Over 200 Club Back to School Group (open Group)



  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Hi there

    The mapmyrun.com site is SOOO cool. Thanks for sharing.

    Love the pumpkin spice muffins. I have never made it with zucchini before so I will be trying it that way. The last batch I made instead of frosting the muffins I stired in about a fourth of a cup chocolate chips and my family LOVED them. (Hubby was a bit sceptical that he could give up the cream cheese frosting:tongue: )

    Stayed within my calories at the pot luck dinner last night. wheew! I Sure enjoy reading your posts to each other. Thanks for the motivation. Oh, and did my push ups this morning:happy:
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    awestfall: I'm right there with you ... trying to refind my motivation .. it's here - it just comes and goes. I do think it has a lot to do with how busy we are right now with everyone else's schedules and priorities, but we need to make ourselves a priority again too! We will get there! I'm glad you are having a better day.
    I started off my day in a funk because my usual Thursday morning step class was cancelled since the instructor has the flu. Of course I could have tried to do some other exercise instead ... but NO, I didn't. It's raining cats and dogs here, so a walk at lunch isn't a good possiblitiy either. I have GOT to find a way to make myself do some exercise on my own when I can't get to the Y. I was doing so well with that in August - up to 400 minutes of exercise a week ... but I have failed to meet that goal ever since. I'm going to adjust my goal back to what I really have been getting in (240 minutes) and try to add in a little at a time again ... maybe that will be more attainable and help my motivation.
    Tomorrow morning I am going to try turbo kick at the Y again ... I tried it awhile ago and thought it was fun (although intimidating)...but I haven't been able to get back to a class since then. I WILL go tomorrow, especially with missing my step class today ... and we are going out for our Anniversary dinner tomorrow night so I will need some extra exercise.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Hi All,

    awestfall, I missed your post yesterday, got worried about you then read today's post. Thats my girl back on track, quit depriving yourself. I agree with the other girls, I do NOT deprive myself. I have learned to do things within reason. I am going to be on this weight loss journey for a while, then in order to maintain that weight loss I will be eating healthy(for the rest of my life) I can't deprive myself or I will end up back where I was at the end of February. Depriving your self makes it that much more desirable. Take the desire away just do it a little bit at a time. I have weeks that I lose nothing, I have weeks that I lose .4 pound(this week) and I have weeks I lose 2.2 pounds(last week). I am never deprived, yet I weigh 41 pounds less than I did 8 months ago. Slow and steady wins the race!!!

    Jenn, all I can say is..........your awesome!!!!! You are so consistant and you motivate me to stick at it.

    snowflakes, glad you like the site, I love it!!!

    jlb123, you are doing so good. I see that you met your Halloween goal. Good for you.

    lstpaul, have fun at your class and have fun at your anniversary dinner. I might go back to keeping track of my exercise minutes each week. That was really motivational when we were doing that as an on going challenge.

    Have a great day, to all my over 200 friends. :heart: you guys!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    That mapmy run site is cool

    I am super motivated right now i think becuase so far this week (since last friday i have lost like over 4lbs), hopefully it holds out till tomorrow when it is offical and I can say in my weigh in that I am OFFICALY UNDER 300 LBS, don't know why in the back of my head i think i am going to wake up and I will be back over 300...i know I am irrational.

    That has made me do really good this week i think. I have been staying under cals every day (lst night i was like 400 under including some exercise calories). I had to go to lunch with some co-workers ( i work remote and we have to switch the on call stuff over), they were giving me all these choices of places i love, but instead i said chik fila, i know i can eat a fairly low cal meal there, and I did it. They got the fried sandwcihes with fries. And I did great with my grilled chicken sandwich and side salad.

