

  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Hey Girls!
    So my cramping issues are not so much better today..this AM I felt it just a little, but I decided I needed to hit my spinning class! And I got through that just fine actually! It feels BETTER when I'm working out..oddly enough:huh: Anyway, worked after that til noon then home for abs, some grub and got through CE Push 1 later on:drinker: Luckily I don't have any nausea..just crampy. I am actually going to nap a little now..I really am not sure what is going on with my GI system..ugh.:sick: But I've got a night out with my boy tonight and don't want to crash (from getting up at 4:30AM!) so figured a nap would be a good idea...might calm my stomach a little as well.:ohwell:
    I didn't burn that much today, but I figured maybe my body is REALLY trying to tell me something so I'm going to rest the rest of the afternoon. Nap, read and do some small things around the house.:yawn: I'm so proud of everyone with your workouts! Keep it up ladies, it's my motivation too Dawna!:happy:
    Erika-I probably should start switching up my workout routine a little as well, seems to still be working right now though, besides I have little money to put into new ones:grumble:
    Dawna-Have a great time at the gym tonight! Don't feel bad about the cheesecakes---after my week that seems like a pebble compared to a boulder! I'd have probably eaten them all!:sad: lol!
    Have a great night ladies! Check in tomorrow!
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Hey girls! Just checking in for the day! GI update: still not right..ugh! It is better, but still crampy some:frown: ..Needless to say I am not letting it stop me from workouts because it in fact seems to feel better when working out..very strange! I hit the gym this AM for a shorter run..ended up doing about 45 minutes on the treadmill (less incline and a slower with my GI issue:grumble: ) before going to my Body Flex class. After this I felt really good! Must have worked out the cramps...but it is indeed back now:explode: After some breakie at home I hit TurboSculpt with mom as well.
    Later afternoon I am heading to the Cit-ay with my boy, meeting a couple of his friends, and going out to Wasabi Grill for sushi!:heart::heart: :heart: You're probably thinking I'm crazy, but I am not really concerned about my stomach it's just this dang crampy feeling:sick: The dinner is actually not a worry for me..sushi is a totally awesome meal and I'm careful it can be entirely clean! Here's my catch though----Afterwards we are heading to a place called the Chocolate Bar--yes. It's exactly that..a bar featuring fantastic chocolate drinks and desserts. I have not been there before, but I am actually pretty excited to go! I just will feel really guilty treating myself when I've had such a bad week.......I've saved enough calories for dinnertime/afterward to enjoy myself, but I still am not sure...:embarassed: :ohwell:
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hey Gals! Checking in today to say hi. I am not feeling the best (same as what you have Berta...it's baaaack!), so I am putting off my morning workout and will see if I feel up to it this afternoon. But, being that my stomach is off, I'm not really hungry, so I could stay w/in calories without exercise, so I might do that. We'll see!

    It's a yucky, rainy/freezing rain mix here today, so I'm staying in with my boys and doing stuff around the house. Catching up on some laundry and scrapbooking in between loads!

    Have fun tonight, Berta! I'm excited to hear about the Chocolate Bar!
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Hi ladies!
    My day has been pretty great. I woke up early to hit the gym and get my run on! I did 5 miles and it felt great. I love the HRM because I am able to monitor my HR and to increase my intensity. Its weird but I work harder with it on...something about seeing the numbers. My husband is addicted to wearing the HRM now too...we usually debate about "who's turn" it is. He says that he wants to get another one so we can both wear them. Haha! We came back home after our run and did CE Push 1- my fave!

    I went to a baby shower this morning, those are usually fun. I always end up staying a little longer to chit-chat as life gets so busy I usually don't have as much girl time. I should make more time for that, but its always SO hard to get schedules to match up!

    hope you all had a great night! I am also looking forward to hearing about this Chocolate Bar!! Hope your stomachs start feeling better!!!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning Everyone!!!

    I'm feeling MUCH better today. Last night was horrible. My stomach was so bloated/crampy that it was hard as a rock! Normally, I can get on the treadmill and do a nice slow walk to settle my stomach down, but I couldn't even walk the first attempt, I cramped up so bad. Not sure what did it, or why it happened, but all better today!

    Rocked out a new workout this morning...Cathe Friedrich's Hiit 30/30...wow...that REALLY got my HR up there. I'm guessing this is what Insanity is like, but without the 30 second breaks in between. Lots of plyo and shortness of breath, but I loved it! Followed that up with a little Tony Horton's Power Half Hour Thigh Trimmer, and I'm good to go!!!

