Over 200 Club Back to School Group (open Group)



  • mscocoa30
    mscocoa30 Posts: 104 Member
    Wow, it has been quiet as a church mouse in here. Everybody ok? Just checking in on y'all.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Ok I am going to start off with a rant but then I am going to end it well.Well first my little girl gets sick ,my refridgerator is broke and I can't afford to fix it or buy a new one.My husband doesn't get paid until the 13th of this month and I only have $2.75 to my name.I have a small refridgerator that I fit milk and eggs and some bread and lunch meat in but other that some canned food thats all we have.I am so frustrated but I know all I can do is get down on my knees and thank the good gracious Lord above that I have all I need.I know he only gives us trials and tribulations to make us stronger and I guess this is my test.So Paige,my daughter is feeling much better thanks to God's healing hand.I am so blessed to have such a wonderful Savour in my life.She is doing so much better today and yesterday.So I am thankful!! Which now leads me to this.I am going to work my butt off this week and the week after and so on.NO MORE EXCUSES FOR ANN!!!!! I am going to meet my end of the year goal and I am going to start the new year with a BANG!!!!This MOMMA ain't going to be fat no more!!!!I have ben so lazy this week and I have gained so its time to motivate myself and pump myself back up and keep reminding myself I CAN AND I WILL DO THIS BECAUSE I AM WORTH IT!!!Thanks for listening!!!!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Wow, it has been quiet as a church mouse in here. Everybody ok? Just checking in on y'all.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Happy November everyone. I had setbacks this weekend that is okay I am back on track. I got on the scale this morning thinking I would of been back over 300 from this weekends eatings and no exercies (besides walking trick or treating)...and I was down from what i was on friday...woohooo...not much less than a lb , but that is much better than over a lb or two or three...or etc...

    So back on track and as of this morning I have 5lb to my turkey day goal.

    awestfall - Sorry about your turmoils right now..hope everything gets better soon.

    Hope everyone is doing good and have a great week.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Good morning everyone,
    Oh how I enjoy the extra hour of sleep that comes with the time falling back an hour from EDT to EST (Is the US the only country that does that?).
    I had a good weekend with food and exercise and the scale agreed -- down 3 pounds from Friday! Of course, I don't count it until next weigh-in, but I like where this week is going already. :wink:

    I'm really starting to notice my stomach getting firmer. It doesn't jiggle when I walk and it doesn't stick out past my boobs anymore when I sit down which is nice. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Good Morning everyone,

    awestfall, sorry to hear about your trials this week. I know that you can overcome them. What a blessing to be able to acknowledge that you have what you need and you will get through the rest.

    mscocoa, glad you checked in on us. We are all pretty quiet on the weekends.

    Lildebbie, glad to hear that you did NOT have a set back by the Halloween weekend. I am afraid to check to see if I have. I will let you know on Friday.

    jlb123 I love that I can not see my tummy past my boobs anymore. :laugh: I can so relate to enjoying that feeling.

    Well girls, I am feeling a bit afraid and nervous this morning. I shared with you all a while back that my son's speech therapist believes he has more than a speech issue going on. He is 4 years old. I am taking my little guy in to be assessed this morning. I am afraid of what they will tell me. I just have to relax and trust in God on this matter. I am going to be headed over there around 9 a.m. pacific time, which is just about 2 hours away right now. I am trying to get my youngest girl ready and off to school. My husband took my 2 older girls so I could have a more relaxed morning and let my son sleep in. I would like him to be in a good mood. I hope you all have a nice day. I will talk to you all later.
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Good morning groupies:happy:

    Wow you ladies rock making it through Halloween down pounds. WOW great going. Me well... just barely stayed within my calories, and no exercise. But it was a fabulous weekend being with my family!
    Why is it that the days fly by? Here we are in November. This weekend reminded me how quickly the calories add up. I really, really, really, do not want to gain through the Holidays. (holidays meaning now through the first of the year) extra tempting foods everywhere. :noway: :laugh:
    PLEASE keep up your posts. Just by reading them is a good motivaor for me and I like not feeling alone in this journey. You ladie can relate!
    awestfall: Love your can do attitude in a time that is hard and stressful for you. You can do this!
    Until later - Bye
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    Hello everyone! I ate horribly yesterday, and have the tummy ache to prove it! But, I am back on track today. Did an exercise DVD this morning (37 mins) and had DH hide the Halloween candy. LOL

