Cathe Fans Part 5



  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Came into work and I have a new desk. Was busy transferring everything over to the new one. Really don't know how much I like this one. We had a very nice weekend, and of course enjoyed having the grandson for a couple of days. Rained again on Sunday, and the weather really cooled down.

    We where able to get in our workout on Saturday when the grandson was taking his nap. Fuel Day 9 Full Body Circuits is in the books. No workout on Sunday, and this morning I did NML 10 Min. Low Impact HiiT and Ab Challenge Day 1: 7-Minute Dumbbell Abs On The Mat.

    Laurel, Great job with the SJP workout, and of course getting into the sash series. :# The only workout in that series that I enjoyed was Butts & Guts. I noticed that Michael's yarn section was very small in our store also. They have increased the fabric though. They also put in some self checkouts, and there is hardly any support staff on the floor anymore. Hobby Lobby seems to be okay so far, but they have decreased their fabric items also.

    Thelma, Awesome job with the workouts! Glad to hear that you had a good weekend, but that the rain evaporated. I think the main problem with our switch is because we are going from one company to another. Our company spilt into 3 different entities, so our company has to have it's own systems going forward. That is the only reason that I can think of as to why this is taking 2 weeks to transfer. You are right, I would be using my pay to buy fabric if I worked at that type of store. It's a good way to supplement my fabric addiction though. :D To tell you the truth, all the leg workouts where tough, and it hasn't changed to much with Fuel.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! I hope you enjoyed the weekend. Ours was good. DH made it home Saturday evening, and we spent yesterday running some errands and took a nice long walk. We actually had sprinkles of rain Saturday morning and two big storms yesterday, which was wonderful. While the humidity sky rocketed as a result, the temperatures stayed at or below 90 both days making it pretty tolerable.

    For workouts, I decided to start my week with the Sash Series on Saturday with Cardio Fusion and 30 minutes of yoga. Yesterday was a 30 minute spin into Butts and Guts. And today was Low Impact Challenge, which felt really good today. This is another of those ‘hit or miss’ workouts for me, and today it was a hit. I really front loaded my week this week so I could enjoy the rest of the week with a more manageable schedule. But, honestly, so far I am having fun with this week and I didn’t really expect that.

    Thelma, great workouts. We must have got your rain. We were at Home Depot yesterday and were walking around the store for a long time because it was raining so hard outside. We didn’t get as much at our house, but at least we got some. But it was so nice to see a downpour for sure. Thank you for asking about my sister. She breezed through her surgery and is officially cancer free. She meets with the doctors next week to schedule her month of radiation and, of course, will be on drugs for the foreseeable future, but she says she is feeling more like herself and is back to enjoying things she loves like gardening. So all good news all around and so very very thankful every day.

    Laurie, I am glad you enjoyed your weekend with your grandson. Great workouts as well. I always hated moving desks so I don’t blame you for being a little skeptical about the change. Sounds like you aren’t getting much of a break from the rain at all so far this summer. Hopefully you will be ble to enjoy the 4th and keep dry on that day. We may get rain, but I won’t mind since we are so dry and fireworks when it is this dry scare me. :#

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,562 Member
    Hi ladies, my workouts on Monday were Walking, CG Iron Day - 20 Arm Supersets, Abs and Core, and Hot YinYasa.

    I loved CG's workout. It was hard. She does shoulder and skull crushers. I don't think I'd ever done shoulder crushers, but I liked them. I did very well with the plank work, but all the pushups I did on my knees. I just didn't have the strength to attempt full push-ups.

    I have my 6-month shoulder surgery follow up on Tuesday morning. This will be the last visit. My left bicep was bothering me at the same time my right shoulder was. Thankfully, that seems to have gone away. Whatever it was must've healed during my surgery recovery time.

    Laurie, great workouts! I am so glad you had a great time with your grandson! Did you know you were getting a new desk?
    You're probably right about the migration to the new purchasing system. It has to be that you're going to be a new company.
    I think you would like to work at the fabric store.

    I was thinking of doing Epic II, but those workouts are looong and it's a 10-week series. It might be a good one for the winter.

    Laurel, great workouts! I am glad you're enjoying this week's workouts and that you got some rain! I am really surprised that our humidity has been pretty low. We've had a nice coolish breeze the last couple of days.

    I am so happy to hear the great news about your sister being cancer free. Hopefully that month of radiation will go by quickly. Those drugs she'll take are also hard on the body. My friend takes some type of med and she says it makes her dizzy and tired.

    See you tomorrow!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    edited July 2
    More rain this morning! We got in our Fuel Day 10 Dumbbell Higher Intensity. This one really got the hr up even without jumping. DH did everything modified, and I did semi-modified. I didn't do any of the jumping for the burpees. This was a circuit of 12 exercises, and repeated once. She ended with an abs finisher. DH said it was a good workout. :) I do think that my body is liking these type of workouts, I have been noticing a more changes than with Iron. This morning I did NML 10 Min. Morning Workout and 7 Min Standing Abs.

    Laurel, Sounds like a very nice weekend. Great job with the series, and that you are having fun. That is probably the most important part of this rotation. How many more series do you have to try? I have not seen the Pure Strength ones mentioned yet. ;) So glad to hear that your sister is doing so well. I'm sure that is a relief for the family. So far our 4th is suppose to be dry, and it appears that it will be one of those very nice days. Dry conditions and fireworks are not friends.