    Berta--How was the Chocolate Bar??
    Dawna--Great job on the run! Isn't it fun having a HRM? It pushes me harder, as I'm always checking my HR to see if I can get it higher, or watch my calories burned to get over a certain mark. It's soooo fun!

    Have a great Sunday! I'll be cheering on the Vikings later today...can't wait!
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Hey girls, just checking in quick..I got up and ready to go to the gym for spinning class but I just am not feeling it today..I feel ok, a little sore in my back/chest from CE yesterday but otherwise could get through it fine I'm sure. I just have not taken a total rest day in a long time now and I think I may be overtraining some days. In theory I think this might be leading to my binge eating that's been happening the last couple weeks...I keep doing it:sick: last night I even got into my dads ice cream and cookies, finished off some special k crackers and had an extra bar, and I don't know why::noway: sad: ! I just CRAVE so bad after dinner it's insane and I just feel so guilty about it the next day I feel I have to kill myself to make up for it. Well today is different. I decided on a total rest day because 1. Mondays spinning I don't burn much anyway, and 2. I think my body needs it. I think if I stick to my planned diet of healthy food today even though I am over a little calorie wise, I should be fine right?
    I hope by doing this today that tomorrows run will be even better and by giving my body a rest I can break this pattern I'm in:cry: Alot of it is mental, feeling I can't get full enough..I do so well all day then blow it before bed..UGH! So mad at myself.
    Yesterday I did Turbokick Round 28, CE Lean 3 and Ab Burner. I don't know if that is overtraining, but I haven't totally rested in probably over a month now...and that's my conclusion. Thanks for listening ladies, I know you will all be very supportive and helpful when you read this. Have a great day, I really gotta step up and get back on the wagon.
    Edit to add: The chocolate bar was GREAT! But I'm not sure if that lead to more bad eating as well or not:cry: It seems sometimes I'm better if I stay away from it completely..it's so hard to indulge in a good way. Otherwise we had a fantastic time! Sushi was AWESOME I loved that!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!!!

    Well, it's not a fun morning here in MN...took me 2 hours to get to work (normally about 20 minutes) because there was a dusting of snow on the roads...ugh!:grumble: The Vikings lost last night too, so I had 1 very grumpy hubby to deal with this morning. He couldn't sleep off his frustration...he was just as mad this morning as he was last night. I had fun watching the game, but it's just that...a game!

    This morning was Lean 2 and TJ CP 1. I'm thinking it's time for a break from CE again. I'm not sure why, but by the time I get into the Lean Circuit (this happened with Round 1 too), I lose my interest in Chalene. I think I have a hard time working out hard, when the instructor is all dolled up and honestly, I feel like in the Lean Circuit (more than any other), Chalene doesn't really DO the workouts. I mean, I'm dying after 2-3 reps, and she's chatting away like it's no big deal...wonder what those Select Techs are really set at! :laugh: Plus, I've noticed that she never stops talking...not sure why I just noticed it, but I did. Anyway...I still do TJ/TK, as I think she is more "real" in that one...no fancy outfits, gobs of makeup and skimping on the workout herself...she does it the whole time! Ok, off my soapbox!

    Had a good weekend, both food wise and workout wise...tried one of my new Cathe Friedrick workouts (Hiit with a step) and it ROCKED! Just loved it!!!

    Berta--I went through the same thing as you about 2 weeks ago...could NOT get full, no matter what I did. For me, I was working out too much...I was burning on average 800-1000+ calories a day, and trying to still stay around 1800, so was leaving 250-500 calories on the table each day. Well, by about 8pm, I'd just go nuts eating anything I could. I look back now, and think it was probably because I was really revving up my metabolism, but not feeding my body, so then I'd eat anything in sight. I've cut back on my workouts (I made up a calendar for the month of January and just did February's last night so I can hold myself to it) so I'm staying in the 400-600 calorie burn range. I still occasionally go up to 800 or higher, but ususally that's on the weekends, or my casual evening walk on the treadmill on Mondays and Thursdays while I watch TV will get me over the 600 mark. So far, so good. This week has been MUCH better. I had one day where I went a little wild and went over by about 500, but I just left it...I told myself that 1 day is fine and moved on. One other thing I did, is I got stuff out of the house that I REALLY like, clean or not clean. I LOVE prunes (weird, I know) and could eat a bag in 1 sitting (did that over the weekend), well, that's not so good for the tummy, so I just didn't buy anymore. I still have 1 thing at all times in the house that I like, but it's a like, not a LOVE. They are the Kashi chocolate/cherry bars. I go to them if I need a "sweet", but I don't love them so much that I NEED them. Instead, I force myself to get creative with what I have. I mixed Greek yogurt with a 1/2 scoop chocolate protein powder for a snack the other day, and it was soooo yummy. But, I couldn't binge on that...too thick. But, satisfied my sweet tooth.

