Senior Golden Sneakers Club~~~~~~~~~ November

Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Good Morning Everyone.....before I do my post I just wanted to get November's Board up and running.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Gayla, I hope you are on the road to recovery and feel good soon. Neither me or my husband got the H1-N1 flu shot but my step son, his wife and my granddaughter did yesterday morning. Marisa didn't feel good after it she had some minor systems. I was told that the shot was for younger people especially kids or people with bad immune systems. I never do get any flu shot and some day I will probably regret that decision. :ohwell: I do feel a little sore throat coming on, but hopefully can stop it from becoming worse.

    We didn't have too many kids, the weather was cold and I think it stopped a lot of kids from coming out.
    Of course we weren't home the first hour so I might have missed a lot of them. Now I have two giant bags of candy left over and wonder if Sam's would take them back.

    It is sunny and supposed to be a little warmer today, that would be nice.

    Going to go read the paper and have my coffee.

    Have a good Sunday.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: The dogs are walked, breakfast is being eaten as I write this. We're headed to Tacoma today for a long meeting so I'll be sitting most of the day and won't be able to exercise like I want to.

    I bought a Leslie Sansone DVD called 'Walking Off Your Hips and Thighs". I'm really close to my weight goal but what I have left is all on my thighs.:laugh: My goal for November is to use my exercise videos.

    We had more than 50 Trick or Treaters last night and we handed out quarters instead of candy so we didn't have to decide whether or not to have left over candy bars for breakfast :laugh: :laugh:

    It's 37 degrees this morning so I'll be wearing my wool sweater.

    Yesterday i bought wool yarn to knit a hat and scarf to go with my new green, black, and white ski jacket. I wonder if I can knit and ride the exercise bike at the same time.

    Happy November to all. hugs :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: Barbie
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    If you do manage to knit while riding your exercise bike, I hope you will post a picture!!:laugh: :laugh:
    Hope everyone has a successful November and a Happy Thanksgiving!! Looking forward to hearing how Marie's trip went.

    I am glad that despite all the viruses on the internet, they haven't found a way to transmit swine flu online!!!! :laugh: Keep well everyone!!:flowerforyou:

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Bumping to get on my topic. So many post haven't gone thru all of them yet.
    You alll were a bunch of busy Seniors. Missed you all very much. Tired now will get back tomorrow.
    Thanks Sandy. You are a sweetheart.

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Another month! Just checking in as I arrived home a few hours ago from my weekend retreat. Many blessings. :love: I found out , when I got home, that my mil, who lives with us, had a stroke Fri night after I left. :noway: My husband didn't want to call me as he didn;t want anything to distract me from my weekend. :cry: He said there is really nothing that I could have done. She is in the hospital.... will need speech therapy etc. and may have to go into a nursing home. She's 90 yrs old.:ohwell:

    This weekend I met so many prayerful women. My food was as good as it could be with the options I had.

    Haven't had time to read the posts from Fri but will try as soon as I get a chance.
    God Bless:smooched:
  • TexasAngelBeth
    TexasAngelBeth Posts: 315 Member
    Hi All,
    Hope everyone is doing well... I ran the Wicked 10K this weekend and met some really nice people. I can tell you this...make sure to use the facilities before the race especially after driving 40 minutes to get there :) I would have been sitting at about 64 minutes if I wouldnt have had to go so bad I was running doing the pee pee dance :) not too bad for a 6.2 mile run. (I ran 79 minutes)

    Birdie - is hubby still alive? While he was being so sweet to make things easy for you I would have been so mad at him.

    Barbie - if you can knit and bike your my hero!!!!

    Marie - I still have yet to get to the post office I will get there BEFORE christmas :)

    I will have to read the rest of the posts on Octobers thread to see what else is going on...Gayla is sick?
    I am so behind
    Have a wonderful Week
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning, Birdie sorry to hear about your MIL. glad to hear she is doing well. Seems like you had a good weekend trip. So did I but sure missed your guys. Seen lota of fall leaves. Haven't got my pictures on my computer yet but will later.

