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Cathe Fans Part 5
Hi ladies, my workouts on Monday were Walking, CG Iron Day - 20 Arm Supersets, Abs and Core, and Hot YinYasa.
I loved CG's workout. It was hard. She does shoulder and skull crushers. I don't think I'd ever done shoulder crushers, but I liked them. I did very well with the plank work, but all the pushups I did on my knees. I just didn't have the strength to attempt full push-ups.
I have my 6-month shoulder surgery follow up on Tuesday morning. This will be the last visit. My left bicep was bothering me at the same time my right shoulder was. Thankfully, that seems to have gone away. Whatever it was must've healed during my surgery recovery time.
Laurie, great workouts! I am so glad you had a great time with your grandson! Did you know you were getting a new desk?
You're probably right about the migration to the new purchasing system. It has to be that you're going to be a new company.
I think you would like to work at the fabric store.
I was thinking of doing Epic II, but those workouts are looong and it's a 10-week series. It might be a good one for the winter.
Laurel, great workouts! I am glad you're enjoying this week's workouts and that you got some rain! I am really surprised that our humidity has been pretty low. We've had a nice coolish breeze the last couple of days.
I am so happy to hear the great news about your sister being cancer free. Hopefully that month of radiation will go by quickly. Those drugs she'll take are also hard on the body. My friend takes some type of med and she says it makes her dizzy and tired.
See you tomorrow!
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More rain this morning! We got in our Fuel Day 10 Dumbbell Higher Intensity. This one really got the hr up even without jumping. DH did everything modified, and I did semi-modified. I didn't do any of the jumping for the burpees. This was a circuit of 12 exercises, and repeated once. She ended with an abs finisher. DH said it was a good workout. I do think that my body is liking these type of workouts, I have been noticing a more changes than with Iron. This morning I did NML 10 Min. Morning Workout and 7 Min Standing Abs.
Laurel, Sounds like a very nice weekend. Great job with the series, and that you are having fun. That is probably the most important part of this rotation. How many more series do you have to try? I have not seen the Pure Strength ones mentioned yet. So glad to hear that your sister is doing so well. I'm sure that is a relief for the family. So far our 4th is suppose to be dry, and it appears that it will be one of those very nice days. Dry conditions and fireworks are not friends.
Thelma, Love the workouts! So glad that you are feeling so great with your recovery. You sure are rocking the workouts. I found out we where getting new desks on Friday, but didn't realize that they would be put together when I got in on Sunday. I also am one space over from where I was. Of course I don't really care, and I'm away from a loud person. I like him, but his voice projects. Since DH is doing so well with these workouts, we might venture in Epic Heat and then Epic III. Those are both shorter workouts. I think that DH will be able to handle the workouts, with modifications.
Have a great day!
Laurie0 -
Hi Ladies! I took today as something of a recovery day and did a 30 minute recovery spin followed by 30 minutes of Peloton Pilates. I wanted to make sure I have the energy to get through 100 minutes of Body Max 2 tomorrow.
Thelma, great workouts. I hope your appointment goes well and you are given a ‘fully recovered’ diagnosis. From your workouts, it sure sounds like you are doing wonderfully. My sister has been warned of the side effects of the new medication she will be on, but the doctor also indicated they could play around with it to find something she can beat live with. I really hope that’s the case for her.
Laurie, great workouts. I am glad your DH is enjoying this series. I have eight more series or combo of series to go through, so I will eventually get to Pure Strength. I think I paired it with all workouts older than the CTX series (which I still have yet to do), so it will definitely be an oldies week. I drew for next week today and it is the ICE series. That draw made me happy. I love that series. Since I am having so much fun with this random but familiar workouts, I am going to finish it up which will put me around Labor Day and probably ready for a set rotation again. Maybe the STS 1 and 2 I had thought of this spring, but I don’t know yet.
See you tomorrow.
Laurel0 -
Hi ladies, my workouts on Tuesday were walking and CG Iron Day-21 Legs. The leg workout was full of lunges, high step ups, elevated squats and calves.
I wore a pair of capris, and they were big. I'm not dieting at all. I try to eat healthy but I'm not being restrictive. I have a pair of denim shorts that were tight when I bought them two years ago and I just never wore them. I tried them on today and they fit! I can pull the up my hips without unzipping them!