    Remember, we're all here for you!!! Keep up the great workouts and check back if you need it! And, as hard as it is, a rest day is good. I don't do one every week, but am going to try my hardest to do so, as it felt sooooo good to do it last week, and I really felt better after it. I also wasn't as hungry that day as I thought I'd be, so I only went over by I think 350 or so.
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    oops..this was double post sorry
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Just checking in from work on lunch break..I decided to just nab a few grapes from my PM snack stash for a quick AM snack--didn't have much more time for anything anyways! We were booking this AM! Anyway, with that said I won't be over on calories for the day as long as I stick to my planned foods. I pray that the other 2 seafood rolls and some cottage cheese and grapes will do it for me for dinner..I really don't want to eat more today unless I am starving. I cannot keep eating like a beast-especially the unclean foods I have been:sad:
    Erika-Thank you for the support..It has crossed my mind a couple times today to maybe stop logging my food for awhile..maybe try it out like the rest of the week and just eat what satisfies me, inevitably I will be under on calories because it seems like I use MFP to make sure I am eating ENOUGH:ohwell:. I'm not sure though...any thoughts? I just feel so obsessed with it sometimes....and seeing my leftover calories spurs me to eat more sometimes..ugh. I think I will stick with my usual workout routines, just really try to clean up my act diet wise. I really already have a set schedule, but that's a great suggestion...my working out doesn't seem to be the problem, it's the eating right now:sad: ! I am trying to get over the guilt of taking a rest day as well....ugh I hate feeling like I haven't accomplished a thing:cry:
    Thanks for the support ladies..I know you're all still here for me:blushing:
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Just checking in from work on lunch break..I decided to just nab a few grapes from my PM snack stash for a quick AM snack--didn't have much more time for anything anyways! We were booking this AM! Anyway, with that said I won't be over on calories for the day as long as I stick to my planned foods. I pray that the other 2 seafood rolls and some cottage cheese and grapes will do it for me for dinner..I really don't want to eat more today unless I am starving. I cannot keep eating like a beast-especially the unclean foods I have been:sad:
    Erika-Thank you for the support..It has crossed my mind a couple times today to maybe stop logging my food for awhile..maybe try it out like the rest of the week and just eat what satisfies me, inevitably I will be under on calories because it seems like I use MFP to make sure I am eating ENOUGH:ohwell:. I'm not sure though...any thoughts? I just feel so obsessed with it sometimes....and seeing my leftover calories spurs me to eat more sometimes..ugh. I think I will stick with my usual workout routines, just really try to clean up my act diet wise. I really already have a set schedule, but that's a great suggestion...my working out doesn't seem to be the problem, it's the eating right now:sad: ! I am trying to get over the guilt of taking a rest day as well....ugh I hate feeling like I haven't accomplished a thing:cry:
    Thanks for the support ladies..I know you're all still here for me:blushing:

    It might be worth a try...I tried doing that (not logging foods) for a little while, and went backwards, only because I wasn't "thinking" about what I was eating. But, everyone works differently. Maybe you could try manually changing your calories to let's say 250 less so that you don't see those extra calories each day, and then just eat till you get to 0. That way, you still have that 250 left over in case you do go over? It's hard to find that balance between eating enough, but not too much, and knowing how to read the body signals. I often will mistake my stomach growling for hunger, when it's really my food trying to digest, but I'm getting better at it. I think your food diary looks great, and workouts are good, so it's just finding that magic number! Or, like me, ususally 1 time per month I go hog wild on foods (cookies, sweets, whatever) and then I'm good for several weeks. I've always been like that, and can't figure out why. Most days, I think chocolate sounds gross, but I have 1-2 days a month where I could hurt someone for as much chocolate as I can get my hands on...so weird how our bodies work!
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Hi ladies!
    Yesterday was my rest day- and I mean rest...I do absolutely NO workouts unless it includes some sort of light walk. And my body always needs it, and it definitely energizes my body for the following week. Tonight I am going to do the Burn Intervals on the CE program as well as a Turbo Kick session. I am excited to do the Burn Inverals as I did about half of it last week after my run. It was intense and definitely got my heart rate up!

