Over 200 Club Back to School Group (open Group)



  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    I will be doing my girly ones later, i have horrible upper body strength , what the heck, I have horrible everything strength. It was very nice outside so i decided before i went to get my girls from day care that I would take a walk (we have a walking trail right outside my house). I started out good, then my shins and calf were hurting so bad...i wanted to keep walking it just hurt soo bad...I hope the more i exercise the more I can do. I did walk 1/2 mile so that is good...its something.

    Let me tell you I was super shocked today, this morning I had got on the scale and it said 299.9 , i am like yeah whatever, so i am gone througout my day had breakfast, carrots this morning and my normal lunch, and before I went walking i got on ...and it was 299.5 (in the middle of the day )...I am like no way, so I moved it all around the bathroom thinking it was sitting on something....I hope it stays that way and no more 300's for me....On friday if I am still under 300 I will be doing the happy dance.

    They key to that, is there is a halloween party tomorrow night at my girls day care, I have to I have to be strong and eat no candy or anything else bad. They are having a cake walk and I baked 3 dozen cookies and I ate none...I am proud of myself.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    I will be doing my girly ones later, i have horrible upper body strength , what the heck, I have horrible everything strength. It was very nice outside so i decided before i went to get my girls from day care that I would take a walk (we have a walking trail right outside my house). I started out good, then my shins and calf were hurting so bad...i wanted to keep walking it just hurt soo bad...I hope the more i exercise the more I can do. I did walk 1/2 mile so that is good...its something.

    Let me tell you I was super shocked today, this morning I had got on the scale and it said 299.9 , i am like yeah whatever, so i am gone througout my day had breakfast, carrots this morning and my normal lunch, and before I went walking i got on ...and it was 299.5 (in the middle of the day )...I am like no way, so I moved it all around the bathroom thinking it was sitting on something....I hope it stays that way and no more 300's for me....On friday if I am still under 300 I will be doing the happy dance.

    They key to that, is there is a halloween party tomorrow night at my girls day care, I have to I have to be strong and eat no candy or anything else bad. They are having a cake walk and I baked 3 dozen cookies and I ate none...I am proud of myself.

    WOW!!!! Wootwoot yay for you. Under the 300 mark. Right on. I am sure if you keep up what you are doing on Friday it will stay below. Good for you, How exciting:flowerforyou:
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    That is awesome lildebbie! And you will definitely be able to do more exercise as you get into shape. My knees used to hurt so back when I went for walks, but they are much better now. Of course I always switch up my exercise routine...so some sort of muscles always seem to hurt LOL.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Thanks girls....i figured I did elliptical Sunday and Monday, walking today, i am going to try to swtich it some, got my biggest looser wii game to do too. NOt sure if i will do anything else today, got bad cramps and feel blah :( That is another reason I was soo surprised about the scale numbers , since it that TOM that i thought i would be gaining. I thought the scale was really broken so I mad My husband get on it, then of course he was all pouty cause he hadn't lost that much..but he has this head junk and can't breathe too much to do much of exercise....He will loose it....

    It really is a big motivation when you see the numbers moving, this friday I am also going to take my measurements so if the scale isn't moving I can see some number hopefully moving somewhere :)

    Just going to keep at it and hopefully i can do more and more, then i will look back and say remember that day when I could only walk 1/2 mile and now I am walking like 5 :)
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Just going to keep at it and hopefully i can do more and more, then i will look back and say remember that day when I could only walk 1/2 mile and now I am walking like 5 :)

    Yep, it's a great feeling. 2 months ago I was DYING after 7 minutes on my stationary bike. This morning I woke up and put in 30 and hardly broke a sweat (but my HRM told me I burned over 400 cals). I did 30 on the bike because I wanted to take a *break* from strenuous exercise (muscles feeling like jello all day yesterday thanks to Jillian Michaels 5 days in a row). I walk over 2 miles on my lunch break (in about 35-40 minutes) at work every day now without ever getting out of breath. I even throw some jogging in occasionally just to keep my heart rate up. :drinker:
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Thanks everyone for the Anniversary well-wishes. I can't believe it's been 19 years ... makes me feel old. I did do my 90 minute workout at the Y last night and was very proud of myself. I even did BURPEES! I haven't done those for at least 35 years, and I was afraid to try them during the step class on Saturday when they started this new routine ... but I thought 'what the heck' - I can at least try one ... and I did all of them! WOOHOO!
    And my husband TRIED to make it a nice night ... he took the kids shopping while I was at the Y and they bought me some goofy cat-face slippers, and a banana cream pie. I didn't really want to eat much pie, but felt like I had to have a piece since he went to so much trouble - and I was still under my calories for the day (but used most exercise calories). And unfortunately my 15 year old didn't really have time to go shopping with him after her swim team practice - when I got home at 8pm from working out, they were just finishing dinner and she hadn't started homework, and had a mini-meltdown because she couldn't figure out her chemistry homework and was up pretty late trying to get it all done. So would have been better if my husband had skipped going shopping for slippers and pie:ohwell: ... but at least he tried.