I could tell my body was changing but I just hadn't tried anything on that was tight before. It felt good.
I don't know why but Caroline's workouts seem to work so much faster for me than Cathe's ever have.
I never saw my surgeon, which was disappointing. I ended up seeing his nurse, who is very good, but not the doctor. She said I was doing great and that I didn't need to go back, which was exactly what I was expecting to hear today.
Our weather has been very nice this week. We've had low humidity and a nice breeze.
The conversation in the car between DH and I on the way back from my appointment was about his retirement. He would like to retire part-time so we can still get healthcare benefits through his job. His new boss gave him a great yearly review. She said she wished she had a full team of him. She inherited 4 other people reporting to her who should be technical but aren't much at all. She goes to DH for everything technical and keeps piling projects on his already full plate.
DH feels that given the state of the team, he has a good opportunity to negotiate this part-time situation. She simply can't afford to lose DH. He's still thinking about this, but he was really excited about the possibility today. He would give her a 3–6-month notice before he would partially retire, so she has time to staff her team properly. If the part-time proposal doesn't work out then, he'll quit and retire. We're both excited about this possibility.
Laurie, great workouts! You and your DH are doing great! Does he say anything about the way his clothes fit now or if he feels his body changing, or is that a women's conversation type of thing? LOL
I saw a recipe to make a chocolate starter using established starter. You add cocoa powder, sugar, flour and water to the starter. It's a slow riser, but it's rising. My experiment for the week is to make a chocolate loaf and if I'm brave enough, it will be a s'mores loaf. It will be a sticky mess and that is my biggest fear. I will bake it in a loaf pan because I don't want that mess in my Dutch oven.
Thank you on the workout kudos. I have a barbell already set up for the next time Caroline hits me with hip thrusts, which is probably going to be on Thursday during the glute workout. I really think that your DH will be ready to do either of those workout programs. He is doing great, and I love that he is doing the modified version of some of the exercises.
Sounds like the new desk location is a winning situation!
I'm so jealous of all that rain you're getting!
Laurel, great workouts! Good strategy in preparation for that 100-minute workout! You're going to need a double serving of oatmeal! LOL
I definitely got a 'fully recovered' diagnosis. It felt good to get a confirmation of what I already knew was the case.
I hope your sister's doctor will be able to adjust her meds to a dose that's effective but doesn't bother her too much.
Happy Independence Day! We have no plans. DH will make us burgers and I'll make us sourdough burger buns.
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Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was Body Max 2, and while it was long and tough, I actually enjoyed revisiting it in full. I always feel like I’ve accomplished something at the end of that workout.
Thelma, great workouts and great news from your doctor’s office. Congratulations on the weight loss! It always feels so good to put on something that once didn’t fit and now does. My body changes most when I am lifting heavy, so that could be part of your success with Caroline. I really hope your DH is able to retire to part time. That sounds like a very workable plan. DH and I have been talking a lot about his retirement, but given that he is still enjoying his job, he still has his sights set on 3-6 years from now (he just turned 59 in April). We are getting to the point (thankfully) that the decision will be less a financial one than a work-related decision. But, right now, like I said, he loves his job and he works for a fabulous company, so there is no need to change anything at the moment. But I really like being able to talk about retirement and think it could be a reality when we need it to be.
Happy 4th!!!
Laurel0 -
Hi ladies, I hope you had a great long weekend! It was hot here. We got 0.1" of rain on Saturday and 5 minutes of rain on Sunday. We're almost at moderate drought conditions. Well, that was as of last week. I bet we already are in moderate drought conditions.
I was exhausted on Thursday but managed to do two walking sessions that day.
Friday - Yoga, walking and CG Iron Day - 23 Superset Glutes and Hamstrings.
Saturday - walking.
Sunday - walking and CG Iron Day - 24 Full Body Circuits. This workout had the killer Makers in it. I didn't do the renegade part because my hands hurt too much, but managed everything else, which is an improvement since I did them last year.
I have 6 workouts left in the Iron program. I have to decide what to do next. I want to repeat Iron, but I'd like to repeat Epic I.
Laurel, great workouts! Good job getting through that long workout!
Thanks Laurel, I feel that my body composition is changing. I am not lifting heavy at all. I was lifting heavy when we did STS 2.0 last year, but my body didn't feel like it was changing then.