    Thelma, Love the workouts! So glad that you are feeling so great with your recovery. You sure are rocking the workouts. I found out we where getting new desks on Friday, but didn't realize that they would be put together when I got in on Sunday. I also am one space over from where I was. Of course I don't really care, and I'm away from a loud person. I like him, but his voice projects. Since DH is doing so well with these workouts, we might venture in Epic Heat and then Epic III. Those are both shorter workouts. I think that DH will be able to handle the workouts, with modifications.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! I took today as something of a recovery day and did a 30 minute recovery spin followed by 30 minutes of Peloton Pilates. I wanted to make sure I have the energy to get through 100 minutes of Body Max 2 tomorrow. :)

    Thelma, great workouts. I hope your appointment goes well and you are given a ‘fully recovered’ diagnosis. From your workouts, it sure sounds like you are doing wonderfully. My sister has been warned of the side effects of the new medication she will be on, but the doctor also indicated they could play around with it to find something she can beat live with. I really hope that’s the case for her.

    Laurie, great workouts. I am glad your DH is enjoying this series. I have eight more series or combo of series to go through, so I will eventually get to Pure Strength. :) I think I paired it with all workouts older than the CTX series (which I still have yet to do), so it will definitely be an oldies week. I drew for next week today and it is the ICE series. That draw made me happy. I love that series. Since I am having so much fun with this random but familiar workouts, I am going to finish it up which will put me around Labor Day and probably ready for a set rotation again. Maybe the STS 1 and 2 I had thought of this spring, but I don’t know yet.

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,562 Member
    Hi ladies, my workouts on Tuesday were walking and CG Iron Day-21 Legs. The leg workout was full of lunges, high step ups, elevated squats and calves.
    I wore a pair of capris, and they were big. I'm not dieting at all. I try to eat healthy but I'm not being restrictive. I have a pair of denim shorts that were tight when I bought them two years ago and I just never wore them. I tried them on today and they fit! I can pull the up my hips without unzipping them!
    I could tell my body was changing but I just hadn't tried anything on that was tight before. It felt good.
    I don't know why but Caroline's workouts seem to work so much faster for me than Cathe's ever have.

    I never saw my surgeon, which was disappointing. I ended up seeing his nurse, who is very good, but not the doctor. She said I was doing great and that I didn't need to go back, which was exactly what I was expecting to hear today.

    Our weather has been very nice this week. We've had low humidity and a nice breeze.

    The conversation in the car between DH and I on the way back from my appointment was about his retirement. He would like to retire part-time so we can still get healthcare benefits through his job. His new boss gave him a great yearly review. She said she wished she had a full team of him. She inherited 4 other people reporting to her who should be technical but aren't much at all. She goes to DH for everything technical and keeps piling projects on his already full plate.
    DH feels that given the state of the team, he has a good opportunity to negotiate this part-time situation. She simply can't afford to lose DH. He's still thinking about this, but he was really excited about the possibility today. He would give her a 3–6-month notice before he would partially retire, so she has time to staff her team properly. If the part-time proposal doesn't work out then, he'll quit and retire. We're both excited about this possibility.

    Laurie, great workouts! You and your DH are doing great! Does he say anything about the way his clothes fit now or if he feels his body changing, or is that a women's conversation type of thing? LOL
    I saw a recipe to make a chocolate starter using established starter. You add cocoa powder, sugar, flour and water to the starter. It's a slow riser, but it's rising. My experiment for the week is to make a chocolate loaf and if I'm brave enough, it will be a s'mores loaf. It will be a sticky mess and that is my biggest fear. I will bake it in a loaf pan because I don't want that mess in my Dutch oven.

    Thank you on the workout kudos. I have a barbell already set up for the next time Caroline hits me with hip thrusts, which is probably going to be on Thursday during the glute workout. I really think that your DH will be ready to do either of those workout programs. He is doing great, and I love that he is doing the modified version of some of the exercises.
    Sounds like the new desk location is a winning situation!

    I'm so jealous of all that rain you're getting!

    Laurel, great workouts! Good strategy in preparation for that 100-minute workout! You're going to need a double serving of oatmeal! LOL

    I definitely got a 'fully recovered' diagnosis. It felt good to get a confirmation of what I already knew was the case.

    I hope your sister's doctor will be able to adjust her meds to a dose that's effective but doesn't bother her too much.

    Happy Independence Day! We have no plans. DH will make us burgers and I'll make us sourdough burger buns.


  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was Body Max 2, and while it was long and tough, I actually enjoyed revisiting it in full. I always feel like I’ve accomplished something at the end of that workout.

    Thelma, great workouts and great news from your doctor’s office. Congratulations on the weight loss! It always feels so good to put on something that once didn’t fit and now does. My body changes most when I am lifting heavy, so that could be part of your success with Caroline. I really hope your DH is able to retire to part time. That sounds like a very workable plan. DH and I have been talking a lot about his retirement, but given that he is still enjoying his job, he still has his sights set on 3-6 years from now (he just turned 59 in April). We are getting to the point (thankfully) that the decision will be less a financial one than a work-related decision. But, right now, like I said, he loves his job and he works for a fabulous company, so there is no need to change anything at the moment. But I really like being able to talk about retirement and think it could be a reality when we need it to be.

    Happy 4th!!!
