Cathe Fans Part 5



  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,706 Member
    Hi Ladies, I hope you had a great weekend. We figured out what is making us sick. We have covid. Thankfully it's just a mild form. I thought about the covid possibility because one day I feel better and the next not so good. DH went to CVS to get some antigen tests and we both tested positive.

    I've managed to do short low impact cardio workouts, but that's about it. I felt hungry on Sunday for the first time in 7 days. I've lost

    We've had rain here every day since Friday. On Friday night I thought we were getting hit by a hurricane. The wind was super strong and massive trees were swaying in the wind. I thought the trees by the coop were going to break and crush my chickens. My poor girls were drenched. Our driveway was like a river. We'd never seen anything like this before. We lost power for 6 hours. We got more rain on Saturday and Sunday night. The temperatures have been very comfortable.

    Laurel, great workouts! I'm glad you finally got some rain!

    Laurie, I hope you had a great vacation!

    See you tomorrow!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,947 Member
    Hi Ladies! I hope you enjoyed the weekend. Thelma, I was going to suggest you might have COVID on Friday but didn’t want to sound ‘alarmist’ not knowing all of your symptoms. But your symptoms mirrored those of a friend of my DHs—nausea and exhaustion. I am so glad it is mild for both you and your DH. Please continue to take it easy until you feel better. Your storm sounds like one we had on Thursday. Ever since that horrible storm we had last month, I must admit to being a little apprehensive when I start seeing those big trees swaying around. Our neighbor who had the trees fall on their house are still out of the house….and no fixes have been started on their roof yet. I don’t want that.

    Our weekend was nice. Saturday we woke up to rain which cleared out during the day but came back that night. Yesterday was cooler and cloudy and such a welcome change after three + weeks of 90 degree days. On Saturday, we did chores and ran errands. Yesterday we did more chores and played golf.

    For workouts, on Saturday I did a 45 minute low impact spin and 45 minutes of yoga. Yesterday was Ramped Up Upper Body Back x 3 premix and Cathe Live Legs, Cardio and Core Galore. Today was RUUB Chest x 3 premix, Core Max 1 and a 45 minute spin.

    Laurie, I hope your trip went well.

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,706 Member
    Hi Ladies, I am feeling better energy wise. I still just want bland foods.
    I was able to complete my 10,000 steps today I did two Gina B workouts and a yoga class.

    Laurel, great workouts! I can't believe you're under a heat advisory again! I hope there's rain in your future.

    We really are lucky we got this mild form of covid. DH is still very tired and sleeps a lot. We've both on antibiotics.
    Watching those giant trees sway in the wind is very scary. I wonder if your neighbors haven't been able to find a roofer to fix their roof yet. People can't seem to find help around here.

    See you tomorrow!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,947 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was Ramped Up Upper Body Biceps x3 premix, Cathe Live Love Me Some Cardio Kickboxing and 30 minutes of Pilates.

    Thelma, I am glad you are continuing to feel somewhat better. Hopefully your DH starts to get some energy back soon. Good job on doing what you can do given your energy levels right now. We have another warm day today (though it isn’t nearly as bad as it has been), and then we cool off for a few days and, hopefully, get more rain. But we have had way more rain so far in July than we had all of June, and that makes me happy. No doubt our neighbors can’t find people to do the work on their house. It is taking over a year (sometimes closer to two) to build houses here right now because of the labor and material shortages. But there is so much building going on here that I don’t find the shortages too surprising, even if their weren’t other national and international issues as well.

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,706 Member
    Hi Ladies, today was a struggle. I felt very tired. I pushed through my sluggishness and did two cardio workouts. I was able to get 12,500 steps today, which included my workouts.
    I am not ready for lifting weights. I don't even think I can lift 5 lbs right now.

    I feel that doing cardio is better than nothing. My workouts were Gina B 2500 Steps and Jessica Smith Power Walking. Thank God for these two ladies and their free workouts!

    We were in the low 80's today. It was very nice under the shade but once in the sun it felt hot. No rain today.

    Laurel, awesome workouts! I'm glad you had a more comfortable day. Great news about cooler days! I hope we'll get some rain too. July has been a very rainy month. I'm glad it has rained, but I don't want to see those violent storms.
    I feel bad for your neighbors not being able to find a roofer to fix their roof. I'm sure they need more than a roofer. They must have damage inside too. The real estate market has already started to slow down. Hopefully, there will be people available to help homeowners with their repairs. A couple we know wanted to have an addition built and had to wait about 7 months for the guy to get started. They hired him because they didn't have another choice.

    DH thankfully feels better. I think we both feel better except we can't shake the tireds! DH says that if we moved any slower, we'd be statues! LOL
    My appetite isn't back yet, but my mind is craving all kinds of things.