It doesn't sound like DH is quite ready to have the retirement conversation with his boss just yet. I'm fine with that. I worry about him being bored when he retires full-time.
I'm glad you're also having the retirement conversation with your DH. I'm glad your DH is still enjoying his job. A good company makes a huge difference.
Have a wonderful week!
Thelma0 -
Morning Ladies,
Sorry that I wasn't on Wednesday, I took the day off since we had the 5th off also. Made for a nice long weekend. It has been soggy here. We have been having rain at least once in the day, so I don't think that we have gone 24 hours without some rain. They are saying thunderstorms today also.
Wednesday we did some cleaning in the morning, and then I did some sewing. That night we heard our AC squealing, so DH shut it down because he didn't want the AC unit to start on fire. They came on Friday and replaced the motor. We had a really nice 4th. DH went to a car show in the morning, and then we went to oldest dd's house for a party. The rest of our weekend was running around and chores. I did get a lot of sewing done, just because it was raining so much.
Our workouts where Wednesday Fuel Day 12 Upper Body Antagonist Circuits. Tough but really good workout. No workout on the 4th. Friday we did Fuel Day 13 Glutes & Hamstrings Circuits. This was a good one, and didn't have any hip thrusts. Saturday was a no workout day. Yesterday we did Fuel Day 14 Full Body Tempo, another good workout. This morning I did NML Kettlebell Workout and Daily Mobility Routine.
Laurel, Great job with those workouts! When you get to the oldies workouts, you will have another BodyMax workout to look forward to. I'm sure that you have a much heavier barbell than what Cathe uses in those older workouts. Have a great time with the ICE workouts this week. I always enjoy those too. Still can't believe that you have 8 series that you have not done yet, guess you really don't fathom how much Cathe has put out over the years until you put it together like you have been doing.
Thelma, Awesome job with all those workouts! So happy to hear that you are experiencing the to large clothing experience. DH has had that with some items. He actually had some shorts fall down, good thing he was in the house when it happened. I'm finding that the Fuel type workouts are better for me than the Iron series was as far weight loss. Iron really made the arms and back muscles appear. I was looking in the mirror on Friday, and saw back definition. Had to call DH just to confirm that I wasn't seeing things. I also have my barbell set with my hip thruster weight. We thought that our Friday workout would have some in it, but it was body weight only. I'm glad to hear that your DH is getting ready to think about retirement, even if it is part time. DH is busier in retirement than when he was working. Of course part of that is helping youngest dd get her condo in order.
Have a great day!
Laurie0 -
Hi Ladies! I’m glad you enjoyed the weekend. We did as well. The 4th was a pretty quiet day with some errands and a super long walk. On Friday we had rain!! It lasted for about 45 minutes and was so very welcome. We are officially in a drought again, and I don’t think the rain was enough to change it. But it was good to see. We spent the day on errands and house work. Saturday was all yard work all day. And yesterday was a bit of a surprise because DH was supposed to fly out to Arizona today through Houston, and once we realized he would be flying into the hurricane, we got him out of here yesterday afternoon instead. So that kind of ate up yesterday, but I am so glad we clued in early enough to make the change before all of the flights were canceled and everybody was scrambling all at once.
For workouts, on Thursday I did a 60 minute spin and yoga. Friday was Drill Max. Saturday was the start of ICE with To The Mat Legs and Glutes, Muscle Meltdown Shoulders and Core. Yesterday was ICE Bootcamp with Blizzard Blast, and MM Biceps. Today was ICE Low Impact Sweat with Blizzard Blast, MM Back and Core 2. I am loving ICE!!!!
Thelma, great workouts. It is so weird that we are experiencing such different weather this summer. Our weekend was very pleasant temperature-wise, so I am surprised to hear how hot you were this weekend. Of course today is blistering hot though. I am sorry you are headed into a drought again as well. I actually think we are going to have a worse drought this year than last, and it was horrible last year. Maybe we can blame Laurie for keeping all the water up there? But it is really bad here.
Laurie, sounds like a nice weekend. I am glad you were able to get your AC fixed so quickly. Please send rain our way. No doubt you wouldn’t mind a few dry days this summer for sure. Great workouts! Sounds like your DH is really seeing some improvements. That’s fantastic. I think I might avoid Body Max 1 when I get to my ‘Oldies’ week. That one is tough for me. The amazing thing is that I will have done this rotation (when I finish) for over four months and I won’t have done all of Cathe’s DVDs when I finish….by a significant number. It really is kind of crazy when you think about it, especially if you add in her 500+ Cathe Live workouts which I am not touching this rotation.