    Erika- it was a bummer about the Vikes, I didn't get to see the game but I saw it ended up really close. My husband would have been miserable for a few days if his Boise State Broncos would have lost in the Fiesta Bowl too... men and their sports! I get into sports as well...but like you said- its just a game! Haha! I'm hoping to go back to Minnesota this summer and take my husband to a Twins game...hopefully the new stadium will be complete by then.

    Berta- Your body maybe needs the rest? At least one day during the week. Not sure if you remember "ccfett", but she was really intense with her workouts too, and she had told me once that on Saturdays she wouldn't do an intense workout, and she wouldn't really log in her calories on that day either. I still log my calories in, otherwise I'm doomed to go WAY over...but my personal opinon would be to take a rest day, as I'm sure your body needs it. Our bodies are strong, but they also need the rest to recover.
  • afeinberg
    afeinberg Posts: 93 Member
    Am somewhat new to turbo jam but already loving it - i just have the first set of DVDs and do the 20 minutes almost every day and love the turbo scupt and ab jam too - did cardio party one today and was dripping when i was done. I LOVE chalene and her attitude and the music rocks.

    Question - what is the difference with Chalean Extreme? And what is Turbo Kick?
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Am somewhat new to turbo jam but already loving it - i just have the first set of DVDs and do the 20 minutes almost every day and love the turbo scupt and ab jam too - did cardio party one today and was dripping when i was done. I LOVE chalene and her attitude and the music rocks.

    Question - what is the difference with Chalean Extreme? And what is Turbo Kick?

    Hi afeinberg! Welcome! I love all of Chalene Johnson's products...they are amazing.

    ChaLean Extreme is a strength training exercise to build muscle.
    Turbo Kick is the "class version" of Turbo Jam. For example: I am certified to teach Turbo Kick so I use the Turbo Kick videos to train & learn the routines. However, you can buy the "Turbo Kick: Fan Version" if you want more variety in your kickboxing workouts. They are fun!
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Hi Jammers, Hope you all had a great night...I couldn't do it, I was sooo starved! I ate my dinner but I really just felt I needed an extra snack. My body has been craving carbs and fats..I don't get it..UGH. Oh well..I didn't do as bad tonight, I guess you girls are right..my body is just going through something really weird and I'm gonna let it for another night..Not going overboard but just gonna eat. I just feel bad because I did take a rest day, but I guess tomorrow I'll make up for it with a long run..right? bllllahhhh this is so so so hard lately..what the heck!:sad: I'm not afraid of gaining weight because I know how to lose it again, but I'm scared this is going to continue and I can't eat like a pig forever! Geez!!!! Anyway, thanks for the support and suggestions..I'm going to keep logging for now and try to get back on track tomorrow:ohwell: ..Goodnight all!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hey Girls!

    Well, I went a little (ok a LOT) wild on the M & M cookies I made over the weekend. So bad, I didn't even log how many I actually had. :blushing: BUT, I had quite a few calories left at the end of the day, so I just got on the elliptical while I watched The Bachelor and worked off the rest. So, lesson learned! I am such a weirdo in that I like to use things up (or in this case, eat things up). I am always on a mission to get rid of one thing so I can try something new...clear out one, bring in another. I sent all but a few cookies to work with my hubby so I don't have another episode like that tonight! :happy:

    This morning was Power 90 Cardio Intervals and CE I've got abs. Both good workouts, and I was up at 4:30 this morning, so got them done a little earlier than normal, which was nice.

    Berta--good job on the rest day. It is soooo hard for me to take a rest day, but I am going to make an effort to REALLY try to get one a week. I might have to start with one every other week...baby steps! I am still in weight loss mode, so am trying to keep at least a 250 deficit each day, so I think that's why I feel I can't take a day off. But, my body soooo needs it. I felt so much better last week after my rest day, and my body thanked me by dropping 2 pounds. Yep, got on the scale the day after rest day and was down 2 pounds! Keep at it girl...you're doing great!

    Welcome Allison! Glad you could join us. TJ is soooooo fun! I try to get several TJ workouts in each week (along with CE!)

    Dawna--Good job on the rest day! I'm going to use you as my inspiration to get that rest day in. It's so important!

    Have a great one everybody!!!
  • Raphi
    Raphi Posts: 124 Member
    Hi everyone!
    I just joined MFP yesterday. I was on the Wii EA Sport Active More Workouts 6 weeks challenge, but when I rang in my calories, I decided that it wasn't burning enough, so I'm back to my good old Turbo Jam DVDs! This morning, I did Fat Blaster; can anyone tell me more or less how many calories we can expect to burn while doing that workout? I checked for "Turbo Jam" in the data base, but I didn't find it...
    See ya tomorow :)
  • afeinberg
    afeinberg Posts: 93 Member
    i too would love to know how you log your turbo jam work outs - for the cardio party and 20 minute i log it as aerobics and for turbo sculpt i log it as circuit training but not sure

    today is turb sculpt and ab jam and 20 minute cardio - lighter work day for me so i have the time

    Normally i only have about45 min to work out - i work full time, have 2 little ones (2 and 5) and a husband who travels a LOT - but i am excited about toning up iwth this - On other days i do Jillina Michaels (no more trouble zones, banish fat boost metabolsim) which are also killer workouts and run 3.5 mi 3x per week

    Excited to get to know you ladies!
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Hi everyone!
    I just joined MFP yesterday. I was on the Wii EA Sport Active More Workouts 6 weeks challenge, but when I rang in my calories, I decided that it wasn't burning enough, so I'm back to my good old Turbo Jam DVDs! This morning, I did Fat Blaster; can anyone tell me more or less how many calories we can expect to burn while doing that workout? I checked for "Turbo Jam" in the data base, but I didn't find it...
    See ya tomorow :)

    Hi Raphi, welcome!!
    As far as calories burned....I had been logging them in based on what MFP said...but really the only way to get close to an accurate number of calories burned is to use a Heart Rate Monitor. Until you use one of those, I would use "Aerobic" exercise and get the caloires burned based on your height and weight. However, with that being said- my opinion would be to under-estimate a little bit, that way you don't eat more than you should. Good luck!
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Hi Jammers!
    I am feeling great today! I only had 60 minutes to get my work out in last night as my husband and I had some plans. But, I hurried home from work and did 20 minutes of Turbo Kick Round 33, and then did 40 minutes of the CE Burn Interval. HOLY SMOKES! This was the first time I have done the Burn Interval and I was dying, I really got my heart rate up during the cardio intervals and then really got my muscles completely worn out during the "recovery" intervals. Great workout! I burned lots of cals! I am in love with my HRM! Today I am feeling good, something about how strong I am feeling these days. I haven't stepped on the scale in a few weeks so I'm hoping when I do...I see the same positive results I'm feeling--on the scale.

    Erika- I don't know how you get up that early! But, it definitely motivates me to try to get up in the mornings...def not that early..haha.. I have a hard time getting up at 6am! But, right now it works for me to do my workouts at night since my hubby wants to work out, and he doesn't want to get up early either. When we have kids I know it will be different and I'll have to get up early..maybe by then I'll be used to getting up early. Haha! Way to give away those cookies...I always do that too..anything to get rid of the culprit!

    Berta- way to get your rest in yesterday...I know that even though you feel guilty at the time, your body needs it and I've learned that I feel soo good when I can get my rest day in. Keep up the good work girl!

    afeinberg- way to go on the workouts! great to have you in the group! and you do sound busy! I love those lighter work days so I can get a little extra work out in.
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Hey Jammers! I am PUMPED today! I feel soo good right now WOO! I was feeling sorry for myself again last night and ate waaay too much...:grumble: But I said to myself HEY, this is the LAST NIGHT OF THIS CRAP, YOU'RE GETTING BACK ON TRACK TOMORROW OR ELSE!:devil: And this AM woke up feeling very fat..lol probably all the extra CRAP I've gotten into lately...Needless to say, I made myself power-up with a shake and get my butt to the gym early (Dawna-my usual wakeup time has been 4:30 AM!:laugh: ) So I rocked the treadie for 70 minutes (incline 3-4, speed 6.8-7) and burned a little over 600 calories:drinker: I'm glad I took a rest day yesterday as well ladies..(not so proud of my eating.......:grumble: ) but I felt great after my run today. I've stuck to my diet today-so far so good! Just dinner in a bit, and I'm NOT falling off after dinner tonight! That's always my fall time..ALWAYS!:explode:
    Anyway, I'm so proud of everyones workout accomplishments! Plan for me is to hit the gym tomorrow AM for some elliptical, then home for CE and abs:tongue:
    Dawna-Great job with fitting your workouts in! I LOVE Burn Intervals--Intense but soo soo good! Thanks for the support lately!
    Erika- Don't sweat the cookies girl!--Again, just a pebble to my boulder of food issues lately:ohwell: I've seriously thought about putting a key lock on my food cabinet and giving my mom the key every night so I can't eat anymore after dinner! It's a thought if I can't keep on track!:laugh:
    Have a great night girls!!