    Good for you lildebbie!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Hey Gals, I took my walk this morning and got it done 4 minutes faster. I was breathing pretty good. I am feeling good today. Planned out my meals and if I stick to it. I will do great. Hope everyone is having a wonderful wed. I have church tonight and we are having trunk and treat. THey asked me to face paint:noway: I am a lousy artist. but hey they need the help.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Hello everyone....I am so happy with myself I did 20minutes on my elliptical, it said I burned 175 calories, i was soo proud...that is the longest I have done at one time since I got it last week.

    Tonight i have a halloween party at my girls day care , they will enjoy it i just don't want to have to look at candy.
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Hi there groupies:happy:

    Well I did the stationary bike then my 20 wall push ups. We have had our first winter storm and it is chilly. Already sloppy roads. So it's time to put my bike away. I do love living were there are all four seasons. Just have to adjust to the dip in temperature. I am putting together a variety of things to do for exercise so I don't get bored this winter. Looking forward to go skiing!!!

    We also have a trunk or treat party at the church tonight with pot luck soups and chili. mmm. I will have discipline and stay within my calories. I'll be helping in the kitchen to keep the salad bowls full.
    Eating at home makes it easier to measure a serving size. Eating out is tricky because I tend to estimate less than I really eat. Someday small servings sizes will be second nature for me.

    You ladies are great! :flowerforyou:
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Hi again, I thought I would share this site with everyone. I always walk and I am curious how far I walked. I walk some places that a car cannot go. So I found this website, if you put in your city and state it will come up with a map and you map out your walk, run, or even bike ride. It will tell you how far you walked. here it is

  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    Hi everyone :) I am having a pretty good day so far. On track for eating, and worked out 40 mins. I did made some pumpkin muffins, and thought I would share the recipe. I just used a box cake mix of spice cake, and added a can of pumpkin, 1 cup of shredded zucchini, some pumpkin pie spice, and omitted the oil and eggs for the cake box recipe. I then used light cream cheese to make some icing, but only used half of the icing sugar the recipe called for (so I used 8oz of light cream cheese and 2 cups of icing sugar)

    Now, I know these are far from "diet" muffins LOL, but this isn't a diet for me, it is a lifestyle change. These are a treat and it is nice to enjoy them knowing that I changed the recipe to be healthier.
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    cleaning my place today, it has been 15 minutes so far, catch up with you later
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Yum, sounds good Jenn!

    Today while I was walking at work I was getting frustrated because I couldn't keep my pants up (:laugh: ). These are the pants I had to stop wearing a few months ago because they were too tight. Then I laughed out loud at myself because a few months ago I kept saying "Gosh, my pants keep shrinking more and more in the dryer!" because they were so tight and had gotten so short. Now they're very loose and are actually a little too long. I've noticed that not once have I thought "Man, my pants must be getting stretched out" recently when they're looser every time I put them on. :laugh: It's just so much easier to take responsibility and be accountable for something positive than something negative. :tongue:
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    This day has not been good at all.Poor food choices and I exercised but this morning when I weighed in I gained 4 pounds back.I am wondering how this is possible.I worked my tail off yesterday ( I ran for 2 hours straight) I ate healthy yesterday and I was under my cals for the day.I just don't get it.So today I was frustrated by this and I ate.I am not giving up though and I know I can do this I just need to get my mind back in that frame.FOCUS FOCUS FOCUS!!! YOU CAN DO THIS YOU CAN DO THIS!!!! I really don't know what my problem has been lately all I can think about is all the good foods that surround me and I need to give them up.I did before when I had lost almost 50 pounds before summer hit and then 20 crept back on.I am so mad at myself for doing that.I should have stuck to my program and I need to get back to it I just feel like I never have time for me.School,after school activities,doctor appointments,dentist,orthodontists,grocery shopping,cleaning and the list goes on.LOL Thanks for letting me vent I am back to FOCUSING HARDCORE tomorrow.By the way are any of you mothers vaccinating your children for the H1N1 Flu and can you please give me a reason why.I am so back and forth with it and I am trying to get others opinions on it.Thanks Love you guys! Ann
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    awestfall -- it's *water weight* There's no way you can gain 4 pounds of fat in one day. Period. Often when you work out harder than usual, your muscles hold on to extra water. This is what has been happening to me this week because I started a more strenuous exercise program. As soon as I started it, I gained 1.5-2 pounds and held it for about 5 days. I also think I'm building muscle which we all know weighs more than fat. I'm finally releasing some of that water today and I think I'll start seeing my weight go down tomorrow.

    Sounds like that's what happened to you -- you worked out harder than usual so your muscles retained water causing you to weigh more.

