Over 200 Club Back to School Group (open Group)



  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Momma2four, PLEASE come clean my house for your exercise plan! :bigsmile: I HATE cleaning, even if I knew I could lose 5 pounds a week by cleaning the house more I don't think I could do it!
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Okay so I felt hungry after lunch and I had the munchies. Not a good combination for me.:devil: I have quit buying 'junk food' so I had a rib of celery with 1 Tbsp. of chunky peanut butter. It helped that craving. I am not a fan of many pre-packaged foods because of all the preservatives and other things I can't pronounce. I am trying to find my own items that are about 100 calories that are fresh or homemade. Do any of you have suggestions?:tongue: Why do I love food so much....
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    Hello everyone hope you all had a wonderful weekend! (lstpaul, poke sticks in your eye:huh: I hope you had a great weekend with that little exception:laugh: ) I had a good weekend.

    Hope everyone has a great Monday. I am pretty busy today.

    I wanted to share something with you all. About 7 years ago my husband and I with our then 3 children moved in with my mom to save some money to buy the house we currently live in. But my moms house was small 2 bedrooms about 700 sq. ft. It was tiny. But she kept it spotless and was very particular about it. So everyday (because I am a stay at home mom) after I got the 2 girls to school. I would make beds, vaccume the entire house mop the kitchen and the bathroom (of course sweep first) My moms floors were white so before she got home I would sweep and mop the kitchen again. I scrubbed the bathtub everyday. I lived there for 5 months and lost 17 pounds without dieting and I really believe it was because I kept her house spotless. I mean I would mop at least 2x a day. Some times 3x. I had my youngest daughter at home with me and inbetween cleaning I was taking care of her. I keep my house clean but not like that. I am wondering if I start cleaning like a mad woman again if that would help burn some calories. Just a thought and ramble about cleaning.:noway: I just got done cleaning my house but no mopping. Maybe I'll start the mopping part tomorrow:laugh:

    OMG whenever I clean my apartment full on, like scrubbing everything, sweeping, mopping, vacuuming, windows, dusting I work up a sweat. It is a good workout just like gardening is a good workout, go for it. Plus your space will be nice and tidy which is also good for a positive mind. I think I am gonna add this to my routine on my off days haha, give me a reason to clean everything instead of just tidying up.
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    OK ladies,

    I got back from Ventura, CA yesterday night from the ladies day weekend with my family. It was so fun and the bonding between me my aunts, cousins, sisters was amazing. We took our little guys on their first road trip and they were sooo good they had a blast. The little cousins loved them, watching the bond between the little ones was amazing they were inseparable.

    Didn't eat that well, but didn't eat that bad. Everything was homemade and yes I ate my veggies, I just didn't keep track of my log. We did have some exercise in there, we took a walk every morning and even took the boys to the beach on Saturday (running after a 2, 3 and 6 year old in the sand isn't easy haha).

    I hope everyone is doing well, I am having a great day today off of work.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Okay so I felt hungry after lunch and I had the munchies. Not a good combination for me.:devil: I have quit buying 'junk food' so I had a rib of celery with 1 Tbsp. of chunky peanut butter. It helped that craving. I am not a fan of many pre-packaged foods because of all the preservatives and other things I can't pronounce. I am trying to find my own items that are about 100 calories that are fresh or homemade. Do any of you have suggestions?:tongue: Why do I love food so much....

    Snowflakes, I agree about the pre-packaged. One thing I hate the most is those horrible little 100 calorie packs of stuff. What a waste of calories! My typical snacks are 4.5 ounces of "baby" carrots (53 calories), an apple with 1tbs peanut butter (about 170 calories but very filling. I eat this for breakfast a lot, actually). Of course any medium sized piece of fruit is going to hover around 100 calories. And a cup of most non-starchy veggies (steamed) is around 50-60 calories. I'll also have nonfat yogurt occasionally. Oh, and I recently fell in love with blending frozen fruit and yogurt to make smoothies (1/2 cup yogurt,, 1 cup fruit, 1/2 cup water, and either 1 pack splenda with fiber, which is my vice, or 1 tbs honey which is more natural) which is about 160 calories. Those are just some of my favs.
  • mscocoa30
    mscocoa30 Posts: 104 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm just in a zone right now. I feel pretty darn good lately. It is like the quiet before the storm. Umm, me feeling so positive about life and just anything in general, for this long? hmmm. I'm not going to complain about it. I'm just going to enjoy it while it lasts. :laugh:

    BTW, you know light/vigorous cleaning is listed in the exercise database. Whenever I do either, I always add it to my exercise log.
  • mscocoa30
    mscocoa30 Posts: 104 Member
    I just looked at my food diary and it made me think of something funny. Do you ever have those days when you just eat yourself right down to your last numbers? Like today for instance, my food diary says my remaining numbers are:
    Calories 48 Carbs 37 Fat 0 Chol 102 Sugar 6 Sodium 547

    Anyway, I still want to eat something. But I know there is not much I can eat with those numbers. Anybody else get to the point where they know they should just stop but still try to squeeze something else in there?
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    I know the feeling..hmm..what to get for 48 calories :) I get some of these fruit bars, they are really good and like 40 cals...that is a good low cal snack.