    Cathe posted an update on STS 2.0 on FB
    STS 2.0 UPDATE
    Hi Everyone! I know it’s been some time since I’ve updated you on the status of my upcoming STS 2.0 project. Please know I have seen many of your questions and posts and understand that you’re anxious to hear some news! Yes, it’s true I’ve been quieter than usual, but when it comes to a series of this magnitude, with so many moving parts, it’s hard to give updates as things frequently change, and I don’t want to give updates until things become more concrete. But rest assured we are working on our STS 2.0 project seven days a week!
    Here’s what I can tell you as of now!
    1 Filming a project of this magnitude is a huge undertaking on multiple levels from production availability, to cast availability, to rehearsal availability, to wardrobe, etc. Instead of filming being completed in a couple of days (as in our smaller two to three video productions) we’re needing to book several weeks to film. As soon as filming begins we will start making more detailed announcements about the ongoings of STS 2.0 as well as presale details.
    2 Our new filming set is just about done! As many of you know, since the pandemic, getting materials delivered in a timely manner has been a challenge. The construction team has been working many long hours and we are now nearing completion. We expect the set to be back up and running within the next week or so and we can start loading our equipment back into the filming studio and resume rehearsals!
    3 Rehearsing for this many workouts will continue to be time consuming. Not only is it tough lining up various cast rehearsals on days that most are available but the rehearsals themselves are lot on the bodies so we need to allow proper recovery between heavy rehearsal days.
    Thank you for being so patient! I hope this update helps you to understand all that’s going on on this side to make this series happen! If it wasn’t for all of you, I couldn’t keep doing what I love to do! I hope this project is everything you’re wishing for!

    See you tomorrow!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,947 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was Cathe Live Strong Glutes and Thighs followed by a 45 minute spin.

    Thelma, thanks for posting that update from Cathe. At this pace, I don’t think we will see these workouts until next year, which is fine. I would rather her take her time and make them right than rush through a project of this magnitude. Great job getting your cardio workouts in. I am glad to hear both you and your DH continue to improve. Hopefully your appetite will return outside of your mind soon. :) Today is a much cooler day (so far), and we had storms and rain over night. This is so much more like the Alabama summers I could happily tolerate than anything we saw in June. I am not sure if the housing market has cooled off here yet. There are a lot of new businesses moving into the area (Huntsville is now the largest city in Alabama and the only major city in Alabama that is actually growing :o ), so experts here think the market will be strong for quite some time. That is good news to us because I think, once DH is done working, we will sell this house and go somewhere else. We don’t know where that ‘somewhere else’ is, but…..we’ll figure it out. :D

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,706 Member
    Hi Ladies, my workouts today were Gina B. Low Impact Cardio, walking and Gina B 2700 Steps.
    I wore my HRM while I was doing my vigorous walking while with the chickens and I actually burned 125 calories in 25 minutes! I couldn't believe it! It's a good thing we don't we are in a secluded spot and the neighbors can't see our property at all. I'm outside marching and doing all the movements Jessica Smith does in her workouts! LOL
    I might as well put the time outside with the chickens to good use!

    Today I felt more like myself. Thank God! I did hold my 1 lb. dumbbells during my first cardio workout and I thought my arms were going to fall off! I use those weights all the time! I have to wait a little longer to get my strength back.

    We had a lovely day. It was dry and breezy and a little on the cool side at times. Our highest temp was 81. There were high chances of rain and we got nothing but a passing shower.

    Laurel, great workouts!!

    I also would much rather wait till next year for Cathe's new program. I never stopped to think what it took to make those DVD's! It takes a lot of work!
    I am definitely getting over this thing. DH started days after I did so he has a little longer to go. My appetite is definitely coming back.
    July has been a lot cooler than June was. June was brutally hot.
    I also think the housing market will continue to be strong around here too. I read somewhere today that last month 60,000 home closings were canceled and that lots of vehicles are being repossessed.

    When do you think your DH will retire?

    See you tomorrow.
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,947 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was Ramped Up Upper Body Shoulders x 3 premix followed by XTrain Tabatacise and Core 1. Well, I can say…..Tabatacise hasn’t gotten any easier since the last time I did it. :D But it felt good today, which isn’t normally my reaction to that workout. :p Anyhow, I followed it with 20 minutes of yoga focused on balance, which was really nice.

    Thelma, I am so glad to hear you are feeling better and getting some of your strength back. It will probably take a couple of weeks or more to feel ‘normal’ again, but I love that you are finding ways to build that strength back up. Hopefully your DH turns a corner soon as well. Despite the July rains, we are still in a draught here, and they don’t see an end in sight for it. But, no question, it is better without the excessive heat. DH loves his job at the moment, so retirement will be at least a few years down the road. My guess would be between 3-8 years……which is quite a margin. I have no idea what will be his impetus to retire, but, no doubt, we will recognize the moment when it happens. But Huntsville is the only place I would live in Alabama and it is getting bigger than we prefer, so we know retirement means a move. And I’m good with that. This house, while lovely, is just too big for us.

    See you tomorrow.

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,569 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    As you can guess a vacation means a lot of work for me to do, so I was catching up. Of course for some reason MFP was not letting me on yesterday. Don't know what that was all about. Our vacation was really nice, but very very hot. We where in the Nashville area again for our annual car club event. We didn't have many cars there as last year, but it was still a very good show. DH and I where able to take his 442 onto the Nashville Superspeedway and we did go to the Grand Ole Opry. We got home, and the weather here has been perfect. DH is adjusting to the new routine, I'm sure it will take a while. He has been doing a lot of work outdoors.