See you tomorrow.
Laurel0 -
Hi ladies, I'm glad you both had good weekend. We had huge thunderstorm on Monday. It dumped a good amount of rain in the area.
My workouts on Monday were Hot YinYasa, Walking, and CG Iron Day - 24 Shoulders.
Laurie, I'm glad you had a good long weekend. You were fortunate to get someone to fix your AC so quickly! Great workouts!!
Wow! How wonderful that your DH is transforming his body with CG. Too funny about his shorts falling down! LOL. I am so glad you're seeing definition in your arms and back. I'm seeing it in my arms and abs, and I can't even lift heavy yet.
I keep going back and forth on what program to do next. I have six Iron workouts left to do.
BTW, I went back to using the ball for the hip thrusts. It's definitely easier on the upper back and neck.
I am sure my DH will keep himself busy once he retires.
Laurel, great workouts! ICE is such a great program!
I am so glad you were able to find another route for you DH to get to AZ!
I'm sorry you're also officially in a drought again this year. I'm sure our entire county is now in a drought too. I wish the drought map were updated more than once a week.
It is weird that we're experiencing different weather. We always pretty much see the same type of weather. Usually, you're much warmer than we are here.
We can definitely blame Laurie for keeping all the water up there! A lot of the times her weather heads this way, but not this summer.
We are going to be in the low 90's starting Saturday.
See you tomorrow!
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Morning Ladies,
I think that we have officially gone 24 hours without any rain. We did Fuel Day 15 Dumbbells and Burpees. I had indicated to DH that when you see Caroline in braids then the workout is going to be very cardio focused. He said, oh she has braids in her hair when she was giving her intro. It was a tough burpee filled workout, but we both got through it with sweat running down everywhere. For the most part I was able to do everything except the jumps in the burpees and the scissors. I chose to do reverse lunges. DH made it through the workout, and at the end he said I don't know that I enjoyed that workout. He did admit that he felt good after it was all done. This morning I did NML Abs, Butt & Thighs and Booty Workout. Both of these where bodyweight.
Laurel, Love the workouts! We can tell when you are really enjoying the series that you are doing. Glad to hear that your area received some rain, and that you where able to get your DH out of town before he encountered travel issues. Don't blame you for not doing that BodyMax workout. The oldies that I didn't enjoy was Max Intensity Cardio. Can't believe that you will have that many months of just DVD's and still have leftovers. Guess you will have a good amount of live workouts to do when you get back to them also. I'm really glad that we where able to get someone to fix our AC so quickly. They are a local contractor. DH likes them a lot.
Thelma, Great job with the workouts! Glad to hear that you also received some rain. We where also thankful for the fast work on the AC, and that we didn't need to purchase a new system. I'm thinking that DH and I may just pull the plug and get Caroline's app. From what I have been reading there is so much content, and I'm comfortable with the fact that DH is going to continue working out. He even asked what we are going to do when on vacation in a few weeks. I told him that we would probably just do some bodyweight workouts.
Have a great day!
Laurie0 -
Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was ICE Chiseled Lower Body Blast with Blizzard Blast, Muscle Meltdown Shoulders and Core 2. Such a great workout. Like Thelma, we had a surprise thunderstorm last night and quite a downpour. It has made today very humid, but what a treat that was. I am hoping for more today.
Thelma, great workouts. And I am glad you got the same storm we did yesterday. Such a nice surprise. I think we are supposed to warm up to the upper 90s by the weekend. But that isn’t too far off the norm this time of year for us.
Laurie, great workouts. You know your DH is committed when he is thinking about workouts for vacation. That is so wonderful. He must be feeling so much better for doing this. Well, maybe not the burpee workout you did this morning, but that I totally understand. But workouts like that always feel good when they are over. I agree about Max Intensity Cardio. I’m not sure I will do that one either. Honestly, if I had to choose between Body Max and Max Intensity Cardio, I think I might not workout that day.
See you tomorrow.
