size thread except the pin was too big for the hole on the bike. So DH had to drill a bigger hole and that was it! The bike is back in business. We got two of these knobs just in case but I am thinking that I should get a third one. I don't have to turn the knob too much to feel the resistance now so the knob was going for a while.

    Laurel, another wonderful combo! Great job!
    I am really excited about the rotation. Of course part of me wants to start it two weeks ahead because of the two weeks that I'll be away! LOL. Doing the rotations together motivates me too. The rotation looks really good.

    Tami, I hope you and your DH had a great weekend! Any rain yet?

    Have a wonderful week ladies!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,809 Member
    Hi Ladies! I had a very quiet weekend, but I enjoyed it. DH being gone gave me a chance to get some things done around the house as well as some alone time with a book. I rarely read anymore, and since it always been a passion, I love the opportunity when I get it. I also did some good workouts. Saturday was X77 and a long walk. Sunday was Flex Train and IMAX2. Today's workout was Gym Style Legs followed by Kick, Punch and Crunch. <3

    Thelma, sounds like some great workouts this weekend! I'm really happy to hear you got your bike back. That will be great when your foot starts acting up. But I am happy your foot is feeling a little better. I hope that continues. If you want to start the rotation early......please do! You can tell us how it is going for the first bit. So happy you are looking forward to it.

    Laurie and Tami, hope you enjoyed your weekends!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited July 2015
    Hi Ladies ~ Well believe it or not, two weekends in a row did not go as planned. :( As life happens sometimes ..... It's ok though, I made good use of my time. So DH ended up fishing way later than he had planned on Friday and I didn't realized his original plan was to leave early yesterday to head back. So instead of driving home and staying that short time he stayed where he is at. He will be home for good this week though (Wed or Thurs). The fishery is really struggling with all this heat; very sad. This is the big salmon run up the Columbia River and many of the fish are dying due to the water temps being what they are. So they are going to shut it down early and his Fall season is 50/50 right now if this heat continues. We will see.

    So at any rate, I got in a good workout yesterday; Sat I made plans to go on a ride with my friend again and she cxld. :/ No problem I thought I will just get in a good workout, went to play my DVD and the remote was dead (just a battery) so I ended up getting one while I was out and about and yesterday got in my workout ~ LOL Finally! I did Total Body Tri-Sets which is always such a great workout. I also mowed part of the lawn Saturday and finished it up yesterday. Today I am going to head home after work for my workout ;) Not sure which one yet, I finished up that June rotation on Friday with HiiT 40/20 and so now I will be doing a few weeks of one of the other rotations that I have sitting by my workout "schedule" until we start our rotation.

    Laurel: Fantastic job with the workouts - That X77 does not mess around, such a great workout. :) Your weekend sounds absolutely perfect! I'm so glad you were able to pick up your book again, I love to read too and amazingly while DH has been gone I haven't been reading that much.

    Thelma: Yahoo on your foot feeling better and getting your Spin bike all fixed! I saw that you had done some Spinning yesterday, I was very happy for you. You asked me about rain the other day. No rain yet. Still very dry and the forecast is much of the same; the temps have cooled slightly (other than yesterday it was around 94), but for the most part we will be in the 80's for then next 10 days. I'm so happy you are going to be joining us for this upcoming rotation as well and just as Laurel mentioned, it is always "what works for you" here in this group!! Which is great. Because as we have all learned, life happens and workouts have to wait or be changed sometimes. ;)

    Hi Laurie - Hope you are having an amazing time and enjoy your vacation this week!

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow, Tami

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,553 Member
    Hi Ladies, XT Bi's & Tri's for me tonight. I am not wearing KT tape anymore and so far my foot feels normal.

    Laurel, great workouts this weekend and today. I'm glad you enjoyed your weekend. Thanks for the good wishes for my foot. When are we planning on starting the rotation? Did you say august? I may just start it early. This way I won't feel like I've fallen behind those two weeks I won't be able to follow it! LOL

    Tami, sorry your weekend didn't go as planned. That is really sad about the fish dying due to the water temps! I don't blame your husband for staying where he's at though given that they're shutting down early. I hope the Fall season is not cancelled. That would be pretty bad. I'm glad you were able to enjoy your weekend. I thought you were going to say your remote was totally dead! Thank God it was just the battery. Great workouts and congrats for finishing up the rotation!