    After work I was very irriated at work had a bad day, and its that TOM so that i am sure didn't help, my girls have 8 cupcakes sitting on the counter they won last night, and normally i would go grab one or all .....did i do that...noooooo...Instead i got my but on the elliptical for 25 minutes that is longer than i have ever been on it ...i feel great....I absolutly love my 15.00 elliptical, we were gonig to join a gym in january but with the $$ i am not sure if we will, but if I could just have my ellpitcal and biggest looser game i may be set for a while :)

    question though, it told me i burned 216 cals in 25 minutes, doing around 48 rpm (some times faster for like 20 sec intervals) and when I enter 25 min on the exercise diary it says like over 400, if you are bigger do you burn more calories doing the same exercise? just wondering. I am sticking into the 216 but wasn't sure, because I wouldn't want to give my self too much credit :)

    For those of you who feel like you lost your motiviation...you will find it I know :)

    Sorry for the rambling about me....I am so stoked today about getting this weight off.
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    lildebbie, you do burn more calories the bigger you are (which is great at the beginning, but as you lose you have to work harder to burn the same amount:grumble: ) That being said, somethings the estimate on myfitnesspal is high, sometimes it is low...so before I got a heartrate monitor, I would usually leave about 100 calories at the end of the day as a buffer.

    Today -
    calories - still have 200 left, might have a 100 calorie bag of popcorn tonight yum!
    water - 9 glasses so far
    exercise - 1.5 hrs of walking

    Hoping for a great weight in tomorrow, good luck everyone!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    lildebbie, that is so exciting. You really made a great deal with your elliptical. The bigger you are the more calories you burn. I think Jenn is right sometimes mfp is high, sometimes low. Smart idea to go somewhere in the middle between 200-400.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Thanks girls....I need to get one of the hose hr monitor things, so they will tell you how many cals you are burning and stuff? How much do those run? The ones i have seen like the body bug are soo expensive and then they want you have a monthly fee.

    I did some research on some other sites...i will just take what mfp puts for me, i am not going to close to my calories, so i will probably leave a few hundred. I try to stay uner my "pre' exercise calories any way

    What is wrong with me, why i must get on the scale like 20 times a day. I got on after dinner and was back up to 299.8 (this morning i was 297.9) i know it isn't real, i just like seeing that 297 number :)
  • mscocoa30
    mscocoa30 Posts: 104 Member
    Hello everyone....I am so happy with myself I did 20minutes on my elliptical, it said I burned 175 calories, i was soo proud...that is the longest I have done at one time since I got it last week.

    Tonight i have a halloween party at my girls day care , they will enjoy it i just don't want to have to look at candy.

    You did amazing on the elliptical machine. I swear, I can barely do 2 mins before my legs and arms feel like they are about to fall off.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Thanks , the 1st night i thought i was going to die at 15 minutes and today i did 25 minutes.

    My arms on it are broken, but figure the workout for the rest of it is pretty good.
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    I have a Polar F7 hrm and paid about $150. I don`t regret it all all. I got the female model, and it is actually a nice watch and I wear it all the time. It really does push me to keep my heart rate up, and to exercise longer. Like if I am at 250 calories burned, I keep going until I hit 300, even if I feel like stopping. That being said, I wouldn`t say it is a necessity for weight loss, but it does help me.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Hmmm..i will have to look...I know i did that today. I hit 20 minutes and right like 180 cals burned per the machine, then i was like i wanna do 200...then i was like 22 or 23 minutes so i was like come on i can do 25....this is soo unlike me , i usally in the past, i get tired and i stop, I kept going it felt good.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Thanks girls....I need to get one of the hose hr monitor things, so they will tell you how many cals you are burning and stuff? How much do those run? The ones i have seen like the body bug are soo expensive and then they want you have a monthly fee.

