

  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Good Afternoon Jammers!!
    Today has been a fabulous day. Last night I did the Burn Intervals which completely killed me. I burned about 600 calories last night doing it. I didn't burn that much the first time but this time I didn't stop at all and I worked really hard. It felt good. My husband was really craving this pizza/salad/pasta place and I went and had 2 small slivers of pizza, literally slivers, and then I had two massive salads loaded with lots of veggies. I stuffed myself, thats for sure- but it was mostly good veggies so I don't feel that guilty. This morning I woke up early and decided to go for a run. My husband didn't want to go with me because he was still sore from the Burn Intervals. But, I didn't mind because sometimes I think he "Slows" me down. He doesn't like to run as long as I do...so I felt freeeee this morning!! haha! I ran 6 miles and it felt great. I finished in just under 55 minutes, and did a 5 minute cooldown. I burned about 800 calories. It felt wonderful! I'm still rather slow...but I figure that will come as I continue?? I had a lot of energy after I got home and ate a small snack and then did ChaLean Extreme with my hubby. IT was our last circuit in the PUSH phase, so we'll move on to the LEAN phase on Monday. I'm feeling great and had a big ol' breakfast. I ate an egg white omelet with lots of peppers & onions. It was delish! I'm thinking its going to be a great day!!!

    Nola-way to get your workout in girl!! I loooove Chalene's workouts!
    Jen- you'll love CE, its great!
    Berta- have you decided on if you are going to try Insanity or P90X? I saw your post yesterday and I've been wondering what I want to try after I'm done with CE. I'm going to do her "Lean for Life" for a while, but I'm going to want to change it up a bit also. Let me know what you decide!
    Erika- you're a machine girl!! I can't believe you got up at 4 on your day off..haha! Have you always been like that or since you've had kids? I'm hoping once I have kids someday that I'll be more of a morning person...because right now I'm a sleeper! Sometimes annoying because I want to get up...my body just doesn't.
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hey Girls!!!

    Well, can't say today is going as planned, but do they ever?? I have been fighting with my stomach on and off for several months now. For some reason, the cleaner I eat, the worse it is. Just can't figure it out! Anyway, I was doing so well yesterday, and then my stomach started acting up. Well, when it does this, let's just say I can't keep much food in my stomach (sorry TMI, I know!), so I eat, and eat and eat as I get all shakey and light headed if I don't. I can't figure out what I should do about it. I've been to the doctors for tests, etc and they say it's just IBS. But, when it acts up, I feel like nothing I can eat ever gets me "full." I could not get full last night! I eat clean when I eat a ton, but I can easily put down 3000 calories and still not feel full (or look it in the belly even). Part of me wonders if I'm maybe way off on my BMR?? I have it as lightly active, but when I get shakey and light headed during the day, it makes me think I'm not eating enough calories. So, then I up it, and then pay for it later that day or the next by my stomach being all outta whack! I wish I had an answer!

    I decided today to not log foods, exercise if I want, and see where that takes me. I would assume I'm over my calories for the day, but as of right now I feel great and not starving. But, I probably ate 1/2 of a Dominos pizza by myself at lunch, and I can say that I not starving and not feeling stuffed. Good in-between feeling.

    So girls, I don't know what I should do. Part of me says stop logging meals and see where that takes you...eat when your body tells you, etc. This logging/counting calories is way outta sorts for me, so it's harder than hard to stick with it. But, then I wonder if I'd gain back the weight I lost, or if I'd just maintain? I'm not sure if the logging helps/hurts me sometimes? Anyone have any thoughts??

    Dawna- I've always been a morning person, both before and after kids. I honestly could wake up by 6am at the very latest every morning without an alarm clock. I was up at 5:30 this morning and made myself lay in bed another hour! One thing is though, I'm the last person you'll see up at night. By 10pm (weekday or weekend), I'm in bed!

    Nola-Great job on the workouts...way to push it!!!

