Senior Golden Sneakers Club~~~~~~~~~ November



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    I thought my puppy was spoiled but you have me beat. :laugh: They are like our children so they deserve all the spoiling they can get, they love us unconditional. :heart:

    Jeffrey, glad all is quiet on the home front. :happy: The girls are two lucky young ladies to have you and Day as parents. Glad Day's mother is doing better, patience is a virtue.

    Marie, your site on gratitude was great, We should all be grateful daily for the little things in our lives. :heart:

    Barbie, I just use a VCR connected to my computer with a program called Studio 9 to transfer my movies.
    It is not that difficult and although time consuming it is fun to do. The hardest was the movies that didn't have sound, I added music to make them more interesting to watch. I will be happy when I get to those that have sound so I can just edit them. It will be less "vitriolic" (causing sharp pain to the mind). How is that Jeff?

    Gayla, you have been sick for so long and what a way to lose weight. I hope you get back to normal soon and can enjoy that soon to be retirement. :flowerforyou:

    Have a good Thursday. I am spending the day with my sister at a casino to celebrate her birthday.
    Wish me luck, which I did have last night at bingo. I won $150 on a pull tab, $10 on a bingo game and then to top it off I won the last bingo game for $500. Yipee!! Hope the luck holds out today..

  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    hey everyone! Happy Thursday!

    Barbie - you are amazing, i'm sure you'll make it to 115!

    I've never heard of a dog eating off a spoon! :laugh: OR not wanting to eat out of a bowl! Mine have always been happy to eat out of a bowl.

    Marie - i LOVE your gratitude list! I say one outloud on the days i walk with the dogs.

    I had a treat this morning - out of my big kitchen window (the one in the snow pics) i saw about a dozen deer running across the field to the east! So pretty! The other day the dogs and i surprised one while we were walking. They sure are fat! Corn fed don't ya know?!?!

    Taking off in a few minutes to pick my niece up at the airport. She's coming here from Boston to look at CU Boulder. I'll be thrilled if she transfers here!

    Have a great day everyone!
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    One thing about Pepper and not eating out of a dish. He only does this AT HOME. When he visits at his old home, or elsewhere and it is feeding time, he digs right in. I think he figures if he doesn't Mai Li will eat if for him!!:laugh: :laugh:

    Marie-- I am glad to hear you are feeling better after your travels.

    Saturday I am driving north to Seattle for an anniversary celebration for my dad's youngest sister and her spouse--married 60 years. I actually met my first husband at their 25th anniversary party. He went to school with 2 of my cousins. Unfortunately, it was not a successful relationship. We were both still in college, and hindsight is always 20/20, but I did learn to trust my instincts, and since then I won't go through with anything that places doubt in the back of my mind.

    My parents will be traveling with me, so I will have to deal with my father the backseat driver. He becomes a curmudgeon (there's your word--Jeffrey:smile:) when we travel, so I have to grit my teeth and not say what I would sometimes like to.:wink::laugh: He is better since the day that I got tired of being told what to do and simply stopped the car on the side of the road. After sitting for about two minutes, he finally asked why we stopped. I told him I had been getting directions all day so I decided to stop and await further instructions!!:noway:

    The look on his face was very "picturesque" to say the least:laugh: :laugh: My mother later told me that was one of the best ways to make a point with him without having an argument that she had ever seen. To his credit, it does seem to have lessened his tendency to "direct."

    It went much more smoothly than the time some years back, when I was trying to get us out of the Vancouver BC airport area, which is very confusing and congested and has lousy signage unless you are a local who already knows where you are trying to go. At one point, in total exasperation after he kept insisting I take a turn that would have sent us north to Alaska instead of south to the US border, I told him I had been driving for X number of years and hadn't killed anyone yet but if he wanted to be first I would consider making an exception!!!:noway: :laugh:

    It is trying to rain here today, but the doggies and I got our 45 minutes of walking in this morning and stayed dry. Off to work I go, soon.

    Have a good weekend. :flowerforyou: Not sure I will be on here again til Sunday.

    BTW, I just noticed the November thread got started under "Introduce yourself" instead of the usual
    "Fitness and Exercise" category --guess we can migrate back next month???
  • Jake45
    Jake45 Posts: 146 Member
    Hi all,

    Barbie was telling me about the idea of a new word every day and I realized I hadn't graced you with my presence in a while. LOL.