    I did some research on some other sites...i will just take what mfp puts for me, i am not going to close to my calories, so i will probably leave a few hundred. I try to stay uner my "pre' exercise calories any way

    What is wrong with me, why i must get on the scale like 20 times a day. I got on after dinner and was back up to 299.8 (this morning i was 297.9) i know it isn't real, i just like seeing that 297 number :)

    I got mine a few weeks ago from buy.com It's a Pro-Form HRM with a chest strap and it has several features including a stop watch, timer, memory to track calories burned, etc. The chest strap will communicate with most gym equipment (but I don't work out in a gym so I don't know from personal experience how well that works). I paid $19.99. Yep, $19.99 and that included shipping! I think it's awesome. It retails for $89.99, I got the tip that it was on sale from another girl on this site. It's not on buy.com anymore, but apparently they have that sale on them every few months. I'll keep my eye out for you. There is a HRM with a chest strap on buy.com right now for about $34 with free shipping, but I don't know anything about it. http://www.buy.com/prod/heart-rate-monitor-watch/q/loc/66357/203475151.html
    I just couldn't pay $100 for a HRM when I found that one with so many features for $20.

    I agree with Jenn though, I really like knowing my HR while I work out. My HRM generally tells me I've burned just a little more or about the same as MFP estimates. I always count the lower number and never eat all my exercise calories (and I'm actually really bad at eating any of them at all :ohwell: ) just to be on the safe side.
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    Ok so I did not do my push ups but I did take a walk for about 30 minutes today with my bf. I need to get back in the gym, or back on my walks at least 3 times a week. wish me luck. Ate within my cals and drank not enough water.

  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Good morning girls!
    I had a good day yesterday with my food choices and stayed under my calorie limit (FINALLY!). I didn't get any exercise in (and forgot to even do my pushups - so I did them right now .. wow is my home office floor dirty!). I'm going to a turbo kick class late this morning, I'm a little anxious about it. I tried it once before and it was a great workout and a lot of fun ... but I felt kind of silly the whole time because I'm not very coordinated with the dance moves - but I'm going to try it again, wish me luck!
    I'm feeling motivated again today, I lost .8 pounds this week ... not much - but I'm happy to see anything in a downward trend. I need to get back to a slow and steady pace because I was doing better with motivation and food choices when I was focused on just small changes in the right direction. I'll weigh again tomorrow after my step class, maybe I'll see a little more loss then, although I don't think I'll hit my Halloween goal of 235. I'll just keep on trying.
    last week 238
    this week 237.2
    lost .8 for .33%

    lildebbie: I don't think weighing often is all that bad of a thing ... when I was doing really well, I was weighing a couple of times a day, and it kept me motivated. I have noticed that in the last month when I haven't been doing as well - I don't step on the scale until I absolutely have to for weekly weigh ins.

    I have a Polar F11 HRM and love it ... it was $169 I think. But I would have to say that I don't use all the features, so don't think you need to buy one that is that expensive. But I do like some of the things it does - like giving me a weekly goal and tracking it ... I get a little 'trophy' on the watch display for a week if I meet my previous weekly goal. It really motivates me to not miss that trophy, even as hoaky as that is! I also like that it will beep at me if I am working under (or over) my fat burning heart rate range ... when I was trying to walk/run that was really helpful because I found out that I really wasn't pushing myself enough when walking. I have to turn that beeping off though when I do step class because I am almost always working over the range.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Happy Friday!

    jlb123 SW: 270 GW: 150 CW: 246.6 = -1.2 pounds
    So that's about .5%.

    I'm happy with that. I had a big number last week and after that I've been weighing in at 249.8 all week until yesterday due to the water weight from heavier exercise.
    I pretty much kicked my Halloween goal's butt. And I'm only 6.6 pounds away from my Thanksgiving goal! :drinker:

    I'm excited because I'm about the same weight I was 4.5 years ago when I decided to lose weight and lost 40 pounds. So, now I've lost all the *extra* weight I gained in just a couple years after I went off that horrible idea of a diet. That was the summer before my junior year in college.