    Keep up the great work girls! I hope I can figure all this out and get back on board fast!!!
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Hey jammers! So I hit the gym early this AM for a shorter run (ended up around 5 something miles) for about 45 minutes. Then it was Body Flex!! WOOO:laugh: I had a GREAT burn this AM with my run (418 cal) and class got me another 273:bigsmile: No problem getting my HR up today..very strange.Then I literally RUSHED off to work, was 5 minutes late:blushing: oh well-I'm NEVER late, nobody said anything so guess it was no big deal:tongue: Home at noon for some grub--it was great! I put a chicken sausage link, lettuce, and swiss cheese in a mini flat out tortilla and pressed it in the Foreman! Had a side of cubed honeycrisp apple with 1/2 cup Fage..it was DEEE-lish and boy was I actually full!:heart::heart: :heart: :laugh: I spent a great deal of the afternoon trying to plan out meals for the upcoming week and such, and decided to make myself some Buffalo Chicken dip from a Swanson recipe I found. This obviously is HIGH sodium but I guess one day going over is not killer:ohwell: I've been feeling VERY fat lately anyways (just bloated I think..which that dip won't help) because of all the extra food I've been binging with. UGH.....
    .......Erika-You took the words outta my mouth. To log or not log anymore? Eat what I want as long as it's healthy or try to balance the whole days nutrients to a t? Sometimes I feel it would be easier to just eat more NORMALLY if I didn't log each thing..but then I think I will overdo it or even be under again. I don't know WHAT is going on with me either lately but for the past what is it...2 weeks now?? I've been BAD with wanting to eat everything in sight because I just can't get full. And it's ALWAYS after my dinner, so I end up screwing my calories for the day:sad: I'm on track again today but last night was horrible...I don't even REMEMBER what I ate really but I know it wasn't all good..ugh.......I easily put down an extra 3000 cals last night too..don't you worry! We are in this one together apparently! I REALLY need a swift kick when I get like that, but I somehow (even though I KNOW better) feel I can justify it, then I end up eating and eating and eating until finally I feel TOO full and want to die:sick: It's becoming a pattern that I cannot break and it's FREAKING me out:sad: I've also felt very stressed lately which doesn't help...Could my wanting to eat/not feeling full be coming from eating a ton of veggies at dinnertime? I don't see why it would.. but I fill myself with so much veggie and of course a protein, but then like an hour later could eat a whole cow! :cry: Should I be having some more substantial carbs like pasta/rice/grains? I try not to eat that stuff often though...I usually do sandwiches for lunchtime..
    Sorry to switch from happy to sad note then back again, but on a happier note I'm on track totally today with the eats. I was going to do some Turbosculpt with mom this afternoon but she is tomorrow so I'll probably do that with her then. So tomorrow it's Turbokick in the AM, then some Turbosculpt and CE/abs in the afternoon. I'm glad I have no problem committing to my workouts..geez..but the food issues need to stop!
    Another happy- I have an appointment scheduled with an RD for this upcoming Friday so HOPEFULLY I can finally get my diet/eating/workout/calorie questions answered and figure this system (my body) out!
    I almost felt guilty about not doing Turbosculpt today..but then I thought about it--1. My body has done enough today! (Burned almost 700 cals!) 2. My body needs REST. and 3. I will do it tomorrow anyways! As long as I can keep my eating down today I'll be in good shape...okay ranting over ladies, thanks for tuning in to "Crazy Berta's Eating from Hell" :laugh: I'd like to say that's the final episode too because I CAN stay on track darn it!:devil:
    Hum, so finally this post is going to end now..Thanks ladies, any help is appreciated!:ohwell:
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Oh Berta, I'm so glad I'm not alone!!! I also have been wondering if my excess fruits/veggies are having a role in this. I eat a TON of fruit each day, but fruit never fills me up, so then I'm hungry right away again. However, if I eat something with carbs (ie the 1/2 a pizza I ate today), I stay full all day. I actually had to make myself drink my protein shake after my workout. I'm still full and it's dinner time...maybe I'll play around with adding more carbs here and there? I can tell you that when I didn't count calories, I never felt the need to snack between meals, I was always full from one meal to the next. But, I'm sure I was way over on calories, or I wouldn't have lost 15 pounds from tracking my foods.

    I'm not sure what the secret is, but I gotta figure it out soon!
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Just wanted to say: I topped off my day! I had a fight with an avocado while preparing my dinner and just got back from the ER! :noway: I cannot believe this! GR I am upset..and is it horrible to say mostly because I'm not sure if I can do any sort of weight lifting with my one hand??? I got a nice gash in the soft area between my thumb and forefinger:sad: I had to have 2 stitches put it..bummer. I will see how sore I am tomorrow..I'd REALLY hate to skip out on weightlifting because of this but what can I do? Maybe it's just something telling me to take it easy and give myself a break...I push push push all the time and hardly allow for time to just be me.:ohwell: We shall see what tomorrow brings! I think tonight I am going to spend some time with my man and relax, so that makes me happy:smile:
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Just wanted to say: I topped off my day! I had a fight with an avocado while preparing my dinner and just got back from the ER! :noway: I cannot believe this! GR I am upset..and is it horrible to say mostly because I'm not sure if I can do any sort of weight lifting with my one hand??? I got a nice gash in the soft area between my thumb and forefinger:sad: I had to have 2 stitches put it..bummer. I will see how sore I am tomorrow..I'd REALLY hate to skip out on weightlifting because of this but what can I do? Maybe it's just something telling me to take it easy and give myself a break...I push push push all the time and hardly allow for time to just be me.:ohwell: We shall see what tomorrow brings! I think tonight I am going to spend some time with my man and relax, so that makes me happy:smile:

    Ugh, that sucks! Glad it only required 2 stiches and not more! Take it easy tonight and see how it feels tomorrow. I bet you could still do weights, just go really light to avoid over gripping in that area. Sounds like you need an avacado tool. My friend got me one for my b-day one year, and I was like, what the heck??? But, after I used it the 1st time and realized there were no sharp edges to it, it all made sense!
  • jmeriano
    Hello all!

    I would like to join this post. I have been doing Turbo Jam for a few years and although my knees are pretty bad, I'm still pressing on! I combine the Turbo Jam with Taebo and jogging, and I'm getting the results that I want. They say the best exercise is "the one you do", so I'm sticking to it!

    I work out Monday Tuesday Thursday and Friday, with 30 minutes of jogging along with 45 - 50 minutes of kickboxing (TJ or Taebo). 20 lbs to go! Once I move on and get to my goal, I will start with Chalean Extreme.

    I look forward to chatting with everyone on here!
  • Raphi
    Raphi Posts: 124 Member
    Welcome Jackie :bigsmile:
    I always come back to TJ too :wink: ! I tried Chalene extreme, but I think that TJ works better to loose the fat (for me anyway...) it is true that I didn't count my calories back then.
    Good job :happy:
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Hey girls! Hope you're all having a lovely Sunday! It looks like nobody's posted much today! haha
    Well I had another bad night last night...BUT I am really going to try try try so hard to get back on again as of today. I'm doing great again so far..and I'm planning on keeping it that way. I joined the post on here of the Challenge of no late night snacking for a month! And so.. this should be good:drinker:
    Anyway, despite my injury I was able to complete TurboKick Round 28 this AM, and some Turbosculpt! I used only 5lbs, and seemed to be ok..my hand is just very sore:cry: I am praying to heal quickly and get back to CE! I still had a pretty good burn today though even using the lighter weights. I'm just happy I could do some weights still!
    I just wasn't feeling like eating much for lunch (probably from overdoing it last night:sick: ) so I just had a small salad with fixings. Today's eating has been weird. It's about 7:15pm now, I just finished dinner and still have not eaten my pm snack #2..I'm wondering if I even should, but if I don't I will be way under on calories....what to do ladies.....:ohwell:
    Thanks, check back later to hear about your days ladies!
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Hey girls! Hope you're all having a lovely Sunday! It looks like nobody's posted much today! haha
    Well I had another bad night last night...BUT I am really going to try try try so hard to get back on again as of today. I'm doing great again so far..and I'm planning on keeping it that way. I joined the post on here of the Challenge of no late night snacking for a month! And so.. this should be good:drinker:
    Anyway, despite my injury I was able to complete TurboKick Round 28 this AM, and some Turbosculpt! I used only 5lbs, and seemed to be ok..my hand is just very sore:cry: I am praying to heal quickly and get back to CE! I still had a pretty good burn today though even using the lighter weights. I'm just happy I could do some weights still!
    I just wasn't feeling like eating much for lunch (probably from overdoing it last night:sick: ) so I just had a small salad with fixings. Today's eating has been weird. It's about 7:15pm now, I just finished dinner and still have not eaten my pm snack #2..I'm wondering if I even should, but if I don't I will be way under on calories....what to do ladies.....:ohwell:
    Thanks, check back later to hear about your days ladies!
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Uhhh not sure why that double posted! Sorry!:laugh:
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    I'm finally checking in for the day! It's been a wild day...schedule is comletely off, so I didn't get my workout in until late morning, but at least I got it in! Then, it was naps for me and my youngest (he's still not feeling 100% yet, which we thought he would 3 days post surgery), and lots of just laying low.

    Been doing good on my eats today...I've added in more carbs...breads, sweet potatoes, etc...things that fill me up. Right now, I'm stuffed and only about 250 over, which I'll take care of during my workout tonight.

    Berta--It has taken me over a week (more like 2) to get my butt in gear. I thought about it, and think I was eating wayyyy too many fruits (good for the body, but not very filling), so never feeling satisfied. Then, I'd just lose it and eat everything in sight. I am working on adding more carbs--we'll see how it goes. I hope you get your eats all figured out soon...I know how hard it is! BTW, great job on the workout!! Hope your hand feels better soon!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning!!!

    I'm so glad it's Monday and a fresh start to a fresh month! Did Cathe Muscle Endurance this morning...WOW...I thought CE was tough...this lady gave me a run for my money. My arms were so sore I could hardly reach up in my closet to get my sweater down! I'll be hurtin tomorrow big time!!

    I FINALLY was under in calories yesterday. I had a bunch of carbs at dinner (sweet potatoes and some pasta) and stayed full all night. Plus, I got on the elliptical during the Grammy's and burned up a few extra calories as well. YAY, finally feel back on track!

