Online Cheating



  • Shannon2714
    Shannon2714 Posts: 843 Member
    Having friends of the opposite sex absolutely does NOT imply cheating! You don't have any male friends in real life? If all you have in your life is women, I feel sorry for you. The men I've come across here are incredibly supportive and motivating! Are there pervs that are just trolling for a quick lay? Yup.. But, there are just as many (If not MORE) women that are here doing the same exact thing.
  • cosmoholic
    cosmoholic Posts: 23
    I've seen Facebook ruin some relationships in the past though. I deleted my account there and I hide behind a mask here..but just because its so comfortable :)

    Again, thank you. You've just made my morning. :)

    Careful Cosmo, you sound like you're hitting on me :D

    Have a great day... I need to get off here and get my lazy *kitten* back to work.

    Just to clarify, not a chance. I'm very happy with my man and would never do anything to compromise that. ;) We actually both had a good chuckle over your PB quotes. Have a good one!
  • Kara_xxx
    Kara_xxx Posts: 635 Member
    Interestingly, while some women will only friend other women, and think that's somehow the safest way to go about thinks, I have also seen guys post that they won't friend other guys on MPF because "I'm not gay". :huh:

    That kind of reaches a whole new level of sad.
  • marie_cressman
    marie_cressman Posts: 980 Member
    I'm here for one thing only, sex with strangers. For the last year I have lulled my female friends on MFP from across the nation into a false sense of security by giving praise and encouragement, jokes, and the occasional flirtation so that one day I could potentially fly around the country to bang all of them.

    Adrian_indy burned 16,778 calories doing cardio, including "flying around the country to bang all of his MFP pals after lulling them into a false sense of security with praise and encouragement"

    Great burn!!!

  • shewolfh2
    shewolfh2 Posts: 11
    I have no problem with my husband having female friends on MFP, or him having a problem with me having male friends on MFP. If there is a problem with that, how do you let your husband/wife go to work with the thought of them possibly cheating then? or have a facebook account or mobile phone?

    Trust is everything.

    I totally agree. I am from the Deep South where flirting is a way of life. Everyone is "honey, darlin, sweetheart, babe" etc. just because someone calls you by a pet name does not mean they want to get into your pants. My hubby knows that I am an incessant flirt, and I flirt with guys and gals alike. HOWEVER I would never cheat on my husband. I will talk smack with the best of them, but when it starts to get personal and/or serious, I back off after letting them know it's going to far. You have to be able to set limits, and not allow yourself to sabatoge those limits...much like changing your diet. Set your limit and dont deviate from your path.
  • shewolfh2
    shewolfh2 Posts: 11
    Online and off line both my husband and I have friends of the opposite sex. I have had one male friend for 10 years. There is no sexual attract there and no he isn't gay. Honestly I have no sexual attraction towards any of my male friends. They have never made any advances or suggestions. I would not want my husband to dictate who I can be friends with so I wouldn't dictate to him. But we,my husband and I are constantly communicating so if he ever came to me and said I am uncomfortable with X, and could give me a reason. Chances are I would back off. Thus far that has yet to happen.

  • MonkeyBars
    MonkeyBars Posts: 266 Member
    is it even possible to get into someone's pants online?
    is there an app I can purchase?
  • Tony_Brewski
    Tony_Brewski Posts: 1,376 Member
    It's the effin Internet! Am I in your bed? Are you in mine? It's text based wording. If you cannot be secure enough in a relationship to trust yourself or your spouce (husband or wife) to flirt around than you have some issues you need to work out. My wife and I trust either fully and know theres no harm in flirting. Hell she's one of the best at tearing a guy down if she wants to, just like I'll tear the piss out of someone too. Again.... ITS THE INTERNET!!
  • Kara_xxx
    Kara_xxx Posts: 635 Member
    is it even possible to get into someone's pants online?
    is there an app I can purchase? :flowerforyou:
  • MonkeyBars
    MonkeyBars Posts: 266 Member
    is it even possible to get into someone's pants online?
    is there an app I can purchase? :flowerforyou:

    stop being naughty Kara ;)

    you know I suffer from phallumegaly :)
  • LarStar
    LarStar Posts: 102 Member
    Hearing all the stories about people cheating on their spouses, what is your take on having friends of the opposite sex at MyFitnessPal?

    I think that having friends of the opposite sex in real life or on MFP is fine as long as you and they do not cross "the line." The line being whatever you and your partner have discussed as being appropriate for your relationship (platonic friendship, flirting, talking on the phone, "intimate" conversations etc)

    My theory is if it isn't something you would discuss outright with your partner, it isn't something you should be doing. Some people can have platonic friendships with the same/opposite sex, while others can't. I think you just have to know what you and your partner are both comfortable with and what you can handle :)
  • staceface519
    staceface519 Posts: 167
    The men that i have on my list are quite respectful and supportive. . . . . i havent had anyone (yet) with a different motive and that should be done on facebook, not a weight loss site. . . thats just disappointing.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    having a myfitnesspal friend of the opposite sex is hardly cheating...
  • emnk5308
    emnk5308 Posts: 736
    Someone starts flirting with me.. I'll delete you! =) I love my boyfriend. I'm not low enough to have a pretend 'cheat' or whatever with an online profile... I don't believe in using the internet to meet people like that. People are getting WAY to anti social.. Go out and talk to people.
  • MILFdoesabodyGd
    MILFdoesabodyGd Posts: 347 Member
    it's all about trust and faith... faith in your partner they won't take things further and knowing you're the only one for them, flirting or no flirting.

    My man tells me I'm the only woman he wants all the time, and I know he's the only man I want. To me, this is all that matters. He's mine I'm his at the end of the day.
  • Shannon2714
    Shannon2714 Posts: 843 Member
    - men and women cannot be friends without sex or innuendoes coming into the equation!

    I disagree totally. They do not with me and nor do they with most of the people I know. I think you must have run into more than your fair share of sleaze bags. We're not all "only interested in one thing".

    sorry to tar you guys all with the same brush but thats how it seems to be in my experience! its actually good to hear a guy say hes different..there is hope LOL

    this is my bestie ♥


    we hang out all the time. we sleep in the same bed. we snuggle. we get wasted/hammered/blazed/shtfaced on the regs. At concerts, in the middle of the street, in the hot tub, hotel rooms, on the road, in the van, random peoples backyards, subway platforms.

    We've never even almost accidentally drunkenly reached for each other in that manner. We've been like this for years, its a solid necessary relationship - but there is no sexual current between us. Its family, pure and simple. And if that's possible with two little hotties like us, than I believe it is possible round the globe.

    I dont have any defined exclusive relationship, but I hope that if I did, he would be fine with me having friends of the opposite sex, either on MFP or out here in the real world.

    If something is going to happen and you cant stop it, then the chances are part of you needed it for some valid reason or another... or at the very least, needed the lesson that comes with it.

    Yes that was a non-christian answer. Im not getting into morals here, just human behavioral sciences.

  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    I am pleasantly surprised at the number of people who would delete a friend if said friend were to cross the line. I am thinking that all the talk about people cheating online is bunk. Is it really that common? Or is it just that when it does happen, it gets a lot of notice?
  • stufie
    stufie Posts: 142 Member
    Hearing all the stories about people cheating on their spouses, what is your take on having friends of the opposite sex at MyFitnessPal?

    I don't. And it's not even about how my husband would feel, it's that I just feel more comfortable sharing my weight loss journey with other women.
  • PJ64
    PJ64 Posts: 866 Member
    I usually just find like minded people or people who's response to a thread (like this ) is funny or insightful. I do have more female friends than male BUT, usually when I ask guys to friend me on here I will get "Dude I'm not GAY" or "Not here to friend other guys"
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Hearing all the stories about people cheating on their spouses, what is your take on having friends of the opposite sex at MyFitnessPal?

    I don't. And it's not even about how my husband would feel, it's that I just feel more comfortable sharing my weight loss journey with other women.
    I feel the same Girl, love my online GF's, not much we can't talk about.

    Keeps me focused and here for what I came to MFP for originally, to focus on health and fitness in my life not shop for a man.:noway: