

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Wow, not sure what got into me, but I honestly ate AT LEAST a full days worth of calories tonight after dinner! I feel like crap, but it's the first time I've actually felt full in weeks. I wish I had a body bugg to determine exactly what my body is burning in calories aside from exercise times, as I have a feeling it's much higher than I think, which would explain why I am STARVING all the time (well, I shouldn't say that...just at night). I feel fine during the day, and then at night I get all shakey feeling, so I know it means i need to eat, but I just could eat forever some nights! Berta, I'm starting to think we have a "bug!":laugh: Both of us are having the same problem!! Unfortunately, I think even if I put a padlock on the pantry, I'd be searching for a hammer, saw, whatever to break it open!

    Oh well, what can I do...move on and hope tomorrow is better! I do remember being this exact same way during my first round of CE. On the days I did Burn, Push, and especially Lean, I ate like a cow. It's gotta be the metabolism firing up! As I look back at my notes, I see that the 2 months I wasn't doing CE (I did other strength workouts) is when I lost 6 pounds! I think because my metabolism wasn't as high, thus I wasn't eating as much?!?!? ARGH...I hate trying to figure this all out!

    If anyone knows the secret, tell me!:sad:

    Have a good night everyone!
  • afeinberg
    afeinberg Posts: 93 Member
    Erika -
    I get that way EVERY day between 3 and dinner - NOTHING fills me up and i've tried everything - I could eat my head.!!! It's hard and when i do go overboard i feel really bad about it. the important thing is to not let it get the best of you tomorrow. This is a LOOONG journey and it will have ups and downs but from the sounds of things you are doing AWESOME!!!

    With all the strength training you are doing with CE you probably are building tons more lean muscle, which increases your metabolism which means you may need to eat more.

    Here is hoping for a great tomorrow!!
  • Raphi
    Raphi Posts: 124 Member
    Well, I'm happy to know I'm not the only one with a little devil on my shoulder :tongue: !
    Funny how you can negotiate and convince yourself that it's gonna be ok if you eat a little bit of junk... next thing you know, you munched through the box of mini ritz sandwiches (I did that 2 days ago around 3pm):ohwell: ! And after that, we are ashamed and angry at ourselves... almost as if we had split personality!
    I did CE for a little while and I remember that it says (I don't remember if its Chalene herself or in the booklet) that it is normal to be super hungry on the days you train. The best trick I know is to eat a snack between each main meals (one that has carbs and protein) and sometimes, even 2; especially in the after noon... It helps avoid the craving, because once the craving is there, there's nothing to do (for me anyways) don't try to talk me into eating a few lousy almonds and an apple :grumble: ! I HAVE to have the "good" aka "bad" stuff!! hahaha! We're all in this together :happy:
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Well, I'm still feeling SUPER full this morning...wow, did I eat a lot last night (it's all in my food diary if you care to take a look:blushing: ). I had been doing really well with making sure to eat a mix of protein/carbs every 2-3 hours, but lately it's been the after dinner hunger that's killing me. One thing that is different for me, is that I used to workout at night too (usually would do my cardio at night), and that would keep me out of the kitchen. Now that I'm not doing that, I'm not sure what to do with myself! But, I'll get past this and learn my lesson! I just need to keep certain foods out of the house, even though they are "clean." Peanuts, cashews, nuts...I could eat those until I puke, but those darn calories really add up. So, I'll keep almonds in the house (don't like them) for the hubby and if I get REALLY desperate and need a snack, as I know I won't go overboard on those! One thing I know I can't binge on is fruit/veggies...I just get REALLY full from that, so the more of that in the house, the better off I am!

    I think today will be a rest day for me, unless my muscles loosen up this afternoon. I did CE Lean 2 on Monday, and my shoulders hurt to the touch! I'm pretty certain I couldn't get through any strength routine today, no matter how light the weights! So, I think I'll probably just push all my workouts back a day and let my muscles rest.