    I'm behind you in the workouts, so this week has been the Push/Pull week. I have done the Push/Pull workout from the Body Blast Series, and the two workouts from the Fit/Split series. I've interspersed that with some Kelly boxing.

    Will take me some time to get through all the posts. I see that Thelma gave the information on the STS 2.0. I'm looking forward to that series.

    Have a great weekend,
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,947 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was Ramped Up Upper Body Triceps x3 premix and a 45 minute spin.

    Laurie, welcome back! No doubt you are playing catch up. I am glad your trip went well despite the heat. Bet being home feels good. :) I am glad your DH is working at settling into a new routine. No doubt it will take him awhile to figure out how to best arrange his days though. In case you didn’t read back, poor Thelma has been suffering COVID since July 4, so she has been off the routine as long as you have. I figure when she gets back up to speed, we may hit the rewind button back the week of July 3 if we all want to. I have been pressing on, but with the variety between weeks, I have no problem repeating if you all want to do that.

    Thelma, hope you are feeling well.

    See you Monday.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,706 Member
    Hi Ladies! My workouts on Thursday were Jessica Smith Hiit, walking and Jessica Smith Flat Belly Fusion.

    I am definitely feeling better. I do need to keep pushing myself with my cardio so I can increase my stamina.

    Our weather was very nice. We hit 83 for a high and there was a nice breeze. There are no chances of rain in our forecast until 7/23!

    Laurel, great workouts! Good job doing Tabatacise!
    I think you're right, that it will take a couple of weeks to really feel 'normal' again. I am still needing an afternoon nap. I never take naps! DH is feeling stronger.

    I can't believe you're still in a drought there. I was just looking at a drought monitor map and it looks like the western part of our county is abnormally dry. The rest is normal. I'm kind of surprised about that.

    I am so glad your DH is loving his job! I am sure you will know when his time to retire comes. We hope to never have to move again!

    Have a wonderful weekend!
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,706 Member
    Hi Ladies, I hope you had a nice weekend. Ours was nice and busy with chores as always! DH and I are doing much better, except for some lingering fatigue. I am not letting the fatigue get the best of me and I've been doing a lot of walking.

    Our new treadmill was delivered on 7/1 but it came without any hardware or power cord. We got the hardware a week later, but we were sick so couldn't put it together. We finally put it together on Saturday. We are really happy with it so far. I'll need to try a Peloton tread workout soon!

    Our temps have been in the mid to high 80's, but there's been a nice breeze, which feels amazing under the shade of a tree. We may be in a heatwave toward the end of the week. We may have some rain tomorrow too!

    My exercises on were mostly cardio. I love that this week's rotation is considered a recovery week. It is perfect to me to ease back into my workouts.
    On Friday: Gina B Power Walk 80s Style, walking outdoors and Gina B Pop Mix.
    Saturday: Gina B Power Walk, walking on treadmill and walking outdoors.
    Sunday: Gina B Country Cardio, Walking Outdoors and LIS Turbo Barre.
    I don't think Cathe sells the Turbo Barre workout anymore. I was searching for it to get the workout time and nothing! It's not found at all. The only place you'll see it mentioned in is if you search for the LIS series.

    Laurie, welcome back! I am sure you had a lot of work to catch up with last week. I bet you need another vacation after that busy week!
    I am glad your vacation was nice and fun. Too bad about the heat, but that's the south for you! Great job with those workouts!

    I am sure your DH will eventually get used to not having to go to work. At least he is keeping himself busy.

    Laurel, great workouts on Friday! I forgot to hit post on Thursday night, so my post wasn't posted.

    Have a wonderful week ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,569 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Another busy weekend for us. I started out Saturday with a meeting at church, and then went to my MIL's condo to do some more packing up of things. Our church is going to have a Junk in the Trunk sale in September, and I think that we will be selling some things there. All the money we make, I'm planning on giving to the church. We finally got home at about 4pm. On Sunday we did a lot of yard work. While we where gone there where some nasty storms, and we had dead branches all over the yard. I also did some weeding, since the wonderful rain had those things growing again. :D

    My workout this morning was 30MTF Cardio Fit Workout 1. When I get home I'm planning on doing the one body part workout. Not sure which one yet, but leaning toward the Ramped up Upper Body like Laurel did. Probably not the X3 though. :D

    Laurel, Of course all your workouts are great and they even gave me some inspiration to try the Ramped Up workouts. Hope your weekend was a good one.