Laurel0 -
Hi ladies, life forced me to take a day off from lifting. I took a nasty fall today walking from my car to our mailbox. I was coming back from yoga class, so I was wearing flip flops. I stepped on a small rock with my left foot, and it bent inwards, next thing I know I landed on my right knee over another rock. I ripped my leggings and had a pretty bloody knee. I can't believe how hard the impact of the fall was though. The impact wasn't so much on my knee, but my skeleton. It's weird. I felt like my entire skeleton had shaken pretty hard. I was pretty much like a zombie the rest of the day. Thankfully, I didn't land on my kneecap. The bloody part is right below my knee. My lower back was hurting so I iced. Now I'm feeling it above my lower back. My foot is OK, but I feel a little soreness on the side where it bent inwards.
I actually felt like I could've done CG's workout, but it was leg day, so I decided to rest my body and hope I don't feel more injuries in the morning.
We had another thunderstorm in the afternoon and got a little bit of rain. We got .4" on Monday night. I doubt we got .1" on Tuesday though. It will be humid Wednesday and Thursday. Our next chance of thunderstorms will be on Sunday.
Laurie, great workouts! Good job modifying CG's crazy burpees and scissors. Your DH is killing it! CG cracks me up with that note asking if we'd had fun with the workout. I remember saying one day, are you kidding me, lady? LOL
I love that your DH is asking what you'll do during vacation! He's a changed man! Have you looked at CG's calisthenics one week program? It's bodyweight hiit.
24 hours rain free! Maybe that's why we got a little rain here!
I think I will eventually get the app too. I was just reading on FB that some people can't get it to display on their TV when using an HDMI cable. They claim that everything was displaying on their TV until they hit play on the video, then their screen went blank. DH got us an Amazon firestick so we could have YouTube in our not so smart TV in the exercise room, so I have no problem with FB workouts. I think not being able to display the app workouts on the tv would be a deal breaker for me.
I am still going back and forth on what to do next. I think I'll do Fuel, and then the hybrid Iron/Fuel rotation.
Laurel, great workouts! I'm glad you had the surprise thunderstorm too! I don't think it was too humid here on Tuesday, but I'm bracing for the humidity the next two days.
See you tomorrow!
Thelma0 -
Morning Ladies,
Took me all morning to get my laptop onto our internet. Too many issues with this migration. DH and I did Fuel Day 16 Quad Focused Supersets. Not a bad workout after that burpee fest. I didn't sleep well last night, so this morning I didn't do anything.
Laurel, Love the workouts! Glad to hear that you got that surprise thunderstorm. LOL about not working out on a Oldies Max day, I'm with you on that one. Our humidity went really high last night, and I think that may have contributed to not sleeping well. The dog was having problems also, so that didn't help. DH gave him some meds yesterday, and I think it didn't sit well so he wanted to go out and eat grass.
Thelma, I'm so glad to hear that you are okay from that fall. I have tripped on flip flops, but have not fallen. Hope that you are okay today, but good for you on taking the time off. I always tell Caroline if I liked the workout or not too. I think I will pull some of Caroline's shorter bodyweight workouts. Since DH will be so busy it has to be at or around 25 min. I know some of her Advent workouts are like that, and then we can pull in some ab work. Just need something to get the body going. I will have to check into that HDMI, because that is how we are viewing from my computer to YT.
Have a great day!
Laurie0 -
Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was a 20 minute spin into ICE Metabolic Total Body, the Blizzard Blast and Muscle Meltdown Chest. It is significantly cooler and fresher today, so after my workout I cleaned up the yard from the storm on Monday then grabbed the house key and went for an hour long walk. I may need a nap later.
Thelma, yikes on the fall! I am so glad you didn’t push it by doing a workout. It is best to give your body and mind a little time after that. I hope your leg heals up okay. We got a little shower yesterday as well, and we are hot (after today) and dry for the foreseeable future.
Laurie, great workout yesterday. I am sorry about the bad night though. I find it impossible to sleep anymore if I am too hot. I had been told by an AC technician several years ago that you shouldn’t vary your AC temps between day and night by more than four degrees. That is hard for me because I would have to be freezing during the day to get the night temp I want, so I really tried to keep the night temps up until this year. I asked our latest AC guy if what I am doing is hurting the AC and he said nope. Anyhow, so you said the other day you all know when I am doing a series I enjoy. That won’t be next week. I pulled CTX out of the cup. I questioned my sanity for even including it, but it is just one week. But if I ever get rid of a series in full, it would be that one (even though I like Leaner Legs and the upper body work). Maybe next week I’ll like it.