    I never thought I'd be so happy about having my spinning bike back but I am! LOL
    Sorry you guys haven't had any rain. At least you'll have temps in the 80's. We had a pretty hot one today. When I got out of work it was 96. Yikes! I'm excited about the rotation too. I will definitely be modifying!

    Laurie, I hope you and your family are having a great vacation!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,809 Member
    Hi Ladies! I started today with Gym Style Chest and Triceps followed by STS No Equipment Abs. For cardio, I did the Ultra Cardio premix from Drill Max which felt great today.

    Tami, I am sorry to hear about your weekend plans. It sounds like a bit of a frustrating Saturday, but I am glad you were finally able to get your workout in on Sunday. And such a great workout too. So sad to hear about the Salmon....and kind of scary too. I really hope something changes soon in your weather patterns.

    Thelma, great workout! So happy to hear your foot continues to get better!! I am going to start the rotation on August 9. Feel free to start it when you can. I completely understand preferring to be ahead instead of playing catch up at the end.

    Laurie, hope you are enjoying your week!

    If I am MIA tomorrow, it just means I went shopping after my scheduled hair appointment. I am thinking about getting my hair cut short, and if I do, I may need a new wardrobe to go with it. :p;)

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,553 Member
    Hi Ladies, RWH Low Impact I & II tonight. I think I aggravated my foot. I feel the plant plantar fascia and my heel throbbing. I did massage my calves after I worked out and just know I massaged both the PF and my heel.

    Laurel, awesome workout combo! It's so disappointing to feel like I hurt my foot again just by doing this low impact workout. Oh well. More foot rest. I think I'm going to start the rotation on 8/3 because I do want to start it on a Monday. I won't do it next week because we're taking Thursday and Friday off.

    Good night ladies!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ :) Later check in for me, busy day at work (one of my supervisors is sick and left early yesterday, out today) and met a friend from my old job for lunch. Today's workout was XT Chest/Shoul/Back Xtreme premix! Lots of fun. Opted to stay @ home for my workout this eve. Last night when I went home I did Hard Strikes + Heavy Bag Tabatas (all 3) and abwork! It was a great workout; I decided this week I am doing a mix of strength/circuit/cardio and next week will be a "schedule" ;)

    Laurel: AMAZING workout today!!! Wowsa ..... I bet you burned up a bunch of calories. Way to go. Thanks for the well wishes on our weather; we are hoping so too! It's been amazingly blue skies and sunshine for what you want in a summer season of course but with fires and the effects it's having on everything it is time for it to change. The cooler temp of higher 80's today was a nice change. Can't wait to hear about your new hair-do and wardrobe of course! Have a blast!!!

    Thelma: Fabulous workouts and at the same time I am so sorry to hear your foot is feeling it after that .... Dang it :(
    I hope it is just a temporary thing just from your longer workout and you are good to go very soon :)

    I will check in with you tomorrow! DH comes home tomorrow :)
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ No workout yet today . . . I hit the snooze button this a.m. too many times. ;) Most likely I won't get a workout in because I am heading home since DH is supposed to be there before I get off work. We will probably enjoy a nice evening at home. The temps are perfect today. Might be able to sit outside.

    Thelma: Hope you had a great day and your foot is doing good today?!?

    Laurel: How is the new hair-do?!?!

    Talk to you both tomorrow ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,553 Member
    Hi Ladies, no workout for me tonight. I found out my aunt the one who lives in El Salvador is hospitalized and there is no phone where she's at. Since I got home from work I've been trying to get a hold of her husband and he must be with her at the hospital. I am worried because honestly the medical care there really stinks. They're saying it's her gallbladder and may have surgery tomorrow. I hope it's nothing serious.
    My foot did well during the day but now I feel the tightness on my heel and I definitely can tell my calf is tight. I could actually feel contracting last night.