    Thelma, Great job with all your workouts even dealing with covid. Nice that you received your treadmill. Does the treadmill have some pre-programed walking trails? I was surprised that I was able to handle the heat okay when we where in TN. I must be getting over the menopause, because I was surprised at how well I did. Of course it was really nice to get back here and have such beautiful weather. This week is going to be hot and humid, so it will be just like being down south. :D

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,947 Member
    Hi Ladies! I hope you enjoyed the weekend. Ours was nice….or at least half of it was. We played golf on Saturday which, despite the heat, felt really good. But yesterday DH was up with the sunrise to leave for a two week work trip. So, after he left and I did my workout, I spent the day giving the house a very thorough cleaning. While it needed it and feels good to have done it, I wouldn’t consider a ‘nice weekend day’. :D

    For workouts, on Saturday I did LITE Rev’d Up Rumble and 45 minutes of yoga. Yesterday was Cathe Live Cardio Kickboxing Bootcamp 2 followed by Cathe Live class from last week which was Compound Core. Today was a 30 minute spin into Cathe Live Band and Bodyweight Travel Workout. This is such a good band and bodyweight workout! I did it once before when I was traveling, and it is no joke of a workout.

    Thelma, I am so glad to hear you and your DH are feeling better! Great job with the workouts. I might try to get Turbo Barre in this week as well. I am surprised Cathe doesn’t seem to be selling it anymore. Well, we are cooler today and tomorrow and then it looks like we are headed close to 100 again. :| Hopefully we’ll get a little rain before that happens. It is sprinkling right now, but we need more than sprinkles. I am glad your treadmill arrived….and glad you finally got all of the parts. No doubt that will be a nice addition to your workout regime. Please let us know if you want us to circle back and do the weeks you missed when you are feeling up to them. Of course, we can always add them to the end. But I am also thinking that if you are thinking you might be up to lifting weights next week, jumping right in to heavy split sets may not be quite the place to start. So…..think about it and let us know.

    Laurie, great workout. I am glad I inspired you to do the Ramped Up Upper Body premixes. I definitely think the x3 premixes are not necessary! I just do them because I have the time. But I love the variety of speeds and reps and such she incorporates into each body part of that workout. Sounds like a busy weekend. I love the idea of selling your MILs items and donating to the church. I am glad you handled the heat down here so well. I can decidedly say my menopause is NOT better this summer. I could count my ‘sleeping’ as cardio for the number of times I am throwing covers on and off and rolling over to find a cool spot. Thank goodness DH is a heavy sleeper. :D

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,706 Member
    Hi Ladies, my workouts on Monday were Jessica Smith Power Walking, Walking Outdoors and Boss Bands Total Body. I just love this band workout! My arms were fried!

    We got a lot of rain this afternoon. It started with strong winds and rain, then mostly heavy rain. Thank God!

    Laurie, that was a very busy weekend for you! What a lovely gesture to think about donating the money you make from the sale of your MIL's things. I am sure your church will appreciate that money!

    Great workout!

    The treadmill has some pre-programed workouts. You select the level of intensity and time. The screen shows an oval track and in the middle columns of different heights form to tell you if you're climbing a hill or going down. The instructor lead workouts are a paid subscription which I won't do because I have the Peloton subscription.
    I don't run so for me it will be intervals and hills. I am so glad you handled the heat in TN so well! I hope you're done with those hot flashes! Good luck with that humidity this week!

    Laurel, fantastic workouts! I'm glad half your weekend was nice. I agree with you that Sunday wasn't a nice weekend day for you! LOL. I hope your DH has a good business trip.

    I think the hardest part of that Turbo Barre workout is the warm up! I was surprised that Cathe doesn't sell the DVD anymore. I wonder if it is some kind of a software bug because she's still selling her seriously old workouts.

    I hope you got some rain today. We may get more rain on Tuesday afternoon.

    Thank you so much for offering to circle back to the Push/Pull and One Body Part weeks. If you're both OK doing that I would love to be able to complete those weeks starting next week. I don't think I'm ready to do heavy weights next week. The treadmill will come in very handy in the winter for us.

    See you tomorrow ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,569 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I did manage to get in the Ramped Up Back 2X done after work. This morning I did the chest work 2x plus a Raw Boxing Finisher. I really enjoyed this last combination, so will probably do that with the rest of the body parts.

    Laurel, I don't know how I would have faired in the heat golfing though, so glad that you enjoyed that. Great job with all those workouts! I have to say that I'm glad that I don't need to do the covers on and off all night anymore. Last night I did have to take them off, but it was in the 70's all night for us. I can hear you laughing at that overnight temperature. :D That's coming of overnight's in the 50's so that is warm for us around here. I've been noticing the reduction in hot flashes. I just sweat now instead of getting that itchy feeling all over.

    Thelma, Nice job with those workouts. Cathe's last e-mail had all the gear on there, so I may have to load up a cart and order some things. I noticed that she had some lifting gloves too. I need a new pair of those also. Glad to hear that you got some rain, every little bit helps. I just am thankful that our heat index isn't in the 100's like it was before we left for TN.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,947 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was Cathe Live Cardio Kickboxing and Cardio Barre followed by Cathe Live Fit Tower Inferno. I decided to do some the fit tower workouts Cathe has on Live this week since they are mostly band/bodyweight, with only a couple of exceptions where she used light weight (10# or under). This Inferno workout I did today felt really tough for me! It is amazing what you can do without weights.

