Over 200 Club Back to School Group (open Group)



  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    mrscocoa - I am sorry about the loss in your family.

    Yes it is the biggest looser game. I have some cons and pros with it, just my opninoin :)

    Pros -
    * The works out are pretty good, there are lots of them that you can choose or you can do the fitness plan that they pick for you.
    * The workouts are pretty continous vs like the wii fitt, you have to pick each one, i like it just going from 1 to antoher.
    * I like the challenges too they are fun, and sometimes very tiring.

    Cons -
    * They calc your calories and it is way off...it told me i need to eat 2500 to loose weight, I know I am big but come on.
    * The "weigh in" isn't really you, it is a charcter and like the 1st week i didn't loose any (per the wii board) and it showed the girl loosing 3lbs...Now it will weight your right weight and record it in your progress.
    * The other thing is the cals don't calculate right. I did a 20 min workout and told me i burned like 40 calories....

    The other thing I have a hard time with is that some of the exercies hurt my knee, i just do the best i can.

    Probably more than you asked for :)
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Hey Girls,

    Made a bad choice for lunch today. So unless I want to skip dinner I will be back up to 1800 calories today. I guess that is still weight loss mode but barely so I am going to have to try harder. I will post tomorrow How I ended up. I love being accountable for my calories. I am doing okay with water not bad I have about 48 ounces in me. My goal is actually 80. My 16 year has "swine flu" So I am trying to keep an eye on her and make sure she stays hydrated and that her fever does not spike. I am trying to keep my 4 year old away from her because he is consider high risk. Yikes, that scares me. Bleaching up everything in the house so I am probably killing everyone trying to keep them from getting sick.:sick: I teach 1rst and 2nd graders on Wed. nights at my church and I just cancelled that. Let me see what else can I complain about:grumble: :grumble: Well I guess that is it, I am done complaining thanks for listening. See you all later.....
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Hey Girls,

    Made a bad choice for lunch today. So unless I want to skip dinner I will be back up to 1800 calories today. I guess that is still weight loss mode but barely so I am going to have to try harder. I will post tomorrow How I ended up. I love being accountable for my calories. I am doing okay with water not bad I have about 48 ounces in me. My goal is actually 80. My 16 year has "swine flu" So I am trying to keep an eye on her and make sure she stays hydrated and that her fever does not spike. I am trying to keep my 4 year old away from her because he is consider high risk. Yikes, that scares me. Bleaching up everything in the house so I am probably killing everyone trying to keep them from getting sick.:sick: I teach 1rst and 2nd graders on Wed. nights at my church and I just cancelled that. Let me see what else can I complain about:grumble: :grumble: Well I guess that is it, I am done complaining thanks for listening. See you all later.....
    Complain away Momma I have complained half the week but I had alot better day today .I exercised for 40 minutes but I ate poorly today.I am going to do better today.Just some advice about the swine flu,if you can I would isolate him or her to one room and one bathroom if that is possible so that your 4 year old doesn't get it.I am sure you already know that though.My daughter had it and as soon as they gave her the meds for it she started feeling much better within hours.I will pray that your son or daughter makes a full recovery which I am sure they will.Hope things get better!!!!
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    So awestfall and momma2four have your kids been playing together??? I have heard of a computer virus but this is ridiculous.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    H1N1 is a concern to all of us. Unbelievable how contagious it is. Sorry it had to land in your home. Wishing everyone a healthy and happy week.

    So one of you put how many ounces of water you drank yesterday,(don't remember who right off) but I had no idea the exact amount I drank. So I measured out my first 64 oz. and then will refill and see exactly where I'm at. I like not even thinking about or guesstimating about the amount. I think that I do it again tomorrow.

    mscocoa: So sorry to hear about the passing of a loved one. Keep doing the best you can with your eating and water intake.:flowerforyou:
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    debbie, thanks for the review :flowerforyou:

    momma I hope your daughter gets better quickly, we all just got our H1N1 vaccination today. I just hope it works for us before it hits here.