    Hope everyone is starting off today on the right foot. Oh, and do we have a challenge this week?
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    jennbarrette: I have a stomach ache too ... for the same reason - I ate horribly yesterday and last night, and then as a consequence slept horribly too! Aaargh! I worked so hard on Friday going to turbo kick so that I could balance my Red Lobster calories that night, then I did another 120 minutes at the Y on Saturday and stayed under my calories for that day, because I spent the day at my daughter's swim meet and then trick-or-treating with my son at night, so was too busy to overeat (she rocked by the way ... got her best times of the year ... which didn't win her any medals - but it was still exciting that she swam so well at her level!).
    .... but then came Sunday .... I was so tired, and stiff and absolutely starving from working out on Friday and Saturday that I think I got into an 'I deserve it' mood, and I ate way too much. I think sometimes our body just doesn't want to let go of that fat and when I work out particularly hard ... my appetite is unbelievable. I wish I had made better food choices to take care of my hunger ... but I didn't, and today is a new day.
    momma2four: I'll be thinking about you and your little one this morning, make sure you keep us posted on how your appointment goes this morning.

    Have a good week everyone! Hope to see less of you (and me) by Friday! :wink:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    good afternoon everyone..

    My stomach was hurting on sat night too..:( I am feelig good and energized now...I am going to start fining some calorie friendly recipes for thanksgiving and christmas so I can enjoy some good food and be fairly good through the holidays.

    Momma - I hope the appt went well.

    I am doing good today...back on track. I have been eating my normal calories today....i got on my elliptical at lunch, at 1st i said I will do 15 min, then i said let me go for 20, then 25...funny when I get on i am like no way can i make it and then once i hit 15 i am like lets go for it. :)
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Hey Gals, thanks for the support. Glad to see everyone back on track today....

    My sons appt. went well. She believes his issues stem from the original diagnosis of speech/language delay. She also feels he lacks social skills and recommended a social skills class. This class is with 3-5 year olds and they spend an hour learning how to make friends, share,play, and all the typical things little ones need. I am sooooo excited and optimisitic right now. I have heard so many success stories from parents and grownups who had to take speech. College bounds high functioning individuals. So I am sooo pleased.

    I had some taco bell today. I know bad choice. I will make sure I stay within my calores at dinner.

    Thanks again everyone for your concerns.:flowerforyou:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Glad the appt when well. I was in speech therapy from K - 5...I turned out just great :)
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Hey Gals, thanks for the support. Glad to see everyone back on track today....

    My sons appt. went well. She believes his issues stem from the original diagnosis of speech/language delay. She also feels he lacks social skills and recommended a social skills class. This class is with 3-5 year olds and they spend an hour learning how to make friends, share,play, and all the typical things little ones need. I am sooooo excited and optimisitic right now. I have heard so many success stories from parents and grownups who had to take speech. College bounds high functioning individuals. So I am sooo pleased.

    I had some taco bell today. I know bad choice. I will make sure I stay within my calores at dinner.

    Thanks again everyone for your concerns.:flowerforyou:
    So glad the appointment went well and I will keep you and your son in my thoughts and prayers.God will help him and I know you believe that!!!!!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Stressed out again today because my oldest daughter has an abscessed tooth and she has to hve a root canal.I am overdrawn at the bank now because I had to spend $84 to get her prescriptions of antibiotics.I will have to spend another $175 for her root canal but its better than $1200 thank goodness for insurance.Isn't that ridiculous.I just spent $200 this weekend for my other 2 girls because they were sick,that was prescriptions and all.My husband doesn't get paid until the 13th so I am trying to gather up things to sell so I can support my family for the next two weeks.My sister is going to buy my labtop and I will still have my desktop so this should help out for the next few weeks.I am thankful though that I was able to make my children better and that God has continued to bless me and my family.There are people that are a lot worse off than me.I just had to complain about it for a minute.I am going to try to fit in some exercise this evening after the girls go to bed and I am going to get my booty up at 5 am and start exercising in the mornings like I was before when I lost all my weight before.Thanks for listening I love you guys!!!
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    momma2four: I am so confident with the resources available now that your son will do well. With as young as he is I think that is great advantage. So glad to hear that you were happy with outcome of the appointment.

    awestfal: If I ever win big money I'll pass some your way.:laugh: It can be so stressful meeting all the needs of a family. It is nice that your sister can help you out. :flowerforyou:
  • mscocoa30
    mscocoa30 Posts: 104 Member

    Hey there. I really wouldn't worry too much. (I know that is easier said than done). My son, who is 17 years old now was diagnosed with an unspecific language/speech disability when he was in the 2nd grade. Eventually, we learned that he had a mild case of CAPD (Central Auditory Processing Disorder). It is a disorder in the way auditory (sound) information is processed in the brain. To put it in layman's term, it is similar to dyslexia but not visually, but auditory and as a result affects speech.