    So if we are all good, based on Thelma’s response, we will hit rewind on the rotation and go back to the Push/Pull week next week, then do the one body part and band workout weeks again and catch back up at Split Sets Heavy on August 14. I know I will repeat the Push/Pull and one body part week, but I may do circuits instead of Band/Bodyweight next time through. So all modifications are welcome. But, hopefully, we will all be back in sync in a few weeks to tackle the second half of this rotation.

    Thelma, great job with the workouts. I am glad you like the idea of going back a few weeks with the rotation. I would hate to see you try to push yourself to match where we are supposed to be when it is so easy to just go back. Hopefully next week you can find some short workouts and test out your strength on those without pushing too hard. We had storms all night last night that had me awake after 2am until I got up. Lots of rain, thunder and some pretty scary lightening. We have had rain on and off all morning (and fog), but we go under heat advisories starting again tomorrow for the next several days. I am not looking forward to those brutal temps returning.

    Laurie, great workout. I love the sound of the chest/boxing combo. Actually 70s at night sound warm there. I was talking to my sisters last night, and they have lows in the 70s right now, and they are usually in the 60s. 70s at night here are pretty normal this time of year, but that doesn’t mean I like them. But they are better than the 80s we had as lows in Florida. Or some of the nights I spent at my mom’s house in Phoenix when they were luck to get under 100. :o Nope, I don’t like warm nights at all, and menopause doesn’t help.

    See you tomorrow.


  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,706 Member
    Hi Ladies, my workouts on Tuesday were Jessica Smith Hiit, Walking Outdoors and Travel Fit. I love these band workouts!

    I've become obsessed with getting at least 12K steps a day. Today I did 15K which was awesome. I could tell that all these steps are changing/shrinking my body, so today I tried a pair of jean capris that I've not been able to wear since the summer of 2020. They fit! I actually tried them maybe a month ago and they didn't fit! This shrinkage is not because of the covid weight loss because I already gained 3 of the 5lbs I lost.

    Thank you both for redoing the last two rotation weeks with me!

    We had a lovely day. It rained pretty hard for a while this afternoon, which was nice. I think this was the last time we'll see any rain for a while.

    Laurie, great workouts!

    Cathe always makes sure she includes her gear in her e-mail. She does sell nice quality gear. I wish she'd get t-shirts back. You're lucky your hit index is not in the 100's! We'll be there by the end of the week.

    Laurel, great workouts! That inferno workout sounds really good! I don't like doing the fit tower workouts because adjusting the tower's bar height is a pain.

    Thank you again for thinking ahead for me about what we had scheduled for next week in our rotation. I hadn't even thought about looking beyond this week. I think I may repeat the band/bodyweight week because I am loving this week.

    I am feeling strong again, so I am looking forward to trying some weights next week.

    Wow! You've been having those scary storms! Our storms the last two days have been free of thunder and lightning.
    Stay cool now with those hot temps! I read that some airport in the UK has been shut down because the asphalt in the runway melted! Europe has been suffering with their never-ending heatwave. I heard today that only 1% lot of people there have AC!

    See you tomorrow!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,569 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    This morning's workout was Fit/Split Just Legs & Glutes premix. I like getting the body parts that I don't like working done, and now I can enjoy the rest of this week. :D

    Laurel, Great job with your workouts! I'm always surprised with light weight workouts. You go into them thinking that this 10# weight isn't going to be heavy enough. Your mind is changed after only a few minutes into the workout though. Sounds like a solid plan with the rotation, and like you I will probably do the circuit thing instead of the bodyweight band. I had done those while on vacation, and I'm more of a circuit type girl. ;) We have August right around the corner, and I'm still amazed at how fast summer flies by, and our overnight temps will be back in the 50's. That is one thing about August that I just love.

    Thelma, Awesome job with those workouts! Wonderful on getting so many steps into your day, and I love that you are seeing results from doing so. I will have to let DH know about that, he has a FitBit to do all the tracking. Can't imagine being in that heat and not having AC. Yesterday when I got home our house was really hot. DH had just left to go to a car show. The thermostat said that it needed new batteries, so I had to call DH and ask him how to change them. Of course that meant a journey into the garage to find a phillips screwdriver. He had them all labeled, and I made sure that I put the screwdriver back in it's proper place. :D Our temp inside the house was 82, and that was way to warm for me.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,947 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was a 30 minute spin followed by Cathe Live Fit Tower Cardio Legs. I think I may need to leave my legs alone tomorrow. They were screaming at me today and….no weights! Just amazing.

    Thelma, great workouts. And great job with the step count. It is amazing what just adding a little movement can do. Bet it feels good to be in those capris. We have a heat advisory today and are under a risk of severe storms tomorrow. This summer just isn’t being nice. I have been keeping my eye on those temperatures in Europe. My worst summers were two summers we spent in Europe—1995 in England when we had a couple of weeks with temps in the 90s, and the summer of 2003 in Germany when we were moving back there from the US and landed to temps at 100. Of course, no AC in our house in England or in the hotel or house in Germany. And those heatwaves aren’t even close to what they are experiencing this summer. I, literally, cannot imagine because, unlike Italy or Spain that gets the heat, they just aren’t at all prepared for these types of temps. Hope it breaks soon.