    I'm really not having trouble sticking with my eating plan or my exercise plan. Yes, it takes effort, but it's really not hard for me this time. :smile:
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    weigh in -

    last week - 250.2
    this week - 248.9
    total - 1.3 pounds or 1%

    I am officially out of the 250's! And I have now lost 20% of my starting weight.
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    Oh, and I found a percentage calculator that is a little easier - http://www.fitwatch.com/qkcalc/calculate-weight-loss-percentage.html

    You can just put in last weeks number and this weeks number to get your percentage.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    *****Warning rambling ahead***********

    Good morning all, My scale said I lost .4 pounds yesterday, today it does not. So I am going with the offical weigh in day and my percentage of weight loss was 0%.

    I have a lot of those 0 weeks. but at least I am still heading in the right direction. Nothing lost is better than something gained. Hey and I had a good week last week. I am trying to encourage myself:laugh:

    My 50 pound goal by Thanksgiving is looking a bit harder to do. I have to do it. Or at least come so close. I am discouraging myself. I know tomorrow is Halloween and I am telling myself I won't be able to resist, so why try. I HATE getting like this.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Momma, you can do this!!

    There are amazing looking cupcakes AND Krispy Kreme doughnuts at work that I have to walk by every time I make a copy, every time I send a fax, every time I pull a file, every time I go to the bathroom... pretty much every time I step outside of my little cube. And I'm resisting. Because every time I think about having one, I come look it up. A glazed doughnut= 200 calories. Well, I'd rather have a couple beers tomorrow night than a doughnut at work. Lord only knows how many calories are in those homemade cupcakes. At least 300. I'm staying away from them today.

    But anyway, now I'm rambling. I think my point (although it doesn't sound like it) really is -- so what if you eat a few extra (200?) calories tomorrow? So what if you really want a doughnut or a piece of pizza or a couple fun size candy bars? That doesn't ruin your month or week or even your day. Just decide what is highest value to you, and eat a small portion of that. You could even exercise a little more and completely cancel it out which is my plan. I'm not going to deprive myself tomorrow. Which is the main reason I'm able to abstain today. But I'm also not goingto lose my mind. And just because you splurge a little and have a 200 or 300 calorie treat doesn't mean you should go hog wild the rest of the day. Because that could make you fall off the wagon for the rest of the week, and then once you're off a week, screw it, you may as well keep on eating junk and not exercising for the rest of your surely-shortened life. You can do this. Really!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Momma, you can do this!!

    There are amazing looking cupcakes AND Krispy Kreme doughnuts at work that I have to walk by every time I make a copy, every time I send a fax, every time I pull a file, every time I go to the bathroom... pretty much every time I step outside of my little cube. And I'm resisting. Because every time I think about having one, I come look it up. A glazed doughnut= 200 calories. Well, I'd rather have a couple beers tomorrow night than a doughnut at work. Lord only knows how many calories are in those homemade cupcakes. At least 300. I'm staying away from them today.

    But anyway, now I'm rambling. I think my point (although it doesn't sound like it) really is -- so what if you eat a few extra (200?) calories tomorrow? So what if you really want a doughnut or a piece of pizza or a couple fun size candy bars? That doesn't ruin your month or week or even your day. Just decide what is highest value to you, and eat a small portion of that. You could even exercise a little more and completely cancel it out which is my plan. I'm not going to deprive myself tomorrow. Which is the main reason I'm able to abstain today. But I'm also not goingto lose my mind. And just because you splurge a little and have a 200 or 300 calorie treat doesn't mean you should go hog wild the rest of the day. Because that could make you fall off the wagon for the rest of the week, and then once you're off a week, screw it, you may as well keep on eating junk and not exercising for the rest of your surely-shortened life. You can do this. Really!

    Thanks, actually you are right!! I am always preaching no deprivation. I just got a bit low when I realized that Thanksgiving is only a few weeks away and I still need 9 pounds to reach my goal. I just want to succeed at one of my mini goals. I have been at this for 7 months, and I am doing it quite a bit slower than a lot of people. But I am also keeping it off and still going.

    Thanks again:flowerforyou: