Over 200 Club Back to School Group (open Group)



  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Congrats jlb123 & jennbarrette!
    Momma2four ... staying the same is much better than going up ... so don't let it get you down, you have accomplished a lot already - so you know you can do it. I keep telling myself that it doesn't matter how slow the scale is going down, as long as it keeps going down. We can't compare ourselves with each other, because we are all very different people - so our weight loss journeys are all going to be our own experience. I get down sometimes too when my weight is coming off slower than others, but at least I'm not going up, and overall going down! Chin up .... you will probably see that weight loss again on the scale tomorrow.:flowerforyou:

    :happy: I did it! I just came home from turbo kick class .... 1074 calories ... woo hoo! I felt ridiculous some of the time - flailing my girly arm punches around, and my feet never seem to move in the right direction ... but it was fun, and the hour went fast.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    good afternoon ladies, today has been hectic...didn't have time to get on this morning...got 10 min left at lunch so thought i would jump on.

    Well it is OFFICAL ......I am under 300 lbs

    Sw 310.1
    Last wee weight 302.3
    Cw 298.9 total weight % this week of 1 % (per that new calculator)

    That is 3.4 lbs this week, that is the most i have had since the 1st week (which was probably mostly water weight putting my body in shock of good food)

    I have done my ellptical alsmost every day...I am sure that is what kicked it up this week, pluse i never went over my cals, i never even got to my regular calories let alone my exercise calories.

    Congrats to everyone's weight loss this week.

    lstpaul - way to go on the turbo kick class

    I will probably give in to some candy, just not the whole bag like i usally eat....and i have cals left over why not...if i do eat a little more I am just going to work out more...

    well got to get back to work here, then go get my girls go to my moms for halloween party at her church, spaghetti dinner,i am sure my dinner will be more cals that I usally eat for dinner but it will be all good.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Congrats lildebbie! :flowerforyou:
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Sorry guys no weigh in for me today.Keep me in your prayers .Paige my 5 year old has teh H1N1 virus and I think I may have it now too but they won't do anything for me because I am not considered a target group.My doctor says I will more than likely get better on my own.Who knows I may lose weight while I am sick.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    I hope you and your family get better soon awestfall, you'll be in my thoughts. Take care of yourself!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    I hope you and your family get better soon awestfall, you'll be in my thoughts. Take care of yourself!
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Hello 200 Club!

    Last week 215
    This morning 213
    .93% loss

    So great job everyone!

    jlb123: Way to Kick the Holloween goal early! Your Thanksgiving goal will be behind you before you know it!
    Jenn: YOU DID IT!
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    No loss, 5 pound gain...i am now back to weighing 245...
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    I feel so excited for you being under 250. You have come so far. Your success really motivates me. As I look ahead and get discouraged because my goal weight is so far into next year. I see your numbers and say "stick with it":happy: .

    Momma2four: Let me throw some of YOUR own advise back at you:laugh: :laugh: YOU CAN DO THIS! YOU ARE WORTH IT! YOUr SCALES ARE MOVING IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION! STICK WITH IT! IT IS NOT ALWAYS EASY BUT YOU CAN DO THIS! WE ARE IN THIS TOGETHER! SLOW AND STEADY IS THE WAY TO PERMANENT WEIGHT LOSS!:laugh: :laugh: So did you hear I was shouting the best as this forum permits. hee hee Have a great weekend and enjoy the journey.

    Istpaul: Kudos on the Turbo Jam! Wow, wow, and wow...

    lildebbie: CONGRATULATIONS! You are under 300. You have worked hard for this loss and I am so happy for you to see the results of your hard work.

    awestfall: Sorry to hear N1H1 is with your family. Some friends or ours had it about a month ago,and their Dr. prescribed Tamaflu sp? at the first of the fever and their kids recovered quickly. Hope you get the medical help you need.

    You ladies are awsome!
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    No loss, 5 pound gain...i am now back to weighing 245...
    Weight is such a battle but this is a battle you can win. I suggest that you faithfully track in the food diary all day, every singe day, for every single food. This has been a huge help to me. Hang in there!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Hey gals,

    awestfall, hope your little one gets better quick. Hope your whole family gets better quick.

    lildebbie, wow this is really a great week for you. You should be so proud of all the hard work you are putting into this. I am really proud of you !!!

    lstpaul, over a 1,000 calories!?!?!?!?!?!? You are amazing. Thanks for the encouragement I know you are right.

    drea, it happened. It's done, move forward. I know that you can. You have made some huge accomplishments thus far. Do not let this put a stop to your hard work. We have missed seeing you all the time. I know you are busy with school and work but make some time for Andrea. Okay:flowerforyou:

    snowflakes, I am actually sitting here with a big smile, laughing to myself because that is exactly what I say to everyone else. And yes I could hear that you were yelling at me:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Thanks I needed that :smile:

    You guys are what makes me want to get on here all the time. I KNOW that you all can identify with what I am going through. All my friends (sister included in the friend thing) are either a healthy weight one is actually skinny and the other needs to lose a lot less than I do. So it is harder to share this with them, not because they are not kind and considerate, but they do NOT know what it feels like.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Thanks everyone !!! I feel great, the funnything is i knew this was the week i was going to gain or not loose due to being my TOM and all....quite opposite huh :)

    awestfall - I hope you and your daughter get well soon.