    Sandy I sure thank you. Good job.

    Gayla, I was worried about you while I was gone. Glad to hear you are a wee bit better. The docters must really be busy there. To have to wait that long to see him. I am pretty sore this morning after all that sitting in the car. I think this will be my last trip of going. I am sending Neil a pkg up there as soon as I get it ready.

    I am going to watch every bite I put in my mouth. I gained some more while we were gone or I am retaining water again. I left off my water pill on our trip so I wouldn't have to go so often. But back on them now. So if it is water weight it will come off. But I did overeat so I did gain some.

    Phoebe While we were on interstate 40 I kept looking for a blue truck. We are in for a nice week. No rain in sight.

    Baarbiecat, I don't have your will power. Wish I did.

    Jeffrey, Glad to hear all is well with you and your family. Did you get snow????????

    Eli, Thanks for sending me the e-mail adress. I tried to send it off to you last night but just too tired so will get it in the mail as soon as everything calms down around here.
    Love your snow.Thanks for posting the snow.

    Be back with you later

  • Hi, Everyone,
    Checking in for Nov. And will try to do more than just check in this month.
    Glad to hear most everyone is doing pretty good.
    Birdie - sorry to hear about your husband's Mom. Getting older is hazardous to the health. Lord help us all to take good care of ourselves and those around us.
    Look forward to the knitting/biking photo, Barbie.
    I didn't get back to your Oct post Gayla, but sounds like you've had some problems, sorry.
    Calie, You just keep keeping on, wonderful.
    Talk to you all later.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Good Afternoon,

    I just finished 40 minutes of Wii Active and now I am going to go do 30 minutes on the elliptical. I try to do as much as I can when I can. I am very lazy on the weekends so most of my exercise is during the week. :laugh:

    Gayla, hope you are feeling better. :flowerforyou:

    Ellen, nice to hear from you and hope you will check in more often. :wink:

    Birdie, sorry about your MIL but it sounds like your husband didn't want to ruin your retreat and you really probably couldn't have done anything. I wouldn't be toooooo angry with him. :noway:

    Elli, you posted your question about the dog food on October. :) Sorry, but we stick with what our vet recommends so we won't be able to sample your dog food. My husband is very strong about what the vet says since we have been with him for 35 years. :love:

    Barbie, we all want to see the knitting and bike riding. :laugh: I looked up the DVD you bought but it looks like it might be too hard for me. Let me know what you think when you get it.

    Marie, welcome back, glad you had a good time. Did you make it to the Walmart? I am sure you just have water gain if you didn't take your water pills. You are doing great just keep up the good work.

    Jeffrey, how did your daughter do in the pageant? How is everything else in your life. Hopefully, no crisis over the weekend. :noway:

    Have to get moving, before I lose my ambition to do the elliptical. The weather is great today, warmer and sunny. Daisy will be going to the dog park today. :bigsmile:

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    So sorry Beth, congratulations on your run, hope you didn't pee in your pants. :laugh: Keep in touch and let us know how you are adjusting to being home. Was everyone impressed with your weight loss??
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    hi everyone - oops, i finally figured out i posted on the october thread. SHEESH! Don't worry you guys - i'll get it after a year or so:laugh: I've been here since February:embarassed:

    Marie - it's Mesquite right?

    The question i posted is would anyone be interested in trying a homemade dog food? You make it yourself by adding meat to a prepackaged product. My company is considering buying the company. It's called cocos canine cuisine if you want to look at it online. If anyone wants to try it, and "review" it for me that'd be great. You can e mail me your shipping address at:

    Yay Beth! You ROCK! I'm so proud of you. How's the reintegrating into life going?

    Birdie - so sorry about your mil........hope she won't have to go into a nursing home.

    Gayla - are you better? I'm glad you're going to the doc.

    Marie - did you have a blast? Glad you liked the snow pictures. Would you like some mud ones?:grumble: lol, i spent most of yesterday running after Hercky cleaning up his muddy little foot prints!. The snow is melting FAST!