    Laurie, great workout. I have a tendency to put my ‘dread’ workouts at the start of the week for just that reason—everything after is a walk in the park. Well, maybe not quite that, but :) Yes, 82 in the house is too warm for me too! My mom used to keep her AC temp set at 80 in the summer time, and there were days when I would visit I thought I might go crazy. :D

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,706 Member
    Hi Ladies, my workouts on Wednesday were Jessica Smith 1 Mile Interval Training, Gentle Flow Yoga, Walking Outdoors, Walking on treadmill and LITE Body Weight and Bands. I did 16.6K steps today.

    No rain today. Huge thunderstorm tonight though.

    Laurie, great job getting your dreaded workout in!

    Step counting is a big motivational tool. I hope you get your DH motivated to start counting steps.

    OMG, it's a good thing you were able to get a hold of your DH to find out how to change the thermostat's battery! I should figure out how to do that too! I love how organized your DH is with his tools! Your house was HOT!

    I found out a friend is going to Spain next month. She cannot deal with the summer heat. Good luck to her in Spain. For her sake and all of Europe I hope the heatwave ends soon.

    Laurel, great workouts! Too funny about thinking of leaving your legs alone tomorrow! Did you have to adjust the tower much during that workout?

    It feels good to do a lot more movement than I've been doing. Today I did 4 20–30-minute cardio sessions. I didn't think I'd be able to wear those capris every again. It's a good thing I didn't get rid of them because I like them.

    Our highest temp today was 85 with a heat index of 95 but it really wasn't that humid.
    OMG, I am sure those two summers in Europe were brutal. You can't sleep under those conditions! Mattresses feel like they're on fire.
    I remember going to Italy in the summertime years ago. My aunt didn't have fans! They close every door and window at night, and you can't even crack a window open. I thought I was going to go out of my mind!
    El Salvador is hot too but at least most people have fans there. My aunt in Italy has ceiling fans now, but how did they live all those years without fans is beyond me. I hope the heatwave breaks soon too.

    See you tomorrow!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,569 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    This morning was Ramped Up Triceps 2X and a Raw core workout.

    Laurel, Great job with those workouts. Take care of those legs today, I'm sure that you will have a great plan of attack for your workouts today. I knew that Europe did have some really hot summers, but I couldn't remember what they where like. They don't usually have to deal with the temps like we have. This year the solar flares from the sun are directed right at a certain point, and they say that is why we are experiencing such warm temps. I'm all for the sun just taking it easy for a little while. :D My FIL used to have the condo set in the 80's like your Mom, and my MIL was always complaining about it being to hot. I'm usually good with ours, and if I get to warm I turn on a fan. :D

    Thelma, Nice workouts, and of course rocking the step count. I asked DH this morning on how well he has been doing on his step count. He said that he has been getting over 10K, so he is moving a lot more than when he was working. I was really happy to hear that. Hopefully the heatwave will be over by the time your friend ventures over there. When we where young our house didn't have ac, and I remember getting sick from the heat. My mom would take us outside, because it was cooler and then make us drink clear soda. They didn't have those electrolytes back then.

    Have a wonderful day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,947 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout started with Cathe Live Fit 400 Upper Body Blast (it was her 400th live class). It was a circuit workout of low impact cardio and then 4 strength moves. The first part of the workout used lighter weights and the second used fabric bands. It was a good workout. I followed it with Cathe Live Low Impact HiiT Circuit….just for a little more cardio. I am feeling my legs today for sure, so this was a good choice today. :)

    Thelma, great workouts. It sounds like you are feeling much better. Wow on the step count!! I can’t remember if we had ceiling fans in our house in Italy—I think we did in the bedroom but bought a stand alone fan for the living room. DH was gone both our summers there, and I remember getting up at the crack of dawn to close the windows and roll down the blinds, and then opening everything up at 8pm at night. But I could keep the house cooler there than I could in Germany because our house in Italy was one story and our house in Germany was three stories! Definitely not good in the heat. I hope it cools off before your friend goes to Spain.

    Laurie, great workout. Love a good Tricep/core combo! I hadn’t heard that about the solar flare. I thought this was a La Niña pattern, but whatever it is, it can stop. The house I grew up in didn’t have AC either. We had fans in every window and some very long hot nights. I am glad to hear your DH is getting so much activity. Hopefully he is enjoying it.

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,706 Member
    Hi Ladies, my workouts on Thursday were Gina B Pop Mix, Walking Outdoors and Perfect 30 - Perfect Flow: Mobility Basics. My body felt pretty tired, so I had to go easy with my workouts. I still got over 13K steps today.

    I woke out to what I thought was a loud explosion. It was thunder! It was raining pretty hard, and it was windy. Our forecast was wrong yet again! We should be in the low 90's Friday through Monday.

    Laurie, great workout! I am so glad your husband is getting over 10K steps a day! You should definitely be happy about that! Good for him!
    I hope the heatwave will be over by the time my friend gets to Spain or it will be brutal.

    Most people in El Salvador don't have AC either. Somehow, I don't remember ever complaining about it being hot. I didn't know the concept of a humid day until I came to the US. We didn't have fans at all back then. I went back years after I came to the US for the first time, and I thought I was going to go crazy from the heat and humidity in El Salvador. DH used to position a fan right in front of me so I could sleep. He was fine with the temps there. The American was fine but not the Salvadoran! LOL

    I can't believe you got sick from the heat as a child! I never heard of drinking clear soda to help with the heat!

    Laurel, great workouts! I love the sound of that Upper Body Blast workout!

    I can't imagine keeping the house in Germany cool during the summer! Do you remember if you had fans in every floor or at least a standalone that you can move to other areas of the house?

    I hope you did have a fan in your bedroom in Italy! My aunt catches cold easily. I wonder sometimes if he even uses the ceiling fan at night. Both my aunts think they'll get sick if they have the fan blowing directly on them. We can't use our ceiling fans now because one of my cats is terrified of them.

    See you tomorrow!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,947 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was a 30 minute climb spin followed by Cathe Live Fit Tower Bootcamp 2. Even though my legs were still tired today, the workouts felt good. I much preferred this live Bootcamp class to the Fit Tower BC on DVD. I think it might be because Cathe was cracking jokes throughout. It is never bad to laugh during a workout.

    Thelma, great workouts. No doubt you felt tired after interrupted sleep and with how hard you have been working out this week. I’m glad you took it down a bit. I will be honest….I think AC has to some degree ruined the ability of a lot of people to endure pretty normal levels of heat. I’m not talking 105 in the UK, but 90 in, say, Colorado. We have lived far more places without AC than with (11 houses without and 5 with), and while that was definitely not ideal many days in the summer, we found that when were doing things like playing golf or just walking, people around us were collapsing and we were like ‘this isn’t bad’. So I kind of understand the tolerance in El Salvador and then going back and wondering how you survived. That being said, I would never have survived the places we have lived with AC (Korea, DC, Florida and here) without it. The humidity and warm nights…..just no.

    Anyhow, we had stand alone fans in Germany. But our windows in the bedroom was weird. It was a slanted roof, and our bedroom was under the slant. So we had a door to a small balcony in one corner on the tall side of the room, and then a window in the roof on the short side…..which I was never comfortable leaving open all night in case of rain, birds, etc. So it was pretty miserable at times.

    I forgot to answer your question yesterday about the Cathe Live Fit Tower workouts. She only moved the bar once in the Cardio Legs workout I did on Wednesday. In the other two, she moved it more often, but I didn’t find it nearly as annoying as the DVDs, especially in the workout today.

    Enjoy the weekend.


  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,706 Member
    Hi Ladies, I hope you had a nice weekend. Ours was busy with house chores. Our only neighbor died on Friday. We attended the funeral ceremony on Sunday afternoon. It was very sad. Everyone had a very heavy southern accent. I could hardly understand what people were saying. I met a very nice pastor with a very heavy accent, and he was trying to speak Spanish to me with a southern accent. I needed a translator! LOL

    Friday: Jessica Smith Low Impact Hiit, Gentle Flow Yoga and Walking Outdoors.
    Saturday: Gina B 2000 Steps and Walking Outdoors.
    Sunday: Jessica Smith Belly Buns and Thighs Walk, Walking Outdoors and ICE Boot Camp.

    I don't think we ever hit 90 degrees. The highest temp our thermometer read was 89. We had a 10-minute shower on Saturday. The humidity wasn't bad at all in the shade.

    According to my weather app our temps all week will be mostly in the low 80's and a day or two in the upper 80's. Every day appears like it will have chances of rain.

    Laurel, fantastic workouts! Thank you again for thinking about the rotation for me after covid. I ended up doing the ICE BC workout because I picked the wrong week. I thought it was metabolic/circuits!
    I've corrected my rotation for this week, so I'll switch to push/pull.

    I agree with you that AC has ruined the ability for a lot of people to endure normal levels of heat. I had never thought about that, but you are so right. It definitely affects our heat tolerance. I think the fact that I'm spending more time outside with the chickens is the reason why I'm tolerating the heat better.
    I hear you about the humidity and warm nights being a big NO!
    You have lived in a lot of houses without AC!

    I'm glad you at least had fans in Germany! It is very uncomfortable not being able to leave a window open at night, but in some cases, it isn't possible to leave them open.

    I'm surprised Cathe only moved the FT bar just once during that workout! I think I'm OK with using the tower for legs but upper body not so much. I think the upper body workout is where she moves the bar a lot.

    Have a wonderful week!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,569 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Friday was a super busy day for me, so time got away and I didn't get online. Had some really nice weather this weekend, except for Friday. This morning the weather was in the 50's so very very nice. I went for a long walk with Rocket on Saturday, and Sunday DH and I walked without the dog. We just knew he wouldn't be able to take the long walk that we wanted to go on.

    My workout on Friday was the Ramped Up Shoulders 2X and Saturday was Biceps 2X. So it was strength along with the walks. This morning I did Kelly's Meltdown Workout 1. We are on the Push/Pull week right?

    Laurel, Great job with all those workouts. Those live workouts always sound so fun. I'm sure that with the barre type work, Cathe has some time to talk a little more. Cracking jokes is probably something that helps with getting you though the exercise also. :D Once that dang humidity left, it was so nice being outside. Funny how the rain can bring and take away the humidity in the same day. I know that it is the fronts that go through, but it usually has some rain with it.

    Thelma, You are doing such an awesome job with all your workouts, and then tacking on the walking. I had DH getting his hr up on our walk yesterday, he was lagging toward the end of the walk. Usually he is outpacing me. If he doesn't get outside for a walk today, we will probably go on one when I get home. I think that he enjoys talking while walking. ;) Glad to hear that your temps are so nice.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,947 Member
    Hi Ladies! I hope you enjoyed the weekend. Mine was very quiet with DH gone. I took the opportunity to do a few chores, but I also took the opportunity to enjoy some quiet time with coffee and a book. :) We don’t get much quiet time in during our weekends at all, so it was a nice treat.

    For workouts, on Saturday, I did Jessica Smith’s Steady Walk from her new Walk a 5K DVD and 75 minutes of yoga (which felt fantastic). Yesterday was Body Blast Push/Pull Lower Body x3 premix and a 45 minute spin. Today was Body Blast Push/Pull Upper Body x3 premix and Cathe Live Sweat Blast. I really had to talk myself into those Push/Pull workouts because that is not my favorite workout even once through B) but they felt good this week.

    Thelma, great workouts. And an extra Bootcamp workout is not a bad thing! I am so sorry to hear about your neighbor. I understand the problems with the accents sometimes. I don’t have too many problems in Huntsville, but outside of the city… I am okay if the people enunciate, but way too many people—especially men—just mumble everything. They sound like the adults in the old Charlie Brown shows. :D Luckily DH is more used to it than me because of his work, so he is my translator. Sounds like your weather has been nice. We are definitely warmer and drier, but it hasn’t been too bad lately.

    Laurie, sounds like a nice weekend. I love the strength and walking combos! I am glad you and your DH were able to get out for a longer walk. My DH likes to walk and talk too. :) And, yes, this is Push/Pull week. Boy, I would love a morning in the 50s right now, but we are months away from that yet. Bet it felt good.

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,706 Member
    Hi ladies, my workouts on Monday were Gina B HIIT for Weight Loss, Gina B 2000 Steps, Walking Outdoors and the full BodyBlast Push & Pull workout. I really enjoyed the Push & Pull workout today except for some of the crazy moves with the ball!

    We had a nice downpour at about 11am. I don't think we hit 80 on Monday.

    Laurie, great workouts!! I'm glad you and your husband are also walking! We are doing push/pull this week.

    Thanks Laurie, I am trying to get those step in. Hopefully your DH will continue with his walks.

    Laurel, great workouts! I'm glad you allowed yourself some quiet time over the weekend.

    I can't believe that I actually enjoyed the push/pull workout today.

    This was the first time since we've lived here that I was with so many people I couldn't understand because of their thick accent. I think you're right, that people (men) mumble! LOL

    We really have had pretty nice weather. Thank God for that!

    See you tomorrow!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,569 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    My morning started with a little excitement. Last week I had my car in to replace the gas gauge sensors. Well it seemed to be working, but this morning my check engine light came on, and I thought to myself, why hasn't the gauge moved from a half tank. Well I got off the freeway, and decided to put some gas in it just in case. At the top of the exit ramp, my car basically ran out of gas. There was a nice man that pushed my car off the ramp so cars could get by. DH came and put some gas in, and it started right up. So I now have a full tank of gas, and I'm back to using my trip indicator to track my mileage. :D Overall I was only about a half hour late for work, so not to bad.

    My workout this morning was FitSplit Push Day weight work only.

    Laurel, Sounds like a nice weekend. Of course awesome job with all those workouts too. I was thinking of doing a walk after work, but it appears that we may have rain. If that is the case then I might pop in that Jessica walking workout. Thanks for the reminder on that one. Glad that I didn't do a weight workout first thing Monday. I looked at my workouts and then went am I suppose to do Push/Pull this week. Mondays are bad days for decision making. :D What workouts are you doing for the one body part? I'm thinking of the CTX series, those are good muscle endurance workouts. Of course I have not tried them in a while, so it should be a treat to do them. Since they are short, I can tack on Kelly's finishers. We are back into the 60's for overnight, but the 50's where really nice.

    Thelma, Great job with the workouts! I did a little LOL about the ball moves on that workout. I sometimes hate the ball, but understand that it really works the core and balance. DH did go for a walk yesterday, so he is getting more steps in. I really do like having him home, the laundry is getting done faster than usual. I forgot to mention how sorry I am about your neighbor. We do have a friend from Kentucky, and his speech pattern is difficult for me to understand sometimes. Almost like he mumbles.

    Have a great day!