See you tomorrow.
Laurel0 -
Hi ladies, thank goodness my knees seem to be OK, neither my foot nor knees hurt. My back is what's hurting, so I've continued to ice. My knee doesn't look as bad as thought it was yesterday when it was so bloody. It looks less
DH injured his calf muscle during pickleball on Wednesday morning. He iced all day long with my ice therapy machine. Hopefully he'll feel better in the morning.
My workouts on Wednesday were: walking and CG Iron Day - 26 Legs. I used mostly my 10# dumbbells, buy I also used 12.5# for RDL's and 20# for Zumo squats.
Laurie, great workout! I am sorry you didn't sleep well. I hope you sleep better tonight.
It was just a weird fall. I honestly felt like someone had picked me up and thrown me on the floor forcefully.
I tell Caroline, thanks for kicking my butt! LOL
I am sure you will find shorter workouts to do while on vacation.
Laurel, great workouts! I don't think I'd fallen if I'd tripped. DH bought these decorative roundish rocks to fill a hole near our mailbox because the mail carrier left a note about filling the hole with something. The small rocks are roundish and a little big, so when I stepped on it my foot bent inwards. It's a miracle I didn't break my foot.
See you tomorrow!
Thelma0 -
Morning Ladies,
Today we have a Brewers game that the whole plant is going to. I'm really unsure if I want to go. You can only get a parking pass if you car pool. I like to leave when I want to leave.
We did Fuel Day 17 Upper Body Giant Sets, this one had a cardio factor into it also. DH did jumping jacks!!! Had to give him a fist bump for that. This morning DH worked out with me because he is helping a friend with his car today and didn't want to have such a hard stop on helping him. So this morning we did Fuel Day 18 Glutes & Hamstrings Circuits. I upped my weight for the hip thrusts, and used my ball. Ladies, my bat wings are disappearing really fast doing these Fuel workouts. Almost makes me want to do this series again, or like Thelma try the Iron/Fuel rotation.
Laurel, Great workouts, and nice job with all the movement on such a nice day. I'm really not sure if DH moves the temperature for evening vs daytime. I now that when he wasn't retired the temperature was warmer in the house during the daytime. I have a fan on all summer also, I need to have some type of cover over me even if it is just the sheet. Are you doing the cardio from the CTX series? I know a couple of them I liked, of course the kickboxing one was fun.
Thelma, Awesome job with the workouts! The weights you are using sound a lot like the ones DH uses.
He got a 20# out for plie squats this morning. Hopefully your back will feel better as the days progress. Glad to hear that your knee isn't bad. Dang on your DH, hope he starts feeling better soon also. I'm sure that he doesn't want to miss to much of his pickleball. I slept much better last nigh, of course it was a cooler evening. Caroline is kicking our butts in the Fuel workouts for sure.
Have a great day!
Laurie0 -
Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was a fun 45 minute spin into ICE Chiseled Upper Body. This is the one ICE workout that never quite made sense to me, but today I decided to use it primarily as a recovery workout and it was great for that. I have been pushing myself during the Muscle Meltdowns, some my upper body was quite sore this morning. I used Cathe’s weight recommendations for Chiseled Upper Body, which were pretty light, and that made my arms, back and chest feel better. But I still don’t quite understand this workout.
Thelma, great workouts. I am glad your knee is okay and I hope your back feels better soon. I hope your DHs calf heals quickly as well. I am so glad you didn’t break your foot or ankle! That really sounds like a painful twist to your foot.
Laurie, great workouts. Your DH is so amazing in going from not working out to making sure he gets his workout in early in the day if he has things to do. Just so awesome. I so hope I can see a change like that in my DH when he retires. It is never too late for sure. Enjoy the baseball game if you go, though I understand why you might not. I prefer my independence for things like that too. Anyhow, I plan on doing CTX as it was established as a program, so all of the cardio and the one body part upper body exercises after. I admit I have never done this program as Cathe intended, so it I’ll be a first for me. But I know I struggled with the step in some of these workouts before, so we’ll see how it goes. But I like the strength and core work so it is worth doing for that. Once.
See you tomorrow.