    Well, off to get ready for work. Thanks Raphi and Allison for making me feel better! I know we all go through this, but I usually only have it happen once a month, and I've had I think 4-5 of these "episodes" since January 1st! I'll just keep moving along and it will all be fine!:happy:
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Hey Girls!! Today is my day off, and I decided my body really was telling me to sleep a little bit longer when my alarm went off this AM. Haha! So I slept in just a little bit longer, and hit he gym a little later (still was only like 8 AM) Did the elliptical for about 75 minutes, burned just over 600 cals! WOOHOO!:drinker: I feel really good today, no bad eating yesterday! I'm so proud, getting back to this finally--YES!:happy: I go through spurts too ladies--I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one either! :laugh: It's so bad because I get so hard on myself about eating like a pig when maybe my body really needs it..who knows! It IS so confusing, I wish someone could just tell me! Haha.
    Anyway, eating some breakie now, going to do abs before lunch then some CE afterwards:bigsmile: Plan is sometime to meet up with my man and hang out:smooched: I haven't really gotten to see him much since Saturday...we've both been pretty busy/tired and it's just been plain hard to get together:frown: ...Needless to say I'm super excited!:heart:
    Have a GREAT day ladies! I'll be checking back in!
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Hey ladies! I had an amazing sleep last night- I was out cold!!! Last night I did 45 minutes of Turbo Kick Round 32 and then 35 minutes of CE PUSH. I burned lots of calories...but toward the end of my ChaLean Extreme I got really nauseous and feel like I'm going to pass out sometimes. I'm not pregnant or anything...but I was wondering if any of you have experienced this???? I typically only get queasy at the end of CE if I have done cardio beforehand. And I wonder if it is because I don't have much food in my stomach (my afternoon snack is at 3pm and my workout is at 5:30pm). However, sometimes I'll eat a little snack before the workout, (couple of PB crackers or an apple) but I still get like this. I also increase my weights when I can, and I literally get my muscles to fail during the CE workouts. Any of you experience anything like this or know what I can do to prevent this???

    Tonight is just a Running night for me & the hubby. I'm looking forward to it. I've finally gotten back up to my 4 mile runs and I don't feel like I'm going to die...so my goal is to increase my speed and not the distance. I want to get faster before I go farther, and then I will work on that. Anyways, have a great day ladies!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hey ladies! I had an amazing sleep last night- I was out cold!!! Last night I did 45 minutes of Turbo Kick Round 32 and then 35 minutes of CE PUSH. I burned lots of calories...but toward the end of my ChaLean Extreme I got really nauseous and feel like I'm going to pass out sometimes. I'm not pregnant or anything...but I was wondering if any of you have experienced this???? I typically only get queasy at the end of CE if I have done cardio beforehand. And I wonder if it is because I don't have much food in my stomach (my afternoon snack is at 3pm and my workout is at 5:30pm). However, sometimes I'll eat a little snack before the workout, (couple of PB crackers or an apple) but I still get like this. I also increase my weights when I can, and I literally get my muscles to fail during the CE workouts. Any of you experience anything like this or know what I can do to prevent this???

    Tonight is just a Running night for me & the hubby. I'm looking forward to it. I've finally gotten back up to my 4 mile runs and I don't feel like I'm going to die...so my goal is to increase my speed and not the distance. I want to get faster before I go farther, and then I will work on that. Anyways, have a great day ladies!

    I do get lightheaded if I do cardio before CE, so I always do CE first (I eat something immediately before I workout...a handful of raisins, a couple spoons of yogurt...something easy on the tummy and fast to digest). The days that I do CE and then do cardio right afterwards, I'm usually shot, so I've been trying to go light on the cardio after or do it at night.