    I like some carrots too...I used to eat alot of thoes 100 cal snacks but looking how muh yhou get vs having somet better, i get a little bowl of carrots for 35, i could hafve a lot for 100 cals...I love peanut butter but soo hight in calories..i have a hard time eating it .

    I feel like I did good today, I worked on my elliptcial at lunch and tonight..30 min in total , doesn't sound like much 15 at lunch and 15 now, but for me it is a huge improvement that sitting on my butt...I am going to get where I can go 15 minutes good and then push on, i wanted to stop at 10minutes tonight, but I pushed to 15...
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Good morning, It's my 19th wedding Anniversary today! :smile: But since I normally go to the Y Tuesday nights - I'm not giving it up! My family isn't happy - they wanted to go out to Red Lobster ... but I'm not willing to give up my workout night. We'll have to go out to dinner another night. Unfortunately I made a bad food choice already - banana nut muffin for breakfast instead of the oatmeal that I packed in my lunchbox ... my excuse was celebrating my Anniversary ... oh well, I'll work it off tonight.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    happy anniversary..congrats on 19 years...good for you to sticking to your guns..
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Good Mornnig!

    lstpaul: HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!! :heart: 19 YEARS!! :heart: YAY !!! :heart: But not going out tonight?!? Wow you are in disciplne mode, good job, enjoy your time at the gym.

    jlb123: Thanks for your tips!

    mscocoa30: Last night I was watching my calories close, 'can I have one more pumpkin spice cupcake?' I didn't it would have put me over. But today, mmmm! They make the house smell good while they are baking. So yes, I can relate.

    lildebbie: I have never tried an ellipitcal but my husband uses one at work and swears by it. And you got a killer deal for yours!

    To everyone else: have a great day. I'm off to town, the guys around here like to eat. :laugh: I have to work myself up to go grocery shopping. Not my favorite thing to do. Oh well.
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    Happy Anniversary lstpaul!

    Check in for yesterday -
    calories? - under
    water? - over :)
    exercise? - 1 hr 516 calories burned!

    Hope everyone has a great day today! I am excited to get into the 240's this week, wish me luck!
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Super! You will make your goal this week! You are doing great!:flowerforyou:
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    :heart: Happy Anniversary lstpaul!!! Congrats on 19 years. :heart:

    Jenn, you are going to be out of the 250's this week!!!!!!!!

    mscocoa, I am always trying to squeeze every calorie out that I can possibly get.:bigsmile:

    Good Morning all !!! I told my husband I was only going to take a 30 minute walk today. Then I walked 27 minutes away from my house in the wind. As you know it would take 27 minutes to get back!!! So yay for me. I am so glad I did that I feel so good. It is sooooooooo windy here today. We saw some downed branches on our walk but man I feel energized from that walk. We do not have any food (that I feel like eating) So I am doing really well on my eating:laugh: :laugh: Water, not so good!! I will try harder on that today!!!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    jlb123, I think you were our biggest loser this week. So if you would please pick a physical challenge for us this week. Thank You:flowerforyou:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Oh, I always forget about the challenges.

    My challenge is 20 pushups a day. Girly kind, wall kind, regular kind, whatever. I personally will be doing the girly kind. Let's build that upper body strength! :drinker:

    I just walked 45 minutes on my lunch break. Outside. In the rain. That kind of reaffirmed to me how dedicated I am to getting healthy. Yesterday I forgot my walking shoes & walked a painful 2 miles in crocs (well, at least the first mile was fine). Today I grabbed the wrong container out of the fridge for lunch. Luckily I had an apple, a pear, and some peanut butter in my desk drawer to eat for lunch. Not the most well-rounded meal but better than going to the full-fat cafeteria or getting fast food or not eating at all. I absolutely refuse to let myself sabatoge me! :laugh:
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Sounds like we are all doing well with exercise today ... yeah for us! :drinker:
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    okay, I have lost my mind. I got my son some shortbread cookies and I am the one eating them. This will cause my cal. intake to be 1800 today.:grumble: That is not going to make me gain weight but it will slow down my weight loss. I have 9 more pounds to lose before Thanksgiving.

    Now I will go do my 20 wall pushups:indifferent:
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    Happy Anniversary!!!!

    I will be doing 20 girlie push ups hehe
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Did my 20, feel sick after eating all those cookies:sick: But I did do my 20