Laurel0 -
Hi ladies, my workouts on Thursday were CG Iron Day - 27 Upper Body Antagonist Sets and Walking. CG did some exercises kneeling down. I did those standing up because of my injured knee. I did the renegade rows using 10# dumbbells. I was going to do the standing rows but decided to give the renegades a try. I'm so happy I did.
According to my fitness tracker I slept 2.35 hours on Wednesday night. I just could not go to sleep. Instead of tossing and turning, I decided to calm myself down and gently stretched my back and hips. My back was definitely better by morning. Both DH and I feel much better.
I found out that my Yin instructor has covid and I was exposed. She woke up feeling sick on Wednesday. I was in her class on Tuesday. I'm OK so far. It seems that covid is going around here.
I had a dentist appointment on Thursday morning and wore a pair of my summer capris. They were huge on me! I had to keep pulling them up! All I could think was Laurie's DH losing his shorts. LOL
Laurie, too bad you only got parking passes if you carpooled to the game. It stinks to be stuck somewhere because you carpooled with someone else.
Awesome job getting your Fuel workout in on Thursday morning! I am loving reading about your DH workout experience. I can't believe he did jumping jacks! Laurie. you had me at bat wings! That's it! I'm doing Fuel next! LOL
I think you guys should do the Iron/Fuel rotation next. I'll definitely do that after Fuel. I can't believe I'll be done with Iron next week!
BTW, I read that little CG uses a 150# barbell for hip thrusts in one of the CGX programs. As the people in FB would say, she is not human! LOL
I've been using 20# dumbbells for my RDLs and 12.5# dumbbells and my 10# weighted vest for lunges. I had to go lite the other day because of my back.
DH usually plays pickleball three times a week, he will not be playing tomorrow. At least he's wiser in his old age and knows to rest when injured.
Laurel, great workouts! Good job using the ICE workout as a recovery workout!
Like you, I also hope my DH will workout with me once he retires.
Thank goodness DH and I felt almost back to normal on Thursday. The foot twist was painful and scary.
Have a wonderful weekend!
0 -
Morning Ladies,
I was able to get a parking pass from one of my co-workers, he had two extra ones. We had a good day, the weather was nice and our seats had a breeze through the game. I left after the 5th inning, it was a pitching game so not that exciting.
This morning I did stretching with Heather Robertson, felt really good.
Laurel, Great job with those workouts! I do remember that the upper body workout was one that you always questioned, you had the right mindset for that workout with dealing with the soreness. I think that I enjoyed the circuit and kickboxing cardio in the CTX set. I'm interested in what you think of them after not doing those workouts as is. I'm still shocked that my DH is doing so well with these workouts. He doesn't notice his body changing, but I can see it. Told him this morning that I can see a difference. He doesn't seem to fall asleep as much since working out.
Thelma, Love the workouts! Hope that you avoid getting sick. So glad to hear that your capris where big on you, and that you didn't have an incident like DH had. It's tough not being able to sleep, good job calming your body down. I tested the bat wing again this morning, just to make sure. Yep it's for real, and I'm very excited. Things are changing slowly, but they are changing. Tank tops are going to be my vacation top, have to show off the muscles. I think that you are right about the Fuel/Iron rotation, I printed out the schedule. We have two weeks left of this rotation, but the last week will be done after we get back from vaca. I don't think DH will mind combining these two. 150# is way heavier than I think I have available for my barbell, that lady is crazy strong.
Have a awesome weekend!
Laurie0 -
Hi Ladies! I saved my favorite ICE workout for last, so today was Rock’m Sock’m with the Blizzard Blast, Muscle Meltdown Triceps and Core 1. I did every minute of what ICE has to offer this week, and I so loved it. I am going to have to remember this week in the future when I want some good tough but doable workouts.
Thelma, great workouts. Congratulations on the renegade rows. I really don’t like those, so great job doing them. And congratulations on the weight loss! I am glad you didn’t lose your pants, though. I hope you don’t get COVID. We are now is a severe drought here. I was talking to DH last night and he was surprised how quickly we went from abnormally dry to severe drought. And we will be near 100 for the next few days with no rain in sight. It is getting pretty concerning.
Laurie, I am glad you were able to go to the game and leave it when you were ready to leave. Great workout this morning. And yay on those bat wings! You have every reason to show off those muscles proudly when you are on vacation.
Enjoy the weekend.
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