    We've been busy around here which in itself isn't anything new. I had to go back to the Cleveland, Ohio are, where I was raised, Born in Illinois - raised a Buckeye - go figure. My mom isn't doing real well and we had to put her into a nursing home. That sounds really crass or at least arrogant doesn't it? "Put her into." I don't know a better way to put it. She's 93 and full of life and would rather be in her own place, she realizes that she can't be though and actually know this is the best way she can be safe. It was good to see her and I was able to spend every day with her. We became friends as adults so we're both pretty frank with each other and there just isn't anything that has been left unsaid between us. I like that. My oldest daughter live back in Cleveland and the younger two are around the Eureka, CA area where Barbie and I came from before we moved here. My youngest daughter, Larissa, is going back to see her grandma tomorrow. She spend the weekend and then race home to her husband and son. John, our son has 4 kids and is working at anything he can to make ends meet so he won't go back, but will call instead. My three brothers and their families are all back in Ohio.

    A couple of weeks ago I spent 5 days in Phoenix for training with the business, I got to tell you the Southwest sure looks good this time of year, but when the rubber meets the road there is no place l;like the Northwest and I can't really see us living anywhere else except, Washington State or BC.

    It's raining today so no golf and I got through work early - maybe a movie later. Anyhow I just wanted to say hi and that I was thinking about all of you.

    Remeber water is your friend:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Be safe.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Say Jack you are a busy Man. And you are looking so great.Good to hear from you. You and Barbie are truly an a dream come true. so proud of both of you. May you happiness be many.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    elli, I got the pkg today. Will make up Sammy food tomorrow. And it will be next week before Jerry will get a chance to bathe Him. Thamks. Will let you know Marie
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    oh good Marie - i'm glad you got the package. Just let me know what you think about both products ok? THank you!

    I'm not writing anything tonight 'cause right now i'm just so sad and shocked about the tragedy at Ft. Hood.

    Beth - you're in my thoughts. I know my kids are taking this real hard.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi my dear friends,

    I feel so bless this morning. Such a beauty of a day.
    Got back up to my 4,000 steps yesterday. ate on plan.
    Have a good one guys.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Good morning,

    Have taken Daisy to the groomer, the cleaning girl is here and I am already tired. :yawn:

    You are right back on track Marie, nothing keeps you down. :laugh:

    Jake, your before and after pictures are amazing. You look like a whole different man. :glasses:
    You and Barbie are perfect for each other, such dedication and commitment. :flowerforyou:

    Did I mention I didn't do well at the casino. :mad: It is a good thing I won some money at bingo to cover my expenses. :grumble:

    Hope to get my exercise in today, I haven't been doing well on the pedometer this week. My best form of exercise is my Wii Active and my Elliptical.

    Have a great Friday and a great weekend.

  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Hope everyone has a good Friday and great weekend. I'm back to the gym a few times a week, back to walking the dogs on nice days (the mud is ALMOST gone), now i have to get back to yoga. I've gone a few times and it kicked my butt! Hopefully i'll be loosing my gained weight before the holidays hit in full force. I'm having between 10 and 15 people for Thanksgiving.

    Good job Marie!

    Jake - you look terrific! You and Barb rock. You're so great together and lucky to have each other.

    I joined a website for seniors to meet other seniors - so far it's just disappointing. Oh well. No biggie!:tongue:

    Looking forward to time with my niece (she's here from MA looking at CU Boulder) and nephew (her bro - he moved to Park City Utah a month ago) this weekend!

  • TexasAngelBeth
    TexasAngelBeth Posts: 315 Member
    Hi all,
    I just got back from a 5K this morning on base...It was a pretty good run but its been cold and windy here... I do however caution y'all not to try that after a week of extra work outs :)

    Jeffrey - Don’t have a new word... didn’t get that far this morning. Good to hear that Sam did so well and that Day's mom is doing better

    Barbie - the problem with the last race (Halloween) is that I couldn’t find a bathroom or a porta- potty before the race started... and I had driven 45 minutes to get there...I am all for stopping before the race :)

    Marie - I am still heading to Texas and I am excited about it...I will be running on Thanksgiving morning with a guy I have known for most of my military it will be nice to have someone who wants to run with me and we will have a lot to talk about.

    Gayla - Any more news on what is wrong? Is the Bronchitis clearing up? Poor thing...I hope you’re doing better and that Neil doesn’t catch it.

    Sandy - I can not imagine the dog not wanting to eat out of the bowl... I don’t know how many times I caught the kids and the dog eating out of the dog food bowl together when they were all little. I miss having a dog but at the moment the rabbit that runs around the house will have to be all.

