

  • det3386
    det3386 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi Everyone! I know you all seem to be fans of Chalene Extreme and I'm thinking about trying it. I was just curious if it is really difficult? The ads seem like you need to be very strong and of course that is the end goal but I find I get turned off if it is way too grueling. Just looking for some opinions! Thanks!!

  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Hey Jammers! Today I hit the treadmill at the gym for a solid 7.3!:bigsmile: That's was about 68 minutes, speed average 7, incline average 4. I feel really good about that! Currently just home from work, have had a stressful week so far..I have tomorrow off, so hopefully tonight I can relax-maybe just read for awhile and go to bed. Tomorrow I'll hit the gym early (probably elliptical, as usual:blushing: ) then home for some CE later on. I'm not sure what else is on the agenda for tomorrow yet!
    Erika-I hope your child and you feel better soon! I'm glad to hear you took a day off when you felt ya needed it most--I'm horrible at allowing myself to relax and recoup:blushing:
    Livi-That sounds VERY interesting..what was it for!?! haha! Well hope it was fun anyway, and glad your back with us and TJ'ing!
    Det3386- CE is one of the most amazing workout programs I have done! It isn't really "hard" just Chalene's motto is "go heavy or go home", so depending on how advanced you are...the more weight the tougher the workout obviously! I encourage you to try it, I think you will enjoy it just like the rest of us!
    Have a great night ladies! I'll be checking in tomorrow!
  • Livi_Loves_Pink
    Hi guys! I just finished my workout. Did TJ Booty Sculpt and Abs and TJ Cardio Party 2.
    Livi-That sounds VERY interesting..what was it for!?! haha! Well hope it was fun anyway, and glad your back with us and TJ'ing!
    Yeah, interesting about covers it! lol. It was a gift for a friend. He found the pattern online and kept it bookmarked until he could find person willing to make it....which turned out to be me! :laugh: It was fun, kinda difficult though since it was my first project using the sewing machine. I'd done only hand work previously.
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning!!!

    Well, I stuck to my word and took yesterday off...I ALMOST got on the treadmill for an easy walk, and then reminded myself I needed the rest day. Good thing I did too, as I did Lean 1 this AM and forgot how hard that one was! I haven't done Lean since I completed my first round in September. I am spent! I still followed up with my Shape cardio workout, but know I'm done for the day!

    Weird thing...with all my days of way over calories and rest day thrown in there, I hopped on the scale this morning and was down 2 pounds...1/2 a pound from my goal weight. Go figure! The body is such a hard thing to figure out...just when I think I have it all figured out, my weight either stalls or drops! But, I'll take it. Now, just have to determine if I set myself a new goal or maintain. Not sure on that yet!

    My son is at school today, although I don't think he's feeling any better. Just a bad cough, nothing else. We'll see if I get a call to pick him up!

    Have a great one ladies!
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Sooo jammers, I had a bad night..went over on calories and feel horrible about it. SO I decided to hit the elliptical at the gym for awhile and just let my body go at it! I did 85 minutes and burned over 700 calories! Woohoo! I'm feeling pretty good now actually and am planning on Extreme Abs before lunch, some CE afterwards and I might even throw in a TurboKick round if I still have this amount of energy post CE! I don't know if it was the extra calories that I ate, the exercise push this AM or what but just feel like I can do more today! We will see:bigsmile: Keeping my eating at just what I feel like eating to be satisfied, and not overeating just to pack my calories in. I gotta kick my body into gear because my eating is getting ridiculous...
    Erika-Glad you stuck to your rest day! I really shouldn't beat myself up over the eating but I feel so good I just want to rock the workouts today, plus burn off those stupid extra calories from last night..:grumble: Hope your son feels better! I think Lean1 is the toughest CE personally, it the one that gets my HR up most, and burns the most!
    I hope last nights stupidness doesn't effect me too much weightwise..in the past couple weeks its fluctuated a little but really stayed the same because I'm just maintaining..so I guess I haven't messed up too much..yet..ugh!
    Have a good one girls, I'll check back to let you know how I did today!
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Good Morning Jammers!
    I did Turbo Kick Round 33 last night- it was awesome! I've been really underestimating my workouts and the amount of calories burned. I wore my HRM and burned almost 200 more calories than I was estimating before! I am going to start increasing my food intake a bit and see if that doesn't help me stay away from a plateau. I love that with all my healthy eating, I haven't really been craving much "junk". Although, my husband's birthday is tomorrow and I asked him what he wanted for his birthday dessert, and his choice was cherry cheesecake...ugh- my weakness! So, I asked my mom for her "mini" cheesecake recipe so that I can indulge with him, but not go over too much. Tonight my husband is amped to go running and then do ChaLean Extreme.

    Erika- Way to go on the weight loss! I agree- the body is weird sometimes! I thought for sure I would have gained weight over the vacation I took because I wasn't really counting and I KNEW I was going over...and then I lost a pound...weird! You're doing great! Glad you rested...I always need to remind myself that I need it too!

    Berta- Don't get so hard on yourself girl!! You're a very clean eater and your exercises are amazing! Maybe your body needs that extra fuel!! I am almost done with the BURN phase, and the way you girls are talking...I'm really excited for the LEAN phase!

    Livi_Loves_Pink- Glad to have you back!

    Det3386- I love CE, and like Berta said- its really as hard as you want to make it. Chalene definitely pushes you and encourages you to "go heavy" on the weights in order to see the mega results. Good luck!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Berta, Dawna is right...try not to beat yourself up over the extra calories too much. It's hard, but if you're eating clean, it's probably your body telling you it needs that extra food. I'm trying to go by what my body tells me too, as I just proved that going over (and I went over A LOT!) was what my body needed, as I lost 2 pounds from it. I went over around 1500 calories on Friday, Saturday and Sunday this week and last week too! Mine weren't all clean (last night they were), so I did beat myself up. But, when I went over last night, I looked back and it was all clean, so I just told myself it was my body asking for more food for a reason! Keep rockin those workouts, and checking your weight to verify what you're doing is keeping you where you want, and you'll be good to go!

    Dawna-have fun tonight for the hubby's b-day! Mmmm cheesecake sounds good...way to think ahead and make a mini version. If I had the full cake in front of me, I'd want to eat the whole thing...smaller portions=good!
    Isn't it fun having a HRM? I had one for several months, that I slowly figured out wasn't working, and when I switched to a higher quality model, I had the same thing. I was under by about 200 calories on my burn...wow, was I surprised! BTW, how is Round 33? I have the Fan Volumes 28, 29, 30, 31, 32 and Turbo Sport and wondered if 33 is better than any of those. My fave so far for moves is Turbo Sport with Jenelle.
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Hi girls, So I completed my abs and CE, I've burned almost 1000 extra calories today---I really don't know if I want to do a Turbokick round yet or not, depends if mom really wants to try it:tongue: I know I went over my alot last night, waaaay more than I logged, mostly because I got in a mood and just ate things that looked good..:sick: Now I know I decided to keep my calories "low" today or more like just eat what makes me satisfied, but should I really not eat enough on purpose now? I feel like I'm going to throw my body out of whack more if I DON'T eat that much..especially with the amount I've burned today:sad: I don't understand why this is seeming so hard for me lately..ugh. Please, Any advice?
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Hi girls, So I completed my abs and CE, I've burned almost 1000 extra calories today---I really don't know if I want to do a Turbokick round yet or not, depends if mom really wants to try it:tongue: I know I went over my alot last night, waaaay more than I logged, mostly because I got in a mood and just ate things that looked good..:sick: Now I know I decided to keep my calories "low" today or more like just eat what makes me satisfied, but should I really not eat enough on purpose now? I feel like I'm going to throw my body out of whack more if I DON'T eat that much..especially with the amount I've burned today:sad: I don't understand why this is seeming so hard for me lately..ugh. Please, Any advice?

    Berta, In my opinion, I wouldn't try to "make up" for the day before. Just start with a fresh slate. It won't hurt you to have gone over your cals for yesterday- especially with all of your exercise you did yesterday. Just eat like you normally would and forget about what happened yesterday :):happy: Easier said then done...but if you keep trying to "make up" for it, you'll just keep going through this vicious cycle. Try really really hard to forget about the mistakes you made and start fresh!! :bigsmile: You've already burned 1000 calories today- which is a ton- so you need to fuel your body with the adequate amount of calories, don't deprive your body of the nurtients and nourishment it needs!! Keep your chin up!
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Thanks Dawna-I know you are entirely right. I really need to fuel my body up again, I get so discouraged because I do so well then just crash and burn it feels. I think I am going to grab an extra snack right now. Any suggestions to a decent snack? I am skipping doing any more workouts tonight..I know it's just my mind playing games and trying to tell me I'm a failure. BUT I know I'm not, and should never feel bad because I have accomplished so much. There has been alot of stress in my life lately, and I am having a hard time dealing with everything. It's kind of a turning point in my life with some decisions and I feel jumbled up:frown: Thanks again.
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Thanks Dawna-I know you are entirely right. I really need to fuel my body up again, I get so discouraged because I do so well then just crash and burn it feels. I think I am going to grab an extra snack right now. Any suggestions to a decent snack? I am skipping doing any more workouts tonight..I know it's just my mind playing games and trying to tell me I'm a failure. BUT I know I'm not, and should never feel bad because I have accomplished so much. There has been alot of stress in my life lately, and I am having a hard time dealing with everything. It's kind of a turning point in my life with some decisions and I feel jumbled up:frown: Thanks again.

    Berta, you are doing great! I'm right there with you...I've been crashing a lot, but I am trying as hard as I can to just start the next day fresh, like Dawna said. It's hard to do, but we gotta try!! When I went over on my calories last night, I was all upset, and then kicked myself because I couldn't say that anything I ate was bad for me...my body was telling me something.