    Anyway, to make a long story short. I really went to hell and back. At first trying to come to terms with trying to accept the situation. Then after I had come to terms with it, I had to advocate for my child to make sure he received the proper diagnosis, treatment and education. Well, it has been ten years since then and I am happy to say that my son will be graduating from high school come June 2010 and he is college-bound.

    So I guess the moral of the story is, try not to worry too much and don't blame yourself. My biggest obstacle was learning to accept that while he will probably always have this difficulty, catching it while he was young was the key to allow him to learn how to work around it to become a functioning adult in society.

  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534

    Hey there. I really wouldn't worry too much. (I know that is easier said than done). My son, who is 17 years old now was diagnosed with an unspecific language/speech disability when he was in the 2nd grade. Eventually, we learned that he had a mild case of CAPD (Central Auditory Processing Disorder). It is a disorder in the way auditory (sound) information is processed in the brain. To put it in layman's term, it is similar to dyslexia but not visually, but auditory and as a result affects speech.

    Anyway, to make a long story short. I really went to hell and back. At first trying to come to terms with trying to accept the situation. Then after I had come to terms with it, I had to advocate for my child to make sure he received the proper diagnosis, treatment and education. Well, it has been ten years since then and I am happy to say that my son will be graduating from high school come June 2010 and he is college-bound.

    So I guess the moral of the story is, try not to worry too much and don't blame yourself. My biggest obstacle was learning to accept that while he will probably always have this difficulty, catching it while he was young was the key to allow him to learn how to work around it to become a functioning adult in society.


    Thanks so much. Hearing from Mom's who have experienced this and see that their child has come so far is so uplifting. I really appreciate you sharing this with me. It really helps me to have hope for his future.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Momma2four - I'm so glad the appointment went well.:flowerforyou: I too think that it is really positive for your son that he is getting help at such a young age and he will be fine.

    awestfall - hang in there! sounds like you are having a rough time lately, but you will get through it!:flowerforyou:

    I had another bad eating night :frown: ... didn't get home until 7:30pm after taking my son to swim lesson, and then my daughter to sax lesson. Had snacks for them - but not me, so I was too hungry when I got home and made some bad choices. Next time ... I need to pack an apple and cheese, or some snack so that I don't get so hungry. No exercise again, but did well with drinking water.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Next time ... I need to pack an apple and cheese, or some snack so that I don't get so hungry.

    Lately, I've noticed I pretty much always have a piece of fruit in my purse just in case I get the munchies & have no other healthy option. :laugh:

    I pulled out my silly Gazelle exercise machine last night. I haven't used it in years. I'm wondering what you guys think I should log it as in the exercise log? I wore my HRM and I burned about the same amount of calories as I would have on an elliptical but it has a different motion than an elliptical so I'm just not sure. I guess it doesn't matter much as long as the calories are right on the log.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    ************************Over 200's Announcements and a little bit of a Pep Talk************************

    Good Morning Girls,

    I hope everyone is well. I know some of us have been struggling a bit this week, but we have to keep truckin a long. We are going to have times like these but if we survive them we are going to make it all the way through. I can't wait to start seeing 100 pounds lost on our tickers and it is going to happen. Jenn is more than half way there. We are all a great group of people who really need to get healthy. We have active beautiful children, husbands, boyfriends, and pets(for those of us who only have fur babies) And we want to be around to enjoy them and actually "LIVE" with them. I do not know about you guys but my weight has held me back from doing things with my husband and kids. We live 5 hours from Disneyland and we visit every year. There are certain rides I doNOT attempt even though I want to , because I am afraid that I will not fit. My girls beg me to ride with them. I am not doing that to them any more. NO MORE> Ladies, we are going to become the under 200's group someday. I know that we will. I hope that each one of us sticks it out and is there when we ALL as a group become the "HOT, Under 200's graduation group".

    Well, Lets get going and continue to lose, lose, lose

    By the way, we never determined a biggest loser this week. C'mon girls lets show some get up and go and lets start keeping track. Our person with the biggest percentage of weight loss knows who they are. Put forth a challenge and lets do it.

    I am also setting a challenge. We use to do this and some of us still do on occasion but lets get back to it. I would like us to post daily and answer these questions (daily or when ever you can)

    Did I stay within a healthy calorie range today?

    Did I exercise today?

    Did I drink my minimum of 64 ounces of water today?

    Share something that you are proud of about yourself ?

    Second challenge is to add up all the cardio minutes that you did for the week and add 5 minutes to that total each week.

    If everyone is in agreeance I would like these to be ongoing challenges in addition to whatever the biggest loser chooses for the week.

    We are a group so we NEED to ALL agree that this is a good idea. So please start posting your opinion and if the majority says yes this all begins today.