    Elli - My daughter istaking the Shooting at Ft Hood very hard...It makes me extremely angry and sad at the same time. I had to stop reading the comments at the bottom of the articles online.. people have no idea what military members go through and their ignorance was getting intolerable. As for better news... Park City is so GREAT I was stationed in Utah for 5 years
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good hearing from you Beth. This going to the restroom is a terrible pain. Wait till you get older , My Dear.
    Jerry is having a yard sale and they are having an estate sale next to us. talk about traffic. Looks like a big flea mkt. On top of that our neighber across the street has his RV park in front of us on the road. What a busy corner.
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Marie - sounds like a fun day in your neighborhood!

    Beth - so good to hear from you. You're doing so great with all the running! I know so many military familes who are in shock and so angry right now. You're right - many people have no idea what you guys go through. My nephew is a snowboarder so he's SO excited to spend the winter in Park City! He's young, unattached, virtually no responsibilities right now - what an exciting time of life! I'm happy for him!

  • TGIF!

    Not a lot going on here again today.. I love it! We are going to go and see our mothers this weekend, and we have Euchre game tonight with our church family. Pretty basic mid-west stuff!

    Beth good to see you posting! I know the feeling about the extra work outs. I did a double ab workout last night. It ended up at about 800 crunches of different types (ab ripper x). So I am feeling too! Stay at it young lady! I am very proud of you!

    Marie it sounds like a lot of fun on your block! I love a good garage sale.

    Elli, Joe (my cat) wants to know if you would send him a chicken? He prefers it grilled.

    Jake glad to hear from you!

    Sandy have cleaned out the casino yet?

    Have a great day!

  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Jeffrey - tell Joe i'll get right on that!:laugh:
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone! Hmm, thinking of an appropriate word -- perhaps, discombobulated, yup that's my life (thrown into a state of confusion). I had a call from my Dr. this morning to say that the lab test confirmed H1N1. He wants to extend the antibiotic for another 5 days to hopefully get rid of the bronchitis which is a secondary infection to the H1N1. I have not felt very good the past two days and some of it may be the antibiotic. BUT, if it gets rid of this cough I will be ever so thankful. I have another appt. to see him next Thursday. My boss doesn't want me to come in until after I see the Dr. So, no decisions to make there. Life is crazy sometimes. I did put some clothes in the washer and it has stopped so I better transfer them into the dryer before I forget them.

    Gayla :smile: :heart:
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Gayla - as sick as you've been i'm not at all that you have that stuff! TAKE CARE! And the good news is you'll build up immunities! REST REST REST! And get well! Sending healthy healing thoughts and prayers your way!

    :heart: elli
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Gayla, Well now you know. You must have been one sick little lady. But glad you know and the doctor is taking care of you. Rest and take it easy. Let Dave and Neal take care of you. You are the only person i know that has it. But they say we haven't reach the peak yet.

    Elli, I got Sammy food cook and he ate every bite of the bowl I gave him. Then he was ready for bed.The yard sale interfer with his napping time. Which Jerry had a good day. nothing hardly left for tomorrow.. If we decide to put Sammy on this is their a local place I can buy it. I just cook half of it. used ground turkey.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    Hi Everybody,
    We've had a busy day----so busy that I couldn't even find a time in between raindrops to take the dogs to the dog park:sad: :sad: :sad:

    We got the propane fireplace going again. there was something wrong with it but the guy from the propane company came out and fixed it and now we have a cheerful fire for the cold and rainy days.

    :flowerforyou: Gayla, I'm sending healthy restful thoughts your way so you'll be back on your feet soon. I agree that you should let Dave and Neil take care of you.

    It's early to bed for us.
    hugs :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: Barbie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Gayla, I am glad you finally know what you have but at the same time I am sorry it is the H1N1 flu. I hope the antibiotics kick in soon and you start feeling better. Are you wearing a mask around Neil or is his immune system pretty good? I told you my 4 yr old grand daughter had the vaccine but she got sick from it as did her dad. Good wishes are coming your way and I hope you get better very soon.

    Jeffrey, it was the other way around, the casino cleaned me out. :laugh:

    Barbie, we have a hanging fireplace in our basement and this morning I went down there turned it on and sat in a recliner reading my books. It was wonderful but short lived. :grumble:

    Marie, sounds like you are doing great as usual. You are always cooking something, you are very ambitious. :drinker:

    Elli, you are back on track and I am proud of you. I am having a problem eating junk food. I still try and watch my calories but I keep nibbling when I shouldn't. One day at a time. :happy:

    Have some towels in the dryer that need folding. Will check in with you in the morning.

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