    Not the best day, but I am still happy with it
    today -
    calories - over by 105 (1908 total)
    water - ok 60 oz
    exercise - 32 mins - 203 calories
    proud of today? - I had a busy day of running errands, and before we left I filled up my water bottle and packed healthy snacks. Usually we run around all day and are starving at the end, and end up at a fast food joint.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Did I stay within a healthy calorie range today? Yep -- 1264 calories eaten
    Did I exercise today? yep 1.5 hours -- 808 calories burned
    Did I drink my minimum of 64 ounces of water today? yep - a little less than usual - 80oz
    Share something that you are proud of about yourself ? I'm proud that I was so hungry at my part time job (delivering pizzas) but I kept telling myself how much it would ruin my dinner plans if I ate a slice of pizza so I didn't eat any. Barely. :laugh: Super glad I didn't now because I have plenty of calories for a special sweet treat instead (the 1264 includes my treat). :love:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Did I stay within a healthy calorie range today? Yep -- 1465
    Did I exercise today? did 25 minutes on ellipticla
    Did I drink my minimum of 64 ounces of water today? nope :( I need to work on this.
    Share something that you are proud of about yourself ? I'm proud of myself because today was very very stressful work day ( i work from home so free roam of the pantyr and fridge) I wanted a snack, where is usually turn to when I am stressed, but I didn't....i just got up from my desk walked around the house for a few minutes and came back.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Did I stay within a healthy calorie range today? Yes, it was high again 1900

    Did I exercise today? 35 min extra brisk walk

    Did I drink my minimum of 64 ounces of water today? 88 ounces

    I am proud that I kept up with my husband, I am going to check mapmyrun, but I think we did 2 miles in 30 mins. That is 4 mph. I hope
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    calorie range: 788 (not much of an appetite today, didn't feel my best)
    exercise: push ups
    water: 72 oz.
    proud of: Didn't have an after school snack with my son, especially since it was not healthy.
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Wow where is every body today?!?! I got on and was disappointed to see only myself from last night:ohwell: You all are great therapy for me. Looking to make this a great day. Hope all is well with each of you.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Wow where is every body today?!?! I got on and was disappointed to see only myself from last night:ohwell: You all are great therapy for me. Looking to make this a great day. Hope all is well with each of you.

    I'm just struggling to make it through work today and tomorrow. It's so stressful right now it's all I can do not to quit. Plus my TOM must be right around the corner because I'm super irritable, tired, & have a ravenous hunger. :grumble: :laugh: Of course, that could all just be from the stress, too. :ohwell:

    Didn't want to be a Debbie Downer by griping to you guys. :tongue: Most of the time when I don't have anything nice to say, I try not to say anything at all (key phrase being "most of the time")
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    Hey everybody, I am still struggling, but it is a brand new day. I have been checking my weight everyday (don't usually do that) and I seem to be going down so that is good
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Did I stay within a healthy calorie range yesterday? No - 2000+ calories, but that was closer than I have been lately
    Did I exercise yesterday? no
    Did I drink my minimum of 64 ounces of water yesterday? no - about half
    Share something that you are proud of about yourself ? I did make pretty good food choices for my meals ... it was the cookies that did me in ... and now they are gone

    I am having a super crabby day ... really feeling under-appreciated at home (teenagers can do that to you) ... my daughter tends to be a daddy's girl and my husband can do no wrong and I can do nothing right ... even though I'M the one that usually does the most running around and scheduling and helping her! :angry: At least my 9-yr old is a momma's boy ... that helps that I get some appreciation!

    I need to watch my eating with my mood the way it is today ... I tend to comfort-eat when I'm feeling sorry for myself ... I already had a doughnut this morning when I wasn't really hungry for it.:mad:

    Good news is that they haven't cancelled my 6:45am step class at the Y yet ... (I had been the only participant the last few times), there were actually 3 of us this morning ... but we need to get 5 regularly for them to keep the class ... they are trying for a few more weeks. So I did burn 1000 calories this morning and it improved my mood for a short while - until I got to work and there are tons of problems here too! Aaargh! I'm definitely in a 'Debbie Downer' mood today! :frown:
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    grrr I some how just lost what I posted. I will try this again.

    GLOOM is in the air today:mad: :angry: :explode: :grumble::indifferent: :embarassed: :frown: :sick: :cry: :brokenheart: :sad: :yawn: (that should about cover it) Hopefully this will quickly blow over for everyone. Some days are just like this. I appreciate that you all are not 'Debbie Downers', but life happens and you don't have to grin and bare it alone.
    lstpaul: Just a note about unappreciative teens YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!! I am just now seeing a few paydays with my son away at College. There is light at the end of the tunnel:wink:
    andreasoulcastle: Nice that the scales are moving down for you. Keep track of everything you eat and drink, and you will see results.
    I cleaned out my freezer and found some chicken strips that look pretty freezer burned. And I hate to feel like I am wasting food so I put a few in the crock pot with a lite gravy. I'm hoping for a miracle that it might actually be good.lol
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Hi All, Sorry some of you are feeling a bit down today. I am actually in a GREAT mood. My son went to speech this morning and she says he has increased his verbs from 5 in August to about 30 this morning. He has a much larger vocab then that but he was not really using too many verbs. He had a great day. My 16 year old girl is feeling so much better today.(lstpaul, she also thinks her dad is amazing and can do NO wrong, as a matter of fact all 3 of my daughters think he is absolutley amazing) Now I have my son who thinks I am pretty amazing. Husband admitted he gets a little jealous, cause the little guy is in love. I hope everyone's day improves. I am struggling to get my water in today. It is noonish here and I only have 16 ounces in me so that is a goal I am going to try and work on. My cals are looking good so far and husband is taking me on another power walk this evening. I checked out last nights walk and we did go 2 miles in 30 minutes. WOW 4 mph. When I started back in march It took me 60 minutes to go 2 miles. Yay for me:laugh: :laugh:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I went for a walk and feel better (except that my walk time/lunch hour was cut in half because of a stupid meeting :grumble: ). I also feel much better because it's nearly 5pm and I get to go home and cook the chickeny cheesy portobello mushroom caps & zucchini I've been dreaming about all day. :laugh: My stomach is really yelling at me. I'm so hungry! I have been all day. I don't get why, I ate as much or more food as I have been every day for the last 2 months.

    My mood has also improved because I just secured a lightly used TREADMILL! I'll pick it up on Saturday since it's about 45 minutes away from my house. I'm so super excited because I want to start c25k so much but I'm still way too self-conscious to run anywhere near people. My boyfriend agreed to pay for half because he wants to start running again, too, but the pavement aggravates his past stress fractures and shin splints from being an avid runner several years (and 40 pounds :wink: ) ago.

    Wow, I seriously can't believe how loudly my stomach is growling right now. :laugh:
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    Hey everyone, I just cleaned my apartment for an hour (it was a huge mess). I literally am sweating as I type, I feel really good because my nest is super clean, lit my scented candles and plan on takin a shower, making some tea and just sitting down and listening to some music for awhile. I will worry about studying for my exam in a few hours...for now...music hehe.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Cleaning is burning calories Andrea, so good job.

    Okay everyone here goes

    Calories:1500 Yay I actually brought that down today.

    Water: Not quite but close and I still could bring that up to 64 oz. before bed time


    I am proud that I finally lowered my calorie intake this week and that I exercised. I proud that I took care of everyone in my house plus some people that do NOT live with me. (I help my elderly neighbor) I am proud that this is another successful day out of many in the last 8 months.:blushing: :bigsmile:
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Cleaning is burning calories Andrea, so good job.

    Okay everyone here goes

    Calories:1500 Yay I actually brought that down today.

    Water: Not quite but close and I still could bring that up to 64 oz. before bed time


    I am proud that I finally lowered my calorie intake this week and that I exercised. I proud that I took care of everyone in my house plus some people that do NOT live with me. (I help my elderly neighbor) I am proud that this is another successful day out of many in the last 8 months.:blushing: :bigsmile:
    TOM for me so I know I am not going to have a loss this week but I have ate better today and I have still exercised so I am thinking next week should be awesome for me.Won't be around this weekend going to see my husbands Great Uncle he will be 90 on Saturday and he can walk circles around me.Kind of embarrassing right but I want to look and feel as good as he does at 90.So he is kind of a motivation for me.I can do this.It may be slow process for me but the fat will come off and I am still learning everyday what works.I have had a bad couple of weeks but I am coming right back out of it.God gives us trials and tribulations because he knows we can handle them.He never gives us anything we can't handle.I made it through a bad couple of weeks and my weekend is aiming to be a GREAT one!!!!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    I am feeling so good this week...I am soo excited about my weigh in tomorrow...i am a daily weigher and it has been going done every day...as of this morning I 1/2 away from loosing 15lbs .Total.....we will see what the scales say tomorrow...

    I will udpate my daily later, as i haven't even had 1000 calories, and I walked for a mile (took me 30 minut) was walking with my 6 yr and 2 yr they are slow....and then I did my 25 minutes on elliptical.

    I also did my weighin on biggest looser game, after the challenge that kicked my but...it was lots of arm stength and i have non and trying to hold my 296 lbs body up was hard....but anyway...then i did the weigh in and it was the last in my 4 wk challenge i did, and i lost 12 lbs....soooo that was cool.

    Think i am getting a snack....bbl.