    Drea - Its a new week now, and you can do it.

    Well I am off to the halloween party, my mom is soo excited...i am sure the girls will be to. I did 15 minutes on my elliptical at lunch time so we will see how much i eat I may do more tonight.

    One good thing of working on at home instead of in a gym , i was thinking to myself, is you can sing way loud to your tunes and nobody thinks your crazy (ok maybe my dog).

    i really love it here too..it is nice to come and people know where you are coming from.

    Here is my accomplishment. I have a weird shape , i am large but yet don't have the big girls boobs...so finding bra's are hard i don't have the cup size to get the big ones but the small ones don't go around enough...anyway...i have an extention on my bra and i move it bra to bra, i can wear the one without the extension without it being super tight on me (like it was before)...I feel a great accomplishment :)
  • mscocoa30
    mscocoa30 Posts: 104 Member
    Hey there all! I started this week off really good. I was in a terrific mood, then boom! I got some bad news and it kinda did me in for a few days. I didn't do that bad with my eating, but my workouts suffered. Basically, I only worked out once this week :huh: Anyway, here are my check-in stats:

    Last Week: 228.6
    This Week: 226.9
    Total Lost: 1.7
    Weight Loss Percentage 0.74

    Not too bad considering. There is some light at the end of the tunnel. I met my November 1st goal (227 pounds)! :wink:
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    mscocoa30: Fantastic! You have lost 20 pounds! Do the happy dance.:happy:
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Hey there all! I started this week off really good. I was in a terrific mood, then boom! I got some bad news and it kinda did me in for a few days. I didn't do that bad with my eating, but my workouts suffered. Basically, I only worked out once this week :huh: Anyway, here are my check-in stats:

    Last Week: 228.6
    This Week: 226.9
    Total Lost: 1.7
    Weight Loss Percentage 0.74

    Not too bad considering. There is some light at the end of the tunnel. I met my November 1st goal (227 pounds)! :wink:

    Hey mscocoa, sorry about the bad news. I hope everything works out.

    Congrats on the 20 pounds, Yay for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:glasses:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    mscocoa - sorry about the bad news...but yay for loosing weight.

    I didn't do good tonight......we went to a halloween party at my moms church, spaghetti dinner so that wasn't that bad, did have 2 pieces of bread though....BUt then hit the desert tables, had a few brownies , cookies and some candy.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    I'm with you lildebbie, we learn and we move forward. Don't be to hard on your self. I had a big salad last night but with all kinds of fattening dressing on it and bread. I could kick my self but I am not I am just going to get back to what I am suppose to do.. lstpaul, says she is taking it one meal at a time that is how we have to do it. Can't let one bad meal dictate the next one. You can do this. You are under 300 pounds what an accomplishment..... We are going to see this all to the end..

    Have a happy Halloween everyone.
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    Happy Halloween everyone! Try your best to stay away from or moderately eat the candy and chocolate. I for one think calories should not count on holidays LOL. Be safe and have fun!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I just got back from a 40 minute walk with my dog Mo. We probably walked about 2.5 miles. I have never worn my HRM walking before so I just take what MFP says I burned walking 3.5mph and go with that. But I wore my HRM today. I walked along the canal which has some mild hills but overall is pretty flat. I threw in a few minutes of jogging 30 seconds at a time (I want to start couch25k in January). I didn't even tire myself out, I turned around because Mo was dragging & it's a little warm outside so I didn't want him to get overheated (greyhounds are extra sensitive to temperature because they hardly have any body fat). I got back to the car and looked at my HRM and my mouth dropped open. It says I burned 624 calories! It almost always agrees with MFP so I don't get it... but I'll take it! :laugh: Time for 30 day Shred and biking. I'll be burning well over 1000 calories today. And having a little treat tonight. :wink:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Way to go Jib for burning so much walking.

    I am not doing very good today on cals today either :( I didn't eat any breakfast then we went and got a new car and was there from 9 - 1 today. the girls were getting candy and ai had a few pieces they they had lunch , they had hot dogs and fajitas, and then some more candy...today is not doing good...I HATE HALLOWEEN....i just am going to deal with today.....we have no food in the house so we will see what we do.