    If it discourages you to weigh every day, have someone hide the scale from you every day except Friday. :laugh: It's very normal to fluctuate several pounds each day. Just because you gain weight doesn't mean you've gained fat. Just like just because you've lost weight doesn't necessarily mean you've lost fat. I mean, seriously, do you really think eating healthy and exercising is worse for you than whatever you were doing before that caused you to be overweight? That's what I ask myself when I feel frustrated. :flowerforyou:

    And what kind of good foods are around you that you can't have? I haven't been depriving myself of anything, I'm just teaching myself moderation and self-control. Tonight I had a cheesestick from Papa John's. That's 1 cheesestick. Before I would've eaten half the order (which, by the way, would've had 650 calories! :noway:). Everybody always says this is a lifestyle change and that's 100% true. I've tried "diets" before where I deprived myself of things and what has always happened is that eventually my willpower totally breaks down and I gain all the weight back and then some. Please don't set yourself up for that, okay?
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    I've tried "diets" before where I deprived myself of things and what has always happened is that eventually my willpower totally breaks down and I gain all the weight back and then some.

    amen LOL

    That is the difference for me too. I am not depriving myself anything. Just portion control and moderation. I have stuck with this lifestyle change since mid January. I fell off the wagon twice, and you know what? Even then I was still losing (just less) or maintaining, because the changes are starting to stick. My idea or eating badly has changed, and I just make better choices over all.

    We can do this! Don't beat yourself up awestfall, don't make this journey any harder than it already is!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Hi everyone :) I am having a pretty good day so far. On track for eating, and worked out 40 mins. I did made some pumpkin muffins, and thought I would share the recipe. I just used a box cake mix of spice cake, and added a can of pumpkin, 1 cup of shredded zucchini, some pumpkin pie spice, and omitted the oil and eggs for the cake box recipe. I then used light cream cheese to make some icing, but only used half of the icing sugar the recipe called for (so I used 8oz of light cream cheese and 2 cups of icing sugar)

    Now, I know these are far from "diet" muffins LOL, but this isn't a diet for me, it is a lifestyle change. These are a treat and it is nice to enjoy them knowing that I changed the recipe to be healthier.
    MMMMM this sounds yummy I am going to pick up the stuff to make these so I can try them.Do you use pure pumpkin?
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    awestfall -- it's *water weight* There's no way you can gain 4 pounds of fat in one day. Period. Often when you work out harder than usual, your muscles hold on to extra water. This is what has been happening to me this week because I started a more strenuous exercise program. As soon as I started it, I gained 1.5-2 pounds and held it for about 5 days. I also think I'm building muscle which we all know weighs more than fat. I'm finally releasing some of that water today and I think I'll start seeing my weight go down tomorrow.

    Sounds like that's what happened to you -- you worked out harder than usual so your muscles retained water causing you to weigh more.

    If it discourages you to weigh every day, have someone hide the scale from you every day except Friday. :laugh: It's very normal to fluctuate several pounds each day. Just because you gain weight doesn't mean you've gained fat. Just like just because you've lost weight doesn't necessarily mean you've lost fat. I mean, seriously, do you really think eating healthy and exercising is worse for you than whatever you were doing before that caused you to be overweight? That's what I ask myself when I feel frustrated. :flowerforyou:

    And what kind of good foods are around you that you can't have? I haven't been depriving myself of anything, I'm just teaching myself moderation and self-control. Tonight I had a cheesestick from Papa John's. That's 1 cheesestick. Before I would've eaten half the order (which, by the way, would've had 650 calories! :noway:). Everybody always says this is a lifestyle change and that's 100% true. I've tried "diets" before where I deprived myself of things and what has always happened is that eventually my willpower totally breaks down and I gain all the weight back and then some. Please don't set yourself up for that, okay?
    Thanks Jlb I really needed that and maybe I should try not depriving myself of things I would like to eat and teach myself,like you to eat them in moderation.Maybe that will lead to me not overeating and eating just because its there.THanks again this was just what I needed.I have done much better today so far.And I lost 2 of those pounds I supposedly gained.I am very OCD about weighing myself everyday but I think I am going to try to break that cycle.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    I've tried "diets" before where I deprived myself of things and what has always happened is that eventually my willpower totally breaks down and I gain all the weight back and then some.

    amen LOL

    That is the difference for me too. I am not depriving myself anything. Just portion control and moderation. I have stuck with this lifestyle change since mid January. I fell off the wagon twice, and you know what? Even then I was still losing (just less) or maintaining, because the changes are starting to stick. My idea or eating badly has changed, and I just make better choices over all.

    We can do this! Don't beat yourself up awestfall, don't make this journey any harder than it already is!
    Thanks Jenn you are a true inspiration to me.Keep inspiring me with all that you do.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I have done much better today so far.And I lost 2 of those pounds I supposedly gained.I am very OCD about weighing myself everyday but I think I am going to try to break that cycle.

    Yay! I'm so glad you're doing better! I KNOW you can do this.

    I tend to weigh myself every day too. But I've been pretty good at not letting it discourage me. I had a great weigh in last Friday then I started exercising a lot harder and immediately on Saturday I was up nearly 2 pounds. I didn't get discouraged though, I got motivated! I have absolutely rocked this entire week. I have eaten between 1200 and 1301 calories each day and I have burned 600-1100 calories each day. Yet today was the very first day this week that I was down any weight from last Friday. I down 2.6 pounds from yesterday. Do I think I lost 2.6 pounds of fat since yesterday? No way. But I'll bet that I did lose a little bit of fat and 2+ pounds of water. :smile: