I'm getting a little tired of this to be honest



  • gemmalouise85
    gemmalouise85 Posts: 157 Member
    Unfortunately, this is the exact reason I don't post on the forums anymore. I did in the beginning with honest to goodness questions. I got some rude comments. This is my first comment for a while and I'm sure someone will have something negative to say. Yes, I'm a sensitive person so the forums is no place for me. I prefer to stay sensitive too. There's nothing wrong with anyone being that way. I'd rather be sensitive and caring than a hard nose like many are on here.

    I agree with you!
  • Roadie2000
    Roadie2000 Posts: 1,801 Member
    Personally, I'd rather someone be honest and tell me when I'm being an idiot than blow sunshine up my *kitten*.
  • Southernb3lle
    Southernb3lle Posts: 862 Member
    I think some of the mfp old timers it's got to head a little as I agree sometimes they forget there's genuine newbies that know NOTHING and want ALOT of advice, I feel bad for some people - i'm 8 weeks in and have my bad days and had to delete some of friends as all they wrote was 'your doing everything wrong' and i'd say can you tell me whats wrong and they'd say something like 'do you really not know?' and i feel worse than I did starting!

    I don't care who's hot in here
    I don't care what your avvie picture is
    I don't care what religion you are
    I don't care colour of your skin
    I don't care if you have 500lb to lose or 5lb to lose or have to gain weight

    I do care if your a nice person - this i mean give constructive critism too
    I do care If you want this - and you do thats why your here

    I just dont get it where all here for same reason yet everyone as fights

    Yes most of us still struggle, still have junk food, still do things wrong but thats what we here for to help eachother, I even see some people in here mock people who hae gotten fat or 2 skinny - that can be really hurtful to some as there's people in here trying to recover from eating disorders - EVERYONE in here are here because they are TRYING

    Right on girlfriend. I like the way you think.
  • gemmalouise85
    gemmalouise85 Posts: 157 Member
    Personally, I'd rather someone be honest and tell me when I'm being an idiot than blow sunshine up my *kitten*.

    I don't think op means 'constructive' cristism I think they mean when people are straight up mean to newbies and be sarcastic towards them with no real answer to their question.
  • JenMull44
    JenMull44 Posts: 226 Member
    Im all for what you said. But just remember there are pricks and asshol*s everywhere you go

    Also very true. It's just a bummer that people intentionally act like that on a community that's supposed to be positive and supportive. I know it's the internet and people can say whatever they want, but weight/health is a very sensitive topic for a lot of people and I just wish this was one place where those who tend to mock were able to tone it down a bit.

    Do you ever notice how it all starts out with rainbows and unicorns and all it takes is for ONE person to be negative and out
    come the debbie downers.
  • cjbennett2012
    cjbennett2012 Posts: 38 Member
    Excuse me Jet is it? u seem to be doing alot to criticize every single post here without any solid facts, so please share your wisdom with us all on how u think MFP can be any better, please massage your ego that little bit more.....
  • JenMull44
    JenMull44 Posts: 226 Member
    Personally, I'd rather someone be honest and tell me when I'm being an idiot than blow sunshine up my *kitten*.

    I don't think op means 'constructive' cristism I think they mean when people are straight up mean to newbies and be sarcastic towards them with no real answer to their question.

    I agree !
  • gemmalouise85
    gemmalouise85 Posts: 157 Member
    What do you mean by rainbows and unicorns?
  • mynameiscarrie
    mynameiscarrie Posts: 963 Member
    Do you realize how many times *this* topic has been talked about? Just saying... Some people are snarky, but there's the same amount of people out there who are just too damn sensitive. I'm not saying it's ok to be rude, but it is what it is. It's an internet forum. It's not gonna be sunshine and butterflies
  • Kat5343
    Kat5343 Posts: 451 Member
    Huge difference between posting for the benefit of others and posting to troll. Nobody gets sarcastic when they are genuinely trying to help others.

    Egotistic types often post sarcastically when they are trying to massage their own ego or troll. Kind of funny, seeing overdeveloped ego's with so little self esteem. Funny, but common all the same. Its clearly compensating behavior.

    Amen!!! This is so true!! Too many people build themselves up by bringing others down.
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    a very good point and nicely made.
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    Every single day I see multiple sarcastic posts mocking certain commonly held beliefs, ideologies, broscience claims, goals, etc. in regards to health and fitness. Maybe I'm the only one who feels this way but it's getting REALLY old. Like every time I open a thread and realize "...oh it's one of these..." I peace out.

    Be honest people. There was also a time when you didn't know much about health or nutrition. Most people on MFP are here because they are trying to make a change. They are trying to learn more about how they can improve their health. No need to be snarky because someone brings up starvation mode, for example. We've all grown up hearing certain things about what's good and what's bad as far as nutrition goes so why be so mean when someone brings up one of those topics? You probably held those beliefs at one point in time yourself. I just think it would be nice if more people were willing to be supportive and tactful, instead of mocking. With the type of posts I mentioned above, I know you're just trying to have fun and all, but in my opinion, it's not kind or supportive at all. No one should ever be made to feel alienated by people who "know better" or know more, before they even get a chance to get started on their journey.

    So, anyway, that's all I wanted to say. Thanks guys.

    We need a "like" button!
  • JenMull44
    JenMull44 Posts: 226 Member
    What do you mean by rainbows and unicorns?

    Good intentions..
  • Kat5343
    Kat5343 Posts: 451 Member
    Do you realize how many times *this* topic has been talked about? Just saying... Some people are snarky, but there's the same amount of people out there who are just too damn sensitive. I'm not saying it's ok to be rude, but it is what it is. It's an internet forum. It's not gonna be sunshine and butterflies

    It doesn't have to be "sunshine and butterfiles" But you do catch more flies with honey than vinegar...as my mother taught me.... Someone will be more likely to take the advice you are giving if it is delivered in a helpful and not hurtful way. You can be stern and to the point without being rude and disrespectful. We are all adults. This isn't high school anymore.
  • almc170
    almc170 Posts: 1,093 Member
    dont stop believin.......
    Hold on to that feelin, street lights, people ooooo ooo ooooohhhhhh \m/

    that reminds me of a story........there was just a small town girl living in the lonely world who took the midnight train going anywhere \m/
    Just a city boy, born and raised in south Detroit
    He took the midnight train goin' anywhere
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    dont stop believin.......
    Hold on to that feelin, street lights, people ooooo ooo ooooohhhhhh \m/

    that reminds me of a story........there was just a small town girl living in the lonely world who took the midnight train going anywhere \m/
    Just a city boy, born and raised in south Detroit
    He took the midnight train goin' anywhere
    I am offended by Journey.
  • gemmalouise85
    gemmalouise85 Posts: 157 Member
    Do you realize how many times *this* topic has been talked about? Just saying... Some people are snarky, but there's the same amount of people out there who are just too damn sensitive. I'm not saying it's ok to be rude, but it is what it is. It's an internet forum. It's not gonna be sunshine and butterflies

    If people get more support from an anerexic forum - than people trying lose weight healthy then somethings wrong!
    Yes I have been in those forums because I got really bad with my weight took a good friends show me here - and I tell you those girls support eachother ALOT.
    It's a scary thought that is to me.
    as there's young girls on here wanting lose weight and because they are in a sensative time of their life and can't handle mean people they might go to other 'diet' forums and might not be as healthy as this one.

    I'm very sensative about my weight and to be honest in real life I get alot of mean people commenting, On other char forums I used get called 'fat' and to be fair I thought being on a website like this where everyone is going through same journey I 'd have abit more support!
  • StefPayne
    StefPayne Posts: 126 Member
    Great Post!!! Very well said!!
  • newhabit
    newhabit Posts: 426 Member
    I think just a little politeness wouldn't be out of the questions when trying to explain something to someone who is new. But of course, everyone has a right to do what they want. And it is true that anyone can just not read something that bothers them or get out of the forums. I think she is just trying to say she doesn't like negativity when someone is new and just trying to find some help. It may be someone who has struggled for a long time and maybe they don't know how to go about finding their answers. I agree. No one is forcing anyone to be happy all the time, just a little bit of politeness could go a long way. I think that when people use the internet they dont' think about being polite because they are somewhat anonymous. If you wouldn't say it in real life, maybe run that filter through your post before saying it. Good information is always helpful, but also presenting it in a non snarky way isn't that much of a challenge.
  • JenMull44
    JenMull44 Posts: 226 Member
    I think just a little politeness wouldn't be out of the questions when trying to explain something to someone who is new. But of course, everyone has a right to do what they want. And it is true that anyone can just not read something that bothers them or get out of the forums. I think she is just trying to say she doesn't like negativity when someone is new and just trying to find some help. It may be someone who has struggled for a long time and maybe they don't know how to go about finding their answers. I agree. No one is forcing anyone to be happy all the time, just a little bit of politeness could go a long way. I think that when people use the internet they dont' think about being polite because they are somewhat anonymous. If you wouldn't say it in real life, maybe run that filter through your post before saying it. Good information is always helpful, but also presenting it in a non snarky way isn't that much of a challenge.

    AGREED !!!