    Tami, great workouts last night! I hope you and your husband have a great night tonight!

    Laurel, I hope you had a great shopping day! Did you cut your hair short? I used to have short, short hair and I've been tempted to go back to short but I can't get myself to go through with it. I'll do it when I'm ready to go gray. I'm tired of coloring my hair every two weeks. I have to use henna cream because I became allergic to the chemicals in permanent hair color :'(

    Good night ladies!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,809 Member
    Hi Ladies! I have a new hair style! Yay!! I cut it from just below shoulder length to about chin length.....and I love it! It felt so cool on my neck today when I was working out. I love the idea that when we golf, I won't have to worry about a ponytail and how that works with whatever hat I am wearing. It is a bob-ish style, so easy to manage. One day in, and I am so glad I did this. No new wardrobe to go with it, unfortunately. I did go shopping after, but only ended up buying some fresh fruits and vegetables. But it was fun nonetheless.

    Yesterday's workout was Gym Style Back, Shoukders and Biceps followed by To The Max Extreme. Today's workout was Great Glutes followed by a cardio combo of HiiT 30/30 and RWH Low Impact HiiT One Doubled, which was a good 60 minute combo.

    Tami, sounds like some great workouts at home. Are you enjoying the change of pace from the gym? Just curious. Hope your DH made it home safely and you were able to enjoy an evening with some good, cooler weather.

    Thelma, I am sorry to hear about your foot. Hopefully a day or two off will do the trick. I really hope your aunt is okay. Is she the one who helped you when you had your surgery? Please keep us posted. I agree about the hair coloring. I am tired of it, but will continue that for awhile. I also have very wavy/curly hair naturally which I straighten all the time to keep it manageable. I am really tired of that too. So one of the reasons I went short was if I want, I can now let my hair go 'natural' and it won't be so big and out of control! I really like having that as an option to simplify things when I feel like it.

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ I had a nice evening with DH when I arrived home. We went out to dinner actually; a local place we really like near our house. Usually too crowded to get in but it wasn't, so that was good. We were able to visit a little and catch up. He had only had 3 hours of sleep the night before so he was very tired but wanted to spend time with me, which was very thoughtful. Always good to have him home . . . . now just getting used to more laundry and more cooking. LOL This a.m. was RWH Legs and nothing planned for tonight. Will probably make dinner at home tonight. :)

    Laurel: Congrats on the new hair cut! That sounds absolutely darling and I bet it does feel amazing. I have hair length past my shoulders so a ponytail and thin head band is a must for me when I workout and when I spin or do a cardio that is super sweaty I double it up (the pony) so it isn't laying on my neck. So I can only imagine not having that. I don't know that I will ever have the guts to go short-short but I always think it is so cute on people. Does your hubby like it too?!? Another awesome combo of workouts today! Way to go.
    Yes, I have really enjoyed my at home workouts and having that opportunity vs. the gym lately. When it was so HOT and the dogs were out all day with DH being gone I felt like it was a necessity for me to get home and let the poor kids in to get a break. Plus I do love my at home workouts to the gym forsure; as you know the gym workouts started out as a just for fun/add-on to my usual routine several years back and trying to add a little intensity to my routine. Which is still the case but with different instructors and/or the same ol class week after week I have liked the break when I have a choice to go home. ;)

    Thelma: I am so sorry to hear about your Aunt in El Salvador. I hope that by now you have been able to reach someone to find out more information on her condition. I am sure you have been worried sick over her. Hopefully all will be ok and a smooth surgery if she had that today. Keep us posted. :)

    Hope you ladies have a great afternoon/evening ~ until tomorrow!
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,553 Member
    Hi Ladies, it's been another busy week at work and it's about to get busier. We have to finish this project by the end of August and we will be forced to work late hours and even Saturday and Sunday to meet that deadline. I HATE that! I've only gone to work one Saturday in the last 7 years. I hope we don't have to work on weekends. I'll put in the long hours but not weekends. I rather work 12 hour days and have my weekends.

    My aunt from El Salvador is the one who came here to help when I had my foot surgery. She didn't need surgery thankfully because she woke up feeling better today. Thankfully she didn't have stones but she does have an infection and her organs were very irritated. So now for the rest of her life she has to follow a somewhat bland diet free of fats and sugars. Of course our diet is full of fried, fattening and sugary foods. She is home now.
    It's amazing how much we take things for granted but I think my aunt went to public hospital as opposed to a private one there. They kept her on a bed in a hallway while she was under observation. She got there Tuesday night and was released today. All that time in a hallway with about 7 others being observed. The patient doesn't get a room unless they have surgery. At least she got good medical care. They ran all kinds of tests on her, ultrasound, x-rays, echo cardiogram, labs.

    My foot was better today and I just rode my spinning bike. I just didn't have the energy to lift a finger much less a weight.

    Laurel, awesome workouts and congrats on the new hair do! It really sounds like an adorable hair cut. What did your husband say? Did he know you were planning on cutting it short? Sounds like you still owe yourself a shopping spree! LOL

    You have no idea what a pain it is to do the henna every two weeks. I definitely have curly hair and it's about shoulder length. I think I have a lot of gray because some areas have become wiry which is what happens with gray hair. I use Wen products and that helps a lot. A lady I met recently had beautiful gray hair. you know how some women just have the right skin tone to go with the gray? She was one of those lucky ladies. She told me that when I decide to go gray to cut my hair really short so I don't end up having half white roots and dark ends. I imagine now that you're in FL your curly hair is more of a problem with all the heat and humidity.

    Tami, awesome workouts! I'm glad you and your husband were able to have an enjoyable time last night. Now he's home till the fall?
    I used to enjoy going to the gym but around here there is nothing that I can enjoy so workouts at home are the way to go for me.

    Good night ladies!

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,809 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today's workout was Muscle Max followed by a cardio combo of Turbo Fire 45EZ and TF45. So much fun!

    Tami, sounds like a nice evening with your DH. I am glad you have had the opportunity to change things up a bit this summer with your gym workouts. I was wondering if a little bit of it was instructor driven given Katy's absence and your BC class being a bit predictable. Besides, I am sure your pups appreciated you coming home a taking care of them. I feel so much for dogs in high heat. They just can't seem to find some relief. DH hasn't seen my hair yet! He has been at a course in Alabama all week. I told him I was cutting it off, and he was very supportive. He wanted me to take a selfie and send it to him, but I resisted. He will see it in person tomorrow when, like you, I will have to get back into a routine of laundry and cooking. :o

    Thelma, I am so happy to hear your aunt is feeling better. Sounds like a long hospital stay in that situation. I hope she is getting some good rest now. I am sorry to hear about the long hours of work too. Like you, I would prefer to put in 16 hour days over working weekends. I really hope it doesn't come down to Saturday work for you. Like I said to Tami, DH won't see the hair until tomorrow, but he was all for me getting it cut. He keeps asking about it when I talk to him on the phone, so I think he is a little anxious about it. But I think he will like it. Yes, my hair is taking a little more managing in the humidity and that is one of the reasons I decided to go short. Funny you mention about the gray hair on some people because we were in the airport on our way to Seattle when I saw a lady with the haircut I wanted (and got) and her hair was gray. It was so beautiful! I wanted to take a photo of her for my stylist to see what I wanted, but I didn't have the nerve to ask. Some day, I hope my hair is that pretty gray. Right now......still too much of my original color for that.

    I will be a bit MIA next week as it is DH's last week off before heading back to work. But I will try to check in when I can! Enjoy the weekend.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Today's workout was KCM Lean Body Circuits, which is one of her newer workouts. It was lots of fun and perfect for this a.m. I am planning on going to Spin right after work unless DH has made plans for us.

