

  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Good AM Jammers! Today I hit the gym--WAS going to spinning class but I got closed out!:sad: It's the first time this has happened since I joined the gym, and it was pretty depressing...oh well..I rocked the elliptical instead for about an hour and burned way more than spinning would have:tongue: Plan for the AM is to work 8-12 in a few minutes, then home for some extreme abs before lunchie! I am doing CE afterwards, then mom had mentioned something about going into the city for some shopping:bigsmile: ...I liiiike shopping! Haha, especially when we can go to the better grocery store!
    I am feeling REALLY good today, and intend to keep it that way! I am NOT screwing up again! WOO!:glasses:
    Glad you're feeling better Dawna! I've felt (not sick) but down this week obviously and my body is stressing too, so woohoo we are both back at it!
    I'll check in later ladies!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!!!! Glad it's Friday...as much as I like my workweek for the structured schedule, I need the weekend to catch up on some cleaning, and relaxing and some fun workouts!

    This morning was Push 3 and Burn it Off. I had a really low calorie burn from Push 3, which I was surprised about, but next round is Lean, so I think it's just my body getting too used to it? 25 pounds just doesn't feel that tough anymore, and I don't know if I can hold onto 30 pounders..that's a lot of work for the wrist/forearms! I did order Insanity and also several Cathe Friedrich DVD's which should be here next week, so I'm excited to throw something new in into the mix. I'm not sure what to think of Insanity, as I've heard it's a challenge, but I don't plan to do that more than once a week to start.

    Dawna- I also have IBS, but never had a "flare up" like this. I'm pretty certain that it's a stomach bug, as I have been eating the same foods, but feeling 100% better as of last night. Thank goodness...it's hard to want to exercise when your stomach is off, and hard to tell when you're actually full!

    Roberta- Way to burn it up on the elliptical! I love my elliptical...I'm sure I'll need to replace it soon (it's 7 years old and making some weird sounds!), but I'll use it until it gets to the breaking point!

    Well, off to get some work done...hopefully the work day goes fast!

    Talk to you all later!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Good Morning Jammers!
    Last night I did Turbo Sculpt for the full time and didn't take any breaks ( last week I really struggled and had to stop every 10 mins or so). So i was really proud and definately think I reached fatigue. Tonight I might take it easy and just do the 20 minute workout!

    Have a Happy Friday!
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Hi Jammers! I was able to get my Turbo Kick Round in, as well as a session of Extreme Abs. And HOLY COW! It felt great! I'm hoping to get some good exercise in tonight and Saturday morning because I know that my mother-in-law is taking us out to eat Saturday night. So, I'm prepping for that and checking the calories on some items I would like.

    Erika- if you don't mind me asking, about how many calories do you burn on your typical CE PUSH phase? I know it varies between people but I was just curious. I REALLY need to get a HRM but I've been estimating recently. MY Bday wish is a HRM, so I'm pretty excited about that.

    Nola-way to go on the Turbo Sculpt! I love how that program gets the heart pumping!

    Berta- Have fun shopping!! ...I wish we had some good grocery stores around here. I stopped at a Trader Joe's once in Arizona a few weeks back...I want one of those!

    Have a great weekend!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Jammers! I was able to get my Turbo Kick Round in, as well as a session of Extreme Abs. And HOLY COW! It felt great! I'm hoping to get some good exercise in tonight and Saturday morning because I know that my mother-in-law is taking us out to eat Saturday night. So, I'm prepping for that and checking the calories on some items I would like.

    Erika- if you don't mind me asking, about how many calories do you burn on your typical CE PUSH phase? I know it varies between people but I was just curious. I REALLY need to get a HRM but I've been estimating recently. MY Bday wish is a HRM, so I'm pretty excited about that.

    Nola-way to go on the Turbo Sculpt! I love how that program gets the heart pumping!

    Berta- Have fun shopping!! ...I wish we had some good grocery stores around here. I stopped at a Trader Joe's once in Arizona a few weeks back...I want one of those!

    Have a great weekend!


    I burn usually between 100 and 225 calories. Normally more toward the upper end, but today on Burn 3 it was only 104...I was shocked! But, it did feel easier than normal this morning, so maybe that's why!
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Hey ladies! Just checking in quick--Just finished CE Push3--Dawna just for reference, I burned 115 calories today with Push3 according to my HRM. That is actually kinda low for me, but I could tell my HR wasn't getting up there. I just cannot go heavier than 30lbs! It hurts my wrists!! Okay, now to pack some healthy snacks for the road and shopppping:bigsmile: Be back later girls!
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Hey ladies! Wow what a busy type day! I hit the gym this AM for my usual shorter run (4.2 miles today!) and Body Flex Class. Was great! Then home for some grub and shortly before lunch did TurboSculpt with my mom:smooched: I had some Spicy Rolls and a half an avocado summer roll for lunch that I picked up at Wegman's yesterday! Wootwoot! I :heart: sushi! Anyway, had to run some errands and now showered and got everything ready for tonight's Snowtubing!!!!!! I even packed my man and I PB&J sammies and apples, some cornpop things Wegmans had (16 calories each!:drinker: ) and got him some little chocolates for later:blushing: ..hehe. It's going to be a good night! I hope you've all had a great day as well, cannot wait to hear all of your successes!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Well, can't say I've had any successes over the last 2 days, but I've decided that I'm just going to get back on the wagon on Monday. I haven't fallen off the wagon since I started MFP nearly a year ago, and for whatever reason, I'm off (still keeping up with workouts, but over on calories---95% of it being clean food too--just can't get enough!). But, I'm ok with it and think I just need to do this and get it out of my system and I'll be all better!

    Hope you are all having a great Saturday. I'll check back in tomorrow (hey I might be back on the wagon tomorrow instead of Monday...who knows!!!)
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Hey jammers! Thought I'd check in before I get some sleep! Today was a great day, I was feeling energized and did a 5 mile run, and then I did push1 of CE. I lifted heavier than usual, and it felt great. I also printed off a coupon for $25 for Sports Authority and went and bought Polar F4 HRM. I am excited. I'm going to get it all set tomorrow and then test it out on Monday. Yahoo! I'm SO excited to finally know more accurately what I am burning in my exercises. Hope you are all having a great night!

    Berta- hope your snowtubing adventure night was great! Sounds fun!
    Erika- you'll get back on the wagon, I know it! Its hard sometimes, and its not like its bad food- so I wouldn't worry too much about it!! Keep up the great job on your workouts!!
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Hey hey Jammers!
    So I hope you all had a great Saturday night! I had a blast snowtubing with friends and my boy! I'm sure that burned some more calories also!:laugh: Spent the rest of the night hanging out, ate my healthy pbj and snacked on just the apple--didn't even want the cocopop things! So was under even more on my calories, but it was late and I'd had enough!:happy: ..I'm going to try it this way, eating enough but also listening to my body more and not eating just because I've "earned" it with exercise...It is making more sense so far!
    Erika-Try not to worry about going over..I overdid it too (but in a bad way..thank god I'm back on it!) Just listen to your body, and get back on when you feel ready:smile: Keeping up with the exercise though of course!
    Dawna-Awesome purchase!!! You will LOVE it! I cannot imagine going without it now-haha! Good job using the coupon too- they aren't cheap!
    Today I did TurboKick Round 29--my first time doing this round, but didn't burn as much:ohwell: ..Dawna-have you done this one? How many calories do you typically burn with it? Also just finished CE Burn2, and going to do some Extreme abs right now! Check in later!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hello there Jammers!!

    Well, I'm pleased to say I got off my butt and did 3 workouts last night (90 min total) and only ended up over by I think 400, which is MUCH less than I had planned on. I tried my new step and Cathe workout that came with it...WOW, I'm going to LOVE the step! Wish I had a bit more room for it in my workout area, but I'll make it work. It was a 30 minute workout and I honestly couldn't believe it when it was over...the time flew! Then, did a pre-programmed elliptical workout that I honestly thought might kill me! I got my HR up higher than I ever have and it stayed there...WOW!

    This morning was TurboKick Round 30...it was ok. I have a hard time sometimes following Chalene as she is kinda all over the place. She makes a lot of errors in some of her TK DVD's and it drives me crazy when I'm trying hard to get all the moves down!

    Berta- Round 29 got me about 530 calorie burn, which is up there with some of the others. Round 28 was my lowest calorie burn at around 450ish.

    Dawna--Glad you got a HRM. Like Berta said, I couldn't live without mine...so nice to watch the calories rack up and try to push for more!

    Have a great one. We're having people over for the Vikes game today...lots of veggies and fruits on the menu!
  • limestar
    limestar Posts: 198 Member
    Hey jammers. Well i been working out. I just baught a new dvd jillians michaels 30 day shred. i do 20 min and it gets me sweating. I am thinking of incorporating it with my ce. Do you guys know how many cal do you burn with chalean extreme and 30 day shred?
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning!!!!

    I am happy to say I am fully back on the wagon! I ended up trying out several programs on my treadmill and elliptical yesterday, and had a major calorie burn...which I needed to offset my 3000+ calories yesterday...ugh!

    This morning was Janis Saffells Brand New Butt workout. I have been trying to get rid of this one, and no idea why, as it was KILLER! My butt hurts:laugh: Then I cranked out CE Burn Intervals. Man I feel good!

    So, all my excess calories over the last week (I had 3 days where each day I was close to 2000 calories over), must have kicked my body into gear. I have lost a half a pound, which I fully expected to gain that or more. We'll see how this week goes and see if I need to adjust my calories back up again!

    Well, off to a work meeting. Have a great day!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Wow! I'm still hurting from saturday's workout out which was the full cardio party 1 workout and the ab jam (floor part). I really gave it my all and really was drenched in sweat at the end LOVE IT! I think my morning workouts are way more effective and I will definately try to put in more of those. Today I will take it easy and only do the 20minute workout after work.
  • melissaovadare
    melissaovadare Posts: 191 Member
    Good Morning! I am a stay at home mom (got laid off last year) and I am planning on ordering Chalene Extreme...I am wondering though, I am around 200lbs...Can I lose weight with this program, or do you have to be smaller?????
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning! I am a stay at home mom (got laid off last year) and I am planning on ordering Chalene Extreme...I am wondering though, I am around 200lbs...Can I lose weight with this program, or do you have to be smaller?????

    You can definitely lose weight from it, and especially inches. The more musle you build, the more fat you burn. It's an awesome program!
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Good Afternoon Jammers!
    I tested out my new HRM today and I burned a good 550 on the treadmill and did 4 miles. I also did CE PUSH 2 and burned 380!!! It felt great! I'm feeling so much stronger, as I upped my weights this morning. I'm excited to see how many calories I can burn doing Turbo Kick! Maybe I'll try tonight...I'm just excited!

    Erika- SO glad you kicked your body into gear! You lost! Thats awesome!

    Nola- I really want to get better at morning workouts. Today and Saturday felt great!!!! Ugh...I need to go to bed earlier at night. Way to go!!

    melissaovadare- You will definitely lose weight AND inches on CE, as long as you follow the program and follow Chalene's "rules" you will see results!
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Good evening Jammers!
    So today was my spinning class at the gym really early--I didn't get a great cal burn which I was kinda disappointed:ohwell: I decided that Mondays are my "rest" days..I just do spinning and don't really have time for much more. Today at work was jammed packed busy so I was on my feet allll morning and afternoon between surgeries and appointments. I ate a little over on nutrients but stayed under my cals..hope thats ok?:huh:
    Anyway, tomorrow is the gym for my longer run:bigsmile: Hope to get a good burn!
    Nolachick-great job with the workouts!
    Erika-GREAT to have you back on track! I'm so happy for ya! Keep it up girlie!
    Dawna-I'm so glad you love your HRM! I know I was surprised to see the calories I burned when I first got it--And now its like a little surprise I look forward to at the end of my workout:laugh:
    So proud of everyone! Have a great night!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning Jammers!!!

    I'm stuck at home today with a kid that was up all night coughing and crying because he didn't feel well, and now acting normal...go figure! But, I think he needs to get some rest and sleep so it doesn't turn worse!

    I woke up not feeling too well...hope it's not a bug and just something I ate? I decided it's a rest day today...I need one badly!

    Hope you all are having great workouts and good eats!
  • Livi_Loves_Pink
    Hi guys! I was MIA last week. I was busy sewing an eight foot stuffed squid (yes, you read that right, a giant squid shaped pillow thing....) and I'm not sure how just sitting and sewing can zap my energy and at the same time make me really want to eat, but it did. (I think it was more the frustration than anything else). I did manage to lose a pound and a half though! So I'm happy with that. It puts me back on track for my goal of ten pounds by the end of February if I continue to lose a pound a week.

    Erika - I hope your son gets better soon. And I hope you feel better soon too!

    Last night I did TJ Total Body Blast, TJ Kickin Core, and 10 minutes on the stationary bike. I'm not sure exactly what I'm going to do tonight yet.