    Barbie - nice call with the quarters! I ate so bad this weekend. I'm back (yet AGAIN) on track this morning and planning on the gym after work!

    Love you guys, elli
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Beth - i just reread my post - not integrating back into life, into life back in the US!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I had a great time yesterday but even with some time on the exercise bike and walking up and down the hall while watching TV, I managed to get just over 10,000 steps which is low for me. We brought our own food so my calories stayed low enough.

    I rode the exercise bike this morning while knitting and except for the time I got the yarn tangled in the pedal, it went well :laugh: :laugh: I'll work on better planning and try it again. Then I'll have Jake take a picture.

    hugs,:heart: Barbie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Yes Elli it is Mesquite. I would try Sammy on that food. But it is real picky eater.

    Yes, we had a good time. But this old granny is sure sore today..don't think i will go on a trip long trip again. Unless it is an emercency. I was warching the cooking shows with Sammy on my lap and we both fell asleep in the chair.I', glad you found you way over here to November. Marie
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    oh Marie - sorry you're sore! Take it easy! I'm putting a little package in the mail to you with an 8 oz bottle of shampoo and a package of the dog food.
    I copied the instructions to the dog food - i just put it in a pot with 5 cups of water and a pound of meat, chicken, fish - actually i've been mixing it with leftovers! My dogs love it. Let me know what Sammy thinks! Thank you for being one of my research people!

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    Sorry your worn out, but glad you had a good time on your trip. You couldn't have done that much calorie damage, so let's think positive and figure your water pills will solve the problem.:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    I gotta tell you, that pic of Sammy you have posted as your avatar is SOOO cute.

    As for being sore, after I sit for a couple of hours at my desk at work, I get up very sore, and I make jokes about being "the tin man" (like from the Wizard of Oz) and needing some "oil" for my joints!!:laugh: :laugh:

    The afternoon is beautiful here today--nice and sunny, but only about 50 degrees at noon; --makes up for the fact that I had ICE on my windshield this morning when I left at 5:45a!! Luckily I never got around to taking the de-icer from underneath my seat this summer, so it was right where I needed it this morning!!


    It would help me to know if I want to try the dog food you mentioned, if I could first find out whether there is any wheat or other grains in the mix you mentioned. Mai Li is allergic to wheat and other grains.

    Have a great afternoon.

  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Marie - forgot to tell you, we ship fedex
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Barb - you can look at the dog food online if you want - it's:
    What it is is barley, rice, vegetables and spices and you add your own meat or chicken or whatever you want!
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member

    Birdie, sorry about your MIL but it sounds like your husband didn't want to ruin your retreat and you really probably couldn't have done anything. I wouldn't be toooooo angry with him. :noway:


    Oh I'm not upset. I just feel bad that he was alone handling it all by himself. I think it was quite noble and considerate of him. I don't know if I could have done the same! He also took care of all the trick or treaters and did the wash! I am blessed to have such a guy!:love:
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    A quick note as I have to teach CCD tonight and am just getting out of work. Last night I was a little undisciplined. :ohwell: Instead of counting out my mini rice cakes, I was eating them out of the bag. Doesn't seem like something that bad, accept it leads to other "undisciplined" behavior. Because my mil is in the hospital I worked in her kitchen cleaning out food etc that might go bad and THERE WAS THE COOKIE JAR! It had the most decadent cookies in it.... and even though I haven't been tempted.... because I was not in control of other things, I got into the cookie jar.:noway: I ate one and then I took a second one. My husband saw me and knowing how good I've been doing announce (after I had left her kitchen) that the cookie problem was solved :smile: and that he hoped the birds would like them as he emptied the jars out into our back yard so I wouldn't be tempted:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: If I wanted another cookie I would have had to take it out the grass:laugh: :laugh: It worked! I went to bed and today I have had my discipline back. (Thank you God.....and Russ:wink: )
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