    Laurel: Sounds like you had a lot of fun with your workout combo today!! Way to go. I am glad to hear your hubby is supportive of your new hair-do. I don't know if mine would be. That's funny you are keeping him in suspense. I bet he will love it. Yes, having misc. instructors & the predictability of the BC class this summer has definitely been a part of wanting to go home too. Monday's will probably not change but it will be good to have Katy back. Have fun with DH next week :)

    Thelma: So happy to hear your aunt is doing better. That hospital stay does not sound fun at all, poor Auntie. I bet you wanted to fly down there and be with her. Sorry to hear about your extended hours with that August deadline. Yes, hubby is home until his Fall season of fishing which begins in September. So before you know it he will be gone again. But he still has to wait and hear if the season is shortened, shut down or what is happening with it. We will see.

    You ladies have a great weekend!
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,553 Member
    Hi Ladies, I hope you all had a great weekend. I didn't workout on Friday because our new pet sitter was to feed the cats while we are here so we could make sure she was following our instructions properly. She's learned how to give Bella her inhaler so I feel really good about her. This week will be our Acadia long weekend!
    On Saturday I did XT Bi's & Tri's and today spinning. I'm considering starting the new rotation this week. I'll decide tomorrow! LOL
    My aunt continues to improve and now it's a matter of getting used to her new bland, fat and sugar free diet. It's so much harder to do a diet like this back home because it's not easy finding all the great options we have here so she'll have to give up a lot there. Thanks so much for asking about her ladies.

    Laurel, amazing workouts as always. Please tell us what your DH said about your new hair style!
    I really hope I don't have to work weekends. That will totally kill me. I had the feeling your hair was misbehaving with the weather in FL. It really is hard to keep it hydrated. I've been using extra leave in conditioner in the frizzy areas and that is helping. I hope gray looks good with my complexion but I don't think it will. There's going to come a time where I'll just have to go gray. I think that once I retire I may feel more comfortable letting go of my dark hair. If you can tolerate permanent hair color keep coloring! I'm glad you like your new hair style. Have fun with your husband!

    Tami, wonderful workouts lady!
    I always fear getting sick while I am in El Salvador because the medical care there is nothing like what we have here. My aunt's hospital stay was horrific and you're right I just wanted to get on a plane and be with her.
    What are the temps there now? Are the fires still going Tami? I hope the fishing 2015 season isn't shut down.

    Laurie, I hope you had a great vacation!

    Have a great week ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,452 Member
    Morning Ladies,\

    Very busy at work, but wanted to let you all know that I'm back. No workouts for the whole week, was up and at the show field at 7am. Usually didn't get back home until after 10pm. Our club received lots of compliments on the car show. Lot of them saying that is was one of the best. ;) All the club members really did give their all for this event, and now I have a super cool polo shirt to wear to work today! Our national board members are a little scattered as to what they needed, but we covered their butts pretty good. I don't know how it happened, but I became the head of the tabulating when the judging sheets came back. Guess all those years of tabulating at our local shows payed off. :D

    I did get a workout in this morning which was 30MTF Train Like a Contender workout 1. I'm hoping to get in another 21DFX workout after work. Will see how tired I feel when I get home. It was a long week.

    Will talk more when I have time.

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Pretty quiet weekend at home but it was good. I was able to get in a workout both a.m.'s Saturday was KCM Circuit Burn which is always good and yesterday I did RWH Lift It HiiT It Chest/Shoulders/Tri's xtreme + Abs #1. Today will be BootCamp after work. :)

    Laurie: Thanks for checking in! Sounds like you had a busy but fun vacation. That's awesome. Good job getting in a workout this a.m.

    Thelma: I am so glad to hear your aunt is doing better. I am sure it is very hard to find a lot of choices on the eating side of things there. I can relate to that feeling of helplessness and wanting to be there with them; knowing the care is not as good as you would want for a loved one. When my dad was still alive and living in Costa Rica it was just a helpless feeling when he went into the hospital; not knowing how good the care was but his description in the past was not a very favorable one. So I imagined it being like what your aunt went through. Good job on the workouts and that's so good your cat sitter is going to be someone you feel comfortable with.

    Hope you ladies have a great afternoon/evening ~ I will check in with you tomorrow!