    Hope you're all having a great Monday!
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Morning Jammers!
    I too am glad its Monday and a new month! I'm hoping I can push myself enough this month to meet my goals. And...plus...I get to start the Lean Phase of CE! This weekend wasn't the best as far as eating goes- especially yesterday. Yesterday was my Rest Day, and I ate wayyy too many cookies. No good! I'm feeling sick today...but I'm looking forward to my workout tonight to get rid of this gross feeling in my stomach! I think tonight is a running and CE night. I'm pretty excited!
  • jmeriano
    Afternoon all!

    I did Taebo Celebrity Fit today -- although I thought it was kind of low energy (compared to Chalene), I got a good workout. Hopefully I can squeeze my 30 minute jog in when I get home.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Hey Jammers! Was a buuuussy day today! Wow! I started off at the gym for spin class early, only burned about 325 calories today:ohwell: ..but none-the-less still exercised! Off to work for the day, and just got home for some dinner and relaxation. I am still feeling hungry though...was trying to keep my calories lower but I think my body is running on more all the time now..ugh! I might attack the pantry again:sad: Ohhh the horror..I cannot wait to go to the dietitian this week..geez.
    Anyway, tomorrow is a long run early at the gym, nothing more planned yet. I work all day again, so we'll see how I feel after that. My hand is still healing, it was VERY sore today:frown: Just trying to take it easy...Hopefully Wednesday I can do some CE..we shall see!
    Have a great night girls! Check in tomorrow!
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Good Morning!
    Last night was a Turbo Kick night followed by CE. I customized my Turbo Kick round so I can teach a class next month. I had put together some of the more basic segments from all of my routines so that it will be easier to teach a group that has never really done Turbo Jam or Turbo Kick before. Whew- I'm nevous! But, it will be a good experience for me. My CE workout was great- we started the Lean phase last night and its totally different than I expected. I burned a lot of calories, probably because 1) I've never done the Lean phase before so my body was working harder and 2) Legs combined with arms was really getting my HR up there! I got a solid night's sleep. Its hard to keep my eyes open after my head hits the pillow. I haven't finished a movie on the weekends in a long time. haha! I haven't decided what I am going to do for tonight's workout. I think its between going for a run and doing the Burn Intervals. I know I've gotta get a good exercise in because I am hungry today!

    Berta- Are you going to the dietitian to discuss the hunger & eating you've been going through? If so, I'm interested to know what he/she says. I've been kind of noticing the same thing happening lately too with my body and wanting more good food.

    Erika- how is it going incorporating a few more carbs into the meals? I usually have one carb with dinner and it has really helped me. Whether its a baked potato, brown rice, whole wheat pasta, etc. I typically don't eat anything after dinner because I'm so full.

    Jackie- glad to hear you had a good workout! keep it up!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hey Girls!

    Well, I skipped the morning workout today, I was too sore from my Cathe Friedrich workout yesterday to even move today. Yikes! If I can keep my calories under control, I'm only going to to a light workout (maybe some pilates) tonight, otherwise, I'll get a little TurboKick in if I get too outta control!

    Dawna--Lean was the toughest for me. I really struggled with heavy weight, upper and lower body and balance! I like the calorie burn, but I still think Push was my fave circuit. I think I like the shorter time too of Burn/Push. But, Lean will get your HR up, that's for sure!

    Berta--Keep us updated on your visit with the dietician. I'm also curious to hear the results of the discussion.

    Jackie--Way to go on the workout! Tae Bo is a fun workout too!
  • amandal15
    amandal15 Posts: 108 Member
    Hi ladies! I'm new here. I'm wanting to get back into Turbo Jamming and was hoping I could join you ladies! I need motivation :) I changed my schedule at work so that I can start working out. Well, it's been 3 weeks and no working out. But that's gonna have to change if I wanna have a hot body by summer. :) A girlfriend of mine is doing p90x...but I'm scared of it. I want nice abs and a toned booty but none of that muscular stuff...I'm a woman :)
  • jenstalder
    Hi ladies! I'm new here. I'm wanting to get back into Turbo Jamming and was hoping I could join you ladies! I need motivation :) I changed my schedule at work so that I can start working out. Well, it's been 3 weeks and no working out. But that's gonna have to change if I wanna have a hot body by summer. :) A girlfriend of mine is doing p90x...but I'm scared of it. I want nice abs and a toned booty but none of that muscular stuff...I'm a woman :)

    P90x is a butt kicker.. i will be here for you every step of the way.. i am turbo jammer myselft but wanted something more but not p90x...lol so i am starting ChaLEAN extreme on wed... i am so excited..

    Make sure to log your workouts in wowy so you can be registered for the money giveaways each day.. if you dont have your free membership make sure you get one.. you can get it here.. www.beachbodycoach.com/stalder...

    Cant wait to see you new hot body this summer.. take your before and after pics.. we will be watching for them.
    Good luck. see you in wowy