    Keep up the great work girl!!!! Glad we have Dawna here to keep us in check :wink:
  • det3386
    det3386 Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks for all the advice on CE! I'm going to try it and come here more often so you all can encourage me! You really do a great job at keeping up with your workouts!
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    I feel like a bottomless pit ladies:sad: :sad: What do I do...eat??? Oh lord please help me..lol
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Keep it clean, and eat if you feel like your body needs it! One sure sign for me is that I feel weak or tired or stomach is growling....I'm over today too, but it's clean, so I'm just going to roll with it!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning!!!

    I'm feeling the after effects of Lean 1 this morning...wow, my booty and legs are sore! But, I put in an hour on the elliptical and did CE Extreme Abs. Tonight will probably be just a nice, slow walk on the treadmill while I watch Grey's.

    I went over in calories again last night, but I kept it clean, and feel like my body just needed it after that tough Lean workout. We'll see how today goes...I may be upping my calories a bit to see if that helps. Always messing around with my calories it seems!

    Have a fantastic Thursday!
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Good Morning Jammers!
    I did Turbo Kick Round 32 last night, and the Burn Interval to get my cardio in before I did CE Push 3. Holy cow- I increased my weights and I am feeling it today! BTW- Erika- I really like Round 33. I don't like the "finesse" portion as much, but I still love it. I've been wanting to try Turbo Sport- thats one of the only ones I haven't tried...well, and the new ones. I'm going to try to save up to buy a few more instructor DVDs. My friends really want me to teach a class this summer...but life is already too busy. I have my certification but I just don't have the time to teach!

    This morning I woke up early to get a quick 20 minute TJam in...and for some reason I just couldn't get my heart rate up. It was probably way too early for me. Plus, I was trying to keep it somewhat quiet to not wake up our neighbors below us...and my husband. Today is his birthday so we are going out to eat. I've already logged what I'm having and hopefully I can stick pretty close to my goal for the day. I made mini cheesecakes last night, and I am excited to try them out tonight! Each mini is only 90 calories, so thats not too bad. Now....the goal is to limit myself to only one....good luck to me! haha!

    Have a great Thursday!
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Haha...I realized I said "Good Morning"....and its 3:12pm here...yikes!!:laugh: Its been a looong day at work. :noway:
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Hey jammers, today has been a looong day at work for me too! I haven't felt the greatest so boy am I glad to be home finally. I hit the gym this AM for my usual treadmill run--but got about 40 minutes in and my stomach/lower abdomen just were NOT agreeing..:noway: :embarassed: And so I paused, hit the locker room, and proceeded again:laugh: lol...I just wasn't feeling it after that, so I decided to mix it and do some elliptical too:happy: It worked out well, my body was happier with a little less impact, and I burned about the same. It's been a crazy day for my body, just feel stomach crampy..so haven't really wanted to eat as much. I am sticking to my snacks though because I know I do still need to fuel my body. I'm just debating if I want to have a little extra later or not:huh:
    Anyway, all in all happy with the day and looking forward to the weekend! My boy and I are hitting a new sushi grill with a couple of his friends! Woo! Should be a blast, I :heart: sushi!...hope my stomach issues don't continue:grumble:
    Erika-Thanks for the advice, I tried my best last night...ugh.
    Dawna-The mini cheesecakes are a great idea! I'm VERY bad at portion control so this would make it easier..but I would still want to eat more than I should:blushing:
    Hope you've had all had a great day! Check back later!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning!!!

    I'm feeling like I'm getting my butt kicked this week (in a good way!) :laugh: I'm not sure what I'm doing different, but normally I NEVER get sore, and every workout is making me sore this week. I guess it could be that I'm trying not to do the same workout more than once per month, so it's like doing a workout for the first time when I do get around to it!

    This morning was Jari Love Ripped to the Core...oweee!!! I am so sore, I'm afraid I won't be able to get outta bed in the morning. But, I'm sure glad I did it! Can't wait until tomorrow's cardio...that should be interesting!

    Berta--Good job finding another routine so you could finish your workout. The stomach crampy thing is what I had all week last week...I'm determined it's a bug going around as I've heard lots of people commenting how they had the same thing. Good thing is that I was still able to get my workouts in (had to change it up a bit like you did so my stomach would agree), and had no other symptoms!

    Dawna--How were the cheesecake mini's??? I'm excited to hear about them!

    Well, off to work. I'll probably check in later!
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Good Morning Jammers! (yes, it is morning..haha)
    Way to go on your workouts everyone!! It keeps me motivated, thats for sure! My husband's birthday was great, it was low-key so that was nice. The mini cheesecakes were delicious! It ended up being about 100 calories a piece, and I limited myself to two, which was pretty amazing. Haha.. I thought for sure I'd go crazy and want more. Its a Friday night- and that means the gym is usually empty so my husband decided he wants to go to the gym tonight and then just chill out at home after and watch a movie or play some games. I'm excited to go to the gym. I'm also going to do one of the CE Burn Intervals. It should be a great night--I'm excited. Well, you ladies keep me motivated with your clean eating and workouts, so keep it up! Haha.. maybe next time I'll over eat on clean food...not cheesecake!