Magic Mike vs A Gentleman's Club



  • findfan4ever
    findfan4ever Posts: 153 Member
    [So I pose this question. Is it the same? Is enjoying 2 hours at the local strip club different then watching Magic Mike?
    *this assumes no touching or dances strictly viewing*]

    It absolutely is the same. It doesn't matter whether there is touching of not. The movie, as well as "Gentleman Club" (strip club), plants seeds of temptation to go after what is forbidden and the "what if's" and the "grass is greener" thinking starts to set in. Not only is this a moral issue, but a relational and scientific issue as well. Even men and women of the strongest moral fortitude and caliber can fall to the temptations of sexual desire.

    Research is showing the intertwined relationship between intimacy and sex in marital relationships and how it leads to stronger, happier, longer lasting marriages. Even images can have a profound effect on the way the mind thinks and reacts and can have negative effects.

    This type of "stuff" also stimulates the pleasure centers in the brain, whether you want them to or not. If that is combined with any type of behavior that reinforces and validates the pleasure, it becomes difficult to correct. Its not impossible to correct, yet very difficult in way too many cases. For example: man and wife head to strip joint, man is mentally (and physically) aroused, man and wife go home and have sex. What is he mentally imaging: the stripper. What is she imaging: her husband having sex with the stripper and feeling totally disgusted and dirty after the sex act. Her trust in him is shaken and now he must win the heart of his wife over again.

    My advise: DO NOT GO TO THE MOVIE.

    Personally, I wouldn't take my wife to the movie nor would I go to a strip club with her. I don't even go to Hooters because of this. My wife is more important than that. She deserves better than that. She isn't some object of pleasure for my satisfaction. She is my wife; the one who spiritually, emotionally, and physically completes me.

    Best response yet, in my opinion

    Thanks BubbleGum