    Good job on the workouts!!
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Good afternoon Jammers! Just checking in quick! So I just finished my workouts for today, did CE Burn 3. According to my HRM burned about 150 calories with that! Woohoo! I don't seem to have quite the burn like everyone else does though....strange?:huh: Oh well! I know my body is very muscular and I'm not sure exactly what my body fat % is but it has got to be low:blushing:
    Today's workouts totaled over 800 calories burned--actually only around 650 once I figure it out with my resting HR -I have my calories for today at about 2000 to eat, mostly my dinner being veggies as well. That still leaves me with alot left over, but I am feeling satisfied after my first PM snack:smile: Honestly though it scares me to be eating like 2000 calories and not gain...I am so paranoid, but I also know how important it is to fuel my body--especially on a CE day. Thoughts on this girls?:ohwell:
    Anyhoo, I am planning on spending some time with my boy tonight like I said earlier..not sure what the plan is though:tongue: Going to do some reading and such around the house before heading out! Check back before I go for your suggestions with my calories...thank you!
    Dawna-To touch on your q with CE and feeling funny..I have never experienced that same thing but I do find some circuits make me lightheaded/shakey. I just make sure to refuel with a high protein snack (usually my cottage cheese snack) and I feel better within a few minutes. It definitely is from pushing your body/muscles to the max, but maybe make sure to eat something small to keep your blood sugar level up--sounds like you may be bottoming a little. Try like Erika said and have just a couple spoons of something to keep you steady. Hope that helps!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good afternoon Jammers! Just checking in quick! So I just finished my workouts for today, did CE Burn 3. According to my HRM burned about 150 calories with that! Woohoo! I don't seem to have quite the burn like everyone else does though....strange?:huh: Oh well! I know my body is very muscular and I'm not sure exactly what my body fat % is but it has got to be low:blushing:
    Today's workouts totaled over 800 calories burned--actually only around 650 once I figure it out with my resting HR -I have my calories for today at about 2000 to eat, mostly my dinner being veggies as well. That still leaves me with alot left over, but I am feeling satisfied after my first PM snack:smile: Honestly though it scares me to be eating like 2000 calories and not gain...I am so paranoid, but I also know how important it is to fuel my body--especially on a CE day. Thoughts on this girls?:ohwell:
    Anyhoo, I am planning on spending some time with my boy tonight like I said earlier..not sure what the plan is though:tongue: Going to do some reading and such around the house before heading out! Check back before I go for your suggestions with my calories...thank you!
    Dawna-To touch on your q with CE and feeling funny..I have never experienced that same thing but I do find some circuits make me lightheaded/shakey. I just make sure to refuel with a high protein snack (usually my cottage cheese snack) and I feel better within a few minutes. It definitely is from pushing your body/muscles to the max, but maybe make sure to eat something small to keep your blood sugar level up--sounds like you may be bottoming a little. Try like Erika said and have just a couple spoons of something to keep you steady. Hope that helps!

    Based on everything I have read, the more you burn, the more you should eat. However, I tend to leave a "cushion" of about 100-200 calories. I'm also still on 1/2 pound weight loss schedule, so if I feel up to it, I'll try to get up to 250 left over so I might lose a pound in certain weeks. I would say eat at least 1/2 of exercise calories IF you feel hungry. If not, don't worry about it. I don't have it happen much, but some days I'm just not all that hungry...others I can't stop!

    Have fun tonight with the boy!!
  • Raphi
    Raphi Posts: 124 Member
    I know I'm surely not the first one to ask this; I don't have time right now to search the previous entries :blushing: so here goes! How do you count Ab Jam? light impact aerobic? circuit training? resistance training?
    Thanks for your help, have a great day :happy:
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!!!!

    Well, I managed to take a rest day yesterday, and I'm glad I did. I feel much more relaxed, not sore, and well rested! I was even up at 4:30 (again) ready to work out. So, I did Jillian's No More Trouble Zones and then 45 minutes on the elliptical. Felt great, and what an awesome start to the day!

    I'm looking forward to this being my last day of work for the week, and starting the weekend early. Hopefully the work day goes fast!

    Hope you all have great workouts today!

    Raphi--I'd log it as light aerobic. I haven't done that one in so long, I don't even remember what my calorie burn from my HRM was on that one!
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Good Morning Jammers!
    Thanks for the advice on my dizzy dilemma. I'm going to try eating something small beforehand. Last night I did Turbo Kick Round 30 and got a great burn! I think mostly because I haven't done that workout for a while so I was really working hard. I like mixing up my cardio workouts because I can get a better calorie burn that way. Always confusing those muscles!! I took a peek at the scale this morning and wasn't too pleased, so hopefully it was just water weight with a combination of eating late last night. Saturday is my official weigh in day. Work is really getting to me this week- my boss is gone and I swear when she is gone I have the most ridiculous things happen at work..ugh. I'm looking foward to the weekend that's for sure!! Some time to relax and get my workout on!!!

    Raphi- I'd go with what ERika mentioned and use "light aerobic"
    Berta- how did the night with the boy go?
    Erika- Have a fun weekend... I wish today was my last day of work for the week!!
  • Raphi
    Raphi Posts: 124 Member
    Thank you Ladies :flowerforyou:
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Good evening Jammers! Today was a long day at work..bllahhh But I had a great start with about 65 minutes on the treadie for a total 7.5 run today! Woohoo! However, I did not burn quite as much as I normally do--seems like I just could NOT get my HR up any more no matter how hard I tried!:grumble: I was running speed 7 and incline 4 for a long time too! Geezey-wheezy! Oh well! Must be my body is becoming more efficient--gotta switch up the routine if that keeps happening!
    Tomorrow is the normal Friday spinning class early, work 8-12, then home for abs, lunch and CE! :bigsmile: I'm such a routine person:laugh: Though in February I stop working Fridays..so I might just get another TurboKick round or different TJ's to do instead of getting up so early..not sure yet.
    Things went well with my man last night:wink: -we just decided to watch a movie--Actually it was Final Destination 4..Gruesome! lol
    Erika-Great job taking the rest day! I know my body needed it, but I felt so guilty!:embarassed: Awesome workout today girl-You ROCK!
    Dawna-Don't sweat the scale, I'm STILL seeing an influx on the scale from all my horrid eating...Anybody know when this will dissipate? I've been back to my normal eating..not a thing out of my log since Monday nights episode! So did well Tuesday,Wed and today...:smile: Hope work goes better for you, my boss has been a royal PAIN lately..so much naggy BS!:explode:
    Oh well!!!! Have a great one girls! :heart:
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Morning Jammers!
    Last night I got 40 minutes of Turbo Kick in...followed by a small snack...follwed by ChaLean Extreme. And all of your advice helped SO much! I didn't feel like I was going to pass out at the end of CE. It was a great workout. I am finding that the more I work out the less calories I burn from specific exercises (dang it!). My body must be adjusting to the push phase because I burned about 100 calories less last night than usual. Oh well, I start the LEAN phase on Monday- yahoo!! I think tonight is going to be the Burn Intervals..I'm craving it. I love the bootcamp feel to it, I'm like Chalene in that I am somewhat sadistic that I love the pain and soreness in my muscles after a workout. Haha!

    Tonight my hubby and I are doing a game night with some friends of ours. I'm excited- since we haven't been too social since we got back from our 2 1/2 week vacation. After the vacation I just needed some relax time.

    Any fun plans for the weekend?? TGIF!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hey Girls!!!

    Happy Friday to you all! Today has been an excellent day so far...I couldn't sleep so got up and did a new DVD this morning at 4am (I'm sure that early wake up will hit me later!), then off to the hospital for a quick outpatient surgery for my son (went great!), and now I'm home waiting for my hubby to bring home our new car. I narrowed it down to 2, and he's going to surprise me! Can't wait! I'm off in a couple hours to get a funky new haircut, and then home to snuggle on the couch with a movie later with the fam!

    Hopefully will get in 1 more workout tonight as I'm STARVING and need to work off some of the calories!
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Hey Jammers I'm finally checking in! It's been one of those days! At the gym this AM took my spinning class, then worked and did abs and just finished CE Lean 1 a little while ago:drinker: I am a little disappointed today because I don't burn that much with spinning, and usually Lean 1 gives me a good burn..but today only a little over 200..what gives??:grumble: I was probably slacking..I dunno..It's been a problem getting my HR up the last few days..grr! Oh well I guess....I just feel more guilty eating when I haven't burned as much!
    Tomorrow AM is a shorter run on the treadie and Body Flex class! Woooo I :heart: that class! Then I've actually got to work a few hours..yucko! It was my decision..figured I could use a few more hours.....but now I'm thinking whhhyyy did I do that!:explode: Afternoon I'll probably do some TurboSculpt with mom though:smile: Then who knows!
    Dawna-Yea I haven't been burning as much either--bummer! Have a great game night!!! That sounds like my idea of fun fun fun!!!:bigsmile:
    Erika-I am feeling starved today too..ughh but I honestly will feel bad eating more, so I guess I can't..:ohwell: Sounds like you've been having some great workouts! Keep it up! Oh--and hope you like the new haircut! That makes me think...I need one too..:laugh:
    Have a great afternoon girls!
  • jenstalder
    Ok I decided to make the step up to ChaLean Extreme. Just ordered it!!!! Can't wait to see her jump out of the box.. just kidding...:bigsmile:

    I will tell you more later.. Will be waiting for the mailman daily..

    Love turbo but want to try CE.

    Wish me luck :flowerforyou:

  • afeinberg
    afeinberg Posts: 93 Member
    Jen -
    you will have to let me know how you like it = i've been doing tubo jam for a month now and i love it = i want to try chalean extreme but to be honest it scares me a little - not sure that i am ready for that!!
    I love turbo jam and chalene though and would love to have a 90 day program to get ready for summer
    keep us posted
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Good Morning ladies, after 2 weeks of missing my Turbo Jam workouts I finally did it today! I completed the 20 minute workout and Turbo Sculpt and it really kicked my butt! Burned 640 cals in 63 minutes, which to me is awesome! So proud of myself for getting up early on a saturday morning to workout!

    Have a lovely weekend!